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Sales by Mr. Johnson. WUHXHAM, DENBIGHSHIRE. ?.??y. 7/.<7"?? rro?r/?/ t/< JT'?A g?-?f?, Jfo?je S< ?''?'? '?'?! ?"? ?'yot't' j!'«/?, ????. rr0 ? ??'? ?? AUCTION, byAtr. JoHK?ox,at' ??\Vyim?tay Arms IJote!, Wruxba.m,on.Mon- (j:n'. thL- 2:iLi J'?y "f May, 1859, at 3 o'clock in the ? ttrn?n, "? ?? ?'?'-?'i?. or such other tots as shaH 1.1: \rced upon at the time of sale, and subject to con- '?iuus 'o be thea produced. I j? i.—.Ut tti.?e sev?.i several COTTAGES or n\VELLIXU-MOD'S Eg, with the yards and Bppurtcn- ? tbci'emHo belonging, adjoining the Btitis? School ?j;??-t.,mt.he Horou?hoi' Wrcxhfun.intheoounly !'jll:ubj"h,  1tl the reSpêctlVc occupa. ,t'J)cnbi?)).an dn')W orldte in the respective occupy. t'on? David Hushes, Edward Thomas, Margaret ? )')bcr?! m'?? WUkiuaon, Ellen Roberts, John Wynne, UobcrtJonca. ?t?-At! those G several COTTAGES, or DweIIing- hjusc?, with the yard and appurtenances the) eunto be- situate D.ar to the last mentioned premises, aud nnw in 'no respective occupations of Wilha.m Gregory, Th,)mas Jonea, Kd.vard \Vhit.iey, Elizabcta Clarice, W. -I,ifrL.vs. and Mary ruxh. bl' Tiie whole of the premises, comprising Lots 1 & 2, an in good Mpaif, and there is a puiup buto.nging to lot vteldnig a picuttfu.1 su;.ply of excellent w..uer, the use Jt' which will be tescrvcd to the pureha.sG' of Lot 1. LOT 3.—AM that Croft piece or paree). of LAND, containing by estimation one acre, or thereabouts, situate ;n ur near to I!rouk-strGet. aforesaid, and f.t the back of )fr. Price Vaughan's Urewery, now in tlie holding of William Rowland, Esquire; this lot is well adapted for building purposes. LoT 4.—Ail that plot or piece of BUILDING LAND, situ't'e on the Nortb AVest side of the Nuw Road, or Street, called Grove-Street," lately forming part of the Crovc Park Eatate, being Lot 9 of certain luta or parcels .,i Building Land advertised for sale by Auction, on the 21st April, 1854, and shewn in the plan annexed to the Mrticutars of such sale, and containing by admeasuTe- iufUt 1;28 square yarda, or thereabouts. Lor 5.—Another plot of LAND adjoining lot. 4, numbered 10, in the iormer pattienlara, and containing 1!:2; squ&re yards, or thereabouts. Lor 6.-Another plot of LAND adjoining lot. 5, numbered 11 in the said former particulars, and con- taining 1,222 square yards, or thereabouts. LcT 7.—Another plot of LAND adjoining lot 6, n um. h"red 1:,) iu the said former particulars, and COutainine yarda, or thereabouts. LOT o.—AIl that substantially built MESSUAGH, or Dwelling-house, with the shop, yard and premises tctere- untD belonging, being in High-street, in Wrexham, aforesaid, now in the occupation of Mr. MoaeaWr'tght, dr-lper. This lot is admirably situated for business. LOT 9.—Ail those two SHOPS with the Dwel'iing- boa-ze and extensive out onices, warehouses, yard and premises, thereunto respectively belonging, situate in Jiupe-street, in Wrexham, aforesaid, now in the several occupations of Mr. Edward J ones, hatter and clothier, and Air. John Davies, druggist. This lot contains 519 square yards, has a frontage to Hope-street of 41 feet, and is one of the best commercial sites in the town, and lucrative businesses have been carried on there for many years. The respective tenants will shew the lota, and any further in formation may be obtained on application to the Auctioneer, or at the offices of Messrs. James and Owen. HrynyH'ynnon Oniccs, where a plan of I ota 4, 5, 6, and 7 may be seen. Sale by Messrs. Churton. V\1UABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY IN DENBIGH. SHIHE AND FLINTSHIRE. mu BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by MESSRS i. CHURTON, on Thursday, the 28th day of April, I&5K, at the Albiun Hotel, in the city of Chester, at Two u'ctock in the afternoon, and subject to conditions to be then produced, a VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, comprising— IN DENBIGHSHIRE. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ALLINGTON. A PUBLIC-HOUSE, Outbuildings, Garden and Croft, wnh the several Meadows, io the occupation of Ann lvziliey. containing about lOa. Or. Op. Also the Meadows iu the several occupations of John HockenhaII, Thomas Fll:c, Aun Randlfs, Price Evans, Thomas Gibson, William T.ytor, ThumM \tercer, David Prince, Joseph EvanS, fitutnas Raudtes, John Randies, William Lewis, Edward \\i.nsnis, and John EH! containing uearly 100a. Or. Op. uf Limd together with the Cottages, Gardens, and premises iti the occupation of Mrs MartinI Thomas Eliis, and \\iiliam Gibson. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF LLAY. bLtLDtNGS and THREE COFTAGES, in the occupa- i,)ns uf John Clough. George Coates, and William Bailey, with the several Fields, pieces, or parcels of LAND, con- taiuias; nearly 30a. Or. Op. And also the Five Fields in the occupation of Thomas Randies, containing nearly 25 acres. The above Lots afTord eligible building sites. IN GIVERS YLLT. LAND in the occupation of Charles Hughes, containing aLutH 10 acres. This also is a desirable site for buildings IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ISACOED. The FARM-HOUSE and LAXDS.with the Meadowa, in tijc occupatton of John Davies, containing about 110 st,,ttute acres of Land or thereabouts. IN FLINTSHIRE. IN THE PAHISH OF DODDLESTON. The several MEADOWS, in the occupation of Robert Witiowright and Thomas Huxley, containing about seven- teen acres of Land of statute measure. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF TRYDDYN. AtlthatFARM-HOUSE. with the outbuildings, pieces or parcels of LAND, and Quillet, in the occupation of i'etcr I'ulford and John Edwards, containing about twenty acres. IN BUCELEY. Thu HOUSE and Garden, with the several FIELDS HoBging thereto, in the occupation of William Fisher, containing about nine acres. cf The above desirable Property will be offered in about Forty Lots, for the convenience of purchasers. Plans, with full Particulars, may bo obtained 14 days previous to the Sale, on application at the principal Inns in Wrexham, Mo)d,Roasett, and Doddleston; from the Auctioneer's oiRces, in WTiitchurch, and Chester; or from MrG. E. TREvon RorEB, Solicitor, Mold; Messrs B"LJEL, and PowELr,, Solicitors, Chester, where full information witi be given. The respective Tenants ill show the Lota. Sale by Mr Adams. 6A]Y, AT THE ARGOED FARM, NEAR OYERTON. '?\? R ADAMS has received Instructions from Mr. '.<. i BATEMAN, who is leaving the Farm, and been disappointed in taking another, to SELl, BY Afc-noy, on Monday, the llth day of April, 18.59, 10 Cross.Bred DAIRY COWS, with Calves and to Calve; One Two- T' ar-n)d Heifer, In-calf, 1 capital Three-year-old well. hrcd BuH, 1 Yearling ditto, four ditto yearling Calve", aQU a Bro afl'wheel Tumbrel, with pig cratches. Sale to commence at Two o'clock in the Afternoon. -+ Sale by Mr. Humphreys. .T- LONDON HOUSE. BRIDGE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. To HE SOLD BY AUCTION on Thursday, the 14th day of Aprii, at 11 o'clock, precisely, on the above named premises, the whole of the excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, in Sitting and Bed- room suites, eight Feather Beds, &c., &c., the property of Mr Edward Stedman, who is leaving the neighbour- hood. For particulars, see descriptive placards. Sale by Mr. Cooper. WORTHENBURY, IN THE COUNTY OF FLINT. H/TR. COOPER has been instructed by Mr. G. Bat- ?JL tarhee, who ia leaving, to SELL by AUCTION, lin Tuesday and Wednesday, the 12th and 13th of April, 1859, twelve Dairy Cows, 3 calving Heifers, barren C.iw, stirk Heifer, yearling caif, Gilt and pigs, 4 store ditto, vaggon and hack horaes, implements of husbandry, dairy and brewing utensila and household furnit nre, &c. The farm ing stock and dairy utensils the nrat day's sale—the whole of the furniture the second day. WHAT IS TUB TIME ? WATCHES! WATCHES! From £2 2s. Ead Tf F you are in want of agoodWATCH(warrnntedtokeep J. correct time), send a Post-omce Order to J OSEPH SEWILL, Watch Manufacturer, 61, South Castle Street, Liverpool (directty opposite the Custom House), who will by return of Post, Bend a nrst.rate Silver Watch, guaran- teed to keep good time, for the above small price—ex- changed if not approved of. J. Sewill solicits the attention of the public generally to his very extensive stock, a? undermention&d, the quality of which he oSers with implicit conndence. Gold Patent Detached Leyer Watches, 18 carat at jElO each; own make. Chronometer, Duplex, Centre -Seconds, &c.. of very iinest quality. OJ Gold Horizontal Watches, nnMt finished, ro each. E I" h P L o) eac English Patent Levers, from E4 to Y,7 10s each bilver Horizontal Watches, from jM 2 to P,3 l0a Presentation Watches, in gold :llId Silver Captains, Shippers, and the trade ruPPlied o" n v"e"nJ reasonable terms. on vel'} OW Watch Manufactory, 61, So uth Castle.street' Li.verpool. AU pMticnIara may be had by post. ) TO THE ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF DENBIGH. GE:-<lI,P.IEX, ?pHE Government havl? decided on submitting the J- question of Reform to the Country by a disso-lutio?n of Parliament, I venture aain to offr mys(,?lf as one of ;o?re:????? I felt it incumbent on me to oppose the late BH! as inadequate to the wants and requirements of the countrv, ?=? no permanent settlement of the questio?. If a-ain returned I am prepared to support a larger ???????? and di8fl'achisement, b?ed however, on ?h.t I consider the fundament prtncipfes of the constltutton. On all other subjects I shaU continue to advocate the ?me amehorations and reforms I have hitherto don&e convmced that a timely repar.tion of d?fee! boS Church and St?e is the only means of ma?taining ° o? cxiating institutions. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your most obedient and humble Servant. R MYDDELTON BIDDULPII. Chirk Castle, April 7tb, 1859. TO THE ELECTORS OP THH DENBIGHSHIRE BOROUGHS. GENTLEMEN, j\ S the present Parliament is soon to be dissolved .CL I hasten )o solicit a renewal of the trust you have twice confided t) me. I have endeavoured to discharge the duties of a Representative in a manner worthy of a !arge and free Constituency. If I am again returned by you to Par- liament, I shaH pursue the same course of supporting any Mmistry, without reference to Party, which wilt uph old the honour of our country abroad, and which will propose measures calculated to ameliorate and elev ate the condition of the People. I am, Your obliged and faithful Servant, TO \VNSHEND MAINWARING. 41, Barley-street, London. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE DENBIGH- SHIRE BOROUGHS. T\0 not promise your Votes. A Gentleman of sound D liberal principles will shortly solicit your aunrages. CWJERSYLLT CLAY WORKS, NEAR WREXHAM. T DODD & Co. bear respectfuDy to Inform the No- tT ? bility, Gentry, Farmers. Buiidera, and the public generally that they have now on Sale a quantity of first-class Bricks, Tiles, Ridge Tiiea, Bearers, Chimney Tops, &c., &c., which they recommend with great conn- dfme, conaiderabto improvements having been exacted ly them in the manufacture. N.B.—Orders promptly attended to. SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS. MRS. JONES, BEGS respectfully to return her grateful thanks to JD the Ladies of Wrexham and its vicinity for the liberal patronage she has received, and to inform them that she has REMOVED from Holt-street to UppER CHESTER-STREET, where she hopes to merit a continuance of their support. Mrs. J. has selected the newest patterns and styles for the season in Pelisses, Yisittea, Mantles, Dresses, &c., &(, which can he made up on the shortest notice. WREXHAM FAIR. E. PODMORE, .MILLINER AND DRESIS-MAKER, HIGH STREET, RHYL, *T)EGS to announce to the Ladies of.Wrexham and B the neighbourhood that she has taken the shops, Nos. 1 and 2, Queen-square, formerty occupied by Mr. Harrop, and which business she had the pleasure for many years of satisfactory conducting, is now opened with a choice assortment ot Goods in Drapery, Straw and Fancy Bonnets, &e. An early inspection sh e respectfijlly solicits. Wrexham, 28th March, 1859. FT. (r. SANDY, LAY CLERK OP CHESTER CATHEDRAL, AND ORGANIST OF GRESFORD CHURCH, TTNDERTAEES the tuition of CHURCH CHOIRS, <J an d attends twice each week in Greaford and the neighbourhood to give instructions in MUSIC, PIANO- FORE, ad SINGING. Terms on application. Upper Northgate-street, Chester. W D A V I S PAPER HANGER. DECORATOR. AND VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, 1, QC) SEX'S SQUARE, QUEEN STREET, WREXHAM. TTT'D. begs respectfuUyto inform the Inhabitants of W Wrexham and its Yiciuity, that he has commenced business in the above trades; and having been, for a period of 26 years connected with the 6rst houses In Liverpool and Manchester, he can guarantee those persons entrusting him with orders, workmanship and materials as good in quality and low in price as any hou9G in the kingdom. W. D. trusts, by promptitude la the execution of all orders, combined with moderate charges, to ensure s share of public patronage and support. N.&—Old Blinds repainted, taped, and made equal to new, bought or exchanged. Parties nodiug their own Papers can have them hung with equal csre and at as moderate charges. MR. WILLIAM TURNER, LAND-SURVEYOR & DRAUGHTSMAN 3, HILL-STREET, (LATE OF HOPE.STREET, WREXHAM,) SURVEYS AND TRACINGS. PLANS DRAWN ON DEEDS. ETC. PORTRAITS FOR THE MILLION MR. JONES HAS OPENED HIS PROVINCIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, At Mr GOMER JONES'S, Bank-street, and calls special attention to his Alabastrous Portraits, which have never been equalled. Portraits and Frame, from One Shilling and Sixpence. This is considered to he the cheapest and best Photo- graphic Establishment In the Provinces. Oil Paintings, Engravinga, and Family Pictures copied. t LW Portraits taken for Lockets, Rings, Brooches, &c. N.H.—Families attended at their own residences. Specimens may be Been at Jur Barley's, Bookseller. UPjPER ROPE STREET, WREXHAM. T. CATHERALL, ORNAMENTAL AND PLAIN PLASTERER, MODELLING To ORDER AND ACCORDING TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS, LONDON, PORTLAND, AND PARIAN CEMENTS. rLASTEH-Or-rARIS AND OTHER HOMAX CEMENTS THE OLD STAND. ABBOTSTREET. T. RIDEOUT TN returning his best thanks to hia friends and the i public for the liberal support afforded him since his commencement in business, trusts by keeping a good supply of prime Roast Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, and Ham, to continue to merit a aharo of public patronage. Strangers visiting Wrexbam March Fair will do well to payhim a visit. Hot meals at all times of the day during the Fair by steam power. Atso cold cuts. N.B.—Temperance, Fic-nica, and all other parties got up on the shortest notice. Tea Urns and a Tent capable of accommodating 200 people for Hire. Horses and Vehicles for Hire. LEY FOR CATTLE T Erddig, from the 12th of May io the 12th of -L?- October, 1859, at the following rates— -6 s. d. A One year old Heifer. 110 0 Two ditto ditto 2 2 0 Three ditto ditto 3 3 0 Apply to Mr. John Hughes, Pennant, Wrexham. CLOVER SEEDS, &c. EDWARD FRANCIS TTAVING had long experience in the Seed Trade with n. a large nrm in Chester, has on hand an Excellent Stock of Vale of Ciwyd, &c. CLOVER SEEDS, purchas- ed low, which he offers at the lowest remunerative pront, and can guarantee to be of the best quality. Fetches, Rycgrass, Trefoil, and white Dutch, &c. ?K?' Entrance, Market Hall, Wrexham. ? MONEY. T CANS granted from .625 to JE2000, on personal or JLj collateral security, to be repaid by monthly or quarterly instalments. Apply to John 'Williams, Crow UMUe VAults, UangoUen. INV- R E X H A M Ivl ARC R F A I R 1 8 5 9. I The PubHcare reapectftjUyinfuroed that Ute YORKSHIRE HALL will be Open M urnal for the eaauing three I week?, for the sale of 11 i WOOLLEN CLOTHS, FANCY TRO\YSERIN&S, AND WAISTCOATINGS, FUSTIANS, FLANNELS, AND SMALLWARES. a 1p A G L E TRON COMPANY IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, SMITHS, &c., TUTTLE-STREET FOUNDRY, WREXHAM, ANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Pumps. Crab Winces, Kitchen Rangea, Grates, and Stoves, and all JjLL descriptions of Agricultural Implements, and Wrought and Cast Iron Work in general. N.B.—A large assortment of Kitchen and other Grates always on hand. MONEY LENT ON PERSONAL SEOURITY., rpHB TXTREXHAM T CAN AND INVESTMENTC'bMPANY, (LIMITED), A RE prepared to advance any sum from L-5 to .6100, on personal or other security, for twelve months, repay- -ftL able in weekly, monthly, or quarterly Instalments, at a low rate of interest. Good Bills Discounted on very moderate terms. The strictest confidence observed.—Application to be made to the Secret&ry, THOMAS JONES, Offices-Temperance Mote!, Hope-street. ACCOUNTANT. TYfBRCERY, TyTILLINERY, & GENERAL DRAPERY EESTABLISHMENT, BRIDGE-STREET BOW, CARPET, AND GENERAL FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, BASTGATE BOW, CHESTER. ———— ¡, MESSRS. BECKETT BROTHERS, beg to announce that they are now SELLING OFF the Stock of the Old iTi Established Firm of Messrs. Pritchard, Eastgate Row, Chester, (valued at ?7085 123. 6d.,) AT A LARGE REDUCTION FROM THE ORIGINAL PRICE. Also. that on and after Monday, the lUhinat., they will be fully prepared to execate all orders w ith which they may be entrusted by the customers of the late firm, with punctuality, economy, and despatch. 8' Messrs. ll. respectfully request that aU letters may be addressed in full at tollows:— BECKETT BROTHERS, BRIDGE-STREET BOW, CHESTER. ST. MARK'S CH U RCH, W REX HAM. SPECIAL SERVICES. HOLY SEASO N0'F L E N- T, 1859 'TT\IVINE SERVICE w!H be celebrated every Wednesday evening during Lent, at 8 o'clock, and Sermons wIU be ?Lf preached on— Wednesday, April 13, by the Rev. John Watson, subject. Christian Faith." Also in the Holy Week, after Evening Prayer, at 8 o'clock, SEKMONS WILL BE PREACHED as foltows, the subjects being Our Blessed Lord's Sayings on the Cross." Sunday, April 17, Rev. George Cunliuf, M.A., "Father forovo them, for they know not what they do." Monday, Rev. W. Davies, B.A., Verity I say uuto thee, to-day s'lalt thou be with me in Paradise," Tuesday, Rev. James Dixon, Woman b':hold thy Son—Behold thy mother." Wednesday, Rev. J. C. Roberts, M.A., "My God, my God, why hast thou fjrsaken me." Thursday, Rev. E. B. Smith, M.A., I thirst." Good Friday, Rev. G. Lioyd Roberts. M.A., It is Saishcd." Easter Eve. Rev. J. C. Roberts, M.A., Father, into thy haiidi I comntHuJ my spirit. N.B.—The Service on Sunday, April 17th, will be at the usmi hoar, 3 o'clock. The Eoly Communion will be celebrated at 8 o'clock in the morning on Easter D3.Y. BRYN-Y-FFYNNON BREWERY. AND STEAM SODA WATER WORKS, WINE, SPIRIT, AL E AND DORTER VAULTS, UPPER HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. WILLIAM BATHO respectfully begs to return his most sincere and grateful thanks to the numerous friends and customers of his late lamented father, for the patrouaga so liberally accorded to him for upwards of 20 years, and embraces the present opportunity of static that the bugilles will now ba carried on by him, and is REMOVED from Lower Hope-street to the enlarged any more eonveaieat premises i): Upper Hope-street, (late the Buck Inn), where he hopes by strict punctnaUtv, and by giving his persorial atteMtion to all order? entrusted to him, to merit a continuance of their favours, at the Mme time he ues also to say that he has now had ntted up a STEAM ENGIN E, and other nr*t class Machinery, embracing all the latest improvemeats, for the Mianfaettirt "of .Æ t(lTED WATERS, comprising Soda, Chafvbeate, Potass Waters, Lsmonade, and Ginger Beer, manufactured from the Water of the far-lamed Bryn-y-nynnon WeU. The Wine aod Spirit Business will also have the special attention of W. B., whose aim wUl be to snppty a 6rst- rate article at the lowest remnnetatlve price. The Brewery having teen much extended, will afford much greater facilities for the prompt execution of a 11 orders. Innkeepers and Private Families supplied with Home-Hrewed, Burton, Mild, and Bitter Ales, in Cask or Bottle, London and Dublin Porter. Dealer in Ciars. All Good delivered Carriage Free within 10 miles. Wrexham, March 34th, 1859. PERUVIAN GUANO, DIRECT from GIBBS BRIGHT and Co., in quantities from 5 cwt. up to 30 tons. ARTHUR CLARKE, March 30th, 1S59. General Commission Agent, Wrexham. I G A 13. S CIGARS! FINE OLD HIGHLY FLAVOURED 11 A V A N N A S. T\/1Tc ROBERTS, Bros., respectfully solicit the attention of all connoisseurs to their immense stock of fine old -ijJL HAVANNA CIGARS, posiessing a very superior riehne33 and f,iliieis oF fhvour One of the most deli- cious articles" ever offered for sale in Wrexbam. AGENT FOR BAKER'S VIRGINIA. BIRD'S EYE. High-street, comer of Chester-street. CARPETS' CARPETS! CARPETS!! OLD ESTABLISHED CABINET & UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE, BRIDGE STREET, WREXHAM:. WILLIAM PIERCE, T)EGS most respectfully to inform the Public of Wrexhum and the neighbourhood, that hehaajuat added to JD his stock a large quantity of KIDDERMINSTER, DUTCH, FELT AND OTHER CARPETS, Which he is prepared to sell at the lowest Trade Prices, having nude his purchases Previous to the present rise in Prices. W. P. has always in Stock, a large selection of the best HoME.MADE CABINET FuRxiTVRE, and every other article in the Trade. GENERAL Tj?URNITURE, CARPETS T?EDDING, TOOKING GLASS, WALLPAPER, OIL CLOTH, MATTING, lROY BEDSTEAD, FEATHER AND FLOCK WAREHOUSE. FURNITURE IN ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, OAK, MAHOGANY, BIRCH AND .ALL PAINTED w n n D s. ULCL ITUSh- CARPETS, BRUS SELLS, TAPESTRY, KIDDERMINSTER, DUT C H, FELTS, I DRUGGETTS, &c. T?iyWYN OWEN respectfully informs the Public that he has m?de considerable additions to his extensive -Ej ?HOW ROOMS in order to give purchasers an opportunity of a larger selectton of the above, together with every Article connected with the Trade, and at sucli prices that wiU ensure faction eS- NoTB THE ADDRESS—16, TO\VN-HILL, (LATE OF THB OLD SHOP, BMDGE-STREET.) TO AGRICULTURISTS. LANARHIRE MANURE QOMPANY. (J: KNIGHT ANi) UO) WIDNES NEAR WARBINGTON, MANUFACTURERS OF NITROGENISED BOXE MANURE FOR WHEAT, GRILSS, TURNIPS, & POTATOES Genuine Super phosphate of Lime, Sulphate of Ammonia, Nitrate of Soda. A CLARKE begs most respectftiUy to itiform the Agrtcultural PubUo that he has haen appointed Agen ?OL for the sale of the above valuable MA?URE?, ani fe?la confident that whoeve: givea them a trial wil not be diaappomted in the result. A S<.ock of the various Manurea will be kept alwaya on hand, In bags of 2 cvt each, so that every one may have ML opportunity of testing the fertilising properties of these vell-!{nown Man urea. A. C< hu <Jao <m Agency &r Salt, delivered at all Railw&y Stations direct J&om the Worka. TO SERVE MARES THIS SEASON, 1859. I That Beautiful Bright Bay Horse, SPORTSMAN," At 2 Guineas eacA .4rare, (nd 2s 6d the G/-ooH!. SPORTSMAN n 3 years old, 16h 2m high, with ?3 plenty of bone and line action was got by Smoker, his dam Tulip, grand dam Herbert Lacy, Smoker by Jupiter, great grand-dam Smoker, which horse beionged to George IV.; Smoker is allowed to have got the moat TaluaMo stock in the kingdom, and is well knon in Shropshire and Montgomeryshire. ? Health permitting, ho will attend at the following places Wem, Middle, Baschurch, EMesmere, Rednati, Fetton, Red Lioo, Oswestry, Whittington, Overton, Elephant and Castio, 'Wrexham. Buck Inn, Bang.ir, Wiffin Inn, Malpas, Hanmcr, Duddlestoo, Chirk, St. Martins. Also that Pure Bred Waggon Horse, "C 0 N QUERING. HERO," -At 1 Guinea fd'cA Ma re,. and 2s 6J Ilic Oroo;n The Conquering Hero 4> a\.bron horse, 6 years old, 16h 2in high, Dommouly 'wide;'yery powerful on-re- markably short legs, was got bt-I,ron Duke, the property. of -MeasMMyotts.'Byduiph'Hal!, which is allowed to be the ?eat y in North StaSbrdshire, Conquering Hero's dam, Mes? ? Myott's favourite brown mare,  was by Victory. HeaJth permitting he vl!l attend at the following places: Woolverly, Nunnerly, Loppiagtoa, Burton, Cock- shutt, Ellesmere, '\Vhittmgton,St.Martms, Bowling Green, Overtoo, Elephant and Caatic, Wrexham, Gresford, Mr Leigh's, Pulford, gs Head, Farndon, laaeoed. Buck Inn, Bangor, Worthepbury, Penley. The above horses are the property of Mr Hampson, Veterinary Surgeon, EIIesmere, and for full particulars of pedigree, &c., see handbills which may be had from Mr Mulliner, Veterinary Surgeon, 'Wrexham. WREXHAM CRICKET CLUB. PATHOS—SIR W. W. WYNN, BART., M.P. PILESIDF,NT-TOW. 'I$HEND MAINWARtNO, ESQ., M.P. TREASURER—R. W. JoHXSON, ESQ. Those gentlemen who wish to join the above Club are requested to forward their names and address to Mr G. Warburton, Honorary Secretary, Bank-street. Wrexham, April 7th, 1859. STEAM TO AUSTRALIA UNDER SIXTY DAYS. Passage Money .815 and Upwards. "BLACK BALL" LINE OF BRITISH & AITSTBA.LIAN EX-ROYAL MAIIi PACKETS AND BACI-LE LINE OF rACKBTS, Sailing from Liverpool on the 5th and 15th of every month. rACEET OF THE 15th MAY. ? ? THE Liverpool and Australian Navi- ?J?R??? JL gatIonCompany'sMagni6cent Steam ROYAL CHARTER, 2,719 Tons Register, 200 Horse-power. This Celebrated Clipper has made five passages to Melbourne- 1st Voyage in 59 Days, 2nd Voyage in 64 Days, 3rd Voyage in 62 Days, 4th Voyage in 63 Days, 5th Voyage in 64 Days, and earned a reputation for speed unequalled by any other Steam Clipper In the world. Under canvas alone she has frequently maintained, for several successive days. a speed of upwards of 400 miles in 24 hours. Her Saloon arrangements are perfect, and combine every possible convenience-Ladies' Boudoir, Baths, &e and her noble passenger decks, lighted at intervals of six feet by sideports, afford unrivalled accommodation for all classes. Apply to GIBBS, BRIGHT & Co., Merchants, 1, North John.street, and JAMES BAINES & Co., Tower Buildings, Liverpool, or to their Agents. WELSH FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY. OFFICES—PENYBRYN, WREXHAM. THE Annual Gener.il Meeting of the above Society JL w!ll be hel<Hn the large Room at the Temperance Coifee House, nope-street, Wrexhacn, on Thursday, April 14th, 1859, at Seven o'clock in the Evening. By Order, C. CrLASCODINE, April 6th, 18a9. SECRETARY. MATRIMONY. mWO very respectable Young Gentlemen wish to JL meet with Partners for Life; they 'nust be young, good-looking, and good-tempered. The Young Men are aged respectively 21 ard 22, and are at present in good situations. Address, in confidence, B21, B22, Wrexham Fost-Oniec. The nguies signify the respective ages. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rt?HAT the Partnership heretofore subsisting between JL us, the undersigned THOMAS ROBERTS and CiiARLES EDWARDS, carrying on business at Wrexham, in the County of Denbigh, as confectioners, under the style or Rr.n of "RoBERTS AND EDWARDS" was this day dia- solved by mutualconaeat. All debts duetoand owing by the said firm will be received and paid by the said THOMAS ROBERTS, who will in future carry on the business on his own account. As witness our hands this 6th day of April, 1859. Witness, THOMAS ROBERTS. THOMAS JONES, CHARLES EDWARDS. Clerk with Messrs. James and Owen, Solicitors, Wrexham. JUST PUBLISHED, Price Is. 6d.. F'cap 8vo., with Illustrations, A HISTORY OF WREXHAM and its Neighbourhood, BY JOHN JONES, ESQ., SOLICITOR, Containing also a Directory of the town and surround- ing Works and Companies. "Ths year is approaching that sweet spring time which begins to set Tourists afoot amouar places noted for natural beauty, for great men. or for rare deeds. All such who are inclined to pass into the vicinity of Wrexham will nnd a use- fut Kuido in Mr Jones* littio volume."—Atlieuscum, March t9th, t8)9. Published by P. POTTER. fli(,b-street. London WHITTAKER & Co. WREXHAM, RUABON, LLANGOLLEN, AND BANGOR BRANCH ROADS. T?roTiCE is hereby given, that the Trustees of the JL?) above District of Roads intend to let the repairs, team carriage, labour, &c., necessary for maintaining the same in proper order, by Private Contract, in portions or otherwise, as may be convenient; and any person or persons desirous of contracting with them for the same, &re requested to send in Tenders therefor to me on their behalf between this date and the 28th day of April instant. Security will be required to be given for the dua per- formance of such contracts. EDWIN WYATT, April 7th, J859. Clerk to the Trustees. NOTICE. '\TOTICE is hereby given that all persons indebted to JL?) William G:ller, late of PIas Grono. near Wrexham, are not to pay any money on his account unless he himself is present, or a written order from him is produced. (Signed) WILLIAM GILLER; April 6th, 18o9. FINE FLUKE POTATOES, AND FLUKE POTATOE SETS, FOR SALE, In large and small quantities, Apply to Mr. MEREDITH JONES, Charles-street, Wrexbam. R RUABON COAL COMPANY. (LIMITED. ) mHE PUBLIC are respectfully m&rmed that the JL above Company are now supplying at their pita, the undermentioned Coals for country salea, by teams. Prices at the Pit- s. D. Best Yard Coal. 9 2 per ton Wall and Bench Coal 7 6 „ Main and Brassey Coala 68 „ Screened Nuts and other Slack 34 „ Coke for Foundry and Malting purposes 12 0 „ Orders addressed to the colliery by letter will be punctually attended to. N.B.—This is the only colliery in North Wales that suppties coals for the use of her Majesty. GWERSYLLT CRICKET CLUB. A CRICKET CLUB having been established at -LJL Gwersyllt, parties desirous of joining are request- ed to communicate with A. H. LONGHURST, Hon. Secretary, Wheataheaf. FAMOUS M E LTON MOWBR A Y PORK PIES. JAMES OLLERHEAD T)EGS to announce to the Pub)ic generally, that he !B has now commenced, and will continue to receive his regular supply of the far-famed MELTON MOW- BRAY PORK PIES, and that he will always keep on hand a stnck of his own UNEQUALLED ORIGINAL AND HIGHLY CELEBRATED FINE WREXHAM GINGERBREAD." High-street, Wrexham. COAL, .? SLACK, AND LIM E. <J, OAUS prompttv delivered in the Town and neighbourhood. Orders received by the Agent, E. Meredith JONES, Timber Merchant, Charles-street- PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, &c. U-PIVARDS <92? J'TFTr ? X ?? M JT?F? ,'? STOOK NEW AND SECOND HAND, BY THE BEST MAKERS, FOR SALE OR HIRE, dT ALL P.RICRS. Twelve months' hire allowed in purchase. HARPS, CONCERTINAS, &c. Warranty unlimited. Exchanged at aay time. Sent carnage free, if purchased. INSTRUMENTS TUNED, REPAIRED, & TAKEN IN EXCHAKGE. BOUCHER AND CO. ABBEY STREET, AND THE NORTHGATE. N.B.-Tuners of the highest character,—attend re- gularty in Wrexham and neighbourhood. For terms apply to Mr Bayley, Bookseller. HENRY Â. JONES, WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT WATERGATE-STREET, CHKSTEK, (NEAR THE CROSS.) Whittle Sprues, Burton and other MiM and Bitter Ales. ? IW London and Dtibtin Stout in Casks and Botttes. WILLIAM ZACHARY, WHITE HOUSE INN, HOLT STREET, WREXHAM, 1T)EGS to inform the Public of the surrounding JD Counties, such as Cattle Dealers, that he has taken Eleven Acrea of excellent PASTURE LAND close to the Cattle Market, which he considers may accommodate such dealers aa generally stop at his house, and all parties who may be kind enough to give him their support on Fair and Market days. Well-Aired Beds, Home Brewed Pale Ale, London and Dublin Stout, and a Choice Stock of Spirits always on hand. Also Good Stabling on the premises. WI LLIAM ZACHARY, WHITE HORSE INN, MOLT STREET, WB.EXHAM. TDEGS to inform hi? Friends and the Inhabitants of JD 'Wrexham, that he has commenced selling Hay. Straw, and Potatoes, m quantities that will suit all parties that may be kind enough to give him their support. He also has started In the Milk-Trade, which has so far given every satisfaction, and he earnestly hopes with future custom that he nny continue to merit the same. G LENFIELD PATENT STARCH USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, And pronounced by Her Majesty's Laundicsa to be the Finest Starch she ever used. SAYINGS' BANK WREXHAM. TTN future, the business of Re-payments as well as the JL Receipt of Deposits will be conducted at this Bank, on SATURDAYS, as well as on Mondays. By order of the Trustees, JOHN BURY, ACTUARY. March 25th, 1859. COMMERCIAL INN, WREXHAM. TOSEPH DAVIES begs respectfuliy to inform h:s ? friends and the public generaliy, that be has taken the above Inn, and hopes that by prompt attention to those who will favour him with their company, to secure patronage and support, and to merit a continuance of their favour. J. D. also Legs leave to inform his friends, that he still carries to Brymbo, and elsewhere. T TACEsoy, (TUNER OF THE CATHEDRAL ORGAN,) ORGAN BUILDER. MANUFACTORY, CUFPIN-STREET, CHESTER. SALT FOR FARMERS. EDWARD HENSHALL, Railway Salt Works, Wina. -Lj ford, Cheshire, begs leave to inform the public that he has appointed Mr. ARTHUR CLARKE, Bryn-y- nynnon Terrace, Wrexham, sole agent for Wrexham and all neighbouring towns on the line of Rr.itway. The Salt will be found clean and to answer all Dairy and agricultural purposes. E. H. employing his own Wag- gous, and having made arrangements with the Railway company, is offering Sa)t at Reduced Prices. BY ROYAL ???? LETTERSPATENT HENRPS HORSE AND CATTLE MEALS. TTENRI'S PATENT CATTLE FEED COMPANY JLi- having secured the exclusive use of the Patents for making Horse, Cattle, and Pig Mea), are now manufac. tuiTDg the same at their Steam Milla, Hull. PRICES CARRIAGE TREE. Medicated Horse Moal 843 per cwt Horse and Cattle Meal 42s Pig Meal.24a These Meals are celebratfd throught the World, and are gaining the favourable opinion of all practical feeders Ptizes have been awarded at most of the Agricultural Shows, for beasts fed on this Patent Feed. H. H. AYRE, Manager Testimonials and Directions for use may be obtained of JOHN MORRIS. WHOLESALE AGENT, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. WHEN YOU ASK FOR GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH SEE THAT TOU GET IT, as inferior kinds are often aubsituted. REMOVAL TO THE CRYPT CHAMBERS, EAST- GATE.STREET KOW. CHESTER. 't?TR. W. L. SHARP, Photographic and Miniature J?JL Painter, tenders his sincere thanks for the kind patronage he has for fLve years received in this city, and respectfully solicits a continuance of esteemed favours. He begs to inform all patrons and recom- mendatory friends that he has introduced into his ex- temive Gallery of Portraits recent new styles of nrst class Art, equal in quality to any in London or else- where. (See Specimens in Oil, Water Colour, and Sepia.) Air. Sharp having been for many years (previous to Photography) a Miniature Painter, has an advantage over any Other Fhotographista in the superior finish of his Miniature, iaesc cnarnung ptcturea nave me per- fection and finish which, without the aid of Photo- graphy, the most eminent Artist in the world could never attain, and those who have knowledge to appre- ciate the yaiue of these Miniatures will da ao when compared with the miserable things commonly executed. TERMS :—Portraits for the Stereacope, JB1 and up- wards. Single Coloured Miniatures from 5g. each. Messrs. W. a.nd C. Brown having built an operating room, under Mr. Sharp's directions, expressly adapted to throw n pleasing light and shadow upon the features, his Portrait3 will in future possess a great superiority. Crypt Chamber, Eastgate-atreet Row.- Chester, March 9th, 1859. CHURCH ORGANS FOR .640. MR. JOHN BUTTERWORTH, ORGAN BuiLDER. .r Watergate Row, Chester, has resolved by way of experiment, and to endeavour to bring within the range of alt paTtiet, (with a view to supersede those Instruments MM-eaIIed llarmoniu;n, !ý) \iluch complained of, as being offensive' to co??gi,egatio)tal Harmony), to BUILD CHURCH ORGANS OF GRRAT POWER, containing six exquisite Stops, and of the most approved Mechaoicat Movements, combined with the very beat workmanship, and of very handsome designs, for the very low sum of £40-'l'\VO OF WHICH ARE NOW COMPLETED, and an early inspection of the same Is earnestly solicited. N.B.—Organs tuned and repaired by contract. Chester, Jan. 17th, 1859.. j ESTABLISHED 1762. CARRIAGES ON SALE. TACKSONS AND JONES, COACHMAEERS ? Wrexham, (Successors to Joseph Cooper) in ex? pressing their most grateful acknowledgments for the distinguished patronage and support they have received from the nobility, clergy, and gentry, since taking to the above old establishment, beg respectfuUy to intimate that thev have on sale a large aS80rtment of NEW and s?D?g ?RgEF ? The new Carriages consist of exceedingly light doubia Broughams, w?th circular plate glass fronts, for one or two horses; double and sm?e seated Cabriolette Pbætons, with and without heads; very HKht fashionable P?uy .Phætons; handsome four wheeled Waggomttes S:? ? all recent improvements; four and ?????? and Spring Carts of various forms; Sociable Cars, adapted for Innkeepers. The above Carnages are a1\ built of the best seasoned ??c?????n?n?i??shedin nrst-rate.tyle of workmanship, and .re allconstracted in the most fashionable form? combining elegance, durability and lightness, the whole of which will be warranted. Second-hand Fly Chariot; very light running ma!I Coach, to carry four inaice and twelve out; light two- horse Break; Mail Phaeton, handsome light Chariot' Phætons, GUgs, Badi Chair, exceedingly light Brougham* &C., &c. Basket CarrmgM m<do to order on *a obortwt notift Wrexham. March 17th. 1859. go bt Tit. T0 LET, three convenient and newly-erected COT- i TAGES situate in the outskirts of Wrexham. Apply to Mr. Bayley, Printer. ? T 0 BE ? ? ??? entered ? immediately TT? a DWELTLINTG-HOUSE, .ituat. In Wr?ham- F_L echan. in the town of Wrexha?. with:n 15 m!nutes. walk Gf,& nrst-clas. Station on the Shrewsbury and Cheater Railway, and lately occupied by Robert Humphreys Jones. Esq., deceased. R containi two PaHouM, Drawing Room: Bv. Bedroom. Kitchen, Scuttery. CeUars, with Stable, T Coach-house, Yard, Garden .nd Pump. J:???'?? ?'? ?? office ? ?. H?, Solicitor, 'V reJham. rrn BE LET for the Summer Months, a GeaLeel — COTTAGE (Ftirmshed) situate near the beautify "illagG of Bangor, close to the River Dee. The Cottar contains two front parlours f.cing the Dee, .malt par- lour, and kitchen, with four good bed-rooma. There is a beauttful lawn before the cottage, and excellent nalung close to the village. Apply to Mr. Bayley, Bookseller, Wrexham. mo BE LET and entered npon oa the First day of -jL May next. 1859, a BLACKSMITH'S SHOP, with _BL eifows, Anvif, Vice, Screw Plates, Water Trough, to- other with a House with 2 Bed-rooms, Bake-hoMe, and BMler, and Garden attached, at PLASDHAIN CoTTAGN. near T Rhoslianerchrugog. parish of Ruabon. It. an excellent opening for a steady man, situate on two or three CroM Koads. twenty farmers used to get their work done there, now they have to go a distance of 3 miles to get their work executed. Beat Coals about a mile 08, others 1[ a mi)e. Good freah air. Apply to Mr Robert Davies, Ptas Drain. BREWERY TO BE LET. A ?V compact BREWERY to be Let in the month AL of September next, built on the moat approved pnnctple, and capable of a large business, aitmte in Wrexham Abbot, and now in the occupation of Mr. Evans. Apply to Mr. Charles Bate, Maltster, &c Wrexbam. March 17t!], 1859. A NEAT VILLA RESIDENCE, NEAR WREXHAM. T? ? ?J?T? ??ediate posse?ion, a neat VILLA RESIDENCE, pleasantly situated within one mile of Wrexham Station. The House consiats of Two Par- lours, Two Kitchens, Larder, Pantry, Four Bedrooms, small Uoset, &c., Flower, and Kitchen Garden, well stocked with choice fruit trees, and about Two Acres of Land.with suitable Out Buildings and every necessary convenience Apply to Mr N. S. Scotcher, Jeweller, Wrexham, or Air W. Bayl.ey, Bookselter. To BE LET, with immediate poaaeasion OFFA i COTTAGE a very desirable residence with every convenience, including a good Garden, Stable and Coach house, situate within three mi)ea of 'Wrexham, on the Rutlun and Miners Road. Apply to Mr. Lester, Peny. gelli, near Wrexham. t!1ju In .a Ilr, rp0 BE SOLD by Private Treaty, a Chest or ?- JOINER'S TOOLS, nearly new. For price and particulars, apply to Mr. Bayley, Bookseller, Wrexham. ?* TOWN OF RHYL, rp0 BE SOLD by Private Treaty, by order of the J- Mortgagee, an eligible site of BUILDING LAND situate m Elwy street, Rhyl, containing 303 Square yards or thereabouts, (late the property of Mr. John Jones, deceased.) A portion of the purchase money may remain upo a mortgage if desired. For further particulars and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Charles GIaacodiae. vY rexbam. n A Y. rpO BE SOLD, a quantity of FIRST-CLASS HAY. -i- Apply to Mr. AVHIiam Hoyd, Maltster, Cheater- street, Wrexham. Agent for Norwich Fire and Life Society, and Run- corn Bone Works Company. rp0 BE SOLD a SHOP FRONT, with Two Windowe -L Size of each, 8 feet by 6 feet, with shutters com. plete.—Appty to Mr AUmaud, grocer, Hope.street, Wrex- ham. March 19th, 1859. f1p0 BE SOLD immediately, by Private Contract, a Thouse and shop recently erected, situate near the Bank, Well.street, Cefn-Mawr, Ruabon. and 5 minutea' walk from Cefn Station, on the Great Western Railway., The premises are occupied as a butcher's shop. but ia suitable for any business, as it Is situated in one of the best thoroughfares in the neighbourhood. The house contains three bedrooms, parlour, kitchen, brewhouae, and other conveniences. Apply by letter, stating the price to be given, to T. Thomas, 38, Pilgrim.atreet, Birkcnhea.d. rr?O BE SOLD BY PRIVATE THEATY all that re- JL cent)y Erected and convenient VILLA RESI- DENCE, situate at Rhosddu, near the town ofWreiham, with two large piots of Garden ground attached, containing in the whole cue thousandandnfteensquareyards of Land of thereabouts, be the same more or less, and now in the occu- pation of Mr J. R. Gummow, architect The above Property is Freehold of inheritance, and al- though situate close to the Town of Wrexham, is in the Township of Stansty, consequently free from Borough and other Town Rates. Further information may be obtained by app!ying to Messrs. EDGWORTK and DEVEILEUX PuGH, Solicitott, Wrexham. March 18th, 1859. jtmrticrm;t &jC., (itanub'. TTfT'ANTED at an Inn In Liverpool, a respectaWe TV FEMALE of good address, about 35 yeM< M age, to take a responsible part in the management. Fmt class references required. Application to Mr. &,I.Y.. Bookseller, Wrexham. WANTED a MAN capable of managing a kitchen ? T garden, cows, nelds, &c. He must speak Eng- lish. Apply to Mr. Farbndge, Font y mwy' nwr near Mold. W 'LNTPD in a respectable family in the Town of Suddersneld, a General Servant. Must pro- duce a nrat-rate character. Apply to Mr. Bar' le'y, Book- eclier.Wrexham. W ANTED a Journeyman BAKER, who thoroughly TT understands the trade. Apply to Mr G. Gri- mths, Baker, &c., Town Hill, Wrexbam. Y?rANTED by a Young Woman, in a respectable vV family, a situation as HOU&E-MAID. Char- acter unexceptionable. Apply to Mr. C. G. Bayley, Bookseller, Osweatty; or to Mr. Bayloy, Wretham. WANTED a Strong Activo BOY, from 14 <w It YV years of age. Application to Mr. Boo" Bookseller, Wrexham. I WANTED by a highly respectably Female a M- W UATIO,-I as WAITRESS, in a First or Sam" Class waiting room, or in a respectable Inn. Agjgy to Mr. Bayley, Bookseller, Wrexham. ?TT'ANTED a rcapectablo un.mamed MAN, 40 YV years of age, of gooi experience aa FARM. BAILIFF to auperiotend a moderate size fara<. <<o.. spectable references required. Application to Atih '?' Bayley, Bookseller, Wrexham. 0 TtTANTEDa WOMAN.ofgood Character, to take T V charge of OSices.—Apply to Mr Bayley Book- seller, Wrexham.