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Sales by Mr. GriBith. _J..r.f"' 'J>1.,1' Tr OOOPER'S POW, HOLT-STBEET, ¡VREXHAM. 'rnL o BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by MR. GRIFFITH, THIS DAY (SatnrJáy,) the 26th January, 1S56 at Cooper's Row, Holt-street, Wrexham, the whole of the excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, (the property of Mr. THOMAS AMOS, who is leaving Wrei- ham,) which comprise Two geod Feather Beds, Four- post and Tent Bedsteads, Chamber Service, Diessing Glasses, sets of Chairs, Tables, H&ndsome Bureau, Clock, very good Elbow Chair, Tea aud Coffee Service, Tea Ttava, Pictures, Case of ttuued Birds, Kitchen Fender, Iron Stool and Fire-irous, Saucepans, Kettles, Frying. pans, Crockery ware, and numerous other effects. Atao, about 40 Measures of Kemp, Fluke, and Cup POTA- TOES, in Lots to suit families. Sale to cotnuience at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. y.B.—This Furniture is exceedingly g-ood and nearly new. AT CHAPELSTREET, WREXRAM, 0-< Jlonday, the 280. e/' January, 1856. 'J??JTL R. GRIFFITH Is requested 'by the Representa- m ti.ea of the late Mrs. Browne (deceased) to SELL by AUCTION, (without reserve) upon the Prem- ChirL!I-strmt, Wrexham, the whole of the very substantial and useful HOUSEHOLD FURNI. TURE, ami other effects, which includes-Six goose leather beds, hair and wool mattresses, bedsteads and hangings, and bed clothing, and the usual bed-room furniture, carpets and hearth rugs, piano-forte, by B),t)adu-(,od, mahogany tables, chairs, sofas, chimney and pier glasses, China, glass, and cutlery, very hand- Kjme eight days' clock, in mahogany case (chiming the quarters and shewing the days of the month), and a variety of culinary requisites. Also, 'Two Horses, set of single harness, saddle and bridle, two cab photons, neat Stanhope pony gig, and harness, and numerous other ett'ects. Catalogues may be had from the Auctioneer, a week prior to the Sale. Sale to commence at eleven o'clock most punctually, and the whole on Yiew an hour previous to the Sale. fm0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. GmfFiTH, at J_ the house of Mr. John Green, the Spread Eagle, Caer°'wrle, in the couuty of Fiint, on TUESDAY, the "Uth Jauua)v, 1856. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, )n the Miowinn, orm such other Lota as may be agreed upon at the time t/ sale, and subject to conditions. Lot 1 A.I those two Messuages or Dwelling Houses, with a Ga.deu and a piece uf Land adjoining, containing iu the whole la Ir Op, or thereabouts, situate in Higher. ttree\ in Ca(.r, wrle, aforc.aid, in the occupation of Mr. EJward \\Hliu.ms. Lot 2.-Also all tho&o t.o other Messuage or Dwell- 1.4 llous.cs, with a Garden and piece of Laud adjomug eumainin. iu the whole 2r 251), or thereabouts, situate in l'ibtHl-&trcet, in Csergwrle, .tioiesaid, now lu the occupa- tion of William Hanaby and Jane Lewis. Lot 3.—Also all that :\lc;;611-tge or Dwelling House with a Bal-ehotisu and Garden thereto adjoining, situate in i't3Uil-street aforesaid, now in the occupation of illiam Ihtvice. Lot 01 that Messuage or Dwel..li.ng .H,,ouse, t,ituate In 1'iatiit-street, aforesaid, cow iu the occupation u-f Aune l'owt:ll Lot 5 —And also all those two Messuages or D%vell- Housea with Gardens and appuitenances thereto be- :ulJing, catted the Mountain Shop, in the Townsiup of RLaaberfydd, near Caergwrle, aforesaid, now in the oc- t:tii,)ation of Joha GrifUth and Richard Witliama. The tenants will shew the premise, and further par- ticular:; niov be obtained on application to the Auctton- ter <jr at the Office of Mr. Hughes, Solicitor, Wrexham ur to Mr. Edward Dav e;, Caergwrle. PRELIMINARY NOTICE ?' &Jt If Fanninu St,)t-k-, Implements, aKff -ffouse. ¡¡old }ÚrnitUí'f, at Rhosi/CISiU'!¡' í/fa;' 1Fí'e.ram. '?'TR. GRtFFtTH, isen?apedtoSELLBY AUCTION, ??- onr'ndaY.the 1st of Feb.uary,lS5G,th?wh?e of the F\.RM STOCK and FUHN!: TLRE, (late the property of MR. Tiiomks YocD. (de. tased), particuiars of which < be seen iti Ptacatds. IMPORTANT SALE AT DEE VILLA, LLANGOLLEN. T\.fESSRS. GRIFFITH & JACQUES have receded 1.1. positive and unrGstrieted instructions to bELL BY AUCTION, on MoxuAY, the 4th day 01 1'ebruary, l'i-56, upon the premiscaDEHYiLLA, Li.AXGOLi.Ky, the whulc of the very vahmbic, modern, and substantial HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, which will comprise vury article for completely furnishing a genteel House, mduding Down and PClI.thcr Hed, Hau- Mattresses, I-'uur-post, Tudor, and Freueh Bedsteads, with the u-ual chamber requisites; dining, draw-ing, and brcak- mt Room Suites, in Rosewood, Spanish Mahogany, and other choice woods, Ih'ussels, and Kidderminster car- pet:, snd hearth rugs, kitchen aad culinary utensils, &L' &:C. Dcacriptivo Catalogues may be had Ten days previous ? the Sale, from the Auctioneers at Lllangollen or V.'lL-xham, or of Mr. Monk, the Library, and Mr. Alien, 1' .n-,u. by Arms, LangoUen. Sllc t'j commence at. 11 o'click punctually, and the _ndi -,l1eers invite an inspection of the Furniture the Lv viuus to the Sale, between the hours of 10 and 4 u'ctocJ:. OtHc, Wrexham and Llnngollcn, 18th Jan. Er.I'.IHLE FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, 7/< t/UI r_L r HE SOLD bv AUCTION, by Mr. GRIFFITH, uu Tuesday/ the 5th day February, 18_)6, at I'firt:c o'clock in the afternoon, at the Lion Hotel, \exham, All that very compact TENEMENT, consi.sti. ng of :1 le:>n'1g(', Garden, and Land, containing 5a Or 37p, L- the same uiore or less beautifully situatedncar to the Turnpike Road loading from Wrexham to Chester, .buut niidwoy between Wrcxham and (jresford, and 'i..ar to tLe Acton Tull Rar, and will be offL-rL-(i in one (.r .lch other Lots as nmy be agreed upon at the time -.{ Sah-, and subject to conditions tJ be then read T'bis desirable rrope:ty is surrounded by land_s be- iiig to Sir R. II..cuuliffe, Hart., is within a quar- ts of a. mils of Acton Park, and forms a very eligible site fur building purposes, having an extensive south homage to an excellent road, and commanding a de- lightful view of picturesque scc-nN-y, and possessing t'.e great advantage uf a never failing supply of spring Fur further particulars apply to B. H. Thelwall, .1-11, Soli(:itor. Wrexbam; Mr Tong (the FropMetor), :.m the premises, or to the Auctioneer, Wrexbam, at whose Omce a plan of the Property may be seen. THE NIGHTINGALE FUND. ? T a numerous and highly mtluential Metting, held .1. In London, on Thursday, November 29, 1855, his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge presiding, it was unanimously resolved— That it is dusii-ab,e to perpetuate the memory of Miss Nightingale's signal devotion, and to record the -ratihidcof the nation by a Testimonial of a substantial character, and that, as she has expressed her unwiilingnets tj atefut unv tribute for her a.vn personal advantage, nmds be raised to enable her to establish an InbtitiAtioD tur the training, sustenance, and protection of Nurses and Ho-tpltal Attendants." Subscriptions for the above object wiH hcrecetvtd ht the North aud S.Aith Wales Bank,\VrMham; and by ?. I rs. Beutliam, Laurel Grove. RECKtVING OFFICER OF TAXES. rpHE HOARD OF INLAND REVENUE have ap- -L pointed Mr. AV.NL. ARMOR, of Chester, to be Reiving Onicer of Taxes for this District, in the steed ot Mr. Moah, who has been discharged. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. "'??OTICE is hereby g'ven, that the w< t k? at the Gar- -L ? ddm Stone Quarry arc for the ?cseut. suspended, "ad the public are cautioned against transacting any blllue5, connected with these wot kr, with JOHN Pj:iT- one of the firn). J' Signed, JAML- !JA\\K1NS, Junr. ,I"JII, Jan. 2-1-: LS5' æbnrnttun. MR. 8IMMS, ORGANIST OF WREXHAM CHURCH, AXD PROFESSOR OF MUSIC AT THE COLLEGE, CHESTER, t)EGS to inform his Pupils and Friends that he D will resume his professional duties on MON- DAY, the 28th of January. Attendance at Mold on Wednesday's, as usual. Schools attended on the accustomed terms. 7, King.strcet, Wrexham. Jan. 1856. EDWARD THOMAS, HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMIST, AND MEDICAL PUBLISHER, PEPPER-STREET, CHESTER. FAMILY MEDICINE CHESTS in great variety t suited to the various Domestic Works on Ho- moBopathy; Cases or sing!e Tubes re&Med with Globules, Pilules, Tincttires, or Tfi turations. Jfcdidncs seni hy Post to any diitance. THOJf.AS'S GE.NUINE HO-VTOP-ATHIC OOOOA Dentnnces, Jujubes, Pomade, aud othcf articles prepared especially for Homceopathic patients. A vacancy for au Apprentice. GOVERNMENT EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA. TJER Majesty's Emigration Commissioners are pre- f L pared to grant FREE PASSAGES in Vessels which will be despatched in quick succession from London, Southampton, Plymouth, and Birkenhead, to married agricultural laborers, shepherds, herdsmen, blacksmiths, sawyers, wheelwrights, carpenters, brick- layers, miners, masons, gardeners, and single female domestic and farm servants TO AUSTRALIA. The Emigrants are on their arrival received by & Government Officer who will give every assistance in his power by way of information and advice as to the rate of wages,—the places where employment may be obtained, &c. They are at liberty to engage them- selves to any one willing to employ them, and to make their own bargain for wages, and arc not under any engagement of any kind to the Colonial Authorities; they have the option of remaining at the termination of the voyage on board and receive rations free of ex- pense for a fe ,v days in order to afford them time to make arrangements for H t'.Hng themselves in the country. Further particulars and Forma of Application may be obtained by applying to THO.K.ROBERTS, Government Emigration Agent. Or to Mr. JOHN BURY, Wrexham. All Letters must be prepaid. Register Omce, Elwy Place, St. Aaaph, December 1st, 185o. TO JOHN JESSE, ESQ, OF LLANBEDR HALL, NEAR RUTHIN. SIR, I have this day obtained from Mr. Gabriel RobertB personally infonration which I had only before heard from common rumour. He Informed me that, four or five months back, you asked him to assist you iu magisterial cases, as you did not like to come to the Magistrates' Office, in Ruthin, because I acted as cicik. ThM you said to him, that the cases could be heard at Llanbedr Halt, or at Cefn Coch, and that he had promised t<& assist you. Both you and Mr. Roberts well know that I have been Magistrates' Clerk of this district for more than twenty years, and during my period t<f omcc I be- lieve no one has a right to say that I have failed to perform the duties. Mr. Roberts admitted that, in order to curry out your arrangement with him, you hud appointed my former confidential clerk, Mr. Marcus Louis, your clerk; and that you have both held meetings on magistrates' business at the lodg- ings of Mr. Marcus Louis, hi this town. When I told Mr. Roberts that the summons in bastardy which Mr. Louis prepared, and ivhich you signed on th': 4th instant, was based on a lie, as it stated that the party was summoned to appear at the Petty Sessions for the Division, though summoned to appear at the omcc of Mr. Marcus Louis, he replied, I admit that is a lie." Yet upon the fabric of this lie you both acted, and made an order on the putative father. Your clerk, Mr. Marcus Louis, has also put up a notice on the outside of the house in which h-e lodges, that the Petty Sessions for the Division, un- der the ]ecent Criminal Justice Act (18th and 19th Vie., chapter 126), are to be held at his omce in that house on certain days fixed in such notice. I told Mr. Roberts that it was not legal to do so. Mr. Roberts asked me why I had g iven up the appoint- ment of Magistrates' clerk so suddenly. I replied, because he had lent himsetf to aid you in your ma- !lLiou3 hostility towards me; and I added, that it would no doubt be a source of gratification to both of you that I had thus lost a large portion of my income. I also told Mr. Roberts that I felt assured that no other magistrate in Denbighshire would have lent his assistance to such proceedings. liaviug taken unjustifiable offence at the conduct of the gentleman who acted as Magistrates' Clerk at Llanidloea, when you lived in that neighbourhood, you attempted to carry out the same plan of attack there, but you signally failed, because you could not find a magistrate to countenance you. I MQ, Sir, Youra &c., JOSEPH PEERS. Rnthin, 21st Jan., 1856. F EDWARD SWAN, of Rhoancssney, in the Parish i, of Wrexham, in the County of Denbigh, innkeep- er, having made a charge against Mr..Benjamin Youde, iihosnessBey aforesaid, Farmer, of attempting to rob me, Do hereby express my regret for so doing, and declare that such charge i3 wholly unfounded, and was made by me by mistake, whilst in a state of in- toxication. As Witness my hand the twenty-fourth day of .Tan. uary,18a6. The mark of X EDWARD SWAN. Witness, R. ROBERTS, Clerk to Mr. WYATr, Sol., Wrexham. TIMBER AND COAL. E. MEREDITH JONES, DllARLES Sl'RE.ET, WREXHAJl, DiI.B_LElt in aU Kinds of TIMBER for Buitdera, Carpenters, WlK-dwrights, Coachmakers, Wetl. sinkers, &c. Rcuud or Sawn TIMBER for Mines, Col. Meries/and Who!sa)c Met chants. A"ent for the Sal8 of the Brymbo Co's. Westminster Co's. and Ruabou Co's. Coa!, and the Miaera Co s. Lime, at the Wrexham Station. SOUTII SEA COAL. CROSS. KEYS YARD, MOUNT STREET WREXHAM. THOMAS KENT, "DECS respectfully to inform the GeBtry, Tradesmen, -D anJPubfieot Wrexham and its vtcunty.thatbc has made arrangements with the South Sea Company to sell tlieireelebriittd Coal. Orders receivtd at the House and Yard, and punctually attended to. JOHN ROWLAND, MANUFACTURER OF CORN SACKS and BAGS, Salt Sacks, Guano &nd Cement Hap, Con'ce and Seed Bags, &c.; also Twines, Lines, &c. 17, Beck Goref.street, Liverpool, Dec. 12, 1855. N.U. Goo'is delivered free of carnage at Chester, ?alop, or uny intermediate Statiuus on the line of Fail. I Mm lqOVEMBtR, MM. 4 .1 I ANNUAL STATEMENT Bi-"1HFj TRUSTEES OF THE SAVINGS BA* AT WREXHAM. CHARGE. JB < D To balance due on the 20th Nov., 1854, brought forward 39575 15 5 Suma received of Depositors within the year ending 20 Nov., 1855 1003t 16 7 Interest on monies invested with the Commissioners for the reduction of the National Debt, viz: Rect. B, dated 21 May, 1855 626 10 0 Rect. B, dated 21 Nov. 1855 652 16 7 To Interest on suma drawn for by the Trustees upon the Commission- ers, within the said year 13 1 9 JM0905 0 4 DISCHARGE. & S D By suma paid to Depositors within the theyearending20Nov.l8o5. 844917 5 Sams paid for management, riz; Salaries-Actuary 70 0 0 „ Auditor .„ 15 0 0 „ Housekeeper 650 Rent and Taxes 10 19 4 Printing and Stationery 27 19 9 Coals, Gas, and Candlea 919 8 Banker's Commission 850 Repairs, Insurance, Advertising, &c 27 6 1 Bt!ance on the General Account !n- vewted with the Commissioners for the reductioa of the National Debt. E41671 8 8 Do. iu the hands of the Treasurer J6607 19 6 —————— 42279 8 1 JM0905 0 4 The Balance due on the 20th November, 1855, brought down .S42279 8 1 ?°??. to?d Amounted Dt)t.po?.tor. eMhCtM. 633 whoMrespechvebahmces on 20th Nov. (with interest) did not exceed JEl each JB13? 0 0 3J9 do were above JE1 and not exceeding 5 7?9 10 6 216 do were above 5 and not exceeding 10 15s7 19 0 154 do were above 10 aud not exceeding 15 1856 17 6 94 do were above 15 and not exceeding 20 !58811 4 155 do were above 20 and not exceeding 30 3682 8 7 153 do wereabavc 80 and notexcce'Hug 40 5024 4 9 58 do were above 40 not exceeding 50 2563 17 11 92 do were above 60 an& not exceeding 75 5544 16 1 56 do were above 75 and not exceeding 100 4930 11 1 S6 do were above 100 and cot exceeding 125 2863 510 IS do were above 125 and not exceeding 150 2535 6 11 17 do were above 150 and not exceeding 200 3050 8 0 1991 Tota! No. of Depositor* 3609417 6 18 Charitabte Societies 2557 5 0 28 Friendty Societies 3360 5 5 20S7 Total No of Account* Tota! Balances 42012 711 ———— Surplus 267 0 2 Total No of accounts opened In the year ending 20 Nov. 1S55 807 Total Sum at the Credit of auch new accounts at the same period £3372 19 6 Total Mo Of acconnta closed during the same period 137 Total Sum withdrawn on auch closing JE2'202 13 2 THOS. EDGWORTH, Trustee, EDWARD SMITH, Manager, JOHN BURY, Actuary. Examined and found eorect WILLIAM JONES, Auditor. STATEMENT OF THE PROGRESS OF THE INSPtTUriON FOR TWENTY YEARS, FROM NOVEMBEE, 1836, TO NoVEMBt-K, 1855. NO.OFACCCCXTS. AMOUNT. MthNov., 18:m 783 je2646.tl8 0 „ 1837 810 26516 1811 „ 1838 859 27939 7 0 „ 1839 948 30605 4 5 „ 1840 10M 3172U6 4 „ 1841 106G 32949- 3 2 „ 1842 1136 33470 5 5 „ 1843 1151 3:M8! 8 2 „ 1844 1281 34058 6 5 „ 1845 1387 33973 5 4 „ 1846 1471 3613313 1 „ 1847 1560 38146 6 2 „ 1848 1618 3818511 2 1849 1594 36321 15 3 „ !850 loSS 34049 5 3 n ISal 3475213 6 „ 1852 1757 3609611 2 „ 1853 1825 38381 5 6 „ ISlii. 1867 39332 2 10 „ 1855 2037 42012 7 11 G R E A TBARGAINS'! DRAPERY GOODS, I HOW S<LH!!G AT A. D. JONES'S, CHURCH-GATES, WREXHAM, I AT THE FOLLOWING REDUCED PRICES :— 100 Largo site Cloth Mantles, 4a lid, worth 6s j Waterproof <Htto, with Hooda, 8s 6d, worth 12s ) A largo stock of Wool Shawls, from 9s 6d, to 15s j 300 Alpaca and Coburg Dresses, 2a 4=d, worth 4s 100 Fancy Stuff Dresses, 3s, worth 6s 250 .Print Dresses, fast colour, 2s, worth 3s A great variety of Furs, from from Is 6d to 10s A cheap lot of Flannels, at Bid, <Md, 10d, and Is. por yard Blankets, all sizes, irom 7a 6d to 15s Cotton Sheets and Bed Covers, remarkably cheap 500 BONNETS (white and coloured straw) from 4d to 2s 150 Pieces of Bonnet Ribbons, from 3d to Is per yard Several cheap lots of cap Ribbons, from !d to 4d per yard A large Stock, of WOOLLEN CLOTHS, TROUSERINGS, WAISTCOATINGS, CORDS, MOLESKINS, VELVETEENS, HATS, CAPS, JIM CROWS, &c., &c., MELTON MOWBBAY PORK PIES. ¡ JAMES OLLERHEAD T?ECS tu announce to the Public gener<Uy t!Mt he <:ontnmest<} receive hia regular ?eek<y Mpply of the JD famous MELTON MOWBRAY PORK PIES, and that during thM happy and socia! season of'the year, wiil keep on hand, and be ready to receive aud execute orders for hiarowo celebrated Mince Pies, Christmas Plum Cakes, Boarding Sehuu Lunch Cakes, Birthday Cakes, Christ caiug Cakes and French Pound Cakes, togcth&r with a variety of Pari&iau Boa Bon9, Cossacks, Caskets, Magic Gipsy Nuts, and Modt:)s of the Ru&sian ex- ploding Machines !oudcd (not with powder and bal!) but with sweets of various Mnda. JeUiea, Blamauges, &c., &< Bridf .aüd Funeral Cakes aa usua!. DANCJNG. T?/fR. STEPH?ENSON & SON beg to annotmce to then PupNs &nd Friends that their Rooms, in Bank- j?I. Street, Wrexham, will RE-OPEN on TUESDAY, the 5th of February next. Cards of Terms amay be had on application at their Daya of Tuition, every Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Schools and Private Families attended. Violin tmd Violencello taught. January 24th, 1856. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. F. FRASER. WATCHMAKER, SILVERSMITH, JEWELLER, ETC., TN tendermg his s?teM thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and j?her Inhabitanta of WrcxhamanJ its 1. Vicinity, for past favours, begs respectfully to inform them that?e has REMOVED TO HIGH.STRBBT, next door to Mr. Smith's, Draper, where he hopes to merit a continued shaic of their support. High-street, Wrexhan!. Nov. 1, 185.5. ESTABLISHED 1770< CABINR1\ CARPET, & PAPER-HANGING WAREHOUSE, BRI DGE-STRE ET, WREX HA M. PIERCE AND OWEN, BEG ta tavite the attention of the Public, of Wrexham and its Vicinity to their unmcuse Stock of CABINET FURNITURE, ?AppVT? FELT CARPETS/DRUGGETS, HEARTH RUGS. DOOR MATS, COCOA and other ??? ?NGS, OIL.CLOTHS, IRON BEDSTEADS, LEATHER BEDS, AND MATrHESSES, &c., ??.? ar?<?/<' <-o?MM? tc:? ? ??< t Also a large Stock of cheap PAPER-HANGINGS. Ol THE FIRST OF FEBRUARY NEXT, Will be Published the fii-st JVo. of THE "OS WEST RY HERALD," AND SHROPSHIRE, MONTCOMERYSH)RE,& DENB!CHSHiRE ADVERTISER: AN ILLUSTRATED FAMILY NEWSPAPER, .dnd M't7/ appear on tliefli-se ofeach inonthy PRICE ONE PENNY; rpHE "OSWESTRY HERALD" wiH coatain, in JL addition to a well selected summary of general information on all the leading topics of the day, the LOCAL and DISTRICT NEWS, full and correct I RAILWAY TIME TABLES, and other matters of general interest. It will consist of twelve pages of closely printed matter, and be the largest and cheapest paper published in Oswestry or its Vicinity. The want of an enlarged and readable local paper has been long ielt by the Inhabitants of the town of Oawestry and the surrounding districts. In order to supply this dencieacy, the l'roprie pare neither expense nor trouble, as it is his intention to render the Oswestry Herald" the largest, best, and cheapest publication in this part of the County. As a large and influential circulation will be gua- ranteed at once, Advertisers will find its c .lumns an I advantageous medium of communication with the public. The Proprietor, in recommending the Oswestry Herald" to the notice of Advertisers, assures those who may favour him with their orders, that he will strictly exclude an such as may be offensive to public morals and as he trusts that. the space available for public no- tices wilt prove remunerating, he will not occupy it with Detitlous or gratuitous advertisements to the exclusion of interesting matter, as is sometimes practised from motives of false economy, or with the )ess excusable purpose of acting as decoys. Orders for repeated insertions, however, wilt be liberally allowed for. Orders fur the Paper and Advertisements to be ad- dressed immediately to the Publisher, C. G. BAYLEY, Cross, Oswestry. January 1st., 1856 RUTHIN INCLOSURE. TO ROAD CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. T RICHARD WAKEFORD ATTREE, of Ru?bon, in L the County of Denbigh, hereby GIVE NOTICE that I am prepared to receive Tenders in writing, ad- dressed to me, for funning and making Roads in the matter of the above Inc)osure. Pl:m3 and Spcciilcatious are deposited for inspection at the Omce of LieweUyc Adams, Esq., Solicitor, Ruthin. The Contrnctora will be required to enter into and sign an Agreement, prepared by the Solicitor to the Inclosure, of which the Expenses will have to be paid by the Contractor, who must find sureties for the due performance of his Work, to the satisfaction of the Valuer. Tenders must be delivered on or before the 25th of February, 18.56. The Valuer does not bind himself to accept the lowest Tender. Dated thia 17th day of January, 18;j6. R. W. ATTREE. TO BUILDERS, &c. rpHE MANAGERS of the RIIOSLLANERCH- j_ RUGOG National School are ready to receive Tenders for the Hoarding and Re-organizing the School-Room, according to the requirements of Govern- ment. The School- Room being a large building, and the improvements to be on au extensive scale, it la worth the notice of Contracto)s generally. N.B.—A11 particulars to be had of Mr E. Ellis, Master, to whom all correspondence is to be addressed. No Tenders will be looked over after 1st February next. January 17th, 18.36. K. KENRICK, WORKING CUTLER, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND PATENT ELASTIC SPRING TRUSS MA KER, RrIJGE STRBET, () K. in returning thanks to Ills friends end the public hi general Jor the libcra.1 support he uas received since his commencement in the above busi- ness, hopes by strict attention to all orders entrusted to his care, to merit a continuance of their patronage and support, Elastic Surgical Stockings, Knee Caps, AnMe Socks, Suspensory Bundsges, &c. Breast rumps, Self-injec- ting and other Syringes Repaired. Repairing, Grinding, Pulialnng. Setting, &0. L 1 M WILLIAM J 0 II N S 0 N 1DEGS to thank bis numerous friends for the support -D he has received from them since be commenced the Lime tra.de, and in soliciting a continua ice of their patronage, and the of consumers of Lime gcneiaiiy, re- spectfully informs them that be has constantly on hand a supply of the Best Lime at moderate prices. THE NEW SHOP, HIGH: STREET, WREXHAM, TS NOW OPENED with a large and well sssorted JL Stock of WOOLLEN and LINEN DRAPERY GOODS of every description. The Proprietor begs to state, that the whole of his pur- chases beiag m&ek for Cash, coupled with the gen oat depression so seriously aaccting manufacture, he will be enabled, and is determiEed, to offer such Gooda (for read y tnonev) at prices much lower titan any yet knowu and earnestly solicits an Inspection of the Stock in order to bertr out the truth of this representation. N.B. A respectab!e and wcil-educatcd Youth wanted as an Apprentice. One who cau speak both the Welsh and English languages preferred. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BERLIN WOOLS, much below the usua) pricea PENELOPE CANVAS- SES, Crochet Hooks, Curved Handles, &c wcil \Yorth the attention of the ladies ot the town and neighbourhood. ROUERT LLOYD, Proprietor. WALTER HENRY JORMON, TFA:M:I:L. 'S" I H I G II S 1) R E E T, 1V B E X Ii A it!, TJ'AS been appointed Agent for the sale of Dr. De )n Jongh's Linht Brown COD-LIVER OIL, A fresh case of wliich has jnst been received from Ansard, Hat!orJ Hornbv, Dr. De Jungh's sole accredited Con- signee. for the United Kingdom. irice, iialf-pints, od.; Pints, 4s. 9d.; and Quarts, 9s. impt'ri:d mfasurc. pLOUCrRS! PLOUGHS'! PLOUHS!" JOHN EDWARDS. A (J 1l I C l/ L T U 1l A L POST OVMCE, BOWLING BANK, NEAR WREX11AM, TDEIURNS thauks to his friends, and tLe public J.A/ generally, for their patronage aad support since his (ommencemeut in business at Howling Bunk. J. E. I has always studied to make a plough that will Cut and turn the'iurrow In the possible manner uud su.taUt; to the greatest variety of suits. J. E. can give numerous references to parties who have bcea using h!s ploughs for severa l years. A Steady Youth as an Apprentice wanted. JOSEPH JUNES, TIMBER VALUER, R U A B 0 N. A Stuck of Timber uf all kinds constantly on Sale. hr r ri. "V'V' TO BLACKSMITHS .AD OTHERS nn0 BE LET, and may be enured upon on th? ? day ?? ???''y "cxt, all that old establish SjIITH'S ? ?'? SHOEING.SHEDS. andoLbef ??. S ??' T???" '? ? MESSUAGE o? ??? ???? Shop adjoining thereto, to. gether wIth the Garden, ?cnes, and A?urtenanc? o? f?? ?t t ? ??! ??? ?"?? ? ?'? ?' t? town ?am of AN'rexham. Rent ?"??te, and Taxes very light. For further' information ??y ? '? ??? ? ?? H-tluUGGH?Es? S<!ol) icitor, Wrexham. Wt-exham, 14th January, 18u6. npO BE LET, on the 2nd March next, a HOUSEm -? Q?en..trcet,?cxh;tm,now in the occupation ot MiSti Hogerg. ThL-rc is a commodious School-room attached to t-'e premises. Apply to Thos. Ucywood, High-street. rUBLIC-HOUSE TO LET. T 0 BE LEL, an old established PUBLIC-HOUSE, situute in the centre of the towu of Wroxham it is very commodious, and commands a good business Apply to Mr. JOllX Bt.RY, A.ent, &c., Wrexban. B R EWE It Y. -YT7ANTED to Rent, a BREWERY in Wrexham, TV ?Lnera.RuaboH, or the Neighbourhood, about 18 or 20 barrel length. Address, Mr. Badbam, Acconutatit, Uttioa Court, Liverpool. WA';TED by a YOUNG WOMAN who catTbe T V well recommended irom her last place, a Situ- ation as Housemaid or Nurse. Apply to Mr. Bay!cy, Bookseller, Wrexham. OLD NEWSPAPERS. A NY quantity of Old Newspapers purchased, and Athe best prices givcu by W. BAYLEV, Book- seller, Wrexham. 'TAXTED, a steady active Boy, to attend to COI\S, VT aud us a geLlcral Out-door i5ervc):it. Oue tront the country, mid not less than bixteen Years of A-e nre- ferred. Apply to Mr BAYLEY, Stationer, Wrcxh:un. WREXHAM (jrAS COMPANY. ?? HE DmECTORS of the above Company have just -L selected a variety oi the newest dcai"-tts in C H A N DE L I ER S, &e., &c., IN CRYSTAL, ORMULL' AND BRONZE, to h;c!i they desire to draw attoUiou also an assortment of NcIV (jrAS STOVES for Cooking aud v.hn.i giveiittie oruott'oubia in the maHngemeut, creati..g tto dirt, besides being more economicnt than the ordinary co lu'c. The above witi be so!d at CO: Pi{[('ES, aud m-y be aeeuo[t:!pphcuti"nto M.. at the Works. By Order of the Uh-ecion- j (), :I m G!U.:AT RAFfLE AT rnE SwAx lxx, PE):} BRYN, W;:EXfrAAf, I'ur the CL)ebr:)t(;d .arc, .GIaL:7 /? SATL'KD.\Y, the ?th of FebrnaryDext, (unless fut'ther uot!ec of an extension of tune be "iveo ) a Rtime \\ili takf piace ac th'; lioiise of Mr. John Taylor the Swan I)))), for the c(!Lb):ite.i Mare, ''Gipsy G.ri it is proposed to have 140 inem- bcrs:tt 5s each, the rt)i!e;up to pay JE3, and the Winner £2. Owillg- to t'.e grat imnibcr of Listg which have been opened iu the utighbouring tcwus, and tl)c cc!cbi :ty cf the Mare, ahouid more uamca be catered than above sti- p'.dated, it is not to be deemed a cause of dispute, but the uu ttbcr wilt be adhered to as clo:t.!y as possible. CKLHH:L\.ri';L' SHR!'If} "J1'}- Medicina. — 0— <-n eSeotu:tl cure for Siltoosness, Atr&c- tions of the Liver & Kidneys, Dropsy, TMcera, Fistula, Ulcers, Scrofula, ??????- ?i?' ?'r\ /11j.s. f.1 L. J' JY ?/???\?? ?! ?? -?? -??? 'J O '=>' __n '<t f{!ti'r' -I'r" t' The Beat PtixiSey of th3 Blood D¡3C".r..t2.1. mtlE OR1G1XAL PLOUGHMAN S DROPS these -L. invaInabte Dt ops have for uc;:)!y //<f/a; C??'ry proved themselves the OM.Y (-nectnal cure ibr biliousness, aM'cct:ons of the liver and kidneys, dropsy, cancfr, fistula, nicers, scrota):), kind's evil, scurvy, scorbmieatfect ions, erysipcias, ::nd all eruptions of the skid a safe reniedy tor ait femaiecompiaints, rheumatism, pains in the back, M. Anthony's lire, nts, and all other diseases arising from an impm-e state of the Hood. Sold In bottles at 2s Ud and 4s ud each. AGE'l'S.-JOES, (chemist, Wrexhau] Ronp:RTS Advertiser Odicp, Osu'cstry; iloi. Chemist, Newtuwn, JoNKS, Chemist, \Vhitchurch KING, Chemist, Market Dray ton. BRYX-MALLY COAL. If OHN WHITTAKER begs to return thanks to ths inhabitan ts of Wrc'xh.un, for the liberal support they huve hithcito accorded him, and to inform :,hc!:i that he has been appointed AcEXT for the sale of th& above cctebratcd C-'u! Parties favouring- him with their orders, will be sup- plied on the must favourable terms, and the coal.} w-U be delivered either in the town or country. Wrexhani Railway Station, Nov. 23, 185.5. T. H. SAMPSON, EMIGRANTS' OUTFITTER Xo. 17, & 18, S T H A N D S T R E E T, LIVERPOOL. T)ARTIES about to emigrate in this locality c?.n hs'e JL any information on application to Mr. Heury \V)n? ¿.dt, 'rm'key MiDs, Bcrsham, near Wrcsham. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. A RE now weU known throughont the Lnitcd Kfn?- J'k- domand onr Colouies for their snpetior Heaith restoring Properties, in cases of Aente, as well as Chronic Diseases, espeeiauy those arising froin lt?Ti4i-ities (if tile Blood, [¡u!i!ír'S' .'<:M, and (,oílstlpa!UJJl. They act mo&t beneficially ..t me Liver, Stomach, and Howets and in Constipation cl,iiiiecteil %%itli bng-continned derangement of the bifiary organs, t':r:ccd Hiticus D'spepsia, wlll be found a most wonderful medicine. yor persons ot Sedentary habits they arc the qnfest m.d best PrevcntaUve of Consttpatton, so tivublesiitic and des- truct i ve to he:h h. To :'U ch'.ss. s .)f soc.cty, especially F< ma!c's. Artisans, Mechanics, and otLcrx wjoseemp!t.yni.htconti)n.sthcm to the sitting posture, these I'ms are of ti.e greatest sti-. vice. hi impurities of the blood they wiU be found us and i:afe, li()t iuterl*ering with di<-t or a\"()(' iOIi- <11 .a they are composed of tkc tincat 1ihla may be taken by the most delicate with i.i couiidence. Iluudt'Lds of cases of cui-c accuii,l;z,- box. by John Kaye, Esq., of Dalton Ha)I, ue Iluddcr,iti(-Id. 5o!d by ?U Medifme Vendors, at Is. l?d., 2-. 9d anA 49. GJ.. \V Iwlc"alc Dl'pot, :2:2, Hread Sttt-et. tor.don. 4s. 6d. LA 1.\iW,J WILLIAM CPIOAVEI Tailor, &c., CHARI.ES STREET WREXI1AM.