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__n_ Another Murder IN Tipperary.—Tho Tip- perary journals bring an account of another mur der prepetrated in that county. The particulars are as followiI On Sunday evening last, about seven o'clock, as Michael (Janna, a tenant of Hugh William Brudshaw, Esq., J.P., Phillipstown House, I was returning from the village of EmIy, towards Duueummin, where he lived, he was waylaid by a man who struck him several blows on the head with a blunt instrument, and then escaped across the fields. His skull was fractured in various places, and when the unfortunate man was found he was bleeding profusely, and lying on the roadside. Me- dical assistance was promptly procure. but ho sank rapidly, and died on Monday evening, No ari-eiit bu yet taken place, but every exertion is I being made by the authorities to have tho guiity party made amenable." Education OP Colliery Children.—A num- her of the working coalmiucra in Yorkshire aud Land caslJirc have for some time past been endeavouring t- promote the education of their offspring by seeking for the extension of something like the Factory Act I to nil boys employed at collieries. At present many boys are employed at collieries, cither in assisting to gtt coal, or about the works oil the the hank," ano little or uo time is allowed for their education at school. Suigic of the clergy and influential parties have taken the question up, ami the draught ot a bill has been presented to Earl Filzwilliaru, a large coal- owner, w ho it is said cordially approves of it: and be- fore it ii brought bcfurc Parliament it will he sub- mirted for approval to Lord Whariicliffe, tLe Earl of Etfiugham, and other coalowners. The object of this bill is to render it compulsory for every boy, bef ore } beil\ employed at a coHicry, to produce a ct'rtifica.te I th 't he has attended school a certain thne, and also that when he is so employed he slull be sent to school his time, the same as the yotmgcr workers in factories. Ths Mormons anb THE" GENTII,ES.Bi-i-ham Younic has turned up once itiore in a troublesome way r in Utah. Brigham dislikes the presence oi the Gen- tiles in bis settlemeut. I am afraid, from all I see aud gear, that these wicked barbarians fi!id more fa- Your iu the harems of Utah than suits the sanctified I notions of the Mormon leaders. They have had a graad convocation in the temple to denounce the iu- tidels, aud have followed up their denunciations by watching the federal IlJail, to prevent egress or iu- gross of suspicious persons. I have not yet had tune to learn from Washington whether the interference is serious. There is trouble a-head with this communi- ty. Mr Marcy wisely sent a regiment there a year ago, and qnar eied them there a winter. The experi- ment wae not palatable te the elders, who denounced these children of ths Evil Oue in unmeasured terms, and ordered the people, should they ever be quartered there again, to let them starve lather than supply them with the tiecessarics of life. It seems now, if we can credit the correspondents of the press, that persons are not to be permitted freely to come in and go out of the holy precinct. New Gold Field is Australia. — The rrport8 brouirhi by the overland mail regarding the fresh gold Hold discovered in New South Wales will cause furt he arrivals from Australia to be looked for with great In- terest. The spot is tit Rocky River, near Bathurst, which lies in the interior, about 120 miles from Sid- ney, aud is close to a district marked as extensively j auriferous iu the official ftiap published iu the govern- j ineut b!ua book on the gold fields in January, 1853. j According to noiuo of the statements made In the Syd- liev papers, the amounts obtained were larger and the succeiS inore universal than had been expcrieuced i at any other mines, diggers from Victoria being of opinion that it would prove the richest field yet dis- covered in any part of the world. As these allega- tions are represented to have been made after several thousand petso:? had beea fur some daya on the s[Jot, II there ;5 a posstbdity they may pr?ve to be better founded than tiie majority of such accounts. On the other hand, the people of the adjoiumg colony of Vic- toria were affirming that the whole affair had been grossly exaggerated, and that great disappointment woult result. At the Doncister county court, on Tuesday last, a woman, named Ann Burley Utd Mr Wm. Hudson for £20, as the ewner of a dog which had seized I, her by the laft leg, inflicting a severe wound. The plaintiff was nonsuited on the ground that the pre- vious vicious character of the dog was not I proved. The Earl and Countess Granville have amved at Carlsbad from Berlin. The Lord President of the Council contemplates a residence of about I a month at Carlsbad, and will then return to Lon- don. I s. •

1 WREXHAM MARKET, T*itmiut,…

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LOCAL 2TEWS. --...-.0:1,..-......



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