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POETRY.1 POETRY. .......-,-I



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LOOAI. NEWS. -.r. WREXMAM PETTY SESSIONS. Monday Jan. 21st, 1856. Before H. W. Meredith, Esq., Chairman and T. Griffith, E.q. Captain M'Coy, on behalt ot the Denbigh Mditia, 1 h h appeared in courc to show cause why he retted to pay rates for the Orderly Room, in the Church.yarJ. and also for the house occupied by bamucl Bennett, ia Mount-street. Mr. R. Clarke, the Assiatant Uvers.ur, stated that the rate in the nrst instance, amounted to 6s 6d and in the second to l-5a. 6d.—Captain M'Cc.y said that he objected to the payments on two grounds, because he was not the occupier, and, also, because he had received a letter from the War Department order- in" him not to pay it. It was then agreed that the cases should be heard separately. By a reference to the Act of Parliament, it was found, that any house or room occupied by the Militia for the purpose of keep- in stores of any kind, and all appurtenant buildings adjoining the same, were exempt from the payment of rates. In answer to a question from the Bench, Capt. M'Coy stated that in the room alluded to, he kept a quantity of books and papers for safety, and that part of the house was used by the shoemaker to make shoes for the corps, which latter he maintained was in con- sequence, an "appurtenance" in the meaning of the Act. -Mr. Clarke wished to know whether the room over the Market Hall was not the general store-room be. longing to the corps. Captain M'Coy said it was, but that the one in question was an additional one for pa. pers &c. After some further conversation, the Bunch decided that rates were not to be charged ou the house in the Church-yard.—The house in Mount-street asses- sed at .ElO 10-) but Captain M'Coy denied beiug the tenant of the same.—Mr. Clarke stated that, previous to making his rate-book up, he had called on Mr. An. kers, who was the landlord, and on asking, him he said that Captain M'Coy was the tenant of it. This was denied on the part of the defendant, who said that Dr. Churchill now was the tenant. As neither Mr. Ankers nor Mr. Churchill was present, the case was adjourned to Monday next, for them to give their evidence. STREET OBSTRUCTIONS. Evan Jones, was brought up charged with being drunk. P.O. R. Morris deposed, that on Saturday night last, about 11 o'clock he found the defendant lying down in the street, incapable of takinare of himself, being drunk. He at once proceeded to take him to the lock-up, and he was so tipsy, that they had to carry him the whole distance. Jones in his de- fence said, that he hid take a little spirits, and not being used to them, they had "moideredhim." In an- swer to the Bench, he stated further that he had been working at Whitenouse Gate, near Chirk, and was on his way home to Caergwrle, where he lived.—Mr. Morris, the Relieving Uineer, observed to the Bench,' that his wife was very badly oS, and that the defend ant bad latlely threatened to kill her with a The Chairman said that the defendant was char' with being drunk, and they should dismiss the c VAGRANCY. Mary Hughes was brought up charged Rainbow Inn. No ouc was with her at the time — Mr. King stated that the defendant was brought up aome six weeks before on a similar charge, ana that she had been ordered to leave the town. She ha 1 been escorted to Adwy'r Llawddby a policeman, on her wav to Denbigh and Rutlun, but she was back in the town almost as soon as them. A bottle had been found in her possession with poison" marked on it, which battle he believed belonged to Mr. DavL.a, the druc,o-ist.- The Bench sentenced her to Rut Iiin for one mouth and observed that further cnquu-iea should bo instituted in re_t,Ird to the bottle. THE GHESFORD MAR[HAGB C!HT1 -J" Mr. Win. Mercer, who was out on bail, appeared to answer to the charge preferred against him at the previous petty sessions (held in the private room). Mr. Bretherton, of Liverpool, appeared for the de- fendant, and Mr. Edgworth acted for the prosecutor' Mr. Davis, his father-in-law. The charge was for knowingly and wittingly steLinCr) the age of his wife to be above 21 years when she was only 19, wnich constituted, under the act a misdemeanor. Mr. Lewis, the magistrates' clerk, proposed to read over the depositions of the last hearing, but Mr. Bre- therton waived it as unnecessary. The nrst witness examined was the Rev G. Cun lilfc, who thus deposed: I am vicar of Wrexham and a surrogate of the diocese of St. Asuph (Mr Eds worth here intimated that Mr. Daviea did not mean to prosecute, and he wished to know who the prosecutor was r-The clerk said that the present prosecutor was the surrogate—Mr. Cunhtfe.) Mr. L'unhnb continued An application was made to me bv Mr. M-- -ccr for a manage liccns. on the 2och of D.c. at my l'ct'i,lence at Wrexitaiii. This was about half-past 11 o'clock' He applied to me for the license to be marred it Gr-s- ford. 1 asked him was it fur that morning, and he said it was. To my question how he came so lat he told me that lie had been directed by the clerk of Grcs- ford Church to apply to Mr. Cunlitie, as the n('art surrogate. My mistake he had gone to Sir Robert Cunline, of Acton, and it was some time before he could sea him. I then put the usual questions to hmi as to residence and age, viz., in what place he rest led and how long he had resided there, and whether he couki make oath that he had resided in the parish of Grestord during the past fifteen days. I also a,k,d him in what parish the young woman raided. at:d whether she was of full age. He told me she lived in Gresford and was 22 years of age I then put the testament into his hand and swore him to this cncct You Wm. Mercer do make oath that you are a sin"Io man thatyou be ongto the parish ofGresford, in thta county of Denbigh that you are of age-21 and u'i. wards, that you wish to be married in the parish of Grestord, to Mary Davies. You make oath that Mary Davies is a spinster; that she belongs to the pansh of Gresford in tae county of Denbigh; that she is ot aeo -21 and upwards. You further make oath that you believe there is no impediment of kindred, alliance, or of such other lawful cause, nor any suit commenced -ir any L-L-, i t o-,ziliiience(i in any ecclesiastical court to bar, or hinder the pro.. I ceediligs of the rite of matrimony according to Bueh license. And yuu further make oath that you, lVm. Mercer, have made your place of abode within thes-lid pansh of Grestord, tor the space of 1.5 days last past, so help your God. He then kissed the book and sub- scribed his name to this paper, which I also sub. scribed. Mr. Cuulift then proceeded to state fiat suspicion was excited by the Archdeacon of Gresford as to the age of the young woman, and that he ap- plied, for the certificate of birth-here he was inter. ruptedby Mr. Bretherton, who ob-j' ected to this s te. ment being received by the court. The Bench agree- in, wih hi u, be then cross-examined Mr. Cunniic, who c.aid I grant licenses all the day. He w?as ?in S mv h,)uso about 20 min.tes. I was ra?- hur c?c because there was so little time to spare Ho ? standing close by my side. I wrote d?vnt? ?Xr ticulars as he gave them to me. I asked bm e .go of the young lady. JJe did not 1s?ay ? she W?h1 me she ia?. On my oath he did not. I have a -it- feet recollection of this, although I was In 1"?' ? did not remind him it was necessary for h. guardians to be present, if she was age. It was not necessary for me t) do often come on such occasions, but uj- haps in 12 cases out of 20 it is so —Hv i' ho had answered that she was under 21 yea,. "C" cu?d not have grauted the License. I uM nn ..v' that point to him, as I did notth?.n?h- ? ¡IeeCSS:lI',Y.-O\ Mr. Bretherton: Thi. doc?nnS?? y,?——? I qaestionedhim, and also the da? Mr, W. Davies the father-ir-Iiw nf ? <- was next called who deposed a: ? t? am father of the yt)un,- lady, wife of Willitin ?1?? of the young lady, wife of William Mercer, ?hew? born on the?thof August, 1836, in Buttou?r? ?i?wn?r?????? in t. 1eter's Chureh: i that town, Lut I cnnut recollect. exactly when. I S-t???? the marrIage unti. after it S??????????? had taken plaec. By .Mr. Brethertun: I have had s children, ti ve of w horn are now li Villg, Mrs. Mercer by:¡ght. I mIght have had some conversation with bC'm the eIJe, I do not know Ir. 'lerccr, cx('cpt him slJme time ago, but don't remembcr. I never con- VCrSk?d With him of m. m?y ? da?T. ? ? ?" ???"?S I t" 0 either, nor any 0 my family. hc '? not living withmewhen' the m?rr? ???t,? ??"? ?' ? 1". relatioa ot mother's ? ?'?' ?? there for the last 12 inont for?a?n'?1? ?" ??" ? ? ? ???? 0? G?- 1 S? t?m t r? T '?" ? ?"? "P??? ?'? ??- tXhe ed? was \?? days before last Christmas-Day t'na I married Lllr. Mcrccr,-cannot say 1 recollect the day exac? tly but it was that on which the license Was grantcù. I have not got the license-but I can produce it (ihe clerk-That you should do) 10 gave it to the Archdeacon, and can obtain it of him in two hours uinc—Mr. Bi-etherton, No N.) I object to this proceeding. You can, if you like, prefer a Bill ol Indictment at the Quarter Ses6ioiis, but I object to this. Tucrc hilS becn ??" ??'s ?r the father and the .?urr\oga?te T to prepare this ch?c, and to port?t the case. I wi:õh j Lltiee-the poundof ilesh -aud ¡,ù\,i.l! ,g more. At the iastigation of the Magistrates' Ck.rk, Mr CuLnlifre asked I-oi: an adjournment of the case, m order to procure the license. Mr? Urctberton appoaed the application very w?rm. IV. The ?? ?? ??'? ? ? a very unusual thin. m? dc. e? d, ? for, although it was only a preliminary tri?l, yet, it was ouc, aud if they failed t,) prove their c-s(j