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I' '\1,1 'I,-t\r.!) lS4S, ] I Till: ADVERTISER, < t I Flintshire, Meriv)Uthghire, "Ii I" t. 1 Cl h't'' Shropshire and Xorth H'ales Register. "I ?(?.tUOtficMi otices in Denbihshire '? i?nd Flintshire. FRIDAYAXD SATURDA Y. pI b cli;Cl"LAT10N, 5,500 AV LEY AND BRADLEY, J PHUPRIETOHS. 1:1> 8d. per Annum, payable n ,.redit, H's. per annum. Per post 10s. lOd in advance; on Credit, 12s. per an"II: Sales by Auction. i BY MESSRS BAUGH AND JONES,  ,1 n:EEHOLD VUOPRRTY AT BANGOR 4 Vix ,N<.UR iSACOED, FUNTSHiRE. ?t?'?.d? i;V AUCTION, by Messrs BAUGHA?t? rl'11 '? the Lion Hotel, Hope-street, Wrexham, j I ? '?,.?,.)))),er<!th,??< at 1hree oc1ockmtlle 'I ??,.)t,)ioWing or such other lots as shall be t the time of sale, and subject to conditions i 'i !i' d: — i '\Ii M KSSl'AGE or TENEMENT with the L" the four several field" of land (containing in the whole ten acres ,,ioi<* or less) with the appurtenances there- j (-uimoiily called or known by the name ) it"- situate at Hang-or Bank, in the parish of tiiC county of Flint, now in the < ccupation of L.wi Mr.'••>< \\1 tiiat MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, j i,„. ,,r I'mvhiiuse. Garden and Appurtenances I !l'inir, situate adjoining lot one, and now in itioii of Richards as tenaut thereof. II "Itx is situated upon an eminence, commanding i-ijuc and extensive views, is within half-a-lliile .1 ¡aal".1 river Dee, the miles from Wrexham, one tixefrom El lesmere, and nine from Whitchurch,  it. turnpike road leading from Bangor to U < !i;if"iv-aid  purchase money can, u re pured, remain upon ,,)?'\?f the property. .rt)? r inrticulars, *nd :m inspection of a plan of the 'j? to Mr JOHN Ai.I.INGTGN HUGHES, and Messrs *i'i I'v Moli. itors, Wrexham; or the Auctioneers IJuhc:Wrexlmm. ??'?5? I /7. ?'o<<.< Premises Kitnatf in Wak- i r),. st. f-sti-rft, and Villa Residences and Build- ¡ • • >! (;¡'I,j''(l'/ ¡Ii 'he <??'<?<<?. "f ?'t.! ;< \?ni;u):(U'?HOFWt:XHA?! ?? j ?.f i;v AUCTION. by Messrs BAUGH :mdi I V. iN i> al the \Vyiin>t.iy Arms Hotel. Wrexham, on j ,V,. itItll d:i\ of September, lSXo, at Two for Three j afternoon, subject to conditions :— \;1 those TWu SHOPS, with the Dwelling-I i V. 'd;« and appurtenance1* thereto belonging, lU,| belllS near the Wynnstay Arms Hotel, in Higli- • Mi the town of Wrexham aforesaid, and now in the „f X r William Keiidrick, confectioner, and H ision dealers also the SHOP, i Premises adjoining | ■.M i !»-ter street, opposite the Feathers; u ill the respective occupations of Mr j Inw.- h.drdivs.-cr, Mrs Hubert*, uml Mr Sweeny, ) iLtker. For business purposes there is no property) ..n of Wi exh in more advantage: usly situated than • which has a frontage to High-street of 25ft Gin, h -it i street of 7Hft vill. ) :2 .11 tliosi' two semi (let idled VILLA RESID- j uitli lawns, flosvev and kitchen gardens, detached i appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate and c and 4. (ir..ve-road Wrexham, and now in the "i. itioii of Mr T reunion Acton and Mr J. H. Rawlins. II:, ll isll ive jjood cellars on the basement, good entrance j* drawing and dining rooms, capital kitchens, hack 1. and good bedrooms, w.c., Ac. j All that Very desirable piece of BUILDING ) \1. >-tuate and fronting lirove-road, adjoining Lot 2, .l.tainiug on the whole in surface area. T 'xards el thereabouts. information and particulars may he obtained Ai ION <V Bi'RY, Solicitors, or at the offices I', mi;ii iV JON ics. Temple Chambers, Wrexham. bl!»42p PRELIMINARY. Fn'P.h*trtl Pi"/<rFt>t in the T"*• (T/i and JSoroi'jih <>/ Wri'xhaHI. BE SOLD BY AUCTION by Messrs. n,"cnn awl I* .loNF.S, at the Feathers Hotel, Wrexham, early in v- month of October, lhM), subject to conditions :— I.—All those two SHOPS and DWELLING-HOUSE, >w;h the Yard, Warehouses, and Premises thereto belong- in", situate ill High-street, in the town of H rexllilin, being Nos. 4 and o, now in the occupation of Mr Strachan, seedsman, and Mrs Rice Jones, milliner. 1,01' -J.—All that Old Established IXX called the Feathers Hotel." with the two Vaults, large yard, Stabling, Coach House Sheds and other Out-ottices thereto belonging, situate and being at the corner of Chester-street and Charles-street, in the said town of Wrexham, anll now in Ilir occupittion of Mr Miuilev. Also the two MhS- >CAUKS and sHOf* adjoining the above premises, being Ti4 an,1 <V>, in Chester-street, af"resai.1, with the yards :r>ptii Leliances. use'! one tenement, ,111.1 now in the li it ion of Mr John Jones mm manufacturer. I MESSUAfiK or DWELLING-HOUSE with large Yard, Workshops, Stores, Stables, and ""1",1 at the rear, being No. 53, in Chester-street, aforesaid, ining 1,IIt 2, diul now in the occupation of Mr Edward plumber. 1.1 4.—All that YARD, with Stable and other i.i uildings thereon, forming an excellent Building situate and fronting Chester-street, afore- .I'i' ioining the property of Mr Alfred Owen, iron- ■' > .a ,r and now in the occupation "f Mr Snape. .? Piece of BUILDING LAND situate adjoining 1.»1 J. and routing Chester-street, being part of the Old i; ,r.k "House iiai'den I J:, ?;??))th.'se'fhr.. MESSUAGES or DWELLIN?- H'U g:tldcn, anh, and out "fikes, being N< s. 4S, ) -1\, Chester street aforesaid, and adjoining Lot 5, i, w in the occupation of Messrs Burnett, Sunderland, j' ( l1 tl I.n. ]. \n that YAIID, with sheds and other apptir- !?..ndingthoeon, situate in Chcsto-streetafo?- -,ii.i.iioining Lot »i, and now in the occupation of Mr )'?ii'\C.'op<))tc' ) ? aii {h-u MESSUAGE or ])WEI.I'lU-FfJrSE'1 ,i;i>l a]'pn: tor.anees, situ-ite at the'ornerof r -t.f-.t and IloU-treet. and now in the.'ccupat)on • I;, ciio-nix: also, those two Dwelling houses and j I ill t*ie occnpaii'-n of 1 uni;Mr j v ,ttd Mr J. Davies. I All that well-known INN called the "Seven »• ..s uith the and siabling situate at the -tr. t and Lambpit-street, in the .said \v., -xji now in the occupation of Mr James •■1 t ,j■ V.■ -with all those two MESSUAGES or n Hi,;j wiiii the vaids and appurtenances he-, i;i nd -o, ChestrV-strevt aforesaid, and ..• ,i b M, is ,|. Jones and George Evans and with the ?.t- ..?.) i; o i.; n es adjoining the Seven Stars ..) -iii. ;d 1-ing :\o. 1:. H, 15, lti, 17, !?- .iu'. ;d Leing Nos. ?:i4, 1. ). It!, 17, ? .?.!t:?. -t.t.La)nbpitstreet. Wrexham, aforesaid,. n.) in: -peetive occupations of Messrs Edward .J, illrs..1 Youd, John Ollerhead, John t ■•i::r, nanted. Two .\U'>SUA.GES or DWEI.LIi\(i- ;li.- \id -and appurtenances thereto be- I. t s, ln-.iig in Chester- j •. s .j i.OVV in the occupation of Messrs ■ I Iviwaid Williams. p; of LAND, with the sbllle anlll v, s-t.i,iiii_« thercn, situate in the Beast said town t f Wrexham, adjoining the resi- II: 1I,"U.¡nll, :m,lllnW in his occupation. I." L. I:i, ¡ Three Pieces of UMi, »ituatv in Mauley-road, near tin. Smithaeld, in the t v.n of Wrexham. I 1,io-nJ.¡- \"ill aPI"l' n ill!"r" :õ'h'e¡-t¡"eult'nt", 'Hlll t! s-veral properties ale in course of preparation ? 'I, .ntinie fu: ther infonn.?ion may be ""tained from ION AMI I' uv, so^itors, Wrexham or at the the Auctioneer*, Wrexham. al'.MNb >A1.K BY Mil. WILLIAM FiiEliMAX. and Farmiixj Stock, Geotcntg < lioi'x'haht Fiu uitur" (tn<! Jmirjf rtruisils, CRACHTT II FA KM, FFUOOO, a. •, ui an? find a hll(f IIlIl, } ¡,I (fil!Jbecld and'j i.Hti'i'i ■/ Sin unit al:>i,t tun:e (aid (t hulj H t'i fjiiUtl. \| WI I.I.I A? 11; EEM A X respectt'ully announces that ?B h. i? favored with instructions fron Mr J J. i I win, !s .v!n?upthe!aim)toSe!IhyPnh]!c h\\)"?fsn\Y. the 1st of SEPTEMBER. 1SS0, of his valuable Live and Dead FARMING ')\ t'Uops, tMPLE?tENFS Ac.. comprising three ). ail. licows..me IS months old heifer, three ditto a, wr'v promising two-vearohl buIKaH well bred), "t.?.t.ut.t.e. tour-year old, about fifteen hands pe)f..rtt\stead\ in harness, saddle, or farm work, a ¡ "1,,01 so\v and a store pig a number of fowls and ducks, turk", I' II I ,-k and hen a light :{-inch whed farm \art with j.-i|r», market shandrv, >ingle iron ploughs, ndmg ditto, \'i-pate-jtha)tows,chain ,1IU", roUer.iron drag and "iiot..wiug machine (nearly new), chaff cutter, ''? -!a.r. scabs and weights, coin bins, various hay • •»» rakes pikels, picks, and a variety of farming and ■ di ;¡ tools, various cart gears, set of Harness, riding n' 11j. 1 bridli. and other saddlery, wooden sheds and 1"- '•->* and < Id timber, pig troughs pails, Ac., ifcc. ps conipjise two small stacks of hay ahout three barley, and about one allll a quarter "ats, a ipuuitity of swede turnips and mangolds, I.. tt.. 0 J L-razing of about 17 acres of pasture land and after- till Noveinbel .oth, ISMI. all the lieeesri; try and useful Household Furniture ■ I Wi«,.JN tJie whole of which may be seen on the -■■I ";11". t.. i oiniiH-i.ee at Twelve o'clock at Noon. ^•"sortice: Ked Lion Hotel, Holywell. ]\I[)2p K IiY MKSSKS V7. «. PKKECE & SON. slIKOI'SHlliE SHEEP. tin 1:1 'f-" tU Station, £ IMI rutnayasnable I' 1ft noted pt-ize blood. ?? tv ,'(' j't?Ht;<!? A s0? w)) SKM.T? '"S ?'t the IhnMinis ?i))L, H scluirch, .3 Js-.il L: 4A,r ihe proprietor, sh. ailing lams 111 "Iu.d ~to.-k rams -l-ss sh arling rams I .■ 'i- A S.K., and other prize ewes 1 1; "iitr li t.ffed ii g ewe-s. Jiireil at from "0 to Itu) guineas 'I'- i-ing one of the most m t?nifi?'ent !"ts of ?heep h the toii-?i, include a jrreat number 6*f d.: j at Tweh e, s;lie at Two o'clock. | lilav lie hill of W. G. PREECE IX SON, 1962Z j JJVERHMIL COMMERCIAL INVEST- f ?. \T COM PAN Y (LIMITED). •: 111 i lOtoioUO pnnuptly GRANTED and I • 'aiu'>'d 'musu!t)!v Module. Personal or ?h?)<' ''frtiH.-atf? Co.* lionds, L?e? .? j■ hi \mi\ I:. 'N fn" f?n.'h ?fiti??r, «, t?t!b j Sales oy Auction. I SALES BY MESSRS JONES & SON. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND, 1880. VTESSRS JONES AND SON, will hold their j 1'. next SALE OF STOCK in the ahove SmithneM, on Thursday, September 2nd, 1880. STOCK ALREADY ENTERED. A lot of Prime Fat Beasts Several Dairy Cows, FTesh Barrens, In-calf heifers, short horned bulls A nice lot of Sheep, Lambs, Calves, and Pigs Also, a useful Cart Mare, with foal, at two o'clock in the Bea?t Market. j Sale at Ten o'clock. SETTLEMENTS AT CLOSE OF SILE. I Offices :-4, Arcade, High-srreet, Wrexham. !¡Üi\) MONDAY, AUGUST :},iri>. i > -0. j SALE OF FAT AND STORE STOCK, A i THE |{< xsETT AUCTION Tt.fESSRS JONES AND S^N t.? to t?:?nh their .r patrons and friends foi their iih'ral support, and wish to remind them of their next Sale of Fat and Store Stock, which wiU take pl,,ive -.i. v, ? 'th day <'f  August, 1880, at their Auct?.n Mart, Golden Lion Inn, Kossett, when the followiug st -ck will be olTered 17 Fat Bullocks, Heifers, -ind li'l'.s. reful Dairy Cows im-i Calving Heifers. tiO Prime Shropshire Down and other Sheep. JO Fat Lambs Several Fat Calves. 12 Pork and Bacon Pigs. In-pig Sow The property of A. Balfour, Esq., F. Potts, Esq., J. Boydell, The pro p erty of A. r).:Llfoiir, E, q Esq., General Townsliend, E. Swetenham, Esq., C, Topham Esq., B, S. Roberts, Esq., T. lieakbane, Esq., J-. los, Esq., ){r J. Edwards, Mr Woolrich, Mr Davies, Mr j lYoolrich, Mr Pritchard, Mrs Woolrich, Mr Lewis, Mr Bayne, Mr Dudleston, Mr T. Thomas, Mr Thomas Lewis, Mr Oilman, Mr Yicliiry, Mr Roberts, Mr Edward Wool- rich, Mr Bishop, Mr Thomas Evans, Mr Handley, Miss Roberts, Mr Hughes, Mr W. Lewis, Mr E. B. Samuel, and I' oberts, 'Ir Hiighe-, -\Ir W. Lewis, -Nlr U. IB. Samuel, ln(I others. Further entries respectfully solicited. Sale at TWO o'clock, prompt. Offices:- 4, Arcade, High-street, Wrexham. 1929 SALE OF AFTERGIIASS. MESSRS JONES ? SON have been instructed to SELL ?_t BY AUCTIOX, on Monday, Au?st :Wth, 1880! at the Golden Lion Inn, Kossett, Eleven Acres of capital AFTEKGRASS, situate at Burton, being part of Llay Hall I Farm, up to the 2nd of February, ISSI. Sale at Four o'clock. }!)Sil, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 10TH, 1890. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. ANNUAL SALE Of STOCK EWES AND RAMS. MESSJIS JONES & SON beg to remind their support- Ii' ers that they intend hoMing their SALE of STOCK EWES and LAMBS, on Thursday (Fair Day), 16th of Sep- tember, lSSU. Particulars in future Advertisements. Entries respectfully solicited. i Offices: Temple Chambers, Wrexham. 1930n | Sale of Growinu Wheat in GWERSYLLT PARK, GWERSYLLT, two miles from Wrexham. MESSRS JONES ? SON have received instructions if from Mr William Randies to Sell by Auction, on TUESDAY, the 31st day of AUGUST, 1880 at the Wheatt sheaf Inn, Wheatsheaf. nine acres of Excellent Growing WHEAT, on the above park. Straw to go off. Subject to conditions. Sale at Six o'clock. 1932p BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE. To BE SOLD BY AUCTION by Messrs. JONES and SON, at the King William Inn. Summer Hill, near Wrexham, on Friday, the 3rd day of September, 18S0, at 5 p.m. punctually, subject to conditions to be then pro- duced, All those two MESSUAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES and Gardens thereunto belonging, situate in the township I of Brought on, in the parish of Wrexham, in the County of Denbigh, and adjoining the Brynmally branch of the Great Western Railway, and now in the occupation of John Pier;e and another. For further particulars apply to Mr J. Allington Hughes, solicitor, Wrexham, or to the Auctioneers, Overton Arcade, Wrexham. 1939a Sale of Grovimj Sceleii, Oat*, Tumij's, Potatoes, Two Stacks of Hay, Cattle, Fig*, Implements of Husbandry, Dairy Vessels, .ir., at ALLTHYlBlIJ FARM, LLANARMON-YN YALE. MESSRS .TOXES & SON have been instructed to SELL ?? BY AUCTION, (? Wednesday, the 1st day of September, ISSO, on the above premises, late in the occupation o/ Mr J), Boherls, the whole of the Live and Dead FARMING STOCK, Farm Produce. Implements of Hnshandrv. D-iiry Vessels, &c., comprising two young milch cows, two weaning calves, pigs, horses, useful assortment of ngricuhuia! implements, dairy vessels, (Vc. F,\R1; PK'ii't iT: comprises several fields of capital grow- j ingturlev ami oats. two stacks of well-harvested hay, itc. For further particulars apply to Mr J. ALLINCTON HICHKS, Solicitor, Wrexhun; or to Mr J. P. CARTV'RIGHT, Solicitor, Chester. j Sale at One o'clock. IDolz Sale I Sale ?' Z/?ff-'??M Furniture and effects at ROSE COTTAGE, FARNDOX, Ql.ah! re. | f | ESSRS JONES AND SON kave been favored with ?Y i instructions from J. W. A. Cooper, Esq" who is leaving the neighbourhood TO SELL BY AUCTION, on Tuesday, September ,tll, lSSIJ, on the above premises, the whole of his modern Household FUHNITURE, the greater part of which is nearly new, comprising—Mahogany chelfonier, loo table and cover, six crown-back chairs in leather with covers, lady's chair, mahogany couch in leather with cover, pier glass in polished oak frame, ditto in rosewood frame, paraffin lamps, pair of glass candlesticks, paper rack, pair of cut wine decanters, tumbler and other glasses, skin and other hearthrugs, tapestry and Kidderminster carpets, drucgetting, cornice poles and rings, steel mounted, brass and other fenders, tire irons, skin and other door mats, i Windsor, rocking and cane seated chairs, white top dresser, j two-leaf and other tables, painted maple wa-distands, dress- ing tables, towel rails, and chest of drawers, toilet services, 1 toilet glasses, brass mounted and iron bedsteads, mattresses, tiock beds, wicker ch: it and cover, child's hath, toilet can, mght commode, wall glass, bed p:i n, pictures, books, walnut inkstand, carpet anil other brooms, tea trays, clothes maid, blue and white dinii'-r service, sundry crockery, flat irons, brass skel'.ett Gyro pigeon, t%?,(, k,-ttlez, two itir(,f skates, book of t'-hing nys, fishing rod and reel, bait can, two pair of dumb bells, hoot tree, quantity of carpenter's tools, Alter, washing-up pan, water-cans, egg 1,eatr, brown ware. glue p?t, hutch oven frying pans, dustpans jugs,, benches, choppii.ir block coal !>oxes, housemaid and other brushes, slop cans, Uni-'e board, bread pan, window Minds throughout h"se, ,)(b:tt tools flower pots, hyacinth ? ° <rlasse- rain t' s. do;; lcennel, and other effecti. ° Sale at ONE o'clock. The Hor.se io I.t with immediate possession. i SALE BY S. ASTON. S.'d,E BY m. S. ASTOX. SALE IN THE VEGETABLE MARKET, WliEXHAM. « 9 ? ASTON will SELL BY AUCTION, on Monday J f 3 n?xt, August :mth, 1S80, a large quantity Of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Other Effects, the pro- perty of is, g-entleman who is giving up housekeeping (removed to the above place for convenience of sale), viz-, two dozen chairs in cherry and other wood, three prime goose feather beds, bedsteads, mattresses, washstands, dressing tables, toilet services, eight days clock, swing glasses, carpets, parlor and kitchen fenders and tire irons, copper kettle, new brass skellet, a quantity of crockery and china, wl-ite, leaf, and oak tables, pictures, patent mangle, and a variety of other useful household goods too numerous j to mentio-. A quantity of Men and Boys'Clothing. Sale at Two o'clock. No reserve. Office: 13, Queen-street. ,S!,Z SALE BY MESSRS DEW & SON. CERRIGYDRUIDION, DENBIGHSHIRE. VALUABLE FREEHOLD FARMS AND LANDS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, in one lot, by MESSRS _tL DEW & SON. at the Lion Hotel,. Cerrigydruidion, on Thursday, the Itith day of September, 18S0, at Two for Three o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions of sale to be there produced, all that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT FARM and LANDS, known by the name of "(.'ITOUDD," OTJiKitwisE "GROUN," consisting of a farm house and outhouses, situate in the Parish of" Cerri?vdruidion, in the County of Denbigh, with about 9S acres of good arable and pasture bn,l, and now in the occupation of ?!t Edward Jones: together with the Three Several Messuages, Cottages, and Gardens thereto adioining in the occupation of Evan Davies and others. The above prolwrty is pleasantlv situated, commanding beautiful mountain scenery, within half-a-mile of the village of Cerrigydi uidion and the contemplated railway, station from Ruthin, and within eight miles of Corwen and l: miles of Denbigh. It is noted for bearing the heaviest crops in the distriet. The lower part of the property is capable of great improve- I I ment l.y drainage.. Excellent trout tisliing in the neighbourhood. Further "particulars may be had from the AriTKiNKl'lss, ?\]!ti.!?'n..U?. );.?.? ?. .?' R. II)' .\1I'lI;tE I ?t w]w:;e <?L-.s!t p,au (,f th. lloiSKKTS, 'Solicitor Deiib-p!, at whose oiiuvs n p.anot the property mry a!so be seen. ?-? ? SALE BY MR RICHARDS. 1w HE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr lllCHAllDS on I THURSDAY NEXT, SepU'inbor 2nd, lk^», in the Beast ?rk. t, n?r the schools, Wn,xham, a lot of tbrill '?" ? ex..])ent <.?dition, he?d ?H?. bnd!cs, ?c Sale ai TWO o'clock, pi ompt. WHIt — SALE BY MESSES. TATTERSALL. RUGBY. I MTi-xSRS T *VTTERSALL will ho]d Sales of HUNTERS, M?A?S?HARXI? HORSES, at tMr neGBY I ESTABL?HMEXT, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST. TUEsDAY, OCTOÐEJ: 12TII. j Applications for terms and stalls to he made to Messrs, 'fTTFH"HLJ _]hert Gate, Ion'l<n. W* [ Sales by Auction. SALES BY MR. LLOYD. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. FAIR DAY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1880. I VI" R LLOYD'S next AUCTION will take place on iH 'Thursday, September 2nd, 1880, the present entries will include :— A prime lot of Fat Heifers, Bullocks, and Bulls. Several magnificent Dairy Cows and Heifers, Calved and to Calve (this Auction is noticed to be one of the lead- ing sales for first class Dairy Cows during this time of i year). A lot of choice Barrens, Stirks, and Stock Bulls. A magnificent selection of Fat and Rearing Calves, Heifers and Bulls from the leading Stocks in the neighbour- i hood of Cheshire. A prime lot of Shropshire and Welsh Wethers, also Store Sheep. A number of Pork and Bacon Pigs, In-pig Sows, and Store Pigs. Sate at 10 30 prompt. HORSE SALE, Fir-t "AIR" in the Month, at two o'clock. All Entrie.-s i':vn up to morning "of Sale. Offices, Plassey. Wrexham. 209 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2ND, 1S80. I (FAIR DAY.) NORTH 'VALES VXD CHESHIRE HORSE AND CAR- laAtiE REPOSITORY. HEASTMARKET, WREXHAM. MR. LLOYD has aain the pleasure of announcing his ?i. next SALE of HORSES, CARRIAGES, TRAPS, HARNESS, Ac will take place in his Repository, situate as a'ore-aid, on Thursday, September 2nd, when he will oiler for sale the following Horses, &c. :— lo Powerful Waggon Horses. I, l-L. k Horses, Colts, &c. ij liiiiui t Ponies. Mr John Davies, Erlas. Brown Cart Mare, aged, 15-2 high, with foal at foot. The property of a gentleman, Brown Mare, six years old, 15 hands high (dam by Kettledrum, by Walloon), well known with Sir Watkin's hounds, and the winner of several races. ,N.B.-Tlie Auctioneer will be gl -d to receive entries early, so that they may be fully advertised. Sale at Two o'clock prompt. Offices-Plassey, Wrexham. 1\.t28 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. TENTH ANNUAL RAM AND STORE SHEEP SALE. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. I THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER loTfl, 1S80. MR LLOYD has the pleasure of announcing he will ?_t_ hold his Tenth Annual Sale of Hams and Store Ewes on Thursday, September 16th, when he will offer for sale the following stock of Ewes and Hams :— The property of Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P., Wynnstay. 15 Shropshire shearling and older Rams. 40 Superb stock Ewes. Mr R. T. Parry, Borras Hall. 4 Shropshire Ram Lambs. 1 Two shear Ram. 20 Stock Ewes. Mrs Johnson, Esless. 40 Grand Stock Ewes. Also drafts from the flocks of the following well-known breeders :-Capt. Ormrod Penyllan Hy. Dennis, Esq., New Hall John Reed, Esq., Northop Hall; Miss Acton, Rhydbroughton Messrs. T. Roberts, Berse J. Edwards, Gresford H. Harrison, Plascoch, and others. Full particulars next week. 1990a SALE BY MR LOVATT. OFFA COTTAGE, NEAR RUABON. Unreserved Sale of Useful Household Furniture, and small Library, together xeith the usual requisites for a Villa residence. 1'1. R LOVATT has been instructed by Miss Hughes, who ITJL is giving up Housekeeping, to SELL BY AUCTION, upon the premises at Offa Cottage, near liuabon, on M' n- day, the 13th day of September, 1880, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other effects, adapted for kitchen, parlour, sitting, and bed rooms. Full particulars will appear in the printed bills, one week prior to the day of sale. Sale at Two o'clock punctually. Offices, Olil Swan Inn, Wrexham, August 27th, 1S80. 1995n SALE BY MR J. W. BROWN. Sixth Annual Sale of Pure-bred Shropshire Down Sheep, at TYDDYN-Y-GWYNT, MOLD, FLINTSHIRE, ¡ (Close to Jthydymieyn Station, Oil the Che,ster and Denbigh Railway.) R .J. W. BROWN is again instructed by Mr T. W. tTl Bowdage to SELL BY AUCTION, on Friday, September 17 th, 18^0. 120 Grand pure-bred ewes, including about 50 two and four tooths. 15 Sheading wethers. 40 Shearling and aged rams. 20 Bam Iamùs. 80 Wether lambs. Also, the following pure-bred Ltioesteis, the property of P. B. Davies Cooke, Esq. j 311 Capital pure-bred eives,. 9 Shearling rams. 10 Grand ram Iambs. 30 Ewe and wether lambs. Catalogues containing pedigrees may be obtained ten days prior to the sale, oil the premises or of the Auctioneer. Church Lane, Mold, lssn. 1!77n STOCK SALE AT BKOUGHTON HALL STATION. ?,tR J. W. nROW will hold his next FOnTIGHTLY ITX SALE of Fat and Store Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Pigs, Calves, &c on Wednesday, the 23th day of September, 11). Early entries to the Auctioneer will oblige. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock prompt. Church Lane. Mold. lÇt; Important Sale (!f Valvabh Freehold Propfflies, situate in the town of MOLD, al XAXXFflCII, Odd at RIlESY CA E, in the parish .->/ Ysci-ip'oif, m the county or Flint. ■a a J. W. BROWN begs to announce that he has been instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Black Lion Hotel, in the town of Mold, on Tuesday, the 21st day of September, ISSO, at Two for Three o'clock p.m. prompt, subject to conditions to be then produced, and in the fol- Jnwing or such other lots, and in such order as the agents of the vendors may decide upon at the time of sale, the following valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTIES. IN THE TOWN OF MOLD. LOT I.-That compact and desirable RESIDENCE, culled "Ffvnonfa," pleasantly situate on the Mold and Denbigh Road, close to the Bailey Hill, with the gaiden, croft, and premises adjoining and belonging thereto, for- merly in the occupation of the late I rs Bancroft. Immediate possession can be had. LOT 2.—A GARDEN situate close to Ffynonfa, ad- joining the HenlFordd-road, leading from Milford-street to the Mold and Denbigh Road, containing 700 square yanls or thereabouts, and m now in the occupation of Mr John Hnmphrevs. LOT :t'Another GARDEN adjoining the hist lot, con-, taining 701 square yards or thereabouts, also in the occupa- tion of Mr John Humphreys. LOT 4.—A compact MESSL AGE or DW ELLT l.>vc G-HuaOLt-ssE u and PREMISES, fronting the Mold and Denbiga road, and adjoining "Ffynonfa," now in the occupation of Mr John Humphreys, I OT 5-A depiifible MF.SSl AGK or DWET,LIN(,- HOUSE and PREMISES, situate in High-street, opposite; Tv-Ucha, now in the occupation of Miss Williams LOT (;A MESSUAGE and SHOP, well adapted for business premises, situate in High-street, opposite the Post Office, now in the occupation of Mr John E. Davies. IN THE VILLAGE OF NANNERCH. LOT 7.—A desirable liESIDENCE, called 1 y nllan House," with the gardens, outbuildings, and premises thereto belonging, together with the adjoining COTTAGE: and PREMISES, in the respective occupations of Mrs Bradlev and Mr Robert Phillips. LOT R-A FIELD near the village called Coed gae waen," formerlv part of a farm called Bryn Nannerch," containing 4a. 2r. Tip., or thereabouts, now in the occupa- tion of Mr Richard Edwards. NEAR RHESYCAE. LOT 9.—A FARM and LANDS, called Penybwlchl" or "Bwlch," with the Messuage or Dwelling house and recentlv-erected Fann Buildings, and the Cottages thereto belonging and held therewith, situate near Rhesycae, con- j tainiri by admeasurement 42 acres or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Mr Charles Parry. This is a very eligible lot, and is most pleasantly situated. The Minerals (if any) under Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and part of 9 do not belong to the Vendors. Any further information may be obtained from J. J. BAN- C\{OFT, Esq Glasfryn, Ruthin or from Messrs KELLY and KFF?.E solicitors, or the AUCTIONEERS, Mold. JC)FQ F Kr.l-NF, solicitors, or the Al-CTI<)NEPPS, .Nio](1. al9fOpf I GEORGE R. BAYLEY, AUCTIONEER, VALUE It, &c., I REOS respectfully to announce to Solicitors, Trades- j men, Farmers, and the Puhlk generally of Wrex- ham and the surrounding neighbourhood, that he j has commenced business as above and hopes by strict attention and prompt settlements, mid moderate terms, to merit a share of their support. Valuations for Probate immediately attended to. Terms on application at my office, The Cross, Oswestrv, and Caxton Buildings, Wrexham. i llijOp i—————— Legal and Public Notices. I BRYMBO CHURCH BAZAAR. THE DRAW for TWO TRUCKS of COALS, on August I!Ith, Winning numbers are :<! and 1849. H. HUGHES, ) O. MAY, Hun, ees. If Win T. EVAN JONES, ) NOTICE. THE PRIZE DRAWING for the benefit of Mr William JL Jones, Rhosddu, is postponed until the ?Ist of Sep- tember, when the winning numbers will be published in the Wrexham Advertiser and th." Li>:crpo ,l Mercury on the 26th of September, and all the hooks are requested to he sent in by the ISth of the same i Rhoinddu, August 25th, 1^0. liMjfc j Legal and Public Notices. r.r- THE FATAL EXPLOSION AT BERSHAM COLLIERY. WE beg to ask the kind consideration of a generous I T public on behalf of the nine widows and forty- three orphans of the men killed by the explosion at the j' above colliery on the night of August 3rd, 1880. At a meeting held at the Guildhall, Wrexham, on Satu'dav, the 7th inst., His Worship the Mayor in the chair, it was resolved— That the fearful calamity at the Bersham CoUiery I by which eight men had lost their lives, leaving widows and families, called for the earnest sympathy and warmest help from all and with the view of bringing the subject before the public so as to elicit and embody the feeling in a practical shape, th meeting be resolved into a committee to collect I subscriptions for the Widows and orphans of the men killed on the night of j!1e 3rd August, ISSO, and that the amounts so collected form a fund to be called the "Bersham Colliery Accident Fund." "That William Overton, Esq., J.P., be requested to act as Hon. Treasurer, and Dr. Eyton-Jones as Hon. Secretary." Since the meeting, the only survivor of the accident has died, increasing the number to nine widows and 431 children. It is estimated that about £2,500 will be required to give these Widows and Orphans the relief they would have received had the men at Bersham Colliery been in the North Wales Permanent Accident Fund. Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Hon. Treasurer, the National Provincial Bank, Wrexham the North and South Wales Bank, Wrexham or by any of their respective branches. E. SMITH, MAYOR, CHAIRMAN. WM. OVERTON, TREASPRER. T. EYTON-JONES, Hos. SEC. Wrexham, August 17th, 1S80. S. d. j Total amount acknowledged in last weeks' Advertiser 720 12 5 Sir W. W. Wynn. Bart 50 0 0 Mr Evan Morris 3 3 0 Mr J. Clark 5 0 0 Mr H. Lees 2 2 0 Ha warden Colliery (j 4 4 Mr H. Davies 10 0 Mrs Girardot 110 Mr G. F Thomas, Bryntirion 1 1 0 Mrs Thomas, Bryntirion 110 MrT. Martin 3 3 0 Mrs Canibell, Bangor 2 2 0 Mr J. Burton 25 0 0 Messrs. Chas. Bate and Son 10 0 Rev. E. Ollivant 110 Mr H. Houghton 1 1 0 Mr F. E. Richards, proceeds of Mrs Han- nan's concert 20 2 10 1 1 0 Mr 1 0 0 MrJ. Gittens 5 0 0 Mr T. Kennedy 1 1 0 Col. T. N. Leyland 5 0 0 Mr W. D. Haswell 5 0 0 Mr C. K. Benson 110 Crosse and Blackwell per C. K. Benson 1 1 0 Mr D. Williams 3 3 0 Mr Sparrow 0 10 0 MrJ. A. 0 10 ti Workmen at Plas Power 17 0 0 MOLD AUTUMN SPORTS, TO be held in Fields in the occupation of Mr James M Griffiths, and situate near Pentrehobin, Mold, on THURSDAY, September 0th, 1880, commencing at Noon. PATRONS.—The Duke of Westminster, K G., H. R. Hughes, Lord Lieutenant, William Johnson, Esq., High Sheriff, The Right Hon. H. C. Haikes, Robert Blezard, Esq., Pool P..rk. STEWARDS.—C. W. Ashton, Esq., T. W. Eyton, Esq., J. S. Bankes, Esq., C. P. Morgan, Esq., John Corbett, Esq. CLERK OF THE COURSE:—J. S. Bankes, Esq. STARTER:—J. Corbett, Esq JUDC,E:— H. E. Taylor, Esq. CLERKS Of SCALES Messrs W. P. Jones, and T. Winstanley. RACES. 1.—A FLAT RACE, for cobs not exeeedin Uk hands, about a mile and a half, in heats; lowest weight lOst. Entrance fee, 15s. Winner, £10; second, £3; third to save stake. 2.—A FLAT RACE, about 2 miles 4 yr. olds lOst. 10lb., 5 yr. olds list. 7 lb., 6 yr olds and aged 12 st. 3 lb. Entrance, £1 Is. Winner, jElS second, £5; third to save stake. 3.—A SACK RACE, of 50 .rt1". Entrance 2s. Winner, £1 10s second, 5s. 4.—A FLAT RACE, for penies not exceeding 12Z hands, one mile, lowest weight 8st. Entrance 5s. Winner, £5 second, £1 third to save .-take. 5.—AN OPEN TROTTING RACE, in saddle, catch weights, distance three miles. Entrance £1 Is. Win- ner, £15; second, £5; third to save stake. 6.-A LOCAL TROTTING RACE, for horses not exceed- 14J hands, limited to owners within a radius of 17 miles from Mold Cross, in saddle, catch weights, distance three miles. Entrance 2Us. Winner, £10; second, £4; to save stake. 7.—A FLAT RACE, for ponies not exceeding 13 hands, about a mile and a half, lowest weight Slst. Entrance 10s. Winner, second, third to save stake. 8.—A RACE OVER HURDLES, Ac., about 2' miles; same weights as in Race No. 2. Entrance, £1 Is. Winner, £21); second, £5; third to save stake. 9.—A FOOT RACE, 250 yards, over three flights of hurdles, 3ft 3in high. Entrance, Is. second, £1; third, 10s. j 10.—A DONKEY RACE, in harness, once round the course, about three-quarters of a mile in heats En- trance, Is. Winner, £2; second. A'l third. CONDITIONS. Ali races to be open except n. ii race. No professional rider to ride in No. t-l race. Competitors in the Foot Hurdle Race to run in (Less reaching below the knee. AM Horses and Ponies competing to have been the property of their respective owners thre months prior to the date of entry. All Races to be run in colors, to be declared at the time of entry. Not less than three to start for each race. All objections to be made ;n writing to the Clerk of the Course before the Clo?e of the Sports, and a deposit of ?2 in horse or pony races, and 5s in foot races, must be lodged with each objection, and in case the objection should prove groundless, such deposit shall be forfeited to the Sports Fund. All objections will be referred to the Stewaids, to whose decisions no objection shall be taken. The Judge's decision shall in all cases be final, No Gambling or Betting will be permitted at these Sports. Entries with Entrance Money will be received by the Secretary, at any time up to Saturday, September 4th, on which day he w II attend at the Black Lion Hotel, Mold, from 0 p m. to 8 p.m. after which no entry can be made. Entrance to field:—Admission each person, öd which pay- ment will include one race card saddle horses, 2s; convey- ances with one horse, 3s and with two or more horses, 5s; to saddling paddock, Is each person. FRANCIS MUSGRAVE, Hon Treasurer. J. W. BROWN, Sec. nzbpiy49 WREXHAM FREE SCHOOLS. TESTIMONIAL TO MR PRICE YAUGHAN. '3"-HE Members of the Committee and other friends of the Schools, on the occasion of Mr Price Vauglian's retirement from the office of Secretary, desire to present; him with a memento < f their appreciation ( f his zeal and devotedness in the welfare of the schools during the long period of 25 years. A Testimonial having been resolved I upon, contributions from past and present subscribers, and from old scholars are respectfully invited, which may be paid to Dr. Williams, of Holt-street, one of the Trustees: Mr R. Roberts, 23, Town-hill, or Mr William Mills, at the Schools. SUBSCRIPTIONS ALREADY RECEIVED. j s. d. Dr. Williams, Holt-streef House A Friend 5 n 0 A :L: 3 8 Rev. T. Ll. Griffith 2 2 0 Peter Walker, Esq 2 2 0 I' Rev. David Howell Ill) Wm. Low, Esq 110 Mr R. 110 Miss Essex Griffith (late) 1 1 0 A. W Edwards, Esq 110 Mr Meredith Jones 110 Mr Harold Lees 110 Townshend Mainwaring, Esq 10 0 Major 0 10 ij Mr Walter Jones 0 10 ti T. Rowland, 0 10 ti Mr A. Owen 0 10 fi Miss 0 10 0 Sir R.Cunliffe, Bart., 0 T. C. Jones, Esq 0 10 0 Messrs Jones & Rocke 0 10 0 Mr R. J. Williams 0 10 0 Subscriptions have also been received from Mr J. Bury, Mr J, Oswell Bury, Lieut.-Col Meredith, Mr Rogers, Mr T. B Willi ms, Mr H. Done, Mi Howell Davies, Mr j Crawford, Mr Painter, Mr C. E. Burton, TI. E. W., Mr G. Worrall. I Subscriptions should be sent in before August 31st, when it is intended to close the list. 1990n I IN THE MATTER of the Companies' Acts, 18ö2, 18b7, and 1877 and in the matter of the TRAVELLERS' _At CCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, Limited.—The CREDITORS of the above-named Company are required, on or before the 20th day of September, 1880 to send their names and addresses and the PARTICULARS of their nEBT or CLAIMS, and the'nanics and addresses of their diciturs, if any, to Mr James Wadih 11, of No J, Queen Yktoria.street. in the City pf London, Public Accountant, the Official Liquidator of the said Comp:my; and if so required by notice in writing from the said official liquidator, are, by their Solicitors, to come in and prove their said debts or claims at the Chambers of the Master of the Rolls, in the J{olls-yard, Chancery-lane, in the County of Middlesex, at such time as shalfbe spec!6ed in such notice, or in default thereof they will be exdu(ld from the beneSt of any distrib ition uiade.hefore such debts are proved. Monday, the ht day of November, 1880, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the said Chambers, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating upon the debts and claims. Dated this 5th day of August, 1880. ROBERT MARSHALL, Chief Clerk. HANBURY, HUTTON, ct WHITTING, I û2, New Broad-street, London, E.C., Solicitors for the Official Liquidator. I JOHN JONES, of Cefn Iawr, and Engineer at the J., Ma?-yn-Wern Brick and Tile Works, gl?e Notice, that I will not be held responsible for anv Debts con- tracted in my name by my wife, Margaret Jones, as witness ¡ my hand. tbj" 23rd day of August, 1880^ I¡5il) JOHN JONES, I Public and Legal Notices. "J .r_ 0' _r PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM. GRAND EVENING CONCERT, (Under distinguished patronage,) ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13TH, 1880. PRINCIFA -4 ARTISTE MR JAMES SAUVAGE, Of the London Concerts. Full particulars will appear in our next issue. Proceeds in Aid of Gwersyllt New Calvinistic Chapel Building Funrl, 1981 n Business Announcements. -r 'r ,r EXTENSION OF PREMISES. CLEARANCE SALE! CLEARANCE SALE!! CLEARANCE SALE! TO COMMENCE SATURDAY, AUGUST 14TH, 1880. C. DAVIES, MILITARY TAILOR, HOSIER, HATTER, AND GLOVER, 58, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. Begs to announce that he has decided to make some extensive alterations in his Premises, and wishes to inform his Customers, and the Public generally, that he has re-marked the whole of his Stock, in order to make a Clearance. The Goods will be marked at such Prices that cannot fail to effect a speedy Sale. As the Sale will not be kept open for more than ten (la) s, he would Î1, vite an early inspection :— The Stock consists of Goods as below Woollens, Hoisery, Ties, Scarfs, Gloves, Umbrellas, Silk and Felt Hats, Rugs. Portmanteaus and Bags White and Colored Shirts, Flannel and Tweed Shirts, Macintosh Coats, Tweed Dust Coats, &e. 500 YARDS OF SAXONY AND SCOTCH TWEEDS. 2 41- per yard, usual price, 4;ö- SEVERAL DOZEN SOILED WHITE SHIRTS, 3,)-, usual price 5 b'- A LARGE ACCUMULATION OF REMNANTS, At one-third the usual price. N.B.—Goods sold at Sale Prices will be for Cash only. 1432 TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. HARVEST BEER OF FINE QUALITY, BREWED ESPECIALLY BY THE WREXHAM BREWERY COMPANY, MOUNT STREET, WREXHAM. IN CASKS OF 9, 18, 36, & 54 GALLONS. ORDERS NOW BEING REGISTERED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. AS A SPECIALITY, the Wrexham Brewery Company are prepared to supply Beer in CASKS of 41 and t; Gallons. EARLY REGISTRATION OF ORDERS IS RECOMMENDED. 1912b GRA PE SALlNiE. EFFERVESCING GRAPE SALINE EDISBURY'S EFFERVESCING GRAPE SALINE Has now attained a large Sale and is highly recommended by the faculty. GRAPE SALINE for Headache and Biliousness. GRAPE SALINE for Sluggish Liver and Sea Sickness. GRAPE SALINE for Gout and Rheumatism. GRAPE SALINE for Nettlerash and Scurvy. GRAPE SALINE for Disordered Stomach and Liver. GRAPE SALINE corrects all excesses in eating and ilviiikitisf. GRAPE SALINE carries off the evil effects of Alcohol. GRAPE SALINEis invaluable as a Summer Drink. GRAPE SALINEa Coding Aperient for ChUdrpu. GRAPE SALINEthe remedy for Heartburn. SOLD IN PATENT STOPPERED BOTTLES AT IK. IN. E/U'H. Seat packed free to any address on receipt of :j:i SWrif, PREPARED ONLY BY J. F EDISBURY, MRS., THE NORTH WALES PHARMACY AND PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, 3, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. 174-2 CAMBRIAN BREWERY. YY ILLIAM GISSON, BEGS to announce that in addition to the bnsi- liess of Brewer, he has entered into the SPIRIT TRADE, j and is now prepared to execute orders for Spirits of all descriptions. Wrexham, 30th July, 1S80. I!i33n BERWIG QUARRIES. REAL MINER A STONE. FOR Estimates for ::upply of this celebrated Stone, r either rough, scabbled to size, or dressed rendy for fixing,-Apply to R. A. RYI.ANDS, Berwig Quarries, Minera, near Wrexham. Estimates furnished for Monuments. 190tla IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. JOHN ?EWNS.Cock Bank, Marchwiel, formerly with ei Messrs Evison and Jones, bes to inform Agricul- turists that he has purchased a new Travelling THRASH- ING MACHINE, with all the latest improvements, and trusts by close attention to business to merit the support of the Gentry and Farmers in the surrounding neighbourhood. l!)73b LION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Head Office, 5, Lothbury, London, E.C. Subscribed Capital, £ 1,000,000 sterling. Paid up, £ 200,000. Reserve Fund, £ 50,000. DIRECTORS. John Staniforth, Esq., Chair- man. Charles Eley, Esq. James Staats Forbes, Esq. Lord Claud John Hamilton, M.P. Lord Alexandra Gordon Len- nex. I Lord Norreys. I Arthur John Otway, Esq., M P. 1 Sir Philip Rose, Bart. Hon. Edward (t. Struit. I Francis Webb, Esq. I (,. H. Tod Heatley, Esq. General Manager, Charles Beddall, Esq. The Company insures all kinds of Property against loss or damage by Fire at fair and equitable rates of Premium. Claims settled promptly and libeiilly. Local Agent at Wrexham, Mr R. Roberts, Yeterinary Surgeon. Agents wanted in unrepresented districts.—Apply to the District Manager, Mr J. Edwards, Pentre House, near Ruabon. ]!H!la COAL! COAL! COAL! THE VRON CRANK from the VRON and COED- JL POETH COLLIERIES, is a superior first class HOUSEHOLD COAL, the best in the Principality. It is clean, very hot, burns with little smoke, leaves hardly any cinder or ash. Orders received at the office of the Company, 4, Grove Park Wrexham, or the Workhouse Wharf Wrexham. PRICES AT THE WORKHOUSE WHARF: YRON CRANK. 6d per cwt. Do. THROUGH SLACK. 3d do. ORDINARY HOUSE COAL 5d do. Do. THROUGH SLACK 2d do. For cash on delivery. One penny per cwt. extra charged er credit. 1012 MONEY TO LED,-Two sums of L575 and £4500! J?t (separately) to be advanced on approved mortgage security on the :Wth October next.—Apply to J. K. W»T.K<\S & SON, Solicitors, 20, Wood-street, Bolton. 1974b J. G. J. LLOYD, PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, AND PAINTERS, LEAD PUMPS, WATER CLOSETS, BATHS, BEER MACHINES AND WATER SITPI.Y FITTINGS OF THE MOST IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION. All orders promptly attended to. 'QUEEN'S qQUARE, W R E X H A M 237p NO FEES UNLESS CASH ADVANCED. PRIVATE CASH ADVANCES on Farm and Trade J_ Stocks, Furniture, &c., in Town or Country, without removal, and with or without sureties. All communica- tions from intending borrowers treated with strict con fl(lence.-AI)ply personally, or write for a Prospectus, to GEOIWE PAYNE, Accountant, 7, St. John-street, (opposite the Post Office), Chester. 1854p Education. '> J- hi, KING STREET, WREXHAM. SCHOOL FOR THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG LADIES. 1' R, N C I I' A I. > THE "YJISSES SIMONS- A separate Schoolroom for boys from four to twelve years of age. The School will re-open SEPTEMBER lirn, 1S80. 1877 -I BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL (Old Vicarage, Wrexham.) I'RINCIL'AL MR HARRY POY^ER> M.C. p., j Trained and Certificated Master. The Head I.t<" I.dug a THAINBD 1/T.IiHR'ATED (Highest possible) practical and long experienced teacher, and having most successfully conducted, for 14 and 12 years respectively, large Annually Inspected Government and his own Middle Class Schools, is able to guarantee all the advantages attaching to the most approved modem system of education without any of its disadvantages. Superior accommodation for and every attention bestowed upon boarders. For terms (which are moderate and in- clusive) see prospectus, sent on application The Autumn term will commence on September 13th, but new pupils are charged proportionately from anvdate of admission. 1847f PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. i MARLOWE-TERRACE, MOLD. I P-, VVM- LL0YD pAKRY, Formerly of the UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF WALES. And late Assistant-Master at the ROCHDALE 11 1 4 i H H'HOOL, Will open a Middle Class School in the town of MOLD, About the middle of September. The Curriculum will include the ordinary English sub- jects, Mathematics, Modern Languages, and Classics. 1 !*0t)z HOME AND SCHOOL UNITED. PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOYS between eight [ and twelve years of age. Education high class. Situation delightful. Eight acres of recreation grounds.— For terms (moderate) apply to Principal, Rev. W. T. GILES, M.A., &c., Netherleigh, Chester. ]!)Olb MR., JAMES YOUNG, Organist and Choirmaster of Mold Parish Church (late Assistant Organist of Lincoln Cathedial), will be glad to receive Pupils for the Organ, Pianoforte and Singing. Present address, DOLPHIN HOTEL, MOLD. N.B.-Pupils passed in Honor- the Public Ex- aminabonq. GENERAL PRINTING- ESTABLISHMiiJNT, Advertiser Office, MARKET SQUARE, WREXHAM. Every description of COMMERCIAL, GENERAL, AND. FANCY PRINTING. PROMPTLY EXECUTED I Publishers (by authority) of the Abstract of the Coal Mines Regulation Act, AND Special Colliery Rules for North Wales. To be had in Sheets and Books, in both English and Welsh. JJAYLEY & JJRADLEY, PROPRIETORS. I Business Announcements. HAXELL'S ROYAL EXETER HOTEL I is situate in the most open part "? the WEST- &?o? STRAND, close to the THEATRES, and mo? Objects of Interest, with the advant!"cnf ?t-ing '-=5=^=^ entirely surrounded by the wood pAV?ment Apartments, 2s 6d; Drawin-noom", with Bedrooms f? suite, Ms Gd, 12s M eryice, Is tM. The tni!f is n'?"r varied. TOURIST SEASON.—" We will add that the j admirably placed for pleasure parties. Nor is th. re u more comfortable or inexpensive a hostelry in L-n h. Vido Cambridge Chronicle. 7c SPECIAL NOTICE. \1 ESSRS BROWN, HOLMES, & CO. ,LT beg to announce that during the month of I August the rema^vyy-j, portion of their Summer Stock of Milliner j,' Mantles, Colored Costumes, Made-up Skirts, and Parasois, together with a ) variety of Silks and Fancy Dress Materials, will be I offered at greatly reduced prices. NEW AUTUMN GOODS. A large delivery of Sealskin Coats, Fur-lined Mantles, and New Dress Fabrics, have been re- ceived, patterns of which will lie forwarded by i return if desired. CHARGES FOR DRESSMAKING. Material Dress, plainly made, from 10,0 „ "fully trimmed, 1,:(j To Prevent misunderstanding, ladies are re- quested to ak for a written estimate :n the time their orders are given. SILK MERCERS TO HER .MAJESTY AND H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. CHESTER, August, ISO. :131 I TJ TH1 I FAMILY. QUEEN AND R O A L FAMILY. TURYEYOR TO THE B?? WILLIAM KENDlilCK, CONFECTIONER, ¡ 20, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM, Sole Manufacturer of the,Ongmal and H!gh!y Ce'ebi .1' d WREXHUI GING EIIBREA D, as Supplied to her Majesty the Queen. Sold in Boxes from One Shilling and upwards. BRIDE CAKES Made and Ornamented to any Design. SOLE AGENT for the MELTON MOWBRAY PIES. VISITORS to WREXHAM can he SUPPLIED with LUNCHEONS, DINNERS, TEAS, &C., in his well-appointed ) DINING ROOMS. DAILY PAPERS TAKEN. LUNCHEONS, PIC NICS, SCHOOL TREATS, &< CONTRACTED FOR. LADIES' ROOM. W. K. has Opened the above Room for the cc.iutor amrconvenience of Ladies. 13Clb I NORTH WALES I PUBLIC I SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, (OPPOSITE THE NORTH AND SOUTH WALES I BANK.) WREXHAM. I' These Stores of Supply are based and conducted on the Co-operative principle,-the Smallest Profit for Cash Payment, with a view to meet the re- quirements of a class of customers who are able and willing to pay ready money for their good, and reasonably expect to rec-cive full advantages for the same, thereby doing a, way with the system whereby good customers are made to pay for the bad, THE NEW PRICE LIST FOR THE COMING SEASON IS NOW R EADY. The PRICES have all been carefully REVISED and in many instances greatly REDUCED. and in many instances greatly lElJL"CED. j The object of the List is to excite enquiry and comparison, and show to customers generally where all goods (not a special few to attract, delude, and deceive) of the highest quality rind known bess brands are supplied for Cash, at a direct saving to the customers of from 10 to 50 per cent, on prices usually charged, and for which a very inferior class of goods is often substituted. Purchasers can obtain the advantages of Cc- operative Stores without the expense of taking shares or buying an annual ticket. Copies of List can be had free on application at the Stores or per post. DEPARTMENTS. TEAS AND GENERAL FRENCH, ITALIAN, FOREIGN AND COLO- NIAL GOODS WINES AND CIGARS AND TOBACCO BRUSHES, MATS, SPONGES, PATENT MEDICINES AND PROPRIETARY PERFUMERY AND FANCY GOODS DELIVERY OF GOODS.—All orders delivered free in Wrexham and neighbourhood by our own vanfl, or by Carriers. ORDERS of jE5 and upwards will be delivered FREE to any railway station within 100 miles of Wrexham. C. K. BENSON & CO. PROPRIETORS. 10F> IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE. X ESTABLISHED 1K36. X j MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.C. WEST END BRANCH—53, CONDUIT ST., REGENT ST, W SUBSCRIBERS, BY OBTAINING TIMEI.V IM ORMATIO> MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS, AND MAY, THROUGH THIS AGENCY, RECOVER DEBTS DUE WITH PROMPTITUDE. STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE Supplies Information Indispensable to Traders. I BRANCHES at Dublin, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bristol, Brighton, Belfast, Cork, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Southamp- ton, Sheffield, Gloucester, and Bradford TERMS—j £ l IS, £2 2s, £:3 3s, £5 5s, according ic 18- ciuireraents. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to the SECHK- TAllY, Stubbs' Mercantile Offices, 42, Gresham "'treet, London, E.C. TRADE AUXILIARY COMPANY (LIMITED). CAUTION. THERE IS xo OFFICE IN LONDON CONNECTED WITH STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM STREET, E.C. (SITUATE AT THE CORNER OF KING STREET, OPPOSITE GUILDHALL), EXCEPT THE WEST END BRANCH I .n 53, CODrlT STREET, REGET ThbET, W 2C2?b