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Sales oy Auction. SALE BY MESSRS. BAUGH & JONES. Sal., f-f a C<iii)part Fi~e-hotfl Pmoerfy in the Township ofj Alliiyton, in the Parish of iJresford, in the County of De-bijih. TO BE -OLD BY CCTIOX by MKSSliS BAUGH A j JONE- at the Alyn Hot 1, Rnssett. on Tuesday, the 22ntl (I.-Lv of November lq,,Zl,!ziilject to condtionsto be then produced, all that ME.-vsL~ AGE or D-V El,LING- HOUSE, with the Outbuildings, Gardens, and Appur- tenances: and a'so nil those Sis CROFTS. PIECES or PARCELS IIi UNI) thereto belonging and therewith held, emtaining in the in it-itute me "sure 7a. 2r. 3p.. be the same more or ess, siurite in the Township of AUin?t'.u. in :]n' ?id Parish (?(.ic.?.'r?, and is bounded by the lands of (.en?r?i Tow.T-hccd, .T hn J!o' \dp]) Es;) ?Jr Thomas ra?pr. ?nd "'Iwrs, whkh 'I\ premises are now in the holding of Mr Janu s Rid^way, or his under- thnant. The tenant will show th," premises. For further information, api'ly to Mr W. HAWKINS TILSTO:. Mr Asu r-.x BRADLEY, Solicitor; or ot the offices of the ACCTIONEEKS, Temple Chambers, Wrexham SAJ.E TO COMMENCE AT 2 FOR 3 O'CLOCK 268tiz tr EI.IMINARY. Sale of r,,i'n;:c and Gard. >, &„■> to LLYDYA T FAN";V, Tah -r, neat- ir,exham. T° n BY l'CTloX hyMes?. D.\r<j!H and T -it tlle \V!Iit- H..n, Hope-street Wrexh?m early v\ the month of n"ce'nlwr sn".ie"t t,) cond.tinns ?H that stone built COT I' \G E and DWELl,lNGHOl/sE' with the Garden and Appurtenances thereunto belonging situate close to LlNdy.irt F.nnv, Talwrn. in the township of liei-sham, in the pari* of Wrexham. ill the county of Denbigh, formerly in the occupation of Robert Evans but now uf John Hughes. For further p irticul-i-s apply to Mr REGINALD JAMES, solicitor, rexham, or the Auctioneers, Teiil le Chambers• Wrexham. 2753a PALES BY MESSRS JONES & SON. p., UX THURSDAY, DECEMBER Srn, lbSl. WREXHAM SMITHFIELT). \IT.SSRS .TONICS and SOX, v,-n hc.a ;t 1T? n'?t SALE OF bTO?K ill the above ?m?hH -n, on Thursday, December 8th, IHSl. STOCK Xiaikxdy E.VTLRKD. -i V'?. i f Prime Fat Beasts Several Dairy Cows, r'resn Barrens, heifers, short horned bulls A 1: ce lot of Sheep, Lam!-a, Calves, a.nd Pi? Further entries respectfully solicited. Sale at Ten o'clock. SETTLEMENTS AT CLOSr. OF SALE. Oflices :—4, Arcade, High-street, Wrexham. ij;» WREXHAM SMITH FIELD. GREAT -HOW AXO SALE OF CHRISTMAS FAT STOi K MONDAY DECEMBER 12m, lkql A"v ? EvSRS JOXHS & SON beg to thank their patrons ?? 8. ?nd friends for their cous; ant support, and that they will hold Uu-ir O.visliwus Sale of Fat Stock on Mon- day, the 1-th flay of DeceinUr 1.sy, when the following Stock will bo offc ed :— Magnificent Fat Bulls, Oxen, and Heifers. Very R;pe Shropshire Down and Clun Wethers. Splendid four and ti>-e year-old \Yel»ii ethers. A number of F,.t Calves. fork and Bacn P¡3. Euirics re -cctfully soiicite ?. to be in he Mart at 9 o'clock Sale at lfJ, _— OX MOXVAV, NOVEMBER 2sTlj, FARNDON AUCTlO MART. Mi'.ssl.s Jtt??S A S,¡, bej» to announce that they ?'H will hold their next SALE of FAT and 1()hL CATTLE, CALVES, SHEEP, aull PIGS. at the Nas's Head Hotel, Farndon, on Mondav, the LStli day of Nov., j ISSt. when the following Stock will he offerell:- Prime Fat Bullocks, Heifers, and Bulls Useful In-calf Cows and Heifers, Barrens, and 'tock Bulls I'at Sheep and Lambs Calves Fat and Store Pigs .1 other stock that may bo entered np to day of Further entries respectfully solicited. Sale at Two o'clock prompt. Settlements at close of Sale. OHtc. s 4. Arcade, H gh-street, Wrexham. 2¡¡UIJ j SALE BY Mil. LOVATT. [ SALE BY :'lIlt. LOVATT. )) E S t R A B L H INVESTMENT.. GREENFIELD, WREXHAM. Xt'wlij ew.tetl TTilll1, clone to, bitt exempt fir m the tit?i?z;cipa tax's tof, the bormijh. i «•i R. LOVATT has been favored by intruction" from „ offer for Sale by Public kilctioIl, the mort?as?e to offer for Sale by Public Auction, at the Old Swan Inn, Abbot-street, Wrexham, on FRIDAY, tho 23tli day of November, 1"'I, at four o clocs in the .3 aii(I in ",ticl, afternoon, punctuall suhj. ct to conditions and in such lots or order as may then and there be decided upon by the vendor, all those four recently-built VILLA RESIDENCES, j with smaU gardens in front, an sbandm? in o> ,e, witli frontages to Cruenfieid-?-treet an l "IU". Victoria Terrace," .situate at Hhosddu. in Ow i ,,hip "f Stansty. close to the borough bou.nlary of the town of Wrexham. in the county of Denbigh two of them now occupied by Edwin Humphreys, Esq and Mil igan, and the others at present vacant. Eaclnf the above houseshas a basementstory divided into II cellar and wash house, :t backyard and back eiitriti cc, with separate water supply from the \Yrexham Waterworks; entrance haU, two rect ption rooms, with kitchen, pantry, and scullery on the ground Hoor;nnd four exceUcnt bed- rooms on the first floor. The property is c'o-e to St. James' Church and a post office leceiving box, and w,:liin ten minutes walk from the Market H.lls and the Railway Station thus Inoving all the advantages of town re-idences comhine-1 with an airy, dry situation, and views of the and Vrondeg mountains. The occupiers will also have votes in the Parliamentary Iedious for the Denbigh boroughs. For further particulars apply to the AUCTIONEER, or to Messrs LEWIS and SON, Solicitors, Wrexham. 2t)p SALE BY Mil RICHARD OLLERHEAD. ..no BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by MR OLI,ERHEAD, i on Mondav, November 2'st 18S1 in the Temperance Hall, Beast Market, Wr. xham, ■. large assortment of good substantial HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Bedsteads, Feather Beds, itc. Sale at Ozic o'clock. Auctioneer's Office, :1, Cliarles-street, Wrexham. 2719n TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION by MH. Oi.LERHEAD in the Temperance Hall, .'east Market, Wrexham, on MONDAY, November 21st, ISSl, a large assortment of very good HOUSEHOLD FUKNITURE viz. Mahogany cheffonere with mirror, four feet at back, large mahogany painted cheffonere sofa in American ch-th, mahogany couch in hair. six mahogany hair seated chairs, do. rocking chair, chairs (variou>), mahogany d ning table on pillar and clams, twola(lies'work t Lble (old oak), one mahogany do., two-leaf oak table, oak round table, two tea o ak chests, one uf these carved two large handsome mahogany chests of drawers, very handsome double comer cupboard with solid mahogany do..rs inldi, cherry wood dresser, lift. 7in,, with two cupboards and five drawers ornamental clock, walnut inlaid, clock in o tk case, three fine oleographs and other pictures, books, writing desk, p er glass, very good sewing machine, carp ts, chair bed, iron and wood bed- steads, mattresses, chid's crib (birehwood), feather and flock beds, washstands, dressing tables, toilette services, large toilette glass .ithj ^vel box, small do., fenders, fire irons, and other kitchen requisites, and two perambulators, nearly new. Sale at One o'clock. Auctioneer's Office, 9, Charles-street, Wrexham. 2773p SALE BY MR SNAPE. In Liyt ni.vrioN. The Kbtate nf Mr Samuel June*, fj Aere/air, and Cefii Mate, Boiler Maker. ■a ■ it SNAPE has received instructions to s LL BY ?? AUCTION, upon the premises at Acrefair Station, and at the Dwelling-Hons* in the Cern, on Tuesday, November 22nd, IS,I,'the whole of the WORKING PLANT, ENGINE, MACHINERY, Arc., and the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. The Sale will commence at the W„ orksh, ops atAcref, ai.r tation, allll will compi ise One !)-inch evliii(ter horizontal engine and verti.cal .t.u.bu»lar 1,oiler :) -haftiug, with two pulleys; punching and shearing nJachirw (two tly wheels, shears S-inch cut, punch l.V-incH), bending block, p!ate bending furnace (ei ht buck staves, front plate, and brickwork), Arc., Ac. And at the Dwelling-House i the Cefn, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other Effects, includ- in" m,] j; PAnLOlt -Mahogany bookcase, escritoire, harmonium, sofa, chairs, table, barometer, pictures, &(-. IN KITCHEN, BACK KITCHEN, AND PANTRY-Dolly tub, mangling anil wringing machine, fender and irons, oak dresser, kitchen table, bras skellet, crockery, kettles, pans, etc., &c. IN B?nROO?s—?tahopam and iron bedsteads, dressing tables and washstands, chairs, chest of lira wers, pieces of carpet, Arc. Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock. :r, 71 z SALES BY MR J. W. BROWN. Ii FAT AND STORE STOCK SALE AT BROUGHTON HALL STATION. R J. W. BROWN begs to announce that his next ?1 fortn?ht!y Sa!e of F t.T AXD STORE .STO-K, at the above Mart, will take place on Wednesday next, Nov. -ird, ISJ. The present entries include 13 Prime Fat 8u)!ocks and Heiters !H> Fat Sheep and Lambs Fat Pigs and Fat Calves Together with such other Stock that m:.y he ènt"r,,11 II!' to the day of Sale. More Stock expected. Sale at One o'clock punctually. Church Lane, .Mold. 7ti SALE BY MESSRS. 'F ATT K US ALL. „ R U- B Y. If ESS It > T.YTTERSALL will IL-J S-H- of HUNTSCR: 11'1' .r"rTL'¡"TI "I' '1'1 rUI' .it, their RUGBY ESTABLISH!!ENTthe Sccon.-l Tuesday in every Vi e:ith. VJ-X R SA.'JK, TUES.OW, DKCKMBER 13TH. Sitle "onmience ■ at 12 o'i'lock A- • TtTrr.A:Ib-i-t Gale, J. m •! Messrs Tattersall \vi;l hold a Special sale for Studs of Hunters a;i.i o'ier Ho;-cs :,f their Rugby Kstaolishmcnt, Tn-s LL. "•rovi-:ufi: 2*ud. this sije aro engaged. C 2: Sales by Auction. | SALES BY MR. LLOYD. SALES BY IR. LLOYD. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. | COMMENCING WITH CATTLE AT 10.30. FAIl: DAY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8TII, 1881. M S next Auction will take place on Thursday, XT_a_ December 'th when he win sell A lot of grand Cows and Calves, Heifers, Barrens, and Stirk. Several good stock and fat Bulls. A lot r.i prime scotch and Shorthorn Oxen, fat Heifers, and Cows. A capital lot. of fat Calve. A prime lot of Shropshire am other fat Wethers, also store Sheep. iii-pig So? it.-)re P i and porket s J H?vcr d fat P¡, in-pig Sows, store Pi, and porkets. 10 Grand C'ow ami Calves and Calving Heifers. 10 Prime Fat Cattle. TERMS.—No sale no charge. Keady-mouey settlements on sale day. Calves and pigs under £2 value fid per head, over tiiat sum Is per head, other stock fourpence in the pound. Early entries will oblige, that they may be parti- cularized. Sale at 1U.0 with store cattle. .Lv"J .0J J.U.L.l .c. Offices; Kv ton House, Wrexham. 209p Wi"DNESDAY, NOVEMBER .(.iTH, 181, I AT ONE O'CLOCK. C A R DEN B A N K, ] D?c[<? 1 t?; ?,-«,/t 7**I' ?' from ?;-o?/«? ?ftt/o?, 11.?to)?, ? P4i,oxfoi, Statio,L, 3 Ilttll?(is S(tttt,pii, 4 fr(,ijt F(ii-ii(loyi, a?itl 3 f oiii I Highlit Important flod Attrtf.Hr* Sale of Lire and Ðcrrd Fari:ttiij < I*r<i l, Dai' y \re*»els, and other tltfects. MR LLOYD most respectfully announces that he has 1\1..1 bson favore l with instruction- from Mr Win Blake, who is retiring from farming to SELL BY AUCTION, ill lijs farmyard, situate as aforesaid, on Wednesday, Nove:b; r PSI, the whole of his grand sdection of twen:y-four superior young Dairy Cows and Heifers (for | early spring profit) 8 active and powerful waggon horses, hacks, and coits, several sets of thriil and chain gears, 20 tons of prime upland hay (well h irvested and of iirst-rate qiiali.vj, S stacks of oat and hadey atr?w, 100 measures of hr fa'ara pot-Ihes, ever,L ton of manure, tw who!e of the mod-M il a rvicuitural implements, (I:iiry veisels, &c., Arc. IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS, AC. -six ii ini; c:s, riddle and half measure, f-rret box. mattocks and biushing hook, hand rakes, steel pikels. ciow bar and timber chains, dubbing shears and half measure, crank and chains, scythes andhay knife, ciatcli and manger, shovels and j elves, two heel rakes, twenty potato boxes, three oak field gates, one hllndrl t1 yanls of wire netting, scales and we ghts long ladder, t'l ity iron hurdles, pigeon box, forty sack bags, bag truck, ten rabbit traps, single barrel gun, milking stools, swingle trees broad wheel car- with harvest gear- ing complete. >nmueison's combined reaping and mowing machine in first-class repair, Cambridge roller, new turnip pulper, n w straw "Itter, h m.I p10ngh, whed plough, ridding plough and scuffle combined, iron harrows, culti- vator. GEARS. -TWO sots of thrill gears, two sets of chain gears, set of pi nighing ha khands, odd gears neck strap, <&c. PRuDvn:, etc.—Two st:tcks o' prime upland hay about ten toils each, the above bay was harvested in splendid condition, eight stacks of otts and barley straw in lots, three heaps o: manure, about 30 tons, one hundred measures of Firfa'ara potatoes (the best eaters and coppers grown) th:- depastnrage of the grazing land up to Febiuary 2nd, .SSI, twenty c >w chains, grinding stone and flaii" 24 HEAD OF CATTLE.—Sixteen grand young dairy cows and h.-ifeis, for early spring profit, six young barrens and j stirks, t.vo yearlings. R YOCN<; WA<;I;O.N HORSES AND COLTS.—Captain, brown wag.on gelding, risillg: ye .rs old, about 15-3 high, and a capital worker, "Flower," brown half-bretl iiiare, i about 15 hands high, steady in harness, will plough, and do any other kind of farm work, bay hack horse, by De Clare," !• years old, Hi li .nds hi h, steady to ride or drive, bay half-bred colt, ye rs old. by Don Cossack," will make a very useful cob, grey cart colt, rising 3 years old, has been at regular work, brown cart mare (in-foal), 2 year old brown cart colt, black > ear ling cart colt. DAIRY VESSELS, HmsEHOLH FCRXtH HE. itc.—12 tin milk pans, cheese tub, ladder, board, Ac., two cheese stools, t.vo pair 13in. cheese va s, three 12iin. ditto, one lltin. ditto, one 101in. ditto, cheese screw, salting tnrnel, three wood milk covers, two tin milk pans, one wood milk pan, cheese drainer, curd mill, four rain tubs, swill tub, two ci8trnR. iron boiler, stone pig troughs and shoots, eight wash tubs six c<tk, cheese binders, cheese hooks, cheese boards, two hhes of bees and benches, cheese presses, sham register, parlour grate and maotlepi ce (new), kitchen grate and oven, large boiler or !U!nace, wood bedsteads, mahogany piano sideboard, sundrj lots. Lunch at Twelve. Sale at One o'clock prompt. Office;—Eyton House,Wrexham. 2770af The yreat C'hri.ftmt/i Sh:jiv and Sxle of Fat Stock in the Wrexham Smithjield. > J: LLOYD lu gs to announce to his numerous patrons i that his Twelfth Annual show and Sale of Fat Stock in the Wrexham Smithiield will be held on Monday, December 2th, as usual. Stock already entered for competition 107 grand fat bullocks, heifers and bulls of very heavy weights. 185 very ripe Shropshire, Welsh and cross-bred wethers. 22 bacon and pork pigs. ofatcalves. Further entries will oblige so that they may be par- ticularised in catalogue, which will be published 10 days prior to the ale i Offices—Ej ton House, Wrexham 274A)f u_- SALE BY MESSRS CH LTRTON, ELPHICK & Co. j HALKYN, FLINTSHIRE. TO BREWERS, INNKEEPERS, AND CAPITALISTS. SALE OF FREEHOLD PUBLICHOUSE AND PREMISES. MESSRS. CHURTON, ELPHICK, & Co, will ScU by ?1. Publ c Auction, at the Kin?s Head Hotel, Holy- w, II on FRIDAY, the 25th day of November, ];<o;S], at half- past Two o'clock in the afterlloon precisely, in one lot, and subject to conditions to be then and there pi oduced and, reail, all that capital, subst uitially built Freehold PUBLICHOUSE known as "The Miners Arms," situate at Halkyn, aforesaid, together with the out-buildings, gardens, and two c. ofti of excellent pasture land adjoining thereto, and the two cottages held therewith the whole containing by est ma ion la Ir 27p of laud or the eabouts. The Miners Arms commands a good steady business, and now that the Halkyn Drainage Scheme is in act.ve progress, which when complete, by developing the un- paralleled mineral resources of the neigh' ourhood, will give employ to a large nuaiber of miners, it may be con. fidently anticipated that this house, which is most favour- ably .situate, will command one of the be-t ùusinesses in t elocality. Immediate possession of the whole of the property will be given For further particulars apply t > Messrs KELLY &- KEENE 1 Solicitors, Mold Mr H. A. COPE, Solic tor, Holywell, or to the ACCTIONEEUS. Auction Office, Chester, 1st November, IsSL 2li9tip TO IRONMONGERS, BUILDERS, AND OTHERS. Important Sale of a portion of the Stock in-Trade of Messrs Peters and Ihti/hes, Braziers and Furnishing Iron- mongers, upon their premise< <li EASTGATE STREET, CHESTER, MESSRS CHURTO, ELPHICK, & CO. have been ?j[ favored with instructions from the Proprietors, who are giving up the business, to SELL BY AUCTION, on Thursday, the 24th of Novemher, 1-81, commencing at Eleven o'clock a.iii., ptitie'li;tllv, it P l!lTI'IX of their Ex- tensive and Valuable STOCK-IN-TRADE, comprising a large assortment of very h noisome full register grates, Berlin blacked, tine-finished and plain sham registers, mantel shams, li.-t hetirthi;, very superior and costly MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, with grates to match; ovens and grates, with hobs excellent open and close tire KITCHEN K ANiS ES, a number of slow combustion, Joyce's patent charcoal, gas, and other stoves sundry boilers, j castings, and other Ell. cts. The Auctioneers wish to call the particular attention of Builders and others to this sale, as being a very eiigiNe opp,.i-ttillit?- i-e good articleg. The other portion of the S-ock will be Sold by Auction on the 28tli November and following days. N. B Catalogues may be had from the Auctioneers, i Messrs C'IICUTO.N, KLPIUCK, ROIIKRTS, and RICHARDSON, Chester. :ï5!17. By rjer of the Dcisees in tmst of the Will of Mr lloberts, deceased. -r 0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, b MESSRs CHURTON, 8. ELPHICK. AND CO., on Saturday, the ord day of I December, 1881, at the f;i-eeii Dragon Hotel, Chester, at 2 for 3 o'clock p.m., punctually, subject to conditions of Sale. LOT I.-THE COPYHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE, cilled j i,eipsic Housp," si uate near the beautiful Village of Gresford, in the County of Denbigh, with Stable, Coach- '? and the (?ar(leii thereto, house, and other Out-buildings, and the oarden thereto, containing about 1 acre and 11 perches. LOT 2 -A FREEHOLD CLOSE OF LAND, called "Hillock Lane Field," situate in Hillock Lane, Gresford, containing about I acre 3 roods and 3t; perches. The dwelling-house has been recently erected by the late owner without regard to cost for his own occupation, and is a most substantial and comfortable resilience, sup- plied throughout with hot and cold w ter, and all other modern conveniences. It is placd in a charming situation, on Manor ) Hill. For particulars, and to view the property, apply at the Red Lion Hotel, Mar ford Hill, to the Auctioneers, Mes rs CHCKTON, ELPHICK, ROBERTS, & RICHARDSON, Chester, or to Messrs T, >1. SMITH it SON, Solicitors, (i, Newington, Liverpool. n 31R S. A U C T I O N E E R AND V A L U En, BEGS to thank the Inhabitant; of Wrexham and Neighbourhood for their patronage and support since he commenced husiness, awl respectfully in- forms ineui that iris Oiffce and Wan-houses are now situate in the Corn Excli .nge Buildings, Henldas- stivet. he w;I! coarr-.ue to ca-r. on hi- li'.isine-s, and trusts by ,-trict attention ami prompt nje'-it i oo'Ui'i-i u!.v of 11 :-IL 1 f 1" :!rS. A. Uhes it to l.-e known that he b.as large-m. e -lYe'rient Waiehou^es for tli ■ storage of Fnr-.iiniv. "nd tht he is pre:> ;re-l t make .idvniii-F- OTT G-I'td C >nsi _JED TO p" -ale. •s.' t t'eui- nts jir.-miit at c os. f al' Vote the :idivs.s. .Ml! S .WI'oN. i ■= iiNchallge Cui'. iiiigs. o- Kenblas-street, Wrexliam. Business Announcements. • V I WINES AND SPIRITS AT WHOLESALE PRICES AT THE NORTH WALES NORTI-I STORES, j I i SUPPLY STOKES. SHERRIES from per iloz PORT from 21s CLARET from 12s SCOTCH & IRISH WHISKIES from 2 :S HUM and GIX from 2Hs COGNAC BRANDY from 29s „ i Single Bottles of the above can be hall at corres- ponding prices. CASE BR ANDIES, HE.NXESSEY son :\IARTEI,í.;S, i 1 Stir, pe- botUe 4s Gd 2 .I. I. 5s Od 3 ij 5s 6<1 JULES DUFOXT & CO.'S— 1 Star, per bottie. 4s Od 2 „ 4s 6d 3 5s Oil CHAMPAGNE LIME JUICE (J- F. Ed.'sbury and Co.'s) 4s Od per doz. ZOEDONE Is fid „ YlN SANTE 5s Od A new and revised Viiee Li-t free on application. V. K BENSON & CO PROPRIETORS | 7J HAMS! HAMS!! HAMS! —— GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF H A M S. FINE MILD HAMS can now be bo1 ght at HOPE STREEf MARKET, WKEXHAM, AT SIXPENCE PER POUND. H A M S ARE CHEAPER THAN BEEF AND GO MUCH I FURTHER. DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS ONLY OBTAINABLE AT HOPE STREET MARKET WREXHAM. 2491 BAYLEY & CO.'S DIARY AND ALMANACK FOR 1882, Containing a variety of Useful Information on COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY MATTERS AND A SHORT HISTORY OF WREXHAM, Will be published about NOVEMBER 26TII. Intending advertisers n:ust forward their communications not later than Monday, November 21st. 51, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. 2605z FRANCIS' VOICE LOZENGES. For Clearing and Strengthening the Voice, relieving affections of the Throat, Hoarseness, Huskiness, &e. Public Speakers and Singers take them with much benefit as a Preventative of Hoarseness, and as a remedy when it exists. -NUMEROUS TESTIMONIALS FROI CELEBRATED AIITISTES, &C. 1.—MISS MARY DAVIES. I have found your Lozenges very effective in removing hoarseness, and can thoroughlv recommend them." 2.-MISS .MARIAN WILLLDIS.-L The Lozenges at once and completely removed a slight hoarseness under which I was suffering." 3.— HISS MARTHA HARRIES. I found the Lozenges highly beneficial." 4. —MR LEWIS (LLEW LLWYFO.) I believe that I could not have performed my part (owing to hoarseness) at the Concert, had it not been for the efficacy of your Lozenges. 5.— MR FANISH, Ll VElt POOL. The of the Lozenges is remarkable indeed gave me a voice as clear as a bell." (;A CLERGYMAN NEAR WHEXHA)I. They have a wonderful effect on my voice." Sold in Boxes, 71d, Is lkl, 2s 9tl each or sent per post for Is Jljd, 2s M in stamps. From the Proprietor, JNO. !/RA:NCIS, M.P.S., PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, (EXAM.), WREXHAM. 2710a NOVEMBER, 1881. WE ASK ATTENTION TO DELIVERIES JUST TO HAND OF NEW SHAP. S IX ULSTERS, FASHIONABLE ENGLISH AND FOREIGN JACKETS, FUR-LINED CIRCULARS VERY CHEAP. THE ABOVE WE KEEP IX ALL SIZES. CRETONNES Warranted Fast Colors also our Special Makes of WELSH FLANNELS & SUMMER BLEACHED BLANKETS, These are thoroughly reliable, and '.ve are now able to offer them together with our General Heavy Drapery Stoci, at Lower Prices than we have ever known them to reach there is, however, in all fabrics, a distinct tendency upwards, and higher prices are sure to rule. We have, therefore, con- fidence in stating that ,the present is:a favorable time to buy the class of goods we offer for Sale. W. AND J. PRICHARD, 14, HOPE STREET, W R E X H A M. 2279n CHRISTMAS CARDS, 1881. THE CHOICEST DESIGNS. ALL NEW. READY NOW FOR SELECTION. f W GAR RATT- JONES, 11 (J > i K S E I. 1. K i;, ic v 1, CHURCH ST KELT. XIIAM. 2725z -_u_u_- Business Annodncement-s. J tr SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, 23, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. The THREE GUINEAS K11 SADDLE is a marvel of cheapness an over pi;; in, ,-o .1 !te with fittings, with or without ]\1le pads. ivmirUai le Saddle for cross country riding, the tree being strong elastic.  ?- ?"   ?-?' O'  The SIX GUINEAS Tli OWN or BLACK IBRESS is lined all thrl)'J1J. 'Prp i.. f pxc^Hpnt vfilnp. 1>'ing well adaptPii for d"^>c rr rV ^ouera.! u-'y. 4 PAIR OF CARRIAGE H ARX ESS from Twenty Guineas, ae^rdinj: to Furniture. ,>rn Iv IT Yo ('  .{' "'J' F'ft t FOUR-IX HA? D CAi.RJAGE HAilNEss from Fifty to | One Hundred Guinea except the plating furniture made 011 the premises. TANDEM HARNESS very l.eaily got up for Fourteen. Pounds. BREWERS H \nXF.S iND CART GEARS. HORSE CLOTH1NC, best ui ertine, persuit, t3 lfls, any pattern, comprising the following :-Hood, sheet, pad, cloth, body roller, and tillet strings. Second quality, ditto., par suit, £ 2 1781),1. An excellent assortment of reversible KNEE RUGS, RAILWAY WRAPPER and large size Waterproof CARRIAGE RUGS. HORSE CLII-PINU MACHINES of all makers. Hunting stables fuvni»hed throughout with every appli- an ce ntcessarv. BREECHES PASTE and COO., TOP POWDER PASTE I; LEGGINGS! LEGGINGS! LEUGINGS ) Leggings for shooting, Leggings for Fishing, Leggings j for Breeches and Pantaloons, Leggings for Constabulary, and short Military Leggings MACHINE STRAPS or Mill Bands for heavy machinery, single and double a2(ju2p fllE TE-n I t ? ?.?t? ? ?t .?ib? ?- 'J 'Õ! i W AREHiiC.SE, 7 I .1.. i 18 'J' "=::1 1, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. About Fifty Vessels laden with the NEW SEASON'S TEAS liave arrived, and WM. PHILLIPS is ctirefully selecting parcels from I the finest imports which will be offered to the public at the lowest remunerative prices. lip. 1 PHI ,LIPS, ¡ 't H. L.í PROPRIETOR. 1057f OFFICE, WAREHOUSE; REFRIGERATOR, I HEAD ESTABLISHMENT WASHINGTON BUILDINGS, IS Ar 20, LIME STREET, f LIVERPOOL, I ——————— I BLOCK & CLEAVER, FAMILY BUTCHERS, THE highest class of BEEF and MUTTON can be obtained at any of BLOCK and CLEAVER'S Establishments. All Beef and Mutton kept in their own RE- FRIGERATORS, and delivered at the following Branches every MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED- NESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY Evening I (Holidays excepted. 1 BLOCK 1\ "'D CLEAVER, 207. Park-rd., Liverpool, 431, Stanlev-rd., Bootle. 52, Wavertree-rd., 316". Derhy-rd., „ 77, Soho-st., "(j, Derby-rd., 127, Gt. Homer-st. 57, South-rd., Waterloo. 244, Gt. Homer-st. M001 1.,me Crosby. 4!), Stanley-rd., King-street. Mom 99, VValton-nl., Stockport Road. 192, Walton-rd., Manchester 878a ADVANTAGEOUS BUSINESS PREMISES IN WREXHAM. LARGE FRONT SHOP, (3(5 feet by 18 feet.) WITH COMMODIOUS SALE AND SHOW ROOM ABOVE. (:3ô feet by IS feet.) And ROOMY DRY CELLAR. (36 feet by 18 feet.) AT THE BOTTOM OF BANK-STREET, AXD CENTRALLY SITUATED NEAR THE MAKKETS. The premises, which have a handsome plate-glass frontage, command sever; of the most frequented business avenues in the town, ar, are in all respects suitable for carrying on a first-class business in the Drapery, Grocery, Ironmongery,General Pn. ision, or almost any other branch of trade. For Terms apply to Mr EDWARD JONES, plumber, ct-c., Chester-street, Wrexham. 1750 -0_ R. C. FEARLEY, A§CCO;UNTA NT, ESTATE A G 1" N 1 INSURANCE AGENT, BOKO L' < r H cOLL E T 0 U 1 !•: M P L E 11 o v.- WhhXHAM i 211Sn j j Business Ai-nouncemcnts. WINTER SEASON. THE DRESS DEPART Al ENT i:i -iut, ,epitte with Good Assortment of I WINTER MATERIALS, I To suit all classes. INSPECTION INVITED. DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT, Charges r.OWE:T in North Walt-. All goods turned out in first-class Style and Fit. A TRIAL RECOMMENDED. :ar. -î:=-¡;,r:¡-=-=:¡: _2 31.0 U U N I N G 0 R D E II S dJ ,-) l' .l. I{Jf ;¡1,: t. "?,ç: Receive IMMEDIATE attention. A. P. holds the Largest stock of BLACK and Mourning Goods in North Wales. The Public arc specially asked to ex .mine Paddon's "CRAPE CLOTH" for Dress Mantles and lYmmings, NOT AFFECTED BY WET. AN-T) WILT, NOT CRUSH. PATTERNS BY POST. | ADDRESS- ALBANY PADDON, I S T R E E T i HIGM STREET, W R EX H A M. 2250z I -l1 THE OLD ESTABLISHED CARVER, GILDER, PICTURE FRAME MAKING AND MOUST CUTTING ESTABLISHMENT, 2, CHARLES STREET, WREXHAM MRS WARBURTON Begs to return her sincere thanks to her friends awl the public generally for the liberal support which she has r .-ceived since the death of her late husband, Mr W. Warburton, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their support. Mrs Warburton begs also to inform her friends and the public that, the same workmen are kept on which have been in the employment for 26 years, and all work entrusted to them will have the greatest care and attention. Chromos, Drawings, Photographs, Oleographs, and all kinds of Pictures Mounted and Framed in the newest designs. Oil Paintings Cleaned, Lined, and Restored, Plans and 31aps Mounted and Varnished. Old Work Re-gilt and made equal to New. Mount Cutter kept on the Premises. ADDRESS ALL ORDERS—  1 RS WARBURTON, j 2r65f 2, CHARLES STHEET, WREXHAM. n- I I PACKIN I 4 S. C.4ESI" ST    CABINET AND UPHO^STh^I^G WAREHOUSE, 4 AND 5, CHESTER STREET. DINING ROOM AND DRAWING ROOM SUITES in all the newest designs. SOLID ASH BEDROOM SUITES, With Plate Glass Door AVardrobe, 116 10s. A CHOICE LOT OF TURKEY KOULA RUGSFr7m 143;deach ROMAN SATTEEN In alljthe Newest Colorings. i1[? ?TU T'JR.tl'\? m? ± ?TLJ Tf'R?-TE7? ?"? other HOUSEHOLD EFFECT Rea oved without Packing by Road and Rail to any FURNITURE p:u t ? he United Kingdom. FURNITURE WAREHOUSED AT MODERATE TERMS. Estimates Free. 2601a WARNING WHEN YOU ASK FOR -R,ECKIT1" PARIS BLUE SEE THAT YOU GET IT. RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE THE GENUINE IS USED BY THE LAUNDRESSES OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND 1487 DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH GEO. BEVAN. ACCOUNTANT, COMMISSION AGENT, & VALUER lA, HENBLAS STREET, WREXHAM. 2;154f 1-   j »yTLLIAMS> IRON MERCHANT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION I AGENT, ACREFAIR, NEAR RVABON. IRON AND STEEL RAILS AND BARS. Of unexceptional Good Brands, supplied promptly, Agent for North Wales to the BOWLING IRON COMPANY, LIMITED, BRADFORD, Manufacturers of Best Yorkshire Iron, viz. I Boiler Plates, Angles, Axles, Weldless Tyres, i Iron or Crucible Steel. 234S THE TEA WAREHOUSE 1, TOWN HILL, WREXHAM. About Fifty Vessels laden with the NEW SEASON'S TEAS have ar-ived, and WM. PHILLIPS is carefully selecting parcels fi om the tinest imports, which will be offered to the public at the lowest remunerative prices. PHILLIPS, PROPRIETOR. 10; it 8IMPLIF1C1TION OF FINER\LS STHET't?NS ? PATENTED FOLDING BIER ? highlv ?nptovfd. COST SMALL, HIRES WEt" EASILY PUT AWW end for particulars to E. A stretton, Kidderminster. w. FORREST, Dealer in NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, FEaTHER AND FLOCK BEDS, MATTRESSES, & c &c. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT OR EX- CHANGED. A RGYLE-STREE T, (LATE ART EXHIBITION GROUND), WREXHAM. 2356n "OLIVE C R E A m. (Registered at Stationers' Hall.) Highly recommended for Preserving, Invigorating, and Dressing the Hair, rendering it soft and Glossy, imparting a healthy stimulus to the roots, and much superior to Pomades, Oils, Glycerine, and Lime Cream, &c for the Hair. IN Is AND 2s BOTTLES. PREPARED BY JNO. pRANCIS, M. P. S., PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, (EXAM.) WREXHAM. 2709n GAMBLE, MERCHANT, WEST m:O:\IWlCH. SPECIALITIES Hudson's patent Steel Trams for Collieries, Mines, Quarries, Cv-c. Steel wheels. Axles, and Pedestals, Steel for Mining Tools, Shears and Turning Tools of superior manufacture. Hall's Automatic Injectors and Water Elevators (these simple instruments are the cheapest arolI most perfect Boiler Feeders, Water Elevators, and Con- tractor's Pumps in the world. ) Dobson's patent Fire Bars. Iron and Steel Rails and Accessories. New and Second-hand Railway Waggons, Engine*, Rotters, Machinery, A'c.. Particulars and Prices on application 314p M X l: k E S. B E S T ,1,\ C H ii A P E ST s A F l-i ti U A R D against FIRE and THIEVES. Bas'nors Anucu^cenicnt-. NORTH .){TU,; I( i 'i l- T 'T l,) t; "I.t t. R'I SUPPLY STORES, 14. HI (ill STREET, WREXHAM. (OPPOSITE THE WALES BANK.) These store • of Supply ar.-b,.si>d an! conducted on the (io-oper:itive prill iple,—Ihe Snnllest Profit :"or Cash Pavin lit, «it'i a cieiv to meet the re- quirements of a class of custodiers who are able and willing to pay ready money for their goods. anil reasonably aspect 'ori c i.e full advantages for the same, thereby tit,iiillr !lie system whereby good customers are ml ie to pav for the bad. XMAS SEAaON, issi. THE PROPRIETORS beg v.-spectrally to call the attention of their patrons and the pu-.lic generally to their choice and well-selected STOCK of NEW PATRA-4, VosfiZZA, AX!) CEPHAl.ONIA CUB b' A N 1 S MUSCATEL, VALENCIA AND SULTANA RAISINS, FUEXCH PLUMS, lCI.HMFli:S, JORDAN, VALENCI t, AND BITTER ALMONDS, CANDIED, LEMON, ORANGE AND C I T n 0 X PKHT., C RYSTALL I 7. E D AND CL \C E FItUITS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT < ( OSAQl E i, BON BONS, AND CHRISTMAS DKCOltATlONS. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS C ICES, Ti CD "D PLAIN, ALSO OF PL i.IN .\Nii FANCV n J see r T GORGONZOLA, PARMESAN, • •'RUYi'.R", AND S 11 I/TON CH Er>E. FOREIGN WINES. SPIRITS, \ND UQUKRS. Purchasers can ob ain the s Co- operative Stores uithov the expense of tafrinii shares or boifhuj an annual ticii-t. COPIES of iie%N pri.-i? LIST can had FREE on application to the Stores, or per Post. DEiAU VMENTS. r' i. ¡.i.A -ç 1 TEAS AND CO 1 FEES. GENERAL OROCERlES AND PROVISIONS. FRENCH, ITALIAN, FOREIGN COLONIAL GOODS. WINES AND SPIRITS CIGARS AND TOBACCO. BRUSHES, SPONGES, FANCY AND HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES. PATENT MEDICINES AND PROPRIETARY ARTICLES. PERFUMERY AND FANCY GOODS. DELIVERY OF GOODS. All Orders delivered Free in Wrexham and neighbourhood by our own Vans, or by Carriers. General Orders of £ and upwards forwarded, Carriage Free, to any Riiilway Station within twenty miles of Wrexliiiui; for JL5 and upwards, forwarded, Carriage Free, to any Railway Station in England or Wales. r. K. BENSON & CO. ¡ 1,.N l.. PROPRIETORS. 2784 PRIVATE FAMILIES, SCHOOLS, CLUBS, &c.. SI*I'PI,IEI) Wilif CHINA, GLASS, EARTHENWA .E, AiD CUTLERY ON HIRE. Agents f07 the Terra Cotta Company. Paintings sent to the Wo ks to be Fired. Plaques, vases, &c., always in stock. FOR TERMS APPLY TO BAYLEY CO., CAXTON BUILDINGS, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. 20WI) IMPORTANT ro ALL IN TRADE. X ESTABLISHED 1&3C. X G T U B B S » MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.G. Trade Auxiliary Company (L-uii'ed). SUBSCRIBERS, BY OHTAtMXG TDtELY INFORMATION, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS, AND MAY, THROUGH THIS AGENCY, RECOVER DEBTS nUE WITH PROMPTITUOE. U -BS' WEEKLY (s per annum) Supplies Information Indispensable to Trader! BRANCHES at 53, Conduit-street, London lOublin, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, JSrightan, Bel- fast, Cork, Edinburgh, Gloucester, Liverpool, Leei's, Man- chester, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Soiitli-iinpton, Sheffield. TERMS— £ 1 Is, A:2 29, £ 3 3s, £5 -uvortfir.g to re- quirements. PROSPECTUS forwarrled on application to tl ie SECRE- TARY, Stubbs' Mercantile Offices, 42, Grcslnv.n Street, London, E.C. C A U T I O N THERE IS NO OFFICE IN LONDON ■ ONNUCTET> WITH STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES, (SITLIJ.TE AI THe CORNER OF KING STREET, '¡¡'I'iI'E Gril.DHA. I,I.), KXCKPT THE WEST END BRANCH CONDUIT v THEET. 2:rjb THE GREATEST IN jp U R S A gE A LSKI N s IN :N o A N n, £ 25,000 WORTH of LADIEK' FL I, 40 per ;t. less price than West-End drapers and furrier 500 PERSIAN SEAL PALETOTS, and II >LM-\NS, 3Wn. to 44in. long, beautifully lille(I s;itin jLS to £ 0 each. 300 SUPERB ALASKA SK.ALSK1 N PALETOTS AND DOLMANS, ZLIO to £1-1 each al' :ut from Worth's Paris patterns. 2,000 BLACK RUSSIAN FOX deep flou ncing<, 10 t! to ltdl6 each 5,000 BLACK RUSSIAN FOX DEEP SHOULDER CAPES, and MUFFS to iii.t- I i, I tile set. 150 SETS of REAL RUSSIAN AHI,E, Sable Tail, Skunk, Beaver, Otter, Racer,oil, Bear, Chinchilla, as also Shoulder Caprs and ;V luff, in like furs, half- price. 2,000 CARRIAGE WRAPPERS, 30/- to each lined on fine cloth in Raccoon, Fox, Bear, Opposurn, Buffalo, Wolf, Lynx, and Leopard. 5,000 HEARTHRUGS, 2 yards long, in every variety of skins, from 20/- to 30/- ea ch. 500 GENTLEMAN'S CLO-H OVERCOATS, lined with rich fur, great bargains, 1:4. X5, and 4cf; each. 500 LARGE CHINESE HEARTHRUGS, lilt; each. 5,000 DOOR MATS and Perambulator It 4 C> and 7■- each. LADIES' FUR-LINED CLOAKS from 3C, to till;-each. SPECIAL NOTICE, Ladies' Seal Jackets lengthened, it dyed, made equal to new. Any single article sent on receipt of Post Office Order.  J TJH1LLIPS' CITY UK WAREHOISE, H, P Tj2, Newgate-,?t.. ('il, LONDON. WOOLLEN TAILORING \NI) OUT-FITTING ESTABLISHMENT. EDWARD LLOYD, REGENT BUILDINGS, WREXHAM. E J.JJOYD is now showing a great varietv o< WINTER OVERCOATINGS in BEAVERS, MELTONS, TWEEDS, &c., Worsted Coatings, Black and Colored Trowserings, suitings, ,Vc., l.adies' Jacket and Ulster Cloths. Ladies and Gentlemen may rely up. n having a perfect fit combined with moderate charges. EDWARD LLOYD. i'EOENT BCILDINOS, Wi! EXHAM. LoOvi.j THE NEW f: H I R ? SI i- I P r N I Ilf" r.. !'F.' _il 'I .t .i.? l.ljWARh :'?L" V V.'fi, I. I. I. 11 Y G. BA YLEY. f S A N D C H ¡: H t' K s T R £ E T f. r. -iT tN ORDINARY will be held at MR- Pak^onao?-. r the Nelson Anns. Vaults, evei Thtir- e,v. :,t i? J pm.