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Shipping Notices. "¿- /rJ' r" WHITE STAR LINE Royal and United States Steamers. NOTICE.-The Steamers of this Line take the Lane Routes recommended by Lieut. Maury, on both the Out- ward and Homeward psissages. I LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, Forwa- ding Passengers to all parts of the United States and Canada. THESE well-known m??n;n<'ent Steamers are appointed Tto sail weekly as under, carrying her Majesty sM« the United States Mails CELTIC TVsosday, May 11th BRITANNIC.Tlvv.rsdav, 20th May. ADRIATIC Tuesday, U'tli C-PRMANIC Tliurs yt a tine 'k(l. BALTIC ..Tuesday, June th. FROM NEW YORK. CELTIC S«I FXVL 1£st .itur?la'y, ),kfay Ist These SPLENDID Vessels r^.U-E the PRESAGE  Vessels rd.e  est possible time, and ?-\ to V^ENGEI-S the highest degree of C^AFORT hi.therto ^ttam.ible Awaeo pupate »J di'^ ln H davs In "m- Avera.1) r:ö,;j,a;e KA da;;¡ 111 -,m, -TOT "? Vessel is COr.!??ructed in se\en ?ter tight com- ^T4?OON INDIES' Foudoir, State RSSBM, andSmoking- ?he?  F,3iiloir, h I ] oem arm ?idsh-:rs and are lu?un??y furn.shed and e?edvith nH ?.?-n convenances: pianos, libraries .Sr?r?))-. !?h -'MM. barber's sh?p. &c. e salo,in ??5, IS, and 21 G\?as; Return Tickets at reiiieed nitt,9. ''?"???' ?comuioda?n ? of the very hi?bsat ?rMt<'r the ;iro -?;p:ieious, well hgMe?, ??d a::dwinued. a? p?ngers of this class ftd their comfc? carefully STH&pFCA, ?dthe provision?'?- 4orpas.qeil. J 'd ?ew'?it ?- in Steer?e t- attend the WOMEN "and Children. Drafts ISWH-SS on Now Y,rk- "3 of CHARGE. For f-r passage arrlv to WILLIAM H.W KINS TILSTO,N, X Hi.sh-stre-et, V.^exhara Mr 11. UOBHRTS, Town WrexHu" TAr W. D ."ONES, ?MAY. IM?IH, ? CO., 1'} wat-str¿et, Y?verpo'?1: c?- to 05b ?4. LeadenhaH-street, Ijon?on, E.C. | !:MIGRATION 'tiO CANADA. -? EMTCTEATIOIT TO CANADA. i Covemment AssMT!? PASSAG*, a4:\)' I teduced fares. Pamphlets, and C" 1> Information on ?rpl'c?'<'n??? \J t' to the MM???-<? ?Q '?<'?'??????? ?Directors. ?? \??-???? >?b;n. ?010/- ??-?  <- ,J). &t?? Steerage, JM C/- ti" :[_hrOUgh fares to all p?fts? \.? C?n?? and UDhCd States On the ??.st terms-Apply to Fuss. Mai*, & ?-?? H.???ERY. ?. James St., ?76rp?; ? to their local Agents. Jilt. ET'WALI!> JONES, AUCTIONEER, 31, Ouitls Mar- Set, Wrexham. 026 v Announcements. COAL: COAL! COAL! 'I .t\ un THE VRvTT CUANK (mm Vhe YPONand COED- POETli COLLI EI!IKS, is U snpeficr first class HOUSE'OLD COAL, tliu best in the Principality. It is clean, very V t, burns with Httr* ■smok-e> '■saves hardly any cinder or ASH. Orders REVIVED at the OFFICE of -tho Company, 4, Grove Park Wre'iliain, or the Workhouse WHARF Wrexham. PRICKS AT THE WORKBITSSF' WHARF I VEGN CUANK • 6d per cwt. Do. THROUGH SLACK. 3d do. 'ORDINARY HOUSE COAL 5d do. Do. THROUGH SLACK 2M do. For cash on delivery. One penny per cwt. extra charged for credit. 1012 Post Free for Five Stamps, from I MR T. COXGHEYE, PECKHAM, LONDON, j "CONSU MPT I ON; ITS OXLY SUCCESRFR UL TREATMENT." (New Kditum) with many Interesting Canes e,r Cwv. w o RTH A GUINEA A BOX. BEECHAM'S PILLS. ARE admitted by Thousands to be worth a GUINEA A nox for billions and nervous disorders, such as wind -and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, ioss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sen- sations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thou- sands of eases. Every svifierer is earnestly invited to try -out box of these Pills, END they will be acknowledged "to be WORTH A -G UINEA A BOX. For females of all &ges these Pills are invaluable, ae a ,fw doses of them carry off all gross humors, open all obstructions, and bring abou al :that is required. 'No iemale should be without them There is no medicine.to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken accord- ing to the directions given with each box, they will scon restore females of all a-es to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach,- impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the liver, they act like MAGIC," and A few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most im- portant organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long-lost com- plexion, bring back the teen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, AND one of the best guarantees to the nervous and de- bilitated is, BEECH AM S PILLS have the largest -sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, difficulty- of breathing, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, wheezing, <fcc., these Pills stand unrivstlled. They speedily remove thai sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECIIAM'S COCGH PILLS a trial, and'the -most violent cough will in a short time be removed. CAUTION.—The public are requested to notice the words BEECHAM'S PILLS, St. Helens," are on the Government -Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If not on, they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the'Pro- prietor, T. Beecham, Che-ri-,t, St. Helens, Lancashire, in boxes at Is LID and 2s !)') each. Sent post free from the Proprietor for 15 or 36 stamps.-Sold by all Drvggists -and ■Patent Medicine Dealem. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. 2298c A RIDE T 0 K R I V ?A I ??- si CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Koice Guards. Page 13 says "Two pairs of boots lined with fur were alsc •teten and for physic—wi JI which it is as well tc -be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way .places-some quinine, and Cockle's Pills, the lat- ,ter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I .have used on the natives of Central Africa with the .greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous -effects produced upon the -nind and body Of im j Arab Sheik, who was impsrvious to all native MEDICINES, when I administered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS j -will never fade from my mejtory and a friend of -mine, who passetl through th,) same district many T ^MONTHS afterwards, informed me that my fame aa A medicine man' had not died out, but that the J" 'marvellous cure was eves <tml a theme of cGx- ««raation in the bazaar." See I BURNABY'S RIDF, !Eti) KHIVA, I Page 13. 1 A COO D FAMILY MEBICINE CHEST viitliipriidentil,,e.,hlqspvrdm:einy a life, and yet we think uR £ idea might lie improved upon, and reduced to a more Biasple fonn. Ttke some good com pound, such as COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUg PILLS. nd we and that the desired end may ?e ortiamed with- out scal? and weights, or little mveexi?ous compartments or enchanted bottles, w4? crystal stoppeM. Others might be used, but be used, bu.. COCKLE'S PILLS I as tested by many thousands of persons, and found to answer their purpose so well, may be set down as; the best. -Observer. ARiDE TO R R 1 7 A A BY CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says:— Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken and for physic—with which it is as weH to he supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places —some quinine and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with tha 1 greatest possible success. In fact the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when I apministered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a 'medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvellous cure was even then a theme of conver- sation in the bazaar. See BURNABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. C. OCKLE'S A V-T I B I L I OUS FILLS THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. In boxes at Is lid, 2e 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. QKiKLE'S ANTIBILIOU6 PIUS. In use EIGHTY Y B A RS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom. In boxes at Is lid 2s 9d, 48, and 5s 18 HEW ORMOND STREET, LONDON. 976 A CERTAIN CURE FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY. t GRATIS, a MEDICAL WORK showing sufferers how they °'?? ?? ??s? and recover Health and Vitality, without tboa aid of Quacks, with Recipes for purifying the Blood and removing Skin Affections. Free an receipt of stamp to prepay postage.—Address Secretarv, Institute of Anatomy. Bmnmgham. M39 'r?? ?MAS PUBLIC NOTICE. THOMAS LEW18, Peneral ?Mil poster and advertising JT. a?ge? nt rents all the PO¡¡tg stations in and round Tagent, bill p^ oster to the Cambrian and Great Western Railway Companies. Office: Oswald Row, Beatrice street, Oswestry, where all orders must be addressed "YOUR new 'Vowel' A] is Machine, both X as Washer, Wringer, and blaugler seriously Nirs G. considers it beyond all praise." Vide Purchaser Price X6 10s, Carriage free and trial free. Catalogue ftee by post. PARIS, 1878, three Silver Medals to THOMAS BRADPORD, & CO., 140 to 143, High Holborn, jppoop, and Cathedral jtt.eø! Manchester. Business Announcements. j)IARTI IJROTHERS) BRIDGE STREET, PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS. AND PAINTERS, AUTHORISED W ATER FITTERS. Hot and Cold Baths, Water Closats, Lift and Force Pumps made and fixed. Wall Papers supplfcd and Hung Patterns on implication 243b NOTICE. THE TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL GENTLEMEN AND THE PKOFb.Sr?ONAL PRESS HAS BEEN UNQUALIFIED IN TUALSE OF LAMPLOUGH'S FYKKTIC SAD?H, (M possessing L most important 'dements, calculated to restore and maintain health, with perfect viour of body and mind Have it in J OUT houses and forget it not in your travels." DK. PROUT. —" T""ufolding germs of immense benefit to mankind." PR, NIORGAN. It fu-zuisbes the blood with its lost saline constituent." DR, TURI.EY.—"I found it act as a specific in mf experi- ence and family in the worst form of scarlet lever, tio other medicine beinf required." Dtt. S. Gf.TNON (formerly physician of the London Hospital.—" It is the best pretention of the ind I have (,ver met with. Its usefulness in the treatment of disease has long bei-ii confirmed by medical experience. I speak from adequate knowledge of the preparatioik, havi. ng beeu in the hat it of using it in private practice f-<r many years, and having taktn a large quantity with me when I "ent"s physician to the Smyrna Hospital. In hot climates it is of especia! value." I>R. SI-ARKI; (Government Medict'l Inspector of Emigrants from the port ef London) writes Fropi iiiy personal and professional use and knowledge of the value of Vr Lamplough's I'yiv tie Saline for many years past, I have great pleasure in bearing my cordial testimony to its efficacy in the treatment of many of the ordinary and chronic forms of Gastric Cum plaints and other forms of fcYbrile Dyspepsia.—5t-k August, *—It is of immense "Iue in Pricklv Heat. DR, J. W. DOWSJMX I used it in the treatment of »orty-two eases of Yellow Fever, and I am li&Vpy to state that I never lost a single case. DR. W. STEVENS, ill his works on Cholerei and Fever, states Since its introduction the Fatal West India Fevers are deprived of their terrors. Prio- 2, fi, and 21'- each bott-ie. H. LAMrLOUGH, 113, Holborn, Lnidon. __? TfrBW WHISKY IS POISONOUS, no matter how ?i agrceabtv navourod. Exact age of SWAN and CROWN Whiskv ?nfH-antecd by H.M. Customs' Officers. D.. I' "1L'- -t -') -,1 -I -t' I, ('r: Distillations of 1877 7<>, 75, 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, tj7, .f Pricefor2g.ils.-TJS/ 40; 42'- Cash sliotil(I accompany Orders. TllOMAS -SCA1.I>Y it Co., Eustace Street, Dublin. l'urcha-iiig Agents Wanted. Them«!ft Beautiful Starch the World ever used. G L E N F I E L D \3r ^T A K C H SOU) EVERYWHERE. R. WOTHERSFOON A Co., GLASGOW & LONDON. OSKSLIME JUICE I /CORDIAL JH. 'Prepared from the Lime Fruit. c Is entirely free of Alcohol. R'- OSIrS- LDn .JI'WE /"CORDIAL. ??/ j A Wholesome family beverage J all the year round. OSE""S HMM?TUICE.T?ORDIAL. R A clelicifixi.4 (]rink in water c A delicious drink in water, I ëti\rH'scin in aU aiiated ) waters. ROSg,S, LDIE JUICE I COHD IAL ) An excellent stimulant blended I I with spirits. | OSE'S LIME JUICE jf^ ORDIAL. ,Is highly medicinal, cooling c and pn'ifyinK the b]ood, assisting digestion. ROSE'S LIME JUICE CORDIAL. JL? Is recommended by the Lancet J Y^ORDIAL. V^> and medical profession as eminently wholesome. I ROSE'S ¡ LDIE JUICE I CORDIAL. Sold everywhere by Wine J ??' ?lerchants, Grocers, Chemists, I ltc ROSE'S LIME JUICE CORDIAL. Wholesale Stores, J 11, Curtain Hoad, London, and 41, Mitchell-street, Leith. ONKTER SALE of PAPERHA GlNGS at 8, Vic- l' toria Street, Bristol. One of the largest stocks in England. A Dllhon pieces to clear. Hetinng from busi- ness. The business to be disposed of. 100,0H0 pieces at ?3 17s fid per ream of 4O pieces. 200,000 pieces of white pulps atL5 17S tid. All others equally low. Patterns sent free of any quality. Any number of pieces supplied. T. C. STOCK, Proprietor. on u Architect, Waterworks and Sanitary Engineers, Plumbers, Builders, and others. TYLOR and SONS' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE 0 FOR 18S0 is now ready, containing upwards of 500 Pages and 1,000 Illustrations of SANITARY and WATER SUPPLY APPLIANCES. Water Closets. Lavatories, Baths, Cocks, and Valves, Waste preventing and WTater- works fittings, Water Meters, Plumbers' Brasswork. j Apply to J. TYLOR and SONS, MANUFACTURERS, Ij 2, NEWGATE STREET, LONDON, E.C. RWAYGOOD AND CO.,1 ENGINEERS, Falmouth Road, Great Dover Street, London, S.E. ) L I FTS. I AGENTS I Wanted. GULLIVER'S VALE OF AYLESBURY MINERAL WATERS. PUREST AND BEST .Ni in the U'<nED KINGDOM, see Analysis One doz. assorted sample case f; ee to any Rail Station for P.o.o. or stamps 5s, 2s allowed re- turned case and bottles. All Goods Cari-iagefree EVERY GROCER should keep the GROCERS JEJ PACKET TEAS. Always command a large sale i wherever introduced. Valuable Books. Wholesale only of Hill, Maynard, and Co., Vine Street, America Square, I London, E.C. REA, NEAfE&BOUJÜ"E;S' (BIRMINGHAM). PATENT 'NO-CORK" Oil Bottle, Clean! Useful J_ Economical! Never requires a Cork Saves time, temper, & oil. Sold by all respectable Ironmongers and Oilmen. j THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS purify the foulest; JL b!ood,??nd remove every disease of the stomach, liver, and kuivieys. Pure blood gives health. Thousands have Keen cured by these wonderful Pills whose diseases I could not be reached by any other medicine. Sold by all Chemists in boxes, l.TA «fc 2 9 or from the establishment, 44, Oxford-street, Swansea, for 15 or 35 stamps. All; ufferers are highly recommended to try them. AGENTS WANTED for a Novelty-—Sample 14 stamps. j? —Lehfe!dt Bros & Co., 15, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. jgECKETTS F R U,, IT SYRUPS. Raspberry, Black Currant, Lime Fruit, Lemon, Orange, Ginger, &c., &c. MAKE MOST DELICIOUS BEYER AGES; CAN BE USED WITH HOT OR COLD WATER. I have prescribed Beckett's Syrup of Orange and Quinine ?as an elegant substitute for Bitter Befr for the last ten years."—Norman Kerr, Esq., I.D., F. L.S., London. I Your Fruit Syrups are ex- quisite. I have met with no- ,thing of the kind equal to itheiii.Re,w. Charles Garrett, Liverpool. I like them exceedingly, j ?They deserve to be entitled i'.NiaTture's Own Beverages;' I could not speak more highly of them."—Rev. Charles Bullock, IB I)., Editor of Home Words and Hand and Heart. IN BOTTLES, 1/- and 1,9. Sold by Chemists, Grocers, and Confectioners. Manu- facturer-W. Beckett, Hey wood, Manchester. London I Depots :—J. Sanger and Sons. 252, Oxford-street; Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon-street. "T A B R ILL I ANT I E."¡ 1 1 METALLIC POWDER, for cleaning and polishing metals (especially brass), is used by the Life, Horse, and Dragoon Guards, the Fire Brigades, &c. Sold everywhere in 6d and 1/- boxes. Proprietors, J. F. BAUMGARTNER and Co., 22, Newman-street, London, W. FORAGE at WHÙLESALE PRICES TO CO- I WSU.NIERS. HAY, STRAW, AC., Sold on Commission.  Bankers Ransom, Bouverie & Co. HALL & Co., PARK LANE, LONDON, W. HO ? for America.-Join our Colony in Virginia. Don't J_ j go to Western States. Send immediately for free illustrated price catalogue.—J. F. MANCHA, Claremont, Virginia. BAKER & CRISPS NEW and CHEAP DRESS j J) FABRICS. WASHING FABRICS extraordinary from 6d. per yard. All the New Textiles from till, per vard. Patterns Free.—198, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. -j DOZEN KID GLOVES Extraordinary. Best I -g Alpine 2 Button Kid, 3 pairs 3'2, free for 2 Button Kit], 'I pairs ']'. 2 free for! Stamps. Ladies' Chamois Washing Leather Gloves, a luxury for Country Wear, free for 20 Stamps. BAKER & CRISP, 198, Regent Street, London, W. I 1 ?f? DOZEN REAL SHETLAND SHAWLS, alII Ú colours, 2 yards square. Post free for Stamps, 2:3. W00 dozen ICE WOOL SQUARES, 20 inch 1/4 28 inch 2/3 34 inch 311 all,colours, free for Stamps. BAKER & CRISP, 198, Regent Street, London, W. LETTKL XUDSON'S SOLD BY I A-N-A Q M CHEMISTS and OLD J)AINT AND 31. M. STATIONERS. I FOR RE-&ILDING FRAMES—FOR WRITING TEXTS—FOR ARTISTIC CABINET AND BASKET WORK-FOR GILDING I EGGS, APPJUES, AND FEATHERS. A MOST BEAUTIFUL AND ATTRACTIVE ARTICLE. BE SURE AND ORDER JtSDSON'S GOLD PAINT. Judsoc's Specialities of CHEM5STS and STATIONERS. Anyone can uge XUDSON>f Every lady should do them in a pail ? her Dyeing at Home. Hot Water, D YES, The process is most Time MJr interesting, and the Ten miautes. lid. fxL result almost magicaa: I ,_n,u ,_n p I SPRING DREa? MATERIALS. Colored Cashmeres, ?? rr,?? Me:es? Vecunas, PDmpaaours, and all the I I'AT-IJatest productions of the Freh and English INikets,6-ld-to3slIdy(l. BLACK CASHMERES TERNS surpassing everyi?in? introduced for perfection of I POST !°?'' and durability, 40 and 48 inches Is 3d to 5s M I POST .yard. Sfks, ,9 a't??i?''Velvets and Yeheæens. George ?tREE. 'NeweU an? Co., 2t?, Oxford Street, LoBdon, W. p D I C KIN S AND JONES' SpztNISH KID GLOVES are, unequalled for wear. Every pair guaranteed In all colours with 3 Buttons at 2s 7d per pair, with t; and 12 I Buttons for Evening wear, and Slack, 3s lOd, and 5s 7d per pair, free by post. HANOVER HOUSE, 9EGENT STREET, LONDON. ? !J -I CAPE.F GOOD,HOPE, NATAL- tnd EAST A!RlCA"lI' CAPESJT? £ E^ArM;?E™RoS.—Tn he UNION S.S. Co's M4U. PACKETS sail from SOUTHAMPTON every alternate Thurs-1 day, and direct Algoa Bay and Natal Steamers every fonrth < Friday, leaving Plyiiiouth the next day. Apply at the Com- p«aiy s Offices, Oriental-place, Southampton; or II, Leaden- j hllU-street, London. J NEW SADLER'S WELLS THEATRE Every Evening. Prices from fid to X2 10s. TO MOTHERS SUCKLING, with deficiency of BREAST I TMILK. The PALMA CHRISTI is invaJuaMeand NEVER FAIL to promotea supply. Bottles 2 9 and GREENISH, 20, New Street, Dorset Square, London. Order of your druggist. Qm RATS found Dead after using two M Jars of 87 STEINER'S VERMIN PASTE, Sold by all Chemists. Works; Henry St, Liniehouse, London. "Trv it, it never fails. THE CROSS, OSWESTRY. j DAILY and WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, conveyed by the Cambrian Railway Co., on the day of Publication, by the first Train after receipt. All orders promptly at- tended to by C. G. B A Y L F, Y, BOOKSELLER. Business Announcements. .r ""J"" ¡,-r-. ,J" J^OCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RE. STORER will completely restore in a few days, grey 01 prematurely light hair to its original colour without the slightest chance of injury. The Hair Restorer is the best ever offered for sale. It effects its object satisfactorily, j producing a perfectly natural colour; thoroughly cleanses the head from scurf, and causes the growth of new bait. Sold everywhere by Chemists and Hairdressers, in large Bottles, Is 6tl each. Be sure to obtain LOCKTER'S Sul- phur Hair Restorer. 888 c RACROFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE. By using thfe delicious aromatic Dentifrice, the enamel of the teeih becomes white, sound, and polished like Ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially use- ful for removing incrustations of tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all Chemists, Pots, Is asrd 2s 6d each. (Get Cracroft's.) 888j SULPHúLINE LOTION.-sin external remedy for Skin Diseases. The most obiftlnicte eruptions and Pimples are subdued by Sulpboline. ftnA a clear, healthy skin developed. Those complaining of tender, reddened, and irritale skins, or affected byThe sun, rough winds, &c., and even sufferers from Cfmstitutional Skin Diseases will derive great benefit and 'comfort by using Sulpholine Lotion which has powerful conserving and salutary action, removes the effe-,C, of constant perspiration, and maintains the cuticle in ft free, healthy condition. Bottles, 2s 9d each sold by all Chemists. 888r pEPPER'S QUININE & IRON TONIC will remove Indigestion, Flatulence, constant Heartburn, Weakness of the Stomach, Sinking Sensations, Nausea, &-c.. Quinine Jron is the most effective treatment in all complaints arising from derangement of the Nervous Sys- tem. 88-z pEPPER'S QUININE & IRON TONIC.— The P-emedy in all Wasting Diseases. Sold by Chemists in Bottles containing 32 doses, price 4s 6d; next size Bottle, lis; and in large Stone Jars, 22s. The signature of J. PEPPER is on the label in red ink. NSSz pEPPER'S QUININE & IRON TONIC Purifies and Enriches the Blood Strengthens the Nerves and Muscular System; Promotes Appetite and improves Digestion Animates the Spirits and Mental Faculties, Thoroughly recruits the general Bodily Health, and induces a proper healthy condition of the Nervous and Physical Forces. 88Sz fJURAXACUM & PODOPHYLLIN.-A fluid Combination for Derangement of the Liver, particularly when arising from slight congestion. By gently stimulating action of the liver, and slightly moving the bow-els, the drowsy feeling, with sensations of fulness, head-ache, pain beneath the shoulders (at the chest) after eating, un- pleasant taste in the mouth, and other indications of dyspepsia are removed. Taraxacum and Podophyllin is much safer than calomel or blue pill for removing bile,- Prepared by J. PEPPER, 2.!7, Tottenham Court Road, Lon- don, whose name is on the label. Bottles, 2s lid and 4s 6d each. Sold by all Chemists. 888z Just published. THE NORTH WALES COAL FIELD. Being a series of Diagrams showing the Depth, Thickness, and Local Names of the Seams in the principal Collieries of the vari US districts, with Index, Geological Map, and horizontal sections across the Ruabon, Brymbo, Buckley, and Mostyn districts. By JOHN B \TES GREGORY and JESSE PRICE, of Hope Station, near Mold, Flintshire. Price Mounted on liolland, colored and varnished, and fixed on mahogany rollers, 30s each; or in book form, 12 x 3, mounted anfl colored, 25s each. The Colliery Guardian says: N. geologist, colliery proprietor, or student can consider his library complete without this attractive and usefal map." Sold by Messrs BAYLEY & BRADLEY, Advertiser Office, Wrexham, where copies may be seen or on receipt of Post Office Order copies will be forwarded to address given, b IV ILNER'S SAFES, Best and Cheapest Safeguard 1'" against FIRE and THIEVES. Phoenix Safe Works. Liverpool. ILLIAM piERCE, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, BRIDGE STREET, WREXHAM. jtgai f te the Patent Metallic Air Tight Ctffin Cem- painy, Limited, Birmingham. The Coffins aTe highly recommended by all the Medical Practitioners of the Neighbourhood. They are covered with black and crimson cloth or velvet and every design of colored metal furni- ture is used. The METALLIC SHELL COFFINS, encased in stout polished oak, or covered with cloth or velvet, can be had at a few hours' notice. SHELLS AND'COFFINS always in stock. 13H5 BRASS, REED, STRING, and DRUM and FIFE BRANDS, PIANOFORTES & HARMONIUMS sup- plied at Wholesale Price at J. MOORE'S, Buxton-road, Hud- dersfield. Prices with drawings of every instrument post free. Music far any kind of Band. Bandmen's Caps. Patronised by the Army, Navy, Rifle Corps. Second- hand Instruments bought or taken in exchange BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH. Euston-road, London. l\IORISON'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDI- iT± CINES. Read the report for 1880 in the HYGEIAN ALMANAC, which with the Medicines can be obtained from all Chemists and Druggists. RELIEF FROM COUGH IN TEN Nf I N U-T E S. H A Y M A N'S B A L-S A MT OF HOREHOUND Is the most certain and speedy remedy for all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. In Asthma and Consumption, Bron- chitis, Coughs, Influenza, Difficulty of Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Loss of Life, &c., this Balsam gives instantaneous relief, and if properly per- severed with, scarcely ever fails to effect a rapid cure. It has now been tried for many years, has an established reputation, and many thousands have been benefitted by its use. IT HAS A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. Whitcfield, Chapletown, Sheffield, October, 11th, 1876. Sir,-I have given your Balsam a personal trial, and, having found almost INSTANT RELIEF, I have recommended it to several there, with the same result. 1 shall have pleasure in spreading the name and reputation of such a valuable household remedy. I am, yours, etc., GEORGE CIVIL. Jfr A. Hayman, Chemist, Neath. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND In the Nursery is invaluable, as children are fond of it, and take it eagerly. Immediately it is taken coughing ceases, restlessness is gone, and refreshing sleep ensues. No ladywho has once tried it, would ever afterwards be with- out it. Prepared only by A. HAYMAN, Chemist, Neath and sold by all Chemists. Price, Is and 2s 9d per bottle. Sold by J. Francis, J. F. Edisbury, J. Davies, Jarvis, and W. Rowland, chemists, Wrexham. A NEW MEDICAL WORK I BY HENRY SMITH, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Jena, and Doctor of Medicine of the Metropolitan Medical College, New York, by Examination, 1869. Just Published, Enlarged Edition, 144 pages, Crown Svo., Free by Post Two Stamps, in Envelope, DEBILITATING AND NERVOUS DISEASES THEIR CAUSE, CONSEQUENCE, SYMPTOMS, AND TREATMENT. The work gives the RESULT OF TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS' SPECIAL PRACTICE for the Cure of all Diseases of the Ner- vous System, Nervaus Debility, Mental and Physical Depre- ssion, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back, Constipation, Blush- ing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self-distrust, Dizziness, Leve of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Muscular Relaxation, &c. iSnogli, tude, GUIDE TO HEALTH, STRENGTH, and VIGOR- OUS OLD AGE, invaluable to the Nervous, Sedentary, Dyspeptic, and all those whose constitutions have become debilitated and relaxed from Irregularities of Life, In- temperance, Climate, Age, or Disease, or from Over taxed or Abused Energies, whether of body or mind. Gives Instructions and Advice for the Treatment of Ner- vous and Physical Debility, Local and Constitutional Weak- ness, Premature Decay, and all Disorders resulting from loss of vital force. Also by the same Author, by Post Seven Stamps in Envelope, ON DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMAN., THEIR CAUSE, SYMPTOMS, AND CURE. This work is written for the use of Females. It is a Guide to the Cure of a class of ailments to which the Female Constitu- tion is peculiarly liable. NOTICE :—Consultations free by t tter. NOTICE.—The above Medieal Works will be sent direct from the Author, in an Envelope, on the receipt of the mount in stamps. IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY INVALIDS. CONSULTATION BY CORRESPONDENCE. :'THE AUTHOR OF THE ABOVE WORKS will for the I benefit of country invalids, on receiving a description o itheir case, send his opinion, Free of Charge, with advice aad directions for restoration to Health. J A Confidential form of Correspondence containing Ques- ¡ tiora, &c., to assist persons in describing their case will be sent, post free, on receiving a directed envelope. ADDRESS KBNSY SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W.C 176 I THE NEW LANCASHIRE S T E R F, PEN JLJ AND ALL OTHER PENS, Jfanufavtivred by EDWARD TOORSANGER, S O L D BY CHARLES G. BAYLEY, THE CROSS AND CHURCH-STREET One of the Agents for Oswestry. riBIBER I SLATES I BRICKS I TILES CEMENTS £.ATHS SEWERAGE PIPES, ¡I And all other Building J-faterials at E, 3JEREDITH JONES'S, I TIMBER YARD I and STEAM SAW MILL, I CHARLES-STREET, 1S1<5 WREXHAM. Business Announcements. J .r-. r,. .rv,f, FRANCIS'S VOICE LOZENGES, For Clearing and Strengthening the Voice, relieving all Affections of the Throat, Hoarseness, Huskiness, Sore I Throat, Relaxation of the Uvula and Tonsils. Public Speakers and Singers take them with much benefit as a Preventive of Hoarseness, and as a Remedy when it exists. TESTIMONIALS. Miss Davies, R.A.M., London-" I have found jour Lozenges very effective in removing hoarseness, aftd can thoroughly recommend them." Mr Fanish, Lirerpool- I "The effect of the Losenges is remarkable indeed gave me a voice as clear as a bell." Mr Lewis (Llew Llwyvo)—" I believe that I could not have performed my part (owing to hoarseness) at the concert bmd it not been for thee fficacy of your Lozenges." Mr Hughes, Chorister, Bangor Cathedral, N. W.—" Your Lozenges completely restored my voice," &c. Rev. Mr Roberts, Glanaled-l' They are excellent for dis- ordered voice and hoarseness." A Clergyman, near Wrex- ham—" They have a wonderful effect upon my voice." L. England, National Schools, Appleby, Penrith-" I mast say that I have derived great benefit from your Voice Lozenges." Y. Thesbiad-" Crugleisio o'r blaen-canu yn awr." Isalaw—" I strongly recommend your Voice Lozenges." Miss Harris, R.A.M., London-I found the Lozenges h'ghly beneficial." Miss Marian Williams R.A.M., London—" The Lozenges at once and completely removed a slight hoarseness under which I was suffering." Mynydtlo-" Os oes crygni, Francis's Lozenges maeut y rhai goran agefaia erioed." Sold in Boxes, 7(I, Is ltd, 2s 9deach; or per post, the Is lid for Is 2d, 2s 9d for 3s, in stamps, from J. FRANCIS, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Hope-street, Wrexham. 1726c IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE. X ESTABLISHED 1836. X S T U B B S MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GllESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.C. WEST END BRANCH—53, CONDUIT ST., REGENT ST., W SUBSCRIBERS, BY OBTAINING TINIELY INFORMATION, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS, AND MAY, THROUGH THIS AGENCY, RECOVER DEBTS DUE WITH PROMPTITUDE. STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE Supplies Information Indispensable to Traders. BRANCHES at Dublin, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bristol, Brighton, Belfast, Cork, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Southamp- ton, Sheffield, Gloucester, and Bradford. TF,-r,*MS-;Cl Is, X2 2s, £3 3s, X5 5s, according to re- quirements. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to the SECRE- TARY, Stubbs' Mercantile Offices, 42, Gresham Street, London, E.C. TRADE AUXILIARY COMPANY (LIMITED). CAUTION. THERE IS NO OFFICE IN LONDON CONNECTED WITH STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM STREET, E.C. (SITUATE AT THE CORNER OF KING STREET, OPPOSITE GUILDHALL), EXCEPT THE WEST END BRANCH AT 53, CONDUIT STREET, REGENT STREET, W 2022b For the BLOOD is the LIFE." CLARKE'S WORLD FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. FOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOOD from JT ALL IMPURITIES, cannot be too highly recom- mended. It CURES OLD SORES, CURES ULCERATED SORES IN THE NECK, CURES ULCERATED SORE LEGS, CURES BLACKHEADS, or PIMPLES on FACE, CURES SCURVEY SORES, CURES CANCEROUS ULCERS, CURES BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES, CURES GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, CLEARS THE BLOOD FROM ALL IMPURE MATTER, FROM I WHATEVER CAUSE ARISING. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate consti- tution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold in Bottles 2s 6d each, and in cases, containing six times the quantity, lis each, sufficient to effect & per- manent cure in long-standing cases, I y all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by F. J. Clarke, Chemist, Apothecaries Hall, LINCOLN. Wholesale Agents. 1844n 1 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary organs in I either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and Pains in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors or sent to any address for 60 stamps by the Maker, F. J. Clarke, Consulting Chemist, High-street, Lincoln.—Wholesale agents, Barclay and Sens, London, and all the Wholesale Houses. 993z FURNITURE, CARPETS, &c. Brussels, 2/2h 2/9,3/? & F best 3/9, Tapestry do., 1/41. X3?,000 of Furniture. Bedsteads and Bedding at prices never before oSeped, Should be seen. All Goods warranted, packed and delivered free. WM. WAINE, Wholesale, Export and General Furnishing Warehouseman, and National Supply Stores, 131 to 139, Newington Butts, London, S.E. New Illustrated Priced List Gratis. W ALKEWS CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES are super- I seding all others. Prize Medals, London, 1862, Paris 1867. Silver from C3 3s. Gold from £ 6 6s. 77, CornhUL E.C. 2:30, Regent-street, W. and 76, Strand, W.C. Descriptive Pamphlet free. _I TO FARMERS.—NO RENT TO PAY. 3,000,000 ACRES OF FARMING LANDS IN I NORTHERN MINNESOTA. A FEW HUNDRED POUNDS will enable a Settler to Ato comfortably establish himself in a home of his own, and acquire a Freehold Farm on the line of the St. Paul Minneopolis and Manitoba Railway, in the Red .River Valley of Northern Minnesota, the finest wheat growing country in the world. Descriptive pamphlets, &c., on application to MOLVKEUX ST. JOHN, agent, St. P. M. and M. Railway Company, 18, Tower Chambers, Liverpool. 473a FURNITURE (New and Second-hand) Carpets, bed- t steads, bedding, blankets, quilts, counterpanes, sheetings, wall papers, billiard tables, pianos, music, boots and shoes at prices never before offered. The vast Stocks should be seen. All goods warranted, packed and delivered free. New illustrated price lists gratis. WM. WAINE'S, 131 to 139, Newington Butts, and National Supply Stores, Crampton-street, London. THE WREXHAM ^DV E RTISER, DENBIGHSHIRE, FLINTSHIRE, Shropshire, Cheshire, Merionethshire and North Wales Register. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. PRICE TWOPENCE, or free by Post, in advance, 10s lOd per annum. PRICE TWOPENCE, or free by Post, on credit, 12s per annum. The Advertiser has now been established THIRTY years, and is the acknowledged County Paper for DENBIGH- SHIRE and FLINTSHIRE, where it has a circulation more than double that of any other paper published in either of those counties. It is also extensively circulated in the counties of Chester, Salop, and Merioneth, and throughout the Principality and will, therefore, be found a most eligible medium for all kinds of advertisements. Orders for papers and advertisements received at the office :-Advertiser Office, Wrexham, Mr C. G. Bayley Oswestry; Mr J. Morgan, Mold; Mr T. Miller, Den- bigh, and the following AGENTS Abergele Mr R. Jones, Visitor Office Bagillt Mr E. Williams, Post Office Bala Nlr Jacob Jones Bangor-Isycoed Mr Bickerton, Buck Inn Bersham &c., Mr A. Madden Bwlchgwyn &c Mrs Ralph Brymbo Miss Hovard, Post Office Br)"Ileglwys. Mr Lloyd, Post Office Buckley Mr Catherall, Post Office Chester Messrs Smith and Son, Railway Station ol Mr Aston, Market Square -Nlr Rathburne, Roman Baths Connahs Quay Mr J. Theobald Coedpoeth lNlr J. Pickering Chirk Nlr John Evans s Caergwrle, &c Mrs Baker, News Agent Cerney and Pentre Nlrg Whitehead Cefn Mawr Lllr James Williams Corwen Mr Erasmus Edwards, Stationer Denbigh Mr Nott, Bookseller Mr H. Davies .Messrs Smith and Son, Railway Station FUnt.Mr Charles Clark, News Agent Ffriih l. Air Thomas Jones, Post Office Ffnth.Mr W. Jones, News Agent Gresford Air Williams, Post Onice Gwersyllt .Mrs Jackson Hanmer.. 7^ Holt and Farnd.n.MrBroder&?? f2n! Holywell Mr P. M. Evans Hope Junction ,Ir Bellis, Shopkeeper Nawardn .Mr Newton, News Agent Leeswoo?d and Pontblyddyn. ?.? Jones Mr Garston. Manchester House »• Garston, Manchester House Liverpool Ilessrii Lee andnightingale, Castle-street 11 Mr H. Greenwood, 32, » Foulkes and Evans, 16, Tithebarne-street TL1 langol„ len Mr Thomas, Bridge street ¡ London.. Messrs W. H. Smith and Son, 186, Strand "Cornhm13 Sons, 8' Birchin-lane, CornhiIl Messrs Kingsbury and Co., 12, Clement'- MCourt, Lombard-street. Roil lion Court u??, ™lte> ? Co., Red Lion Court 1Ir R. F- White, 33, Fleet-street, E. C. ?MeL ssrs VG, Street and Co., 30, Cornhill Messrs Street Brothera 11, Serle-street. ReyneU and sons, 44, Chancery-lane', Messrs W. J. Clarke, & Co., 85, Grace-church street. Regu!arly received at Haxell's Hotel, West Strand Allnut's News Room, 200, Fleet-street, and at the COrrv> ^stefaal lPT>aalba.ce, <Ss ydenham.  S™1 & Cr°SS LaneS Marchwiel & Cross Lanes %fr T. Jones, News Agent Francis, Post Office Mold.Messrs Prmg and Price, High-street .Hugh Jones and Co., New street  NMo^rtshaonp dPe^e" Northop.Mr CharI.sC?ke; News Ag^t 0swestry -Mr C. G. Bayley, The Cross illessrs Smith and Son, Railwpa-y Station I O„ verton Mr Shone, Post Office Overton Bridge Mr H*lt, Post Office Padeswood. ,Mr W. Catherall Sary:MrSamueI Roberts, Shopkeeper ) Queensferry. .?tIr C. Scott Rhosllanerchrugog Mr Joseph Jo?? Stationer RhosymedM.Mr Joshua Roberts, Shopkeeper X-. Mr Jones, Post Office R,YI.: Railway Station .Itfr Trehearn   3ir Evans Ruabon ■ ■-■•Ir E- Jones, Bridge fS .Messrs Smi^th and Son, Railway Station Rtitgfn.1 .NIr W. T.Rouw, Market Place .Mr Green, Bookseller ef A"' .Mt Lloyd, Market Place   Mr Tryddyn and Llanfynydd: ? ?? Vroncygyllte. Mr E. P. joneg; Alma Cottage Wrexham "All Booksellers and Railway Stations ?Wo?rth?enb? ury?n.d,i T?h; reapwood. Mr Moore Busings Announcements. I 11 I- I t CHOICE VARIETY OF BEAUTIFUL Y. gTRACHAN, SEED MERCHANT AND NURSERYMAN, WREXHAM, Invites inspection at the Railway Station Nurseries. 40sp J AMES PLATT & Co., Woollen Merchants, 78, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C. TRICE LISTS SENT POST FHEE TO THE TRADE THE NEW I VENETIAN I BLIND I TAPE. CARRS PATKNT WOVEN LADDER TAPE is far superior to the old fashioned Stitched Tapes. The cross strnps on which the t?ths res t never break away, bein? WOVEN INTO the outer web. It is always ready for use. Sold by ?11 Drapers and Puruishin? Ironmongers. EPPS'S I 0HOCOLATE E SSENCE. I Product of a special refining process it is chocolate devoided of its over-richness and substantiality. Sugarless, and, when made, of the consistence of coffee. An afternoon chocolate. Each packet is labelled, JAMES EPPS & Co., HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, LONDON. Pultu WATER.—The Last Improvement. LIPSCOMBE and CO.'S PATENT SELF-CLEANING CHARCOAL FILTERS are three times more efficient and seven times more durable than any other. More than 300,0(;0 are in use. 44, Queen Victoria-street, and 69, Oxford-street. Re- moving from Temple Bar-Agents in every town keep them in stock. OUR FUTUIZE COUITTSHIP, MARRIAGE,Tr JL Business Questions answered free, by buying a picture, price 13 stamps (a superior picture 30 stamps), and lifetime free. State age.-Eiiclose addressed envelope, LAMBERT, 26, Rosse-street, Brownroyd, Bradford, York- shire. 361b AL H A M B R A THEATRE, I,ONDO. OPERA ABOUFFE and BALI,ET. Supported by the leading Artistes. Commence at S o'clock every evening. Prices from fid. Another G old Medal I again the ONLY C?B ..w?.rc! d for c I) 1-d LIVER (), L CJOD-L IV'ERQI I P AR1S, 1878 7s? MOLLE REGISTERED TRADE MAIlK. ROLLER'S NsrN- COD-LIVER Oil Prepared by Moller's Special Method, free from indigest. ible fat, of other oils, is superior to ANY in delicacy of taste and smell, medicinal virtue and purity. The most eminent London and European Physicians pronounce it the Purest and Best. Given the highest award at 12 INTKR. XATIONAL EXHIBITIONS. Only in capsuled bottles,of all chemists, 1118 TTOWEL WASHING MACHINE Y PRICE LISTS POST FREE. I Wringers, Mangles, Chaff Cutters, Con. Crushers, Churns, New Butter Workers, Cinder I Sifters, Cask Stands, Bone Mills, Knife Cleaners, and every requisite for the House, Dairy, Stable, Laundry, and the Garden. T. Bradford & Co., 140 to 143, High Holborn, I I London, and at Manchester and Liverpool. I PILES and GRAVEL. GEOIWJE'S Pile and Gravel Pills. The Marvellous Remedy for PILES and GRAVEL, and all the disorders of the BOWELS, LIVER, and KIDNEYS. No.1. GEORGE'S (PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2, GNEo. OR1. GE'S GRAVEL PILLS. No. 3. GEORGE'S PILLS for the PILES. Sold by all Chemists in Boxes, 1/1J and 2/9. By Post for 15 and 136 stamps from J. E. George, M.R.P.S., Hirwain, Glam. NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY.  Gentleman, having tried in vain every advertised A "emedy, has discovered a simple means of self cure He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope —Address, J. T. SEWELL, ESQ., Mayville, Hammer-mith, London, W. 528c TO VISITORS. THE pENNY GUIDE TO WREXHAM With full information of all objects of interest in the town, and excursions to GRESFORD HOLT BANGOR OVERTON ERBISTOCK RUABON WYNNSTAY 31INERA HOPE MOUNTAIN CAERGWRLE CASTLE KANTYFFRITU I &c.. &c. Sold by all Booksellers. Published by Bayley & Bradley, Advertiser Office. Hits the mark the author aims at, viz., to supply in as concise and complete a form as possible, information as to what there is to see in and around the town and how to see it.Oswestry Advertiser. A very cheap, complete and interesting guide to this interesting district. Well Titten, with its information full concisely given, the tourist will find this little book the very thing he requires."—Cartiarvon Herald. "In this little brochure, published by Messrs. Bayley and Bradley, of Wrexham, visitors to the metropolis of North Wales will find a pleasant and reliable com- panion, who will conduct them to all the places and objects of interest in the locality, and who will give a pleasant and concise description of each.-Shreusbury Chronicle. -—————————————————— ——————————————— HOLLOWAYS PILLS. WORLD KNOWN—WORLD TRIED For strengthening a debilitated constitution, these Pills are more efficacious than any other medicine. Persons of a nervous habit of body, and all who are suffering from weak digestive organs, or whose health had become de- ranged from whatever cause, should lose no time in giv- ing these Pills a fair trial; their action is immediate, beneficial, and lasting, restoring order, health, and vigor in every case. FOR DISORDERS OF THE LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. These purifying Pills are confidently recommended as the most simple and certain remedy for Indigestion, Flatulency, Acidity, Constipation, and all Disorders resulting from a disordered stomach or bowels. They act as purifiers, altera- tives, and strengtheners of the stomach. Though power fully tonic and satisfactorily aperient, they are mild in their operation and beneficial to the whole svstem. WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY—NERVOUS IRRIT- ABILITY AND LOW SPIRITS. The wholesome effect produced by these admirable Pills over the Blood and Fluids generally, is like a charm in dispelling low spirits and restoring cheerfulness. Their general aperient qualities well fit them for a domestic medicine, particularly for females of all ages and periods of life. The quickly eject all impurities from the system, and regulate every function of the body, giving wonderful tone and energy to weak and debiliated constitutions. OLD COUGHS, COLDS, AND ASTHMATIC AFFECTIONS. These Pills, assisted in their action by rubbing Hol- loway's Ointment very effectively twice a day on the Throat and Chest, and keeping those parts covered with the preparation, will be found the most effective remedy for Asthma, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and Influenza. They tranquillize the hurried breathing, sooth the irritated air- tubes, and assist in dislodging the phlegm which stops up the air passages. This treatment has proved wonderfully efficient, in not only curing old coughs and colds, but even asthma of many years's standing. COMPLAINTS OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Any mother, nurse, or young persoit guided by the directions which accompany each box of Holloways Pills, has at once available means for checking disease, purifying the blood, and expelling from the system all gross humours. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known to the worldfor the-followiiiq diseases. Ague Asthma Bilious Complaints Blotches on the Skin Bowel Complaints Debility Dropsy Female Irregularities Fevers of all kinds I Gout Headache Indigestion I Liver Complaints Lumbago Piles Rheumatism Retention of Urine Scrofula, King's evil Sore Throats Stone and Gravel Secondary symptoms Tic-Doloreux Ulcers Venereal Affections Worms of all kinds Weakness, from whatever cause The Pills and Ointment ai e sold by Professor HOLLO WAY'S Establishment, 533, Oxford-street, London also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, in Boxes and Pots, at Is li" d. 2s 9d '4s 6d, 119, 22s, and 33s each. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language. N.B.—Advice can be obtained free, of charge, by apply- ing at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. ROUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORDYNE.-A few M doses quite effectual.-Caution. -The extraordinary medical reports on the efficacy of Chlorodyne render it of vital importance that the public should obtain I the genuine, which is protected by a Government stamp, bearing the words "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne." See decision of the Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood, Times, July 16th, 1864. Numer- ous testimonials from eminent Physicians accompany each bottle. From W. C. Wilkinson, Esq., F.R.CS., Spal(ling.-I con- sider it invaluable in Phthsis and Spasmadoc Cough; the benefit is very marked. From Dr. M'.Millman, of Xew Galloway, Scotland.—As a Sedative, Anodyne, and Anti-Spasmodic, I consider Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne the most valuable medicine known. Sold in Bottles, Is lVd, 2s 9d, and 4s Od by all Chemists. I BILLIARD BALLS, Chalks, Cues, and Tips at HENNIG BROS., Ivory Works, II, High-street, London, W.C., Cheapest house in the trade for Billiard Table requisites and Ivory Goods in general. Old Balls adjusted or ex- changed and tables re-covered. Price Lists on application. Established 1862. Money. r, THE CAMBRIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, IS prepared to advance any sum from jE5 to zL500upon M personal or other security, for periods of from three months to two years, repayable by weekly, monthly, ouar erly, or other instalments. Good bills discounted on ad- vantageous terms. The strictest confidence observed.- Applications to be made to the Secretary, Mr James Price 0 gces, Summer Hill, near Wrexham. Forms of application furnished free, and if applied for by post will be forwarded on receipt of a stamped directed envelope. 773n J?ONEY LENT on PERSONAL or OTHER SECURITY. I ™ WREXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COM- ?ANY, Limited, is prepared to advance any gum from X5 to a upon Personal or other Security, for periods of from three months or two years; repayable by Weekly, MontS? Quarterly, or other Instalments. Good Bills Discounted on advantageous terme. The strictest confidence observed Application to be made to the Secretary, Mr John Offi^S w 0fllCes: leffiple Place <over the County Court Office), Wrexham. Forms of applications furnished f and if applied for by post, ??r?ded?  a stamped directed emvelope.-?waSce hours for the Mr I  ?———a? remving  I 10 U I. to 4 p.OJ 720 Business Announcements. -¿- PER A M BULAT') l?S. Simpson. Fawcett & Co" Janu- jL f:«-tnrer? Leeds, Ested. ISM. Specialities, sound  material, nnod workmanship, & price moderate. All P Eli A M IU'LATOliS bear mime anil trademark. A NCR OR I'.l tKWEKY, DUBLIN. JOHN D'ARCY tV, SON invite attention to the follow- 9r ill Certificate relating to their STOUT, which they guarantee to be brewed from MALT AX I) HOPS ONLY :— /<aaimlt/sfil a sample, nf the Stout brewed by Messrs. John O'Arcy ami s<m "I this City. It is fre" from all kinds of impurities. It contains a little more than three ounces of Ijijc-Hiistaining substances per pint. Of Alcohol it coittains as much as is usually found m half its weight of Claret; but it contains a larger amount of Food Substances than is found in any kind of Wine. (Signed) CIIAS. A. CAMERON, "City Analyst." TO HE HAD IN ANY QUANTITY FROM A QUARTER CASK UPWARDS, on AITICATION TO THE OCAL AGENTS, OR DIRECT FROM THE BREWERY WIIERE THERE ARE NONE. UILDERS, MERCHANTS. — SLAT ES, TILES, 13 BIUCKS, CEMENT, STOVES RANGES, GUTTERS, NAILS, GENERAL IRONMONGERY AND IRON FOUNDRY GOODS MANUFACTURERS OF MARBLE & ENAMELLED SLATE CHIMNEY PIECES. ASHTOX &, GREEN, Limited, Bury Street, St. 31ary Axe, London, Bristol & Dublin. PriceLists free. "AGENTS W A N T E D U, represent the" L  TEA ASSOCIATION, 5 & 6, GEORGE" L• T YARD, FENCHURCH STREET, KC" for" "sale of TEAS "f FINE QUALITY in Packets. Traders of" recognised standing in any town of the United Kingdom will meet with liberal terms." WATCHES, Watch,'s.-l\Iitl'anll Counties Watch Com- V pany. (Cheapest house in the world.) Money returned if goods net approved of. Gentlemen's Fine Silver Flat Crystal glass, he.v.s cased, Superior Movements, 25/ Ladies and Youths' do, do., handsomely engraved casfs, 25/ Ladies' very heavy cased Gold Levers exquisitely chased cases, highly finished, extra jewelled movements, 70' Cheques, P.O. Orders payable S. Hissev, Vyse St., Birmingham. Testimonials and price lists of Jewellery post free on application. JOHN NICIIOLLS, ESQ., J.P Lord St., Bcwdldy, icrites-I a iii uutzh pleas, d with the Watches, consider them eery clicnp, shall feel much pleasure in recommending your Company. JLJ 25/ 35/ SPHAIRISTIKE, 50/ 75/ LAWN TENNIS. 5 0 7 5 1' CEGQUET. 15/ 21/ -5/ 30 ('RICKEE, Ac. Carriage paid to anv station in England. Lists post fre. PARKINS AND GOTTo, 2, OXFORD STREET, LONDON*, W. AY'S, R E GEN T S T K E E T,LONDON ? MOURNING MATERIALS from 1/- per yard. Patterns sent for choice postage free. JEXNER AND KNEU'S TUB'S STAMPING IN COLOURS. One Ream of the Fashionable Tinted Hvo Note, Stamped in Color f.,r 5, paper included. 400 Envelopes, Svo, in half, to match. Scamped in Color for .)/ All kinds of stationary equally cheap. I :t3, St. James ,-street, aii(i (;(;, Jerinvn-street, London, S- W. Now Ready: F Price One Penny, post-free 3 Half-pennv Stamps. FAMILY JT HER A L D I XX ^UPPLEMENT CONTAINING A COMPLETE NOVEL. The "Saturday Review" says of the Family Herald" Its novels and tales are quite as well written as the best circulating library stories." W. Stevens, 421, Strand, London; and of all newsvendors. JOHN BANTING ROGERS, STOCK AND SHARE DEALER, ST. CLEMENT'S HOUSE, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON, E.C. Special information on the ONLLWY.V and DULAIS COLLIERIES, LADY ASHUURTON, BETTWS-Y-COED, FLIIIT- SHIRE GREAr CONSULS, and other mining properties Monthly circulars sent on receipt of stamp Clients free. John Banting Rogers, jun Sworn Broker. 44 THE TANGENT AND COVENTRY TRICLE Co." X ARIEL WORKS, C'>VENERY, & 50, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, DONDON, E.C. LISTS FREE ON APPLICATION. BEST MACHINES NrCKEL PLATED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE TlTRS WILSON'S FEMALE PILLS cure bearing down 1TX pains and bring on all that is desired. Sold by Chemists, or free 14, 34, or 54 stamps. 70, Blackwell- street, Kidderminster. HEALTH, TONE, AND VIGOR. SWEDOUR'S VITAL REGENERATOR restores man- hood and the Vigor of Youth to the most shattered constitutions from whatever cause arising. Failure im- possible. Price Us and 33s per bottle and jM per case. Send stamp for Pamphlet to 47, Berners-street, Oxford- street, London, W. Consultations personally or by letter. rpHE NOSE MACHINE applied to the nose for an Thour daily, so directs the cartilage, that an ill- formed nose is quickly shaped to perfection." 10/6, post, secretly packed for stamps. Alex. Ross, 21, Lamb's Con- duit-street, London. IMPORTANT TO BORROWERS. MONEY LENT by the NATIONAL ADVANCE .iTjL BANK—1, Tavistock-street, Covent-garden, London, W C., in any sums up to XIOOO on Note of Hand alone, at £5 per cent, without Sureties or publicity. Advances also made upon furniture, trade, and farm stock, &c„ without removal or delay. Prospectus gratis. PETER F. TAYLOR, Manager. EVERY MAN HIS OWN R. ELECTRIC BELLS.—Anyone can fix them. Full Il- JL'J lustrated instructions post free, Six stamps A cheap Bell, 4s 6d alone: with Battery, Push, and 25 yards Insulated wire, packed in box, 12s same set with very best English made Bell, 18s. MAYFIELD, PRACTICAL ELECTRICIAN, 41, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON Catalogue Electrical apparatus post free. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY for sound investment in Australia presents itself, especially adapted to young men of limited means wishing to embark in Colonial Life, who can command the sum of Xi,ooo. Apply in writing to "Australia," care of H. Palmer, Stirling and Co., 79A, Gracechurch street, London, E.C. fl Ay F EVER j (jURED BY j A LKARAM I \UNBAR'S ALKARAM OR A?TI-CATARRH SMELLING BOTTLE, if used on the first Symptoms of HAY FEVER (or COLD) will at once arrest them and speedily cures severe attacks Of all Chemists 2/9 a bottle. ZOEDONE.—The Invigorating Power of Zoedone as a beverage is unequalled not producing theieaction usual with Alcoholic Stimulants. Pamphlet free. PATENTEE, DAVID JOHNSON, F.C.S., MANUFACTURERS, R. EVANS & CO., WREXHAM. THE ANGLO-AMERICAN COMBINATION WATCHES Tare the most marvellous timekeepers in the world and contain every modern improvement, patented or I! gISr stren?tH. durability, and finish are un- Ieq?,ualilfed,? p Keyf less, from 25s to 25 guineas. Every descrip- tion of V" M°ck- Prices and full particulars on ap- plication. ??"?' at wholesale prices. ?HARRISON a?nd?dSo'' ^A 11, Colby-terrace, Gipsy-hill, Norwood, London pURE SHERRY, 1870 VINTAGE. I I) URE SHERRY, 1S70 VINTAGE. pURE SHERRY, 1X70 VINTAGE. Oloroso, Superior Gold (Rich), 21/- per doz. Fmo, Superior Pale (Medium Dry), 23 per doz, Vino de Pasto (Medium Rich), 25/- per doz. Having purchased these Sherries from the Jerez district under exceptionally favourable circumstances, we ?en abled to supply them at the above low prices. The shipment we hold is large, but the wines cannot pos- sibly be replaced at the price when sold. Two sample bottles of each will be forwarded free of charge on receipt of P.O.O. for 12s VAN DERM IN BROS., 24, Camberwell Road, London, S.E. ILTING MACH1NES.-NEWTON Wll?ON and t4c- Co.'s are the cheapest and best for families cos- t, ume, d. ressmakers. The only depot where sne. i JiV^fr every kind of kitting is kept in stock-l«, High Holborn London.. I FROI MR GLADSTOE, MR GLADSTONE has tried the HINDO?O ° PFSNS MaS l S think them very ?o?. Hawarden Castle, March, lSt;O," .Ilr PURGEON says _c, The turned-up, turned-down and oblique p?e?ENS oOIACNIVENand are marvelously good." M and Is per box, a?IIS?SS They come as a boon and a blessing to men rTph. e Pickwick, the Owl, and the Waverley Pen I Sample box of all the kinds assorted, by post MA, ?VEN???Eh? .????o1-?. ?e?-?nr6??- ¡ burgh. Pen makers to her -^sty's Gover^ ? Pen?k? to GL A D S T O X K.—li EACONSFTT?T tv— GAn excellent BRONZE BUST, 12 inches hA of either of these eminent STATESMEN sent Mre?cSh? .?f P:00 for 21s., payable to WRIGHT and FLETCHFR' Fine Art Bronzists, Lower Horspital-street, Birm?? VICTORIA PATENT M AT T RES S Y EASE. HEALTH. COMFORT ECONOMY RECOMMENDED BY THE MEDICAL PROFESSlO. FIT ANY STEAD EITHER WOOD OR IRON PRICES. { 3ft. 6 4ft. 4ft. 6 5ft. PRICES. 1 13'6 17/- 20/- 22/6 25' Carria?ie paid to any Station in England VICTORIA MANUFACTURING C70 D,,trlin,-ton,IV''olverhampton. 0 Nl 0 R E D A Nl P A L L S 1?) Use SILICATE XOPISSA COMPOSITION & GRANITIC PAINTS for in and outdoor work & decorative purposes-the cheapest, best, and most endurin-]8 ??' test-in all colors and colorless. 45, FISH STREET HILL, LONDON, E C INFANT PLANT TOBACCO. HY. ARCHER & CO:S new Speciality manufactured frem the choicest VirS Tobacco, se eete ) for fine flavor and mild smokntg ?o!d in loz. & 2oz packets t?ro? out Vthh. e kinKdom. protected by their trade mark and signature. Manufactory, 170 & 172, Boro' London, E C. 11000 PATTERNS of EW SILKS or Dress Goods 11000 free. SILKS from O?NE GUINEA to TWE-N-TY GUINEAS. Write to D. NICHOLSON and Ce., 50 to 52,   ABERDEE GRANITE MONmiENT?? e 7^ I carriage paid. Inscriptions accurate and beautiful.  THE NEW "EMPIRE" WINDOW I BLINDS. |THE NEW ™DOW BLJ?r?u? Her ??'?' at Buckingham lpialace. Far surpass any material hiizerto Iemplored. );ay existing rollers. AVERY & CO., 81, Great Portland-street Lon"on, W. Makers of Inside and Outside !,31inds of every description. -Illustrated price list and patterns 90st free- VAUDEVII 'l-F- THF-ITI'traid, -ivery Evenin9  8 ,,lock ITARR]FD LIFE." Open every Evening at Scven. Prices, 1 j- to £ 2 2s. SEASON 1880. THAT POWERFUL WAGGON STALLION YOUNG 13EN, w,u«„e„ara,th £ own  at XI each )Iare and zs od the Groom. Pam, Wrexham?"'5011^ apply to E. WILLLAMS,'{Borras Fann, Wrexham. 935p J. G. & J. LLOYD, PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, AND PAINTERS, LEAD PUMPS, WATER CLOSETS, BATHS, BEER MACTUSES, ASD WATER SUPPLY FITTINGS OF 'i:IE MOST IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION. J All orders promptly attended :,1. QUEEN'S SQUARE, WRFXH4M 237p ¡

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