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ylLLlNERY AND DRESSMAKING BOOMS » CEJRLES-STREUT, WREX.fi A tf. -O^USTTBS. FASHIONS. THE MISSES JBNIKINS, IjlG to inform the Ladies of Wrexh?m and *!t< 1 nt)??bou''hoo<?. t? they purpose ahowi)? thei r INTER FASIHos on THUMDAT. 30h of Octo- bpr, and two following days, consisting of Miliuery, Fancy Bonnets, Cap", ReaùdrelSes. French Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., &e. The Misses J. also take this opportunity of rx- preuing their jtratitnde for past favours and retpect- ftlllv beit a continuance of their kindness. Oct. 23rd, 1856. L MISS FENEMORE BEGS to announce to the Ladies of Wrexham and j3 its ficimty, that she has just returned from Tendon with a large assortment of MILLINERY, MANTLES, WATER-PROOF CLOAKS, Av., wt- ablo for the approaching Season, which will be ready for inspection on Wednesday next and following days. High-street, Wrexham, Oct. 22, 1856. MILLINERY AND DRAPERY ESTABLISH- MENT, HOFK-arrREtT, TfrAlXHAJt. J. S U D LOW BEGS to announce to his friends and"the J) public generally that he baa just returned from market, where he has purchased a well se- lected stock in Millinery, Fancy and Plain Straw Bonnets, Dress Caps, Head Dresses, Bonnet Rib- bons, French and English Flowers, Feathers, Mantles, &c. His show room will be ready for inspection on WEDNESDAY next, the 29th ult, and following day*. Mourning and Wedding Orders punctually at- tended to. Sales by Mr. Edisbury. ON SALE, by Mr. EDISBURY, several Tons of capital OAT and WriEAT STRAWS also, well-harvested upland HAY. MR. EDISBURY respectfully anuoances that be l'-l. ha? been instructed by the rfpreseat?tivea of the late Mr William Hyude (deceased), to offer for uureserved SALE BY AUCTION* npon the premises near the Iron Works, Acrefair, Ruabon, on Monday next, the 27th day of October instant, the whnte III the useful and excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNI. TURE, and other effects, including a fine-toned FIANO-FORTE, by Longdon and Co. Catalogues may he had at the priucipal InnB in the neighbourhood, the place of Sale, or from the Auc- tioneer, Tewn-hill, Wrexham. N.B.-Sale to commence at the hour of 12 o'clock &t noon, punctually. Sale by Mr Griffith. FREEHOLD PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE TOWN OF MALPAS, IN THE COUNTY OP C HieS T B R. rpo BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by MR. GRIFFITH, Tat the Red Lion Inn, in Malpas, aforesaid, on MONDAY, the 3rd day of November, 18-56, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, punctually (subject to conditions of Sale then to bo produced and read) in ont: or such other Lot or Luts as shall be deter- mined upon at the time of sale, t All those Two "eI ul.It COTTAGES or DWEL. LING-HOUSES, situate in Well-gtreet, in Mil- pas, aforeraid, together with the excellent Gardens, out-offices, yards, and all the appurtenances there. unto belonging, now or late in tile several holdings of Mrs. D ivies and Miss Cluk. their assignees or under- tenants. The above property is FnefJolJ, anrl is very pleasantly situated the gardens are spacious and have a good aspect; the houses are in excellent repair, with grates aid other fix- tures attached to the ireehold, and to small capitalists affords a very desirable invest- ment. Further particulars may be obtained on appli. eation to Mr. Smith, Draper, Malpas; the Auc- tioneer, Wrexham; or Messrs. Edgworth and Dl ycrcux Pugh, Solicitors, Wrexham. t PRESENTATION OF A SWORD TO COLONEL YORK, O.B_ THE Cammitteo nppointed to raise a Subscrip- -L tion for the obove purpose have much pleas- ure in publishing their first List SUBSCRIPTIONS. Towr s>nd Mainwaring) Esq. S5 0 0 C. K Ilainwat ing, Eq.. 5 0 0 H. W. Meredith, Esq 5 0 0 Sir W. W. Wvnn, Bart., M.p 5 0 0 P. W. Yorke, Esq 5 0 0 B. W. Wvnne, E¡;q. 5 0 0 T. T. Griffith, Esq 3 3 0 Lord Kenyon 3 3 0 J. J. Foulkes, Esq I 0 0 The Rev. G. Cunliffe I 1 0 W.Divies 1 3 0 :„ „ J. Dixon 1 1 0 W. Rowland, Eaq • • 1 1 0 Mr. Edisbury o. o 1 1 0 R. W. Johnson 1 1 0 Capt. CtCoy, I 1 0 J. D. Pugb, Esq.. o o o 1 1 0 Sir. Paintpr. I 1 0 Thomas Hughes, Esq 1 1 0 Mr. Edward Rogers 1 1 0 Messrs Jackson and Jonee. 1 1 0 Mr Edward Smith, (Draper). 110 Joseph Clark.o..o. 110 Birch. 1 1 0 Overton. I 1 0 Messrs Pierce and Owen 1 1 0 Mrs Johnson 1 1 0 The Rev. J. H. M. Luxmoore 1 1 0 Lieut. Col. Sir W. Lloyd, Kt. 1 1 0 Mr Thomas Heywood 1 0 John James Eisq. o o. 1 1 0 }fr Edward Griffith. 1 0 0 „ T. C. Jones. 1 1 0 „ Thomas Hughea, Rhoarobin 1 0 John Foulkes, Esq. 1 1 0 Owen Williams (Bryn-yr-oviln) 1 1 0 The Mimes Eyton Joseph Peers, Esq r f John Townshend Esq. 0 J. F. Edgerley. Esq. o 1 1 0 0. 0. Williams, Esq 1 ] 0 E4winWyatt.Egq. 1 0 Ioseph Floater, Faq. o 1 0 GMr:e J acklon, FAq. ? 1 0 Lieut. Col. Jones r 1 0 D-??ager Ladv Egerton. 1 J 0 r,. K. Cotton, E?. 1 1 0 I'. G. Panton. Esq. J 1 } 0 J. C.Owen, Esq 1  0 Major Tottenbam 1 1 0 MtChivu J { } 0 M ° .Nlr. Beale..  ?.Brane?r. Exq. 4"- ? ? 0 ?tM Sarah Matthew* 1 0 0 Sir R. H. C. nMe. B?. J J 0 John Dicken. E-qo o" I I o ?'?' 0 10 6 ?\fr Jt ohifn V. 0 10 6 pCV lark 0 10 6 „ Frederiok Owen o ? 6 Edward Lovatt 0 10 6 it E^iins, Cooper,, o 0 10 6 'I John Burr. 0 « ?n Jfi W Edwards, Bryn-yr-owen    Potter, (Stationer) 0 10 6 Daniel J one' 0 1 0 Snœuel Giller. 0 10 6 Subscrip\bi1s win be recei\'ed by the Chuirmnr, 'h. Secretay the Treasurer, Members of theC?.- ?'ttec. Md t' e North and South Wales and Na- tional Provincial B:1.nkc. W. DA VIES, Chairman. W OVERTON, Treasurer, E. LOVATT, Secretary. T OANS for Sums Y8ryiD from 25 to £ 50 to be ij anced on real or personal Sscunty. Apllv to Mr THOMAS JONES, Accountant, -Madriia-hill, Wrahan). "VT n :x: :s: A M ALE. W. ROWLAND & SON Aim now prepared to book orders for the Oc- tober brew. Parties desirous of having thier stock brewed in this favourite month should give th-ir orders early. "ROWLAND'S WREXHAM ALV.-The ale in question is the beat for clearness, beauty of colour, and taste, that we ever drank." The opinions of hundreds who have patronised Messrs. Rowland and Son, will hear nut our assertion." -Shropshire Conservative, Oct. 12, 1860. THB BRYNMALLY C'OLLIERY ACCIDENT, AND LOSS OF FOURTEEN LIVES. THE fatal and metancho?y Inundation at these Jt Mt" on the 30th of September last, cannot bnt have awakened a fe-eKnir of deep Interest and sym- pathy throughout the kingdom, especially in Mining Disi ricts. Ever siuce the accident happened, every means ha^e been used, but without success, to recover the unfortunate sufferers, imprisoned in the mines by the water. Nine widow* and twenty seven children, besides aged relatives, thus deprived of their natural support afe compelled to appeal to the sympathy of the public for relief. A Subscription listihas been open- ed to meet their urgent claims, and it is hoped that this appeal on behalf of the widows and fatherless will meet with the response it deserves. A Committee, consisting of the following persons, will carefnny investigate the claims of the sufferers and receive and distribute the funds which may be ftllected- tfev. W. G. Davirg, BrytTibo; Rev. Wynne Ed-j wards. Gwcrsyllt; Messrs. Thomas Cl:;ton., I and James Darlington, Rrynmally j R. V. Kyrke, PendwP.y n, .7, Dickenson, and Dr Williams. Wrexham W. H. Darby, Brymbo; Henry Robertson, Brymbo; John Burton, Minera Hall; Thomas Irven, Staiisty Hall; Robert Roy, Brymbo Hall; William Low, L'oft Wen; Mortimer Maurice. Oak Lodae; James Sparrow, Wrexham; John Ha'eroft, Brynma'ly; Samuel Jones, Brv>f.b«; Charles! Harrison, Frith. CHARI.F.S "RDw RD DAHBT, Treasar r FEEDEEICK HUTCHIN&O^, ACOI-eiaiy. £ a n. The Marqnis of Westminster .oo. ]0) 0 0 The Brynmally Colliery ]00 0 0 The Brymho C.)mpany 100 0 0 John Burton, Esq., Minera Hall 50 0 0 fesllr. Maurice & Low, Vron Colliery 50 0 0 The B:-ougbton Coal Company 25 0 0 ThomHS Irvin, Esq*. Stansty Hall 20 0 0 Messrs. Dixons & Wardell, Bankers, Chester. 20 0 0 Minera Mining Company 50 0 0 The Wlltminster Conl Company 50 0 0 Sir W. W. Wynn. Bart., NI P., 50 0 0 Edward Oakley, Esq Coed Talon' 50 0 0 New Bntish Iron Company 20 0 0 T. T. Taylor, Esq., per Mr. Darlington 20 0 0 Ge"rge Wiiielden, Esq., per ditto 25 0 0 J. Dickon, Esq., Black Park, 20 0 0 M's. J. C. 10 0 0 William Field, Esq Shrewsbury 10 0 0 James Spence, Esq., Ditto 500 Walter Roberts, Esq., Ditto. 2 0 0 Mr. T. S. Snncoek, Birkenhead. 2 0 0 Jt J),iniel Clinaie, Salop., 110 t9 William Scott 100 „ F. A. Frost, Chester 100 Franfis Parker 100 W. Titherington 1 0 0 "WHerm Huntingdon 10 0 The workmen connected with the Brymbo Com- pany's Works have appointed a Committee to collect subscriptions towards this Fund. The following Bankers have I- iii(l'y conernted to rit- Tive contribution,—Messrs. Dixons ai d Wardell, Chester; North and South Wales, and Naiional Provincial Bunks, Wrexham Mtssia. Ltylauds aud Bullins, Li verpool. JUST RECEIVED BY J. EDISBURY, & Co., SEVERAL Packages of Prime FRESH CURED YARMOUTH I RED IIEBRIiraS, Which are now on Sale at their TEA. and GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT, Town Hill, Wrexhum. N.B -Also a supply of New Foieign Fruits. BENTALL'S PATENT JB -P. C) LS- M) S M-3: -,01- I=. -E; S TO which Four Prizes were awarded this year I JL at the Chelmsford Meeting of the Royal Agrieuliural Society, in addition to the many prizes awarded to the same at the various agricul- tural shows. Catalogues forwarded free on application to JOHN WINDSOR, AGRICULTURAL MACHINIST, &c., Beatrice-street, Oswestry, where various sizes may be seen. PRICES OF BROADSHARES. .MARK. X a d I mAitiK. t S d 1,.W. B 6 5 0 1, I.I.B 6 16 6 B.W.B 6 6 0 L.I.B.B 7 17 6 L.I.B 5 '5 6 B.T.I.B 7 17 6 RI.B. 6 16 6 B.I.B.B. 8 18 6 JOHN ROBERTS, SEEDSMAN, FRUITERER, AND LICEN- SED DEALER IN GAME, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM, TAKES this opportuniy of returning thanks to J?hia friends and the Inhabitants of Wrexham, and the neighbourhood generally, and begs res- pectfully to inform them that he has given up the Shop formerly held by him in the Alarket- Hall, and that the whole of his business is now con- ducted at his Shop in Hope-street, as being moie convenient to himself and klie public at large. N.B. All kinds of POULTRY constantly on hand. FRESH FISH supplied in First-rate condition Wrexham, Sept. 19th, 1856. HOM CEOPA TIIIC PH AR A M AC Y, CHURCH-ST., WREXHAM. GEORGE TUSHINGHAM respectfully in- \jr forms the Nobility, Cleigy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Wrexham generally, that he has commenced business as HOMCEOPATHIC CHEMIST, in the Shop former!y occupied by Messrs. R. Hughes and Son, booksellers. In attendance at Wrexhafn-every MONDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY. Hoir ceopathic Cocoit, and other articles express- ly prepared for patients under Homoeopathic treatment. THE WREXHAM SELF-SUPPORTING H0tt(E0PATHI€ DISPENSARY. (HELD AT MR8. BAYLET'S, CONFECTIONER,) .Hope-street, Opposite the Post-Office. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING FROM 9 to 10 PHYSICIAN HENRY THOMAS, M.D. • THE object of thia Dispensary is to aeord medi- Teal advice for the exclus.ve benefit of the poorer classes; those who can afford to fee a medi- cal man, cannot be received as Dispensary patients. FEB-One Shilling each consultation. Subscribers of one guinea per annum will-be ea- titled to recommend six poor patients. Attendance for private cODsultatitmfrom 11 8.m. until 3 p.m, the am day. TOWN-HILL FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT. o. A.1STTD 3MI. Â- ROCKE, HANING added to their premises, th& Bou-e and Shop, latolv oocuoie-i by Mr. Fraser, and iir t i which they keep a large aasortment of EXCLUSIVELY 3^S^W GOODS, to which they have made and arc constantly mak-ngtARGB ADDrrioNS, of really good, elegant, and useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, amongst which will be found Gilt Pier and owing Glasses, Sideboards, Cheffioneers, Telescope, Oval, Loo, and Squire Tables. Settees, Coucnes Sofas, What Nots, Bookcases, Secretaires, Lounging Chairs, Chests-of-Drawers, Half Tester, Four Post, French, and Teni Bedsteads, (and any Article wanted not in Stock, can be obtained on thft shortest notice, of reliable workmanship and material,) and they beg to solicit a call from Parties wanting, as it will ever be their principle to do all in their power to give satisfaction, and to supply • a good article at a moderate rate, and so acting still trust to reap a shara of public support. .:o.r"8d2 & THE NEW TEA ESTABLISHMENT' j HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. THOMAS ROBERTS IN returning thanks to his numerous friends and the inhabitants of WrexhatBt tad the local- -L ity generally, for the very liberal support which they have favoured him with since his commencement, and trusts by industry and strict attention to business, and by selling a good sterling article, at the lowest possible price, to merit a continuant: Q of the support SO liberaly accorded to him. T. R. most respectfnHy invites the attention of Housek?e-.?ra and aU 3pnn«"nm««.! try some of the NEW SEASON TEAS, which he ha5   now  for sate, ot the fonowin prices. f"" « for sale, at the follo w?F?X? cliallenaes co-npctiti?n Tor its rem.r?Me strength and rich old Souchorg Flavour STRONG CONGOU. 33 per Ib.ood quality 3a4d-Super Flavoured ditto, recommended 38 8d-Cholce GREEN, 4s— Finest Gunnnwdir f I ]; t' ,Wre<* C03TA BICA « good PlanE 6d J -F,nest Jilltl- I 3?L t f. oM ?1wlys on hand a 1arA supply of BRITTSH WINES, of aU descrintions I I HJKLF.S, SAUCES, JAMS, JELLIES, MARMALADE, POTTED MEATS, &e., which I he intends selling at greatly reduced prices. Observe—T. ROBERTS, Hi<:h Street, Wrexham, (nearly opposite the Market Hall.) ¡ HARP & PI AN0 FURTE WAREHOUSE ABBEY STREET, CHESTER, BoUCIIFj-R ANt) CO HAVE alway on hand an exteBive Sdection of Newand Second-hand ISTRUMENTS of the best or S ALI-' and RIRE, nn the most moderate terms. Additional Stocks kept by their various Agents in Wales. TUNING AND REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Lowest price for Ready Money. WIN T ERG 0 0 D S. WINTERGOODS. BEE HIVE, CHURCH GATES. 1 WREXHAM. JOHN JONES begs to announce that he has just rotumcd from the Manchester, Leeds, and Bradford markets, with a large and aeK;t 'roCK OF GOODS, especisHy adapted for the forthcoming season, too numerous to he nnmed in detail. The STOCK will be ready for Inspection on SATURDAY, the 18th instant, (This Day). J. J. respectfully solicits his numerous friends to pay a visit to the BEE HIVE, where they will find everything which they may require to make them warm and happy, during the. cold and dreary winter months. He also respect'ully wishes to call the sttention of the Public to his large stock of RIBBONS (about 500 pieces,) which he is enil),ed to dispose of at about half the regular stock price,, ho havin purchased it under circumstances which permit of him doing so. October 18th, 1856. W I N T E R GOODS. A FIRST RATE STOCK iOF NEW GOODS. CONSISTING OP NOVELTIES AND FASHIONS FOR THE SEASON, NOW READY FOR INSPECTION AT THE NEW SHOP, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. R LL-OYD. i HAVING just returned from London with a choice selection of NOVELTIES, begs most respectfully i to solicit the favour of a call. LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS in Wool, Cashmere, Pnislcys, &i\ of the prevailing New Style." A variety 01 FANCY DRESSES, of various new materials, in poiut of eL uanee and beauty that cannot be surpnssfd; FANCY SILKS suitable for the reason Satins, Satinetts, Silk Velvets, Coburgs, Gala Plaids, Priuts, French Merinoes, Alpaeca9, &c., &c. A VERY CHOICE AND SELECT STOCK OF MANTLES. ALSO A LARGE ASS._ RTMUNT OF MILLINERY, Comprising BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, DRESS CAPS, AttMLETS, and a variety of FANCY TRIMMINGS; HOISERY, GLOVES, Umbr; 11as, &c. A GREAT VARIETY OF FURS Yorkshire and We of England BROAD CLOrH fro n 3s to 9s 6:I-superior 9s 6d to 13s;- West of Enal-cd 14s to 21s; PILOTS, BEAVEKS, WHITNEYS from Is 6d to 6s and upwards Plain and Fancy Troii-(.riiics f,om Is lOd to 3s per yard; New Style 3a 6d to 5s West of Englaud 5s 6d to 7s Silk and Satin Handkerchiefs and various other articles for Gentlemen's wear, in Ties, Stocks, Fronts, Collars, Gloves, S&Pc L, E&Ne.DID STOCK OF LONDON AND PARTS HATS. A SPLENDID STOCK OF LONDON AND PARTS HATS. In the newest shapes at 3s 4s 6d 7s 6d 9s 6J to 10s 6d lis 64 12. 6d and 14* each. I In addition to the above, will be found a general assortment of Manchester and Scotch GOOD Irish Liueus, Diapers, Sheetings, &c. Also WHITNEY and CLOTH BLANfCETS, FLANNELS, I.inseys, Coubterpanes, Sheets, Moreens, Window Muslins, Toilet Covers, &e. &e. The vrhole of tue above wiff be found particularly worthy the attention of Families. Lowest Prices for Ready Money. GLASGOW HOUSE, TOWN HILL, 1VRFXHAM. -♦ E. & Y. RUSHTON, RESPECTFULLY beg to inform the inhabitants of Wrexham, and its vicinity, that they have taken JL\) the premises lately oc<upi:rd by Jr. Smith, Confectioner, Town Hill, Wrexham, nhich they have I 'rowa Hill, Wre xham, n h i c l i they have OPENED with a choice selection of GENERAL DRAPERY, MILLINERY, RIBBONS, &c. STRAW BONNETS altered and cleaned to the Newest Shapes. F. F R A S E R, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, SILVERSMITH, JEWELLER, &c. (LATE TOWN HILL.) 1 HIGH-STREET, WREXIIAM, BEGS respectfully to call the attention of the public to his extensive gtoclc'of WATCHES, CLOCKS, .D JEWELLERY, FANCY GOODS, and SPECTACLES, to suit all sights, Thermometers, Weather Glasses. &c. &c. GOLD CHAINS, & FANCY JEWELLERY, in great Variety.—WEDDING & MOURNING RINGS. JO IN EEIRLNE, CANDLE MANUFACTURER, I TOWN-HILL, WREXHAM. ELLIS AND SONS, ENGINEERS9 MlLLVYRiGILTS, MAMIIXISTS, lION AXB BRASS FOUNDERS, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS, BEG to acquaint the public that they have conrmeneed business as ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, JD and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS, in uew and spacious premises ercc- ted for the purpose, in LEG STREET, OSWESTRY. S. and T. ELIIS having had some years experience in the manufacture of portable and fixed Engines, Thrashing Machines, &cM at the works of Messrs. Clayton, Shuttleworth, and. Co., Lincoln, and having engaged talented aud experienced workmen from gome of the best manufactories in the kingdom, also having purchased uew and extensive machinery, believe I hey shall be able to execute any oiders that may be entrusted to them with promptitude and despatch, and in a workmanlike manner equal to any house in the trade. New and improved Pateut HORSE ITAKES, upon an entirely new principle, made to older. J. Ellis and Sons beg to assure their friends and the public that no exertion shall be wanting on their parts to merit their support. I Portable and fixed Engines, Thrashing Machines, &c., of a new ana improved construction, made to order, and at prices to snit the timet, < COUNTY OF DENBIGH. CHIEF CONSTABLE. NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN, that at the .?i -L? Hilary Quarter Sessions, to 1M held on THUlW-j DAY, the 8?h dny of January next, at Ruthin, iu the County ofD.-ubi?h,the Justices intend to elect a j CHI hp CONSTABLE for the said Ccmnty, at a Salary of l250 per annum, with an allowance of ] j X50 per annum for Horse and J orage. Tht force is 1 to consist of (about) 37, including Superintendent, j Serjeants. and Men. I Candidates are required to attend au Adjourned j Sessious at Ruthin, on THURSDAY, the 18th day of December nest, at soon, and theu to products their testimonials. A knowledge of the Weiai1 iaoguage will he a recommendation to a Candidate. JOSEPH PEBUS, Clerk of the Peace. Rath'n, Slst Oct., 1856. MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, CATTLE MARKET, WREXHAM. ? JE?J??Z?J?? 25 rJ. 'P. KERRISON 'a wdl-knowQ to I?PaNtc -LJe as the Srst Artist in Europe for preserving Birds, Beasts, and all kinds of Reptiles to resemble the attitude and perfections of Life. He i* Mifriafvi t by moat oftlw Nobility and Gmtry ia tfce kiag&m. biwaintogs of hit curioaa Art may be seen at Um Re- pository, 18 alio a fine collectioa of Rare Bird., l' add lusects, 10 the highest state of perfecty>a,|| there art many Ladies aud Gtntlemeu who 1i jil to their Birds, and favourite Auimals, thiiapjomy fully tj inform them that they maj tunio tb<i^ re. mains preserved in appearauee so near fife as freely to be distinguished, and warranted to last 1:-e,Jolld ex- pectation. E. P. Kerrison hopea that by COQtlrned exertion aud a sincere wish iO give satisfaction, to all who may favour him with a trial, still to merit a continuance ofpubhc patronage and supp-ort, so liberally bestowed upon him during the last ^5 years. N.B. foreign Bird. sjslua c«rcfully mounted. Rare Jirds bought, sold, bE; exchanged. RETURN OF COL. YORKE, (J.H. THE Friends and Well-wishers of the House of ErOdig intend Celebrating the Return of COL. Y.ORKE, C.B., from the Crimea, by a t PUBLIC DINNER, I all "Monday next, Oct. 27th, 1856, at the RED LION INs, MARCHWIE.L. I President: CAPT. PANTON, R.N. Vice-President: Mr BIRCH. Dinner on the Table at Four o'clock, p m. TICKETS, 59 each, to be had at the Red Lion Inn, Marchwiel. PENYBItYN CHAPEL ANNIVERSARY TEA MEETING. QN TUESDAY, October 28th, 1856, a Public TEA MEETING will be held in the MUSIC-HALL, Wrexham, in con- nection with the Independent Chapel, Penybryn. Tea at Five o'c'ock. Tickets One Shilling each. Children uuder fourteen yfars of age, balf-prica. The Pr, fits arising from the Tea to be appropriated to the purchase of an-Haru onium for the above cha- pel. Alter Tea, a PUBLIC MEETING will be held, wheu ihe following Ministers are expected to ad. dress the meeting — Rev J. G. Short, Rev F. B. Brown, Rev E. Grif- fith, Rev S. Huoley, Mr Morgan, Rev W. Sapcoat, Rev Mr Lloyd, Wern, Rev E. fib rt. M A.. Ireland, Rev Mr Dewsoaj)]), Livelp )oi, Fa. aid ,1. J'tn t Several Pieces of Music will lie: "un g by the Wern Caoir, and acc-impnuied on the Harmonium by Mr Husihes, Orgauut, Runbon, PROVINCIAL WELSH INSURANCE COMPANY (LIFE AND FIRE.) CAPITAL-200,000, WHOLLY SCB- SCRIBED. HEAD OFFTCEs-HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM, LONDOX BltANCH-49. MOORGATE-ST., CITY. lIFE POLICIES taken out during the current A year will participate in the the first BOBUS to be declared in I860. FIRE INSURANCES on moderate terms, FARMING-STOCK insured in Wales and bor- der Counties, at THREE SHILLINGS per cant. Steam Thrashing Machines allowed. ANTHONY DILLON. Secretary to the Company. Wrexham, 25th Sept., 1856. ASSURANCES FOR THE PEOPLF. NATIONAL ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY. 85, OLD JEWRY, LONDON. Capital £ 160,000, with power to increase the same to Oue Million. THIS Company, in addition to the usual business -L of a LIFE OFFICE, grants Policies for Iiisur- 1 INS fissistance to I)ersoi s sustaiuiug injury from ACCIDENTS of every description, and lor affording compensation in cases of total or partial disability, Hther by payment of a sum of mou-y, or the allow- ance of an Annuity. EXAIIRLFS In Class 1—A payment of Five Shil- lings a year, securre £ 1 a week during Illness occur- rins from Accident.—A payment of Four Shillings a I year secures the sum of £ 100 at Death from Accident. —A payment of Seven Shillings a year, sectins £ L Is A week during illness arising from Accident, and -0100 in case of Diath from Accidents of evtry dts cription. Insurances Against Breakages of Plate Glass. PROSJ-EOIUSES and every other information may be obtained at the Chief Office, or any of the Cempany's Agents. Manager, THOMAS A. POTT. Agent for Wrexham, Mr THOMAS JONES, Ac countant, Madeira-hill. PORTRAITS FOR THE MILLION!! YOU may obtain a beautiful and correct LIKE- JL NESS for One Shilling in frame complete One Shilling and Sixpence; in case to shut up, Two Shillings and Sixpence, at MR. HICKS'S PROYIXCIAL I PHOTOGRAPHIC OALLERY, NOW OPEN AT MR. JOHN EDWARDS'S, BAKER, &c. Hope-street, Wrexham. ¡ Open from 10 until 3 o'clock Daily. 1 N.B. Will close in a few days. LOSS OF TEETH RESTORED WITHOUT PAIN. MESSRS. GABRIEL, the Old Established Surgeon Dentists, 112, Duke Street, Liver. pool. Messrs. GABRIEL'S mode of constructing Artificial Teeth ambra CMttttheititfttimpruvfntenttntheart Partial aiid complege tsets Spring or clasps. and nuamnteed to serve the purpose of maincatiur •re mt'ie firmly to retaiu their pnsinon Jin the nn'nth without aid of and to Ignore perieet articulation, and &rt not to be detected by %he closest observer. BIUIJINO I'i'-CAYED TEETII. Messrs (i. feel that the cannot too stronnlv recommend ibis operation,-as the adTa"iia<es derived from it when sk HinUy performed, with a nntablecompoi-iticu, are mtaiuable, arre»ts the process of df e«y—saves the sound teeth adjoninic fe ecaye6i OUt>8 ironi brciim.nic ifict,ted- prevents toot b- akeiie-readere the tee-h serviceablt for mastication, aud removes the unpira"nt odi,iit of the breatli, lifilnll tIoln the surUceul decayed teeth. Cuarti* 2a 6d. SCALE OF CHARGES. A singlo Tooth froru 40 S < A lull set 4 4 0 An upper or 'ovrer fet v 2 2 0 (These Mineral Teet;. i »<#r charite colonror decay) No cha-se maile for CGn,.I'OCl. Scaling the teetb, and Misflts remoc.t.fd bv MA.ora G?.r?: 'he old-es ttbhshetiSurteou Dentist, U;. U'?* Mre''t. Liverpool, AUtudoncf da?ty from U' till 7 Lon- don Ef-muh?hment*?!). rencburch Stn?t. City 33 1 iiiii THi; WHITE GUTTA PERCH A ENAMEL, for stoppnit Dtcuyed Teetb without Tain Piei».red by Messrs GJBKJKL. the olil-establisVed Dentists I>uUe Mrect, Liverpool and 79 Fencnurcn Siree;, London. Price, fth lull Directions for use One Shiilint; and Sixpence, or will be sent oil reipt ot So Maaids This Valuable Kiting is placed in the Cavity io a sott state. ge that i, cannot give the lest pair and may be used by any person wiih the arcHL ease, and i.ikh ti-e remarkat le property of be4-t,ining hard and so-.mrt as the tooth itsell, eicludinit the air allu tood from the ceive andarrestiBR all further progress of decay. It is superior to every tiii-iii that has been used before, and is sure to succeed when all other remedies have failed p ed and *old WlvtjlnW* *Dd ReW b the  ??7?t<? Q.b?!, ?r?. tt,?.. ??" ? ?'' fa k lei; J J-L 1^ m mr I-U'I -i_ixnj-in-i.rL-.j->, TjlOR SAL8, -0 8Nad PIANO FORTE. Apply L' to 14ft A* Sam A,???i! CODING PEESS, ne?y £ A T* To had a bar&n.-Arply to M:. Bay-?. Boo?cMer. Wruham. T° AE SOLD, a Stack of wdt-h??d J- Upland HAY, aI bout 30 tons. Wrexham^ Mr. Robert A??s, Wine Merchant, Wrexham. TO BE SOLD. ALL that valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY situate at RHOS DDU, Wrexham, consisting of a New and well-built HOUSE, conhiining two Front Parloors, Kitchen, Dairy, Cellar, Wash-house, and Fivè Bp.d.rooin., with aaiUhle outbuildings, and about 3000 square yards of superior- Garden LAND, svery way suitable for buildip,'K f*arpomI with an ea- eellent Pnmp of wte o prem ises. The hove « Mtuahrf. til the most healUy part of tile neighbonrboodo( Wrexham, withia ten minntea walk ofWrexhl1P'.l,'hltrob. or the Railway Statioa, The w a i u me -or morr Lets, m applica- '1.ö. Boll, oa U. MHM m t*W &,rlr' ¡, SL ATJt QU A BET. 1 | in one lot, or disposed of in an extensive and excellent SLATE QU.A.RRYr COIIIpriaiftg 210 acres, with a lease for 21 yean, lying between Con way and Bangor, eligibly situated for both railway and river transit, being only fivo miles from the Conway Railway Station, and four from the water. For further particulars apply to Mr Joaee, Slate Merchant. Wrexham. A specimen of the Slates can be seen in hit yard. AGRICULTURAL SALT, At Knihbs'a Salt Warehome, Wrexham, EKNIBBS begs to inform the Farmers and Agriculturists of Denbighshire that he has always in Stock a large quantity of SALT, suit- able for Agricultural Purposes, which he is pre- pared to sell at very reasonable prices. For par- ticulars and to purchase, apply to E. KNIBBS, High-street, Wrexham. Also, the best Winsford Cheese Salt, and a large Stock of fine Salts, for household purposes. March 6th, 1856. _— ——- WANTED, in the neighbourhood of Wreibam, VV for a small family,, a FURNISHED HOUSE with land. Direct, A.Z, Post Office, Llangollen. WANTED, a gocd Plain COOK, in a gentle. V Y man's family in the neighbourhood of Wrexham. Must produce a good character. Apply to Mr. Bay Icy, Bookselleri Wrexham. WANTED, a Man Servant, to look after two TT Horses, and who has some knowledge of a Garden there is a Hou?e. cortneoted with the pre. mises in which he would have to Irre. Apply to Mr. Hughes, Printer, Wrexham. COLLIERY MANAGER WANTED. ONE that can make bimself generally useful, tako men's time, survey the mine, &c. Apply by letter to Mr. J. Jukes. Dolydd, Colliery, rear Ruabon. WANTED, a large WEIGHING MACHINE, suitable for a Colliery.kppil to Mra yiev, fielier, Wrexham. WANTEDj, immediately, a iM? qa?ttty? W OLD NEWSPAPERS. The best price, given.—Apply to Mr. Bayley, Wrexham. WANTED, in the neighbourhood of Ruabon, a TV sober, steady, middle-aged married MAN, without encumbrance, to attend to a horse, cow, and garden. A cottage is piovided, and the situation a permanent one. Apply to the Printer of this paper. WANTED immediately, a WORKING BAIL. IFF; he must be a niarried man (a small family no object) he will have a comfortable house aiid the keep of a cow. Reference at to character, &c, will be required. Apply to Mr. Jno. Lloyd, Newbridge, Ruaboo. WREXHAM UNION. I CHAPLAIN WANTED. I WAN TED by the Gnardinn9 of the Wrexham W Union a CHAPLAIN to the Workhouse. The following are the duties to be performed, viz.— To read Prayers and pi each a Sermon to the Pau- pers and other iumates of the Workhouse on every Sunday, and on Good Friday and Christmas day, 1 unless the Guardians may otherwise direct. To examine the Children, and to catechise such as belong to the Church of England, at least ouce in everv month, and to make a record of the same. aud state the dates of his attendance, the general progress and condition of the children, and the moral acd re- ligious state cf the inmates generally. in a hook to be kept for that purpose, to he laid before the Guardians at their next. ordirary meeting, and to be teruud The Chaplaiu's Report." To visit the sick Paupers and to administer relig- ious consolation to them in the Workhouse at such period-i as the. Guardians miy appoint and when ap- plied to for that purpose by the Master or Matron, The Stipend w.11 be JE40 per annum. The Election will take place on the 6th dav of November next, at twelve o'clock at noon, and ap- plications to be sent to me on or before the 5th ot Nov. next. By order of the Board, THOMAS EDGWORTH, Oct. 9. 1856 Clerk to the Union KAYE'S WORSDELL'S VEGETABLE PILLS have cured thousands whose complaints w're considered beyond hope. W^ile the most eibeacious and speedy, they are, at the same time, the safest remedy that can be employed; none need fear to take them. and yet all may hope for relief and cure from their use. The number of TESTI- MONIALS from all classes of society, which have been published, prove that tiieir curative qualities are the most remarkable of any medicine of the present day and the fact that they Lave been con stantly increasing in sale for more than twent years, ShOWi that they stand the test of time an I experience, and that, wheiever they are kuon th ir value is appreciated; ) They are especially suited to persona suffering from- Agito. ¡ Asthma Bilious Attacks I Chest Affections Dropsy Diai rhaea Eruptions Fever Flatulency General debility Stomach Com- plaints Scrofula Sore legs Ulcers Liver Diseases I Piles f Rheumatism Gout I Gravel I I Headache ¡ I IlictigestioLl I Influenza I Worms, &c. ?c. I A tew CASES OF CURE arts briven Weiow, in aditio to which hundreds of others will be fouud in the pam phlet which accoll, paiiies each box. DAVID DAVIES, of the Victoria Iron Works, Mon mouthsiiire, waa confined to his hed for eleven week cnseQuent upon a s vere attnek o' inflammation oi th lunps; by takirg Kaye's Pillso !fl was completely cured David Davies, of the sun.e WOIKS, lather of the aoove atter suturing from violent pain in his left side, wa perfectly < urpd ki) the use of these puis. Mr. itlcV HA, 16, Hanley-street, uiverpoo., alter having suffered from jaundice itid an aifcetiou ot the liver, w?s severlev attacked by drt psy: tu? lUl:dicall\\i: I viser pionounced l is case hop-less; but a iriend in- ducing him to try K?e'8 WOlsudl's Pllis,aud after tak- ing two boxes, he was perfectly resiored to health. ) Sirs. G iilli, Trumpet-gate, Herefordshire, had a severe enii-tilaiiit in the chest for two years, and trieu J'very means thllt Cf uld be thought of, but without suc- cess, till a.:e heard of Kaye's hlls. She took a few bolles and was thoroughly cured. IA r. TLifi BD, 0: Kirbo Cane, Norfolk, was afflicted I fcr ten years with great weakness and ptiu, inconse- quence of indigestion. By taking the Vegetable Restor- ative Pills, the flistressiiio- pains were removed, and his geneiai IK kith wonderlullv improved. iMr. J. K. Uliiolq, ot HAnhury. declared that he foun I Z.us life a burden to him. in couscqueuce of dizsines houslanth idache, gri at weakness, atid nervous debi cty but. t.y taking Kane's, Piiis, he was completely re itoredta ln-aith. RICHAKD V.OI.DIRG, of Stroud, had a cancer cut from his tongue, and alter being ill tor about t"o years, wa wtnected nothing but death. He took one box of thee& pifls, and compieteTy cor?i him. H« ?d. UW are Y'ff11a a '1J a toe* r ir "n itr Iff" .AJa, r'J TO BE LET, TEE PMt ?m 'LOUR MILLS, R?bon, com- 4U, three »rlr 3f French. Mal Biases, Dressfigand glaut hraiirfts comp!e<? iu o od re- | =sud ca?Me of making 150 tack: of Hoar pie; and for which the conmmptioQ ir the im- mediate neighbourhood is upwards of double that quantity, and there beiDg no other sac k flour mill ia the narifb, makes the above a very desirable compact premises, such as ig seldom to be met with. For further information enquire at The Advertioer Office, Wrexham. TO BE LET, with immediate possession, all that capital MALTKILN, situate at Belle Vne, at the end of Pentrefeliu, Wrexham, capable of wet- ting b aud drying 60 measures. The ptemises have very recently been put in thorough repair. For further particulars as to rent, &c.. annlr at ih, eOffice of Mr. Hughr., Sotititor, Wrnhma. Wrexham, 16t.b October, 1856. FIRST-CLASS BREWERY TO LET. rr OBE LET, with JIIna.ie.te possession, a Firit BuEWERT, som*e in Pentrefelin, Wrex- han. Thue are three lite paoa, together with Masntubs, coolers, apd we tv tjkzeamp-kae for earry- ing on an extensive kweaa. ia also a spa- cious cellar, pUIDp. with ciceftiHaitu, tad malt- .miff, on the premises, and ey dwvenience at iutad. There is also a quftth* of sfod fnrrelt whieb, if retired can be taken at a vahtetion. ttenoua- desirous of corr;meccidg ia die Jawing Trade will fiud this an opportunity such 4b tw not often present itself. For further particulars and for terms inflj to Mrs. Rowland, Mitre Brewery, Wiexham. J 0 13E LET, with immio. t firv: il*DENCJC. TO BE LET, with immediate MMpiM an ered. lent and commodious VILLA. u^lDENCE sitMte in the vicinity of Wrexham, {A/ia.. ine; Md Drains room, 2 KUcheM, aal.B Water Clo?t, &c. R?,t m%dn%b. Apply to Mr. Gummow, building suzveyor, Wrex- ham. I oasr HZRB PERAMBULATORS and a BATH fffATP 08 JL moderate terms, at ¡ MR. N. S. sconaafeR's, JEWELLER t SUVS»S3lITBt I- HORB-arTWEBT, WREXHUf; Bath Chair, per how, ta; per day, Is Cd per week, ft. Permbuhftiz, per day, tk^ par nek 2 shilling*. TO BB GIVL AWAY! Is REMOYED mr»TIK VKK dXT FORTNIGHT, TWO or THREE HUNDRED LOADS of Som Tv ne? !ym? on Bryay?caoc GardeM, Hops Stmt, Wresbou.. Apply to Mr. Htigh Daries, Builder, Wrexham. MONEY TO LEND.  AAA ?" Lauded Security, various ,264 '?a at 4 and ? per Mnt. i Also several w<?t ? BnHdinM at 5 per Mnt. LMM MM???Mtty fMm ?? to £ U000, Tha andqmu to purchaw bv private tratl LMd? cf ??rw! property !n Cheshire or N<? ?M. to t?txr?t <)f<lM.OOU. AdJr?, L. H Lew;Mt, Wrexham. r 1 u r j FAMOUS MELTON MOWBRAY PORK PIE S. JAMES OLLERHEAD, begs to announce to i the Puhlie geneMHy, th?he has no? com- menced, and will continue to receive his regular weekly supply of the far famed Melton Mowbray P 0 R K PIES. And that he will always keep on hand a Steck of his own unequalled Original and Highly celebrated Fine Wrexham Gingerbread." High Street, Wrexham. TO BE SOLD by Private Treaty, All that very excellent and commodious CHAPEL, capable of accommodating 400 persons, situate in Brook- street, Wrexham, and at present occupied by the "Wesleyan Reformers." For particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Bayley, Bookseller, Wrexham. DR. DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWS CilrD LIVER OIL HAS now, in consequence of its marked superi- ority over every other variety, secured the confidence and almost universal preference 01 the most eminent Medical Practitioners in the treat- ment of Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Gout, 'I Rheumatism, Sciatica, Diabetes, Diseases of the skin, Neuralgia, Rickets, Infantile wasting, General debil- ity, and all Srrofulous affections. ¡ Its leading distinctive characteristics are I Cvmplete preservation of active and essential principles. Invariable purity and uniform strength. ¡ Entire freedom ?-ow ?'a?tfow Aavour and after■ taste. Rapid ?ra?'rc ?c?, and f?Mf?MM? Economy. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS. CHARLES COWAN, ESQ., M D., L.R.C.S.E., Senior Physician to the Berkshire Hospital, Consult* ingFhysician to the Heading Dispensary, Translator of U LOUIS ON PHTHISIS," c., c. Dr. Cowan is glad to find that the Profession has 'ome reasonable guarantee fur a genuine arti- cle. The material now add varies in almost every establishment where it is purchased, and a tenden- cy to prefer a colourless and-tasteless Oil, if not counteracted, will ultimately jeopardise the reputa tion of an unquestionably valuable additiun to the Materia Med>ca. Dr. Cowan, wishes Da. nz JOXGH e, erv success ia his meritorous under-, taking." EDGAR SIIEPPARD, ESQ., M.D., M.R C.S. TraM?o?f of G'<<? on 2)t?<MMM of /? Shin," -P?M??-? a?? J?o?Mr'? Ji'M?c?A? 0? i4 Blocd," Sc. c. Dr Sboppard has made extensive use of DB. Dil JONGH'S Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil, and haa greut pleasure in testifying to its superiority over every other preparation to be met with in this country. It h:w the rare excellence of being well borne and assimilated by stomachs which rtiect the ordinary oil, Dr Shep: ard has no hesitation In stating tIt he believes an Imperial Pint of DR DE JONGH'B Light-Brown Oil to be of more value than an Imperial Quart of auy other to be met with in Londou." Sold only in IHPEBIAL Half-pints, 2s 6^i Pints .1, 9d; Quaits, 9s j capsuled und labelled with D!\ DE J O'NGli'S staiup and SIGNATURE, without which none are genuine, by ANSAR, HARFORD, and Co., sule British consignees, 7í, Strand, Lcndon and by many respectable Chemists and Di tiggiets. Sold at Wrexham, by Mr. W. H. JUHKSON, Chem.st, High-street; and by Mr W. ROWLAND Ctiemist, Uigb-street. CELEBRATED SHROPSHIRE MEDICINE. The best Puritier of the Blood discovered THE ORIGINAL PLOUGH MAN S DROPS be.-ze invaluable iii-ol)s have for nearly Half a Century proved themselves the OMLY effectual cure lor biliousness, affections oi the fiver and kidney's dropsy, cancer, fistula, ulcers, scrofula, kind's evil J I «- ,-4curvy, scul-blitic affectiuua; erysipelas, tud all erup. cd lions of the skia a sate mpiedy fur ail female com- plaints, rheumatism, pains ia the back, -t Anthony's tire, tits, aad all other diseases arising from au impure state of the blood, bold in bottles at 2s 9d, and 4s 6d each. AGENTS.-Jo-Nris, Chemist, Wrexham; ROIJEKTS Advertiser Office, Oswestry HOLL, Chemist, New- town; JONES, Chemist, Whitchurch, Kiuo Cht. mist, Market, Praytou