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?,„ A?..1S4.S. I — I RHK ICKXIIAM ADVERTISER, I I .?.? ?:f.?f'-< Merionethshire, j F „„< ««<* ?'?A tTa? j, lie g i st e r (P „.r f,,r a" Official ??"'? in Denbighshire ,,nd Flintshire. i-.T/ KA'/P -l VANDSATUliDAr. dBFl'LAITON, 5,500 VVIEY AND BRADLEY, I pt: n r u t ETORs. IK"*5" ni- >rti>cnirTroN—Ns. S<1. per Annum, pay?Me Fr. 11 Pt'r p ost lUs.  credit, l'!S- P''r annum. Per pot 10s. Kkl 'n  th!? '1' C l't 12 per ? „v,,t,ie in advance; on reI I, 12a. per I'frillntl!lJ, -.?un:. -— — ¡ I Sales by Auction. I'  Sales by Auction. ,?. )., Missus B.\rCH A?D JONE!=!. i r 1 w, F-ti h"lfl Priiii'fti/ in the Tfllcn and I' .? n,n"<ih "f Wrexham. r|T> !'■' .7',11) |iV AUCTION l.y Messrs. BAUGH and i the Feathers Hotel, Wrexham. early in I T'i>Vr. 1V«, subject to conditions :— 1,l1t;1 Ih,t -.v.i SHOPS ,m" DWELLING-HOUSE, ) IT I- \v li.'Ust's f': thereto I)elon, I „:«!i t! tlit, t"WI1 of r,'xham  ?'. j -!?" ))i-!i -t'?'?' ??'' ?"?'" "? ?'rcxh?m, bemt: "1"1 .? in the occupation of Mr V. Strachan, J ,?, .Jones milliner. j the ? ?,?; ,,).) ).;Mta!.)i.?).t-. t IX? c? n e d the! ,i ,.r. ii, '?? thftwo Vaults, large yard. Stabling, ther Out-offices thereto belonging, t" ?. i in- .-t the corner of Chester-street and i 1 /t,<:t i d town ?f Wrexh?m.a.nd n?win? r <;>id town of Wrexham, and now in 'I' ..) "f Mr t.. ?raf Manley. Also the two MRS- ? i.ljoinitig the ahov premises, hpin? t-t?t, ;if4irt?-,aiti, witli theyards >— 1- n<, l :is one tenement and now in the y- ■■1 m, i..tin .l.mes nun manufacturer. ? ?-),)?t \H:?-t.t:?)- ))WK!.HNC-HOUSK! ? ? -)?'' L. .t' .)\)??:ud. Workshops, Stores, Stables, and )' '? ) ?j? ?-,? '):! in Chester-street, aforesaid, -h. ,i ,„,w in the occupation of Mr Ed ward i- ?' ) ;„,w i n the ft <'up?tion cf ?t)'Kdw:n'4' 9 .ltll V"" v'i r Ill:! V AW 11. with Stable ?nd o'hpr! ;r.n. iiil,' an px?tU'nt Building "ud fr"lItin l'!ies>ter-street, afore- j tiie property of Mr Alfred Owen, iron- ),v in the occupation of MrSn?pe. 1 ric e of HUILIMNG LA?n situ e adjoining 'f Chester-street, bein^ part of the Old /I L.' i; ,i 'ii n i '?" \?'th"?"h) e MI-^srAOES or ?WRMJXf? »'iJ .r.??.?.ds,:)))d nut oni..c, IJeln X..S. -1. Vi riic-f. i -trei't aforesaid, and adjoining Lot 5, • .1 ,uu■:ii-iii "f M.-ssrs il irnett, Sun(lerJand. ILL" '11. • 'v.* i:il, with sheds and other apptir- j in Chester-street afore- • .h'ili" l.ot <•. atid now in the occupation of I': ,.t;< t ,:n¡t )lftr. 'viitn'ii MKSM-AOK or mVEM.ING-HOUSE, :.1. l' iiid SitLI kte :it the corner of i -.n l H dt tiei t. and now in the occupation ? :?r. tbose two Dwelling houses and .I.ireii:.ace. adioiniug l.ot < l>eing Nos. 4lJ i ,|w in tl! o.vupati.'U of Mrs V.-ung, Mr :v nd ?)-J. n?-s. 1 \))'))? \%f tilt? 'I ,4evt,ll t|i(. ]:iv::e yard and stabling situate at the i ,;e*ter*street "and l^anbpit-street, in thesnid in, U-W in the occupation of Mi J unes \It ;til t)i-st, t\t) or ) s with the yards and appurtenances he- ;v. i <feorge Fvans and with the r. l appurtenances adjoining the Seven Stars -ituate and beins Nos. 1:1, 11, b), Hi, w, ] ■ treating l^i»nbpit-str«-et, Wrexham, aforesaid,, ti e i. speelive occnp itiotis of Messrs Edward (i Ollerliea(i, John i r*-« nnten:»'»ted. 'Ailtli. se T«o MI>STACKS or DWKLL1XG- ii,,i'r-> «it!i tli- vnds and u;>pnrtenances thereto be- niinL; I.t being Nos. 21 and 22 in Che«ter- r.-aid and now in theoccn'?Lti?n of Messrs '] r and Edward W liliams. i \n tint piece of LAND, with the statdeand ? -"anding thereon, situate in the Re?st vi t'lp s tiil t;»\vn if Wrexham, adjoining the resi- j i' II Three Pieces of Eligible liUILDlN^ (* I wii. -ii,i..te in Manley-road, near the Smithlield, in the Wi exhani. .niec'r will appear in future advertisements, and [ vi-ral properties are in course of preparation. i" 111 iisie further information may be obtained from \> ion Wrexham; or at the ..f the Auctioneers, Wrexham. I I vr.l.K FREEHOLD PIUWEHTY AT WK^I.EV STKEF/r, I'ONKEV, NE Ml WKEXHAM. BY AUCTION, by Messrs BAUGH AM) .ION ES. at the Horse and Jockey Inn, Ponkey, on M a lay, the llirh day of September ISsil, at Four o'clock in the afternoon (subject to conditions to he then produced) .11 Three recently erected and substantially-built j MKS^I'AGF.S or • welling-houses, with the yanIs, nnt- I 1 iildings, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situiite )j it Wes'ey-street, ponkey" in the parish of IJuabon, in the "initv of DenliiL:.), andnow or late in the occupation of Mr Wat kin Jones, Miss Roberts, and Hannah j Williams. The propelty is exee'leutly si'u ited and new ",1 well lini-died *\ith every e.iiiveliielice will al>\a)SCOm- i ..¡II.I uood tenants. The minerals are reserved. To view the premises apply to Mr ATKiN JOXKS, \V. sley street. Ponke.V. The pr..pertv is in good condition, an,1 is tenanted. I" irticalars ;n v obtained up-in application to ^b-RS Ai l'iv AMI P.ri:v. solicitors, Wrexiiam, or the Temple-chambers, Wrexham. 2001 b O!;i>I:I; OF THE mortgages. •?~|| UK SOI.I) r.v AUGTION liv Messrs. BAUGH and JONES, at tie- IJollcr"* Arms, Southsea near Wrex- ,j, ]; tl;" iritll d iy of September. at 5 K ■ L1 i, \<i tho»e i«'i MESSUAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES at Tanyvron, near in t'e j.ari-ii of Wrexham, in the county of now o.' late iu the respectivi? occupations of Willi ;'i,s ill' Fd.nund Jones, which said Ga -dens iJ tli.- .M Mes-T.ages coata n bv admeasure- -.piare vud er thereabouts. i??t<-ri'.)!i.?.? :)'?pp!y to Mr J. Mlin.-r.on Hughes, Wre\li.ini. or to il.e Am-t'?i.n-)'s,Tt't:n?e t:?w, v.- -JillUa í I I! IF M (J W: XH \.M. i- A NEXT, sHI TEMIUIU j i: A'I i MI; IVCLOCK AND SEVEN. I, .11. I II i i.iI ? .toNKS are hi?truclt'd Ly Messrs. ,f )? 11 • ■ i i!i. iii s dl by Auction, on Tuesday and I i t.\i. a- a' ;n ext nsive and highly at- !)).. ii.n of Su;i i lily framed hi?h-e??s Chromes, ,.Jt \.)nr?r.'i't't))r.?)t' Fngii-!i Proof Engravings \rti-t. :')., f-t :md MOIIKIiV OIL P,\ITIX(-I t'r.??'?'.tp?tr iho ).4)??i?? tm?inf nf uhn'h will .ey in- i'h ? its i?t. rt ?'hi a.i-i attractive char- r I'.y the v,.a V. > t, .d!t'nH ?i'd ):??."< "1 he' Kustic i:rh!j.. 'l i e 'V y dmvn the *"1 itT, The Hill j ?;'ir..?Jif?i) ? "< 'ettai-e Nurse, 'oiiviilesfent, s; d e. .Milkiirg i i i .e. •'i. '• it'.e.ia-: USe'.l i i. • Flying the Kite," tVinding  I; si,]., •• Suunv Dreams. "m? '•i • • I he Hay Field." "Seaside- Swing" and | home fin School. bv Fi.ster. Lake Nisid.i." bv T M. Richardson::  ?.. by <■ A H..tu)?s:"Th" Intellect a"al' ? ):)?. '-The Noble Army of Martyrs r 1 lla Mle d tieliei I- before Sebastopol," ':md "Th'' HpIipf ?' by S..(one-; Ih..b, "The Pnr"nit of Plea- hi M. moriaiii." Hesperus" ''J' Sir Noel Paton, ••• in CJ.r:;e," • A liunfor the .Market, "The "The Challc Wagon." Eastvvird Ho," \g in," '"Great Fxnectation- Destruction of 1a D. IJoberts It. A. "Slide," and "Football," jind No," bv J. E. Milbiis, V. •• ï .ll,-i|i. The S mctuary," High Life, I." I '• b'in^ of the Forest," by Sir Edwin Landscer; r l'llagio," "bake of Coiuo," and i. In T..1. b'o-.vbothain "A Drawing-room at | Palace." "The House of Commons. ISotl," i ¡ 1, I., II t.- 1  '?nt )'i. );?-.n:)v.tt(!?'.pt..n''?urt?.?.'<-e. I a- il.|e Fishermen," and Ostetid l.igb.thouse, '?.).).t t;)-). and many other popular subjects, ea.i tl; el.c f-il'i,vn-s oi many artist;■: of the hihest ■ d. -t i uet i 1 It ( a. an u-ady and may lie liait of the ,J, Fictiin will been view on tile lni'i'i:- P'JlHO'l) •• i.!•: F.V MI:SSI;S D. HmmnTS &. SON. PARISH OF NEYiN. ri>" t.i ?')t,n HY D'tUX' AUCTION, hy ?KssjK- H\ \III I:0I:EI:TS ? SON, at the ?t;uk..m;:n.in i i-ii of Ne\in, f.n Thursday, the llitli day of Septem- at One h i loek in (lie afternoon, subject to the tli.i>i- t" be then produced, the following Freehold i elt\ 1..1 1. All that M ESSU \C E OK DWELLlNfi- :1111 "I- Outi.uildiiigs, Garden, and Piece or Parcel of a I formerly part c,f a Tenement called Hen-dy Thomas oi.. nuiiibet'i-.l on the Pu sh Map, close to the •.tii ul llay oi Neviu. about half a mile from the Town <•1 containing ► roods and )7 perches, or tht'I'I'ahollí¡:: no\ tin- occupation of .Marv Griffiths. boi ?. All that PIECE Oi; PAI5CEL OF LAND, at '/n-)..H?.nt.t\r.dhd"r\Th(.u..ts?oht.)t Isaac," and .un!tt-?.d l.i, on he Pari-.li Map, and ilistant about three aarler,. of ;i mile fn.m the Town of Nevin, with ,f t, "II I t tl 'I' I I l.r rGn .I,C yaJ'l SII tht Hi"h r.?d from Nevin to Edej' rn, and I I'" ,'ern,anl; •'iitai_iiii;g roods and perches, or thereaboutsSKV.V in • e oc upatioii of .Iwhn F\aiis. t airier. Im .i All that iiF.SSl AGE 1; DWELLING-HOUSE, j "? and Pieces or Parcels of Land, fo)m<')hr.t)!cd' '.?\d)':nn<'?m but now kn iwn as •' TydiljnMav/r .)?).n?j "I" 'II lh-' Palish ?!!<?. situate in the centre of 'f.. i,i Village, and near tie -church, with fr?nta?'s: rie- i-«ll'ieli, Portynlleyn, and Edejrn Koads, eontuiii- I acre o i ..mis and perches, eirjihtireaboufsl ;:nd )iow)n' ip itii;!i <n Richard Williams; aIso all that Piece o: -1 of band, )\!))?!K-.t\V)enth'?tds leading t" Neviu ?!v"h-!i i'r.in Hdrytn,and oiwjjtied as a Yard, by '■ a: .in Joi; -s, .loincr anf lluilder  1 All th-sc FOUR FIELDS, PIECES, (m -i 5:• ELS OF LAND (fo:merly ai.d numbered tvspec- M the I'aush Map t?). ??, a"Il:¡, now in the .i ? of b.ibei t HIIhl', carrier. :ud Mary (;.itt?hs. ? :t-?!?? ? .n-. ;{ i??ds and ?7 -'erche-, or th''n'— -Mi-iiiiui; .cie-, ground ii-bove Nevin i11 «.>er li .ok Gall!yin ir. cimmianding vi: iis. Ld ;1011: 11:: ;,ti;2:f •; I'v, o oi I r.U.rs. OR ARCELS OF 1. II ;L, liUk-beied ie.s-tiecli\ely oil the Parish •i II i'.i niii.g the Ne\in f-'cllool I'.oa-d Property, i Ni-V'ii ^lnl Morfa loads, containing I acre and :I5 • '.iiet.ta^.iiits, and now ill tile ocivpation of -:li^ and V.'illiams Brother. Ml that Allotment of Cotillion on Mynydd u" situate near "Tv 1 i ontaiiii ) wicie and 2 rooiir, or thereiiliouts. '"I PIECE <ilr PARCEL (vF LAND, situate ill Well- ^c\in, uiimU-red .) parish map 72-i, now built »l>on i>ii oiiiiam J-.dWitias and Mrs Mary t'rice. .'v. )??i)ntit.sm'??.u))")))t'!??)'v):ttM<stn'!<u? .?'?"tL!<!?i<!N(.'?))<').)?)i. Mi ?.?''ni.'MM, tr'I!t'?"r: ?7 r%*Ill]N.. (':ipt!tin '[.: )' 't''t??.?k:t'?)ty)';t.r)?')n'f?\ (,'aptain Jolin I i .?, -e\ in Love Jones Parry, Est)., Madryn; ? '? -?? Esi| Nanhoian: and the Tir IVrwvn pro- ilt.: ,t 11 t I t 1 'I' .? ")) tt?' Lots aie iiio>t admirably Itnatetl for pnv|M,«t.s. ? 'tht-r p.ii-iieulars apply to Mr W. 0. EvA?.t ¡P t ¡. ,J ?  Palace s ?. t.t, Nevin ML?i.? BRKKSK & Co, I 't!t?.jt(.\f:t-)ts.'r?)t)'!?B)!!].)t))? '??')).<j-:?.t;R))th)'t. n2'H'y Sales Dy Auction. SALES BY MESSRS JONES & SON. ,,r r- "r. -'I.' WREXHAM SMITHFIELJ1. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER lliTH, 18S0. Vfl"ESSRS JONES AND SON, will hold their u next SALE OF STOCK in the above SmithSeld, on Thursday, September llith, ISSH. STOCK ALREADY ENTERED. A lot of Prime Fat Beasts several Dairy Cows, Fresh Barrens, In calf heifers, short horned bulls A nice lot of Sheep, Lambs, Calves, and Pigs Sale at Ten o'clock. SETTLEMENTS AT CLOSE OF SALE. Offices :-4, Arcade, High-srreet, Wrexham. !)07b THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 16TH, 1U. WREXHAM SMITH FIELD ANNUAL SALE OF STOCK AND RAMS. KSSKS JONES A SON b -g to remind their supp-t- erHthat they intend h«t-<ibig • h -ir SALE of S !'<? !? EWES and LAMBS, on Thursday Fair Kith oi" Sep- tember, IHtJ, when the following Stock will be offered 2 Three-shear and 5 One-shear Leicester Rams, the property of A. J: "ue, Estj Mou-it .\1YII, Shropshire Down and Lincoln i: nils, belonging to T. Beakbane, Esip. 1 !a> i lace. 12 Shropshire Down Hw • .mb and (I ditto I'llii Lambs, the propeits oi Mr .1. gena Farm. 40 Grand Clun Ewes, belonging to Mr Hugh IL: lies, Acton. 20 Shropshire Down Yearling Ewes, the property of Mr It. J. Roberts, lJorras Lodjie. 10 Lincoln Shearling liams, belonging to Mr J. B. Bowman Sandy croft Farm, Chester. Border Leicester Shearling Ranis and 2 ditto Rain t;inis tn(I 2 (litto Rain lambs, the property of Mr J. M lligan, Borras. 4 Shropshire Down Ram Lambs, belonging to Air Ed. Roberts, Llandegla. fi Shropshire Down Ram Lambs, the property of Mr C. Burroughs, Sontley. Further Entries respectfully solicited. Offices 4, Arcade, Wrexham. nl!>30b MONDAY, SEPTEMBER Wru, 1**0. FARNDON AUCTION MART. MESSRS JONES & SON, beg to announce that l' thev will hold their next SALE of Fat and Store CATTLE, CALVES, SHEEP, and PIGS, at the Nag's j Head Hotel, Farndon, on Monday, the I:itli (lay of Sept., 1S80, when the following Stock will be offered:— 14 Prime Fat Bullocks, Heifers, and Bulls Useful in-calf Cows 50 Fat Shropshire Down and other Sheep (5 Fat Calves 20 Fat and store Pigs and other Stock that may be entered up to day of Sale. Further entries respectfully solicited. Sale at Two o'clock prompt. Settlements at close of Sale. Offices 4, Arcade, High-street, Wrexham. 2043 Silc of Dairy Coir*, Heifers, Belte, In-pig Sows, Drauyht aild llaek Horses ant! Co t<, Two Stacks of Hay, Strav;, Juij.il'-iitents of Husbamlrii, Dairy Vessels, at OAKELEY HOUSE, SONTLEY ROAD. 2l miles from Wrexham. 6 ESSRS. JONES AND SONS have been favored with j | 4 instructions from Mr Richard Jones, who is chang- ing his residence to SELL BY AUCTION on Tuesday, the 21st day of September, ISS 1, on the above premises, the wh de of his LIVE AND DEAD FARMING STOCK, Farm Produce, Dairy Yessels, &c., comprising one young milch cow, one very fresh barren, four yearling heifers, one ditto bull, powerful draught in ire, four years old, ditto five years old, both capital workers, active hack mare, steady in harness and saddle. stylish grey cob, four years 14 hands, steady to ride and drive, useful grey mare, eight years 15 hands, steady to ride and drive, powerful bay cart colt, three years old, very promising cart colt, two very useful half-bred colts, two in-vig SOW", a. number of fowls and ducks, &-c. IMPLEMENTS AND DAIRY VESSELS, &-c.-Capital narrow wheel cart with harvest gearing, chain harrows, iron plough, turnip scuffle, turnip slicer, ditto pulper, quantity of iron hurdles, iron and other pig troughs, heel and hay rakes, pikels, ropes, sieves, riddles, shovels, picks, thrill, chain and plough gears, bee bench, mash tub, double action churn, and numerous other effects. FARM PROIMTK.—Stack of excellent hay, ditto of well- harvested clover hay, straw, Vc., to go off. Sale at twelve for one o'clock. 2')71)11 Sale of Half'-brcti Colts, Do) Cart, Hanicst, Hovsehold Furniture, i! c., Ih. CXIOX JACK JX, I Sniiiuierh'U, 1"1'11 mil1* from Wiexhatn. MESSRS JONES IV SON have received instructions ici from Mr James Dodd, who i" retiring from business, to SELL BY AUCTION, on Wedn-sday, September 22nd, lSSù on the ab ve premises, the following COLTS, DOG CART. Hanie-s. Poultry and Household Furniture, itc., comprising ihre- promising Colts, hy Com. t," six couple of fowls, ve-i- ferreis and boxes, capital Dog Cart, useful spring cart, two sets of harness, liding saddle, horse cloth- ing, head ca!!avs, horse muzzle, double barrel gun, two rifles, tI nver sfiid, stone garden rollers, wheelbarrow, ladder, riddles, pikels, hay rakes, hay knife, cow ties, pulley blocks, cart net, steel traps, lllla n tity of oi(I iroii. cross-cut saws, oil cloth. Arc., so-ing cart. HOUSEHOLD FI RMTI ItE, tve.-froti French bedsteads, mattresses, dies-ilig tables, washstatids, toilet services, mahogany night commode, eight day clock in oak case, thirty hour ditto, mahogany chest of drawers mahogany, Windsor, and otli. r chairs, two-leaf mahogany dining table, oak and whitewooil tables, pictures, painted dresser, para- ffin lames, b-irometor. tea trays, large map. sundry crock- ery, cooper warming pan, briss-monufel and other fenders tire-irons, brass cansKt-ticks, two pair of scales and weights, steel yards, door scraper, washing tubs, clothes maid, fiat irons, saucepans, brown ware, tin hastener. wringing, washing and mangling machine, dolly and tub, collier's basket, brass skellet, and other effects. Sale at One o'clock. 20ti2n j — ————————————————— PRELIMINARY, i ¡,lil,fllllt 81l.' ,t' naii'!1 CO/l' 11"1;< Wa and Had,- //or. s', Colts. Stock Ewes, Lambs, larje quantity of Hay, Straw, Turnips, Potatoes, I'seful Assortment of Dairy Vessels, the whole oj the Modern floaseholii Fi'.rnif'tre, at J.nY? ALYN -)).; ,\1. 7 .? <7/? A -.?7 .< <)<<! /,??)/, one «'/?\?- <r.<)- f rom Wrexham. ]%,f ESSRS. JONES ami SON have been favored with in- J?jL strnctions from Mi Edward Evans, who is retiring from f irming, to prepare for SALS by AUCTION, about the end of the preset.t m aith, the whole of his LIVE and DEAD FAU.Ml'NG STOi'Sv, Farm Produce, Dairy Vessels, Household Furniture. <Vc. Particulars ia fiitme advertisements. SALi: BY MR SXAPE. Imt>rta.:i <<■.■> ■ r,> Ilij-h-rfa?* Ho Furniture /t<??'t. -?' 'y..?. '?.7.?-.?''?'M ?").'?"'<' and r. f:,<;y f)' < '?. ''? El.Li.RSI.) <•: Hf'-U sE, .il- 9 Ii sNAPE has receive I instructions (in consequence iV? ?.' the owner leaving the neighbourhood) to SELL j BY AUCTION, upon the premises as above, on Tuesday, September and the following day if necessary, the grand collection of substantial and elegant Hous hold FURNITURE, and other Effects, in entrance hall, dining- room, (b awing-room, study, six bedrooms, scullery, pantry, and kitchens, and comprising mahogany dining table, and walnut loo and occasional tables, mahogany single and arm chairs and couch (hair-seat&d)..sideboard, walnut drawing-room suite (in scarlet damask), walnut cottage pianoforte (nearly new) 7 octaves, by Holdemesse, time pieces in marble and gilt, pier glasses, walnut cht-ffonier (marble top), cutlery and cut glass decanters, flower stands, a Hue collection of nil paintings and engravings, dinner tea and coffee services, Brussels carpets, Ac., &e, iN TilE i'.KIiROOMS will be found superior brass, iron, and mahogany bedsteads, feather beds and bedding, mahogany and polished birch dressing-tables Mid wash- stands, toilette glasses and services, chests of drawers, mahogany wardrobes, BluRsels carpets, &c., &c., and all the kitchen and culinary requisites. i Also a garden marquee, garden seat, chairs and iron table, lawn mower, and garden tools, capital dog cart, silver-mounted harness, saddle, bridle, c\:c., and stable fittings. Sale to commence each day at One o'clock. May be viewed on the morning of the Sale day from ten to twelve o'clock. Catalogues may be had from the Auctioneer, Lion House, Wrexham, on and after Friday, the loth instant. Ellerslie House to LET, appfy to the Auctioned. .^ob I -<- -— Sale of Household Furnitert and other ejfeeU nt Xo. 27, REGENT STREET, WREXHAM. TO BE SOLD, BY AUCTION, by Mr SNAPE upon the premises as above, on Monday, September 20tli, 1SS0, the property of Mr Blinn, who is giving up hnu>;e- keeping, the whole of his valuable FURNITURE, Cottage Pianoforte, Pictures, :(I )tlit-i- effects as described in catalogues fo be had from the Auctioneer. Sale at OS E o'clock, prompt. 2()74f |; JOHNSTOWN. RUABON. FREEHOLD PROPERTY. rtfto BE NOLO BY AUCTION hy MR. SNAPE at the £ Wvnnstav Arms Hotel, iiuabon, oil FRIDAY the 24th dav «>f SEPTEMBER, ISStI at three o'clock in the after- noon and subject to condition.- t-) lie. tlii,n produced, all -h: T .F.F.KHOJ.D MKSSUAGJ" 0: INN. cad. d 1;¡, hi- ii. sd-L.-ii'- at ■> o!, ii.-to-.vi i, c!o. i ■ i.Miosilai.eiybrugog ;:1 the parish i.'u.ibi, ill the c.ity of Denbigh, ill the oc.-upatiou of Mr Joi.ii Prince a. yearly tenant, and com- prising tv.-o large kit- hens, bar p.uaor. pantry, two bed- rooms, cheWroom, two large cella. s. bac'v-kitchen, brew house, three stall stable, maltroom lumber room, piggeries and other out offices. Tilt property has it. fronftage of 133 feet or thereabouts, fmd M su situ.itMl as to command an extensive husiness, and being fully licensed, and the terillil-lis of the Wrexham and Rhos 'I'i-;iiiiw, liein,, to tte door lenders it a most desirable invesiment. i A very desirable and pleasantly situiteo RESIDENCE, calIe,l Oft'il Cúttage. sitn.Lte at Rtiaboc aforesaid, containing entrance ball, drawing and dining ro ms, study and three bedrooms, dressing-room, school rjom, kitchen, back i kitchen, cellars, wash-house, stable _-oacb-liouse, and other oufciffices and garden, IIIthe occup:iti<in of Miss Hughes. The property is leasehold. 14 years 04 the term being un- l'xpird. The ground rent 1-i 3,, rie., year, and the prejiiises j let at £'Z1') yer annum. I The respective tenants will "low the propert.i. es, :1n.1: further informction niav be obt ured from the ,1 rCTJ:EE!t at W!-p\hi' i ?' .T'nU''?!? t',KPW??.T?'-E?. solicitor,  O?vc-'tn- ?'?" Sales by Auction. SALES BY MR. LLOYD. r WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. FAIR DAY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1880. R LLOYD'S next AUCTION will take place on Ihursday, September lrth, 1880, the present entries will include:- A prime lot of Fat Heifers, Bullocks, and Bulls. Several magnificent Dairy Cows and Heifers, Calved and to Calve (this Auction is noticed to be one of the lead- ing sales for first class Dairy Cows during this time of year). A Jot of choice Barrens, Stirks, and Stock Bulls. A magnificent selection of Fat and Rearing Calves, Heifers and Bulls from the leading Stocks in the neighbour- hood of Cheshire. A prime lot of Shropshire and Welsh Wethers, also Store sheep. A number of Pork and Bacon Pigs, In-pig Sows, and Store Pigs. Sale at 10 1*0 prompt. HORSE SALE, First FAIR in the Month, at two o'clock. All Entries taken up to morning of Sale. Offices, Plassey. Wrexiiam. 208 TENTH ANNUAL STORE SHEEP AND RAM SALE. I IN' THi-, SNIITHFIELD. OV SEPTEMBER 16TH, IQO, SALE TO COMMENCE AT 12.30 PROMPT. MR LLOYD bi?s ? p:tt pleasure in announcing that ?? 3. bis Tenth Annual Sale of Stnc'< and hear ling Rams and Store Ewes, will take place as above, when he will oifer for public competition, selections from all the leading flocks in the neighbourhood, which will in- chid- .o Stock and shearling Rams, and Ram Lambs 2.')l, Orand stock of shearling Ewes. The present entries include— The property of Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P., Wynnstay. 10 Grand shearling and Shropshire Rams. 1 Four shear Ram, Lord Hordsley." 5_0 1 Superb stock and shearling Ewes. N.B.—The shearling Rams and Ewes are descended from very high-priced Ewes, bought at Lord Chesham's great sale at Stafford, and Mr Evans' sale at Uffington, their Sires" Lord Hordsley purchased at a very high price from Mrs Smith, Sutton Maddock, and winner at the West Midland Show, when held at Whitchurch and Banner Benrer," bred by Mr Evans, Uffington, he is by the re- nowned sire British Oak." Sir R. Palmer, Bart., Cefn Park. 15 Splendid Ewe Lambs, sire British Tar," bred by Mr Lloyd, Auctioneer. Mr Meredith, Borr.is. 41) Superb stock and shearling Ewes, Sires have been bought from the flocks of Mr Matthew AYilliams and Mr Meredith, Rednal, at very high prices. Mr R. T. Parry, Borras Hall. 3 Ram Lambs 211 stock and shearling Ewes, Dams purchased from Uffington, sires from Lord Chesham T. Ll. Fitz-Hugh, Esq., Plaspower. 7 Shearling Rams 2U Ripe fat Sheep Mrs Johnson, Esless. 40 Grand Stock and shearling Ewes. Mr Lloyd, Plassey. 2 Ram Lambs, by "Golden Cross." 1 Two shear Ram, British Wonder," Commended at the Denbighshire and Flintshire Show, at Mold. 7 Excellent Ewe Lambs, by Golden Cross. X-B,- Golden Cross, winner of the Tenant Farmers' first prize, at the Mold Show. Mr John Re id, Northop Hall. 5 Grand Leice^tor she.trling Rims. Mr R. J. Roberts, Borras Lodge. j 20 Grand Shropshire she uling stock Ewes. Sires have been used from Mr Meredith, Rednal, and Mr Evans, Uffington. Mr Toft, Bangor Bank. 15 Grand Shropshire Lambs. Further entries respectfully solicited. Sale at 12.30, commencing with the Rams. Extract from the Lit, Stock Journal. July löth, 1880, on the Shropshire Sheep at Carlisle. The size and quality of this class, is strong testimony to the rapidly increasing popularity of this most practical, most valuable, and most profitable breed of sheep, which in our opinion, is, on the whole, the best in these Islands, and in the world." 2055n NORTH WALES HORSE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, ADJOINING HORSE FAIR MARKET, WREXHAM. MR LLOYD begs to announce his intention of holding l.' a sale of SUCKLING COLTS (in addition to his usual monthly Horse sale) on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th, when he will offer for competition two Prizes for the best Sucking Colt exhibited on that day. Judging at One o'clock, sale at Two o'clock. Entries :— 4 Waggon Horses. Colts. 2 Harness Horses. i) Suckling Colts. Which include entrie- from B r o1wrts, Esq., Burton HaU Mr Windsor, Edgcny, Churton Mr Joseph Thoma", Hafodybwch Mr Davies, Cacca Dutton Nir Davits, Erlass Mr Phillips Mr Taylor, Rossett: Ali- Lewis &c. Further entries solicited, so that they can be specified in an early Catalogue 2084p Sale of Ofr-jioinj t Tenant's Share of Wheat at the Wangoner's Inn, Gyfellia, war ftuaboii. instructed Ali- t I l't Ii SELL by AUCTION, at the Waggoner's Inn, Gyfellia, 011 Monday September 13th, the following fields of excellent WHEAT, now growing at Gyfeli-i :— LOT. A. R. 11. I.-C.te fallow ti 0 0 Fallow two-third share. 2.—Top Field. 4 0 0 Fallow two-third share. The Straw to go off. Sale at t> o'clock. Plassey, Wrexham. 2054a SALE BY MR. S. ASTOX, UNDER A B1L OF SALE. Most Kxclleut HoiiseJi-ihi Furniture, Maynijiee/iit Piano- forte (by Erard, London), Pictures, Carpets, Glasses, Ofiicer's Camp Chest, ami a quantity of miscellaneous Ejects, removed from a residence in the coiiizt)-y by pei,- emptory instructions of the holder of a Dill of Sale, for convenience of sale, to the COUX EXCHANGE, WREXHAM. R SAMUEL ASTON begs to announce that he has » received imperative instructions to SELL by AUC- TION, at the Corn Exchange, Wrexham, on Monday, September 13th, lfcRO, at 10.30 a.m. prompt, a large ijuan- tity of excellent modern household FURNITURE (nearly new, and which was recently supplied by a well-known Livet pool firm), comprising an elegant drawing-room suite coveieil in rich Pompadour velvet octagon, inlaid anll ebonized tables, a magnificent brilliant toned pianoforte by Erard, London, 7 octaves, full Trichord iron frame (cost originally fio guineas), Japanese screen two cheval glasses, walnut wood clieffonier oil paintings, one large ditto, gilt framed pier glasses, mahogany dining room suite upliol- stured in leather, mahogany sideboard with a large plate of silvered glass over, another smaller mahogany dining falllp, mahogany pedestal, library writing table with nine i drawers, a light oak octagon ditto, Spanish mahogany i secretaire chest of drawers, iron and brass bedsteads, j palliasses, hair mattresses, bedding, walnut wood ward-, rohe with silvered glass door, pair of mahogany duchesse toilet tables with swing glass and marble slab a beautiful gilt toilet glass, mahogany ditto, mahogany single chalr, easy ditto, Brussels and tape-try carpets, also an officer s camp chest in walnut wood, with numerous drawers, writing slide, and cupboard- cushions, elegant window curtains, table covers light oak hall table with marble slab, mahogany ditto, and a quantity of miscellaneous j effects. Sale at 10.30 prompt. Further particulars and catalogues may be had on appli- cation at the offices of the Auctioneer, Queen-street, Wrexham. 2003a HALE BY MR LOVATT. OFFA COTTAGE, NEAR RUABON. Unreserved Sale of Useful Household Furniture, and small Library, together icitli the usual requisites for a Villa residence. MR LOV kTT has been instructed by Miss Hughes, who iV S is giving up Housekeeping, to SELL BY AUC1 ION, upon the premises at Offa Cottage, near Ruabon, on Men- day, the 13th day of September, 1N80, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other effects, adapted for kitchen, parlour, sitting, and bed rooms. Full particulars will appear in the printed bills, one week prior to the day of sale. Sale at Two o'clock punctually. Offices, Old Swan Inn, Wrexham, August 27th, 1880. H!),!5n WKEXHAM. MOST ELIGIBLE INVESTMENTS. f-1-0 BE SOLD, BY AUCTION, by Mr LOVATT, at the s Wynnstay Arms Hotel, Wrexham, on Friday, the lit October next, at Four o'clock in the afternoon precisely, hi the following or such other lots or order as may be decided by the Vendor at the time of sale :— LOT 1—The range or block of buildings with the court yard ill the centre forming Queen-square," having px. tensive frontages to (Itieen-sti-eet and Lambpit-strcet, in the borough of Wrexham. aut comprising a MESSFAGE SH(!!», in Quoen-strO'-t. wiih a range of Workshops. Wai eii.a'-es, and Stable at ihc- back, lately occupied by Lloyd, plumber, deceased. TWO MESSUAGES r fc' .iizie and Mr ■ McKie. "OFFICES and SHOP fronting (lueen-sti-eet, I formerly the Post Office, afterwards occupied by Mr Wyatt, solicitor, and now by Mr Gamble and a range of 14 ware rooms or workshops, forming the rear of the premises and and G\'erlookmg the new vegetable market, The above premises form the best site for business stands ) or any public building in the thriving town of Wrexham. t L01 2 — An extensive Garden, nearly opposite lot 1, with a frontage of about 170 feet to Rhosddu Road and the new street, tlience to Hope-street, through the Westminster Arcade, formerly occupied by the Rev. George Cunlitfe, and lately by Mrs Lloj. i. This Lot offers one of the best building sites in Wrexham. For further particulars apply at the Offices of Messrs !j L); )S & Sox, ,nlieitors, WiVxham. ir?th Sep. 1880. n2Hlf A LIVING FOR A SKIFLE. j SODA WATER and LEMONADE MACHINE, Recipes, j PIRCHA.-K Hlln: SVSTF.M. Particulars Free j j Sales by Auction. SALE BY MR J. W, BROWN. Important Sale of Valuable Freehold Prop/ rtie.s, situate in the town of MOLD, at NANSMHCH, and at BIIESY CAE, in the parish of Vsceijiog, in the county of Flint. ?.t R J- W. BROWN begs to announce that he has been iTi. instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Black Lion Hotel, in the town of Mold, on Tuesday, the 21st day of September, 18S0, at Two for Three o'clock p.m. prompt, subject to conditions to be then produced, and in the fol- lowing or such other lots, and in order as the agents of the vendors may decide upon at the time of sale the following valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTIES :— IX THE TOWN OF LOT 1.—That compact and desirable RESIDENCE, called "Ffynonfa," pleasantly situate on the Mold and Denbigh Road, close to the Bailey Hill, with the garden, croft, and premises adjoining and belonging thereto, for- merly in the occupation of the late Mrs Bancroft. Immediate possession can be hiv" LOT 2.—A GARDEN situate < <eto Ffvnonfa," ad. joining the Henffonhl-road, leadin nru Milford-stroet to the Mold and Denbigh Road, cont: ining 700 square yards or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Mr John Hnmphreys. LOT J—Another GARDEN adjoining the last lot, con- taining 701 square yards or thereabouts, also in the occupa- tion of Mr John Humphrevs. LOT 4.—A compact MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE and PREMISES, fronting the Mold and Denbigh road, and adjoining Ffynonfa," now in the occupation of Mr John Humphreys, Lor 5,-A desirable MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE and PREMISES, situate hi High-street, opposite Ty-Ucha, now in the occupation of Misi Williams LOT I».—A MESSUAGE and Sit OP, well adapted for business premises, situate in High-street, opposite the Post Office, now in the occupation "f Mr John E. Davies. IN THE VILLAGE OF NAXNERCH. LOT 7.—A desirable RESIDENCE, called '■ Ty'nllan Houe," with the gardens out! lihiings, and premises thereto belonging, together with adjoining COTTAGE and PREMISES, in the respective occupations of Mrs Bradley and Mr Robert Phillips. LOT S'. — A FIELD near the village called Coed gae waen," formerly part of a farm called Bryn Nannerch," containing 4a. 2r. :}(!?.. or thereabouts, now in the occupa- tion of Mr Richard Edwards. XEAU RHESYCAE. LOT 1».—A FARM and LANDS, called "Penybwlch," or "Bwlch," with the Messuage or Dwelling house and recently-erected Farm Buildings, and the Cottages thereto belonging and held therewith, situate near Rhesycae, con- taining by admeasurement 42 acres or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Mr Charles Parry. This is a very eligible lot, and is most pleasantly situated. The Minerals (if any) under Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and part of it do not belong to the Vendors. Any further information may be obtained from J. J. BAN- CROFT, F.sq Glasfryn, Ruthin or from Messrs KELLY and KEEE, solicitors, or the AUCTIONEERS, Mold. aBKjOpf ON FRIDAY NEXT, SEPTEMBER JiTH, 1880. Sixth Annval Sale of Pure-bred Shropshire Down Sheep, at TYDDYN-Y-GWYNT, Mold, Flintshire, close to Rhydymwjn Station, on the Chester and Denbigh Railway. J. W BROWN is again instructed bv Mr T. W. .1, Bowdage, to SELL bv AUCTION, on Friday, ep- tember 17th, lSSO 120 Grand pure-bred Ewes, including about 50 two and four tooths. 15 Shearling Wethers 40 Shearling and aged Rams. 20 Ram Lambs. *0 Wether Lambs. Also the following pure-bred LEICESTERS, the propert' of P. B. Davies Cooke, Esq. :— 30 Capital pure-bred Ewes, 9 Shearling Rams. 10 Grand Ram Lambs. 30 Ewe and Wether Lambs. Catalogues now ready. Lunch at One o'clock, Sale at Two o'clock, I Church-lane, Mold, 1SSM. a211;311 I MOLD, FLINTSHIRE. MR J. W. BROWN will, bv order of the respective 1.1' Mortgagees, offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION (unless previously disposed of by private contract), at the Black Lion Hotd, at Mold, on Tuesday, September 21st, ISSO, at 2.30 for 3.30 o'clock. LOT 1 —All that Freehold COTTAGE and GARDEN, with the premises thereunto belonging, situate at Top-y- rhos, Tryddyn, in the county of Flint, and now in the occupation of Mr Lloyd. The house is almost new and in a very fair state of repair. LOT 2.—The Interest and Estate for Life, of a lady now about 43 years of age, of and in b it MESSUAGE OR DWELLING HOUSE, known "Oak Villa," with the garden, yard and premises, thereunto belonging, situate at Maesydderwen, Mold. The house contains parlour, kitchens, and three good bed-rooms, and is conveniently situate, being within a few minutes walk of the Mold Rail- way Station and I f the centre of the town. LOT 3—A POLICY OF ASSURANCE, on the life of the same lady, effected in the Gresham Life Assurance Society, for subject to the yearly premium of £;3 7s Od. Further particulars may be had oil application to Mr H. G. ROKEUTS, solicitor, Mold; or at the office of the Auctioneer, Church-lane, Mold. b2111nf STOCK SALE AT BROUGHTON HALL STATION li I-I: J. W. BROWN will hold liis next FORTNIGHTLY JjfX SALE of Fat Store Cattie, Sheep, Lambs, Pigs, Calves, itc., on Wednesday, the 22nd day of September, 1880. Early entries to the Auctioneer will oblige. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock prompt. Church Lane, Mold. 2112 -_h_ SALE BY MESSRS ETCHES, XR.VXENLEY, AND ETCHES. THE WHITCHUi.'Ci? (SALOP) II'IIISE SALE. MESSRS ETCHES, NUNNKKLEY, AND E1THES, i.t E will SELL BY AUCTtON. at Whitchurch Salon, on FRIDAY, September 17th, lSO. A lot of Valuable Wagon, Horses, Hacks, Harness Horses, Cobs, Ponies and Colts. Full particulars in catalogues. Sale to commence at Twelve o'clock, Office, St. Mary's-street, Whitchurch, Salop :\nI113- Nant- wich-road, Crewe. 2088 — — —-—-——— — SALE BY MESSRS. TATTERSALL. RUGBY Ia MESSRS. TATTEKSALL win hold sales of HUNTERS. 1 t HACKS and HARNESS HORSES, :tt their RUGBY ESTABLISHMENT, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21sr. TUESDAY", OCTOBER 12TH. Applications for terms and stalls to be made to Messrs. TATTERSATX, Albert Gate, London. 1848 | GEORGE 11 BAYLEY, AUCTIONEER, VALUE I', A- BEGS respectfully to announce to S dicitors, Trades- men, Farmers, and the Public generally of Wrex- ham and the surrounding neighbourhood, that he has commenced business as above and hopes by strict attention and prompt setilements, and moderate terms, to merit a share of their support. Valuations for Probate immediately attended to. Terms 011 application at my office, The Cross, i Terms > Oswestrv. and Caxton Buddings, Wrexham. I'ioOp Legal and Public Notices. WREXHAM WATERWORKS COMPANY. i LOANS UPON MORTGAGE. rglHE DIRECTORS of the Wrexham Waterworks Com- A pany are prepared to receive offers for Loans upon Mortgage for any sum or sums, not exceeding in the whole for 5, 7, or 10 years. Interest at the rate of four per ceut. per annum payable half yearly 1st January and 1st July. Applications to be addressed to the Secretary, Water- works Offices, Wrexham. ) FREDERICK STORR, Secretary. Waterworks Offices, 5, Charles-street, Wrexham. 7th September, 1880. 2057p "T^TOTICE IS HEREBY GIYE;, that the Friendly i ?L? Society, or Overton Club, Re. :tr No. H, held at the AMiite Horse Inn, Overton, in the countv of Flint is Dissolved by Instrument, registered this office, the 8th day of September, l,8sq, unless witliie three months from the dateofthe Gazette in which this.. "vertiseiuent appears, proceedings be commenced by a member or other person interested in or having any claim on the funds of the society to set aside such dissolution, and the same be set aside accordingly. aside acortlingly, E. W. BRABROOK. Acting as Chiet Registrar of Friendly Societies, 2S Abingdon Street, We-:tmiKst«r. the dav of Sep. tember, 1880. 211;2a >- u_ OEXERAL PRINTING ES^ABT.ISHMEN'I". I f:' MARKET SQUARE, V UEXRAM. Every description of COMMERCIAL, GENERAL. AND FANCY PRINTING. PROMPTLY HXEvVTED Publishers (by authori. of Abstract f the Coal Mines Reflation Act, j AND Special Colliery Rules for Noufc Wales. To be had in sheets and Book" in both English and Welsh. JJAYLEY £ JIRADLEY. PPfYpRJETORS. Public and Legal Notices. I "r .r-r' "r,I"" PUBLIC HALL, W R E X H A M. GRAND EVENING CONCERT. (Under distinguished patronage,) ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 1.8 SO. ARTISTES MISS JENNIE A WILLIAMS, U. C. W. MR J A M E S S A U V AGE, Or THE Lmmo C'ONCKJITS. Assisted by the BROUGHTON CHORAL UNION (NUMBERING SO VOICES), Accompanist:—Mr J. T PRITCHARD (Organist of St. Mark's Chnrch), Violinist:—Mr DAN C. OWEN. Mr J. F. EDISBURY will give Selections on the Organine. ADMISSION :—Numbered Reserved Chairs, 3s Family Ticket to admit four, 10s 0d Front Seats, 2s Balcony, Is 6d Back Seats, la. Doors open at 7.30. Concert to commence at 8. Carriages for 10 o'clock. Proceeds in aid of the New Welsh Calvinistic Chapel, GwersyIIt. Plan of the Hall at Mr N. S Scotchei 's Music Ware- house, High-street, where seats may he secured. Tickets, at Mr Francis, Chemist Messrs Hughes & Son, Stationers; Mr Pierce, Watchmaker, Hope-street and Mr Scotcher's, High-street. 2015n A GRAND BAZAAR IX AID OF THE WREXHAM AND GRESFORD WESLEYAN CHAPEL TRUST FUNDS, WILL BE HELD IN THE PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM, Ox FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER STH, 9TH, llTH, 12TH, AND 13TH, 1880. THE above BAZAAR for the Sale of Useful and Fancy Articles WILL BE OPENED at 12 o'clock, Ox FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8TH, BY HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G. PATRONS. PATRONESSES. PATRONS. PATROXESSES. HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR THE MAYORESS OF WREXHAM, W. H. GLADSTONE, ESQ., MRS GLADSTONE. OF WREXHAM. M.P. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF HER GRACE THE DUCHESS OF SIR FRANCIS LYCETT. LADY LYCETT. WESTMINSTER. WESnlISTER. JAMES HOWARD, ESQ., M.P. MRS HOWARD. MAJOR CORNWALLIS WEST, MRS CORNWALLIS WEST. ALEXANDER MCARTHCR, MRS McARTHLR. (Lord Lieut. of Denbigh- ESQ., M.P. j j shire). JOHN ROHERTS, ESQ., M.P. MRS ROBERTS. THE HIGHT HON. LORD LADY RICHARD GRESVENOR. HAMPDEN WHALLEY, ESQ., i RICHARD GROSVENOR, M.P. M.P. HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR THE RIGHT HON. G. 0. MRS OSHOR?E MORGAN. OF OSWE-TRY. MORGAN, M.P. THOMAS BARNES, ESQ., J.P. THE HON. G {EHO, MRSKEXYOX. THOMAS C,J L sQ" .J. P. MRS CHILTON. SIR W. W. WYNN, BART" LADY WDN, EDWARD EVANS, ESQ., J.P. MRS EVANS. M.P. JOSEPH EDGE, ESQ., J.P. SIR R. A. CFNLIFFE, LADY CUNLIITE. ALEXANDER BALFOUR, ESQ. MRS BALFOUR. BART., M.P. ISAAC JENKS, ESQ. MRS JENKS. ALEXANDER BROGDEN, MRS BROGDEN. T. F. C. MAY, ESQ MRS MAY. ESQ., M.P. A. E. WmnLnox, ESQ. MRS WmELno?. DURING the BAZAAR there will be EXHIBITED a number of INTERESTING and SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT S ¡ AND THERE WILL HE I Performed each Evening a first-class selection of Vocal and Instrumental Music, A STRING BAND engaged for the occasion, will Play at the Opening and each Evening. REFRESHMENT STALL and FLOWER STALL will be provided. ADMISSION EACH DAY AT TWELVE O'CLOCK. TICKETS OF ADMISSION FIRST DAY—From 12 o'clock to 3 p.m 2s ti; after a p.m., 18, SECOND DA Yo-From noon until 5 p m 1", after 5 o'clock, lid. Third and Fourth days till. each. SEASON TICKETS including Opening Ceremonies 2s. tjd. Children Half-pric except in the case of tid. Tickets. RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS.—GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY.—Cheap Tickets will be issued at all stations between Birkenhead and Shrewsbury, and between Corwcn and Ruabon, by passengers travelling by either of the following trains, i.e., Up Trains Opening Day, trains arriving at Wrexham at 11.38 a.m. and 3.38 p.m. following days, train alriving: at :t:S p,}ll, Down Trains: Opening Day, trains arriving at 11.10 am and 1.:35 p,m,; following days, train arriving at 1 35 p.m. WREXHAM, MOLD, AND CONNAU'S QUAY RAILWAY.—First, Second, and Third Class Tickets will issued at about a Single Fare The aid of friends is earnestly solicited. Donations of money, materials, or articles for sale will be gratefully received by any of the following ladies, i.e Mrs Bamford, Epworth Lodge Mrs T. C Jones, Leeswood House Mrs J. Gittins, Egerton House Mrs W. Thomas, Ashfield; Mrs C. Hughes, Rhosddu Mrs R. Williams, King street; Mrs Pryce Jones, Grosvenor-road Mrs Hartshorne, Birmingham Mrs Ellis .Tones, Gresford Airs W. Rogers, Rossett; Mrs J. Milling- ton, Gresford Mrs F. Price, Gresford Mrs W. Pierce, Bridge-street Mrs Kenrick, Erddig-terrace Mrs Wm. Jones, Gresford Mrs Jellicoe, Rossett M-s Joseph Rogers, Marford Miss Fisher, Gresford; Mrs C. Davies, Hope-street; Mrs J. Hinson Gresford; Mrs Keene, Gresford; Misses -Tone-, Gresford; Mrs Richards, Hope-street; Mrs W. H. Tilston, Gresford and Mrs Shirley, King-street. The debt on the Wrexham Trust is about The sum re'ic.ire-.I for Gresford, in order to clear off the whole outlay, is between £500 and Private Subscriptions to the amount of .£34iJ have been promised, so that the sum of £ 1,000 is still needed to pny both. M. H.UrFORD, ¡ "1' t .TORN M. BAMFORD. IIU", ers. ALFRED JOH.VSON, | ("lim.»t.ers- ROBERT Wlt.HAMS, Treasurer. ? ) WM. HAWK1N6 TILS'K ?N, ,:rl'c:sor((H .(.it.tfl .1.C»S. T T?' \vv Vrexh1 arn. < 5 un. 'JèClct"nes. ?ttTrtrTT'?- \v? vrexham, < A L E C T R R E I -AMERICA AND THE STRANGER. AND HOW WE STRUCK EACH OTHER," WILL i'i: DKLivi.Rr.r > v THE REV. ARTHUR MuRSELL. :1. L .tl ill L: t.'5 "J J ..i. CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL, CHESTER STREET, CONGIŒG.ATIOXAL CHAPEL, ,HET: STREET, ON FRIDAY, J THE ??T?, IS?f. 0: F RID A Y :E P T E B l!: T If J s Also, a SERMON will be Pleached in the above Place of Worship, by the REV. ARTHLR MURSELL, at Three p.m. the same day.* It is advisable to secure Tickets for the Lecture earl; as the number is limited. 2101b -=- ..==- Business Announcements. GRAPE SALINE. EFFERVESCING GRAPE SALINE ¡ EDISBURYS EFFERVESCING GRAPE SALINE ¡ Has now attained a large Sale and is highly recommended by the faculty. ¡ GRAPE SALINE for Headache and Biliousness. GRAPE SALINE for Sluggish Liver and Sea Sickness. i GRAPE SALINE for Gout and Rheumatism. GRAPE SALINE for Nettlerash and Scurvv. GRAPE SALINE for Disordered Sumach vmO Liver. GRAPE SALINE corrects all excesses in eatinc and drinkir.g. GRAPE SALINE carries uff the evil effects 01 Alcohol. GRAPE SALINE is invaluable as a Summer Drink I GRAPE SALINE a Cooling Aperient for Children. I GRAPE SALINE the remedy for Heartburn. SOLD IN PATENT STOPPERED BOTTLES AT Is. Or. EACH. SPilt packed free to any addless on receipt of ? Stamps. PREPARED ONLY BY J. F. EDISBURY, M.P.S., I THE NORTH WALES PHARMACY AND PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, 3, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. 1742 EXTENSION OF PREMISES. CLEARANCE SALE! CLEARANCE SALE!! I CLEARANCE SALE! I TO COMMENCE SATURDAY, AUGUST 14TH. 1*80. C DAY! K S J. u.oIL J. MILITARY TAILOR, HOSIER, HATTED, AND OLuYER, 58, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. i Begs to announce that he has decided to make some extensive alterations in his Premises, and wishes to inform his Customers, and the Public generally, that he has re-riiarkt (I the whole of his Stock, in order to make a Clearance. The Goods will be marked at such Prices that cannot fail to effect a speedy Sale. As the Sale will not he kept open for more than ten ,Ja: s, he would h. rite an early inspection The stock consists of Goods as below Woollens, Ho'sery, Ties, Scarfs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Silk and Felt Hats, RUKS. Portmanteaus and B.I £ S White :1.1:11 Co:ol"lll Shirts, Flannel and Tweed shirts, Macintosh Coats, Tweed Dust Coats, «Vc. 500 YARDS OF SAXONY AND SCOTCH TWEEDS. 2 4!- per yard, usual price, 4, SEVERAL DOZEN SOILED WHITE SHIRTS. :J¡'!I-, usual price A LARGE ACCUMULATION OF REMNANTS. At one-third the usual In iof. I N.B.—Goods sold at Sale Prices will be toi Cash only. The ab. ve SALE will lie continued until MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 13th Business Announcements. -r- SORTHW ALES PUBLIC SUPPLY STORES, I 14, HIGH STREET, I (OPPOSITE THE NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK.) WREXHAM. Tkese Stores of Supply are based and conducted on the Co-operative principle.—the Smallest Profit- for Cash Payment, with a view to meet the re- quirements of a class of customers who are able and willing to pay ready money for their goods, and reasonably expect to receive full advantages for the same, thereby doing away with the system whereby good customers are made to pay for the bad, NO SUBSCRIPTION, XO LIABILITY. 'I Special attention is called to the following list of PROPRIETARY ARTICLES, PATENT MEDI- CI" E: &c" which can be obtained at the j NORTH WALES SUPPLY STORES. All 2s 9d Boxes Pills, and 2s !id Bottles Patent Medicine, are sold at 2s 3d each. -y'?x'c all Goods here described are ?e orij-inat N'Jtiæ all GOl)d. hac dl'SfTiÙcú fl)'( the 'i:'¿':JinnJ and yenuine i>rodnrtioiis of tite names irfiose ¡ brands they btar. IMPORTANT coun- terfcits are now ray frequently svhttitAited. Usua'.ly Our Setft Casla FOR Price. Allcock's Porous Piasters 3 1) ij 0 Allen's (Mrs) Hair "tJ 4 y Antakos, (Corn remedy) 1 u Atkinson and Barker's Infant's Preserva- tive 1 1: o 11\1- Benzine Collas, for cleaning Gloves, per bottle 0 Beecham's Cough Pills 1 1J Beecham's Patent I I II 1O Black Currant Lozenges, per box 1 ¡ Bragg's Charcoal Biscuit, per J « H Bragg's prepared Charcoal, per buttle 4 I) ;;>, Brandreth's Pills, per i Jj 0 10J ? 'J H Bunter's Nervine. J Bhir's Pills ) i; 0 10] Brompton's Cough Specific 3 1. 0 Brown's Bronchia' Troches 1 1, 0 Jl'i Bond's Marking Ink, original (Daughter). 10 41 Si Calvert's Carbolic Acid 10 » •• „ p' i; (I 4! Calvert's Carbolic Acid, per tin 1 0 «) ') 10 ') '? Camomile Flowers, per 0 (i I) '1' Camphor, p r 2 1 13 Camphor, (F-sence of), per 0 (j 0 41 Castor Oil, per 0 0 0 Cathery'.s Seizing 2 0 1 Clarke's Blood Ii Clarke's Lotion 1 1 J- ij 1(1] Clarke's Miraculous Salve L 0 til] Condy's Fluid for Disinfecting, Green i Condy's Fluid for Disinfeclimi, Crimson, 1 >1 i „ f 0 m Cooper's (Sir Astley) Vital Ji.^toratr.e 2 Cnurt i) 2 0 1] Coutt's Acetic Add, per 1 o i 15 Corn Destro;. er (Jenkins), per bottle 1 I; <) 10J- Chlorodyne (Collis Browne's) 1 lj (j 1, Citrate of Magnesia, per bottle 1 U 0:\ II lib bottle 2 0 ] „ II lishop's, per bottle 10 0 Cleaver's Essence of 1 1 0 1ft l Liquid Terebene 1 0 0 10 Cockle's 1 n 0 10] Cobden's (Juinine and Phosphorus Pilis. 1 lj IJ lO1 Chloride of Lime, ) 0 OK] Croshy's Cotlh Elixir, 1 1 Daffv's Elixir, 2 0 3 V Davis' Pain Killer 0 10] Dill Seed Water, per I) Ii j) 4] Dixon's 1 1] De Jongh's Cod Liver 4 "3 1) „ íi 110 Doughtv's Voice 1 0 0 N] Dredge's Heal All i] 0 10] Dunbar's Alkaram 2 j 2 3 Eade's 1 1A Elliman's i Eno's Fruit Salt 4 I -J Eno's 1> V Digestive -1 U Eno's Vegetable 1 H 0 lnl Epps's Glycerine Jujubes, per box d d i) 4] Eau de Cologne (genuine) fiask o n 2 ¡,¡ 1JiJttle. 2 'i 1 „ 1 t; 0 In THE NEW PRICE LIST FOR THE COMING SICASON IS NOW RICADY. The PRICES have all been ciiefuliy REVISED and in many instances greatly REDUCED. Farinaceous Food Dr, Ridge's, per 0 b 0 1", per till 1 0 0 Dr. Nicholi's per packet 0 Du Barry's Revaicnta per tin 0 1-i Neaves, per tin 10 0 10 Hard's, per packet 1 e 10 Savory and Moore's 1 <1 'J ') Extract of Beef (Liebig's), per pot 0 2 44 A. •? 1 4±V i :i o io* Brand's, per tin M 0 2 g Fenning's Children's Cooling Powder ] 1] I) 101 Whooping Cough 1 IJ 0 10] Adult Cooling I LV >) lo] J-ung 1 I 0 10] Floriline 2 7 2 2 Frampton's I 1/ 0 10] Friar's Balsams, per bottle i! !J 0 G* Gadd's Gout Pills, per box 0 WI George's Pills J P 0 10] Glycerine, Price's best, per It 0 0 4] Goodall's Quinine Wine, per bottle 2 2 2 „ 5-1 JO Gregory's Powders, per I i] 0 10] Gum for sticking purposes, per bottle 0 (i 0 4] Hand's Blood 1 ti ] 3 Hatueld's Tincture, I ? 0 W] Holloway's Pills, per bo\ 13 0 ti? Ointment, per 1 31 I) I Hay man's Balsam Hoiolioiiiid, per bottle 1 F 0 i( ] Henry's 2 Hunt's Aperient 1 J: '1 ill] Infant's Feeding Bottles, Sandringham, the cheapest and best p. r ] is 0 :11 Maw's Alexandra, per 1 0 0 ') Ipecacuanha Wine, per bottle 4] Joy's Cigarettes 2 i; 2 b" Jones' Blood Medicine i; 0 2 0 Kay's Coaguline, per II tj I) 4] Kaves Worsdell's Pills, per box 1 H ') 10] KaY's Es.senceof Lin-e.d. I 1 j 'itf;? Keating's Insect Powd.i. I ') 0 i? Cough Lox?n;t"s, per b'?x. 1 J? 0 1"? King's Dandelion Pills, per box 1] 0 IM Lambert's Balsam. 1 !? -t'-I Lamplough's Pyretic Sa?nc, per b"ttlc 4 3 3 H -? e o — — >> Lime Juice Syrup, per bottle. 2 o J Peruvian Bark 2 Leach's Golden rilL; for Diarrho a and Cholera, per 1 j II Locock's Wafers, per box J 1] 0 iii] „ Lotion ] 1' II JI: Lowe's Pills, per 41 Lockyer's Hair Restorer 1 ti McDougall's Dredge for Disinfecting, per tin ] 0 0 jf) Mexican Hair 2 t) Morson's Pepsine Globules per bottle 15 d „ Wine „ :} 0 2 j Powders 4 I) 15 (j Morison's Pills, per 1 0', 0 If] Norton's Camomile Pills, per 1 I; ;(11 Oldridge's Balm of Columbia 2 10* Osborne's Golden Drops for Deafness, per box 1 I J t; len Oxley's Essence of Ginger, per bott'.e 2 Parr's Pills, per 1 l1 iJ 1°1 Page Woodcock's Wind Pills, per box 1 ]" 0 1O Pan ish's Food 2 0~ 1 u Pott's Corn Plaster, 1 11 II Ii)! Powell's Balsam of Aniseed, iier bottle 2:( 1 1!) 1 U 0 J. J Embrocation, 1 t1 lO! 1 1 0 10] Robert,, s' Ointment (Poor Man's Friend), per hot i u <) lis. Roche's Embrocation, per bottle -1 0" i <f Rooke's (Dr.) Pills, per box 1 1', o 10] Rook's Solar 1 ti- 1 > Rigollott's Mustard Leaves, per packet, 0 ti 0 Roper's Royal Bath Rowland's Odonto 2 fl" 2 fi" Rowland's Macassar Oil 10 } tj o 10 Rowland's Solar 4 r; Richards' 4 ij Rubini's Essence of Camphor, per bottle 1 0 8] d s 0 r¡- Sanitas, It; ] II II 10 0 0 Savory A: Moore's Datura Tatula, per box 2 ti 2 0 „ Cigarettes II 2 Scott's (Dr.) Pills, per I it i) ]il] Seigle's (Mrs) Syrup 2 tf 2 2" Seigle's (Mrs) ] I /) ]n Spirits of Xitre, per hntt1e 1 ll" o 3" Stanton's Cough Pills, per box 1 11 C) 11'1 Turner's 2 I 2 C; Purchasers can obtain the advantages of Cn. operative Stores without the expense of taking shares or buying an annual ticket. Copies of Price List can be had free on application at the Stores or per post. Steedman's Soothing Powders for Chil- dren cutting teeth, per packet 1 11 0 10] Steedman's Tonic Drops 1 U 0 1I Stevenson's Pills per 1 1-i Steednian's Hooping Cough Powder 1 1] 0 10] Stone's Complexion Pills, per box 1 1] t) jr.] Cough Lozenges, 1 1 t) 11'1 i, Compound Rhubarb Pills, per box 11', 0 10] Sweeting's Toothache Elixir 1 Jj 0 10] Pancreatic Emulsion p.)r 1)¡Jttle 2 II 1 Seidlit/. Powders, supeiior, per 1 ft t) i) Tamar Indien 2 0 2 I) Thompson's Burdock 1 V () 1 0 Townseml's (Old Dr. Jacob) Sarsaparilla. 4 ti- II 2 1, 20 „ PiUs, per box 1 1;. ? jci ':rs hlù1Î.c Essence of Ginger, per bottle t 1? 0]()' Vickers' Antilatic I L 0 jJvJ Widow Welch's PiUs, per box. 2 !I. 2 I"* WinsUiw's Soothing Syrup perbottle 1 ? n -j? '1.Th ] t 1"11 t ,t e p OIlS PiIIs. pei' box. ? ]? 01)? »» -» 0 7' 0  Whitehead's Essence of .Mustard o <j- o ,• William's Worm Lozenges | j i Wood's Cough Linctus, per bottle. l i f n irii Wright's Coal-tar Pills [ if J t.)ï » ?ap n g- Zaetlone 5s Oil per doz. Any description of Patent Medicines &c, not hero enumerated, can be supplied at Wholesale Prices. DELIVERY OF GOODS.—AH orders delivered texhain ?'Shbou?oo?? delivered (v- a.nnso or by Carriers. wn ORDERS of 5 and upwards will be delivered FREE to any railway station within inO miles of Wrexham. ¡C K 0 C. K. BENSON & CO. PROPRIETORS. 2u: e