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FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Telegraphic Despatches. I THE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. PARIS JAN 20-The Patrie of last evening says that I the signature of an armistice at Vicuna is censored im- minent. ihere nas a report at the Bourse that dispatches had been sent yesterday to Marshal Pdissier, orders .J ? ?' E ?'"??- ?? "?? ? ??'? ?cti?d: It 15 beheve ? '"?' ? opeuiusof the Confereu? ces, the ? Wes? tern Powers wi)I demand from Prussia that she shall adopt the propositions accepted by Russia, and guarantee for her co-operation in case peace shouU not result from the Conferences. The most strenuous efforts will be made hy Prussia to obtain a participatio.) in the renewed Conferences. Count HenkeudurQ' wii! bring the coundential communication from the Czar, consequent on the altered position of an'airs." "HAMBURGH, JAN, 20.—Advices from Berlin reprc- sect that Russia aceecdt-d to the Esterhazy propositions in consequence of the earnest representations of Prussia, who, eeeiug the freedom of her ports menaced with block- ade, threatened to close the laud frontier and shut up Russia. The Jownal de &- Pefcrsbourg on the 2st inst., has the foUowmg:— Iq consequence of the general desire of Europe the Russian Governmeut has not wished to delay the work of conciiiation by entering into negotiations of detail, trusting thet her moderation Miil he duly a"p- preciated. According to letters fro n Berlin, Dresden is to be the city where peace hegofiations are to be carried on. Other accounts state, that though nothing has been decided upon in this respect, London or Paris is the more likely spot where the discussions will takep!ace. Prussia is striving hard to he a!Jovcd a representative at the forth- coming Conferences. Advices from St. Petersburg afurm that the Amtrian protoco), omciallv signed by Count de Neasdrode, accent- ing the propositions therein cont.nncd, n-as dtspatched from that capital tj Vienna on the ISth iust. These ad- vices distinctly declare that Russia had onh- agreed te the terms offered with the view of their being discussed at the Conferences The latest accounts from the Prussian capita! commu- nicate the belief geno-aHy entertained that a pre'tminarv treaty of peace will soon he signed, and that au armistice will immediately fciiow. I Baron Seebach and the Czar. i A Fans letter in the -Belle contains the I following Although the result. JM. Scebach had iu view in his visit to St. Petersburg is now in a ood way of being rcaHzed, some debits respecting this dipjornatist's interview with the Empe'or Alexander will not perhaps be uninteresting. M. Secbach was estre'ne!y intimate with the Emperor Nicholas and the Emperor A'cxander witnessed when very vouri,, the friendship which hia f&i:her maintained with that statesman. The latter was received at the palace immediately after his arrival at St. Peters- burg, which city he hsd not visited for nianv years. On seeing him the Emperor exc].ji:ncd, What ,rave events have passed since we last saw each ollici- l' and then threw hnnself tuto his victor's arms. Itis -\]'.ijesty for some time showed much emotion, and spoke of his father, his childhood, and of the cahucr ti.neswhcn he had known M. Seebach. In speaking of hi. father tears ran do'.vn his cheeks. But, recovering h;mse!f with a dignity tru!y imperial, he observed, 'But, we have to spca'. of more senoua matters. Ah you are not come hoping to weaken me? The ErnpL-ror then expressed him.eif with I great c!earncss the reasons which ren dered the t-stablishment ofpe.tce desirabte. b<:t also upon Iiie, duties as the Sovereign of Russia, and the diScn'ties a-!d e! igeneies of the situatio-). My noh/csse,' said he, 'arc I not prepared to bow the head I do not dfc' i\-e mvsdf upou the gravity of the (-vents in the Crimea, nor m).)n the possible results of an attank in the Baltic j btit be. 1 e'e wha\Tjr may be the sitaatinn, :mJ w'mtcver may be likely to arnve, it is much )norc for me at this moment to make peace than to continue the war I en counter, in deciJi-.g for v.ar, (0:1 turns less re.:s.aac among my roblesse and my p./op!c. A Night Surprisa in the Crimea. We rexa m the i'rts,5" (z, Orio¡t of the 7th inst., un- der date Camp (if Ist —" The cu3 aeasjn prevent U3 from enggiu6 in offcnsh. movement. s out- troop who are queered nearest th. R!v;ian3, of the temperature, occasiunally signalize by some bold coup do) M.-M, in order to be dving some- thing. Thus, on the 27th nit. wj attacked a Russian post on the side of the Bai(far with conrplete success. The aifair was ofshght importance,:but these petty ad- Tar.t gua, wheu, on account of the season, it is unpos- Eib-'e to gain greater ones, produce an excellent efi'"ct on fie 1Jlomle uf the soldiers. They eonarm l':1th man In the opinion, that in our renr-ontres with the enemy we are in some measure certain of victory, and that coundence. you k:iov, ia a guarantee of the success of auy military entetprisL-. The l{l1ssi[l!ls Httle expec- ted our visit, and did not even attempt to defend tbern- sclvea. ? AssaHed in the (hsv took to their hceb abandoning their arms. '\Ve killed a fc-.v m?nand made some prisoners, without losing a single man. One of the intrepid soldiers who formed part of that in"ht expedition pieced up in the Russian post a bcautliul miniature portrait of a lady, whi<h wa.3 painted in Paiis, for it bca'-a the mme of cue of our be--t aiUsts. This portrait was evidently lost by the officer in co-ii- mand of the post. If he applies tor it, it will be re- turned to him, for we are in Uic hubit of restorin. every valuable article when the legitini-it,e o-.vnor. arc known We do not only return the objf-cts on which those who iost them set a v:due as súI£nmir8, but also the money fcLnl on tae dead, when the sum is in any way con- sid. rablc. To give you an idea of thia military probity I nee lotdy mention the instance of a soldier of the 46th Regiment of Line. who, having ibn;.d un the body of a Russian omjer kilied a sum ? of 10,000.'in gold, hastened to bring it to Marshal Pelissier, iilo:'<ler that it might be returned to the family of the d,!ceLised. These deeds are not rare in our army, and although they are mere acts of honesty, we nevertheless fc-e delight in relating them." The War in Asia. CONSTANTINOPLE, JAM. 10.—Genera! Mouravjdf aftHr having destroyed the advanced works of Kars, has hft a force la that place, and directed his march upou Goumn with the main body of his army. There were at Trebizoud 15,000 Turks and Egyptians, the greater part of whom are on their \jy to the succour of of Erz- eroum. These iroops endure a!i sorts of privations atld suner extrc.neiy fi-fnn ti.e bad state of the roalls, which are encu.nbetcd with snow. Thc JourJ/al dr: C011stanti- nople saya that in the spring, a corps of the aihfd ar.nv will operate in C-:tior,,ia, uuder ibe command of Sir Cutiu CampbdL Persia The relations b.-twpen I'o-si i and England are beHevcd to be at an end, the English Amuassrdol' at Teheran hav- ing withdrawn his fl; ,clire,,l to nenr Mosstd. The dispute between the two Powers is placed in mnch am- biguity, and liable to great misrpprescntation, as it has never been fnu-fy and i'njjy brought Lcfe'-e th<' public. France, it appears, oS'ercd her mcdi&i.Ion; but directiv the Shah heard of t te ia!i of Kara, lie declined the good offices of laiiis Napoieon. refuged to a"co nniodutc ? the di<Fereaces W:Itfl and ).hus co't.plct.cd the ruptun above referred to.

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POETRY.1 POETRY. .......-,-I



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