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Sale by Mr. Johnson. SALE IN CHESTER-STREET, WREXHAM -n T R. JOHNSON haa been commiMio&ed by the Re. j ? presentatives of the late Mra. Cooper, to SEi? ny Au?ion, on Monday, the 16th M?v. 1859, the whole of the substantial and Useful FURNITURE, in Maho- gany, eompriaing Dining and other Tablet, Sideboirds, Lounge .and other Chtiua, Carptg, Picturea. Glaajf ChinA, -i-P":It, French and Iron B ",lstead3, and every other requisite for the Bedroom. Kitchen utensils and other arttdes as per catalogue, to be had a week before the sate. Sale at Eieven o'clock. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF DENBIGH. A LLOW me to thank yon most. aincorely for having ?JL ?aacond time eleotfd me without oppojition, a9 one of your representatives, an honour wh:ch I shall eadaa- Your in <ome degree to repay by the most seriotM and unbiMed attention to the mauy important measures that viU be brought forward in the ensuing Partiament. I have the honor to be, Genttemen, Your moat truly, obliged, and grateful Servant R. MYDDELTON BIDDULPH Chirk Castle, May 5th, 1859. TO THE FREEHOLDERS AND OTHER ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF DENBIGH. GENTLEMEN, TT BEG to oS'er to you my mo?t heart felt thanks for t the honor you have conferred upon me by again returning me to Parliament, as one of you representatives. I trust you will find me ever zealous in the support of yjur iotereata, and the fulfilment of my duty. I am, Gentlemen, Your obliged and faithful Servant, WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN. Vynnstay, May 5th, 1859. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE DENBIGH- SHIRE BOROUGHS. GEXTLEM)-;N, *T BEG yoa will accept this very inadequate expreasiott i of my thauks for the honour you have again COU- ffrred upon me by electing me as your Representative in Parliament. It is impossible for me to convey to you my eeose of the obligation under ?hich yon have placed me. by perfUtttiag Te to regain tbia object of my iimbition without a contest. I woijtd vain believe that the Den- bighshire Boroughs have been spared the iH ejects of political stnfe by the luaependent course 1 hope pursued j in ParHament. Being actuated by no motive of personal Ugsrandisement, I shaU zea)ous)y endeavour to reap the only reward I seek, that of pining your approbation, and the approval of my own conscience by advancing, aoder GoJ'B guidance, the mora), political, and material interest! of the people; the honour and power too of our Queen and of our Christian Country, by promoting, as far as my humble meaus enable me, the peace and civilization of the wor)d. I am, Gent)emea. Your very grateful Servant, TOWNS tIEND MAINAVARING. Ote!ey Park, April 30th. WHEXHAM CRICKET CLUl>. nnHE OPENING MATCH of the above Oub. will be -L Pliiyed on Tuesday ne!t. May 10th, ISM. Wickets to be pitched at 3 o'clock,—Dinner ou the Table at G o'ctock,—President, Mr R. \V. Johnson. Dinner Tickets, 3a. Gd. GEORGE WARBURTON, Hon. Secretary. TESTIMONIAL TO MR. DANIEL JONES, MERCHANT, WREXHAjM. THE friends of Mr. Daniel Jones, and the Subscribers JL to the Tcatirnonml, are re3pectfully informed that the PRESENTATION will take place on thursday Evening, May 19th, 1859, at Eight o'clock, in the large room at the Old Swan Inn, ALbot-street, Wrexham. FURNITURE! C. AND M. A. ROCKE, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM, TTTAVIXG made arrangements to !et the whole of their D P urniture premises to Mr JOHN JONES, draper, Church-street, beg to intimate to the public that they are relinquishing the business, and are disposing of their Large Stock at a GREAT REDUCTION. An early call is solicited. T?TOTICE, the Firat General Annual Meeting of the i.\ Membera of the 08? Permanent Bene&t. Build- ing Society will be hold at the Temperance House, Regent-street, Wrexham, on THURSDAY, the 19th day of MAY, instant, at Seven o'Clock in the Evening. Dated this 6th day of May, 1859. ARTHUR CLARB.E, Secretary. WREXHAM, RUABON, AND LLANGOLLEN DISTRICT OF ROADS. -DURSUANT to an Order of three of the Trustee J_ of the above Diatrict of RoaJa in meeting as- eembted on the 28th day of April instant, Notice is Hereby Given, that a meeting of the Truatcea of the said District of Roada will be held at the Wynnstay Arma Hotels in Wrexham. in the County of Denbigh, on Thursday, the Nineteenth dity of May next, at the hour of One in the afternoon, for the purpose of apppmt- ing a Surveyor and Collectors of the said District of Roada. and any person or persona desirous of becoming Candidates for the said oHicea are hereby required to send in their applications stating terms, addressed to me at Wrexham, on or before the 19th day of May neit. Dated this 29th day of April, 1859, EDWIN WYATT, Clerk to the said Trustees. Surveyor's Salary jMO—responsible sureties will be required. MONEY TO LEND. "? EADY to be advanced on Mortgage Security, several ? .urns of MONEY, in amounts from ?50 to S500. Apply to Mr. J. Jonea, Solicitor, Wrexham. FINE FLUKE POTA TOES, AND FLUKE FOTATOE SETS, FOR SALE, In large and small quantities, Apply to Mr. MEREDITH JONES, Charles-street, Wrexbam. TO COVER THIS SEASON, AT WTKXSTAY STABLES, AT 2 Guineas eack Mare. and 5 Shillings the Groom, THE "iAJOR," BY THE COLONEL." Tenant Farmer's Mares Half Price. Wynnstay, April, 1859. LITERARY IN STITUTE, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM, r?PEN from 8 am., till 10 P.m., The Beading ? B30m is auppUed with all the pnncip'il pap era and periodicala. Terms of Membership. 10s. per annum. Working Men, Apprentices, and Youths under 15. 6s. ditto. (The latter payable cither monthly, quarterly, or half- yearly). Ladie8' Subscription to the Library. 6s. ditto. Admiaaion to Casual Readers. One Penny. j Quarter commenced April 1st. The Circulating Library of upwards of 1000 volumes, to which addittions are now being made is Open every Monday Evening, from 8 'till 9, and on Thursdays from 12 'till 1 o'clock. Catalogues 2d. each. Materiala for letter Writing may be had from the room. keeper. The papers are sold on the day and at the price stated in list Upended in the R<?? j?? ALFRED T. JONES, SECRETARY' KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. 'DECENT AND ASTOUNDING CURE effected by .T? the Me of theM rills—"Sir, We h?-a pleasure tn Mndhg an account of a wonderful cure performed by the use of Kaye'a WoradeIls'a Pills. Elizabeth Monu aiD, of North-street, Rtpon, has for many years beenstLNehng, and rendered so weak as to be unable to attend to her do- mettic dntiM. She has repeatedly taken medicine, but to no eSect. She was induced to :ry the above Pills, Md, tfter taking two boxes, she haa parted with 400 ?orms, about en inch in length, and one about a yard. She ttttet that the can now eat and drittk anyth'ng and work as well M ever she did in her life. She t. 1 1 10 er I e. C taeoM particd&rly MHOna that this cMe may be made known, for the benefit of othera Buffering Btfuiiarly, and 'W'n b 1 d g 811Ul ar y, witi be gladtoaaawer any inquiry. Mrs Mountain says, You cannot say too much '—We are. Sir, vonr3 res- t( II J J Ir, vours res- pectftiHy, J. Jackaon, and son. Rtpou, February 26 1859. K TheM putt are prepared eo!e)y by the proprietor John Ktye, E<q., of Protpect HaU, woougrd#FAUtr4 fgrmtrly of IWW4 HA ligg anddertacH. I ESTABLISHED iye2. CARRIAGES ON SALE. ? J?'?' ?? ??S. COACH?KERS? Wrexham, (Successors to Joseph Cooper) in ex pressmg their mo.t grateful acknowledges f? ? distinguished patronage and support they? receive? f?m .he nobility, clergy, and gentry, since tikin?ne above old estabhshment, be respectfully to intimate that they have on sale a larwe assortment of NEW and ??????????? The new Carnages consist of exceedin?gly light d?oub?le ?ougha?, Withcircu.ar pl.fe gl? fronts, for one or ??" ?-? ??'? -? C.briolette ton? y ?h? ? ?? ?thout heads: very ?ht f?hionable Pon Phaetons, handsome four wheeled Wagonettes ?th g.g fronts and all recent improvemen?o?d two.wheeled Dog Carta; Whitechapela and Spring C a of various forms; Sociable Cltrs, adapted for Innkeepers. 1h. above Carriages are all built of the be-t seasoned matenala, and finished in nrat-rate style of workmanship. and are all constructed in the most fashionable forms, combining elegance, durability and lightness, the whole f;v li"q vat o' w irl'a I-e(l. Second-hand Fly Chariot; very light running mail Coach, to carry fonr mside and twelve out li.ht two- horse Break; Mail Photon, handsome light ChMiot Phset_ms, Gigs, Bath ChM, exceedingly light Brougham, &c., &c. Basket Carriages m%de to order on the shortest notice AVrexham, March 17th, 1859. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. FANCY REPOSITORY, HOPE.STREET' W R E X H A M MRS. ALLMAND, in announcing her REMOVAL id from High-street to Hope-street, takes this oppor- tunity of thanking those friends who have for many yeara so liberally supported her, and to assure them that no exertion shall be spared to secure their favors for the future. Mrs. A. would beg to call attention to a lot of NEW GOODS recently purchased, which she has added to her usual stock. May,1859. HOPE-STREET, WREXH AM. ROBERT DAVIES, ROPE AND TWINE MANUFACTURER. r JAKES this oppwtunity of exprssaing hts gratitude I to Ins ye<y nume*rous supporters o for their kind patronage during the yeara he Ins been iu business, and  h. bega to inform them, that thr?u,? h m6rmitv. he is re- tinng in favour uf his grandson, HoR&CE HoRTor., in whose business capabilities he has the fullest coandence. HORACE HORTON, In succeeding to the above business, respectfully an- nouncea to the Inhabitants of Wrexham, its vicinity, &nd the public generally, that bo Intends carrying It on in ita various branches, and trusts from his own practi- cal knowledge, together with the superintendence of Mr Davies, with strict attention, and moderate charges, to secure that liberat support so kindly bestowed upon his predecessor. I 11. H. begs also to say that bs manufactures improved Oiled Sheets, and Tarpaulings, for 'Waggons, Carta, Vans, il.ot'se Covers, & I Stack Covers and Tents made to any dimensions. &C. Fishing, Cart, and Sheep Fencing Neta. Patent Shoe Thrfad.—Bell Ropes made. Orders by post punctually attended to. GROOERY ANI) PROVISION JV-ABEHOUSE, IROPE-STREET, WREXH.dM. ELLIS PHILL I PS, T)EGS to inform his friends and the public that he J) has conimenced business as a Grocer and General Provision Dealer, in the Shop lately occupied by Messrs. I Challoner & Son, where he hopes to be favoured with a share of public support. The articles offered for sale I wilt be of the very best quality and at \'eiy moderate pricea. .BOMC Cureå II ams and baeo11. Cheese, Salt aJId Fresh J?<<Mcr CORstanÛy 011 Sale. I NEW EARTHENWARE HOUSE, TEMPLE PLACE. )\/irRS ROGERS respectfully invites the attention of ivL the inhabitants of Wrexham and Its vicinity, and to inform them that she has just opened a shop for the sale of.CHINA and EARTHENWARE, also a variety of useful and Fancy Baskets, attd hopes by strict attention to business and moderate charges to merit a abare of public patronage and support. A good assortment of Buckley ware on hand. Next door to the County Court Office and Mr Lead- beater's, watchmaker, Church.yard. WREXBAM CRICKET CLUB. PATRON—SIR W. W. WYNN, BART., M.P. PRESIDENT—ToWNSHEND MAIXWARING, ESQ., M.P. TREASURER—R. W. JoUXSOX, Es&. Those gentlemen who wish to join the above Club are requested to forward their names and address to Mr G. Warburton. Honorary Secretary, Bank-street. Wrexham, April 7th, 18o9. THE PROVINCIAL WELSH INSLT RANGE COMPANY. (THE OXLY INSURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED IN WALES.) CHIEF OPriCES.— 2, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM 49, MooRGATE STREET, LONDON, E. C. CAPITAL7 2200.)000. (WHOLLY SPBSC1MBED BY UPWARDS OF SEVE!f HUNDRED SHAREHOLDERS.) TRUSTEES. SIR CATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, BART:, M.P. SIR CHARLES MORGAN, BAHT. GENERAL SIR R. H. CUNLIFFE.BART. C.B. COLONEL MYDDELTON BIDDULPH, M.P., Lord Lieut. of the County of Denbigh. COLONEL WATKINS, M.P., Lord Lieut. of the County of Brecknock. FREDERICK RICHARD WEST, ESQ. THE VERY REV. THE DEAN OF ST. ASAPH. HENRY THOMAS, ESQ., Chairman of the Glamor. ganshire Quarter Sessions. THOMAS BRASSEY, ESQ., 4, Great Georgo Street, Westminster, and Lowndea Square, London. SUGH OWEN, ESQ., Barnsbury, London. LIFE. Stamps paid by the OSce. Medical Referees paid for their Reports. Pronts—Eighty per cent. returned. Office Expensea very moderate, and chiefly bome by the Fire Department, so as to increase the Bonus. No liability incurred by the Assured as in Mutual Omeea. FIBE. Moderate Premiums. Prompt and liberal settlement of losses. Farming Stock insured at 4s. per cent., being 20 per cent, teas than charged by other Onices. Security in both branches of a subscribed Capital of Two Hundred Thousand Pounds, besides a large and increasing Fund from Premiums. Prospectuses &c., on application. ANTHONY DILLON, Secretary to the Company. STEAM TO AUSTRALIA UNDER SIXTY DAYS. Passage Money :B15 and Upwards. "BLACK BALL" LINE OF BRITISH & AUSTRALIAN EX-ROYAL MAIL PACKETS AND EAGLE LINE OF PACKETS Sailing from Liverpool on the 5th and 15th of every month. rACKBT OF THE 15th MAY.  I inUE Liverpool and Australian Nan- JL g&tion Company'aMagiu6cent Steam clipper R 0 Y AL C li A YL, -U h JL-, 2,719 Tons Register, 200 Horse-power. This Celebrated Clipper has made live passages to Melbourne- 1st Voyage in 59 Days, 2nd Voyage in 64 Days, 3rd Voyage in 62 Days, 4th Voyage in 63 Days, 5th Voyage in 64 Days, and earned a reputation for speed unequalled by any other Steam Clipper in the world. Under canvaa alone she haa frequently maintained, for aeveraJt successive days. a speed of upwards of 400 mUea in 24 houra. Her Saloon arranements are perfect, and combine every possible convenience—Ladiea* Boudoir, Baths, &c.; and her noble passenger decks,.lighted at intervala of six feet by sideports, aabrd unrivalled accommodation for all classes. ?Sy to GIBBS, BRIGnT & Co., Merchant., 1, NorFjohn..tro.t, and JAMES BAINES ? Co,, ToWw ? Btj??'t MT?O? Ot ? thM Aj!M? t I JJEW TRONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT, TOWN-HILL, WREX HAM. D A N I E iT" JONES ttEGS to inform the inhab?ants of Wrexham an.l its Vicinity, that he has taken the shop formerly occupied by .D Mr. HuoKES. Whitesmith and Bellhatger, which he has Opaned with a New and extensive stock of general and FURNISaiNG IRONMONGERY GOODS, coasting x)f K;t;;ben of every vari3ty. Pirl m- Grates, R3 a i-3ter arti Shi-n Itt,i:3tir, 1?3,i-13rA atli FLCT) Irj[H,dtOfj5, Iro.i B,litiali, Join}r:I'T"JI, and every i- c:cc i with the IfjaniOTia'ary trade. Ø'" Next Door to Mr. Beirnp, Tallow Chandler. ?? J. D 0 L B E Y. JCURNISHING IRONMONGER, AND TiN-PjjATE WORKER. HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM, TS NOW SELLING AT REDUCED PRICED a large quantity of HOUSEHOLD IRONMONGERY and i. TIN-WARE, comprisin Kttchen and Ptrbur Fdndjrsaai Fire Iroaa, Bi)ck, Tia, troa, aad other Tea- Kettles, Britannia Metal Md T'a Tea a,ii C IffJd Pj'.3, Tmed iron Oy-al Pjta. Siucepans,tP! Kitohetiefa, BraM, Iron and Tin Candleadeka, 8,-iles iiad Wdi-IlLs, T¡\olt:: Cudery, C<irpnbr;¡'r).)l¡¡, J,pa,ø. Q JOdi, Wrought and Cut Nails, and all articles in Btiitdtng and F.irniahuig Iroatnoagery, D iiry U tealJils. Patent Tin ChoesaFilleta without seam, and to any size. All' ordgri and repairs will meet with prompt attention. Hope atreet, Wrexham, May 5th, 18.59. CJPRIN& AND SUMMER F ASHIONS, 1859. T. C. JONES 'DEGS to announce hia retnrtt fronti Loadon, where he hM purchased a lar?e variety of Goods, all of the Newest -D Styles, in MANTLES, DRE3SES, SHAWLS, SILK.?, GLOVES, HO?IBUY, H.OE, PARASOLS, &c., &c., I which have been selected with the greatest care, having regarl to both quality and style, the whole of which is now ready for inspection, when a call will be esteemed a favor. Chnrch-st., April 23rd, 1859. TT\RAP ERY AND IVIILLINE Ry TESTAE LISHMENT HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. SUMMER F A S H IONS, 1859. J. SuDLOW TDEGS respectfaUy to announce to the Ltdies of Wrexham anj its V!c![i!ty, thit he hia jmt returned from London, JD where he hMperaonaUy selected the various Novelties nf the present season, comnrtsmg MILLINERY AND FANCY STRAW BONNETS, HATS, FRENCH AD ENGLISH FLOWERS, RtBBONS, FEATHERS CAPS, HEAD.DRESSES, COLLARS, SLEEVES, GLOVES, DRESSES, MiNFLES, &c. Hn Show-Room is now ready for inspection, and the favour of a call wt!t be esteemed. Wedding and Mournmg Orders promptiy attended to. Bjunsta Ctefmed aid Altered to thd Fashion. Hope-street, April 28th, 1859. I MIL L I N E R Y ROO M S, ][tECxENT-,STR B T' MRS. F BA S B R DESPECTFULLY informs her customers and the Ladies getieraUy of Wrexham and neighbourhood, that she is JL? now in London, where sha ia aetectin? her umal ets?rtt Stock of MtLUNElHf !n aU Ih branches, aulted to the present season, and is now showing her SUMMER. FASHIONS. Wedding and Moaraiag Orders pro mpt!y fxecateJ. U- Improvera Wanted. BrynyHynnon Terrace, Wrexham. FIRST SHOW OF SPRING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES! JONES,. ROGERS, AND ROBERTS A RE now prepared with the NEWEST DESIGNS and latest productions in every Department for the present -CJL season. Amongst other Novelties they wUt Show a large Assortment of Braid. Crinoline, Plain and Fancy Straw, and Millinery Bonnets, Flowers, Head Dcei. es; Feather.3, Dresa Caps, &c., &j. A large Assortment of Mourning Bonneta. The favour of a call, or an order will nbliga. Patterns sent free by Pjst, on application. Oswetry. April, 1859. —————. WANTED immediately. Twelve Improvera and Apprentices to the Millinery and Dress Making. PERUVIANGUANC, DIRECT from CrIBBS BRIGHT and Co., in quantities from 5 cwt. up to 30 tons. ARTHUR CLAREE, March 30th, 18a9. General ('ommission Agent, Wrexham CIGARS! C ICr ARS' FINE OLD HIGHLY FLAVOURED HAVANNAS. 'fc ROBERTS, Bros., respectfully solicit the attention of all conn&isaeura to their immenso stock of Bne old J3H HAVANNA CIGARS, poasessm?avetysupsrIorrishneHa?dfdtiejaof &ivonr ouaof" the most deli- cloua artielea" ever offered for sale in Wrexbam. AGENT FOR BAKER'S VIRGINIA. BIRD'S EYE. High-street, comer of Chester-street. G ENERA-L F URNITURE, CARPETS2 B EDDING, L OOKING GLASS, WALLPAPER, OIL CLOTfI, MATTIMG, IRON BEDSTEAD, FEATHER AND FLOCK WAREHOUSE. FURNITURE IN ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, OAK, MAHOGANY, BIRCH AND ALL PAINTED WOODS. I CARPETS, BRUS SELLS, TAPESTRY, KIDDERMINSTER, DUTCH, FELTS, DRUGGETTS, &c. T7<DWIN OWEN respectfully Informs the Public that he hi3 nnde considerable additions to his extensive -EJ SHOWROOMS,nn)rdertoglvepurchaserjaaop?ortumtyofa larcr s91ction. of the above, together with every Article connected with the Trade, and at sueii price-! that will ensure satisfaction. <?* NOTB THE ADMESS—16, TOWN-HILL, (LATE OF TUB OLD SaOP, BBIDGE-STBEET.) TO AGRICULTURISTS. TANJAPHIRE MANURE COMPANY. (J: KNIGHT ANi) L.O.) W I D N E S NEAR W A RRINGTON, MANUFACTURERS OF NITROGENISED BONE MANURE FOR WHEAT, GRASS, TURNIPS, & POTATOES Genuine Super phosphate of Lime, Sulphate of Ammonia, N!tr.tta of Sodft. A CLARKE bega mo?t rj?ect?tty to mf.?n t;n A?rioalt.m-.L). P.mm tut !n ha.? bsea appoint 3d Agen ?\? for the sale of tme above v?mbtc Ml?U?E?, a;i i ???? ojn'ilen fut <va)j7a' giv? thma a trial wil not be disappointed in the resalt. A Stock of the vafiotia MannrM will be kept always on hunj, m bi-3 of 2 ovt eish, so that everj- one may have an opportunity of testing the fertilisiig prjpert[e9 of fic58 wcU-bnovn ;\nllrc3, A. C. has also an Agency for Salt. deltvered at all RailwlY Stationa direct frool the Wor ks. CAR PET S! CAR E T S P !r< AR P E T S OLD ESTABLISHED CABINET & UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE, BRIDGE STREET, TYREXEAM. WILLIAM PIERCE, f)EG3 moat respectfully to inform the Public of Wrexhim ani the neighbourhood, that hehasjnat added to his stock a large quantity of -*H his stock a large KIDDERMINSTER, DUTCH, FELT AND OTHER CARPETS, Which, he is prepared to sell at the loweat Trad? Pricea. hiving midu his purchases Previous to the present rise ia Prices. W P has always in Stock, a largo selection of thd be3t E[Oslg-[,LDS CABMET FujHfITt&E, and every other article in the Trade. TBONMONGERY ESTABLISHMENT HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. JOHN G I T T I N S HAS alwava in .took an extensive variety of FURNISHING GOODS, BUILDING MATERM LS, AGRI- SjLTURAE mPLEMENTS, IRON BEDSTEADS, MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, &c., &c., which the public are invited to inspect.. r<t. ?- ? -? ? ??._Strict Economy in Charges combined with a nrat-clasa Article. GOLDEN LION WHO L E S ALE WIN E & gPIRIT yAULTS, SIGH-STREET, VREXHAM. ANKERS'S WINE, SPIRIT, AND PORTER BUSINESS Is now carried on by his Nephew, Mr. W. ANKERS, at the GOLDEN LION VAULTS, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM, ADJOINING THE MARKET-HALL. F?miUea Mpplied with the Choicest .elected Stock of Foreign WINES and SPIRITS, attheLo?eat Pricest t.Nau?? ? tONDON M? CUBMN ?QRT.EB, Md BURTUN, BITTER Md tULD AMSt *DE GENT-STREET, OPPOSITE THE Cj AVINGS' TDANK. MRS WRIGrHT, fN' returning her grateful acknowledgments to those L?diea of Wrexh?m anil !t? Vimnity who have hitherto so J- kindly supported her, bega to inforoi them that she h&a reiei vc d a sappt? o? SUMMED FASMtO XS, com- prisinx the Newest Style of Bonnets, Hats, and the various article of Mil'inery Trimmmga, &n. Mrs. Wright also respectfully calls attention to hor Drea9 Making busine33, which will continua to receive her best e6'orta. Ladies own ma.teriah for Mantles and Dreasea sl-te wLll be htppy to make up with punctuality and despatch, having a stock of Patterns in th.3 Parisian aad Loidon nnjc fir ttia ap?- oàlhin.g season. Straw Bonnets C!eaned and Altered. Several Apprentices and improvera ranted. GOLDEN EAGLE Tr\RAPER Y AND TUTILLINERY IpSTABLISHMEN T, TO WN-HIL L, WREXHA M. MISS EDWARDS DECS to announce that sbe has just returned from London with a choio? setecuoa of STRAW AND MILLINERY IB BONNETS, DRESS CAPS, FLOWERS, MANTLES, DRESSES, SEAWLS, &c., which is now ready for inspection and the favour of a cait will be esteemed. FASHIONS. 1DAZAAR, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM, R. LLOYD, tTTAS returned from London, where he has replenished his stock with the Greatest Novelties in the following <L Departmenta, which is now ready for inspection, and respectfully solicits the favonr of a call:- SHAWLS MANTLES I DRESSES SILK ROBES BOXNETS. HATS MUSLINS MILLINERY I LACE RIBBONS FEATHERS GLOVES FLOWERS COLLARS AND TIES. Six Apprentices wanted to the Miltiaery and M antic-Making. MIL L I N E RYE S TAB LIS H MEN T, (.Adjoining the Black Lion 2M/ U P P E R II 0 P E-S T R E E T, W R E X H A M SUMMER FAS B: I o N S T?t RS. BURROUGHS, (tate S. JESKHfS, Charles ateeet,) respectfnUy intimates to the Ladies of Wrexham and -L?-L neighbou.hoad, that by the request of many of her former cuato:nerj, sha has decided to resume her business and having purchased a very choice setectionof MtLLt?ERV m evecy v?rmty. SFR?\V and FANCY HON?FTS HATS. CAPS, HEADDRESSES, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, &o., & re3pct(UUy soltClt3 a coatmuance of those favouraaoiiberaHyextenJsdtoher whea in buio.H the nressat onoortunitv of ex- pressing her rateful actcnowledgments. Mrs. B. is now shewing her Summer Fashions, and respectfuDy aoticits a ca)t. N.B.—Mourning and Wedding Orders promptty eMeated. Strav B Juuets Ct&mcd aaj AHered. ci s a call. Apprenticea to the MiUtaery Wanted.. BOUCHEB AND CO ID EG respectfully to inform their Friends aad the Musical Pnbt!c, that &tidmg it desirable to centralize their JD buamess, they have taken the premtses in BRIDGS STREET ROW, I.,e' occupied by Messrs S.nith and Co. Stationers, where they purpose in future carrying on the Music Trade IN ALL ETS DEPARTMENTS The Btoek will comprise an extensive and weU.seIected choice of Instruments by nrst-ctaas makers, including PIANO FORTES, HARMONIUMS, HARPS, CONCERTINAS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS, AND EVERY ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE. S HEE T MU SI C will henceforth form an important branch of the business, and B. and Co beg to announce their intention of con- ducting it on the principle so long adopted in most large towns, viz., SELLING AT HALF PRICE FOR CASH. The Stock will be carefully selected from all the principal Publishers, and maintained in the utmost complete- ness by supplies twice a week, of all the newest and most popular compositions. B. and Co. take this opportunity of acknowledging the vary liberal patronage which they have received hither- to, and trust they shall be favoured with a continuMiee of the same in thair na'.v unJaftakin". 27, Bridge-street Row. W I L L IA. Al ZACHARY, WIMTE UORSE IN-N, HOLT STREET, WREXHAM, T)EGS to inform the Public of the sufronnding Tj Counties, auch aa Cattle Dealers, that he has taken Eleven Acres of excellent PASTURE LAND close to the Cattie Market, which he considers may accommodate such dealers as generally stop at his house, and all parties who may be kind enough to give him their support on Fair and Market days. Well-Aired Bods, Home Brewed Pale Aie, London and Dublin Stout, and a Choice Stock of Spirits always on hand. Also Good Stabling on the premises. WI LLTAM Z A CHARY, WHITE HORSE INN, HoLT STREET, 'WREXHAM. "DECS to inform his Friends and the Inhabitants of Ft Wrexham, that he has commenced selling Hay. Straw, and Potatoes, in quantities that will suit all parties that may be kind enough to give him their support. He also has started in the Milk-Trade, which has so far given every satisfaction, and he earnestly hopes with future custom that he may continue to merit the same. PORTRAITS FOR THE MILLION MR. JONES HAS OPENED HIS PROVINCIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, At Mr GOMER JONES'S, Bank-street, and calls special attention to his AtabastMus Portraits, which have never been equalled. Portraits and Frame, from One Shilling and Sixpence. This is considered to be the cheapest and best Photo- graphic Establishment in the Provinces. Oil Paintings, Engravings, and Family Pictures copied. ø- Portraits taken for Lockets, Rings, Brooches, &c. N.B.—Families attended at their own residences. Specimens may be seen at Mr Barley's, Bookseller. THE OLD STAND. ABBOT STREET. T. RIDEOUT JT L N returning hia best thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal support afforded him since his commencement in business, trusts by keeping a good supply of prime Roast Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, and Ham. to continue to merit a share of public patronage. N.B.—Temperance, Pic-nies, and all other parties got up on the shortest notice. Tea Urns and a Tent capable of accommodating 200 people for Hire. Horses and Vehicles for Hire. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. A DISTRICT. COUNTY OF DENBIGH, T?TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that during the JL?) year 1859, subject to the approval of the Court of Quarter Sessions, for the County of Denbigh, I JOHN BRADSHAW, Inspector of We!ghta and Measures for the A District, will attend at my omce, Brya Castle, Wrex- ham, on Tuesday the 24tb, Wednesday the 25th, and Thursday the 26th days of May next, from Ten o'clock in the forenoon until Pour o'clock in the afternoon, on each day, then and there to examine, compare, and stamp (if found correct), all such weights and Measures as shall he brought to me for that purpose from the Parishes of Wrexham, Brymbo, Greaford, Holt, and Marchwiel. And I also Give Notice that I shall attend at my Office afbreaald, on the First and Third Tuesdays and Wednesdays in each month throughout the year, to examine, compare, and stamp, all such Weights and Measures a9 shall be brought to me for that purpose if found correct. And I also further Give Notice that I shall attend at Ruabon for Rhosllanerchrugog, Rhoa-y. medre, Cefn-Mawr, Cefn-Bychan, and that part of the Parish of Erbistock in the County of Denbigh, also Uan- gollen, Chirk, and Llangedwin, for the remaining part of my District, for which due notice and particntara ) will be given. Inapector of Weights and Measures Office, Bryn Caatle, Wrexham, April 25th, 1859. JUST PUBLISHED. Price Is. 6J.. I" cap 8vo., with UlustrationB, A HISTORY OF WREXHAM and its Neighbourhood -A! BY JOHN JONEa, ESQ., 80HC1TOK, Containing also a Directory of the town and sarrouad- ing Worlis and Companies. "Tha year is approaching that sweet spring time which begins to set Tourists afoot amon:? places noted for natural beauty, for great men. or for rare dee'ls. AH such who are inclined to pasa into the VLcmity of Wrexham will ftnds use- ful guide in Mr Jones' little voltime."—Atheuseam, March 19th, 18:9. Published by R. POTTER, High-street. London: 'WHiTTAKEn & Co. W. G. SANDY, LAY CLERK OF CHESTER CATHEDRAL, AND ORGANIST OF GRESFORD CHURCH, TLTJ NDERTAEES the tuition of CHURCH CHOIRS, U and attends twice each week in Gresford and the neighbourhood to give inatructions in MUSIC, FlAN 0- FORE, and SINGING. Terma on application. Upper Northgate-street, Cheater. MONEY. T CANS granted from JE25 to £2000. on personal or JLj collateral security, to be repaid by monthly or buarterly instalments. Apply to John WiUiams, Crow CMtIe V<mlta, LlangoHen. DAVID JONES, TAILOR, &e., "DECS to inform hn Friends and the Public that he! -D h? REMOVED from Brook, street, to more con venient premises, situate in Lambpit-street (opposite to Mr Lloyd, number), where he intends carrying on the business in future, and hopes to merit a continuance of public patronage. Orders executed on the shortest notice. v. < R. RDABON COAL COMPANY. (UMfTEU.) rpHE PUBLIC are respectfully formed that the t above Company are now supplying at their pits. the undermentioned Coala for country sales, by teams. Pricea at the Pit- s. D. Best Yard Coal. 9 2 per ton Wall and Bench Coal 7 g Main and Brassey Coala 6 8 Screened Nuts and other Slack 34 Coke for Foundry and Maltin° o- purposes 12 0 Orders addressed to the colliery by letter will be punctually attended to. N.B.—Tbia is the only colliery in North Wales that supplies coals for the use of her Majesty. WHAT IS THE TIME ? WATCHES! WATCHES! From £2 2s. Eael T F you are in want of agoodW ATCH(warrantedtokeep ? correct time), send a Post.omce Order to J OSEPH SEWILL, Watch Manufacturer, 61, South Castle Street. Liverpool (directly opposite the Custom Souse), who will by return of Post, send a first-rate Silver Watch, guaran- teed to keep good time, for the above small price_ex- changed if not approved of. J. ScwiM solicits the attention of the public generally to his ve!y extensive stock, aa undermentioMJ, the quality of which he ofFers with implicit conndence. Gold Patent Detached Lever Watches, 13 carat at £10 each; own make. Chronometer, Duplex, Centre Seconds, &c., of very ncest quality. Gold Horizontal Watches, finest fiu!shed, JB5 each. English Patent Levers, from JE4 to JB7 10s each. Silver Horizontal Watches, from ;S2 2 to JS3 IQa Presentation Watches, in gold and Silver. Captains, Shippers, and the trade supplied on very reasonable terms. f,W Watch Manufactory, 61, South Castle-street. Liverpool. All particulars may be had by post- GWERSYLLT FIRE CLAY WORKS, NEAR WREXHAM. T DODD & Co. beg! respectfully to inform the No- eT bility, Gentry, Farmers. Builders, and the public generally that they have now on Sale a quantity of Brat-class Bricka, Tiles, Ridge Tiles, Bearers, Chimney lops, &c., &c., which they recommend with great conn- deuce, considerable improvements having been effected by them In the manufacture. N.B.—Orders promptly attended to. LICrHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL. Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men through. out the world as the safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for i COWJumption, Broncheeis, .Astlma, C'OM<, Rkeumalum, Neuralgia, lJiseases of the skin, Infantile wastinq, Rickets, general Debility, and all Serofulous Affectrons. Dr. De Jongh'a Oil is the most enieacioua, the most palatable, and, from its rapid curative ejects, unquea. tionably the most economical of all kinds. Its immeas- uraoie therapeutic supenonty over every other variety is established by innumerable testimonials from rhyat- clans and Surgeons of European reputation. SELECT MEDICALOPINIONS'— A; B. CrBANVILDE, Esq., M.D, Aittlior of" TM Spas of Germany," oM Suddm JJcatlt," le., 4-c. Dr. Granville ha.9 found that Dr. de Jough'a Oil Dro- duces the desired effect in a shorter time tha.n others and tha.t it does not ca-uso the nausea and indigestion too often Cfmsequent on the administration of th<: Pate Oils.' CHARLES COWAN, Esq., M.D., L.R.C.S B Senior .P/M/MCMM !'0 17be Royal Borks)iiy-o Hospital, l-c. 4-c. Dr. Cowan is sl&d to &ud that the profoasioti has some reasonable gaaraiitee for & genuine article, and wishes Dr. de Jongh every success m hia meritorious undertakine'' R. D. BD&CUMBB, Esq., M.D., Stirgeon to the Royal Du*pensary, London, !fe" &c. "I have used Dr. de Jonah's Cod Liver Oil in my own family with marked success, and believe ittoboinita cffeets superior to every other prep?tiou." Sold <mly m Imperil Ha.lt'-pmts. 3? 6d Pintt <s <d Quart?.9. ?utie? ?d I?uetledwith Dr: 'de &h? ?- ?r?S?h?????P??? beg??, by respectable ch\:mÏ3ts, SOLE CONSIGNEES, ANSAE, nABFORD, & CO., 77 STRAND, LOyDON, Puchasers are solicitously cautioned against proposed substitution, <M they proceed from intereited MM<M'M, and will infallibly result in disappointinene. VZEN YOU AJBK FOR GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH 6BS THAT YOU ON IT, M in&tior kincla Me ofteksubdtutoile liIi.IJ bt lÍ. ?0 BE LET and entered upon the First day of Jun? JL next, a DWELLING-HOUSE now occupied by Mrs. Jones and Mrs Eddoweb,, situated in Wrexhfun Fec- Lan, Wrexham. It contains a Padour. Drawing-Rooms, 5 bed-rooms. Kitchen, Scullery CeHara, Yard, Garden, and Pump.—For further particulars apply at the otEoe of Mr Hughes, Solicitor, Wrexham. '!t'0 BE LET with immediate pOMeMion, that well accnatomed EATING-HOUSE and DINING ROOMS, adjoining the t'ieece Ion, Hope-street, WrM- ham. There are Threa Rafreshment lLooms. and every other convenience. To a person of small capital thit WOald be a vatuabte opportunity. Atso to be diepoMd of, t quantity of Home Cured Htnas, and Bacon, eMtUM M, the premises. I T?,. ? ? ??H COTTAGE. Trevor, d.. J_ Iightfulty situated within a hundred yards of th< turnpike road leading from Ruaoon to LbMigollen about one mile from the Cefn railway station, three mitee from Llangollen, and the same distance from Ruabon. The Raabon and HaogoUen Omaibns passes twice a'day, and the propose J !me of raitway to Llangollen vUl, pass the cottage at a. distance of from three to four hundred yarda. It contains a kitchen, parlour, four bedrooms, scullery, washhouse. &c. There is also attached a good kitchen garden, stabie, and an abundant supply of water. Apply to Mr. Wright, Post Oniee, Garth. rr?O BE LET, unfurnished, in a house ptea<antly titMted JL within two mUes of Wrexham, a Parlour, SittinR Room and two Bed-rooms. Apply to Mr. Bayley, Bookseller, Wrexham. WREXHAM. MOST DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. ?T?O BE LET, with immediate possession, a genteel JL and very desirable residence, called BODHYFR7D, situated on the confines of the town, on the Chester-road. recently occupied by the late Mrs CoopER. and attached to which is a well stocked garden, together with about 5 acres of superior Pasture Land. The house is thoroughly dry, and contains every ac- commodation for a small family, having a good Entrance Hall, Dining, Drawing, and Breakfast Rooms, four b«t bed rooms, dressing room and water closet, beaidM ser- vant's apartments. There are excellent stables, saddle room, coach hetiae, and cow house attached, with a cormodioua yard, and a good supply of water. Application to be made to Mr OwBX 0. WiLMAHa, Holt-street, Wrexham. A NEA.TV[LL.IL ItFj i[D ,i F,.Alt WREXHAM fT?O BE LET. with immediate possession, a neat VILLA. JL RESIDENCE, pleasantly situated within ona mitt of Wrexham Station. The Houae consists of Two Par- lours, Two Kitchens, Larder, Pantry, Four Bedrooms, tma!! Ctoset, &c., Fiower, and Kitchen Garden, wdt stocked with choice fruit trees, and about Two Acres of Ltad.with suitable Out Buildings and every necessary eonwtnienCe. Apply to Mr N. S. Scotcher, Jeweller, Wrexham, or Mr W. Bayley, Booksetter. rr?O BE LET, with immediate possession OFFA JL COTTAGE a very desirabia residence with every convenience, including a good Garien, Stable and Coach house, situate withir thrca —Ues of Wrfxha<!i, oti the Ruthinand Mi'mra R)ad. Appt/ to Al:. Leater, Peny- gelli, near Wrexha.m. ? ;tj)' Ir.e lJrt DENBIGHSHIRE. fTpO BE SOLD, by private tre-tty, all that compact JL Freehold Estate called the KiLN FARM corn. prising a CAPITAL MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, Scabtes, Cow-houses, and, and other suitable Out OHices, excellent Garden, and 22 acres or there- abouts (be the same more or te:s) of sound: and very productive LAND, divided into nine convenient incio- SUie?, (the chief part laid down in grass,) and lying in a ling fence, now in the occupation of Mr GBIPFrHs7 &ttuate, lying, and being at Cross Lanes, in the parish of Batigor, in the Comity of Denbigh, and near to the turnpike-road leading from Wrexham to Ban- gor. There is also a spacious and wcH-coustrueted Malt Kiln, adjoining the farm Building, capable of wetting 70 measures of Barley. ALSO all those two COTTAGES and GARDENS, situate near to or adjoming the above property, now of )!ttR in the respective holdings of Samuet Dubson, and Joseph Edwards, their assigns or undertenants. The property is distant about one mile from the par- rish Church ot Bangor. and four miles from the Wre- ham Station, on the Great Western Raitway, and is ap- proached on all sides by good roads, is pleasantly situa- ted, and commands extensive views, of the Welah moun- tains, and by a small outlay, the house may be converted into a genteel residence. That fine trout stream, the Dee, flows within a mile of the house, affording excellent sport to the angler, and the kennels of Sir Watkin's celebrated fox-hounda, are within 4 milea from the estate. The property adjoins Lands belonging to Sir Robert H. CunIiKe, Bart., Simon Yorke, Esq., Capt. Panton, and A. Marsh, Esq., and to captalists a.S'ords an oppor< tunity for investment rarely to be met with. The farm is let on lease at a yearly rent of JEGO. Cva years of which is unexpired. The respective occupiers will show the property and any further particulars may be obtained, by applying to Messrs. Edgworth and Devereux Pugh, SoUcitora, Tern r Ie Place, Wrexham. np0 BE SOLD a HIGH PRESSURE ENGINE, -L Cylinder 17 inches dia'neter, 36 in-stroke, Metalic Piston, Slide Valve, Cast Iron Beam, and connecting Rod, Crank and Shaft, with paraUet motion, and Hand Gearing comptett', tittcd on a strong Cast Irou framing.—Apply to Eagte Iron Company, Wrjxham. A FREEHOLD VOTE FOR DENBIGHSHIRE. m0 BE SOLD, to pay above JE5 per cent interest, JL Two substantial; y and recently built DWEL- LING HOUSES, with Gardens attached, situated at Cefn-ma.wr, in the parish of Ruabon. For particulars apply to Mr Bayley, Bookseller, Wrexham; and to view the same to Mr Hughes, Foundry, Cefn, near Ruabon. April 2Sth, 1859. POTATOES ON SALE. A BOUT 500 Bushels of good sound POTATOES, in J*jL one or more lots. Apply to W. Booth, Esq., LlangoUen. PURPLE TOP SWEDE TURNIP SEED, GRO WS by the undersigned and to be aold at 9d \3T per Pound, delivered in Wrexham or Cheater. Holt Hall. GEORGE W. CHALONER. FREEHOLD PROPERTY. m0 BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY, two good JL COTTAGES, with productive Gardens attached, aituate at Rhosrobin, near Wrexham, In the occupation of George Piatt, and Henry Edwards, respectively. Apply to Mr. Edward Jones, Auctioneer, or Mr. John Jones, Solicitor, Wrexham. ,$ititatia.us, &jc., Rztnttb. EDUCATtONT ? \?/'ANTED by a family i". 'he neighbourhood of W WrexhM. a YUU?G LADY t? tt.etd for a fe? hours a.-dxy, to instruct tttree chitdt'ea Iu the ordinary btancheaof Education aadMuaie—App!y to MrBaytey, BookseUer, Wfeihata. WANTED, employment by a Youth 17 years of age W in an oScp, or in %ny of the public or private institutions of the Prmcipaiify, or at any of the numeroux works in the neighbourhood. Can have good Testi- monials from last employers-a London nnn. AddreM. Y. Z. Post Omce, Rnabon. WANTED in a Gentleman's Family, !n the neigh- T V bourhood of Wrexham, a good PLAIN COOK, good character indispensable.—Apply to Mr Bayley, Bookseller, Wrexham. V?TANTED a steady industrious and careful YY WORKING AIAN having had some experience upon Land. understands attending to Sheep, Cow*, &C.o and has & knowledge of Gardening,—constant employ- ment will be given.—Apply to Mr Bayley, Hope-atreet, AVrexham. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. -rrEALrH RESTORED and maintained by the uM of L l- these PiUa, prepared solely by John Kaye, EM of Dattcn-Hatt, near Huddersnetd. They are uatqaatM in simfUcity, safety, hnd benenend cifect, and in oMe< Of accute aa well as chronic diseases, especially <AoM ari8ing from impurity of Blood, Indige8tion, and Consti. pation. are the best medicine that CM pOMtbly be em. ployed. FEMALES, AnTiZANa, MECHANICS, aH persona of St- dentary HaMta, and the general public, win find them of the greatest aervice in correcting and preventing irrom larities In the performance of the varloM faoctlotnot the human body. Buy one Box and rea4 the <e.(t,,MM'- ial,q enclosed Sold by aUchemista and other dealers in Patent Medi. cinea, at Is lid, 2s 9d., and 4a 6J. Wholesale Depot 22 Bread-street, Londoa.