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PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS, t np THE FOLLOWING CLASSES Houses to he Let, \al1t,'l, ? Apartments Apartments to be Let, Money Wfmted I MisceHa.neous Wants Lost or Found. Are inserted "t tht's C.'?!tMt)t at the under-mentioned charges:- One Insertion (20 words) Is Three Insertions „ 2s 6d And M for each additional line of nine words. .Announcement-! of Births, Marriages and Deaths, with aji\ remarks other thrm the simple facts. One Shilling. AU Advertisements !.ot ordered for a definite period will be until ec,nntr;nnanded. Advertisers are particularly requested to name the num- ber of insertions when o:-drin.- Advertisements. Advertisers are requested to forward Advertisements M early as possible in the week to insure insertion and correct ness. as it is onlv to insert a limited number Mceived so late as Friday: the pub)ishers, thoagt anxions to accommodate thf public to the latest moment, cannot guarantee mserti n when received after TWELVE o clock on that morning. of Advertise- All orders for the alteration or withdrawal of A. d,verhse- menta must he recf-I'?¡1 1;y mid-day on Thursday. In "'H t-T?.'s wt-?r \'h. rtisers wish application should be made at this otncf. thev must remit a fee of sixpence to cover the cost of post.iRC, forwarding letters, and a.nswer- in, applit"atiollS. Partis writing for information with re- gai-f! to ptrti.-ulai of rt-h'ert!sements, must also inclose six- pence, st:tnil);vi!l ilc, ;;) either case. Wanted. "o.J-J-¿- /r.o. -?-]r-T-' ?nP Qw.!?!??.fALT?TEI:.—Apply to Jo'<ES, W LLOYD, ? Co., Mold. 10f tnd -mrrXxi?n ? -hi]'ri).? C?erk.—Apply to R. Evans and Y% <'n.,TheM?:tc-ry, '\Vrexham. :?2a ?TtyA?THD ? stertdv ?IAN as Dra,man -Apply to V? ?rc?srs .To'<r-. I?OYn. & Co Mold. 46n ?tT?VX? K?, ? s second-hand ?PRtNG CART, such v T ::<d )? ? ewers.—App?y at No. 9, Hope-street, Wrexhfim. 25b TTtC7 JOYCr:, Y.fttchmftker and jeweler. Wen-street, t V. t??)un, i-i in w.nt <.f an in-door ArPRENTICR to the business. 27MM ACE?TS'YA?THn?rtheSi?e of theWrM;'tfU)t?(f- ?1L. T-?'?i' h) ;'?(' f?t present unrepresented. Appli- caticn-: diret-t to this ()'1ico. _? .?*?0\CH?TAX r.r <?r.nm :n*d Coachmfin.—Wanted, 9. ?? M)T?.\T:OX ?v sin?e Mun. Pirat c1a.sa charn.cter. Sf'vfn !.i-t !.nM:lv.—Address G.W., CM"'<!)tf nfRce, ChestoT. ? 2S24b a nn!uber of Agencies, wishes .f to join him In working them nn Address, MERCHAXT, BOX B. 70, p.t nfS. 37n .i But! 4 Upper yuraes, M:tidg* <rd.-ner (wife laundress preferred)- nHd Housemaids, Waitresses, 4')<;t!r: Ornoms, Footmen.—Mrs H-,y. ). ?? ?-?rppt, Wrexha.tn. 41b I ?r??t ?f? Frr'??'d?PART?tRXTS, with attend- itnt'C fni- a i:?'" l:f'rt)ptnan in a respectah!e famny. wlv' thrrf nrr 11'- rhndrpn. A heathy situation aT)d .l(lIl c'onk::l': tr'd)<'ensile—Apply, by tetter, to Mr W (;f;IUTT..1,¡>, rhurch street, Wrexham 451, COt-XTY ANYLU.NL, SHREWSBURY. rr??'??? nro vtc.?c?s for Femfde ATTENDANTS TT!ie salzii-v c,,n-. ?i-,cziees at .Si5 and rise? to?24wtth bo?r? !?-n?. w.<: =nj. :<nd three dresses fmnUilHy.— A)?' \.<'t??:?h: !cttcr to the MrpER!\TEXDEXT. I If To Let. ,r.J,r, T LHT. at Cn:i<. Cross House Cottage.—App!y to E Cmchn!.n:.t I, ;;t(( \Y-n. 343. ir?U':X!SMKr) APA):T.KNTS TO LET.—Apply, No. H, t' l;er?u-sh'c-et, Wrcxbam. 15f ?A ? P''I;T\H?sTS LHT.—Partour and Bedroom.— Apply Mu" Hr<!t!r?, Heap Terrace, Erddig Road. To TIE TJET, Krvn GIascoed Farm, near Brymbo 44 a -res rent. :Ef):).-Applv to Mr Kyrke, Nantyffnth, Wrc,xli!illi. 36a ASITT!NG':«C'? and BEDROOM to LET for one _?L se]iHeni.i".—Arp?' at Mr STEYEXS, confectioner, Hope-street. 43b TJ?? T' -?? CHFSTKH'-THERT. Nine r?oms and ce!!ar; s?endid b?t?-rr.om. Rent, .E25.—Apply to Mr. o-? T!LST!'?, 7, Henb!:?-street. 837 f-r?b LET, n .jnvenient HOUSE (Rent .6?7). Ajsoa \L c?mfortr?.I? CcTTAGE in GreenSe)d (Rent jE14).— Apply to Mr HI:Yw, S;)r)ng-ro!id, Rhoxddu. H'12c "B.T<r?j;j'XH -} — H'T-?E containing 2 sitting-rooms, ?? 4' '!C(h.if.:i. ?:?:n;n, Ac. rent, ?18, very low. H?''U p.t't ,.f:].?t.vn.—App]ytoMrTiLSTOS,7, HMiMM street. 2567f fT?:" LFT, ?" ?, ??. t<s?-terrace, BridKe-street, con- ?_ si?tin??f p.y!'?, km'hen, back-kitchen, Mid three hedr?..ti)!—)' ?r-. MULTJKER, C!ayton ViUas, Rh;):'ll.111.. ?? rt?o BHLKT.?; Hf.use a.nd Shop in Ha.I!-street. JL Uh.hu!<'t-h:m..L.—'pp?v to Mr Joseph Roberts, H:dl-ie- i:s. ?!Wright, draper, Church-street, £U ye,lr. 2752a. r¡;-iET, HO!SE :md SHOP at GwersyUt, used at JL pt e.-ent: as t-tncl grocery business.—Apply to RICHA!¡U ]!"m;ns, U:,tdlfr, GwerayUt.or DAXiEL JONES, H"u-L', <.wer>yt!t. 30z f1p(t LET, Xr.. 5, C ?br'?e-terrace, Hirdir, a HOUSE, JL L sntinR:-Y'?)MS, back kitchen with pantry, 4 bedrooms, tasA'.? ??t. t-!d":).2.?.u'dens, good yard. Healthy Ioca!it\ .—Apph- next door, No. (!. 2764b focality.-Apl)lv iiext iloor,-N'o. 6. 2764b rt'U t.i. t.!T. ??': "?mediate possession, SUMMER i_ HILL HftFSE.—FoT particulars apply to MrJA?ES PR)fL. Ofhf'.?. Summer Hill; or to Mr HAMPDEX A. rcv-E! Sohci: 2, Tfmpie-row, Wrexham. 2673z Bangor, Flintshire, T() 1..F. r, pnPL. COTTAGE, Bang-or. Flintshire, c"! t:!in:')'j ent&rtaining rooms, two kitchens, a.nJ tn'e w:eh garden, stable, coachhouse, and laM'! Mr JOXES, Island Green, 'Vl'cx!1:,]¡1. ? 27S6b ??f7i;LXHA;.j.—.Ui cxceUent .SHOP, HOUSE, and ?t BAKKH'?'sE to Let. Leading thoroughfare. For h"t 11) Yc:tt-s in cccu;)htion of present tenant Posses- sion 1-t J..nu.u'—App!v to T. ROWLAKD, The Grove, W)Rxi:.t)i.. 28b ff<(.' LET, vith immediate possession, ACTON _t COTTAGE, near Wrexham, containing 3 sitting and r; ùedcvm" two-t;¡lle,: i-table, roomy coachhouse with 1"1)(,])1 above croft and garden.- Apply to Mr PETER'. H¡h.tl"¿et. Wrexham. 35b ? !?vT:?'OR K<'AD, ? WREXHAM. —'TO?BE LET ?.r ?!?c'!) f" ?t years or shorter, a WeM-Furnished VILLA, contauum: tbree entertaining rooms, seven bed- roomi- ",wir. ¡'>OlE;. awl good domestic ofnces. Terms mom n- loat. Foi ''I?r.-i to view apply to Messrs BELL, Land Agents, 40, North John- street, Iherpoo1. 2757z Sales by Private Contract. "J-' 'nrAY.—A -m; [1 Stack of HAY for Sale—Apply toJ. ?JL Wnj.'A?.s, X?]i{ Cottage, Coedpoeth. 2oz t f- VI:<'N SHAKES TO BE SOLD AT OXCE.—Offers JL<) t'bfScnt to M.-<?rs SCOTT A BARHAM, solicitors, :{U, J{ing.trf<d. Cheipside, London. 5f '?j?O? ?ALK. C't?', pure tred Guernsey; lemon and ?' ?lutc i {.u- '.c.-is eld third calf-time up, January ?uth; (:"Iiet au.1 h?nnd.—Mr BURROUGHS, Kiln Farm, !.c' M:trcliwiel. 23n ir7'f-LE. c. ?i !e rPortabI?ENGlNE, 14in cylinder, J' S?ht -t). kf c?'in?cted to (!ft Sin drums for winding, alM)i: with 7;n T)o:)key Engine for supply of water. The wb,1e it! <ler and Srst-cla.ss condition. Price £:11);1. :\J: h' -ec- ;d p.'trticulars obtained at the Argoed Colliery. J (,1. 40b Lost and Found. f 0.T, :t??ut.;(we)-k as:o, from Mr.s Egerton's.Gresford JL. L?t?c, Cheviot EWES and 1 Scotch EWE.—Finder will'-lc tlit,i-ii to -Nlr R.J.ROBERTS. Borrns 27f T OST. ;t 'vc. !t Sunday, between Cross Lanes and t J ?'rcxh:.)' r: nr?y ?.IARE with two Mack stripes each side t!.e eyes. rinde: wi!] be rewarded upon restoring the "alllt: tn LnwD. Lu'yo, brush Tan, Huxley's Field, Wrex- ham. the sa.n'e will be prosecuted. 16f ? L ?t?AYEU, .th?ut a tttonth ago, to Mr Dixon'_a, Cross ? L?n' h, n.n.e "HEKP. Owner may have them upon .?n'uiS?-?'U?i''? ?!'d Paying expenses. If not claimed within "fVfn d.s tln. wiU'be sold. 24b Tanders. r r. .c, ,-¿ TO COAL MERCHANTS. The COnll;IO:SER. of IRISH LfGHTS are prepared to re- ceive Tenders for the Supply of the undermentioned qua'.tYti.s of LI;D'!AHAGOW, NERQUIS, or HEY- WOOD CANNLL GAS COAL; also fii "'HITEH.\ VEX SLACK, or HOUSE COAL, DHOS.S. -.tit:.b;e t,! Hnnking purposes, or "COKING CO.\ijl!R!:MK' A Cs t!H ate ')f ("(1, gutranteeiug it to be from the min, it' been weighed and delivered into the to)'l'S at the undermentioned Lighthouses, free of all bt-:uie the lai; day of May, 1880. Hach ''c with il '-eparate Bill of Lading. C'aunel Breeze. Tons. Tons. St. John'- Lighthouse, co. Dcv.)i 2(! 34 co. Dublin 49 24 Ht)Wtii H:n Howth. 44 :0 Wid; He'all do. Wick]" 10 23 Hook T'Jwer do. Ho'k Point, co.Wexford IS 25 -Iliiielit-:iil f:o.in.: P;er,DungarvanBay, co. WaterK.rd. 10 5 (jaUeyHM':do.CIo:mkiIty,co.Cork .) 46 The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. ??dei? t" be delivered (through post, prepaid) at the Secretary's OHice, on or before the 31st January, 1880, en- dors.'J Tender for < 'as Coal." P.n'ties may tender for the .surpiv of CurJ f< .r one or more or the whole of these Light- house's, Lut separate prices t,) be quoted for each. .Security wili be requii'etl for the amount of Tender, and the sh dl fleliv,!r all the coa!s contracted for at the pr't-cs -pe.'iHed in his Tender on the day above-named. Thut if the C'J1tmdm' does not deliver the Coals on or be- fon- th:it J:iv th.' c,)iiiiiiisi,iiiers of Irish Lights win be at at an end, or to purchase :m.' .1<11\'t.'1' "l1tfi,it'nt Co:tl to complete the Contract, and ¡ tupC.!nt:.n-t.'r;ni h!s Securities pqy for saine.-By or()t'r, W. LEMS, Seci'etary. L'h V"1:b <t:nce, Dublin, 2nth December, 1879. 7a. :\nTH.'E TO COAL CONTRACTORS. Th.- ("'D¡¡,,jl:Ei{'. O! IR)SH LIGHTS hereby give notice. _h.tt the; tu'e ).rcp:t-d to receive Tenders for Supplying ?'tL'?L tx t1?'ir .!iff.;n;nt Lighthouses round the Coast '?_ '?: It?).ni. f. the year ending the 31st MARCH, issi. rc:ph.ti"t: to,. t b h. I The r,)t.tlve ':u;tut!i.:es tc be suppMed at each Station th-?'?" '?' -?')'!ication to the undersigned, at St ()tt'kcel '"? ?'? ?? ""???? to be deHvered before June I It b UptlOlU,,) t, (', t to ? ?'n' ?' '?"t'??oM to tender for supplying Coal ,!O'h Jut on T f ?d'e???'u??,?r?"? ?? '? entii,e et. crrel lIe UU!111b:;lOn"r" It,) t J' 1 J??";?t? ? "? ? themselve. to accept the SoJnJrity ,m )t.' 1''rIUiretl for th Ù Ii Contract. i'elilivell e ue Performance of the Ttc'iHlel's will IJt. re"fÍ\'etl at t" > 3?:!?'? y?J?.?t? t ?? ?. noon, the ?ed -T.? ?dd.???? endol-se(I Tvlitiv.:tn(l t'it8tl1 to the Secre- > By Or(hr-W LEE S. t I Irish Lights Omce. D.?in? S?c.?l ?? ? eCtJIH'er, 187\1. !f, Legal and Public Notices. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. RE WILLIAM WARBURTON, DECEASED. A LL PERSONS to whom the late Wi!liam Warburton J? of No. 2, Char!es-street, Wrexham, Painter and Gilder, stood indebted at the time of his decease, are re- quested to forward their Accounts with dates and items to the Executors, at No. 9. Queen Street, Wrexham, in order to be examined, and if found correct, discharged. And all persons indebted t.. the estate, are requested to pay their accounts forthwith at the above address. Dated this 29th December, 1879. MARY WARBURTON, Executrix. 17n JOHN BLACKLEY, Executor. JOHN TJUGHES' BRYMBO ART DRAWING, JANUARY 1ST, 1880. WINNING NUMBERS. Winning Prize. No. Name ?'"? ?? P?y. Moss side "? W'Mn Davies, 20. Chapel st. Birkenhead J.—J5o/ .Joseph WHliams.Pisgah.Broughton 4.— 5!J4 Louisa Harrison, Brymbo 5.-1791 Robert Thomas, PIasgwyn mountain 6.-1852 Evan Edwards, Caemadoc 7.-2551 Albert Edwards. Brake, Moss 8.—2479 John Williami, MoM 9.-2711 William Roberts. Island, VronDeg iO—6655 John Jones, BrvnUhug Brymbo 11.-5158 W. H Hughes. BodvUtyn, Rhosyme<tre 12.-353'2 William Hogg, Hope 1: -5169 Thomas Hughes, joiner Br'vmbo 14.- 614 M.Evans, Mount, Brymbo 15.-5645 John Joues.Swetenham row, Leeswood 16.— 277 Rev T. P. Edwards, Brymbo 42n Entertainments and Meetings. PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM. OX MONDAY NEXT, JANUARY S-m, 1880, MR G. QSBORNE MORGAN, Q.C., M.P., WILL ADDRESS HIS CONSTITUENTS in the above hall. The Chair wi!! be taken at Eight o'c!ock by ALEXANDER BALFOUR, ESQ., Mount A]yn. Sir R. A. C:tn!fe, Bart., M. Williim.-on, Eaq., of Liverpool (candidate for the St. Andrews Burghs) Major Scotland, C. Hughes, Esq., Enoch Mnss. Esq., and other gentlemen will take part in the meeting. DOORS OI'EX AT HALF-PAST SEVEX O'CLOCK. A few reserved seat tickets !Hay he had o)! application to Mr Wm. Hawkins TUston, HenMaa- street. 4z KI.N(;-STri,El",T CHAPEL mHE ANNUAL TEA and ENTERTAINMENT will J. take place on Monday next, the 5th of January, 1830. Tea on table at Five o'clock. Entertainment at half-past Seven. 33a KJXCtS CROWNED AXD UNCROWNED. THE CELEBRATED LECTURER, THE REV. E. pAXTO TJOOD, OF MANCHESTER, Will deliver his Popular Lecture on the above Subject at the CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL, CHESTER-STREET, WREXHAM, On the 12th JANUARY, 1850. Chair to be taken at 7.30 TICKETS—ONE SHILLING EACH. 9a Educa-tion. ,r- ,-F- /r J'r,r, -J- GROVE PARK SCHOOL, WREXHAM. A former pupil who went direct from this school to the Britannia has just been placed First at the Final Examina- tion of Naval Cadets, obtaining three prizes. During the past year a pupil matriculated at the London University, and having been placed in honors is admissible as a Solicitor after being articled four years instead of Sve. Six candidates passed the last Oxford Local Examination, four of whom took honors, and one gained the Mayor's Gold Medal for the best Senior Candidate at the Wrexham Centre. Forty-four pupils (about one-half of the total number in the School) received certificates from the College of Precep- tors at Midsummer—a fact showing that each boy receives due attention. A careful general training is given, with preparation for the Public Schools, J\avy, Examinations, or Business Life. For Prospectuses, apply to W. J. RUSSELL, B.A., 2802b PRINCIPAL. OLD VICARAGE SCHOOL. WREXHAM. PRINCIPAL—H. POYNER, M.C.P., Certificated Teacher (1st Class, 1st Division). T?/W R P., who for 26 years past has, with unques- It H tionable success, conducted large important Government inspected and his own private Middle Class Schools at Leicester (20 years) and Bridgend, South Wales, respectfully intimates that he has succeeded to the sole management of the above, and trusts that his successful career and high position as a trained Schoolmaster will be ample guarantee that a sound, practical, and comprehensive educa- tion, combining all the advantages of the most approved Government system (without its disadvan- tages) will be imparted. Prospectuses (containing full details) on applica- tion. First-class accommodation at moderate charges for Boarders. 2731b KINGSTON HOUSE SCHOOL, SALISBURY PARK, WREXHAM. Situation the healthiest part of the outskirts of the town. House, specially arranged for the pur- pose. Domestic arrangements: those of a home. Thorough grounding in all school subjects. Pro- fessors in daily attendance. French.RESIDENT TEACHER Music .HEUR AUGUSTE WALTHER. Singing.MR PRITCHARD (Organist and choirmaster of St. Mark's.) Drawing and Painting, in oil and water color,MR H. J. NOYES (Certincated Art Master). Dancing.MR C. STEPHENSON. Drill.SERGEANT-MAJOR PH(ENIX. School Re-opens January 26th. For terms and references apply to THE PRINCIPAL, 44f MISS JIUMPHREYS. LADIES' AFTERNOON VOCAL CLASS. HIS CLASS, for the Study and Practice of Vocal J_ Music, will commence third week in January, 1880. Further particulars in due course. EDWIN HARRISS, 2813b Musical Director. MR EDWIN HARRISS' MUSIC AND SINGING LESSONS. Ff?HE next TERM w;)l Commence on THURSDAY JL JANUARY 22xn, 1880. Mr Harriss having a very few vacancies, Pupils desir ous of his instruction should communicate with him at an early date. 8, Erddig-road, Wrexham, Dec. 24th, 1879. 2812z LADIES' SCHOOL, ) DISRAELI VILLA, ABERGELE 1?/fISS LEACH, an experienced teacher, with high cer- m. tiSeates, receives a few hoarders on moderata terms. Mountain and sea air. Home comfurts. References. School re-opens. January 5th. 20n DENBIGH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HEA!) MASTER, S. EDWARDS, M.A., (LONDON), Late Afa,,te,)- at Jlancnestel' School. NEXT QUARTER COMMENCES, JANUARY 20TH. Prospectuses, containing every information as to Terms, Scholarships, &c., on appiication. 21z HAWARDEN GRAMMAR SCHOOL (FOUNDED 16Uf.) 'W?CARDERS :? guineas (inclusive). Term commences JD January 12th. Prospectus from Rev. S. E. Gladstone, M.A., Hawarden Rectory, or the Head Master. 275oz ST. ASAPH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HEAD MASTER: W. EASTERBY, B.A., LL.D ft?HE Duties of this School will be resumed on Mo\DAY TFebru,irv 2nd. A Class is being formed for the Matriculation Examination of the University of London, January, 1881. Classes also will be to-mod for the Medical Registration Examinations, in the latter ha.!f of 188 and for the Cambridge Local Examination in December, 18"'0 Pupils are prepared for the Universities, for the Preliminary Law Examination, and for that of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. Application to be mrtde to DR. EASTHRBY, from whom terms and other particulars may be had. 27Ci4n DOARD. with Education in Ens:!ish, Latin, French, and JD Music, by Masters and Governesses. Terms, 25 Guineas per annum. The next Term commences on the 15th of January 181,30 PtUXCH'.u.s :—TAVISTOCK HOUSE, WREXHAM. 2'!50n THE TOWER, LLANGOLLEK\ ESTABLISHMENT FOR YuUXC LADIES. PRINCIPALS:— ?R. & ??RS. ELLIS. A? ? i JLJ Pupils receive a th<;rough Engl!-ih Education, together with the usual accomplishments, on strictly moderate terms. The Academical year is divided into three terms as follows:— LEXT TERM—January 17th to April 24th. SUMMER TERM—April 2ath to July 31st. MICHAELMAS TERM—Sept, mth to Dec. 20th. Prospectuses; &C., on application. 153b Education. HOLT ACADE MY) NEAR WREXHAM. PRINCIPAL-JAMES OLIVER JONES, Unde2-graditate of the University of Loiadon. THE RESULT OF CHRISTMAS EXAMINATION, 1879. NAMES OF STUDENTS. Ai)ierica. (CarpmreoM Coittinued). { Frederick William Thomp- John Cadwaldr Jones son Lane John Rowland Hughes John Victor Lane Robert Broadie Griffiths Anglesea. Rees Gethin Inigo Jonea Hueh John Owen Robert Owen Williams John Prydderch Williams Richard Richard Hughes Rowtand Chambers Richard Pritchard Thomas Richard Davies Thomas Evans William John Owen William Griffith William Richard Jones William Roberts Bedford Cheshire George Beckwith Cooper John Hartshorn Brown Sydney Ashmore Cooper John Nathaniel DaTies CarncnTonsAtre. John Walley David Roberts Herbert Manger Edward Owen Noah Smith Parke. Ch"hire (continued). Plintshire (continued). Richard William Robinson Thomas Roberts SandforA Blake Ducker Glamorganshire. ? ? ?°?'' Chr:stmM EvMs William ThomMJ. pnM ???M-?Mre. Denbighshire. Thomas Edward Hughes David Jones ZancasAtrf David Richard Davies Alfred Edward Frame Edward Hanson Charles David Edwardi! Herbert Peters Edward Peters Wm. Allan Lloyd Davies Frederick HHIman Edwards Wm AIdersley Meredith Humphrey Walter Bowles WiUiam Lloyd John Mercer DMrAaot W. Horton Joseph Thomas Roberts Metionethshire. Flintshire David Roberts Thomas Enoch Gratton DICTATION AND SPELLING. 1st Class, 1st Division. 2nd Class, 1st Division. 1 J. T. Roberts 1 T. E. Hughes 2 W. J. Owen 2 R. R. Hughes 3 R. B. Griffiths 3 W. Manger 4 J. Walley 4 H. Ma.nger 5 J. R. Hughes 5 J. Mercer (} W. A. Ll. Davies 6 S. B. Ducker 7 D. R. Davies 7 W. R. Jones S E. Owen 8 C. D. Edwards 9 R. Chambers 9 W. A. Meredith 10 J. P. Williams 2nd Division. 2nd Division. 1 J. V. Lane 1 W. Horton 2 N. S. Parker 2 H. W. N. Dowles 3 R. W. Robinson 3 W. T. Jones 4 S. A. Cooper 4 J. N. Davies 5 T. E. Gratton 5 T. Roberts 6 E. Hanson 6 E. Peters 7 T. R. Da/vies 7 F. H. P. Edwards 8 H. J. Owen S F. W. T. Lane 9 J- H. Brown I M R. G. I. Jones 10 H. J. Peters 10 G. n. Cooper 11 n. Pritchard ENGLISH LANGUAGE A\D LITERATURE. 1st Class. 1st Division. 2nd Class, 1st Division. 1 W. J. Owen 1 T. E. Hughes 2 J. T. Roberts 2 R. R. Hughes 3 J. R. Hushes 3 H. Manger 4 R. B. GriiRths 4 W. Ma.nger 5 R. Chambers 5 W. A. Meredith o J. Walley C C. D. Edwards 7 T. Roberts 7 S. B. Ducker 8 W. A. Ll. Davies 8 J. V. Lane 9 F. H. P. Edwards 9 J. Mercer 10 E. Owen 2nd Division. 2nd Division. 1 N. S. Parker 1 S. W N. Bowles 2 W. R. Jones a G. B. Cooper 3 T. R. D:tvies 3 W. T. Jones 4 R. W. Robinson 4 J. P. Williams 5 S. A. Cooper 5 D. R. Davies 6 H. J. Owen 6 F. W. T. Lane 7 T. E. Gratton 7 R. G. 1. Jones 8 E. Hanson 8 J. N. Davies 9 J. H. Brown K W. Horton 10 H. Peters 10 E. Peters 11 R. Pritchard HISTORY OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1st Class, 1st Division. 2nd Class. 1st Division. 1 R. B. GriSths 1 T. E. Hughes 2 J. T. Roberts 2 C. D. Edwards 3 E. Owen 3 J. Mercer 4 R. Chambers 4 R. R. Hughes 5 W. J. Owen 5 H. Manger 6 J. Walley 6 W. Manger 7 J. R. Hughes 7 S. B. Ducker 8 H. Bowles 8 T. R. Davies 9 F. H. P. Edwards 9 W. R. Jones 10 D. R. Davies 2nd Division. 2nd Division. 1 J. N. Davies 1 H. J. Owen 2 J. P. Williams 2 J. V. Lane 3 F. W. T. Lane 3 S. A. Cooper 4 T. Roberts 4 N. S. Parker 5 E. Peters 5 R. W. Robinson S G. B. Cooper S T. E. Gracton 7 W. T. Jones 7 W. A. Meredith 8 R. G. I. Jones 8 J. H. Brown 9 W. Horton 9 E Hanson 10 R. Pritchard 10 H. Peters GEOGRAPHY. (Pltysical (Mt< Po!tttC(t! q/' tAe World). 1st Class, 1st Division. 2nd Class, 1st Division. 1 J. T. Roberts 1 T. E. Hughes ? R. Chambers 2 W. Manger 3 E. Owen 3 H. Manger 4 W. J. Owen 4 R. R. Hughes 5 J. WaIIev 5 J. Mercer 6 R. B. Griffith 6 C. D. Edwards 7 J. R. Hughes 7 J. V. Lane 8 H. Bowles 8 W. R. Jones 9 D. R. Davies 9 S. B. Ducker 10 E. Peters 2nd Division. 2nd Division. 1 F. H. P. Hdwards 1 N. S Parker 2 T. Roberta 2 W. A. Meredith 3 J. P. Williams 3 S. A. Cooper 4 J. N. Davies 4 R. W. Robinson 5 F. W. T. Lune 5 T. Davies 6 G. B. Cooper H T. H. Gotten 7 R. G. 1. Jones 7 H. Hanaon 8 W. T Jones S H. J. Owen 9 R. Pritchard 9 J. H. Brown 10 W. Norton 10 H. PpteM ENGLISH COMPOSITION. 1st Class, 1st Division. 2nd Class, 1st Division. 1 W. A. H. Davies 1 T. E. Hughes 2 J. T. Roberts 2 W. Manger 3 W. J. Owen 3 S. B. Ducker 4 E.Owen 4 J. V. Lane 5 J. R. Hughes 5 R. R. Hughes 6 J. WaUey 6 H. Manger 7 F. H. P. Edwards 7 W. A. Meredith 8 R. B. GtiiHths 8 W. R. Jones 9 R. Chambers 9 S. A. Cooper 10 J. P. Williams 2nd Division. 2nd Division. 1 E. Peters 1 N. S. Parker 2 J. N. Davies 2 C. D. Edwards 3 D. R. Davies 3 R. W. Robinson 4 T. Roberts 4 T. E. Gratton 5 H. Bowles 5 T. R. Davies 6 G. B. Cooper 6 J. H. Brown 7 F. W. T. Lane 7 J. Mercer 8 W. T. Jones 8 E. Hanson 9 W. Horton 9 H. J. Owen 10 R. G. I. Jones 10 H. Peters 11 R. Pritchard SCRIPTURE. Incluùing G*eMM!S, .&CO(<tM, and St. Jf<trA. 1st Class, 1st Division. 2nd Class, 1st Division. 1 R. Chambers 1 T. E. Hughes 2 J. R. Hughes 2 W. Manger 3 W. J. Owen 3 C. D. Edwards 4 R. B. Grimths 4 J. Mercer 5 T. Roberts 5 R. R. Hughes 6 J. T. Roberts 6 H. Manger 7 D. R. Davies 7 S. B. Ducker 8 F, H. P. Edwards 8 W. n. Jones 9 E. Owen 9 S. A. Cooper 10 J. P. Williams 2nd Division. 2nd Division. 1 J. Walley 1 H. J. Owen 2 W. A. Ll. Davies 2 W. A. Meredith 3 H. Bowles 3 J. V. Lane 4 W. Horton 4 N. S. Parker 5 W. T. Jones 5 R. W. Robinson t! E. Peters 6 T. E. Gratton 7 F. W. T. Lane 7 E. Hanson 8 G. B. Cooper 8 T. R. Daviea H J. N. Davies 9 H. Peters 10 n. Pritchard 10 J. H. Brown 11 R. G I.Jones GREEK. 1 J. T. Roberts 3 T. Roberts 2 J. R. Hughes 4 T. E. Hughes DRAWING AND PAINTING. 1 W. J. Roberts 4 W. T. Jones 2 W. A. L!. Davies 5 R. Pritchard 3 E. Peters WRITING AND BOOKKEEPING. 1st Class, 1st Division. 2nd Class, 1st Division, 1 W. J. Owen 1 N. S. Parker 2 F. H. P. Edwards 2 S B. Ducker 3 J. T. Roberts 3 R R Hughes 4 W. A. H Davies 4 J. Mercer 5 R. B CtrifHtbs 5 W. Manger 6 R. G. I. Jones 6 J H Brown 7 E. Peters 7 T. E- Gratton 8 J. Walley 8 T. E Hughes 9 J. R. Hughes 9 w R. Jones 10 R. Chambers 2ndDivision. 2ndDivisiou. 1 J P. Williams 1 H. Manger 2 K. Owen 2 R. W. Robinson 3 G. B. Cooper 3 C. D. Edwards 4 H. Bowles 4 W. A Meredith 5 W. T. Jones 5 S. A. Cooper G D. R. Davies (; J. V. Lane 7 J. N. Davies 7 T. R. Davies I 8 T. Roberts 8 E. Hanson 9 R. Pritchard 9 H. Peters 10 F W. T. Lane 10 H. J. Owen ]1W. Horton ARITMETIC AND MENSURATION. 1st Class, 1st Division. 2nd Class. 1st Diviaion. I J. Wal!ey 1 W. Manger 2 J. T. Roberts 2 T. R. Davies W. J. Owen 3 T. E. Hughes 4 J. R Hughes 4 C. D. Davies 5 D. R. Davies 5 J. Mercer 6 R. B. Griffiths 6 J. V. Lane 7 R. Chambers 7 R. R. Hughes 8 J. P. Williams 8 W. R. Jones 9 W. A. LI. Davies 9 H. Manger 10 F. H. P. Edwards 2nd Division. 2nd Division. 1 E. Petera 1 N. S. Parker 2 T. Roberts 2 S. B. Ducker 3 H. W. N. Bowles 3 T. E. Gratton 4 J. N. Davies 4 W. A. Meredith 5 R. G. 1. Jones 5 S. A. Cooper 6 G, B. Cooper 6 H. J. Owen 7 F. W. T. Lane 7 E. Hanson 8 E. Owen S J. H. Brown :.J W. Horton 9 R. W. Robinson 1C W. T. Jones 10 H. Peters 11 R. Pritchard ALGEBRA. 1st Division. 2nd Division. I W. J. Owen 1 J. Walley S J. T. Roberts 2 R. G. I. Jones 3 H. B. Griffiths 3 G. B. Cooper 4 J. R. Hughes 4 H. W. X. Bowles SD.RDavies 5 F. H. P. Edwards b R. Chambers 6 E. Peters 7 W. A. Ll. Davies i ST. Roberts 9 E. Owen 10 F. W. T. Lane 11 W. T. Jones 12 W. Horton FRENCH. Racine and Prench Úomposition and Les Adveitturcs de Telemaque. 1 D. Jones 6 T Roberts 2 W. A Ll. Davies 7 W. T. Jones 3 J. T. Roberts 8 R. G. Inigo Jones 4 T. E. Hughes 1) R. prithdiard 5 T. Evans EUCLID. Books, L, IL, III., IV. 1 J. T. Roberts 6 F. H. P. Edwards 2 R. Chambers 7 W. A. Ll. DariM 3 J. R. Hughes 8 T. Roberts 4 W. J. OwMi 9 G. B. Cooper 5 R. B. GruBths 10 F. W. T. Lane LATIN. Char's Gallic War, Virgirs Æneid, .Booih; IV.. VI., <jbc. 1st Division. 2nd Division. 1 J. T. Roberts 1 F. W. T. Lane 2 D. Jones 2 W. Horton 3 W. A. Ll. Daviea 3 E. Owen 4 J. C. Jones 4 T. E Hughes 5 W. L!oyd 5 T. Roberts 6 R. 0. Williams 6 F. H. P. Edwards 7 D. Roberts 7 T. Evans 8 R. Pritchard 9 J. N. Davies 10 R. G. I. Jones CHEMISTRY. 1st Division. 2nd Division. 1 J. R. Hughes I S. B. Ducber 2 R. B. Griffiths 2 J. N. Davies 3 H. Bowles 3 W. R Jones 4 E. Owen 4 F. W. T. Lane 5 J. T. Roberts 5 E. Peters 6 R. Pritchard 7 T. E. Hughes ADULT CLASS. Arithmetic and Algebra. 1 J. C. Jone? 5 W. Lloyd 2 R. 0. Williams 6 W. J. Roberts 3 D. Roberts 7 D. Roberts 4 W. Griffiths MUSIC. Piano and HarmQnium. 1 R. B. GrifBths ( J. N. Davies 2 H. W. N. Bowles 51 J. T. Roberts 3. W. T. Jones (J. P. Williams 4 W. A. LI. Davies 8 J. Mercer H R. Pritchard ADULT CLASS. English Grammar and Conipositio,)z. I J. C. Jones 5 W J. Roberts 2 D. Roberts 6 W. Griffiths I 3 W. Lloyd 7 D. Roberts 4 R. 0. Williams Preparing for Matriculation at the London tr?m;g)- sity, Mz.:— I.GREEK. CompOStttOH and Xenophon's Agesitaus. 1 David Harris 3 Granville Hawley Sharpe 2 Christmas Evans 2. LATIN. CMH,post<M)t, and Cicero De Amicitia and Pi-o Lege Manilia. 1 David Harris 3 Christmas Evans 2 Granville Hawley Sharpe 3. FRENCH. P<tMCtpt<t, Com.position, and Conversation. 1 David Harris 2 f Christmas Evans ( GranviUe Hawley Sha:pe 4. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND HISTORY. ( David Harris 2 GraRviIIe Hawley Sharpe ( Christmas Evans 5. ALGEBRA AND EUCLID. Boots i., n., in., iv. 1 David Harris 3 Sranville Hawley Sharpe 2 Christmas Evans 6. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ( David Harris 2 GranviUe Hawley Sharpe ( Christmas Evans 7. CHEMISTRY. Theoretical and P),aotical. 1 Granville Hawley Sharpe 3 David Harris 2 Christmas Evans LAW. PRELIMINARY SUBJECTS 1. LATIN. Composition and Viryil's Æneid. Boot vi. 1 David Jones 2 Thomas Evans 2. FRENCH. Composition and Raclite. 1 David Jones 2 Thomas Evans 3. ENGLISH LANGUAGE. HISTORY, AXD GEOGRAPHY. 1 David Jones 2 Thomas Evans 4. ARITHMETIC. 1 David Jones 2 Thomas Evans MEDICINE. PRELIMINARY SUBJECTS. 1. LATIN. Composition, and lirgil's Ælleid, Boot IV. I Joseph Thomas Roberts 2 William A. Ll. Davies 2.FRENCH. and Voltai1'c's Chao-les Xii. I William A. LI. Davies 2 Joseph Thomas Roberts 3.ALGEBRA,EUCLID Book's i., ir., in. 1 Joseph Thomas Roberts 2 William A. LI. Davies 4. ARITHMETIC. 1 Joseph Thomas Roberts 2 William A. Ll. Davies 3. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. i f William A. Ll. Davies < Joseph Thos. Roberts PRIVATE LESSONS. M. A. Tilston. THE SCHOOL RE-OPENS, AFTER THE VACATION, ON JANUARY Zgm ISM?' 1 ————————-———— 22 FRANCIS'S VOICE LOZENGES, For Clearing and Strengthening the Voice, relieving all Affections of the Throat, Hoarseness, Huskiness, Sore Throat, Relaxation of the Uvula and Tonsils. Public Speakers and Singers take them with much benefit as a Preventive of Hoarseness, and as a Remedv when it exists. TESTIMONIALS, MissDavies, R.A.M.. London—"I have found your' Lozenges very effective in removing hoarseness, and can thoroughly recommend them." Mr Fanish. Liverpool- "The effect of the Lozenges is remarkable indeed; gave me a voice as clear as a bell." Mr Lewis (LIew Llwyvo)-" I believe th&t I could not have performed my part (owing hoarseness) at the concert had it not been for thee fficacy of your Lozenges." Mr Hughes, Chorister, Bangor Cathedral, N.W.—" Your Lozenges completely restored my voice," &c. Rev. ?[r Roberts, GIana.led—" They are excellent for dis- ordered voice and hoarseness." A Clergyman, near Wrex-' ham—" They have a wonderful effect upon my voice." L. England, National Schools, Appleby, Penrith-" I must sa.y that I have derived great beneSt from your Veice Lozenges." Y. Thesbiad—"Crugleisio o'r Maen—canuyn! awr." Isalaw—"I strongly recommend vour Voicei Lozenges." N,iss Harris, R.A.M., London-I found the Lozenges h glily beneHcia.1." Miss Marian Williams,; R.A.M..London—"The Lozenges at once and completely removed a slight hoarseness under which I was suffering." Mynyddog—" Os oes crygni, Francis's Lozenges maeut y rhaigoraua-gefaiserioed." Sold in Boxes, 7M, Is Hd, 2s :)d each: or per post, the Is 1M for Is 2d, 2s !)d for :Js, in stamps, from J. FRAXCts, Phirmaceutica.! Chemist, Hope-street, Wrexham. 1726c ?IIBSON'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC MIXTURE ?JT gives relief from pain in two hours, and a cure in a few days without the slightest inconvenience. Prescribed by the profession. Numerous testimonia.ls from persons of inSuence. Price 4 G, 11/- and 22, per bottle. Forwarded to &ny address on receipt of P.O.O. W. H. GIBSON, Chemist, 107, King's Road, Brighton, and all Chemists. VISITORS TO LONDON. m 4rR EDWARD JERKINS Begs to inform visitors and others coming to London that he has opened at GWALIA HOUSE, q, UPPER WOBURN PLACE, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, a Superior Private Boarding House, where they can obtain all home comforts at a very reasonable tariff. The situation is central, and within two minutes' walk from Euston Station, and ten minutes' from Paddington by the underground railway to Gower- street. TERMS AXD REFERENCES OX APPLICATIOX. CARTREF ODDICARTREF. 2508c il R sse 0 T T Is now showing the Latest Novelties in WINTER COSTUMES, MILLINERY, &c. Also a large Assortment of Ladies' Fur Lined Cloaks, Dolmans, and Ulsters. MILLINERY & DRESS ROOMS 31, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. 2420z T?ITILK BUSINESSES & DAIRY FARMS FOR SALE ?JL JE200 to .t:I,'J<M A?xuAL NET PROFITS. Each one will bear strict investigation. Mr Jones, 16, Walbrook, London. Established 40 years. Dairies <& Farms Wanted ? Everywhere also Milk and other produce, Grains for a.ale, delivered at any London Station. Sales by Auction (In very moderate terms. Enclose st. ) Business Announcements. ¡-r..J"J. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE CO SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, .65,000,000. (Of which ;jE550,000 is paid up.) FIRE RESERVE FUND UPWARDS OF JE500,000. CHIEF OFFICES BARTHOLOMEW LANE, LONDON. Chairman: SIR MOSES MONTEFIORE, BART, F.R.S. Secretary ROBERT LEWIS, ESQ. WELSH BRANCH HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. CA<tM'maK: THOMAS BARNES, ESQ. Fire Insurance of every description transacted on moderate terms. For Prospectuses and other information, apply to the above OSice, or to any of the Agents of the Company E. LLEWELYN LLOYD. Secretary. Wrexham. 2795 COAL! COAL! COAL! THE VRON CRANK from the VRON and COED. POETH COLLIERIES, is a superior first class HOUSEHOLD COAL, the best in the Principality. It is clean, very hot, bums with little smoke, leaves hardly any cinder or ash. Orders received at the office of the Company, 4, Grove Park Wrexham, or the Workhouse Wharf Wrexham. PRICES AT THE WORKHOUSE WHARF: VRON CRANK. 6dpercwt. Do. THROUGH SLACK. 3d do. ORDINARY HOUSE COAL. 5d do. Do. THROUGH SLACK. 2d do. For cash on delivery, half-penny per cwt. extra charged for credit. 1012 J. G. CROMPTON, SMITHFIELD LEATHER WORKS, WREXHAM. SHEEPSKIN HEARTHRUGS AND MATS in any size, shape, or color, at low prices. RUGS AND MATS CLEANED AND RE-DYED, &c. SEKD FOR PRICE LIST. Morrocos, Roans, Wash Leather, and Fancy Leather of all descriptions. Leather for Flower Work in all shades. 2760z ART-UNION OF LONDON, 18SO. Forty-fourth Year. 112, STRAND, W.C. Instituted 1S37. Incorporated 1846 EVERY Subscriber of One Guinea, paid before the end _fJ of March, will receive, besides a chance of a Prize at the Annual Distribution in April, an impression of an important plate engraved in line by Lumb Stocks, R.A., DR. JOHNSON AWAITING AN AUDIENCE OF LORD CHESTERFIELD, From the original picture by the late E. M. Ward, R.A., i° the National Collection. An artist's proof copy of the plate, with five chances in the distribution, may be had for five guineas; an Indian- paper lettered proof with two cinncea for two guineas. Among the prizes will he the right to select a valuable work of art from one of the public exhibitions, a large bronze group, AMERICA, from the Albert Memorial, RICHLY DECORATED CHINA TAZZAS, Statuettes, and other Works. Specimens of the plate may now be seen on application to the Local Honorary Secretaries and Agents, who will receive subscriptions and give every information. The subscription lists close on the 3ist March but (with a view to induce a.n early entry of names) the print will be forwarded in February for every member whose subscription is remitted to the office before the end of January, through either of the following Secretaries and Agents, at- WREXHAM ..Mr J. B. SHIRLEY, National Provincial Bank. BALA .W. E. JONES, Esq., Bank. BAKGOR.Messrs NIXON & JARVIS, Bank Place. CARNARVON.Mr J. C. ROWLAND, Castle-square. I CHIRK.R. P. JONE" Esq.. Oaklands. HOLYHEAD.Mr R. J. EDWARDS, Banker. HOLYWELL .Mr J. K. EVANS. MOLD.A. D. HEXDERSON. Esq., Bank. PORTMADOC.Mr R. GRINDLEY, National School. RHYL. W. E. SMALLEY, Esq Bank. OswESTRY.E. BREMNER SMITH, Architect, &e. 3z SALOP FIRE OFFICE, ESTABLISHED 1780. .fMco?'p<M'a[<e<< by Act of Parliaiiieitt. fNSURANCES effected on all descriptions of Property M_ against Losses by Fire, Lightning, and Explosion of Gas. Policies for First Class Insurances (with certain excep tions), are now issued at following rates .E100, 2s. I jE150, 2s 3d. jEZOO, 3s, or I Is 6d .Ort I per annum. I Without duty or policy charge. Farming Stocks per cent Apply to- 2794 JOHN BURY, Wrexham It OHN T UP TON, CABINET-MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER. WORKSHOP, QUEEN-STREET, WREXHAM. (For 19 years in the employ of Mr William Pierce, Bridge-street. ) REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. Private Address—3, Madeira Hill. 2338z SPECIALITIES FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GIFTS. CHEAP, GOOD, AND USEFUL, AT THE BOOK AND STATIONERY DEPOT, 1, CHURCH STREET, WREXHAM. PHOTO AND SCRAP ALBUMS IN A VARIETY OF BINDINGS. LEATHER GOODS IN RUSSIA, MOROCCO, CALF, &c. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, CHURCH SERVICES, AND HYMNALS in all sizes, great variety of bindings, and newest designs. BIRTHDAY BOOKS, IN FANCY AND PLAIN BINDINGS, including the Longfellow, Tennyson, Keble, Shakespeare. <&c., &c. CALENDARS, AND DIARIES FOR 1880, by Marcus Ward, J. T. Smith and Son, &c. ANNUALS, CHRISTMAS BOOKS, AND PICTURE VOLUMES. FANCY GOODS and ARTICLES of Virtu imported direct from Vienna, most suitable for presentations. TOY BOOKS.—Caldeeott's and other new Books of the Season. TEXTS IN GREAT VARIETY, hand painted and printed, framed or untrained. MUSIC.—The largest stock in Wrexham. CHRISTMAS CARDS, and FANCY STATIONERY from the best houses. CHURCH DECORATION MATERIALS and TEXTS supplied at wholesale prices for decoration. N B.—AH goods are marked in plain figures, and at the lowest remunerative prices. W. GARRATT-JONES, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, AND GENERAL NEWSPAPER AGENT, ], CHURCH STREET, 2<!W WREXHAM. I NOTICE OF REMOVAL. ?fRS ? ?ALDECOTT, j?I- ?' ? DR:SSNIAKER, Has Removed from 1, Fairfield-street, to No, 7, ERDD1G-ROAD. Ladie- Jackets, Ulsters, and Waterproof Cloaks made up to measure in all the Newest Styles. Plates of fashions to choose style from. 2248z TOOTHACHE CURED in a second by the "GOLDEN ELIXIR,per bottle. Soldby:dl G Chemists by post 14 stamps from Mr HOLMES, Chemist, DuMin: Wholesale, Newbery's London. The Irish Times says its curative powers :u'e i'G:tIly remarkable ? OOD useful I ?_JT Congou Tea, 2,-perlb. BestFami!do.2,() I per!h. Parcels of je2 and I upwards Carriage P!tid. TpURE CHIKESE TEAS. I Price list on appli- cation a.t old es- I ta,b!ished I CHIN E S E I Warehouse, 1 39, King William- I st.,London ErMge, E.C. I H.W.QoODR&Co, Business Announcements. 'f'r' "r" r"J/ /I,J'J'f'r rpHOMAS PARKER, BLACKSMITH, 12, CHARLES STREET, (Oppo¡s;te the Timber rard.) WREXHAM, begs re<pectfu!!y to inform the public that he has com- menced business upon the above premises as a SHOEING AND JOBBING SMITH, and hopes to merit a share of their patronage. 18b JANUARY SALE. TDROWN, HOLMES, AND CO. JL? beg to announce that in order to decrease their large Stock previous to Stock-taking they will offer during the month of January the whole of their Made-up Goods, consisting of Mantles, Jackets, Bonnets. Hats, Costumes, Skirts, Dressing Gowns, and Children's Dresses at greatly reduced prices. BLACK SILKS. With the same object a reduction will be made on all purchases of Black Silks at the following rates 6d per yard from 4/6 to 7/6 9d „ „ „ 7/9 to 10/6 1/- „ „ „ 10/9 to 14,6 These Silks are exceptionally good value, being the remaining portion of those bought so advan- tageously in the. Spring, when Si!ks were at their A variety of Fancy Silks a.nd Dress Fabrics have been marked very cheap, and will be included in the sale Patterns sent free by post. SILK MERCERS TO HER MAJESTY AXD H R H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES Chester, January. 18!-0. 33z WREXHAM DISTRICT PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. fMCOfpor6[<cd MMt!er the Building Societies Acts, 1874. Shares, jE50 each. Entrnnce Fee, Is per Share or part of a Shiu'e. THIS Society now prepared to make advances repay- t able in a certain number of years, on Mortgages. A meeting is held on the Srst Monday in each month for receiving subscriptions and enrolment cf members. For further paj-ticula.rs apply to the Secretary. j. B. SHIRLEY. No. 12 Temple-row, )Yrexiiam tHO


Family Notices

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