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JOHNBEIBNE, CANDLE MANUFACTURER, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. JAMESPUGH. CURRIER AND LEATHER DEALER, SADDLER, HARNESS MAKER, AND GENERAL FURNISHER TO COLLIERIES AND IRON WORKS TOWN-H ILL, WREXHAM. T P. in tendering luabest thanks to his numerous sllppnrtrr, bRo.Q 1 1 i;ijl,)rm thei- that he is at all times ? prepared to execute orders for the undermentioned Goods at prices, and of superior quality aid workmanship:— Leathers.. r,,ngiiie lititts Strap ditto 'J<eud9 t iToHowa IIides I; (.i,,3.f ditto )0..R\'nÙM Do.f'houidcrs I)o. Bellic-s ttand I.catliers White ThonK ditto CcHnr T!Mih Sftddlery, &c-!K I .Qa,idles ]!rid)M Jt'ii'm;ss Gf-:trs t:"dlllcr¡,'Ircnm L'ng£:r. Trees \Vhip' 'Laa!]CS.&C Stra.pa, &C. Sit)f]c Stritpii T)otll)le Straps flose Pil)i'l,- ]!!owinf;I'ipe9 A})rous Gutta Pereha. Sheets, fmy thickness Tuhinf; Strapes Pump Buckets Valves "YTP'T'I rTOI_- OHa. Md Grease, &c. < "eta'))c0n I'" ditto rfincd C,).¡ ditto Rw"et Oil t:-lit Axlo i-litfn Ltifhh Brown .Minerat Paint UrownfmdRcdVtH'nish Ve,tabtn(j!rc!MO Ta!iowi)))hhin Sundries. Do Ciotti Woo) Flocks i Ttmir Copt'c''H!votsanJ!!urs R ran Rott-i Sf'rcws Nails Cotton Waste 'Tht-Mf) A1J1J.Ll\S ;:S." 1" uur iu WORK AT 2s. 6j). l'E]{. DAY. N.B.-Sboemake,-s and other consumers applied wito every Article in the Trade, and all orders received will meet with J 'a personal attention. Orders taken for all descriptions of Vulcanised Goods. Vulcanised India. Rubber WASHERS kept in stock. rBJCB8 AND TERMS CM .APPT.TCATrON mO QpnUnnpn, IfFgaI rpaditiourp$, S'mapbs, :Ani) <DtIr£t!j, l1nvÏfIt the l'ifnnagement nnd Coutrol of Estate, anù reqniring the ?" ?.?; ? '?? °'? ? ?'; ? ?- ? '?' au d var i uns parts 1d Siirveyor, Jr. J. R. GUnl0W begs most re!lpectfnlIy to  hi3 s.rvices, 'Iaviu!! h3d 15 vear3' ???M/ tx))tn'i?!)cc af'quired umkr the most eminent Arnhttfcts und Engineers in the 1')- f, ?? "ecut;on of Mtcnsi\eGovt'r)nnent ahtl private Wor?s on scverii! K:uhvays in the Vicinity of t'if?\tettropot!? aid various parts of the Kingdom; he Mn.withcontidence. aoticit p?trmm?e. J?? /!?;i'OM ? ? M.MM? JM?'<*< 0/ <!M ./4)'y7?/?<, J]?.. J 'J* C' ,?.'77 ?,, ?ty? '?? ?? 'M?C7?Z ??7??CA-?-E?2'? «-?A ?r?? ???? ??A? ??? ?? ??/??, ?(-ile a 1-yc ?'Pon tke ?? and M0« CCOKOMM ?!0? n/' ?-???—f/ ?? ? ??/??? ?-? ??-??<OM c? ??-7 all req?tigife JJwldin/l ?:?Mr?<fK?.! O/'?C ?? ?K?'? <? ?? jRr!? ??, ?? ? ??-/M-(??/r?- ?" ?M<M? ??? fM//M«e? ? AM t7M?. '?"? ?Mi!? ?- ? 7?,? Vatnations of Dilapidations, (Ecclesiastical and Civil), aho for Mort° cn° ?e Puurrfcnha?sef &j; c. F-Dl) ans of Estates aceur- atet' v Surveyed and transferred to Parchment. Several Lots of MOST EUGIBLE BUILDING LAND to be So)d or Let on Lnn.r T. in the ?°? terminatin!: the Proposed New Koad, aod in Salisbury Park, Wrexham. Apply to ? ? ? ? $NnHno6Ly ?S }?"?' 1S58.. ?pr?M an& ?nrbmop. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR NERVOUSNESS DEBILITY, EPILEPSY, &c. rrotected Sy Royal Lrtters Patent of England, and sanctioned by aM <Ae Continental Colleges. rpnE GUTTjE VITjE OR LIFE JL DROPS, discovered and prepared only by Dr DE ROOS, of ile Boole de Modetine, -rari.9, J!fcm&cr of the Royal College of Surqeons, londan, Ise., 4-e., 4c., are & well known remedy for the above comptaints, Exhaustion, Incapacity for Society, Study or Business, Eruptions, Sore Throat, rains in the Bones, and all those diseases for which mercury, sarsaparilla, &c., are too often employed, to the future destruction of health. Their powers almost exceed belief; s'nce *'ieir introduc- tion, hundreds of apparently hopeless cases have been speedily cured, and thousands have derived almost mi- raculous relief, when every thing else had failed, and they must sooner or later supersede those questionable remedies which have too long been the sole reliance of the medical men of this country. Being purely herbal, and containing neither mineral or opiate, they do not 8timu)ate and are therefore not followed by that fearful re-action tnmmon to the so-called remedies for these complaints Thousands of testimonials from clergymen and others may he inspected by any one, or a printed copy forwarded on receipt of a stamped envelope. Priee4a.6d.and Us. per bottle, or four times the latter for 33s.. through aU Medicine Vendors. AN ACT OF DRKP GHAT1TUDE. 6,000 Copies of a Atedical Rook to be given away. A CLEHGYMAN OF THE CHURCH OF ENG. J'JL LAND, having been cured of Nervona Debility, Loss of Memory, Indigestion, end other fearful symptom a. is earnestly desirous of imparting to his snu'cring fellow men the means wh<-reby hit restoration was so mRrvelIousty ef- fected. Me will therefore send a book containin:! all the necessary information, on receipt of two penny stamp!* to prepay postage, addressed to the Rev. II. R. Travers, M.A. i. North Cumberland Dace, Bayswater. Middlesex. ?7'OURSEL? WHAT YOU ARE! AND WHAT JL FIT FOR The original Graphiologist, MARIE CoupELLE continues to {"ve her useful and interesting de- !ine:Hio!)s of character, from an examination of the hands wntin?, in a style peculiarly her own, never before at- tempted in this country, and which cnuHOteven beanccess- fully imitated Ly those whoprelendto tbisbeauttfnl science. All persons desirous of knowing themselves, or the true character of any friend in whom they may be interested, must send a specimen of writing, stating sex and aze, and he fee of 14 uncut penny post stamps, to Miss Coupelle 9, Castle-street, Oxford.street, London and they wiH receive in a few days a full and minute detail of the talents, tastes, atfectiona, virtues, faiHnes, &c., of the Writer, with many other things hitherto unsuspected, and calculated to he useful through fife. From F. N.—" I consider your skill surprising." C. S Your description of the young lady's character is remarkably correct." W. S.—" Your interesting answer to my note is quite true." H. W.— Your sketch of my character is marve)lons!y correct." .Miss F.—" Mamma says the character you sent me is a true one." Mi's W-. N.—" you have described his character ve.-y accurately." Miss H. S.—" I am afraid his character Is as you describe it too truly." We see no more dim. cutty in g-%phioloL-"v than phrenology, and we have little doubt that .n innumerable instances the character is read with equal precision.Falnily Herald. CAUTION.—A 16 page pamphiet Is enclosed with each bottif, and each package has a red stamp outside, and the words ROSALIE CourELLE," in white letters the words CouTELLE's CnnWTRIAR" are also moulded in each bottle. = ,My whiskers sre greatly Improved by usmg it."— W. A. Hitl. It has already considerably thickened my hair'"—Miss Modlin. I was bald 9 years, but I and new hair coming rapidly."—J. Hone. "Thanks to your stuff I have an excellent moustache and whiskers." —Major Browne. I had lost my hair in patches, but IthaB restored it."—Mis Hewitt. After 20 years bald- ness, I consider It has acted miraculously."—H. Moir. Sold by Winnall, 78, High. Birmingham; Ferris & Co., Bristol; Keene, Bath; Ralmes & Co., York and Edinburgh; Whitaker, Shemeld; Westmacott, Man- chester Howell, Dame-st., and Raimes & Co., Liver- pool McMaster- and Co, Chapel-st., Dublin, Apothe- caries' Co, G)as{:ow Eredbury, Bolton rratts, Brad- ford Dyer, Halifax Reinhardt, Leeds; Mander and Co, Volverhampton and at least one agent in every town. "FIVE MIKUTES ADVICE ON THE HAIR," Whiskers, &c., sent post free for four penny stamps. QUACKERY UNMASKED AND DEFEATED \t? being an exposure of the frauds practised by quacks vho rob the unthinking, ?? ? many cases entirely ruin the health of the;r victims. The Author, who haa had great experience m the treatment of Nervous and gen. eral Debility, Spermatorrhoea, Loss of Memory, Failing Sight, Epilepsy, Indigestion, Giddiness, Headache, and the lonc train of fearful diseases resu ing from error, will send post frep, a copy of his work, by the aid of -which .permanent health may be speedily recovered, at a trifling expense, and without recource to the so.calied certain remedies of the day, which too often prove cer- tain failures. RETtBwa.—" The ui!ity of the book isundeniable."— Christian Timea. "Popular" in every sense of the word, and its advantages are untold to those who cannot con- tutt the family physician."—British Magazine. To aU our readers we say, Get it."—Critic. Rarely do we recommend a medical work, but in this instance wo do so honestly."—Literary Gazette. "The mnst fearless ex- posure we have ever seen."—Sunday Times. "We think it a duty to advise all our readers to procure this boo!c."—Dai!y News. Were it universally distributed, a certain class of pestiferous advertising would soon be done away with"—Times. The Doctor deserves our warmest thanks for his bold attack on empiricism. Era. Sent free on receipt of two penny stamps, by Mr Lawes, 14, Hand Court. IIolborn, London. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, RHEUMATISM GOUT,&c..&c. DR. DE ROOS' RENAL PILLS are a well-known remedy for pains in the back. Gravel Rheumatism, Gout, Discharges. Disease of the Kidneys, Bladder and organa, Biliousness, Indigestion, Acid:ty of Stomach &c, which often torment the su&rer over the best yeara of hff, and end only in death. They agree with the most delicate Stomach, increase the appetite, improve the health, and in three days eilect a cure when copaiba, cu- beba. &c., have utteily failed. Price 18.1;d., 2s. 9d., 4a 6J., 11s., and 33a. per box, of all Chemists. From jolig practical observation of the treatment pursued in the most famous Institutions of England and Franco for those deceases refered to above, the Proprietor has had some- what unusual facilities for acquiring thft uniform success which has characterised his practice for so many years in this country, where the futile attempts to cure by mercury, copaida., sarsapariUa, &c., have produced such distressiux reJuitw Lasting benefit in such case can only hereasonabty MDM'ted at the hands of aleguijy-qualitied medical man who his chief attention to their removal .and to httr only who eau in his possession Of the necessary qualifications, can conRdeuee be safely extended. Dr. De R. retera with prtdc to the nujmbera he haa been instrumpntat i? restorm? to heatth and happi- Bess; and to those who may be :in need of such Md. he otters every assurance ot speedy restoration. Country Fattenta shoutdforward a detail of their case by letter, encioaut); the teeofjBt Is. for advice Md medicines. wtuct) wm M blent by return. Po!,t offlw -orders to be inade payable at the General Post OBiCP. tO WALTEZ DB ROO5A!.I>, '0,Bernere Street, Oxford Street. London. At Rome CM)y from 12 tiU 4s Suncays SdidbyW)Bnan,78, High st., Birmingham Ferris & Co., Brhtot; Keene, ]!atb Kaimes & Co. York <k Edinburgh; Whittaker, SheSietd; Westmacott, Man- chester Howell, Datt-st., and Raimca & Co., Liverpool; -Me. Master & Co., Capei-at., Dublin Apothecaries' Co. Glasgow; Bradbury, liotton; Pratt, Bradford; Dyer, Halitax; Reinhardt, Leeds; Mander & Co., Woiver hampton; and at least one agent in almost every town; but should dinicuity occur, eoclose Stamps to Dr. Dc Boos, 10. Bernerh-Bt., Oxford-at, London, when the WtU MMnt by return, Mcurely packed. t A PAMPHLET with full instruotiona, &e. sentfres *I twelvetajrestain,ps, Do YOU WANT LUXURIANT IIAIR. WHIS- ? KERS, &.c.? If so, use ROSALIE COUPELLB'S CMNUTMAR, noted for its miracutous properties, andaa the only remedy that can be fully relied on. It is guar- anteed to produce whiskers, moustache, in nourishing, curling, and beautifying the h-nr; checking greyness in all its stages strengthening weak hair, preventing its falling off, and restoring it in baldness from whatever cause. Upwards ofiQo physicians recommend it for the nursery asp_motmg a fine. healthy head of hair, and averting baldness in after years. Sent post free on re- ceipt of 24 penny Postages stamps, by Miss CoupeUe, 69. Cast« le.st Newman-st., OxforJ-st., London, or may be obtained of all Chemiats, in bottles price 2a each. A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE. T??__ F.?? SEAL or GREAT BRITAIN, ?A????? ??? ? PHARAMACIE ??? ??PP' IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, VIENNA, may be consulted according to the rules laid down in the work Human Frailtv," sent free by post Is. by S .Alien. 20, Warwick Lane, London. He considers it necessary that everv ?nodic?nft the be ?.ptedto secure the PuMic a?nst innt? of sho?n?M hf. mar. ]Son«arcp-enu!ne ?j?ess the Bneravinfrnf ?)? ? th.<?.?t of the Patent Office of En?.n°d theS?? ? thn ? ??? Pha?cio de Paris and the I???e are affixed upon each Wrapper and around each CMe Imi- ?ur?or???? ? ""? severesrpen?es?e Court of Lpw CRn award. .?SS???- ?: ?? in ??'"n* ire 0 zenge, (levoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in the waistcoat tockpt. SnM in tin cases di???? ?-?=??A??"???. '&? &c., &0., and adapted fo? both sexeR, TRIRSEMAR Nn. I. ts a remedy fnr Relaxation, Sp.-riMtorrhoer. ard ?1 the dis- tressint! consequences arisin from ear)y abuse, indisc?min- ate ?cesMS o- too io).f residence in hot c):m? It? "? o'-ea hod?y and SMual strength and viKour? thousand of detuhtated individuals, who n'-e now in the pn?cm?t? health and the funcdons ofMan-.o?ud ?tever? be ????er? 1rIarrio. "? ? ?ually? .lued bv this wonderful discoVel"Y. HUMiN FRAII,TY: A Popul" 1%,?-dical Work, price Is p"? free h,?f!? ???wit?i???? .?"? '????'.??"?'-?/'J'tf.r°. H'e"t't"O'M f,n' Vatpw..jtUemand. Rou)[.!KicordL, &c It ?M copious In.trllctioo. fOr .hepertec. re.Mra.ion of t.,oM. L 0 are prevenrf"d by iiipedimeiits ûomr en?r.u?h.toth.Mtrried State, aho o.?arei?pr<-????d'? .? ?"° ?"" ?"°* tbuM.(,ot.orrhm aud Syoh))i..Md t?h?? M?.?t ?"! ?°'"?'Y '='m.Mt t?M and .-xtmmation oftne Sper.n.tMh.? ?? t??'K ? "'t ? '? '?'ted Mlcroculle. w,th powerful tfn.e? J ?ea 20. Wamick-laue G.'d- M.cfOM..pe. '?' ?' "? ??l???? ?"?:? '?if.? 'PRŒS21U.R N.. 2 ?A???? ?.??n Str.eturej.trntation otthe.BttJd? er. Nn.,?" ?? fonut.GtetM Stricture". lrltatloD of the .BIder.. NOR reteutioll o( Urme, ?'°' °?' Lain% .md Kidney., .nd those disorders %here Copaivi Rnd Cubeb. h.,e M )on< been t).ouj<t.t .a Mtidote tor. to t*h"e'-?'?''o'" ttt?ie h?ea,?lt? h ottVMtpojrtion otthopoputation. ?" *Ttt!ESEMA!!No3. Is .t, hf ?rf«t contmenta) remfd'?y ?fo?r S?tnhii'ii ?<? ""<?<-?''? ??emntom.. It .e.rche. out ..d t.uri.ie. th? Yi, '?'Oed *"? '?. M<! f!eanie< the .y.te.n Mm eU detenomtim cau e.- it ,)*? ° ''°' certain cure for 8eur<y. Scrofula, and aU Cau? Lar?eoj. ?t??.,?'?.'?°?'°? "?"< in it. c.,MM= ail corruptions ard jinn urities frolU the vital streau:,lo al attoxfther to erad.cat e the Y.ru. of di.e? a? ?) ? ""en..b)e altoxether to eradicate the virus ofdise?, e. and exljel it wlth the insensible pergl)iration thro.l¡:h the medium of the pares of the .kin ""d '?.?"' to? ? ?t "? ?? ? J an<er.!ai)inx Hented?yfor thr.f)?amo" fd???. 'L t:n<)?h fhy..c.an .,t, w!t'. M '? "'? "° "? "'? patif-nt'. coa.t.m?on. and which 'U th. S"r?Map?anSu?a tm ?the worU cannot remove, Price Ua. (by t'ost Is 8d extra) or' four napkfto in nna fn? ?38. (by post 3. M ex. ? ?hich?v?i??r?rd? ?o aS address, under anyjmtiat with ?sec'-fiv ?.n? w-?i?t. parts o? the ki?dom. securOy k? ? Dr??d t ?X ohsf-rvation..? CMes can He hau froMm im?v )? ? ad?r??d A? ? ?) t? there i. ? ?vi.? of JEt 12s. A Po? OfIieo Or. er aùdressed to Danie! Church. 78, Gra<?hurch.stn-e? Loud?. ? ? able at the St. Morn's la Craud post U?ec.wiM' with immedtate attention. So? ????.??. ???S?- ? Son.7 BrigKate, Leed'-WllIttaker, 2"2, Far,ate. Sbemeld-Itooklede, ?'?-????? and SweetiuiC. chem.i.u. Kuaresbro'- Wran¡:bam, MallOn-Warrior, che'n"t N".tballerlnn-Culvert. "hem; Stokesley:-Farby, bok,Ije,, .ad Itayne and Cooper, chemist" BridinKton- J.bn?o, book.eli?r, Lieverley-'I'hoxu-, Ulcomou.J-Mrø. Noble bookaeUer. Market.place, Hull-Ricbard.on and SOD chemist*. 1Jarrojtat.ool obt. ???'?M??? WINES FROM THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 20a. PER DOZEN. PORT, SHERRY, MADEIRA, MARSALA, -L Ac., Ac., of the nrst growths onty. The "LAMET," 5th June, t858. states: "We have recently been ciigarpd in making some cp etui examinations of the Cape or bouth African W!es,our8amp)es bein selected from the stock of Messrs. GILBEY, of 3.;7 Oxfo -d Stre(t. We are thu&enabted to correct somevery erroreous impressions which which lilve got abroad inre'-pec., to these wines-namely, that they are themselves duitera.ed, and that they are used for aamterat.ou. This is by no means .the case. except in some rare and exceptional instances. On the contrary ?. have proved these wines; to be bo.t genuine .nd wholesome while thctr moderate price is a ?reat recomtnendatio.? ?Opinion of the "Medical TimM, an???l? 1858. 1  of eeb?d'?r' Hasaalt's ana!ysis sent on apptication. Any two samples for warded for 12 stamps- Carripe paid. if requested/to any Railway Station or Port in the Kingdom, for ts. per dozen. No charge me for Botttes, Casks, and CasM. if retu red. W. &A.GILBEY. WmeImooteM, and distiHerB.SS? Oxford Street. London. anci 31. Upper SaekvUte Street ubliti. RATE'S WORSDELI/S VEGETABTV -?- PILLS have cured thousands wheae ?m?.<? were considered beyond hope. Whi?th?n????? speeds, they are, at the same time, the safest re?me?dy ? ? <?n heemptoyed; none need fear tot?ethem and yet all .nay hope for relief and cure from their use T? ? ?'i °? TESTIMOJS-ALS from a!) chases of ?ocie? whM?. ? ?? ? pub)ished. pro.e that their curative quantie, are the most remp'kaMe of ?ny medicine of the present day .?nd ?? that they h&ve t.ecn constantly increa?in? in sa?ef??? t)?n twenty years 8ho? thM they ?tand the t<? of ?me? nperience. Md that. wherever they are ?nowD. their ?'htu?e ts apnrectated. They are etpeciaJJy Rnitcd to Mrsons su<&r:n< A)!UP, Asthma. ]!i!ious Attacks, Chest Affections, Dropsy, J)iarrh<]ea, irruptions, Fever, Ftttutency, General Debility, Gout, Gravel, Headache, indigestion, InNuenza, LiverDtMMca. Ptiea, O?vtu R''eum?t)sm. S?chComphints ?crofu't, Sore Leg. Ulcers, ?o.ms, A-, -P "J6- A few CAKES 0?' CURB are ,iven belo;:1;"dition to which hundredsofott-erB will be found in the Pamphlet which accompames each box. ?"npmet DAVID DAviEs, of the Victoria Ironwo?rks Mn?nm?n.??t,t shi-e, wa? conned to h!s bed for e!evpn eeks. Conseqent upon a severe attack ofinn?mmation of theIunH?). b? n?? KATE-s W.nsDEI.I.'s P?M, he was COmpte? CUXr.? D? DAV?s.of thc ?me ?rk., ?ther ?e ?ve suifonnK from & y.olentpam in his lett side. wa?ppeerrfK?ctt/ eurpd by the use of these PiUa. Mr.McWHA. t6 Hanley.strcet, Liverpool, after li-tving BttfTerpd from jrundtce and an affection of the liver, was N<'vere)y attackt-d by dropsy his medico adviser pronounced hiscasH to he hopeless; but a fhend inducing him to try KAYE-S WORSDHLL'S PtLLS, after taking two boxes, he WM perfect!y restored to health Mrs. G. JMI?., Trum?t-gate, Herefordshire, had a severe comp)atntu. the chest for two ?ars, and tried eyerym?a?HS that could be thought n., but Wtthout success tin shehe?.i of KAYE-S FILLS. She took a few boxes and w? ?orou" ty cured. Mr. PULFORD, of Kirby Cane, NorMk. was amicted for ten ypitra with irreat weakness and pain. in consequence of indigesiioii. By taking the VEGETABLE RESTORATIVE PiMjS, the distressinK patns were removed, and hts Kenerat health wonderfu))y improved Mr. J. K. UPTON. of Baodbury. declared that ho found hu lite a burden to him, in conseqtience of dizzineM. con- ?nt headache Rreat Weakness, and t.ervoua d?bUity; but. gtant headaKchAeY, E'S PILLS, ha was perfectly restored to health. RICHARD GOLDING, of Stroud, had had a cancer cut Torn hts tongue, and, after being iH for about two years, was ?''?'"? "°?""? ?t death. He took one box of these Pi!h. ?uh ? bo?' '? ?" ?'' ?'? ?'? "'? ""? guinea a bos." ?? ?ho?? ? ?"? ? '?? M ?. ?d. 2s. 6d. Md is. 'c?? ?!'°'"?'??'-st"'et. London. 4s. 6d, CAUTION.-Ocitrvetliat ?? Kenuine have the words "%sV*Os RSDELI;S PILLS -By JOHN ???"??''?? the G????u M?? tho Coat-of-Arms andAu?to- tfr?nh nf thn T'?'t? M?? ??'°? ??PPed round ?o?e ? ÚI felony. T0 THE liADIEZ5.-TURKIS)i BLUuM OF 1 IIEALTH. This inetimable Powder, for beau- tH?fytinng t? he skin, as used by the Sultan, of Turkey and the Ladies of all the European Courts, isnX repared from the anginal recipe, .ad to be bad SRena?me ? of Dr HawMns (retired Phys:c:an from the Sultan's Covrt), 17A, Loughborou.h-.treet. Upper Kennmgton. tace, London, S., by enclosing in tetter 5s. in stands or rost office Order, to Charles Hawkins, London. The F,ki a becomes as clear and soft as a child's of six months and, and contlnuea the same, removing all spots, pimples pod freckles. ? LENFIELDPATENTSTARCH, ?jr USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, And pronounced by Her Majesty's Laundreaa to be the Finest Starch she ever used.


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