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Sales by Auction ,?F.?' ,,?,.?AUGHAND?ONE? • • \BU, ^PH"OI.D PROPERTY AT BANGOR !> » VsK, «A>t<"os SACOED, FLINTSHIRE. t-ctioN, byMeaarsBAUGHA?D 'f sc)LD ];* f.Hote), Hope-street, Wrexham, 11¡11Ir, at thl" r. t",th ISSO, at Three o'clock in the 1 ?-<r .tt ,-nHotf), Hope-street. Wrexham, f„^vin" or such other lots as shall be  "?" ?t)? ti? Jf sale, and subject to conditions   ?!' ??'R ? TENEMENT with the p"Mluce,1^' <^r or TENEMENT with the I w1!; vll ?'"?"'orchard M.I the four several fields, ?"' wiTt en, tl h I l,,r-i,|inP2WS Cf w' ml (containing in the whole nine acres ,It: llr p:lTll'l> re )r Ifss) with the appurtenances there- 'nnoniy called or known by the name t."Illlllolll ?, called or known by the narne ^^on?in^rs|wate at B?gor Bank in the parish of I- g ti;ttet Flint, now m the .ccupatronof f,?a, bill the '?Ouiity )f Flint, ?,-M L?"i ¡;"Pj,;hn —All'' i t MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, M^r'' hn l,e,vis°r/.p,vhouse Garden and Appurtenances -„,T situate adjoining lot one, and now in ?' he l'el,,nf Mrs Richards as tenant one, and now in ? '0 (1 1. t'i"Vvup»ti°n ?' ? Richards as tenant thereof. The ?r?' sit upon an eminence, commanding t"he proptrt. '\11.1 ?tens ve views, is within half-a-mil. far ':U1 1ri' ver Dee, five miles from Wrexham, one PIL jallet r l '???'?'???Ue..uere,andninefromWhitchurch, :??.?"? ?''npike road Wi»S from Bangor to j'"io,; t e "j J' J 1 'If(.re.,wl, Ü. d  money «"•B re luue ,remam upon F',rof t?? ? eclirl tN. of the pri?pertv. plan of the ?r IURTH'>R I1^')!' t^ulTrsfind an inspection of a plan of the I rjj.pl>' t'JOHN AI-LINGTON HUGHES, and Messrs ,\n ;l,'1,R K • ?'"citors. Wrexham; or the Auctioneers I' tNi) bi bl" Tf»;pltf Vh;1,"l,,e-wrpxhani. <'Uoz Chillll VIS,Me nil sin P.^ P'-fM?? situate in ?/?- ,11, ri, it.street, and Villa Residences and Bvild- v ¡II!' I  the tr" ??'???- ?' I i^V.V Y?? BOROUGH OF WREXHAM. III 1 ?' HE tp ?y AUCTION, by Messrs BAUGH and rr;) p. :F- at the Wvnnstay Arms Hotel, Wrexham, on -?h ,hy i.f September, 1880, at Two for Three f",Üy,.chlJ¡ af?n.?n. subject to conditions r.?' l.t 1 ill those TWO SHOPS, with the Dwelling- V,r I -k ) );.? and appurtenance" thereto belonging, r"' M?r the %Vynnstay Arms Hotel, in High- y V'kn ti'iv- near the Wynnstay Arms Hotel, in High- jitfft.1 wnof Wnxham aforesaid, and now in the .trft, 1!1.c f ?.r William Kendrick, confectioner, and cupatl,.n:Ill T, :Jones, provision dealers; a!a" the SHOP, ?j? ?..?) )'<U-HOUSES, and Premises adjoining III" J ,'tll'lle in Chester-street, opposite the Feathers 1?" t' t. t' jj!<tel. '"j H in the rfspecUve occupa t ions of Mr ÎI,'tl, ;11;: ti S hairdresser, Mrs Roberts, and Mr Sweeny, f,i.nltkr,t 'for business purposes there is no property iB the town » Nyrt,xh .m more advantageously situated than ,,rU-   ?front:?e to High-street of 25ft 6in, in tho II> hich has a frontle to High-street of 25ft 6in, hi, l't. Street of 7:?t Sin. .n' ll olietwo semi-detached VILLA RESID- "T T!th i?" nnwer and kitchen gardens, detached urih •in'1 .Dpi!rteiiances thereunto belonging, situate and .j 4, (, rove road ?Yrexham,and now in the B<S ?" Bennion Acton and Mr J. H. Rawlins. ?"u)?' \f ?)r T Bennion Acton and Mr J. H. Raw!ins. IV nivive "i'oJ cellars on the basement, good entrance f ,II I dining rooms, capital kitchens, back  r:i J tiu-henf. UI„f',jW1 t'and good bedrooms, w.c., Ac. ?" '?? that ??. desirable piece of BUILDING LM ,)' t f (' I 1, • n tii 'tf 't fronting Grove-road, adjoining Lot 2, n't' niii" "ii the whole in surface area 2,218 superficial diO J 1 t ".n)-.?t)ter?tb..uts. r I t. 1 b 1 flrr informatio<V n and particulars may be obtained ¡t.r "B" I..t t '? ?< r?'? A ":l\. Solicitors, or at the offices ;T ni A Ju?KS, Temple Chambers, Wrexham. blt)42p ■ • F,ehofd Property in the Town and [Smongh of WrexhaiH. T. BY AUCTION hy Messrs. BAUGH and T )()\t'S. ,t the Feathers Hotel, Wream, early in li:r,)„th tkwher, 1"'O, subject to conditions :— ) -) tli. se two SHOPS and DWELLING-HOUSE, ?) \"?) Warehouses and Premises thereto belong- *'?'? in Ili- ?ti-eet in the town of Wrexham, being '? ii'<l n •«' in the occupation of Mr Y. Strachan, 7, and Mrs Uice Jones milliner. ■ 1 'AII [jmt Old KstaMished INN called the )/H"t?). ? ith the two Vaults, large yard, Stabling, ''?") H. use ?h?')s aud other Out-offices thereto helon¡mg, nd i?'i')? at the corner of Chester-street and '?'\rt-tt iu lie said town of Wrexham, and now in ,?tf" ?' ?!r f.?.rge Manley. Also the two MES- i?r).<in.)?Hf'a?ioining the above premises, being :kIill ',)iester-street, aforesaid, with the yards t' m iiiieiKim es. used as one tenement, and now in the "'p• i.ii" i of 'Mr.lohn .'on?s con manufacturer. i ,T U' that MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE <!)!')' w''h ? Yard, Workshops, Stores, Stables, and )),' th.- "?) bfin? No. i)3 in Chester-street, aforesaid, ?.n;' t.?! ? and now ill the occupation of Mr Edward L,-T that YARD, with Stable and other tliereon, forming an excellent Building Mtmte and fronting Chester-street, afore- r"H liiiiiiiiiii- "the property of Mr Alfred Owen, iron- ''n.?-/ Ht.) '?? the occupation of Mr Snape. ). Pi.c..f BUILDING LAND situate adjoining m ) ?ht f "ting Chester-street, being part of the Old t'nLH.u't'ardf)). ^■r^-ul thosfThr?e MESSUAGES or DWELLING- ifot?F? '?r?ci). vards, and out offices, being Nos. 48, luml 'ii Chester-Street aforesaid, and adjoining Lot 5, ?) n?w in the occupation of Messrs Barnett, Sunderland, iU-i Cnueron. InT ;AII that YAHD, with sheds and other appur- standing thereon, situate in Chester-street afore- -titi ;iiljoiuinS Lot Ii, and now in the occupation of Mr ¡tll'nix 1. IT 14.-All tiitt or DWELLING-HOUSE. with the vard and appurtenances, situate at the corner of Chester-street and Holt-street, and now in the occupation „i Nir:tllove two Dwellmg-houses and v.r.is and appurtenances adjoining Lot 6, being Nos. 46 ån,1 47, anil now in the occupation of Mrs Young, Mr Ph.enix, and Mr ,1. Davies. Lor 4-\11 that well-known INN called the "Seven with the large varil and stabling situate at the ■orner of Cluster-street and Lamhpit-street, in the said t„un "I Wrexham, now in the occupation of Mr James Marshall, together with all those two MESSUAGES or h»i'lliim-h(>uses. with the yards and appurtenances be- Nos. 11.1 and 20, Chester-strewt aforesaid, and Dnw ocnniied hv Messrs J. Jones and George Evans and also those Seven DWELLING-HOUSES with the vanls anil appurtenances adjoining the Seven Stars aforesaid, situate and being Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 1\ ant I )! fronting Lambpit-street, Wrexham, aforesaid.. and now in the respective occupations of Messrs Edward s^law-ion, Charles Jones, J. Youd, John Ollerhead, John I.Ii-vtl, itnil twoj iintetiante(l. LOT in.-All those Two MESSUAGES or DWELLIG- Hitl'SES, with the yards and appurtenances thereto be- i"iiuitm, adjoining Lot s, being Xos. 21 and 22 in Chester- -rii•' aforesaid, and now in the occupation of Messrs ih. mas Cross and Edward Williams. I.-IT II.-All that piece of LAND, with the stable and i»[iurtinaiices standing thereon, situate in the Beast M arket, in the said town of Wrexham, adjoining the resi- i-nce of IIr. DÎekpnsnn, and now in his occupation. LOT 1^, A 14.-Three Pieces of Eligible BUILDING I.ANIi, situate in Mauley-road, near the Smithlield, in the ",I town of Wrexham. lull particulars will appear in future advertisements, and i:w of the sereral properties are in course of preparation, in tht meantime further infonnation may be obtained from U v-r. ACTON AMI BURY, solicitors, Wrexham or at the "rtii-es iif the Auctioneers, Wrexham. a2020b ULUAJ5LK I KKKIIOU) PUOPHUTV AT WKSLEV Ii STISEET, POXKEY, NEAR WKEXHAM. rr(w BE OLD BY AUCTION, by Messrs BA rÜH An .1 I)N kS, at the Horse and Jockey Inn, Ponkey, on M'.nilay, the mh day of September. 1NS0, at Four o'clock in tht* afternoon (subject to conditions to he then produced) initios,. Three recently erected and substantially-built the yards, out- 'ililipi:s, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate it WVsley-street, Ponkey, in the parish of Rllfibon, in the iinf\ of I)t-iii,igii, ant ii(.w i)r late in the occupation of •!r Watkin Jones, .\li.ss Roberts, and Miss Hannah "'V'.l'iialus. tin- property is excellently situated, and being quite new itnl well Umslii'ii with every convenience will alwitys com- ur.tinl ^doti tenants. The minerals are reserved. l" view tht: premise.* apply to Mr WATKIN JONES, Wesley-street, Ponkey. ;it tilt- s:iiiie place and immediately after the sale of tlie above-mentioned property (subject to conditions to he then pioiliiceil), all th"se Two 'Freehold Messuages or it I k the appurtenances, situate at Open Cast, I'.iikuy, at iiei.tiil, and'now in the occupation of Thomas ""fn?nd.?u?t))?!. The property is in -o,»l condition, and is well tenanted. I'lrti-ulus Iti iN. obtained upon application to Messrs A, 111\ AMI HI KV, solicitors, Wrexham, or the Auctioneers Temple-chambers, Wrexham. 2001b BY OUDKIi OF THI,, MORTGAGEE. I To in. I)I.JI BY AUCTION* by Messrs. BAUGH and at th,! near Wrex- i'i'is. the I:Itll day of at 5 p.m., piinctiiiillv subject to conditions to be then All those tw,, .MESSUAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES ^"H-iinieiis t1 ereto beloaging. situate at Tanyvron, near Mull ( olliery. the parish of Wrexham, in the county of ,oli- :ite in tlit-, respective occupations of Ediininil Jones, which said Gardens "H the site «.F th.- said .Messuages contain by admeasure- si,ii; yards ,,y thereabouts. f ,r'urtlie' p ,rticu! u s apply to Mr J. Allington Hughes, or to the Auctioneers, Temple How, :1.1-: BY MR G. F. BYFORD. TOWN OF RUTHIN. ) ').? /?<-?nM ?V<'M!<a?f or /)M-e?toy-ZfoM?, 11,'p¡" .?;<)). Warehouse. y?rd, <?<T?eM.Oj<?- >n-h f, ?,,v,?,.?,?. ?crt?;H?o ?!o/t?t'H?, Containing ?'ft. i/.htla ,? ??.?&?i;. \I'- ( J H<i|((if; F. nYFhD M instructed by order of ?'"t?'?M.toSeliby Auction, at the CASTLE HIITPI 'J THIX- nu FRIDAY, the 10th day of SEP- ?). ?'' at four o'clock in the afternoon, subject to PI:n;; I" t.? he then produced, all that FREEHOLD PliKM iS ';Ite in Market-street, in the town of ?lH) n" y ?"' "?"t?tion of Mr Thomas Hugh Jones, l a.ii "i 'azi''r. Th premises have been recently constructed and '•diem Vi cost. The dwelling-house contains an ex- ?)(-M 'n "?'' parlor, kitchen and scnDer'v on ground aoor. {„„ „ '?"s ??th room and w.c. on first floor, four ??).M'? on ?'? Hoor, and hot and cold water throudl- "at th,. The property has a fronti?e to Market- ?r.t n?"?'f '?'*t, ?nd contains a superficial area of ?52 i»Hre vlr. ?"'ti'-nMv adapted for the business of a )'?,' H ?' fitted up and is admirably situated for ui i ne purp 'es. p  flirt! Particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Castle- street p le partH'nlars apply to the Auctioneer, Castle- '?f.t. to Messra. LLOVD AD ROBERTS, .?i.. '?,\ lIthin. 2010p SALE BY MESSRS DEW & SON. FKIN.MCYDLIUIDION, DENBIGHSHIRE. FREEHOLD FARM AND LANDS. ')'" ——— "V ArcTt?X. in one Jot, by MESSRS { ?., ? ??"X.:)tthe Lion Hotel,ferriKydruidion, i ')') V ?- ?'?'' '?y of September, 18S0, at Two for "?.' | 'V K ?'f afternoon, subject to conditions of s'?e ,<, n pro-luceil. all that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT 1 AI:M,1 LANDS, known by the name of "OUDD," OTHERWISE GROUN," t* ""iS-itilllr "???"" house and outhouses, situate in the <?'?y'?"dion. in the County of Denbigh, with '?t s! ?'' "? ?"?? arahle and pasture land, and now in f;'c mi iin of Mr Edward Jones together with the 'hreu s' "??'?es. Cottages, and Gardens thereto li"inin.. t e occupation of Evan Davies and others. ?"' ?h.? ? propt'!ty ig pleasantly situated, commanding '?'ti!n) "?t'n scenery, withitt half-a-mile of the '? i.f ,'n-;v,l,ui'l'<"i ?"'? the contemplated railway ?'tf), of Corwen an{l ''if' s of n t'm ."?" ?'* ?'?'n eight miles of Corwen and j?. i?b. '??r ?A" in,- the heaviest crops in the district. 'e lowJ.' ■' of the property is capable of great improve- '? 'h?' property ia capable of great improve- u,lIna<>e. .-i l  i ,j <I1Ut 'n the neighbourhood. ,f'llr:eri,wR'"1: ?' b9 obtained from the ALC- '?Rs VN|VFI.5,1'1 House Banker: ind Mr R. HUMPHREYS T)enbi?h. ??.s Sales Dy Auction. SALES BY MESSRS JONES & SON. J. 'r" WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH, 1880. iVTESSRS JONES AND SON, will hold their iV?. next SALE OF STOCK in the above Smithfield, on Thursday, September IGtb, 1880. STOCK ALREADY ENTERED. A lot of Prime Fat Beasts Several Dairy Cows, Fresh Barrens, In calf heifers, short horned bulls A nice lut of Sheep, Lambs, Calves, and Pigs Sale at Ten o'clock. SETTLEMENTS AT CLOSE OF SALE. Offices 4, Arcade, High-srreet, Wrexham. 907b Sale of Household Furniture and effects at ROSE COTTAGE, FARNDON, Cheshire. MESSRS JONES AND SON ?ave been fav.ired with l?J. instructions from J. W. A. Cooper, Esq., who is leaving the neighbourhood TO SELL BY AUCTION, on Tuesday, September ith, 1880, on the above premises, the whole of his modern Household FUKNITU f; E, the greater part of which is nearly new, comprising —Mahogany clieffonier, loo table and cover, six crown-back chairs in leather with covers, ];>d)"s chair, mahogany couc'i in leather with cover, pier glass in polished oak frame, ditto in rosewood frame, paraffin lamps, pair of glass candlesticks, paper rack, pair of cut wine decanters, tumbler and other glasses, skin and other hearthrugs, tapestry and Kidderminster carpets, druggetting, cornice poles and rings, steel mounted, brass and other fenders, fire irons, skin and other door mats Windsor, rocking and cane seated chairs, white top dresser, two-leaf and other tables, painted maple washstands, dress- ing tables, towel rails, and chest of drawers, toilet services, toilet glasses, brass mounted and iron bedsteads, mattresses, flock beds, wicker chair and cover, child's hath, toilet can, mght commode, wall glass, bed pan, pictures, books, walnut inkstand, carpet and other brooms, tea trays, clothes maid, blue and white dinner service, sundry crockery, flat irons, brass skellett Gyro pigeon, two kettles, saucepans, two pairof skates, book of fishing flys, fishing rod and reel, bait can, two pair of dumb bells, boot tree, quantity of carpenter's tools, filter, washing-up pan, water-cans, egg beater, brown ware, glue pot, Dutch oven, frying pans, dust pans, jugs, benches, chopping block coal boxes, housemaid and other brushes, slop cans, knife board, bread pan, window blinds throughout house, garden tools, flower pots, hyacinth glasses, rain tubs, dog kennel, and other effects. Sale at ONE o'clock. The House to Let with immediate possession. 1986f PRELIMINARY. Sale of Dairy Com, Heifers, Bulls, In-pig Sows, D-razigh and Hack Horses and Corts, Two Stacks of Hay, Straw, Implements of Husbandry, Dairy Vessela, at OAKELEY HOUSE, SONTLEY ROAD. 2!, miles from Wrexham. MESSRS..TONES AND SONS have been favored with M instructions from Mr Richard Jones, who is chang- ing his residence to SELL BY AUCTION on Tuesday, the 21st day of September, 1SS", on the above premises, the whole of his LIVE AND DEAD FARMING STOCK, Farm Producer Dairy Vessels, &c., comprising one young milch cow, one very fresh barren, four yearling heifers, one ditto bull, powerful draught m ire, four years old, ditto five years old, both capital workers, active hack mare, steady in harness and saddle, stylish grey cob, four years 14 hands, steady to ride and drive, useful grey mare, eight years 15 hands, steady to ride and drive, powerful bay cart colt, three years old, very promising cart colt, two very useful half-bred colts, two in-pig sows, a number of fowls and ducks, &c. IMPLEMENTS AND DAIRY VESSELS, &c.—Capital narrow wheel cart with harvest gearing, chain harrows, iron wheel cart with harvest ?, plough, turnip scuffle, turnip slicer, ditto pulper, quantity of iron hurdles, iron and other pig troughs, heel and hay rakes, pikels, ropes, sieves, riddles, shovels, picks, thrill, chain and plough gears, bee bench, mash tub, double action churn, and numerous other effects. FARM PRODUCE.—Stack of excellent hay, ditto of well- harvested clover hay, straw, &c to go off. Sale at twelve for one o'clock. 2020d Sale of the off-going Tenant's share of growing Wheat on the VRON AND MYNYDD BYCHAN FARMS, Llanfynydd. I MESSRS. JONES AND SON have been instructed by Mr Robert Mitchell to SELL BY AUCTION on Friday, the 10th day of September, 1880, at the Cross Keys Inn, Llanfynydd, the following off-going tenant's shares of excellent growing WHEAT on the above farms. The straw to go off. Subjects to conditions, viz A. E. P. LOT 1.—Field below Lime Kiln, one half-share of about 6 2 0 „ 2.—Harkray Mvnvdd Bychan, one half-Fhare of about 5 0 0 Sale at five o'clock. 2025d THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 16TH, lSSO. I WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. ANNUAL SALE OF STOCK EWES AND RAMS. MESSRS JONES & SOX beg to remind their support- l: ers that thev intend holding their SALE of STOCK EWES and LAMBS, on Thursday (Fair DIY), Wth of Sep- tember, lfSNO, when the following Stock will be offered 2 Three-shear and 5 One-shear Border Leicester Rams, the prop.-rty of A. Balfour, Esq., Mount Alyn. Shropshire Down and Lincoln Rams, belonging to T. Heakbane, Esq., Llay Place. 12 Shropshire Down Ewe Lambs and 6 ditto Ram Lambs, the property of Mr J. Edward-, Cartha- gena Farm. 40 Grand Clun Ewes, belonging to Mr Hugh Hughes, Acton. 20 Shropshire Down Yearling Ewes, the property of Mr R. J. Roberts, Borras Lodge. 10 Lincoln Shearling Raifis, belonging to Mr J. B. Bowman Sandvcroft Farm, Chester. 3 Border Leicester "Shearling Rams and 2 ditto Ram lambs, the property of Mr J. Mdligan, Borras. 4 Shropshire Down Ram Lambs, belonging to Mr E l. Roberts, Llandegla. 6 Shropshire Down Ram Lambs, the property of Mr C. Burroughs, Sontley. Further Entries respectfully solicited. Offices 4, Arcade, Wrexham. nl950b MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH, 1HS0. FARNDON AUCTION MART. MESSRS JONES & SON, beg to announce that .iv i they will hold their next SALE of Fat and Store CATTLE, CALVES, SHEEP, and PIGS, at the Nag's Head Hotel, Farndon, on Monday, the Uithday of Sept., 1S80, when the following stock will be offered:- Prime Fat Bullocks, Heifers, and Bulls Useful in-calf Cows Fat Shropshire Down and other Sheep Fat Calves Fat and Store Pigs and other Stock that may be entered up t) day of Sale. Further entries respectfully solicited. Sale Ht Two o'clock prompt. Settlements at close of Sale. Offices: 4, Arcade, H gh-street, Wrexham. 204:1 SALE BY MESSRS. TATTERSALL. 0/ RUGBY. M TESSRS. TATTERSALL will hold Sales of HUNTERS,j I>L HACKS and HARNESS HORSES, at their RUGBY E STABLLSHMENT, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21sT. I TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12TH. Applications for terms and stalls to be made to Messrs. TATTEUSALL, Albert Gate, London. 1848 I SALE BY MESSRS D. ROBERTS & SON. CARNARVONSHIRE, PARISH OF NEVIN. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, by MESSRS DAVID ROBERTS & SON, at the Market Hall, in the town of Nevin, on Thursday, the 16th day of Septem- ber, 18S0, at One o'clock in the afternoon, subject to the conditions to be then produced, the following Freehold Prnpprty LOT I. All that MESSUAGE OR DWELLING- HOUSE, Outbuildings, Garden, and Piece or Parcel of Land formerly part of a Tenement called Hen-dy Thomas Mark," and numbered 178 on the Parish Map, close to the beautiful Bay of Nevin. about half a mile from the Town, and containing 8 roods and 17 perches, or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Mary Griffiths. LOT 2.—All that PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, at Tyn-y-lon, formerly called Ty Thomas Robert Isaac," and numbered 137 on the Parish Map, and distant about three quarters of a mile from the Town of Nevin, with a frontage of 20 yards to the High road from Nevin to Edeyrn, and containing 3 roods and 36 perches, or thereabouts, now in the occupation of John Evans, Carrier. LOT 3.—All that MESSUAGE OR DWELLING-HOUSE, Garden, and Pieces or Parcels of Land, formerly caUed Tv William Owen," but now known as "Tyddyn Mawr," numbered 31S on the Parish Map, situate in the centre of Morfa Nevin Village, and near the church, with frontages to the Pwllheli, Portynlleyn, and Edeyrn Roads, contain- ing 1 acre 3 roods and 8 perches, or thereabouts, and now in occupation of Richard Williams; also all that Piece or Parcel of Land, lying between the roads leading to Nevin and Pwllheli from Edeyrn, and occupied as a Yard, by William Jones, Joiner and Builder LOT 4 —All those FOUR FIELDS, PIECES, OR PARCELS OF LAND (formerly 3), and numbered respec- tively on the Parish Map 181, 182, and 183, now in the occupation of Robert Hughes, carrier, and Mary Griffiths, and containing 2 acres 3 roods and 27 perches, or there- abouts. This lot is situated on elevated ground above Nevin Bay, extends to high water mark on Galltymor, commanding most beautiful views, and admirably adapted for building 31 LOT 5.-All those TWO QUILLETS, OR PARCELS OF LAND at Cae Hhyg. numbered respectively on the Parish 230 and (541, adjoining the Nevin School Board Property, and the Nevin and Morfa roads, containing 1 acre and 35 perches, or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Hugh Griffiths amI Williams Brothers. LOT tj-All that Allotment of Common on Mynydd Nevin, numbered on parish map 079, and situate near Ty Foulkes," containing 1 acre and 2 roods, or thereabouts. Also that PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in Well- street, Nevin, numbered on parish map 724, now built upon by Captain William Edwards and Mrs Mary Price. The above properties are surrounded by lands belonging to the Right Honorable Lord Newborough, Mr H. Williams, Garth-road, Upper Bangor; Mrs Evans, Tynllys Captain Hugh Jones, Tanypark Penypark property Captain John Roberts, Groes, Nerin: Love Jones Parry, Esq., Madryn; Lloyd Edwards, Esq., Nanhoran: and the Tir Dcrwen pro- pertr. ?Ahnost all the Lots are most admirably situated for building purposes. For further particulars apply to Mr W. O. EVANS, Accountant, Palace-street, Nevin Messrs BREESE IT Co., Solicitors, Pwllheli: the AUCTIONEERS, Temple Buildings, Corwen or to Mr Li.. ADAMS, Solicitor, Ruthin. n2017z Sales by Auction. SALES BY MR. LLOYD. -_J-rf' r-r- r r- r WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. FAIR DAY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1880. MR LLOYD'S next AUCTION will take place on w?ill Thursday, September ICth, 1880, the present entries will include:— A prime lot of Fat Heifers, Bullocks, and Bulls. Several magnificent Dairy Cows and Heifers, Calved and to Calve (this Auction is noticed to be one of the lead- ing sales for first class Dairy Cows during this time of year). A lot of choice Barrens, Stirks, and Stock Bulls. A magnificent selection of Fat and Rearing Calves, Heifers and Bulls from the leading Stocks in the neighbour- hood of Cheshire. A prime lot of Shropshire and Welsh Wethers, also Store Sheep. A number of Pork and Bacon Pigs, In-paf Sows, and Store Pigs. Sale at 10 30 prompt. HORSE SALE, First FAIR in the Month, at two o'clock. All Entries taken up to morning of Sale. Offices, Plassey. Wrexham. 209 ) PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. TENTH ANNUAL RAM AND STORE SHEEP SALE. WKEXHAM SMITHFIELD. THURSDA Y, SEPTEMBER 16TH, l: ?,? R LLOYD has the pleasure of announcing he will ?TJ? hold hM Tenth Annual Sale of Rams and Store Ewes on Thursday, September 16th, when he will offer for sale the following stock of Ewes and Rams The property of Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P., Wynnstay. 15 Shropshire shearling and older Rams. 40 Superb stock Ewes. Mr R. T. Parry, Borras Hall. 4 Shropshire Ram Lambs. 1 Two shear Ram. 20 Stock Ewes. Mrs Johnson, Esless. 40 Grand Stock Ewes. Also drafts from the flocks of the following well-known breeders:-Capt. Ormrod. Penyllan Hy. Dennis, Esq., New Hall; John Reed, Esq., Northop Hall; Miss Acton, Rhydbroughton Messrs. T. Roberts, Berse J. Edwards, I Gresford R. Harrison, Plascoch, and others. Full particulars next week. 1996a SALE BY MR LOVATT. OFFA COTTAGE, NEAR RUABON. Unreserved Sale of Useful Household Furniture, and small Library, together with the usual requisites for a Villa residence. M R LOVATT has been instructed by Miss Hughes, who iT.i is giving up Housekeeping, to SELL BY AUCTION, upon the premises at Offa Cottage, near Ruabon, on Mon- day, the 13th day of September, lSSO, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other effects, adapted for kitchen, parlour, sitting, and bed rooms. Full particulars will appear in the printed bills, one week prior to the day of sale. Sale at Two o'clock punctually. Offices, Old Swan Inn, Wrexham, August 27th, 1880. 1995n SALE BY MR J. W. BROWN. ..r'f" ¡'r- 'r-r' Important Sale of Valuable Freehold Properties, situate in the town of JfOLD, at NANNERCH, and at RHESY CA E, iu the parish of Tsceifiog, in the county of Flint. j\/J R J. W. BROWN begs to announce that he has been in instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Black Lion Hotel, in the town of Mold, on Tuesday, the 21st day of September, 18S0. at Two for Three o'clock p.m. prompt, I subject to 6onditions to be then produced, and in the fol- lowing or such other Jots, and in such order as the agents of the vendors may decide upon at the time of. sale, the following valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTIES IN THE TOWN OF iNIOLD.1 LOT I.-That compact and desirable RESIDENCE, called "Ffynonfa," pleasantly situate on the Mold and Denbigh Road, close to the Bailey Hill, with the garden, croft, and premises adjoining and belonging thereto, for- merly in the occupation of the late Mrs Bancroft. Immediate possession can be had. LOT 2.—A GARDEN situate close to Ffynonfa," ad- joining the Henffordd-road, leading from Miliord-street to the Mold and Denbigh Road, containing 700. square yards or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Mr John Humphreys. LOT 3.-Another GARDEN adjoining the, last lot, con- taining 701 square yards or thereabouts, also in the occupa- tion of Mr John Humphreys. LOT 4.—A compact MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE and PREMISES, fronting the Mold and Denbigh road, and adjoining Ffynonfa," now in the occupation of Mr John Humphreys, LOT 5—A desirable MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE and PREMISES, situate in High-street, opposite Ty-Ucba, now in the occupation of Miss Williams. LOT 6.—A MESSUAGE and SHOP, well adapted for business premises, situate in High-street, opposite the Post Office, now in the occupation of Mr John E. Davies. IN THE VILLAGE OF NANNERCH. LOT 7.—A desirable RESIDENCE, called Ty'nllan House," with the gardens, outbuildings, and premises thereto belonging, together with the adjoining COTTAGE and PREMISES, in the respective occupations of Mrs Bradley and Mr Robert Phillips. LOT 8.—A FIELD near the village called "Coed gae waen," formerly part of a farm called Bryn Nannerch," containing 4a. 2r. :mp., or thereabouts, now in the occupa- tion of Mr Richard Edwards. NEAR RHESYCAE. LOT 9.—A FARM and LANDS, called Penybwlch," ) or Bwlch," with the Messuage or Dwelling house and recently-erected Farm Buildings, and the Cottages thereto belonging and held therewith, situate near Hhesycae, con- taining by admeasurement 42 acres or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Mr Charles Parry. This is a very eligible lot, and is most pleasantly situated. The Minerals (if any) under Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and part of 9 do not belong to the Vendors. Any further information may be .obtained from J. J. BAx- CROFT, Esq Glasfrvn, Ruthin or from Messrs KELLY and KEENE, solicitors, or the AUCTIONEERS, Mold. alOfOpf Sixth Annual Sale of Pure-bred Shropshire Down Sheep, at MOLD, FLINTSHIRE, ) (Close to Rhydyiiiicyn Station, on the Chester and Denbigh Railway.) I,, J. W. BROWN is again instructed bv Mr T. W. i» i Bowdage to SELL BY AUCTION, without reserve i oil Friday, September 17th, ISIZO. Catalogues now ready. STOCK SALE AT BROUGHTON HALL STATION. MR J. W. BROWN hegs to announce that he will ,it SELL BY AUCTION, at the above Station, on Wed- nesday, September Sth. 180, the following FAT CATTLE, SHEEP, LAMBS, CALVES, PIGS &c., viz.: 12 Prime Fat Bullocks and Heifers Several Calving Cows and Heifer-s 215 Fat Sheep and Lambs Fat Calves 3 Fat Pigs Together with :mdt other Stock that may be entered up to day of s?e. Lunch at H o'clock (Is each.) Sale at one o'clock. Church Lane. Mold. 2907 SALE BY MR. RICHARDS. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. MR RICHARDS begs to inform the nobility, gentry, I iT and clergy that MR EDWARD PARSONS FOWLER, of Jersev, will hold a Sale at the Wynnstav Arms Hotel, Wrexham, or. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7th of pure bred Aldernev, Guernsey, and Jersey COWS and HEIFERS. Particulars in future advertisments. 2045p SALE BY MR SNAPE. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Gale of Valuable Household Furniture, Pianoforte, Paint- ings, and other Effects at ELLERSLIE HOUSE, WREXHAM. ? t R SNAPE will SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, the ?1 above valuable and modern FURNITURE, &c.. on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 14th and 15th, 1880. Particulars in next week's paper. 2042b SALE BY MESSRS W. G. PREECE & SON. SHROPSHIRE SHEEP. Great Sale at the BUILDINGS FARM, BASCHURCH, SALOP. One Mile only from the Station, 200 Unsurpassable Shrop- j shire Sheep, of 2ioted p ize blood. \M ESSRS W. G. PREECE & SON, will SELL BY » 1 AUCTION, at the Buildings Farm. Baschurch, on ? Monday, September 6tli, 1880, by order of the proprietor, Mr Thomas. 40 Grand shearling rams 10 Noted stock rams 80 Matchless shearling rams j 30 R.A.S.E., and other prize ewes 50 Superb breeding ewes. The above axe by rams hired at from i-io to 100 guineas each, comprising one of the most magnificent lot of sheep ever offe:ii to the p:ii'lie, and. include a great number of prize animals. Luncheon at Twelve, Sale at Two o'clock. Conveyances will meet and return to the trains at Bas church Station. Catalogues may be had of W. G. PREECE & Sox, Shrewsbury. 2011n SALE BY MR. S. ASTON. r, .1" REMOVED FROM THE COUNTRY UNDER A BILL OF SALE. j% fR S. ASTON has received peremptory instructions to ¡, SELL BY AUCTION, at the Corn Exchange. "'rexham, on Monday, September 13th, a quantity of HIGH WHIrGexHh-aCmL, ASS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO- FORTE, &-c., &c., all nearly new, the goods having been but recently supplied, by a well-known Liverpool firm, will now be peremptorily sold under a bill of sale unless the holder is paid out, of which due notice will be given in next week's papers, or further particulars of the sale announced. Catalogue.. will be ready Saturday previous to sale. Further particulars from the AUCTIONEHR ?.t his offices, Queen-street, Wrexham. 2033f Legal and Public Notices. THE FATAL EXPLOSTON AT BERSHAM COLLIERY- WE beg to ask the kind consideration of a generows T v public on behalf of the nine widows and forty- three orphans of the men killed by the explosion at the above colliery on the night of August 3rd, 1880. At a meeting held at the Guildhall, Wrexham, on- Satu'day, the 7th inst., His- Worship the Mayor in ther chair, it was resolved- "That the fearful calamity at the Bersham Colliery by which eight men had lost their lives,. leaving widows and families, called for the earnest sympathy and warmest help from all; and with the v;ew of bringing the subject before the public so as to elicit and embody the feeling in a practical shape, tlu meeting be resolved into a committee to collect subscriptions for the widows and orphans of the men killed on the night of the 3rd August, 1880, and that the amounts so collected form a ftmd to be called the "Bersham Colliery Accident Fund." "That William C*erton, Esq., J.P. r be requested to act as Hon. Treasurer, and Dr. Eyton-Jones as Hon. Secretary." Since the meeting, the only surviwr of the accident has died, increasing the number to ni-.ve widows and 43 children. It is estimated that about S2,500 will He required to give these Widows and Orphans the relief they would have received had the men at Bersham Colliery been in the North Wales Permanent Accident Fund. Subscriptions will be thankfully reo-!v.»d by the Hon. Treasurer, the National Provincial Baiik, Wrexham; the North and South Wales Bank, Wrexham or by any of their respective branches. E. SMITH, MAYOR, GBAIRMAK. WM. OVERTON, TREASURER. T. EYTON-JONES, Hois. SEC. Wrexham, August 17th, 1880. £ s. d. Total amount acknowledged in last weeks' A dvertiser 885 2 1 J. Murta, Esq 10 0 Miss F. Poyser 0 10 0 R. C. W'ebster 2 0 0 B. W. Wynne, Garthewin 5 0 0 Offertory Marchwiel Church 5 0 0 Mr J. Richards, Rhosddu 0 10 6 Mr C. P. Fearnley 0 10 6 Offertory Chirk Parish Church 15 18 10 Mrs Harvey Williams 2 2 0 Mrs Ffoulkes, Lodge 5 5 0 Rev. J. A. Beet, Warrington 1 0 0 Rev. H. J. Haffer 10 0 St. Mary's Bersham, per Rev. A. Ll. Taylor 8 18 3 Rhos Church, per Rev. T. Jones 4 13 4 Mia Dixon, Aber Ha esp 1 0 0 Free Sunday Schools 0 5 1 Rev. E. T. Davies, Frood 1 0 0 E. Price, Rhostyllen 0 10 0 NOTE.—The Committee regret that the public should respond so slowly to the appeal made on behalf of the eight widows and forty-three orphans consequent upon the accident, and earnestly appeal for as early and liberal response as the urgency of the case demands. PARLIAMENTARY BOROUGH OF DENBIGH. MUNICIPAL BOROUGH OF WREXHAM. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that ALFRED COXON, t Esquire, the Barrister-at Law appointed to Revise the List of Voters within the Parliamentary Borough of Den- bigh, and the several Boroughs sharing in the Election of a Member of Parliament for the said Borough of Denbigh, and also to Revise the Burgess Lists for the several Municipal Boroughs of Denbigh, Ruthin and Wrexham, will hold a Court for such Revision for the Borough of Wrexham, at the GUILDHALL, WREXHAM, on Friday, the First day of October next, at Ten o'clock in the fore- noon. And all Overseers, Relieving Officers, and other Persons having to produce their Lists, Rate, Rate Books, Relief Books, and other Documents, are hereby required to attend. THOMAS BURY, Town Clerk of the Municipal Borongh of Wrexham. August 11)th, 1S80. 1954f MOLD AUTUMN SPORTS, WILL be held in Fields in the occupation of Mr James IT Griffiths, and situate near Pentrehobin, Mold, on THURSDAY NEXT, September 9th, 1880, commencing at Noon. Entries Close Saturday, September 4feh, 1880. 2052b J. W. BROWN, &ec. FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION OF WALES. ENTRIES for the CHALLENGE CUP (open to all EAssociation Clubs in the Principality and Border Counties) CLOSE on the 15th inst. E. JtANNERS, Secretary. Wrexham, September 1, 1880. 2005z MR J. STEVENS, Baker and Confectioner, begs to re- turn his sincere th inks to the Fire Brigade and D.C.C. Wilde and bis Staff, for the very great and prompt assistance rendered by them on the occasion of the late fire on his premises. J. S. also thanks the Alliance Company for their prompt attention. 2027a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between ROBERT ROBERTS- and SAMUEL. THOMAS MORRIS, carrying on business, as Drapers and Milliners, at 3, York-street and 2, Bank- street, Wrexham, in the County of Denbigh, under the style or firm of ROBERTS and MORRIS, has been dis- solved by mutual consent. As witness our hands, this day, Wednesday, September 1st, 1880, ROBERT ROBERTS, SAMUEL THOMAS MORRIS. Witness to the signatures of the said Robert Roberts and Samuel Thomas Morris, JAMES C. THOMAS, 2024a 53, Stanley Road, Liverpool. I To the Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Wrexham in the County of Denbigh, and to the Superintendent of Police of the Wrexham division, in the County of .DM?/t—  JOHN EDWARD JACKSON, of Heap-terrace, Fair- I ? field, Wrexham, in the County of Denbigh, do hereby give notice that it is my intention to apply at the adjourned General Annual Licensing Meeting to be holden at the Guildhall, in the said Borough of Wrexham, on the 27th day of September, 18811, for any of the Excise Licenses that may be held by a Publican for the sale by retail at a house situate at Smithfield-road, in the said Borough, of intoxicating liquor to be consumed either on or off the house or premises thereunto belonging^of which premises Charles Huxley is the owner or Lessee of whom I rent them. Given under my hand this third dav of September, 1880. 2048d JOHN EDWARD JACKSON. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. CHEAP SUMMER EXCURSIONS. ON EVERY SATURDAY, until further notice, CHEAP EXCURSION TICKETS will be issued from Wrex- ham, by any of the through trains, for Corwen, Ruthin, Denbigh, Bala, Dolgelly, Barmouth, Towyn, Aberdovey, Harlech, Penrhyndudraeth, Portmadoc, Criccieth, Pwllheli, Llanymynech, Welshpool, Montgomery, Newtown. Llanid- loes, Machynlleth, Borth, and Aberystwith and from Ruabon at 3.30 and Wrexham at 3.40 p.m. for Rhyl, Aber- gele, Llandudno, Birkenhead, and Liverpool; to return on Monday following. ON EVERY MONDAY, until further notice, CHEAP DAY EXCURSION TRAINS will leave Wrexham for Corwen, Bala, Dolgelley, and Barmouth and also leave Ruabon, at 7.40 and Wrexham at 7.55 a.m. for! Rhyl, Abergele Llandudno, Birkenhead, and Liverpool. For fares and further particulars se special Bills. 1424 CRICKET MATCH AT KENNINGTON OVAL. AUSTRALIANS v. ENGLAND. ON MONDAY Morning, September 6th, a CHEAP EXCURSION for Two days, will run to LONDON, leaving Birkenhead at 12 20 a m. (after Sunday midnight), Chester 12.55, Wrexham 1.20, Ruabon 1.35, Oswestry 1,30 Shrewsbury 2 15, Wellington 2 35, an Oakengates 2 45 a m. To return on Tuesday, September 7th, from Pad- dington at 11.50 p.m. Tickets and bills -can be obtained at the Stations. 2037n J. GRIERSON, General Manager. H')LYWELL UNION. APPOINTMENT OF RELIEVING OFFICER, &c. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Guardians of ?L?! the Holywell Union, will at their next meeting, to be held at the Boardroom, at the Workhouse, near HOly-I well, on Friday, the 10th day of September instant, proceed to the election of a Relieving Officer for the Holywell Dis- trict. The district comprises the parishes of Holywell, Halkyn. Flint and Nannerch. Area, 13,6fi3 acres. Popu- lation (in 1871) 15,653. Salary, ;Ego per annum. The person elected will also be appointed Vaccination Officer for the same district at a salary of £ 8 10s per annum The person elected will be required to reside within the district, and to devote his whole time to the service of the Guardians and to perform efficiently the duties, and keep the Books and Accounts prescribed by the Local Govern- ment Board, subject to whose approval the appointments will be made. A knowledge of Welsh indispensible. Security to the amount of C-250 will be required. Applications, in the Candidates' own handwriting, stating age, residence, and previous occupation, accom- panied by testimonials of recent date, to be sent to me, not later that Ten o'clock on the morning of the election. Bv order of the Board, E. J. DAVIES, Clerk. Boardroom, Holywell, 1st September, 1880. 2019b T IVERPOOL COMMERCIAL INVEST- MENT COMPANY (LIFTED). ¡ LOANS of from £ 10 to £ 500 pr'omj»t<,v GRANTED and the interest charged unusually modeiate. Personal or other Security, Share Certificates, Dock Bonds, Life Policies, &c. I Apply to BENJAMIN ROBERTS, Branch Manager, 77, 1 Brook-street, Chester. 1816b HAXELL'S ROYAL EXETER HOTEL,? Hsituate in the most open part of the WEST I STRAND close to the THEATRES, OPERAS, and Objects of Interest. Apartments, 2s 6d; Drawing-Room, with Bedroom en- suite, 10s 6d, 12s 6d Service, Is 6d. PECIAL NOTICE. HAXELL'S HOTEL, now entirely surrounded by the wood pavement, presents all the quietude of a country residence, with the advantage of being on that world's thoroughfare—the Strand. Great comfort, with moderate Mercantile Advrtiser. Business Announcements.. "r- 'i EXTENSION OF PREMISES. CLEARANCE SALE! CLEARANCE SALE r CLEARANCE SALE111 TO COMMENCE SATURDAY, AUGUST 14TH, 1880. C. DAVIES, MILITARY TAILOR, HOSIER, HATTER, AND GLOVER, 58, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. Begs to announce that he has decided to make some extensive alterations in his Premises, and wishes to inform his Customers, and the Public generally, that he has re-marked the whole of his Stock, in order to make a Clearance. The Goods will be marked at such Prices that cannot fail to effect a speedy Sale. As the Sale will not be kept open for more than ten days, he would invite an early inspection The Stock consists of Goods as below: Woollens, Hoisery, Ties, Scarfs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Silk and Felt Hats, Rugs, Portmanteaus and Bags White and Colored Shirts, Flannel and Tweed Shirts, Macintosh Coats, Tweed Dust Coats, &c. 500 YARDS OF SAXONY AND SCOTCH TWEEDS, 2/4!- per yard, usual price, 4/6- SEVERAL DOZEN SOILED WHITE SHIRTS, 3/9-, usual price 5/6- A LARGE ACCUMULATION OF REMNANTS, At one-third the usual price. N.B—Goods sold at Sale Prices will be for Cash only. 1432 The above SALE will be continued until MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 13th. GRAPE SALINE. EFFERVESCING GRAPE SALINE EDISBURYS EFFERVESCING GRAPE SALINE Has now attained a large Sale and is highly recommended by the faculty. GRAPE SALINE for Headache and Biliousness. GRAPE SALINE for Sluggish Liver and Sea Sickness. GRAPE SALINE for Gout and Rheumatism. GRAPE SALINE for Nettlerash and Scurvv. GRAPE SALINEfor Disordered Stomach and Liver. GRAPE SALINE corrects all excesses in eating and drinking. GRAPE SALINE carries off the evil effects of Alcohol. GRAPE SALINE is invaluable as a Summer Drink. GRAPE SALINEa Cooling Aperient for Children. GRAPE SALINE the remedy for Heartburn. SOLD IN PATENT STOPPERED BOTTLES AT Is. 9D. EACH. Sent packed free to any address on receipt of 33 Stamps. PREPARED ONLY BY J. F. EDISBURY, M.P.S., THE NORTH WALES PHARMACY AND PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, 3, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. 1742 DRESSMAKING AT C o M P rr O N HOUSE, HIGH STRKKT WREXHAM. ALBANY P ADDON, 1479 PROPRIETOR CAMBRIAN BREWERY. WILLIAM J. SISSON, BEGS to announce that in addition to the busi- ness of Brewer, he has entered into the SPIRIT TRADE, and is now prepared to execute orders for Spirits of all descriptions. Wrexham, 30th July, 1880. HI:3n BERWIG QUARRIES. REAL AIINERA STONE. FOR Estimates for Supply of this celebrated Stone, r either rough, scabbled to size, or dressed ready for fixing.-Apply to R. A. RYLANDS, Berwig Quarries, Minera, near Wrexham. Estimates furnished for Monuments. 1900a IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. JOHN NEWNS, Cock Bank, Marchwiel, formerly with Messrs Evison and Jones, begs to inform Agricul- turists that he has purchased a new Travelling THRASH- ING MACHINE, with all the latest improvements, and trusts by close attention to business to merit the support of the Gentry and Farmers in the surrounding neighbourhood. 1973b LION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Head Office, 5, Lothbury, London, E.C. Subscribed Capital, XI,000,000 sterling. Paid up, £ 200,000. Reserve Fund, £ 50,000. DIRECTORS. John Staniforth, Esq., Chair- man. Charles Eley, Esq. James Staats Forhe, Esq.  Lord Claud John Hamilton, M.P. Lord Alexandra Gordon Len- nex. Lord Norreys. Arthur John Otway, Esq., M P. Sir Philip Rose, Bart. Hon. Edward G. Strtitt. Francis Webb, Esq. G. H. Tod Heatley, Esq. General Manager, Charles Beddall, Esq. The Company insures all kinds of Property against loss or damage by Fire at fair and equitable rates of Premium. Claims settled promptly and libei ally. Local Agent at Wrexham, Mr R. Roberts, Veterinary Surgeon. Agents wanted in unrepresented districts. -Apply to the District Manager, Mr J. Edwards, Pentre House, near Ruabon. 191Ha J. G. & J. LLOYD, PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, AND PAINTERS, LEAD PUMPS, WATER CLOSETS, BATHS, BEER MACHINES AND WATER SrpPLY FITTINGS OF THE MOST IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION. ) All orders promptly attended to. IQUEF,NIS SQLTARE, WREXHAM. t mo _n_- COAL! COAL! COAL! THE VRON CRANK from the VRON and COED- ;T POETH COLLIERIES, is a superior first class HOUSEHOLD COAL, the best in the Principality. It is clean, very hot, burns with little smoke, leaves hardly any cinder or ash. Orders received at the office of the Company, 4, Grove Park Wrexham, or the Workhouse Wharf Wrexham. PRICES AT THE WORKHOUSE WHARF VRON CRANK 6d per cwt. Do. THROUGH SLACK. 3d do. ORDINARY HOUSE COAL 5d do. Do. THROUGH SLACK 21d do. For cash on delivery. One penny per cwt. extra charged or credit. 1012 HAXELL'S ROYAL EXETER HOTEL J*]L is situate in the most open part of the WEST- | STRAND, close to the THEATRES, and most & J St<Bt- Objects of Interest, with the advantage of being | entirely surrounded by the wood pavement Apartments, 2s 6d; Drawing-Rooms, with Bedrooms en s-ecite, 10s 6tl, 12a Cd Service, Is 6d. The tariff is never varied. TOURIST SEASO. We will add that the House is admirably placed for pleasure parties. Nor is there a more comfortable or inexpensive a hostelry in London."—Vida Cambridge Chronicle. 7c | SPECIAL NOTICE. MESSRS BROWN, HOLMES, & CO. I 1.' beg to announce that during the month of August the remaining portion of their Summer Stock of Millinery, Mantles, Colored Costumes, Made-up Skirts, and Parasols, together with a variety of Silks and Fancy Dress Materials, will he offered at greatly reduced prices. NEW AUTUMN GOODS. A large delivery of Sealskin Coats, Fur-lined Mantles, and New Dress Fabrics, have been re- ceived, patterns of which will be forwarded hy return if desired. CHARGES FOR DRESSMAKING. Material Dress, plainly made, from 10/6 „ fully trimmed, „ 12/6 To Prevent misunderstanding, ladies are re- quested to ask for a written estimate at the time their orders are given. SILK MERCERS TO HER MAJESTY AND H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. CHESTER, August, 1880. 331 NO FEES UNLESS CASH ADVANCED* PRIVATE CASH ADVANCES on Farm and Trade Stocks, Furniture, &c.. in Town or Country, without removal, and with or without sureties. All communica- tions from intending borrowers treated with strict con Bdenee.—AppJy personaHy, or write for a Prospectus, to GEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, 7, St. John-street, (opposite  the Post Office), Chester. 1854p MONEY TO LEND.—Two sums of L5750 andL4300 1TJL (separately) to be advanced on approved mortgage security on the 30th October next.—Apply to J. K, W ATKINS <SR SON, Solicitors. 20, Wood-street, Bolton. 1,1741) r Easiness Announcements. NORTH WALES PUBLIC SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, (OPPOSITE THE NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK.) WREXHAM. These Stores of Supply are based and conducted on the Co-operatire principle,—the Smallest Profit for Cash Paymentr with a view to meet the re- quirements of a class of customer who are able and willing to pay ready money for their goods, and reasonably expect to receive full advantages for the same, thereby doing away with the system whereby good customers are made to pay for the bad. NO SUBSCRIPTION, NO LIABILITY. Special attention is called to the following list of PROPRIETARY ARTICLES, PATENT blEDI- CINES, &t\, which can be cbtained at the NORTH WALES SUPPLY STORES. All 2s M Boxes Pills, and 2s 9d Bottles Patent Medicine, are sold at 2s 3d each. Notice all Goods here described are the original and genuine productions of the names whose brands they bear. IMPORTANT as coun- terfeits are now very frequently subttUuted. Usually Our Sold Cash FOR Price. Allcock's Porous Plasters 1 1J 9 9 Allen's (Mrs) Hair Restorer 6 0 4 0 Antakos, (Corn remedy) 1 1 £ 0 1Q& Atkinson and Barker's Infant's Preserva- tive 1' U 0 10! Benzine Collas, for cleaning Gloves, per bottle Beecham's Cough Pills 1: It 0 101 Beecham's Patent 1 1J 0 10i Black Currant Lozenges, per box 1 0 0 9J Bragg's Charcoal Biscuit, per tin 1 9 0 ? Bragg's prepared Charcoal, per bottle 4 0 3 3 Brandreth's Pills, per 1 It 0 IO Bunter's Nervine. 1 ty (} IOj- Blair's Pills 1 It Brompton's Cough 1 1;\ 0 10J Brown's Bronchial Troches 1 It 0 10J Bond's Marking Ink, original (Daughter). 1 0 0 8A Calvert's Carbolic Acid Powder 10 0 9 I » „ 0 6 0 4& Calvert's Carbolic Acid, per tin 10 09 Camomile Flowers, per packet 0 6 0 4.1 1 Camphor, 1 8 Camphor, (Essence of), per bottle 0 6 0 44 Castor Oil, per bottle 0 9 0 6 Cathery's Selzine Aperient 2 0 1 6 Clarke's Blood Mixture 2 6 2 0 Clarke's Lotion. 1 li 0 10J Clarke's Miraculous Salve 1 1J 0 10j Condy's Fluid for Disinfecting, Green 10 0 9 Condv's Fluid for Disinfecting, Crimson, per bottle 10ft 9 Congreave's Balsamic Elixir 2 9 2 3 „ „ „ 1 H 0 10i Cooper's (Sir Astley) Vital Restorative 2 9 2 3 Court Plaster 0 2 0 1J Coutt's Acetic Acid, per bottle 16 13 Corn Destroyer (Jenkins), per bottle 1 li 0 10J Chlorodyne (Collis Browne's) 1 0 Wj Citrate of Magnesia, per bottle 1 0 9 ° „ „ lib bottle 2 0 16 „ Bishop's, per bottle 1 0 0 9| Cleaver's Essence of 1 It 0 1O Liquid Terebene 1 0 0 10 Cockle's Pills. 1 lj 0 101 Cobden's Quinine and Phosphorus Pills. 1 li 0 10A Chloride of Lime, per bottle 1 0 0 8-J Crosby's Cough Elixir, 1 6 Daffy's Elixir, 1 7 Davis' Pain Killer 1 H 0 Dill Seed Water, per bottle 0 6 0 4A Dixon's 1 1! 0 lO. De Jongb's Cod Liver Oil 1 9 3 9 „ „ „ 2 6 1 10 Doughtv's Voice Lozenges 0 0 ok Dredge's Heal 1 It Dunbar's Alkaram 2 9 2 3 Eade's Gout 1 0 101 Elliman's Embrocation 1 It 0 10J Eno's Fruit Salt 4 6 3 9 „ 2 9 2 3 Eno's Digestive Granules 4 b 3 9 Eno's Vegetable Ill Old Epps's Glycerine Jujubes, per box U 6 0 4i Eau de Cologne (genuine) flask 5 0 2 ti bottle 2 6 16 „ 1 6 0 10 THE NEW PRICE LIST FOR THE COMING SEASON IS NOW READY. The PRICES have all been carefully REVISED and in many instances greatly REDUCED. Farinaceous Food Dr. Ridge's, per packet 0 6 0. 5 per tin 1 0. 0 9 Dr. Nicholl's per packet 1 (j 0 8 Du Barry's Revalenta per tin 2 0 1 8 Neaves, per tin 10 0 10 Hard's, per packet 10 0 10 Savory and. Moore's 10 0 9 Extract of Beef per pot 3 0 2 4! n 11 i> 11 19 1 4a 11 1 n 11 1 3 a lOi Brand's, per tin 3 0 2 8 Fenning's Children's Cooling Powder I 11 U UI Whooping Cough Powder 1 It O- 10j Adult Cooling Powders 1 1! 0 10J Lung Healers 1. lk 010i Frampton's 1 It OIOt Friar's Balsams, per bottle 0 9" 0 6" Gadd's Gout Pills, per box 1 IJ 0 10i George's Pills 1 It 0 10i Glycerine, Price's best, per bottle 0 6 0 4t Goodall's Quinine Wine, per bottle 2 6 2 2" 14 10 Gregory's Powders, per bottle. 1 It OtOt Gum for sticking purposes, per bottle 0 6" 0 4t Hand's Blood Medicine 16 13" Hatfield's 1 It 0 10A Holloway's Pills, per box. 1 IX- 0 lOl Ointment, per 1 Ü 0 10X Hayman's Balsam Horehound, per bottle 1 li 0 10A Henry's Calcined Magnesia, per bottle. 2 9" 2 3" Hunt's Aperient Pills, per box 1 li 0 101 Infant's Feeding Bottles, Sandringham, the cheapest and best per bottle 1 0 0 9& Maw's Alexandra, per bottle 10 0 9 Ipecacuanha Wine, per bottle 0 6 0 4J. Joy's Cigarettes 2 ti 2 0* Jones' Blood Medicine 2 Ö 2 0 Kay's Coaguline, per bottle 0 6 0 4J, Kayes Worsdell's Pills, per 1 U 0 lOi Kay's Essence of Linseed 1 li 0 10A Keating's Insect Powder 10" 0 9t Cough Lozenges, per l H 0 10l King,, 's Dandelion Pills, per box. 1 11. 0 101 Lambert's Balsam 1 Il "lOI Lamplough's Pyretic Saline, par bottle 4 6" 3 8" „ 2. 6 2 0 Lime Juice Syrup, per bottle. 2 0 19 Peruvian Bark 2 6 2. 2 Leach's Golden Pills for Diarrho a and Cholera, per Locock's Wafers, per box 1 n 0 lOX Lotion l IT () wi Lowe's Pills, per box I ] J 0 10" Lockyer's Hair 1 (i 1 3" McDougall's Dredge for Disinfecting, per tin 10 ll 10 Mexican Hair Restorer. ;j t5 2 9 Morson's Pepsine Globules, per bottle. G 3 t »■ Wine a u 2 6 „ Powders t7 3 15 Morison's Pills, per box. I Of 0 10; Norton's Camomile Pills, per bottle. 1 li 0 lOT. Oldridge's Balm of Columbia 3 6" 2 10" Osborne's Golden Drops for Deafness, per box 1 li 0 10' Oxley s Essence of Ginger, per bottle. 2 n- 2 3" Parr's Pills, per 1 ji. 010r Page Woodcock's Wind Pills, per box 1 ll 0 10i Parrish's Food 2 ö. 1 fi" Pott's Corn Plaster, ? ? ?? 0 l.c Powell's Balsam of Aniseed, per bottle ..? 2 :f 1 10? ii 1 It 0 KM .Embrocation, 1 IX 0 ior Robert,. s' Ointment (Poor Man's Friend)! ') 6 psrbot J JJ. O Roche s Embrocation, per bottle 4 0" 3 ft Rooke's(Dr.) PIIIs,per box 1 ? () lOi Rook s Solar Elixir 4 (f .!}- Rigollott's Mustard Leaves, perp* acket 6 leaves 0 ? 0 4' Roper's Royal Bath PJa!;te? l l9i 0 lOt Rowland's Odonto :¡ Rowland's O d o n t o  5 Rowland's Macassar Oil 5 i; .> m RowIand'sSolarElixir.??"?"?-?-?""? 4 ? ? c Richards'Hydroleine 4 6 3 9 Rubml s Essence of Camphor per bottie 10 0 ?t Sal \olatile, per bott!e 1 i? oi(? 0 8 0 5- S„ anitas, „ j 6 I 2 I 0 0 9 Savory & ,Mr oore s I^ >afcura Tatula, per box 2 0 2 0 Cigarettes 3 () 2 fi Scott'a (Dr.) Pills, per box 1 ii jv u\»' Se!le:s (Mrs) Syrup 26" 2.i SeIgles (Mrs) Pil!s.? i ij. „" Spirits of Nitre, per hotMe. 1 0" 0 ? Stanton's Cough iIls, per box 1 H 9 Turner's Tamarind g 9" 2 5" Purchasers can obtain the advantages of Co- operative Stores without the expense of taking shares or buymg an annual ticket. Copies of Price List can be had free on application at the Stores or per post. Steedman's Soothing Powders for Chil- dren cutting teeth, per packet J 11 0 10' Steedman's Tonic Drops  1 IT ft ml Stevenson's Pills per box.?: ? i? ? n?i?t?T Steedman's Hooping Cough Powder 1 I! 0 lO I Stone's Complexion PIUs., ?er box. 1 l? ft in' Antibilious Pills, 1 1^. 010 lw I I if oW!i Cough Lozeyige3 .? 1 i? o K)? Compound Rliu?ftrb Pills, per box 1 ]? 0? Sweeting's Toothache Elixir. i? ?"i?? I Pancreatic Emulsion, per bottle 2 o3 19:1 I Seidlitz Powders, superior, per box  1 0 0 9 Tam:irIndien(Gri!!on's). o ? ? 0 Thompson's Burdock PiUs  f? ?,? Townsend's (Old Dc. Jacob) SarsapiriUa. t ? 3 5  Pills, p", Uox | j* 0 lot   Ginger, parbottle  Vickers' Antilatic  1  0 101 I I oio- Widow Welch'8 Pills, per box:: ? ? 0? Winslaw s Soothing Syrup, pe3 bottle l ?? ?"?. W helpton s IHlls, per box I H 0 IO  0, 7! 0 6- \\Juehad' Essence of Mustexdo P 2 f ? "? ? S 25? ?ilham's Worm Lozenges Wood's Cough Linctus 'per bottle I ? !? "rIghts Coal.tar Pills ? J J» 0 9  Soap ? g ? Zoedone 5s 611 per doz Any description of Patent Medico.  enumerated, can be supplied ? Wholesale &'c., "? t .?? prices.  free in Wrexham and neighbourhood by our own vang, or by Carriers.   FREE to any railxvat, station within 100 mile?; of Wrexham. C. K. BENSON & CO. I02;> PROPRIETORS,