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UiaCELLANEOITS. F]'i Fit -A 'dreadful affair is related in CIJ;n ¡)f the V?r:— Two peasants named Sabanei tbe Montauil of i\mteves, quarrelled some time ago ,nd 1 0 poph at the exttemuy of their fields, and the a10 ,lit at! 'T\\ards manifested ?n.at animosity against the afit,r%?ards mani [r,-ste d lr(?a t aniiio-Rity a?4ainst the j riiier. TLn ?nim. h?y was greatly crea?d by Saba- t. rJmb'r''II)J rested on constructing a wa?, which tier a, '1 'r ?.u M have -ccastoi?d some mconvenicu! c to M.mtaud. X'ae latter i'th would .t'tb'L'bt'l t' ¡atter \,oWèl t..a e Viu prCl1 1, u. a a ler T, n"tice wpnt to th spot with gome workmen. t:)t"uJ inimidiately burned up with his gun and _J h n .1 ..t. wr.ii.'wt sa>s a »»in ?"??""aucrdea.i. Ile ti,en h,ise i n; ?,vL i: I- It is Nrif(,- b?rri.aded him.?f "'ell,, 1 i„. I'??:y ?""? Hen.i??.s anivud, and as theV J" th:l ill' wa" II d,'sperate chala(;tcr they not tha, d-.s pcrate cha.acter they cotonlv ?.J th..r c bill made Aftcen person, armpd ítb :w,)II)P:lnY them. To the summons mide to 1 im [II open his door he oiily replicil bv tim-ats. Se,ing that he would not ^ur.t n le-, the gendarmes lighted a fire tuj I at bis di-or to burn it down. After a while he was so jncuinuioded by the Mni.-Ke that he threw open the door ¡n¡;U and appeared with a gun in one band and a thi, k tick in the ot-'icr. A ?«uarme fired and slightly wounded l'w. The man was i), el anng to return the shot, when two other guns were ciseha.ged at him, and he fell dead A DEAD BODY TRAGEDY.—The man of the Faubourg. Lt. lartill, who kept the dt-ad body of his wife in his IM-,1 for, it appear-, nearly four months, and wrr., when h's r.I.,1D was entered, was attempting to cut. his threat with a lazor, is a little better, but his mind seems af- feettil. In a lucid moment, he stated that he and his d h. 1 wife had fallen into distress, and having sold off all they had, bad agreed to commit suicide, and both swallowed t quantity of laudannm. The woman died almost im- nndiaiely, but he was simply stupified, and he remained in that state, so far its he could judae, for three days. When he became conscious, he was afraid to maKe known the death of his wife, lest he should be aeeuaed of Laving murdered her, and so he left the body in the be l. simply coverin g it with the mattress. It is con- lijered surprising that the man should have been able to exist in the room with the dead body for so long a time, Si it caused a horrible oJour. An examination of ti e woman's body was made ly Hr Tardieu, who aseertninml that her Je.th was caused by the skull having ° been beaten in v. ith a blunt instument like a hammer. THE DUKATION* OP oru CAHINETS SI-XCE TIIB REFOUM ACT. The following account of the names and duration of thevaiious Administrations which have governed En" laud since the parsing of the Reform Act of IS 32 may 6t this moment, be intert-sting to all parties. The Min- istry of E-irl Grey htld otfice from November, 1830, to August, IS34, and was instrumental in carrying the bill for the reform of the representative system. On I the resignation of Earl Grey in August, 1S34, the Whig Ministry was modified, and Viscount Melbourne was raised to the office ot the First Lord of the Trnaanr* This Ministry was dissolved by William IV in Novem- ber, 1S34, when Sir Robert Peel was summoned by the King from llome to form a new Government on moder- Ste Conservative principles. Sir Robert's tenure of office, however, was brief, for in the following April (1835) the right hcnouiable baronet was defeated on the famous "Appiopriation Clause," and Lord Melbourne once more resumed the reins of Government. This, the second Melbourne Ministry endured from April 1S35, to Au- gust, 1841, or upwards of six years, exclusive of the weeks' interregnum in 1839, when Lord Melbourne temporarily resigned, and was reinsated on the refusal Of Sir R Peel to take office under certain circum- stances. In the summer of 1841 the,- were d, 1; feated, and S.r R. Peel formed that Adminstration 1 which carried the principle of free trade, and was even tually upset in 1846 by the secession of its "Protection" supjorti-rs. Lord John Russell's Administration, which gurceeded, lasted from June, 1846, to February, 1852, when a defeat on the Militia Bill induced his lordship to rrsisn office. Then came the brief Administration, of the i Earl of Derby, which lasteda bout nine months. It was, dissolved just before Christmas, 1852, and the Earl Aberdeen succeeded as the head of'a Coalition Ministry, which was overthrown in January, 1855, on the Sebas- top.J Inquiry motion, thus lasting a week or two more than two years. The Government of Lord Palmerston was then formed, and continued until February, 1858 when being defeated on the Conspiracy Bill, his lord- ship aud his colleagues resigned office, which they had held for three years. The Government of Lord Derby was then formed. THE RAMSGATE TRAGEDY.—The Ramsgate tragedy is now likely to he cleaied up. There is strong reason to believe that the unfortunate man whose death has been the subject of so much speculation committed sui- cide, and that he mutilated his own person while in a state of insanity, or Iroui a desire to prevent the iden- tifieation of his body. By the exertions of the police it has been ascertained that the deceased landed at South- ampton at the end of March, from America, and went to the Hotel de r Europe in that town, He there gave a name which sounded like Maitinger." He left Southampton for London on the 31st of March, and there put up at Halin's Hotel, Amei ica-square, where he remained till the 7th April. He wore his left hand in a bandage, and said it had been injured on board ship. Ou leaving the house he stated that he was a German, travelling for pleasure, and that he intended to make the tour of Scotland before returning to Ger- many, but must first go to Paris. During his stay he appeared perfectly rational, but on an occasion when &r,kd to write an address card, he said he would do it at once, as his memory had been very bad since he suf- fered so severely from brain fever in America. On Thursday, the 7th cf April, he left by the Scuth-eastern Itailway for Dover, next day proceeded to Deal, and thence to Ramsgate. On arrivirg at Ramsgate he had his beard and moustaches shaved off by a hiiir-dresser, whom he requested to shave him twice, in order to make his chin perfectly smooth. He then put up at the Royal Oak. While here he gave out that he was a Russian. On Sunday he visited Margate, and after dining at the Elephant and Castle went to the house of Brasier. He then went for a walk with his carpet bag under his arm and returned to the railway without it. The bag was found near Westbrook empty, and near it two shirts and a white handkerchief, with the marks picked out. About eight o'clock a man resembling him was seen on Mount Albion. The man walked rapidly, with his arms folded and his eyes fixed on the ground, and there all trace of the deceased is lost till he was found next morning dead under the East CJiff, Notwithstanding the care with which everything that could lead to his identification had been destroyed one scrap of paper was found and contained these words, written in pencil in indifferent German :—" Dear mother, here are five dollars-little, but from a good )ieart.-Ilenry i%latte- righ." From all the facts of the case it is concluded that the deceased returned fron America a disappoint- ed man, reduced in means, and that this circumstance affecting a brain previously weakened by disease led him to determine on suicide. NEAPOLITAN EXILEs.-Earl Shaftesbury has pub- lished the following account of the proceedings of the committee formed in connection with the Neapolitan Exiles' Fund.— The committee over which I have the honour to preside think it dua to those who have so generally contributed to the relief of the Neapolitan exiles, that they should be made acquainted with what the committee have done in the execution of their trust and what they hope yet to effect if sufficient funds should be subscribed for the purpose. They have an. deavoured to remember throughout that they have had to rel ieve the wants of sufferers who were for the most part gentlemen by birth and education, and it has been their constant care to afford the necessary relief in the manner which should be least grating to the feelings of men whose original position should have entitled them to be rather the givers than the recipents of pecuniary aid. The exiles, when they arrived in London, were for the most part in a state of complete destitution, and a considerable sum had to be expended in providing them with ordiuary necessaries. The committee had then to provide the requisite funds for their expenses during their stay in London. The greater part have expressed a wish to leave this country with as little de- lay as possible, thirty-five have already left, and ar- rangements are in progress for the departure of nearly all the others. In these cases the committee defray the expenses of the journey, and place at the disposal of each exile on arrival at his place of destination a sum just sufficient to provide for his immediate wants. For all this an adequate amount has been collected; but the committee feel that more than this ought to be done, and they believe that the people of this country will not be satisfied unless mote is done. The men for whom provision haa to be made are no ordinary sufferers, they have, many of them, been reduced from affluence to ab- solute destitution, and from the peculiar circumstauces in which they are placed, their friends are wholly un- able to assist them. Ten of the best years of their lives cannot have been passed in a Neapolitan dungeon, without leaving traces, in many instances, in broken spiiits and shattered constitutions. Some little time must necessarily elapse before they can be expected to recover the bodily and mental vigour which will enable them to provide for themselves. Some, who are ad- vanced in years are altogether unfitted for a task which neither their former habits nor their present state of health seem to qualify them. To provide for the tem- porary wants of those who are recovering their nealth, to advance the sums requisite to enable them to begin life afresh, and to lender their talents available for their future support, and to provide for the permanent ne- cessities of a few who, from age or infirmities or other causes, are altogether unfitted for obtaining a livelihood a much larger sum is required than has yet been sub- scribed. We cannot help thinking that when this is known, the money will be forthcoming" Providence has cast these men on our shores, and has thereby given us the opportunity of showing at once our sympathy with unmerited misfortune and our attachment to prin- ciples by which we profess to be guided. I cannot con- clude without expressing the admiration excited in the minds of the committee by the conduct of the exiles. Not one unreasonable application has been made. Their desire has been to conceal rather than to make known their wanti, and each has seemed anxious to avoid draw- ing upon the fund subscribed in order that more might be left for others." MARRIAGE CEREMONY.—What extraordinary things we hear from America. A Jewish couple was married at Georgetown, California. Not only was the use of the town hall allowed for the occasion, the judge's seat tem- porarily converted into a pulpit, the hall splendidly il- luminated-the ceremony having taken place at night- but the hell was rung as a signal, in order to invite the good citizens of Georgetown to attend at tLe performance of the first Jewish marriage ceremony ever celebrated at Georgetown. The hall, the Gleaner informs us. was crowded, and it was a delight to perceive the cordial understanding prevailing between the adherents of the Yttriooa creeds.—Jeustih Clironicle. I DIRECT IMPOSITION BY THE TRUCK L' U I SYSTEM. 1 ITT "I 1 I e nave spoKen ot improbabiaties of fair dealing, and of many iticoiiveiiicneps, iii the t. uck system, it now '"iia-;ti, to sp.a? briefly ofth? direct oppression accom- Phshed by it. This may be inferred hum the reluctance generally manifested against dealing at the truek-sliop. "by does itie ecoiioiiiical wife spend as Utile there as she possibly can ? Not merely because she needs other or better articles than are to be sold at the shop, but because she wishes to have money to put chase elsewhere withal where shb c?n get goods at a reasonable price, and cons"qurntly t?e home a larger stock of food for her mnney. ?« one will pay more than eight and sixpence or nine sni- .ngs tor ten shrimp worih of goods from a truck-shop, for it is well known that goods are not =o!d there at so low a rate a. they may be purchased at in the shop of a proper tradesman; and few people care to become customers even on those terms. From this, then, the imposition must he reckoned at no less than two shillings in the pound, and if actual experiment I were again made as it has b.'en, taking into considera- tion not only the excess (,f charges but the inferior qual- ity of the articles sold. the result would not only justify that conclusion, but show that it is something helow the truth. The truck-paying master secures from his workmen at least 10 per cent over and above a just profit. It must not he taken for granted, however, that every truck establishment is conducted in exactly the same way. or that the same charges are made in one as the other in some cases the tone of the establishment is healthier and the oppression lighter, in others the oppiession 19 much m Ire severe; but taking truck- j shops as a w'.iole and comparing the prices and qualities of the articles supplied in them with the prices and qualities of similar articles obtained in the best shops, the loss SHstained hy the working men who are com- pelled to deal at them cannot be put down at less than two shillings in every twenty expended, t This imposition added to the many other evils of the truck-system, and considered in connection with violated right find ctushed freedom, (alls loudly for redress and punishment. Who, with the faintest love of justice glimmeiint* within his breast, ean do otherwise than de. test and execrate such enormities ? Much less will the man of true principle practise them But how then slnll we account for the existing phenomena ? We nave Eeen that there are men ot every class not only counte- nancing the truck traffic, but actually engaged in it lmsiness men, religious men, officers in the church-all these are interested in it and reaping its fiuits. Can they he blind to the error of their way, or are they play- ing the hypocrite 1 This is not for us to judge ours it is to lay bare the wrong-to bring out and expose to view the monster tyranny, and while pointing to it, to cry—beware, beware Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbsry if riches increase, set not your heart upon them," for ho that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker." The Truck S!lstem, :-Á Booh for Masters ancl [Vork-inen.-By David Bailey.


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I -MARKETS.-.':.--

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