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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. I OF THE FOLLOWING CLASSES Houses to be Let, riitufttions Wanted, Situations Vacant, Apartments Wanted, Apartments to be Let, )Joney Wanted Miscellaneous Wants 1 Lost or Found, Are inserted in thIS L'otxMtH at the uizder-iiie,itiomd charges:- One Insertion (20 words) Is Three Insertions 2s6d And 3d for each additional line of nine words. Announcements of Births, Marriages and Deaths, with 'I any remarks other than the simple facts, One Shilling. AU Advertisements not ordered for a deSnite period will be inserted until countermanded. Advertisers are particularty requested to name the num- ber of insertions when ordering Advertisements. Advertisers are requested to forward Advertisements as arly as possible !n the week to insure insertion and correct ness, as it is oulv possib!e to insert a limited number received so late as Fridav the publishers, though anxious to accommodate the public to the latest moment, cannot guarantee insertion when received after TWELVE o clock onthatmomina; h 'd b In all cases when .\Hvertierg wish applicat,i.on s.hou.ld ..be made at this onice, they must remit a fee of sixpence to cover the cost of postage, forwarding letters, and answer- ing applications. Parties writing for information with re- gard to particulars of advertisements, must also inclose six- pence, stamps will do in either case. Wanted. ,í" 'm/tEDICAL.—A Competent ASSISTANT Wanted im- J?jL nied!:ttc!y.—Address N.B., OSce of this paper. 5f!2b UTtTINEBOTTLES—Wanted. topurchase a large Yf quantity.—Apply at the Town Hal! Wine Stores. ()U4b A GENTS WANTED for the Sale of theM'<'a;y)(!M?- Av,?)-fig,-r in places at present unrepresented. Appli- cations direct to this Ofnce.  (?'oo d ?t?AXTH))? a SITUATION for a Boy of 13. Good, T v honest, and a fair writer.—Letters .ddressed to SMITH'S Stal), Wrexham Station. W7b \?7'AXfH!),?\.PPRHNftCES to the Dresam?king?For v ter)t:s, ?c., apply ?trs P. n. HEYWOOD. Dress and Millinery Room-4, 2, Regent-street, Wrexham. 573 ?OUNTRY APARTMENTS Wanted for an invalid lady ??/ and her m.tid. Must be In a retired position, and no other lodgers.—Address M.G., 2, ParkneM Road, Liver- pool. 5o3a. -W ANTED, good mwt:I SHO-ÕTIXG, from twoto tV tour or Hve thou.sMnd acres, in Denbighshire or Merionethshire.—Address, H. K., Box, 220, Post Office, Livfrpo" 5f'Rz t.XT'AXTHD imtm'di?tt'iy. for :t. nrst-cl?ss hotel, an ex- Tt perient'cd COOK (fein?e).—Address, stating aKe, w,igeq, references, (t-c., BERESFORD A'<D COMPACT, Stationers, ite., Atotd. oS7p ?1 ROCHI!Y and Provision Trade.—WANTED, an active ?Jf and ob!;?!n? young ?iAN (to live in). Must be able to speak Welsh. —Address, stating as:e, salary required, and references to K. T. W)LHAMS, Lodge Brymbo. 577f VNCHHASE your Income by Selling our Celebrated TEAS JL (in packets or loose). I.ar?e profits. No risk. Addi- tiona) Agents Wanted everywhere. Write for particulars to the Asam Tea Compan' v, 1:S, Upper Thames-street, Lon- don. Established lS-t4. 235b ?.trAXTi'?D, for noblemen and gentlemens' families, W Cooks, .S)5 to .t::{0, Upper and Single Handed Housemaids. Xurses, &n<! Laundry Maid.—For sale good Dog-cart, carry four.—EDWARD HAYCOCK, 4, Lambpit- street, Wrexltam. Establiahed 18 yeara. t)00p '?tT'AXTKD, within an easy distance from Chester, a TV House suitable for a Gentleman with a large family and a number of servants. The House must be well drained and have a httle Land with it.—Applications, with particulars and terms, to be made to Messrs. BOYDELL, TAYLOR. and fn nr, .solicitors, Chester. 330a. SHREWSBURY. rf?HERH ARE vacancies for Female Attendants and an JL Under Laundress. The salary for attendants com- mences at ;(J;'i and rises to .E24 for the under laundress from 11.5 to XIS, with.board, lodging, washing, and three dresses annua)!y.—Appty personally or by letter to the 551p To Let. -F _r_ '[7" ING STREET.—TO LET, HOUSE, ?o. 13, King- Jt? street.—App!y at this Omce. 322f T?tARCHWIEL. Cottage to Let..65 rent.-Apply to ?y_JL Richard Jones, Oakley House. 464 fTT?O LET, Eight-Room House, ples&nt!y situated.—Apply JL R. Jo?ES, 3, Egerton-atreet. 5<)6? fTno Bt.; LET7)R SOLD, by PRIVATE TREATY, the JL Railway Tavern, Brymbo.-Apply on the premisea. 576f finO LET, House and outbuildingf, from six to seven JL acres of good meadow land.—Apply at this OiEce. 510p fVIO LET, about an acre of excellent LAND. to graze' JL close to the town.—AppIv to E. Jo?fES, 53- Erddig Road. 581f f1p0 LET, A SHOP in Egerton-street. suitable for a. JL Painter, Joiner, &c.—Apply to JOH\ LLOYD, 15, Queen-street. 574 tJORSE and JOCKEY BEERHOUSE, Penymynydd. JLTL To Let. Entry, 25th March.—Apply, KELSTERTOX BREWERY COMt'AKY, Flint. 555a ?OMFORTABLE APARTMENTS to Let, in the neigh ?? bourhood of GwersyIIt. Terms moderate.—Apply Mrs JON i!s, 34. Henblas-street, Wrexh&m. UOub Dno LET, the BLUE BELL INN, BeHmount. Ffrith, JL with immediate possession.-Apply or address for particulars to the Eal-le Brewery. Wrexham. 607b tj?OR HIRE, a Hearse and Mournmg Coach combined Jf for one or a pair of horses. N.B.—Moderate charges —Apply to J. WILLIAMS, Horns Hotel, Wrexham. 490p Ft?O LET. Central Roomy Omces, four rooms and Qre JL proof closet, I?te m the occupation of Messrs Acton and Unry. Chester-street.—Apply, Alfred Owen, High- street, Wrexham. 355n m0 BE LET. from Lady-Day next, a FARM of 110 JL Acres, with comfortable House and outbuildings. Situate about 21 miles from Mold.—Apply to CHAS. MAXS- BRIDGH, Estate Agent, St. Asaph. 570b rt?O LET, Furnished APARTMENTS, suitaMe for Lady JL and Gentleman. A!so, Wanted a younp Gent!eman to join another with sitting-room and bedroom. Terns moderate.—Apply Advertiser OfBce. 584z fTf?O BE LET, with immediate possesion, No. 3, Leaside, t Rhosddu, containing two reception rooms and Sve bedrooms.—For further particulars apply to FRAXK L. RAWUXS, Winterbourne, I:hosddu, Wrexham. 175p rmo LET, in Crispin Lane, New Shop and DweIIing- house, with good cellaring and large baker's oven, rent £21). Also good bay windowed and lobbied Houses, rent ;CI5—AppIy CHARLES HL'GHES, 6, Nelson Terrace, Rhosddu. 540p n,o' LET, with immediate possession, ACTON JL COTTAGE, near Wrexham, containing 3 sitting and 5 bedrooms; two-stalled stable, roomy coachhouse with man's room above; croft and garden.—Apply to Mr PETERS, 3!), High-street, Wrexham. 35b fTt?O LET, Furnished, compact RESIDENCE, convenient JL to Liverpoo), with three acres of pasture. Suited for family of position. Twenty-nve trains daily each way.- Apply to Messrs WR!f;HT BECKET & Co., Solicitors, 17, Water-street, or to Mr W. A. CHL'RCHLAKD, 3, Cable-street, Liverpool. 495b f??O BE -LET. with immediate possession, the Farm j_ known as Hafod ANey," situate in the parish of Hope, in the county of Flint, and about six miles from Wrexham. It contains ? acres of land. of which 11 are plantation.—For rent and further particulars, apply to Messrs. BOYDELL, TAYLOR, and FLUITT, solicitors, Ches- ter. 389a t?LAS FFKON. near Wrexham.-TO BE LETfrom Lady Jt. Day next, the house contains dining, drawing-rooms, and library, thirteen bedrooms, bath room, closets, &c., w. c the and librarwy, hole replete with usual conveniences. The out buildings are very good, stables fitted with St.Pancras modern fittings. Excellent water and kitchen gardens; also, 70 acres of superior pasture land. Good fishing in the Dee within one mile of the residence, and near Sir W. W. Wynn's kennels.—Address, Jon: KowE BEN-.NIO.-N, Nursted House, Petershefd. 559f To LET, PKX-Y-GAKDDEN, one mile from Rubon Station, from Hth April till 1st September next. It contiins drawing-room, dining-room, smoking-room, and servants offices on ground noor four best bedrooms and drressing-room on second floor; and servants rooms on third noor. Three-stalled stable and good loose-box, coach house and saddle-room, good cottage with four rooms, and three small farm buildings, large kitchen garden, anf1 Seld (in front of flower g-:Jrden) containing ten acres. Within easy reach of good fishing on the Dee and other rivers.— For particulars apply by letter to Mr POTTER, Stationer, Wrexham 596z nr?OBKLET.and may be entered upon immediately, 1. ABBOT?FIELD VILLA, corner of Grosvenor-road, Wrexham late in the occupation of Thomas Bury, Esq. The house consists of drawing, dining, and breakfast Moms, on the ground noor; kitchen and back kitchen, with hot and cold water in each. Theie are on the cham- ber floor five bedrooms, bathroom, w.c., iavatory, &c., with hot and cold water, gas, &c. The out-offices consist of a three-stalled stable, Sited with Cottam's patent nttings, saddle-room and coach-house, with lofts over each, gas, ser- vant's w.c., &c. The house stands in the centre of pleasure grounds, and is enclosed by a wall with front carriage entrance and back door from road.—For further particulars apply at the Ofnce of this paper. 178a Sales by Private Contract. "J' .r.r- ? -r'J-f,r, J ?,? ft?O BE SOLD. ? few tons of MANGELS.—Apply to JL ?Ir JOH? BURY, Hilbury, Wrexh&m. 599p 113 ICYCLE, 5Uin Spi<ter, in splendid condition, to be sold. J) A barga.in.—Apply N.P., 10, Trevor-street. 546p ??N SALE, A COTTA<HE, 'No. M, Mount-street, Wrex- ?_? h?m.—Appty to Mr John Leigh, Gresford. 575 ??X SALE, good Chopped Hay &t 4s per cwt.-Apply to ?? ED. HuLl.)s.?6, Crescent Buildings, Beast Market. S}7p ON S'ALE, a HARMONIUM, mahogany case, excellent ?? tone, iiYe octaves, price .S4 10s.—Apply at 8, Belle Yue, Wrexham. 605p rtniCKET of Gold Lever WATCH. 35s. Pledged for jE5. j_ A harsain to immediate purchaser.—Apply, J.S. .Adve)-ti.ger Office, Wrexhau). SS3L FOR SALH.—TWO DOUBLE AND ÓNE SINGLE Jr FIRST CLASS PITHEAD-GEAR, pulleys and every- ing cotnplete.—Apply, Adverttsn Onice. 578f To BE SOLD, cheap, & 8rst-c!ass wrought iron Chimney, t 30 feet long by 3 feet diameter, with cast iron bed plate, all complete.—Apply LIonx Cannel Pits. near Mold. 565p ??? S?LE, a Stack of Prime Up?nd HAY, of the \_? erowth of ]S7f- Got without rain on !t. About 6 tons.—Apph- to WM. CnESTERS, HaJghton, Bansor-Isycoed, Wrexham. 531b ?\N S?LE a Cart WE!t:HI?G MACHINE, requiring \? no stone work. Nearly new. Accuracy guaranteed. -Apply JOHX 8EIOR & CO., Wire Workers, Wrexham. Iron .md Strand Fencing, &c. 608b CARRIAGES.—A number of second-hand vehicles in ? exceIlLnt condition, including Gigs, Dog Carts, Wag- Kpnettes, Photons, ?c. TO BE SOLD, cheap, at CoXRA?'S ?"'?e ?'actory, Chester-street, Wrexham. 579? T?OJLEtTFOR?ALE.—The Gnardians of the Wrexham Ulion liave for disposal a ten-horse power Howard's patent tllbular boiler Length of tubes 14 feet, very little Used. For Particulars ?'? ??''? ?PP? ? ? ?"? RAi.i.i.??rJ?'rk..houge, Wrexham. nOIp ? t)" co ??? ?'?'? ?Si"? ?? Boiler ? ? combed ??''?P°??. SuiiaMe for farmers. combInell, 5 horse-power. Suilable for farmers. LDWARD RATCHPFE, HAWARDEN. 0? ?'i??'???oHers and Fittings, ?-ft. by 5 ft. 6 in. 0 Egg-Fn(led Boilers and Fittings, '3t; ft. by One ditto, 45 ft. + 5 ft. t?: S,n- One ditto, 30 ft. + 5 ft. 0 in. ?T??CLIPP? HAWA?..  S?L, "econd  Pair of ]5" H?? O???E?e????ru?m, &e? a?lso ? one pair of 1? ditto, M""ln- Jzc-. also one Pair of 400 yards of 4" Ftange Pipes. 400 yards of 6" ditto 328. EDWARD RAICMFFE, B4W.A1\DBN Legal and Public Notices. ?-???? ???.?.. ? ? ?-?. PRINCE OF WALES VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE. A GRA.ND EVENING CONCERT, in aid of the FUNDS of the above BRIGADE, will be given in the PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM, ON EASTER TUESDAY, MARCH 30TH, 1880. when MADAME PATEY will give her services, in addition to which a number of Local and other artistes both Vocal and Instrumental, will perform. Further particulars will be announced in due time. Tickets may be obtained, and a plan of the room can be seen, at Mr Edisbury's, High-street Wrexham on and after Monday next. ° < WREXHAM SCHOOL BOARD. ? FINANCIAL STATEMENT. STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year ending 29th day of September, 1879. RECEIPTS. X s. d. EXPENDITURE. To Balance on 29th Sept., 1878. 56 3 0 Expenses of Administration- JE s. A..6 s. d. Payments made to the Treasurer by Rating Au- By Salaries of Officers of the Board 86 5 0 thorities at Id in the pound 150 0 0 Advertising. 113 0 Legal and Other Expenses of Administration. 4 11 2 ———— 92 9 2 Total Expenditure. jggs 9 2 By Balance- In hands of Treasurer 112 17 3 „ „ Petty Cash Keeper. 0 16 7 113 13 10 zC206 3 0 ————— X206 3 0 Outstanding Liabilities XU 13s. 7d. JOHN JAMES, Clerk to the School Board. 7th day of October, 1879. I certify that this Account has been examined and passed by the School Board as provided by section 17 of the Act 36 and 37 Vie., c. M. CHARLES HUGHES, Chairman, 7th day of October, 1879. I hereby certify that I have compared the entries in the above statement with the vouchers and other documents relating thereto, and that the regulations with re-ipect to such statement have been duly complied with. I hereby further certify that I have a.scerta.med by audit the correctness of such statement, and that the amount expended by the School Board during the ye tr ended the 29th day of September, 1S7!), as included in such statement and allowed by me at the audit, is ninety-two pounds nine shillings and twopence. As witness my hand this ICth day of February, 1880, f57lz EDWARD MORGAN, DIstr;et Auditor. HOPE SCHOOL ? BOARD. A CCOUNT OF THE INCOME, EXPENDITURE AND LIABILITIES for the year ended Michael- j"iL maa, 1879. ? INCOME. X s. d.! Balance on 29th September, 1878 '? 4 3 Grants from the Committee of Council on Educa- tion 221 1110 Amounts paid to the Treasurer by the Rating Authorities at Hd in the Pound. 550 0 P School Fees. 70 3 11 t t .t940 0 9! EXPENDITURE. s. d, Salaries of Officers of the Board 52 6 0 Salarie" of Teachers 392 (, g Books, Apparatus, Stationery. 18 8 11 Fuel nnd Light, and Repairs to Buildings and Furniture. 3d 3 2 Reht, Rates, Taxes and Insurance 2 7 4 Other Expenses of Maintenance .?"J.J "J??" 22 2 7 9 4<) ? Repayment of Principal of Loans 40 17 1 Interest on Loans. Lesa! and other expenses of Administration 10 13 1 School Fees returned to Scholars 010 6 Balance on 2!)th September, 1879, viz: ? 13 4 s. d. In hands of Treasurer. lt;7 15 o „ D. Lee Rees, Schooi- master 001 167 15 1 Less Amount d, ue to Petty Cash Keeper 11 g 5 156 6 8 ———— 156 6 8 JE940 8 0 Outstanding liabilities of the Board at the end of the year, TiZ. jE s. d. Salaries of Schoolmasters. OScers. School Cleaners, Ac.. 138 14 6 Balance of Loans due to the Publice Works Loan Commissioners 360913 5j 3948 711 Liabilities at the end of last year. 3957 1 4 As compared with last year-Decrease 8H 5 s. d Expenditure of present yea.r !;I4() 0 0 „ last year Is last year 78711 11 Increaae. 152 8 1 I certify that this account has been examined and passed by the School Board M provided by Sec. 17 of the Act 36 and 37 VIct., c. 88, PETER WILCOCK, Chairman, 2nd October, 1879. J. OSWELL BURY, Cleric 2nd October, 1879. I hereby certify that I have compared the entries in the above Statement, with the Touchers and other docu ments relating thereto, and that the regulations with respect to such Statement have been du!y complied with. EDWARD MORGAN, n585a District Auditor, 13th Feb., 1880. Business Announcements. SPRING CLEANINGS. 1. 1 it SPRING CLEANINGS. B. C 0 P L E S T 0 N, HOUSE, SIGN, DECORATIVE PAINTER, GLAZIER, AND PAPERHANGER. B. C. in tendering his sincere thanks to his customers, beg to inform them and the public that he has just received a large and well-selected stock of Wall Papers of very choice designs, from 3!d and upwards. PATTERN BOOKS. FOR 1880 SENT OUT ON APPLICATION. Estimates supplied for Painting, Whitewashing, Coloring, Paperhanging and General Decorating. RESIDENCE 7, ST. MARK'S TERRACE. SHOP, OPPOSITE MR. JOHN FRANCIS', DRUGGIST, 572 HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. 1, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. WILLIAM PHILLIPS Wishes to intimate to his customers that he intends closing his Establishment, after FIRST DAY OF MARCH, 1880, on MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS at SIX O'CLOCK P.M., on THURSDAYS at EIGBT o'clock p.m., and on SATURDAYS at TEN o'clock p.m., until further notice. WILLIAM PHILLIPS takes the present opportunity to thank his supporters for the kind patronage accorded to him in past years, and begs to assure them that he will at all times endeavor to give that attention to the selection of his Goods which has obtained for them so favorable an estimate In the market. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, TEA AND COFFEE SALESMAN. &c., 1, TOWN HILL, 552 W R E X H A M ESTABLISHED 1812. PROCTOR AND RYLAND S BONE MANURES, PREPARED FOR TURNIPS GRASS ) WHEAT ) ) BARLEY ) *T Cft OATS I POTATOES, &<„. I SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. MrjMM.R AND BIAM-INGHAM. I" AGENTS:— MESSRS DAVENPORT AND ;s: YORKE. STREET, WREXHAM. Mr 80DFREY PARRY. Llansintffrtid, Corwen. Mr J. J. BANCROFT. Chemist, Ruthin. Mrs ASTERLEY, Pentref, Llanymynech, Oswestry. Mr P. JONES, Corn Merchant, Halkvn, Hotywell. Mr W. HASSALL, Bubney, Whitchuroh, Salop. Mr WM. WYATT. Ellesmere, Salop. Mr L. W. ROBERTS, Morda. MiUs, Oswestry. Mr WILLIAM P. JONBS, Ironmonger, Mold. I Mr.W. GRIFFITHS, Cross Keys, Chirk. I Mr ROBERT ROBERTS, Tan Rhiew, Groes, Denbigh. I Mr R. THOMAS, Ironmonger, IjMiderfel, Corwen. I Mr JOSEPH COOKE, Ilalpas ,Clieshire., Mr WM. MADDOCKS, The shrubbery. Wem. Salop I Mr WM. THOMAS, MiddIeto?Tn, Welshpooh I Messrs J. and E JONES, Bryn Zion, Caerwys, HoIyweII. I air WILLIAM JONES, Nant Gwilym, Bodfari, Rhy!. A PrtM List, with Particulars of P)-izes ofered for Root Crops /er 1880, Post Free on application. p32Sb I mmoommo? TDATCLIFFE & SONS, HAWARDEN IRON WORKS NEAR CHESTER, ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, BOILER MAKERS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GENERAL FACTORS of every requisite for Mines, Quarries, Collieries, && Inquiries are solicited and Estimates given for Engines, Boilers, Pumping and Winding Machinery, Slate or Rubbish Waggons, and every description of Casting in Iron, Brass, or Steel. Estimates given for the Repair of Boilers, Engines, and General Machinery. 2:r2b b :},000,000 ACRES OF FARMING LANDS IN THE RED RIVER VALLEY AND OTHER PARTS OF NORTHERN MINNESOTA. THE ST. PAUL, MINNEOPOLIS, AND MANITOBA RAILWAY have nearly THREE MILLION ACRES of LAND now open for occupation, a large portion of which is in the famous RED RIVER VALLEY, recently visited by the RoyaJ Commissioners, as well as by the Farmers Delegates from Scotland, who are unanimous in speaking of its wonderful fertility. Also targe tracts of Government Lands Free. Pamphlets and full particulars free on application to MOLYNEUX ST. JOHN, Agent for St. Paul, M. <& M. Railway Company, 18, Towef-chambers, Liverpool R3b J I TOHN 1T UPTON, CABINET MAKER AXD UPHOLSTERER, (For 19 years in the employ of MrWm. Pierce, Bridge-at.) WORKSHOP—QUEEN-STREET, WREXHAM. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE MADE TO ANY DESIGN. Furniture packed and removed to any distance. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. Private Address 3, MADEIRA HILL. 230a -MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, 20, Queen Street, WREXHAM. TT .BUTT begs to inform his numerous customers that ? < he still continues to CLEAN, DYE, AND ALTER LEGHORNS, FELTS, and STRAW HATS, and BOXNETS to the newest shapes to look equal to new. Note the Address— J BUTT, 30, QUEEN STREET, 31M WREXHAM. NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. A Gentleman, having tried in vain every advertised ??. remedy, ha.e discovered a simple means of self-cure. He wiH be h&ppy to forward the particulars to any suSerer om receipt of a stamped and directed envelope.—Address, J. T. SEWBLL, Esq., Mayville, Hammersmith, London, W. MSc Public etnd Legal Notices. 'r'r..r'r,rJ' r, r'-r'J, r' r' "J" To the MAYOR, ALDERMEN, and BURGESSES of the Borough of Wrf.xham. in the County of Denbigh, being the Urban Sanitary Authority for the said Borough. !To tAe Inhabitllnf. oy the MM Eorov[Jh, and <o <tM others teAom. t( may conccr/t. the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of W the Borough of Wrexham in the County of Den- high, being the Urban Sanitary Authority for the said Borough, have presented a Petition to the Loea! Govern- ment Board to isne a trovisinnal Order to empower the said Sanitary Authority to put in force, with reference to certain lands required by them for works of Street Im- provement and the formation cf New Streets, and for cul- verting the river Gwenfro, the powers of the Lands Clauses ConsoUdatioh Acts with respect to the purchase and taking of lands otherwise than by agreement: AND WHEREAS the said lands are referred to in ad- vertisements iu the Wrexham .Aduc,.tisa of the 15th, 22nd, and 2t)th November, 1879. AND WHEREAS it is proposed that the said Local Go- vernment Board shou!d issue a Provisional Order in com- pliance with the said Petition. NOTICE M HEREBY GIVEN, that Major _H_ ect,or TuHoch, royal engineers, one of the Inspectors of the said Board, will attend at the Guild Hal!, Wrexham, on Wed- nesday, the 10th day of March, lSO, tt Ten o'clock in the forenoon, to hold a Local Inquiry into the subject matter of the said Petition. AND NOTICE JS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that any person interested may attend at such Inquiry, and be heard with reference to th'e said Petition. AS WITNESS my hand this Twenty-fourth day of February. 1880, at the OBBce of the Local .Government Board, Whitehall, London. JOHN LAMBERT, 502a Secretary. HENRY WARTER MEREDITH, ESQ. (DECEASED). JTT? ?URSUANT to the Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 23rd Victoria, chap. :?5, Notice is Hereby Given that all Creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Henry Warter Meredith, late of Pentrebyehan H..H, near Wrexham, in the County of Denbigh, esquue. deceased (who died on the 8th .day of May last, a.nd whose will was proved in tHe Principal Registry of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice by John Burv, the sole executor therein named, on the llth dav of June last), are hereby required to send to us the undersis:ied particulars of their debts or claims on or before the 8t:i day of April next, after which date the said JohnBuryviHproceed to distribute theasseta of thesaid deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice and he witi not be liable for the assets so distributed to any person of whose debt or claim he shut! not then have had notice. Dated this 26th da)- of February, 18SO. ACTON & BURY, Regent-street, Wrexham, 554z Solicitors for the said Executor. EDWARD ASHER ASHLEY, DECEASED. fmHE EXECUTORS of Edward Asher Ashley, late of the J_ Swan Brewery, Oswestry, hereby request that all the creditors of the'deceased will send in particulars of their claims to Mr Stephen Donne, solicitor, Oswestry, and that all persons from whom any debts are owing to the estate will pay the same without delay to Mr Wm. Williams. auctioneer and accountant, Salop Road, Oswestry. EDWARD THOMAS l Executors THOMAS EDWARDS J 504p f?URSUANT to a Judgment of the High Court of Justice JL ma?e in the matter of Thomas Morgan, decease;), and in an action Lewin v. Morgan (1878, M., No. 311), the Creditors of THOMAS MORGAN, bte of Pant-y-mwyn, in the parish of Mold, in the county of Flint, miner, who died in or about the month of April, K64, are, on or before Friday, the Second day of April, 1880, to send by post pre- paid, to Mr George Edward Trevor Roper, of Mold, in the county of Flint, the solicitor of the defendant, David Morgan, the administrator of the deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the ful! particu- lars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, a.nd the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the beneSt of the said Judgment. Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same before the Liverpool District Regis- trar at the District Registry, 3, Brunswick-street, Liver- pool, on Friday, the 23rd day of April, 1880. at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, being the time appointed for adjudicating on the claims. Dated this 2nd day of March, 1S80. FRANCIS D. LOWNDES, District RecistrM*. CHAS. H. LOCKETT, ,}5, Lord-street, Liverpool, 564b PIaintifTs Solicitor. CATHERINE BENNETT, DECEASED. TT?URSUANT to the Act of Parliament, twenty second J. and twenty th'rd, Victoria, chapter thirty Sve intituled, An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees," NOTICE is hereby given that all Creditors and other persons having any c!aim or demand upon or against the estate of CATHERINE BENNETT, late of Rossett (near Wrexham), in the County of Denbigh, Widow, deceased (who died on the twenty seventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine, and of whose persona! estate Letters of Administration were on the seventeenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, granted at the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice to John Lloyd, of Number 231, Park Road, Toxteth Park, Liverpool in the County of Lancaster, Tallow Chandler, brother of the said deceased), are hereby required to send the particulars of their respective claims or demands to Mr John Jones, of Westminster Buildings, Newgate Street. Chester, agent for th< said administrator, on or before the sixteenth day of April next. after which date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which he shall then have had notice, a.nd that he win not be answerable or liable for the assets, or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose debt, claim, or demand he shall nut then have had Notice. Dated this Srst day <f March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty. BRIDGMAN, WEAVER, & JONES, Westminster Buildings, Newgate Street, Chester, 553 Solicitors for the said John Uoyd. Tenders. TO BUILDERS. f?ERSONS desirous of TENDERING for the erection of i_ NEW COUNTY OFFICES, in Egerton-street, Wrex- ham, are requested to send their names to the undersigned before Monday, the 15th inst. Sealed Tenders are to be delivered at the OfBces of Mr P. Vaughan-Williama, Solicitor, 3, Temple-row, on or before Wednesday, the 31st inst.' The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. ALFRED C. BAUGH. 3, Temple-row, Wrexham. Architect. March 4th, 1880. 6Mb BOROUGH OF FLINT. fTIHE TOWN COUNCIL of the Borough of Flint incite 1 TENDERS for the Construction of two BRIDGES over the Stream called Nant-y-Flint, in accordance with drawings and specifications prepared by Mr George Bellis, engineer. The drawings and speci6cations may be seen a.t the Town Clerk's ofSce, Flint, where also bills of quantities and forms of tender may be obtained on <md &fter the 8th instant upon payment of .Cl Is, which will be returned upon receipt of a tender. Sealed Tenders, endorsed Tenders for Bridges," to be delivered to Mr Henry Taylor, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Flint, on or before the 2Hth inst. The Town Council de not bind themselves to a.ccept the lowest or any tender. HENRY TAYLOR, Town Hall. Flint. Town Clerk. March 5th. 1880. 560h TENDERS. rt?HE Mold Highway District Board invite Tenders for JL the construction of a BRIDGE at Padeswood near the town of Mold, and a CULVERT at Maeagwyn near the town of Flint. The Drawings and SpeeiScations prepared by Mr George Bellis, engineer, may be seen at his Onice, 40, Bigh-street, Mold, where also bills of quantities and forms of tender may be obtained on a.nd after the 8th instant upon payment of j61 Is Od, which will be returned to anyone sending in a bonaSde tender. Sealed Tenders on the prescribed form endorsed Tender for Bridge and Culvert" to be delivered to the undersigned not later than 10 a.m. of the 5th day of April next. The Highway Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. By Order, A. T. EEENE, Clerk of the Board. Mold, Mardt 6th, 1880. 561f Entertainments and Meetings. ALMA LODGE DEMONSTRATION, IN ACTON PARK, OK WHITMONDAY, 1880. SPORTS, DANCING, &c., &C. SEB FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS. 521a. PRELIMINARY ADVERTISEMENT. rpHE RUABON DISTRICT of the MANCHESTER UNITY FRIENDLY SOCIETY intend holding t. DEMONSTRATION in W Y N N S T A Y PARK, on the 31ST M A Y, the same being kindly promised by SIR WATK!N WtLHAMS WYNN, Bart. FuU particulars will be duly advertised. 593b Education. MR JJENRY BAILLIE, ORGANIST OF RHUABON PARISH CHURCH, (Privale to &'r IT. tF. Wynn, .Bar< and Åsistan; <)/ CA<M<<'t' Ca<A<'A'a!) Gives lesions on the Organ, Pianoforte, and Theory of Music. TERMS ON APPLICATION. Rhuabtn, 13th February, 1880. X54p KINGSTON HOUSE SCHOOL, SALISBURY PARK, WREXHAM. Situation the healthiest part of the outskirts of the town. House, specially arranged for the pur- pose. Domestic arrangements: those of a home. Thorough grounding in all school subjects. Pro- fessors in daily attendance. French.RESIDENT TEACHER. Music .HERR AUGUSTE WALTHER. Singing.MR PRITCHARD (Organist Mid choirmaster ef St. Mark's.) Drawing and Painting, in oil and water color,MR H. J. NOYES (CertiScated Art Master). Dancing.MR C. STEPHENSON. Drill.SERGEANT-MAJOR PHtENIX. For terms tnd references apply to THE PRINCIPAL, üt MISS HUMPHREYS. Business Announcements. \r -.J- -o.r- TORN IpARQUHARSON, Can sti!I supply good PLANTS OP STANDARD AND DWARF ROSES of the most useful sorts for the Flower Garden, EVERGREEN SHRUBS and FRUIT TREES, HARDY SPRING FLOWERING PLANTS. suitable for the Rockery and Flower Garden. VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS of the most useful sorts to be had at the Market Hall, where Orders for Nursery Stock, &c., will be attended to. 3S7b ESTABLISHED 1817. DYEING DYEING DYEING FIRSTCLASS I CERTIFICATE OF PRIZE MEDAL MERIT Awarded 1874. Awarded 1874. THE LARGEST DYE-WORKS IN THE MIDLAND COUNTIES. IMPROVEMENTS IN THE ART OF DYEING AND FRENCH CLEANING. AT THE MIDLAND COUNTIES STEAM POWER DYE WORKS, LEICESTER, LICHFIELD, AND BURTON ON TRENT, JOHN SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETOR. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT :— WREXHA M: MISSES WHITING, Fancy Repository, 3, High-street. OSWESTRY: MRS M. REASON, Fancy Repository. Church-street. iriil' Goods sent to and received from the above Agents Weekly. AGENTS WANTED IN RUABON AND UN- REPRESENTED DISTRICTS. Ø'The New Price and Color List for 1S7S to be had Gratis or Free. 305 E R PALMER, Is now showing hia NEW SPRING STOCK of LADIES' AND GENTS. BOOTS AND SHOES in all the Parisian a.nd London Styles. A large assortment of BOYS', GIRLS', and CHILDRENS GOODS. Old LADIES easy Stting BOOTS, GENTS GOUT BOOTS always in Stock. LADIES' AND GENTS. DRESS & WEDDING BOOTS AND SHOES. A few odd lots left from Sale at marvellowsly low price. Orders by post special attention. OBSERVE THZ ADDRESS :— P A L M E R S OLD ESTABLISHED FAMILY BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 2 2A, TOWN HILL. 317 GENERAL ADVANCE IN PRICES. Though every cl&ss of Drapery Goods (excepting Silk Fabrics) have recently undergone a very sub- stantial advance varying from 10 to 20 per cent., we beg to inform the public that it is our intention to the extent of our present large stock, to offer all goods at the extreme low prices of last year, and will not in a single instance ask for an advance. By this arrangement our customers will be supplied for a short period with CALICOS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, HOLLANDS, SHEETINGS, and aJl Muds of COTTON, WOOLLEN & LINEN FABRICS, at a genera! average of FIFTEEN PER CENT. UKDER CURRENT VALUE. WILLIAM & JOHN pRICHARD 14, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. 367f 21, CHARLES STREET, WREXHAM. SEWING MACHINES By all the BEST MAKERS. TREADLE MACHINES jE4 10s. HAND MACHINES £3 10s. PLAITING AND KILTING MACHINES. S6/- 35/- 40/- and C2/- EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. A number of Sewing Machines and Planters tept for HIRING OUT at 6d per day or 2s 6d per week. NEEDLES, COTTON. SILK, THREAD, OIL, amd all kinds of Fittings for Sewing Machines. MACHINES REPAIRED CLEANED by experienced men. ?*?*?" GENERAL FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. IRON BEDSTEADS, full size, 8/11. BEDDING FLOCKS from ld per Ib. MATTRASSES from 8/- per set. Tables, Chairs, Drawers, Mangles, and every de- scription of Furniture made and sold at very low prices. EAST TERMS OF PAYMENT. s. SOTHERN, 21, CHARLES STREET, WREXHAM. Right-hand side. Three doors from Wynnstay Hotel. 1349c f IVERPOOL COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT COM- JLJ PANY (LIMITED.) LOANS of from £10 to £590 promptly GRANTED, Md the interest charged unusually moderate. Personal or other Security, Share CertiScates.Dock Bonds, Life PoUcies'. &c.—Apply to BENJAMIN ROBERTS, Branch Manager, 267f 77, BROOK STREET, CHESTER. f? OYAL CCNNAUGHT THEATRE, HOLBORN. Mr Jt? GEO. RIGNOLD. in COMEDY ?.nd DRAMA. Every Evening. Prices 6d to .64 4s. ?r?T-ELL BRED BRAWN at the HULLAH FARM, Rhoa- t Y nessney, Wrexham. Particulars on application. öO:3p Lost and Found. '[?OUND, February 14th, at Summerhil!, a. red Sheep JT DOG. If not claimed within three days from thia date, will be sold to defray the expenses.—Apply, E. CASH, SummerhUI, near Wrexham. 5SOf t?ITCH FOUND.—Found, & fortnight ago, in Eaton J.) Hall Pfu-k, & liver-color and white POINTER BITCH. Owner can have it by applying to WjLLlAM CHALONER. Smithnetd Green, Holt, Wrexh&m. 568


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