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Sale by Mr. Johnson. S A. COE D^USE KSTXPE NEAR TO HOLT AND WREXHAM. To BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by MR. JOHN-  SON, at the Wyunstay Arms Hotel, Wrexham oo THURSDAY, the 2ud day of October, 1856, at Tour o'clock in the afternooa, subject to condition to be then produced :— The ISACOED HOUSE ESTATE, consisting of a large and complete modern built Farm House, and out-buildings, and the several fields or parcels of rich, arable, pasture, and meadow LAND held therewith, containing together 178 Acres, situate in the parish, aiid partly within the Borough of Holt, ia the county of Denbigh, aud in the occupation of Mr. John Lee Jbtant about one mile from Holt, and four trom Wrexham, aud affording votes for the Couuty, and f.,r the contributory Borough of Holt. Maps and particulars may be had at the principal Huiel in Chester, Liverpool, Manchester, and Wrex- b:1lh, and with further information may be obtained lit the Offices of Mr. THOMAS V. ROYLE, Solicitor, 2 Groavenor street, Chester; or from the AUCTIONEER, Wreiham. Sales by Mr Griffith. SALE O-N TUESDAY NEXT, The 23rd day of September, 1856, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon punctually, AT BROUGHTON FARM, in the occupation of the Representative of the late Joseph Garner, (deceased,) and situate about Two miles from Wrexham, adjoining tha road leading therefrom to Brymbo. MK. GRIFFITH will SELL BY AUCTION, 11 upon the premises and day, as above, (com- menting very punctually at the hour mentioned,) the whole of the LIVE and DEAD STOCK LAIliY VESSELS, HOUSEHOLD FURNI- 'il'liE, and Tenant's FiXTURES. In cjuck-jari, &c.— About 4UO measures of Ca pital Wheat in the Straw, 3t0 citto of Good Malting Barley in ditto, 7U ditto ofOats in ditto. Six Tons of Wheat Straw, Stack of prime up- land Hay, about 10 tons. Stack of Ryegrass acd Clover, about 7 tons. A quantity of Hay, Wheat, and Barley, in the building, and about an acre and a half of Potatoes and Turnips. The hay and straw to go off. Live Stulk, Implements, &c.—Very active and useful Cart Mare, three Milch Cows, three good Ciirtj, Land Roller, Wood Harrows, Iron and Wood Ploughs, Thill, Chain and Ploughing Gears, and all necessary Farming implements. Dairy Vessels, &c., Includes every utensil for Milk, Cheese and Butter. The Household Furniture,—Comprise Feather Beds, Beadsteads and Bedding, and the usual re- quirements of a Farm House. Fixtures &c.—The whole of the Grates tlll ough- out the liouse, Iron Boilers, Furnaces, Ovens, &e. SALE AT THE DOLYDD AND TREFYFANT COLLIERY, Trevor, Ctfn-miucr, near Jtuabon, Denbighshire, on J/0???, the :?</t day of September, 1856. Mli. GRIFFITH has teccivcd instructions from jM the proprietors to SELL BY AUCTION, (without reserve,) upon the premises at the Dcl- ydd" and Trefynuut Colliery, aforesaid, on Monday, the 29th of September, 1856, commencing at Ele- ven o'clock in the forenoon, the whole of tne COL- LIERY STOCK, part of Colliery Plant, and Farm Stuck, including Five powerful WAGGON HOR- SES, Implements of Husbandry, large Stack of Hay, Carpenters and Blackamith's Tools, Timber, Cast & Wrought Iron,Brass, Pumping and Winding Gear, Waggons aud Pytches, and other Stock and Effect?, with a Kiln, in a field near Cefn Staticn, containing about 170,000 hard-burnt Bricks, &c. Sale by Messrs. Churton. IMPORTANT SALE. Of valuable Fieehold Estates, in the city of Chesler j Wepre, Brougliton, Higher Kinnertou, Shordley, and Hope Owen, in Flintshiie Allingtou, in Denbighshire and Farndou, in Cheshire, \\ithin a few miles of Chester. rpo BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Messrs. CHUR- X TON, at the Albion Hotel, in the city of Ches- ter, on THURSDAY, the 9th day of October, 1856. at Two o'clock in the atternoon, subject to conditions to be then produced, the following very desirable PROPERTIES, viz Beautiful BUILDING GROUND at Dee Hills, Chester, overhanging the river Dee. DEE BANK HOUSE, offices, and buildings, Ches- ter, w.th the valuable building giound and gard, n attached. Water and Railway frontage LAND, at Wepre Gutter, near Counah's Quay, on the Chester ai d Flint t'.rnpikj road, suitable for such large works as require coal on the spot, with the choice of carriage by sea, turnpike, or railway. BUILDING LAND, near Broughton Church, on the turnpike road from Chester to Mold and Ilaivarden. Desirable small FARMS, Lands, and rich Mead- ows, ou Dodleston Moor, and in Higher Kinnerton, Shordley, and Hope Owen, on and near to the Ches- ter and Mold Railway, and the turnpike roads from Chester to Mold and Pontblyddcu; abounding with game; near to coals aud lime containing eligible building sites, and commanding very extensive and beautiful prospects. MEADOW LAND, in Allingtou and River-side Cottage Residence, at Farndon. The whole divided into 32 Lots. offering a choice of almost eveiy kind of property interesting to purchasers. George Rodenhurst, of Hope, will show the Kin- j nerton lots, and the respective tenants will kindly show the other lots. Maps and particulars may be had at the principal Hotels in Chester, Liverpool, Manchester, Wrexham, and Mold; and with further particulars may be ob- tained at the Offices of Mr. THOMAS V. ROYLE, Solic- itor, 2, Grotsvenor-street, Chester Messrs. NEWMAN Lvojf, and NEWMAN, Solicitors, Yeovil; iNI r. NA" iLL- IAM NLWMAN, Solicitor, 18, Lincoln's-Iun-Fields, Loudon; Mr. DAVTFS, Land Agent, Molliugton, near Chester; or Messrs. CUUKTON, Auctioneers, Chester, and Whitchul ch, Salop. Sale by Mr. Edisbury. OX SALE, by Mr. EDISBURY, several Tons of capital OAT and WHEAT STRAWS also, well-harvested upland HAY. Sale by Mr. Hilditch. SHROPSHIRE. FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES AND LAND. TO BE SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr HIL. DITCH, at the Unicorn Inn, in Oswestry, in the County of Salop, on Friday, the 3rd day of October, 1856, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, in one Lot, or in the following or such other Lots, as slall be declared at the time of Sale; subject to conditions then to be produced, unless disposed of in tha meantime by private contract, of which due notice will be given: LOT I. All that capital newly-irected DWELLING- HOUSE, called Bryn), castle," situate near Go- bowen, in the parish of Whittington, III thu county of Salop, together with the well-stocked Orchard, Fold, Stable, Barn, Cowhouse, and other suitable Out- offices thereunto belonging; and a Cottage adjoining the buildings, and also Five Pieces of first-rate arable, meadow, and pasture LAND, the whole containing by admeasurement lOa 3r 25, or there- about, be the same more or less, in the holding of Mr Owen Weston, and his undertenant. LOT n. All that excellent DWELLING-HOUSE, (ad- j. oining Lot 1) now in the course of election, and nearly finished, togf thcr with the Piece of capital Land thereunto belonging, containing nearly an acre also in the holding of Mr Owen Weston. The house en Let 1 contains, Kitchen, Parlour, Back-Ki tchen, Pantry, Milk-House, and o Bed. moms, and is well titted for the reside nee of a genteel family. The Dwelling-House cn Lot 2 contains Kitchen, Parlour, Back-Kitchen, Pantry, and 4 Bedrooms, and a very small sum will suffice to complete it. The Property adjoins land of J. V. Lovett, Esq., Thomas Lovett, Esq., Mr W. Minnett, Mra Furm- ston, and Mrs Humphreys. It it situate within five minutes' walk from the first-class Railway Station at Gobowen. and only three miles from the excellent market town of Oswestry. For fnrther particulars, or to treat by private contract, apply to the Auctioneer, Salop-road, Oawes- try or Messrs T. and C. Minshall, Solicitors, Oswestry, at whose Offices a Map of the Property may be seen: WREXHAM GAS AND COKE COMPANY. AN ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING J'L of the Shareholders in the above Company will be held at the Gas Works, Wrexham, on Sat- urday, the 27th day of September, 1856, at 11 o'clock a.m. By order of the Directors, JOHN BURY, Secretary. Sept. 13th, 1856. WREXHAM GAS & COKE COMPANY. NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY MEETING. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that an Extraordinary -LAI MEETING of the Shareholders in the Wrexham Gas and Coke Company will be held at the Office of the Company in Wrexham, on Satur- day, the 27th day of September instant, at Twelve o'clock at noon, for the purpose of taking into con- sideration the provisions of u The Joint Stock Companies' Act, 1856," as regards their operation upon this Company; and also to decide whether the Company shall be registered with or without limited liability under the said act. Dated the 13th day of September, 1856. By order of the Directors, JOHN BURY, Secretary. WREXHAM MARKET-HALL COMPANY. NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY MEET- ING. NOTICE is hereby given, that an Extraordinary MEETING of the Shareholders in the Wrexham Market-Hall Company will be held at the Office of the Company, in Wrexham, on Tues- day, the 7th day of October next, at 11 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of taking into consideration the provisions of -1 The Joint Stock Company's Act, 1856," as regards their operation upon this Company, and also to decide whether the Company shall be registered with or without limited liability under the said act. Dated the 17th day of September, 1856. By order of the Directors, ARTHUR CLARKE, Secretary. NOTICE OF REMOVAL, WILLIAM HOLLAND, Grocer and Tea W Dealer, takes this opportunity of returning thanks to his numerous friends, and the public of Wrexham generally for the kind patronage which they have accorded to him since his com- mencement in the above business; and begs to in- form them that he has REMOVED to the Prem- ise lately occupied by Mr C. Owen, Tailor and Drapei, Hope-street, Wrexham, and respectfully solicrits a continuance of their favour and support. Hope-street, Wrexham, Sep. 5th 1856. FAMOUS MELTON MOWBRAY PORK PIES. JAMES OLLERHEAD, begs to announce to the Public generally, that he has now com- menced, and will continue to receive his regular weekly supply of the far famed Melton Mowbray P 0 R K PIES. And that he will always keep on hand a Stock of his own unequalled, Original and Highly celebrated Fine Wrexham Gingerbread." High Street, Wrexham. MONEY TO LEND. n64 On Landed Security, various &C)4. sums at 4 and 4? per cent. Also several small sums on Bnildin?s at 5 per cent. Loans on personal security from 216 to £ 1,000. The undersigned is also Optll to purchase by private treaty Landed or Mineral property in Cheshire or North Wales, to the extent of £ 160,000i Address, Mr. H. Lewison, Wrexham. WREXHAM STATION SLATE YARD. THOMAS WILLIAMS HAS on Sale a nice assortment of CHIMNEY .LI PIECES, from 7s 6d to ClO each. Also a very large Stock of useful CHIMNEY TOPS, from Is to 20s each. August 7, 1856. EDWARD THOMAS, HOMCEOrATHIC CHEMIST, CAXTON BUILDNGS. PEPPER-STREET, CHESTER. FAlILY MEDICINE CHESTS in great vari L ety suited to the various Domestic Works on Homoeopathy Cases or single Tubes refilled with Globules, Pilules, Tinctures, or Triturations. Medicine Books sent by Post to any distance. HOjllAS'S GENUINE HOM(EOPATHIC COCOA. Dentrifices, Jujubes, Pomade, and other articles pre- pared specially for Homoeopathic patients. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S VEGETABLE PILLS i\ have cured thousands whose complaints were considered beyond hope. While the most efficacious and speedy, they are, at the same time, the safest remedy that can be employed; none need fear to take them, and yet all may hope for relief and cure from their use. The number of TESTI- MONIALS from all classes of society, which have been published, prove that their curative qualities are the most remarkable of any medicine of the present day and the fact that they have been con stantly increasing in sale for more than twent years, shows that they stand the test of time an experience, and that, wherever they are knon their value is appreciated. They are especially suited to persons suffering from Ague. Asthma Bilious Attacks Chest Affections Dropsy Diarrhaea Eruptions Fever Flatulency General Debility I Stomach Com- plaints Scrofula I Sore Legs Ulcers Liver Diseases Piles Rheumatism Gout Gravel Headache I Indigestion Inttuenz? I Woritis, &c. At. A few CASES OF CURE are men below, in aauio to which hundreds of others will be found in the pam phlet which accompanies each box. DAVID DAVIES, of the Victoria Iron Works, Mon mouthshire, was confined to his bed for eleven week I consequent upon a severe attack of intlalllmation 01 th lungs; by taking Kaye's Pills, he was completely cured I David Davies, of the'same works, father of the above alter suffering from violent pain in his left side, wa perfectly cured by the use of these pills. Mr. MCWHA, 16, Hanley-street, Liverpool, alter having suffered from jaundice and an affection 01 the liver, was severley attacked by dropsy; his medical ad- viser pronounced his case hopeless; but a friend in- ducing him to try Kaye's Worsdell's PUls, anct after tak- ing two boxes, he was perfectly restored to health. Mrs. G. HILL, Trumpet-gate, Herefordshire, had a severe complaint in the chest for two years, and tried every means that could be thought of, but without suc- cess, till she heard of Kaye's Pills. She took a few boxes and was thoroughly cured. Mr. PuiroKD, oi Kirbo Cane, Norfolk, was afflicted for ten years with great weakness and pain, in couse- quence of indigestion. By taking the Vegetable Restor- ative PillSi the distressing pains were removed, and his general health wondei/ullv improved. iMr. J. K. UPTON, of lianbury. declared that he foun as life a burden to him, in consequence of dizxines honstant neadache, great weakness, and nervous debi cty; but, by taking Kaye's, Pills, he was completely re itored to health. g RICHAED VOIDING, of Stroud, had a cancer cut from his tongue, and alter being ill for about two years, wa expected nothing but death. He took one box of thseii pills, and completely cured him. lie said, they are worth a guinea a box. i; MUSIC-HALL, WREXHAM. On MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1856, GEAND o SACRED CONCERIP, Will be given in the MUSIC-HALL, by the PEK-Y-CAE CHOIR, CONSISTING OF FORTY SINGERS, CONDUCTED BY MR. OWEN JONES, TO COMMENCE AT SEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING. PICKETS of ADMISSION:—Front seats, One shilling Second seats, Sixpence. To be had at R Hughes jr Son's, and Mr Bayley, Booksellers, Hope-st., Wrexham; and X)- Sainuel Williams, snop- keeper, Brymbo. PROGRAMM E:— An Ode "SpiritLeave.Fawcett. and Chorus.Who will give me the Anthem. "Blessed be the Lord"Fawcett. wings of the Dove Fawcett. Anthem Celebration Fawcett. Missionary Herald. T. Jarmon. Chorus. "From all that dwell" Dr. Arnold. An Ode Ascension Fawcett. An Ode. Fawcett. Missionary Piece. Fawcett. Chorus. Praise the Lord Mr. O. Jones. Chorus Fear not 0 land » G. Liege. Chorus. Beaufort New Nichols. Glee "An old Welsh Air arranged by Mr. O. Jones. A new favourite Anthem, Duet, Recit., t' li J r: The proceeds arising from the Sale of Tickets will be devoted to the augmentation of the funding erecting a new Baptist Chapel, in Rhosllanerchrugog. .4 I ASTOUNDING SAC.RIFICE! GREAT REDUCTION IN DRAPERY GOODS NOW SELLING OFF, AT A. D. JONES'S, CHURCH-ST, WREXHAM, THE WHOLE OF THE SUMMER STOCK: COMPRISING MANTLES, SILKS, SHAWLS AND DRESSES, MILLINERY & STRAW BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, &c. N.B.-All Goods marked in plaiu figures. The lowest Ready.Money Price, and no abatement can be made. F. ERASE R, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, SILVERSMITH, JEWELLER, &c. (LATE TOWN HILL.) < ? HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM, BEGS respectfully to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, 1ANCY GOODS, and SPECTACLES, to suit all sights, Thermometers, Weather Glasses, &c. &c. GlaGsOseLs, D CHAINS, & FANCY JEWELLERY, in great Variety.-WEDDING & MOURNING RINGS. JOHN CLARK, WOOLLEN DRAPER, ARMY TAILOR, & LONDON HATTER WREXHAM. SERVANT'S LIVRIES MADE WITH DESPATCH & ECONOMY, WATERPROOF TWEEDS FOR LADIES' MANTLES, WATERPROOF GARMENTS, & FISHING BOOTS, & WATER- PROOF ARTICLES, IN ALL FORMS, WATERPROOF NURSING APRONS, CRIB SHEETS, &c. &c. &c. CARRIAGE LININGS, AND TRIMMINGS, CARRIAGE RUGS, & RAILWAY WRAPPERS, GIG APRONS &c. PATENT ROOFING FELT, 8d, per YARD 32 INCHES WIDE. PATENT BOILER AND INODOROUS FELT. N .B.-Agent to First Class Offices for Fire and Life Assurance by Indisputable Policies, FARMERS AND OTHERS, Will do well to protect their present abundant Crops and Stock against the ravages by Fire at the CONTINUED low rate of SS- PER CENT. JOHN BEIRNE, CANDLE MANUFACTURER, TOWN-HILL, WREXHAM. TOWN-HILL FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT. C. AND M. A. ROCKE, BEG- to call the attention of parties about to furnish, and others, to their varied and useful Stock .D of Household FURNITURE, comprising—Tables, Chairs, Sofaq, Couches, Pier and Swing Glasses, Chest-of-drawers, Book-cases, Chiffoneers, Cupboards, Beds, Bedsteads, Wash-stands, Dres- sing-tables, &c., &c., all of which, in great variety, and every other article required, they are pre- pared to offer at the lowest possible rate compatible with quality, and hope, by continued exertions and a sincere wish to give satisfaction to all who may favour them with a trial, still to merit a con- tinuance of public patronage and support. ELLIS AND SONS, ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, MACHINISTS, IllON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, r AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS, BEG to acquaint the public that they have commenced business as ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, I)) and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS, in new aud spacious premises erec- ted for the purpose, in LEG STREET, OSWESTRY. S. and T. ELLIS having had some years experience in the manufacture of portable and fixed Engines, Thrashing Machines, &c., at the works of Messrs. Clayton, Shuttleworth, and Co., Lincoln, and having engaged talented and experienced workmen from some of the best manufactories in the kingdom, also having purchased new and extensive machinery, believe they shall be able to execute any orders that may be entrusted to them with promptitude aud despatch, and in a workmanlike manner equal to any house in the trade. New and improved Patent HORSE RAKES, upon an entirely new principle, made to order. J. Ellis and Sons beg to assure their friends and the public that no exertion shall be wanting on their parts to merit their support. Portable aud fixed Engines, Thrashing Machines, &c., of a new and improved construction, made to order, and at prices to suit the times. HAKP & PIANO FORTE WAREHOUSE ABBEY STREET, CHESTER, BOUCHER""AND CO.. HAVE always on hand an extensive Selection of New and Second-hand INSTRUMENTS of n the best character, or SALE and HIRE, on the most moderate ternis. Additional Stocks kept by their various Agents in Wales. TUNING AND REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. BANGOR SLATES. I JONES AND CO. SLATE MERCHANTS, "W ET E 2SI131 A ZMI BEG Respectfully to inform the inhabitants of the town, and the surrounding distriot, that they are making preparations to REMOVE their stock of Slates, &c from the prem- ises now occupied by them near the Temperance Hotel, to the Yard adjoining the New Wesleyan Chapel, Hope-street, where they will carry the business on as heretofore, on the most liberal and advantageous terms. Prior to their removal, MESSRS JONES & Co. are anxious to dispose of their OLD STOCK, which will be offered for sale during the next two weeks at CONSIDERABLY REDUCED PRICES. Wrexham, Sept. 12tb, 1856. EDUCATION. A GENTLEMAN residing at Gresford, mauy years L Principal of a respectable establishment near Liverpool, wishes to take under his charge two young Gentlemen, English or Foreign, to educate with a I Brazilian Youth. They will be carefully instructed in the Classics, and in the usual branches of edu- cation. Terms and references may be known on application to H. A., Post Office, Gresford, near Wrexham. Gresford, September 19,1856. DANCING ROOMS, BANK-ST.> WREXHAM. W. T. STEPHENSON & SONS, BEG most respectfully to inform the public that -LF the ensuing Quarter commences on MONDAY, SEPT. 22nd instant. Card of Terms may be had at their Residence. Chester-st., Wrexham, Sept. 18th, 1366. DAVID JOIvES, TAILOR, CLOTHIER, AND GROCER, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public i that he has commenced business in CIIUKCH- ST., Wrexham. Ready-made Clothes at all prices. Two Journeymen Tailors wanted. JOHN ROBERTS, SEEDSMAN, FRUITERER, AND LICEN- SED DEALER IN GAME, ROPE-STREET, WREXHAM, TAKES this opportunity of returning thanks to T his friends and the Inhabitants of Wrexham and the neighbourhood generally, and begs res- pectfully to inform them that he has given up the Shop formerly held by him in the Market- Hall, and that the whole of his business is now con- ducted at his Shop in Hope-street, as being mole convenient to himself and the public at large. N.B. All kinds of POULTRY constantly on hand. Wrexham, Sept. 19th, 1856. JOHN ALLEN, PONSONBY ARMS, LLANGOLLEN. PICNIC PARTIES ACCOMMODATED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. The Grounds adjoin the River Dee, and include a spacious Bowling-Green, Tea Gardens, &c. Visitors to Llangollen can be accommodated with private Board and Lodging. Excursion parties supplied" ith Dinner, Tea, &c., by contract. A LOCK-UP STABLE AND COACH HOUSE. GOMER JONES, BIRD & ANIMAL PRESERVER, (Next door to the White Horse Inn,) HOLT STREET, WREXHAM, BEGS to acquaint the nobility, gentry, and in. JD habitants of Wrexham and its vicinity generally, that he has commenced practising the art of stuffing birds and animals. He flatters him- self that he shall be enabled to give them every satisfaction, as he has bestowed upon it much long and arduous study, and has also received lessons from one of the first artist's of the day. G. J. will guarantee that each bird or animal when stuffed shall form a perfect life-like form. CELEBRATED SHROPSHIRE MEDICINE. The best Purifier of the Blood discovered THE ORIGINAL PLOUGHMAN'S DROPS 'Ihese invaluable Drops have for nearly Half a Century proved themselves the ONLY effectual cure for biliousness, affections of the liver and kidney's dropsy, cancer, fistula, ulcers, scrofula, king's evil, scurvy, scorbutic affections erysipelas, and all erup tions of the skin a safe remedy for all female com- plaints, rheumatism, pains in the back, St Anthony's fire, fits, and all other diseases arising from au impure state of the blood. Sold in bottles at 2s 9d, and 4s 6d each. AGENTS.—JONES, Chemist, Wrexham; KOBEKTS Advertiser Office, Oswestry; IIOLL, Chemist, New- town j JONES, Chemist, Whitchurch KING, Che- mist, Market, Drayton LET IS Umm TOGETHER. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. WHY ARE WE SICK? It has been the lot of the htimau race to be weighed down by disease and suffering- HOLLO WAY'S II PILLS are especially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of ad cliines, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor Holloway personally superintends the man- ufacture of his medicines, and oifers them to a free and enlightened people, as the best remedy the world ever saw for the removal of disease. I These Pills Purify the Blood. I These famous Pills arc expressly combined to operate I on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the skin, and the bowels, correcting any derangement in their functions, purifying the blood, the very foun- 11 tain of life, and thus curing disease in all its forms. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints. Nearly half the human race have taken these Pills. It has been proved in all parts of the world, that nothing has been found equal to them in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and stomach com- plaints generally. They soon give a healthy tone to those organs, however much deranged, and when all other means have failed. General Debility.-M Health. Many of the most despotic Governments have opened their l Custom Houses to the introduction or these Pills that the may become the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for persons of delicate health, or where the system has Leen impaired, as its invigorat iug properties never fail to afford relief. Female Complaints. No Female, young or old, should be without this celebrated medicine. It corrects and regulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many cases like a charm. It is also the best and safest medicine that can be given to children of all ages, and for any complaint; consequently no family should be without it Sick Head-Ache, Vomiting and General Debility.—Extraordinary Cure! The daughter of JAMES HILLAGE, of Vron- haulog Llanlihangel, six miles from Llaufyllin, Car. marthenshire was afflicted for a long time with gener. al debility, suffering from sick head-aeho, langour, vomiting, sinking, at the pit of the stomach, and the thousand and one other evils of a general deranged system. She was under medical treatment for a long time, but unfortunately was not benefitted thereby— and every other remedy failed. The father then put her through a course of Holloway's Pills and after persevering for a short time according to the direc- tions, the bloom of health again appeared upon her countenance, and she was completely cured, to the as- tonishment of all who knew her. These celebrated Pills are wonderfuly efficacious in the following complaints Ague Dropsy Inflammation Sore Throats Asthma Dysenrry Jaundice Stouc and Gravel Biloua Complaints Krysepelas Liver Com- Secondary Symptoms Blotches on the Female Irregu- plaints Tie Douloureux skin lanties Lumbago Tumours Bowel Complaints Fevers of all Piles Ulcers Colics kinda Rheumatism Venereal Affections Cotiatiliationofthe Fits Reteiitioit of Worms of all kinds Bowels Gout Urine Weakness, from Consumption Head-ache Scrofula,or Whatever cause Debility ludiicestion King's J £ vil &c.» &C. Sold at the Establishments of PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London, and 80 Maiden Lane New York, also by all respectable Druggists and B. alers in Mediomes throughout the civilized world, at the following prices :-Is licl, 28 9d Is 6d,lis, 22s, and 33s Pot. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger SIZes, N.B.-Directions for guidance of patients in every diserder e affixed to each Pot. BRITISH SCHOOL, BROOK-STREET. BOYS7 X>ET\AJR,TJVa:EIsrT. THIS School will b8 RE-OPENED, on Monday I I the 22nd inst. During the vacation it has been entirely RE-FITTED according to the requirements of the Committee of Council on Education, and in a manner at once conducive to the comfort of the Pu, pils, and the increased efficiency of their instruction. By the new arrangements the classes will in a great measure be separated, so that their instruction may be carried on under their respective teachers with comparative quietness and seclusion. In addition to Drawing taught by Mr. E. Davidson Head Master of the School of Art Chester, a Com- I petent person has been engaged to give the higher I classes instruction in those physical exercises, which contribute so Truch both to bodily health and moral discipline. Altogether the Education given in the British School from its non-sectarian and efficient character is such that the Committee trust its advan- tages will duly appreciated by the public. BOROUGH OF RUTHIN. NOTICE is Hereby Given, that a MEETING of the Council Inspectors, for Lighting the Town and Borough of Ruthin, in the County of Denbigh, will be holden at their Council Chamber, Town Hall, Ruthin, on Wednesday, the 8th day of October, 1856, at Eleven of the clock in the forenoon, to Contiactfor the lighting of the said Town and Borough, for Six Months to com- mence and determine as may be agreed upon. Dated 14th Sept. 1856. W. COLE, Town Clerk. lIilaen ht Jbik TO BE SOLD. ALL that valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY situate at RHOS DDU, Wrexham, consisting of a New and well-built HOUSE, containing two Front Parlours, Kitchen, Dairy, Cellar, Wash-honse, and Five Bed-rooms, with suitable outbuildings, and about 3000 square yards of superior Garden LAND, every way suitable for building- purposes, with au ex- cellent Pump of water on the premises The above is situated in the most healthy part of the neighbourhood of Wrexham, within ten minutes walk of Wrexham Church, or the Railway Station. The whole to be sold iu one or more Lots, ou applica- tion to Mr. Bott, on the premises or at the Railway Station. SLATE QUARRY. TO BE SOLD, in one lot, or disposed of in JL Shares, an extensive and excellent SLATE QUARRY, comprising 210 acres, with a lease for 21 years, lying between Conway and Bangor, eligibly situated for both railway and river transit being only five miles from the Conway Railway Station, and four from the water. For further particulars apply to Mr Jones, Slate Merchant, Wrexham. A specimen of the Slates can be seen in his yard. FOR SALE, very excellent SHOP-FIXTrRES, JL Gas-Fittings, and a Counter, lately belong- ing to a large shop, all comglete. Apply to Mr. Knibbs, High-street, Wrexham. TO BE SOLD by Private Treaty, a delight- -L fully situated and recently built HOUSE, at Cross-Lanes, near Bangor, containing Par- lour, Breakfast-room, Kitchen, and four good Bed-rooms. There are good Out-buildings at. tached, with two Gardens, and about 7 acres of Land. Also, a small COTTAGE, containing front and back kitchens, and two bed-rooms. There is also a Garden attached. For particulars and to treat for the same ap- ply to Mr Salter, Solicitor, Eilesinere, or Mr Bayley, Bookseller, Wrexham. TO BE SOLD by Private Treaty, All that very JL excellent and commodious CHAPEL, capable of accommodating 400 persons, situate in Brook- street, Wrexham, and at present occupied by the Wesleyan Reformers." For particulars, and to treat for the same, apply j to Mr. Bayley, Bookseller Wrexham. ¡ AGRICULTURAL SALT, At Knibbs's Salt Warehouse, Wrexham.  KNIBBS begs to inform the Farmers and E Agriculturists of Denbighshire that he has always in Stock a large quantity of SALT, suit- able for Agricultural Purposes, which he is pre- pared to sell at very reasonable prices. For par- ticulars and to purchase, apply to E. KNIBBSj High-street, Wrexham. Also, the best Winsford Cheese Salt, and a large Stock of fine Salts, for household purposes. March (ith, 18o0.  t nuÍPG. WREXHAM INFIRMARY AND DIS- PENSARY. HOUSEKEEPER and NURSE WANTED iui-, tt mediately for the above Institution, Appli- cation for particulars to be made to the House Sur- geon. Wrexham Infirmary, 15th Sept., 1856. WANTED by a family residing in Birkenhead, t a steady, active Young Woman as general Servant. She must wash and iron WELL, and bo able to cook plainly. At least six months' good character will be required. Apply to Mr. Bayley, bookseller, Wrexham. \\J ANTED, a PUPIL in an Architect and Sur- "f voyt)r"s OtHce. Apply to Mr BELOE, Llangollen, North Wales. W ANTED E700 as MORTGAGE on eligible ham. Freehold Property, in the Town of Wrex- Apply at the Advertiser Office, Wreùam. I WANTED a steady man as MILLECR To TV one who thoroughly understands his business liberal wages will be given. Apply to Mr. Bayley, Bookseller, Wrexham. rnWO Gentlemen can be accommodated with ft. Lodgiugs, or Board and Lodgings, iu a pleasaut situation, with a quiet respectable family, where there are no other lodgers. Apply at the office of the Wrexham Advertiser." [ADVE UXISEMENT.] TO THE WELSH CALVINISTS THROUGH, NORTH AND SOUTH WALES. WHAT is the cause that disciplin is not at- Tt tended to mote parnculady at the Wel?h Chapel, in Abbot-street, Wrexham ? 1 called upun Mr Edward Francis, deacon, Worn Farm, on the 25th of July last, and offered to show him a late transaction of one of the members of the above- named chapel (and the whole is in writing), and he declined to interfere. Also, I sent a note to the same effect to the Reverend John Jones, draper, Church-street, Wrexham, on the 29 th of July last and he never came to see the documents and 1 sent a note to Mr Evan Powell's shop, Ironni,-)li-, er, Town-hill, Wrexham (deacon), August the 1st, to the same effect, and he never called to see aie nor the documents. And now I call upon the Connex ion through Wales to come and seethe whole tran- saction. and to follow the example of the gospel. And I have no prej udice in my mind in putting this before the public. MANUEL JONES, Cheesefartor, Queen-street, Wrexham, Denbigh shir Queen-street, "reA: a gust 29th, 18J6. ki Irf. f A FIRST-CLASS BREWERY TO LET, 10 13JO LET, with immediate possession, a First JL Class BtfEWERir, situate in Pentrefelhi, Wrex- ham. There are three large pans, together with Mashtubs, coolers, and everything complete for carry- ing on an extensive business. There is also a spa- cious cellnr, pump a with excellent water, and a ruaH. kiln, on the preLLises, and every other conveaitnce at hand. There is also a quantity of good baneifc, which, if required can be taken at a valuation. Persons desirous of commencing in the Brewing Trade will find this au opportunity such as does not ofteu present itself. For further particulars and for terma apply to Mrs. Rowland, Pentrefelin Brewery, Wrexham. TO BE LET, and entered upon immediately, at a JL moderate rent, an excellent MALT HOUSE, situate in Church Street, in substantial repair, and capable of Wetting and Drying 100 Bushels every 4 days. For particulars apply to Mr. Lowe, Church Street, Ellesmere. TO BE LET, with immediate possession au excel- JL lent aud commodious VILLA RESIDENCE, silunte in the vicinity of Wrexham, coataining Din- ing and Drawing room, 2 Kitchens, and 4 Bedrooms, Water Closet, &c. Rent moderate. Apply to Mr. Gummow, building surveyor, Wrex- ham. TO BE LET, with immediate possession, a Cot- J- tage in Pen-y-bryn, containing Parlour, Three Bedrooms, Two Kitchens, Cellar, Small Kitchen, Garden and Pump. Rent no pcr annum. Apply to Mr. Owen, Town Hill. ON HIRE PERAMBULATORS and a BATH CHAIR, on JL moderate terms, at MR. N. SCOTCHER'S, JEWELLER cî SILVERSMITH, HOPE-STREET, VVREXHAN. Bath Chair, per hour, 6d; per day, Is 6d per week, 6s. Perambulators, per day, 6djfper week, 2 shillings, TO BE LET. ONE Mile from Wrexham, a COMFORT- ABLE COTTAGE, containing a Parlour. Kitchen, Washhouse, and three Bedrooms, with a large Garden. Apply to Mr. Swan, Rhosnesney. TO BE LET, A HOUSE, in Charles-sti,eet,:WreiLam, consisting of a parlour, kitchen, back kitchen, sitting- room, and four bedrooms, together with a large cellar. llent moderate. Immediate possession may be taken of it. Apply to Mr. Daniel Humphreys, Charles. street, Wrexham. TO BE LET OR SOLD, HOPE VILLA (late the residence of Sir T. J-L Erskine, Bart.,) delightfully situated near the Railway Station, Wrexham. Apply to Mr. Griffith, Auctioneer, Wrexham. ■ GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. BIRMINGHAM MICHAELMAS FAIR! ON THURSDAY, September 25th, 1856 a U CHEAP FAST EXCURSION TRAIN will leave Wrexham at 7 45 a.m., for BIRMINGHAM, returning from Birmingham at 6 30 p.m. the samo Evening. Fares there and back-First Clasp, 8s., Covered Carriages, 5s. Children under Twelve Years of age, Half-price. TICKETS may be procured on and after the 23rd inst. The Tickets aro not transferable, and are only available by the Excursion Train. Pas- sengars using them by any other Train will be charged the full fare. PORTRAITS FOR THE MILLION!! MR. HICKS Will OPEN his PROVINCIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, (for a shuit time only), On TUESDAY NEXT, AT TEN A.M. AT MR. JOlIX EDWARDS'S, BAKER, &c. Hope-street, Wrexham. Portrait and Frame, from One Shilling and Six- pence. This is considered to be the cheapest and best Photographic Establishment in the Provinces. Views taken, Oil Paintings, Engravings, and Family Pictures copied. C45- Portraits taken for Lockets, Rings, Brooches, &c. N .B.-Families attended at their own residencies at a small additional fee. September 20th, 1856. THE WREXHAM SELF-SUPPORTING HOMffiOPATHIi; DISPENSARY, (HELD AT MRS. BAYLEI'S, CONFECTIONER,) Hope-street, Opposite tlte Post-Office. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING FROM 9 to 10 PHYSICIAN I HENRY THOMAS, M.D. i THE object of this Dispensary is to afford medi- i cal advice for the exclusive benefit of the I poorer .classes; those who can afford to fee a medi- cal man, cannot he received as Dispensary pationtli. FEE—One Shilling each consultation. Subscribers of one guinea per annum will be en- titled to recommend six poor patients. Attendance for private coiisultation-from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m the same day. LOSS OF TEETII RESTORED WITHOUT PAIN. ~|rESSRS. GABRIEL, tho Old Established F-' Sur?on Demists, 1 P2, Duke Street. Liver- pool. I .Me.H. GABRIEL'S mode of constructing Artificial Teeth embra- ce* all the latest tin;>rov<-iueut6 lit the art Partial auii complete aeti Springs or clasps, and guaranteed to serve the purpose of iimaficatio» ttre made* firmly to retain tLeir pnsitiou ill the mouth without aid of and to restore perfcet articulation* and are not to be detected by tbe closest observer. FILLING 1>KCAYED TEETH. MfasrsG feel that the cannot too strouiciv recouimond this operation, at the advantages derived tioui it wheu skolilully performed, with a suitable composition, are invaluable. titrrt*,ts file pro.,re,,ts of decity-;Iivt. file SOUU-L teeth ailjoinma the r,c Ft,(", oiit,s frow lkccoin.ng nllecred- prC -%eLItS tooth-aclie-ieuder.,t the teeth t;eriiceabit for .nd reiao>en the unpleasant odour oi the bieatb, dyiyilug troUl the slltlacl 01 drcayed teelll, ChlrKe I ??- sC?OFCnAKGES. A siDileTooili from •• '• *• J A full set •• •• •; ;• 2 S 0 l u uvpcr or lowr,r wT 2 2 0 ?" ???M?r? T?ctt. never change eotour or decay.) ?.fnie lor < uii>uHatiou. Scaling the teeth, ana MitSU ?°f ? ?.?[e.'M. Gabriel, the o ciitablisbed Sufxeon Dentmt, rr ?f?eet. Lherp.?L At«.u?uce daily from 10 till 7* LOD ?' ?{' "?i?m?t. 7?. t?ch?cb Street. City. M Luxate Hill. THE WHITE GUf TA. PERCHA ENAMEL, „ .tnnnmz Penyed Teeth it1;out Fain. Prepared by Memrs. r MlHllii'. ttie ohf.Mtabl.?fd DeDt..ts, Hi Dute street, Lt?tpCO). ? TS ??Lrcb Street. Loodcu. Price, <ith ftlH Direenom for u?e s ,iiiiz aud Sixpence, or win be wnt on receipt of 20 btampm. Thit Vaiuabte Fliliug is placed in the Cavity in a solt state, Eo that in cannot nive the least pain and may be used by any persou with the latest ease. and has the remarkable property of bacoming hard aiid sound as the tooth itself, excluding the air and food from the nerve, and arresting all further prosreksof decay. It is superior to every- thing that has been lized before, and 18 sure to succeed when all otlicr remedies have failed. Prepared and sola uhoifiale and Retail by the Inventors and Fro- prietors, Mest-is. Gaijrtcl. burgcou Dentists, 112 Duke street. A Box fit the above will be sent nu receidt of ft) postage stampw tn 112 I)uke-street. :Liyerpool 76, Egn&huisb'iuct, IC,&ty, ilva"u and 33, Lud*Me-kiU>