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Wanted. A GENTS WAN! KD for tlie Sale of the Wrexham Ad- .6. GEYfS'YA1 ED for the (If the Wrezham .Ad- vertiscr in piact s it; present unrepresented. Appli- cations direct to this Office. "T=.fED, ?spt.ct?Mt-. we') ?dncftte.t Youth as APi'iH?TK'H. \V. HOWLA;,D, Chemist, Wrex- ham. ÑlJb WANTED, an experienced MILLINER and DllESjv MAKKIt; also Improvers.—Apply at the Star hop, Coetipneth. S.Tiz AGENT WATED to pllh tir?t ctass LU!<HICATiXG ?L OILS. Couuuis>ioll ? to 15 p r cent.-Box ?l, Post omce, Lheruuo). 742p l'\a ?V?V A?TKnT an?xpr?c? C.?h. :SO Wa,tre'7. Ch.mb?n.) (?,.?ine? SO?'t reference, re.?r?ed. -Apply..Star liotel, 77if w A.NTI,,I).-A clelk, ()lle accuitomed to the brick and pipe tr?e.-Apply to ? 1 .?R, 54, Hope-streot, Wrexham. NJ2f «rpi, n a volMAN of 18 or 30 to itaxist in a W Ptll)Ii" 11, ppi. ill -?" handwriting to A. D., «<Hces of thi" o"nnL _).Iz W" a'\TTK1) three or four re<pe. t?b!e LADQ to sell \V ??r??.-Ap).:y ?t this office between two and three o'clock 011 M<?n?y nuxt P OOOJST- Wanti <1 a Situation by an experienced Bread and Pas-try Hand Address, E. WEST, Brymbo Post Oiffce, Wrexham ,27n ANTP,L), Cooks, Ho.st maids, N-ur.,ei, a-d good W General Servants. Ap; ly, with stumped envelope, Mrs JONES, -ft. HenMus-stm-r-, Wrexham. 3; 2b "aNTKD. — A inde oiing MAN :tSC<?KhmM.a? £ 0. —Apply, with ,Lm"e'l <?ncv"pe. )Ir Jo?Es, Registry office, :?4, Henhlas-treet, Wrexham. 851f I'AtU.OH ?nd BED w ANTED— UNFl'ljViSHKD PARLOR and BED_- ROOM, in or ne ,r Wrexham, term9 must be Moderate. Address, M. 1, oiffce. Stilf WANTED, by a rtspi.r?t?Ie pcMon. a SITUATION as phin cook in.)r??..utWrf'xh?n. A?e:17. ?agea jEOO—\pp]' vtoMrsK.O?i?.!t)?ES,S, P?br)U. 'cx- ham. "P APP11ENTICE, WAN'S I'll*.—.Must be sharp. intelligent A aftd not uu.?r 14 must abo hav? passed the fourth etand?d.-At.p!y ?t .fo???- ?team Pnutms Works, Bank- street, Wiexh:nu. _n _u ,f hKt:VAXT. ?Mst plaiD cook. iri,)i 1:14. C*7"4VrED,seneritlSERVANT. Must plain cook, W make butter. wash. and in n Wft!. ?.?''s, ?t? AtJ Hou ?.?id. „).. c,n sew W?s. ?O.-Addressfun particul.? Mr Mool>V, Postoltice, Birkenhead. 8 OACHMYN -WANTED, by a married man with one t./ chi)d a SITUATION as Coachman, to look after two ?hr? L..?. Ac. W.fc t.. t.?. <-h:_r? of the Sundry if required Apply to Mr KOUKKTS, ?-ad-UM, Huthin. 817P OFRV VNTS wanted immediately. Cooks (experienced S and plain). Housemaids, Waitresses, NMirses. Oeneral Servants Ac. Also, a tho.oiiglily experienced Parlour and Lady's Maid combined.—MRS K. OIYKN JONES, 8 Peny- bryn, Wrexham. 110a. -7"A1 ED. Cooks, Plain Cooks. Housemaids' W- itr-s-M- General Servants, I arm House Girls, Hotel Co. ks. Plain Cooks, Waitress, StiUroom Maid Housemaids. < iood servants wanting good p.aces should applv to EliWAhn H.\Y(;OU\, 3i, Chester-street, Wrexham. Established L.0 v^iU'st. i. o Lat. TO BE Y?T. Acton Cottar, (Tesford, for six months i twelve, or longer.- Apply to Mr Lt.w?, a'aj*™* Mill, Rossett. °'s C"1 ARDEN —a very good one. with many fruit ???7''? (? LFT near the town (Wrexham). -App!y to X, at?e Omce of th.s Paper and /"■| TO BE LHT. with imMcdiate possession SHOP and I?Vt?L??-H?t-st.j, n, Lambpit-street -?PR!y at 27, I.ambpit -<'ruet ? _? ?'L? Capital ('EI.J. \n and ?TOREROOM in centre of 0 ?ownTO LHT -App'y to WM. HAWK?s T.LSTON, Estate A Rent. 7. Heiil)!as- street. — A newly furnished t T'AI!T\tF\rS TO i.r r. A and bedroom to h t Apply t., Mrs EDCAH J<»NKS, O BE LEI7 a COTTA(JE and BUILDINGS, situate on T' Oatland Farm near Holt. Kent moderate —Apply to Mr FRF.IIKRICK JAMES Ei.i.IS, on the farm. KWp- rrO -LET. the BUTCHERS' AlDIS. INN LlanSollen, with small shop attached, licensed —Apply to WILI-IAM J. Sisso.N. Cumltri.in Brewery, Wrexham. 8U:U To liE LKT, an old established SMITHY & SHoRING FORGE. Also ret of Stables, with sheds, yard, &c. Apply, J. A. Cil\nwicii, Bridge-street, Wrexham _8:z l^URnC-HOU^E t.. LF.T.-T!e KILN INN. Cross I Lanes near Wrexham, witt' 0 acres of Grass Land. Immediate possession For particulars apply on the premises. ijCUP ATI ON L.vND.—About 12 acres of excellent Pasture. Laud at the C -urt." in the borough of Wrexham.- Apply t" Mr t. YAl f.iiAvWll.I.lAMS, solicitor, Egerton-steet. Wrexham. 4:!Sf (11° BE I.I5T, a comfortable an<1 BUILDING, .I. with twelvti acres of bind, at-Sutton Oreen. BowlillS Bauk, near Wrexham, now in the occupation of Thomas .Shone.—Apply on the premises. 831p <T"0 LKT.—A full Hcet?cd o?d-iidc PUC?tC-HUU?H, in Jl an ugrirultl1ral distr?t, with Rood Garden, OntbmIfL ings, and Four AMCS of Land.—Apply to J. JONES, Island Green Brewery, Wre■chain. 71£f- o LET, KOSEHD.L L\HK ErMstock. containing 51 J_ Acres of Excdhmt <?d P?ture. with good shade and water suitable for youn? ?tock and sheep. App)y to I Mr JONES, Ibnl < rceu, Wrexham. ¡. ?0 LRT on the ?th of March GREENFIELD X HOUSE, Hho.-ddn. Cont?nstwo sittjn, f@ur bed. rsoms, and kitchens, io. There is a good garden, tennis ground, and greenhouse.— -Apply on the premises. 492b r% O LET- BROOK LANDS—a good family residence .3 situated in Wrexh 1111 Feehan, replete with every con- venience with stable. ciMch-hoiise, and large garden, green- house, &c.—Apply to Mr J. M. JONES, The Court, Wrex- haaa. 800f To BREWERSPUP.LiCAN -T0 15E 1 KT or _j LEASED, for a tprm nf years, that old estaidished full licensed house known as "THE FEVFHE>:S," Llan- gollen, Possession ist Mav.—AI h i i-ess J. li. EDWARDS, Pensarn, .ibergele. _81:Jp RESSMAKINfi DRESSMAKING DRESS- MAKt?G' At H, Town Hill. Ladies' own m&tcri?s made-up at '!s per (Irc. The one charge made only -An ASSISTANT WANTED to the above, also APPRENTICES. 81rl TO BE LET mar. Hope Station, two semi-detatched JL VILLA RESIDENCES, with every modern conveni- ence lent moderate splemlid scenery immediate pos- session.—For further particulars apply to Ki.f.HTON, :W, Wrexham-stiett, Mold. 7NSf I AND at Piekhill Hall —TO HE LKT from the 21st j April, lSI, to Land—Apply to Mr II. A. KE.NRICK, Piikhill Farm, tc view the land, and for particulars as to rent to Mil EVAN IOIUU, solicitor, Wrexham. iHf To BK LKT. a Dairy Farm, called the Argoed. in the 6 parishes of Overton und Bang-I.r, in couiity of Flint, containing 1:¡O acres of which there is only 1.1 acrec in tillage, with all excellent Homestead, and up to good loads. n r-Is?coed, Wrexham. —Apply to MRS CAMPUEI.L, Rung r-Is;coed, Wrexham. ]¡;¡;J8a a O BE l.ET and entered upon in about a month 01" six I wetk s time, a first-class HOUSE, with garden at- tached, o, K. Derbv Terrace, Derbj-r>ad, Hightown. Now in the occupation"of Mr James Houghton.who will kindly shew parties through the house.—Apply AJa tiscr Office, 522p "0 BE LET, TiiE QUI NT A, Overton, Fiintsliire, con- S taining dining and ( rawing rooms, kitchens, and other offices, five bedrooms, and W.C. Attached are walled gardens, s'able, saddle room, and coach-house, with rooms over each.—Apply to Mr JONES, Island Green, Wrexham. RRYN-Y-G KOH, WREXHAM. TO BE LET, with immediate possession, furnished or i unfurnished, the above Excellent COUNTRY RESIDENCE, situate about It miles from Wiexham, together with .3;¡ acres of Land or thereabouts adjoining thereto. Also a C' achm.in's Cottage.—For further particu- lars applv t "Ir JOIIN Unn., land agent, Wrexham. S04z BANGOR )SYC<'ED —To f ? a neat Residence, con. !]t t1inin kitchen, back kitchen, dining and drawing rooms, and four good bed-ior ins, with the necessary out- buildings, ite., tocetlier with seven acres of excellent pasture laud. Possession May 1st, 1SS1. For rent, &c., applv to Mr R E. BICKEKTOV, Buck Hotel, Bangor- Isycoed. 7.9Sa BRYNTIRION, HOPE. FLINTSHIRE, 10 mi!es from JD Chester, from Wrexham and Mo)d. 15 minutes from a railway station —To he Let. a GF.NTLEM \N'S RESIDENCE, possessing unusual advantages of situation, with modern style and convenience. Fifty acres of land may be had.—Apply, Messrs CRUIKSHANK and EVERETT, ï, Savile Hnw, London, W. COTTAGES. -To Colliery Proprietors and Others.—To ?? be l.et or So)d, a number of Cottages in the neigh- bourhood of Buckley, Pontblyddyn, Leeswood, Coed Talon, and Tryddyn, North Wales. Purchasers may allow the greater part "f the money to remain on mortgage. Special arrangements can be made with employers of labor wishing to rent.—For particulars apply to the Secretary. G. T. HOLLANK. City of Chester Benefit Building Society, 10, St. Werburgh-street, Chester. 5h QUFEN-STREET, WREXHAM. mO BE LET, with immediate possession, a ?fiy com- X modious HOL?E and Extensive WAREHOUSE, STORES, and YARD, all adjacent in one range, with con- venient approaches for vehicles from the street, called "QUEEN SQUARE." Also a large Garden and Green- house, well stocked with excellent vines, all situate in Queen-street, Wrexham, and lately occupied by Mrs Lloyd, plumber. Apply to Messrs LEWIS and SON, Solicitors, Wrexham. 117c Sales by Private Contract. TO BE SOLD, a neat little THAP, suitable for a pony t from 1:l to 14 hands high, with lamps, etc., complete. —Apply W. OVVFN, Red Lion Inn. Chester-street. 2S86b BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY, the AUS- X TRALIAN ARMS, POKEY, containing eight rooms; two large cellars, brewliouse, itc -Apply on the premises. 607 h REXHAM MARKET HALL CO—To be Sold, 25 1'1' SHARES in above Company. Will be divided if desired.—Applv to V.'m, HAWKINS Tii-STON, 7, Henblas- street. 871z YfO BE SOLD a Bargain. -A second-hand COR DRILL JL and REAPING MACHINE, near!y new and by a good maker.-Apply to J. ROHKRTS, Brvn Helen, Brom- Meld, Mold. 735b TO BE SOLD as a bargain 2 FREEHOLD COTTAGES, with garden and water-closets, situate in Lower- street, Caergwrle, and occupied by William Wright and John Wright, as tenants. The rents are one house at £8 and the other at £ ti a vear.—Apnlv either by letter or personally to Mr JOHN HOI.MES, general dealer, Holywell. 6871" TJIO BE soJ:ITti}. private treaty, eight itcre? of LAND X and two COTTAGES and (;, between Wrex- ham and Ruahon, adjoining lands of Sir W. W. Wynn, i.'art., and Simon Yorke, Esq. Hental, £;30; capable of considerable increase. Price -Ui.XI, £4f)\) may remain at 4J per cent -Apply SHEIIRATT A: SON, solicitors, Wrexham. S55p ROOF]n-or-lEA P-ROOFING. (;ALVA\I/H> CORI.-l-GATKD IRON SHKK1. LARGE >'rocK, PRICE VERY LOW A S P H A L T E O FELT, jd per Foot A S P H A L T t: ? F E L T ?d per Foot BEST PATENT F¡LT, (?t.Y <?K I'E??Y PER FOOT Tp; do-s !I"t want coating at any time and will last very many ears. IRON Hot>FING AND FENCING WORKS S SOTHERN, 21, CHARLES STREET, WREXHAM, N' .»r Wynnstay Arms Hotel. 2:?4:3b, Sales by Private Contract. ,-I 0N SALE.-All kinds of SEED POTATOES, at Lee's ?? Potato tore9, No. 2, Abbott Street, Wrexham. 7lb t 0 jut; Soit).S paid-Lip i > "HAltE"; in the Alltami Colliery. -Apply to THOMAS JONES, timber in -i-(!h-.Itit, Northop. 874f IT^Ult SALE, ab-pul 2o0 -Measures of OATS and JP BARLEY.— Apply to J. A. PRCHIT, Clomendy Farm, HunbnD. 86n 3 Ul 1 LIUNti Lun; TO Bl. 0 L 1.0 111 Uwersyllt I-, ricks t) and Sand on the Ground.—Apply to THOMAS JONF.S, Grocer, Rhos Hobin. 824n I TO BE SOLD.—That oM-f-stahIished BUSINESS for- I. mcrty carried on by Mrs. Howard at the Ioss, Brougliton. doing a laige trade with the surrounding Col- lieries in Powder and General Stores. -Apply to ALFRED PRICE, Cerney, Broughton, near Wrexham. 763b 'IMMBElt.—TO BE SOI D, in two 1 ts, a nu ntity of JL larch and Scotch fir, fre?h cut. I%ing ready for re- moval, close to the l'oatlleafliu from Moid to Griandriad, thinings from Black Mountain plantation. Tenders for above to be addressed to the WOODMAN, Gellieynan, Nlold, by April 15th. Terms, ready money, 21, per cent. discount. 805p VHE EElS, WREXHXM7—To be Sold or Let, with JL immediate possession, the above commodious resi- dence, situate in the best part of Wrexham, overlooking the prettiest portion of Grove Park The House contains three entertaining and nine bed-rooms, spacious entrance hall, and handsome staircae, kitchen, back-kitchen, pantry, laundry, s tore-rooms, bath room, lavatory, two W. C's., housemaid's closet, wine cellar, back staircase, &c., and is very substantially built. Stables, coach house, &c. Pleasure ground and kitchen garden. For ftii ther particu- lars, apply to WM. HAWKINS TILSTON, Estate Agent, 7, Henblas-street, Wrexham. S25n Lost and Found. r, I'" ,J'"r-. r. I' LOST, Twelve Cro>- bred Wdsh Shearirr EWES. Who- ever will give informa'ion to Mr GRIFFITH JONES, I Mold, or Mr 1) C C ADAMS, .Moid, v.i.l lv rewarded. Miti/i {j^Ol/'ND, on Sunday night ]at, ? SE TTER DOG?The F owner can have it b applying to MR DAVID W!L- SON, Bridge House, Wrexham. J t not claimed within seven days, will be sold to defray expenses. 843b  ..?.? LOST and FOUND.- Lost on Wednesday, at Wrexham, ¡ a Blue and White SHEEP DOG, long haired, white l head, and one wall eye. Answers to the name of Jack." If found before Thursday next, to be taken to the Featheis Hotel, where the nnder will be rewarded.—Mr JAMES CARR, Buck Farm, Halghton, Whitchurch, Salop. 849b I Business Announcements. 'J' .T- "J' CAMBRIAN BREWERY, WREXIIAM. WILLIAM J. SISSON, BREWER, MALTSTER, And dealer in BEER, WINES, AND SPIRITS. WHOLESALE ONLY. 2534n C. DAViES Wishes to call attention to his TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Which is now complete with a Choice Selection of all Goods of the latest Designs, for Spiing and Summer Wear, pur- chased from the best English, Scutch, aud West of England Manufacturers. LADIES' JACKETS and HABITS. Latest Nove ties. A Splendid Selection of ALL- '.V!)O I, T!;OUSERIN"GS, Thoroughly Shi-unic. Made to Order. CHEVIOT and TWEED SUITS, 50s LIVERIES. Special attention is now being paid to this Department. which will be found complete with descriptions of Cloth and Material necessary. Gentlemen waited upon. or Price List forwarded upon application. C. DAYIES, 58, HOPE STREET, W R E X H A M. 589a SPRING FASHIONS, 1881. MILLINERY, MANTLES, DRESS MATERIALS, &c. CHOICE MILLINERY. New delivery of all the new Goods for the Season, Straw Hats and Bonnets in all the newest styles and makes, including the new Porcupine Tuscan and Fancy Straws, From 3d each upwards. Trimmed Millinery in endless variety, in all the latest Designs and Fashions. Flowers, Feathers, Satins, Silks, and Velvets in all the leading Colons. MANTLES. The t: cmenùous increase ill this department proves that we have the secret of the trade. Newest styles. Best quality at lowest prices is our motto. Splendid selection of Ladies' Black Cloth Jackets at 3/11$, -1,112,6,6,7,6, 14/6, upwards. 25 Ladies' Black Cloth (with hood andgirdJe.) !ll!. 25 Ladies' Blacb Cloth (Jersey) 12/6. Children's in all sizes and quality. DRESS MATERIALS. 10 pieces Fancy Beiges at 4!d yard, 15 pieces Small Checks and Stripes at nd yard. Plain Shades, in all the newest Fabrics, beauti- ful Mixtures in all Wool Beiges, bur stock of Black Materials stands unequalled. Lustre from Cobourg from lijd., Cords from 4!d., Cashmere (French Merino width) from Hid. yard. Australian Crapes and French Merino, Al. Patterns sent post free upon application. Try our noted two-button KID GLOVES (in all colors) at 1/3J. | R. & T. S^UVAGE, CHURCH STREET, W REX HAM. af355b :ll. 11 ■■■■— v j JJICHARD CHADWICK, HORTICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEER, IRON & BRASS FOUNDER, EAGLE FOUNDRY, WREXHAM. Agent for Engineering and Other Tools. Steam Pumps and Pumping Machinery, Engines, Boilers, &c. Bentall A Co.'s Chaff Cutters, Pulpers, etc. Sole Agent in this District for Cocker Bros. Patent Railway Lable Clip. BAILEY'S HOT AIR ENGINE, Ised by Public and Private Firms, Brewers, Tanners, Printers, Ac., &c. Requires no boiler, no gas, no steam, and is free from danger. Descrip- tion, Price List, and Testimonials upon application or free by post. 140z _+- SPRING, 1881. jg D W D |^LOYD, Is now showing a LARGE STOCK OF WOOLLEN CLOTHS, in the newest patterns for the Spring, consisting of SCOTCH AND WEST OF ENGLAND TWEEDS, SCOTCH CHEVIOT & FANCY WORSTED SUITINGS, BLACK SUPERFINE ¡ WORSTED & SAXONY DIAGONAL COATINGS. I All the newest shades in LIGHT OVERCOATINGS. E. LL. respectfully solicits attention to the TAILORING DEPARTMENT, which is under care of a thorough practical Cutter. Customers may rely up -n having a perfect fit, combined with moderate charges. GENTLEMHNS HUNTING SUITS, LIVERIES, AND CLERICAL SUITS, J Are made with the utmost care to ensure satisfaction. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO THE LAD I KS' DEPVRTM1 NT. LADIES' RIDING HABllS, JACKETS. ULSTERS, Made to order in all the latest Styles. Every care devoted to the Selection of the most ¡ Fashionable Materials for Spring and Summer wear. ¡ EDWARD LLOYD, REUENT BUILDINGS, WREXHAM. biln Business Announcements. r, -o. .r' 'f"" -j"J,J' .0..r ,r -f' THE GREATEST WANT OF THE TIMES. GOLDEN \?\?  BEER, CRATED NOT FERMENTED, A BRIGHT SPARKLING TONIC BEYERAGE, FOR DAILY USE, Containing all the active principle of Hop combined, with pure Carbonic Acid Gas. It is Wholesome, Refreshing, Palatable, and Non-intoxicating, whilst the price makes it attainable by all. IN IMPERIAL HALF-PINTS, 2s. PINTS, 4s. PER DOZ. BOTTLES EXTRA. Sold by aU Confectioners, Wine Merchants, Cocoa Rooms, &:c" Or direct from the SOLE MANUFACTURERS, J. F. EDISBURY & CO., NORTH WALES DERATED WATER FACTORY, WREXHAM. NOT LESS THAN 2 DOZ. HALF-PINTS, OR PINTS SENT FROM FACTORY. SODA, SELTZER, POTASS, LITHIA WATERS LESIONADE, GINGER ALE, GINGER BEER also the NEW TABLE WATER CARBONINE. 659 JOHN GRIFFITHS, PRACTICAL TAILOR & GENERAL OUTFITTER, 24, YORKE STREET, WREXHAM. G. begs to thank his numerous customers for their patronage and support during the thirteen years he f has been established at the above address, and to inform them that, having completed hii arrangements for the coming season, he invites special attention to his LARGE AND SELECT STOCK OF FIRST-CLASS WOOLLENS IN SCOTCH TWEEDS, CHEVIOTS, WEST OF ENGLAND, &e. ALSO, A FIRST-CLASS SELECTION OF WORSTED COATINGS, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS. CHEVIOT SUITINGS, 50s. TROUSERS, 13s. LARGE SUPPLY OF FASHION ALE HATS ALWAYS IN STOCK. 712a ALBANY PADDON HAS JUST PURCHASED 150 BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS, 250 PAIRS MEN'S CLOTH TROUSERS, A GOOD STOCK OF MEN'S SUITS. SPLENDID VALUE. t AN INSPECTION INVITED. CO MP TON HOUSE, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. 1479 "ABSOLUTELY PURE.' See ANALYSES.—Sent Post Freo on Application. ——— E L L I S S ?NS?D vda, Potass, Seltzer, JEI V .T„ Lemonade, also Water Twithout Alkali. For V [V IK ?<J -L-CLiI iN ? without Alkali. For ?ouT, Lithia Water 't??jBJtj??t?<r?? and Lithi? an d Potass VNRYAIAIVTN IVATERS. 26 REGISTERED, fcokks BRANDED R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN," and every lab^I boars their Name and Trade Mark. S.s-d everywhere, and wholesale of R. ELLIS AND £ O N; RUTHIN, NORTH WALES, Manufacturers to the Royal Family. 1 LONDON AGENTS W. BEST and SONS, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. CAUTIO-X.-Fewar e of spurious imitations, an.1 insist on having ELLIS'S RUTHIN MINERAL WATERS.. SOLE ADDRESS R. ELLIS & SON. RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. 820 (Now being Compiled.) CROCK EPS WKEXHAM DIHECTORY AND POSTAL GUIDE. INCLUDING HOI,T, OVERTON, ADWYR-CLAWDD. BANGOR, BERSHAM, BROUGHTON AND BRYMBO, AEHGWHU., CEFN-Y-BEDD, COEIIPOETH, GR! SFORD, ROSSETT, GWERSYLLT, MARCHWIEL AND MINERA. PRIcE TO SUBSCRIBERS, 2s 6d. The Publisrer, has undertaken to compile and Publish, a concise List of the Clergy, Gentry, Private Residents, Commercial and Agricultural Inhabitants of the above-named Borough and surrounding district, and trusts to issue such a w", k as will merit the approbation of his Subscribers and the pgealar The arrajigement of the work will be as follow (1) Official List, omprising Public Officers and Offices. Postal Guide, Parish Oiiieeis, Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Churches and Chapels, Public Schools, Institutions etc Country Carriers, Newspapers, Clubs, Local Charities, Banks, and all other useful local information. (2) Alphabetical List of Commercial Inhabitants and Private Residents. (3) Street Directory of Wrexham. Published by W. C. CROCKER, 24, Talbot Chambers, Shrewsbury. RAILTON POTTER, Bookseller, Stationer, &c., 18 and 19, High-street, Wrexham. THOMAS OWEN, The Library, Oswestry. I BOBSON & Co., Booksellers, Stationers, &c.. Market Square, Wellington. All communications addressed to the Publisher will have proinpt attention. 2743n ??OHN LLOYD??? ?'-? n[ PACKit*l 4 $.CHESTER 3T NAMOUSI*G .ROAD %ik\PICTURES CLASS MUSIC RAIL TO ALL PARTS OF THE CCPSNTR CABINET AND UPHOLSTERING WHAREHOUSE. 4 & 5, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM. oJ. LLOYD begs to inform the public of Wrexham and neighbourhood that he has just I had built A LARGE FURNITURE VAN, to carry up to FOUR TONS, and finished with all the latest improvements, and shall now be able to i,move.Furniture, Pictures, Glass, &-c., to any part of the United Kingdom Without Packing. E S T I M AT E S SUPPLIED. 283 _un j VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS. I J pARQUHARSON Can Supply a select variety of VEGETABLE and i FLOWER SEEDS of the most useful sorts. Also, Fruit Trees, Evergreens, and Deciduous Flowering hruhs.1>00, PLANTS suitable for Greenhouse or Window Decrati ir,. List of Seeds, etc., can be had at the shop, -MARKET HALL, AND rri,X X U R E li Yi, WREXHAM 42ite W. GAMBLE, MERCHANT, WEST BROMWICH, SPECIALITIES Hudson's patent Steel Trams for Collieries, Mines, Quarries, &c. Steel wheels. Axles, and Pedestals, steel for Mining Tools, Shears and Turning Tools of superior manufacture. Hall's Automatic Injectors and Water Elevators (these simple instruments are the cheapest and most I perfect Boiler Feeders, Water Elevators, and Con- tractor's Pumps in the world) Dobson's patent Fire Bars. Iron and Steel Rails and Accessories. New and Second-hand Railway Waggons, Engines, Boilers, Machinery, Ac., &c. Particulars and Prices on application. 314p Business Announcements. '1" ¿' rt\S. \t-P THE TEA TRADE. IMPORTANT. Owing to the continued decline in the LONDON TEA MARKET, we have bought for cash 1000 chests of the FINEST INDIAN TEA, at an im- mense reduction from merchants prices. We are determined to give the Public of Mold and Wrexham, and surrounding district the benefit of this extraordinary purchase by selling a Tea at Two Shillings per pound, which cannot be equalled for purity, strength, and flavor, being blended in that proportion requisite for the production of a rich fragrant TEA, which practical Tea Tasters alone can produce. Ask for the Indian Tea at Two Shillings per Pound, Quarter Pound Sample Six Pence. The Public will be studying their own interest by buying this TEA regularly. JOHN MUSKER & CO., TEA IMPORTERS, KING STREET, MOLD, AND HOPE STREET, WREXHAM 665p CARRIAGES. THE LONDON CARRIAGE WORKS, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM, J. S. CONRAN, PROPRIETOR. THE Nobility, Gentry, and public in search of really good Vehicles at a moderate price, are respectfully requested to visit the above Factory and Showroom. Amongst other carriages in stock are a modern Brougham, a fashionable Stanhope Pllieton convertible into a Waggonette, a Parisian Phaeton, four and two-wheel 1)og Carts, and a variety of Whitechapels, Pony Carts, Pliaitons, &c, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF VEHICLE BUILT TO ORDER. Repairs, Painting, Trimming, &c., neatly ex- ecuted at reasonable charges. A number of second-hand two and four-wheel vehicles to be sold cheap. 767p J V ILLIAMS, IRON MERCHANT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, ACREFAIR, NEAR RUABON IRON AND STEEL RAILS AND BARS, Of unexceptional Good Brands, supplied promptly. Agent for North Wales to the BOWLING IRON COMPANY, Limited, Bradford, Manufacturers of Best Yorkshire Iron, viz. :— Boiler Plates, Angles, Axles, Weldless Tyres, Iron or Crucible Steel. 828n SAVE YOUR CARPETS THE NEW PAPER FELT, (REGISTERED), FOR LAYING UNDER CARPETS, FLOOR- CLOTHS, &c. As supplied to H.M. Government. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Saves the wear by one-half, being a perfect protec- tion from the hard or uneven flooring. Excludes dust or draughts from seams or cracks; preserves the warmth and dryness of rooms; makes the Carpet feel much thicker is soft to the tread and does not crackle; lies quite flat; requires no fastening down, and may therefore be taken up and re-laid when necessary. Supersedes the brown paper sometimes used which crackles and is no protection, being as hai d as the flooring. The Felt is impervious to moth and other insects. PRICE PER YARD. (;0 inches wide tid. 54 inches wide. t11(t. 30 inches wide. ad. 22 inches wide (for Stairs) 2Jd. Supplied in rolls of 50, 25, or 12 yards, in either of the above widths. Forwarded to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of Cheque or P. O. Order, by BAYLEY & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS, BOOKBINDERS, LETTERPRESS AND LITHO PRINTERS, PICTURE FRAME MAKERS, AND MOUNT CUTTERS, CAXTON BUILDINGS, WREXHAM. h27Hf l\tI ARTIN, BRuTHER, PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, AND PAINTERS AUTHORISED WATER FITTERS, WATER CLOSETS, LIFT & FORCE PUMPS, HOT AND COLD BATHS, Made and Fixed, 2, BRIDGE STREET, WREXHAM. 254n No. 22. Positive What is your Disease—What is your Remedy l For Answer-Read the NEW SYSTEM OF SELF TREATMENT BY THE POSITIVE REMEDIES. GRATIS, sent by Post to any part of the World on receipt of Address and Two Stamps to prepay Postage. INVALIDS' GUIDE-BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES i_ FOR ALL DISEASES. It is the Invalids' Guide-Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of all Diseases. These Positive Medicines were used by a Retired Physician, for Thirty Years in his Prac- tice. They are now Patented, and the Names given to Enable the Invalid to select the Remedy and Cure himself without consulting a Medical Man. This Bonk gives a List of Diseases, their Nature, Cause, and Symptoms—with the Names in English of the Medi- cine proper for their Cure. This Book, is. indeed, the Invalids' Guide Book-written for their use and Benefit. By its aid Invalids may form a true knowledge of their Disease, and find a remedy for the Cure. This Book gives the Names of the Positive Medicines (the result of over Thirty Years' Practice) to the World, for the Self Treatment of all Diseases. To all who suffer from any Disease, this Work will he in- valuable, as by its aid Invalids can CURE THEMSELVES without making their case known to a Medical Man. Sent direct from Ithe Publishers. No. 50. Positive. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. New Edition, Enlarged to 132 pages, price Sixpence Free by post, Seven Stamps, in Envelope to all parts of the world. THE WOMAN'S GUIDE-BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES FOR THE CURE OF ALL DISEASES PECULIAR TO THE FEMALE CONSTITUTION. This Work gives the Names in English of all the Positive Remedies (now Patented) used by a Physician in his THIRTY YEARS' SPECIAL PRACTICE for the cure of all Diseases Peculiar to Woman. It gives a Full List of all the! Ailments Woman i; subject to the Symptoms, Cause, and Treatment, Medicine to be taken for the Cure, &c. By the aid of this book females mav form a Correct Knowledge of their Malady and how to Cure it WITHOUT CONSULT- ING A MEDICAL MAN. It is the WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND. Sent direct from the Publishers. H. & H. SMITH & CO., POSITIVE REMEDY LABORATORY, 26, SOUTHAMPTON ROW, LONDON, W.C. 759z 759a Business Announcements. NOTICE. G, B F- N N E T T FROM SHEFFIELD, WITH CUTLERY TOOLS, AND FILES. WILL open the Shop No. 18, in the Pedlars Market, on April 6th. A good assortment of Sheffield Scissors, Patent Razors, 100 dozen of odd Knives and Forks. CUTLERY REPAIRED ON THE PREMISES. 807p MANCHESTER CORPORATION. C 0 N C E N T R A T E D I MANURE, MADE FROM URINE AND SOLID EXCREMENT, Mixed with BLOOD, BONES, FISH, and DRIED ANIMAL MATTER. 93 PER TON, In Bags, delivered at nearest Railway Station. APPLY TO HY. WHILEY, Town Hall, Manchester; Or to R. P. JONES, George and Dragon, Flint: WILLIAM JONES, 6, Colliery Road, Rhosddu, WREXHAM. lb Agents. SPRING, 1881. JUST to hand our first consignments of JACKETS, DOLMANS, HUBBARDS, &c., and we ask particular attention to our Stock of GERMAN PALETOTS, I made of Elastic Cloths, in harmony with the present Fashion, and at most Reasonable Prices. We have bought for delivery on the 23rd March, a very large Parcel of SWISS NEEDLE WORK, MADEIRA NEEDLE WORK, and EVERLASTING EDGINGS. All perfect Goods of the best make, and at ex- traordinary prices. yy AND J. pRICHARD, 14, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. 266n PERUVIAN QOVERNMENT G UANO. FOR BEST SELECTED CARGOES, INCLUDING NEW IMPORTATIONS, Under the auspices of the CHILIAN GovERXMKNT, Apply to CAPLETON & ROBERTS, 773b 19, Irwell Chambers, Liverpool. THE ROYAL SEAL." BEST TWOPENNY CIGAR in the Principality. In ¡' timidads. Heury Clays, &c. J W I L L I A M S TOBACCONIST, 671f 41, HOPE-ST., WREXHAM. REVISED ¡ VERSION I OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. — THE above interesting Work, from the Authorised JL Version of 1611, will be issued on or about May 17th. ENGLISH TEXT in five sizes. Price Is to 255. GREEK TEXT, with Revisers' Readings, in three sizes. Prices, 4s 6d to 33s. j In order to secure early copies (as the demand will be great), orders should be given at once. Specimen Pages of the OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS EDITIONS may be had from w. GARRATT-JONES, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, 1, CHURCH STREET, WREXHAM. n648p FARM SEEDS. Y. STRACHAN, SEED MERCHANT, WREXHAM, Offers a splendid Stock of unrivalled SCOTCH SEED, Oats and Champion Potatoes, &c., guaranteed direct from Scotland. Samples and Prices on application. 453n Legal and Public Notices. 'i'r' 'j. w RUTHIN GRAMMAR SCHOOL. ¡ AHEAD MASTER is required for this School. He will be appointed ullù-r the provisions of the new School Scheme, bearing date March 2, 18S1, and must be a graduate of some University in the United Kingdom, but not necessarily in holy orders. He will receive a fixed stipend of X200 a year, and a cap tation payment at the rate of not less than 13 for each boy attending the school. There is at present a comfortable house, with room for twenty boarders, but the Governors are empowered under clause 29 of the new scheme to erect new and more commodious school buildings. Application with references and testimonials must be sent in by May 31st, to the care of Mr DAVID JONES, clerk and treasurer to the Governors of the Ruthin Charities Agency Offices, Ruthin, from whom further information and copies of the scheme may be obtained. Ruthin, 17th, March, 1881. (:!cJ8p ST. ASAPH DIOCESAN CONFERENCE, 1881. MEETINGS TO BE HELD AT DENBIGH, ON THURSDAY & FRIDAY, APRIL 21ST & 22ND. PRESIDENT :— THE RlnHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF THE DIOCESE. rf^HE CONFERENCE will be preceded by the follow- Ting SERVICES at ST. MARY'S CHURCH. On Wednesday Evening, April -10th, at seven o'clock, a Welsh Service, when the Sermon will be preached by the Rev. CANON EVANS, Vicar of Rhymney. On Thursday morn- ing, April 21st, at 11.45, an English Service, when the Sermon will be preached by the Rev. F. J. JAYNE, M.A., Principal of St. David's College, Lampeter. The MEETINGS of the Conference will be held at the COUNTY HALL, the LORD BISHOP presiding. A PUBLIC GENERAL MEETING will be held in the COUNTY HALL, on Thursday Evening, April 21st, when ADDRESSES will be delivered on the following subject.— The social and moral welfare of the people as promoted by Temperance and Thrift." SIR W. W. WYNN, Bart., M.P., will take the Chair. Special Trains will leave Denbigh for Chester, Rhyl, and Corwen on Thursday Evening, at 10 p.m. Members proposing to attend the Conference, and who require accommodation, are requested to communicate with the Local Secretary, J. P. LEWIS, Esq., Denbigh. 810b GOREU ARF, ARF DYSG. THE L EESWOOD C TJ AIR J £ ISTEDDV(>D Will be held at the WESLEYAN METHODIST CHAPEL, On MONDAY, AUGUST STH, 1881. PATRONS JOHN ROBERTS, ESQ., M.P. P. A. LLOYD, ESQ (PENTREHOBIN.) J. CARSTAIRS JONES. ESQ. (GFLLI GYNAN), &C., &C. PRIF DESTYNAN — 1. Am y darn goreu o Farddoniaeth, heb fed dan 250 0 linellau, nac yn wobrwyedig Yr Awdwr i ddewis ei destyn a'i fesur. Gwobr X2. A Thlws-gadair Arian. 2. Am y Traetha.wd goreu, Aawliau y Gweithiwr. Gwobr £2. A Tlilws Arian 3. I'r Cor, heb fod dan 1') mewn nifer, a gano oreu, "I lawr meddai'r miloedd" (Debora.) Gwobr X7, a Thlws-gadair Airian i'r Arweinydil. Programmes may be had pist frm for ] ill from the Secretaries, D. W. PARRY ABRAHAM EVANS. 752z JOHN DAVIES. Public and Legal Notice. gTEWART JJAWSOS 4 co,,8 RENOWN i;i) ENGLISH LEVERS AND DEFIANCE WATCHES THIRD GRAND PRIZE DISTRIBUTE OF 200 VALUABLE FREE PRIZES t400 VALUE 3000 SPLENDID CONSOLATION FREE r.^ PRIZES. VALUE c £ GOO The 200 Valuable Prizes will comprize- 10 Very Elegant French Drawing-) oom CL?Ct?"?'"h. under Glass Shade. These Clocks arp er b D some, of the Newest Style. aD 10 Magnificent and liicl-.lv chafed IHectro-DP LAHe TTE,- -V and COFFEE SERVICES. an 10 Beautiful Ilarble Dining-room CLOCKS with Gold Decorations. IU 10 Handsome ( LOCKS (BAROMETER and T8 MOMErEU combined. ill P,Iegallt Bronzed orna mental Cases. 10 Sets of Ladies' Ilaanificent GOLD K\]?j;iw.. and BROOCH, in Morocco Velvt-c-Liiied Citses. and 20 Handsome 6-Bottle Electro-Plate DINNhEU R CHrET STANDS, of Newest Desis„. 30 Splendid 8-Day Priz* Modal ClOCIi RFGUL VTm^. in Handsome Walnut C 50 Cases Household CUTLERY, of very Superior Q<Uuaaluiltyv_ each Case containing 24 articles. 50 Black and Gold CLOCKS, of a very Neat riml F.Ii,giut Design. The 3000 Consolation Prizes will comprise- 500 Gentlemen's Splendid Writing Desks. 500 Ladies' Handsome Workboxes. 500 Gentlemen's Elegant Gold-Plated Alberts. 500 Splendid Grecian Household Clocks. 5'JO Handsome Albums. 500 Ladies' Elegant Gold-Plated Tassel Alberts. ALL TO BE GIVEN AWAY ON THE 30tii JUNE Every Purchaser of a Watch from now till the "iOtli J cne will receive one of the tboy,- Prizes gratis. No reader of this p.tp.r requiring a watch need MV double price to a retail dealer for an inferior artii le when he can send liis oroer direct (o u.s anil reo-ivc one of the best Ao 5s English Levers in the for £ ;J on ;t 'veet'a free trial and other conditions as under. Observe We have finished with tradesmen the public direct Ave offer our goods to, and tiiev may select. Say a Watch, that would co4 at a shop-Jet m<s ee, F5.ivo sov?re?ns at least -we'll smpply it for Three. The middle man's done with we make anti we sell. So all get full value and know it quite well. In addition, a grand prize, betwixt May and July We shall give away gratis to all who now buy Either of the f. llowing Watches The VERY BEST A:5 ps ENGLISH LEVER IN THE WORLD for X3, in three sizes. The universal Watch selling in hundreds, unequalled anywhere uuder £ 5 as. In Hunting Cases, Ills extra.- See Pamphlet, pages 4 and 8. The Very Best £6 (Is WORKMAN'S PAIR-CASED ENGLISH LEVKIi, for I-'ai 111-Setvants, in two sizem, for £ .'j 12s.—See Pamphlet, pages 7 and 11. The Very Best £ >» Ids ENGLISH CJoNTl;K¡;EC()NDS 4-PLATE rtTOP CHltONOGi.'APH < KVKtt. with 3 0 point decimal sunk dial, forC5 It's, positively the handsomest and best watch ev. r made. In Hunting cases IUs extra.—bee engraving in Pamphlet. The Very Best £5 Ills LAIHE"i' ENOLISH SILVER LEVER, with elegant engraved cases, in thr, e size", for £ 3.—See Pamphlet, pages ti and 12. The Very Best £ 7 10s LADIES' ENGLISH Ij PLATK OOLD LEVER, in three sizes, lor L4 10s. See Pamphlet, pages ti and 12. The Very Best £10 IOs LADIES' ENGLISH FULL PLATE GOLD LEVEIt, in three sizes, for £ (J 10s, X7, and £7 10a.-See Pamphlet, pages 0 and 12. The Very Best £ 2 10s I>EFIAXCi SILVER L:tdies' or Gentlemen's, in three sizes, for £ '1 5s positively worth £ 2 ids. Splendid quality, and A ] Timekeepers.—See i amphlet, pa;e 4S. The LADIES' DEFiANCE, in Gold Cases, £:: worth re- tail A:5 10s. The DEFIANCE, in Gold Cases, X4; worth retail £ (i 10s. EXTRACT FROM CuNDITIONS- Each Watch sent on a week's free trial, and the full amount will he returne-1 to anyone di-satified. All de- livered free at above prices, with'key and printed instruc- tions, and it ticket fur the distribution of the prize. In Scotia's mountains and in England's vales. Our name's a household word in every home The Emerald Isle aJIII the land of Wales, Furnish our patrons who in legions come Nor is't alone on Rritvn .s vhnrp< ue'ro lrnnwn Far o'er the world our friends are to be found Australia, India, Canada can own Our reputation to be true and sound. Wherever British troops are to be seen Afghanistan, in Cyprus, Zululand. On duty for their country and their Queen, They say our watches quite unrivalled staiid The land of sunny France its quota gives, To swell the meed of praise we've fairly earned In fact wh, rever civilization live The value of our watches lias been learned. Judge not by our own words, dear reader, pray Let every atron speak out for himself And when you've read what he has got to say, Then spend with us a little of your wealth. EXTRACTS FROM RECENT PRESS NOTICES. The Yn kshire Chrmiiclc of February Lfitli, ISSI, miys: No one who has seen the Watches can tail to wonder at their mirvellonsly cheap price and their superb workman- ship and indeed it is only by a most extensive tralle that the system could be carried out, for the Watches are sold at less than the wholesale price. We should advise every one of our readers who has not a watch to apply before it is too late, and to all we in-otitil lie; Lrti Iv beg to recommend the firm of Messrs Stewart Dawson <t Co." The Riidi/ewater Mercury. March 2nd, 1SSI, Nitys: Several inhabitants of the to" II and neighbourhood who have obtained Gold and Siiver Lever Watches from the firm of Mes.-rs Stewart Dawson and Co. appear to be well satisfied with their bargains. Competent bulges having pronounced them to be watches of lirst-class manufneture and marvellously cheap." The Primitiv" Methodist, London, 10th Nlai-cif 1".Il sa-i We have before n -tieed and recommended the ex- cellent watches supplied by Messrs Stewart Dawson and Co., and have expressed our surprise at the prices at which which they are solll, £ 5 ~s Levers being offered for X3, and these are not only strong and serviceable, but are well-made and finished, and excellent timekeepers-. The numerous testimonials they have received and are receiving speak in the highest terms of their goods, and of the satis- faction they give The People's Journal, Dundee, February 2(>th, 1 SSI, says- If thousands of unsolicited testim iniais sent from all parts of Great Britain are be accepted as a proof of the value of an articl-, then M i s. Stew, it Dawson and Co. may safely be congratulated on the quality of the wares offered by t' em in our advertising columns." The Fermanagh Jtepoi ter, Inniskillen, Febrnaiy 24th, 1881. says Local purchasers have snoken to us in high terms of Watches received I y them from Messrs. Stewart Dawson and Co. The unique si stem 011 which this reliable firiti works is easily explained." The Wiltshire Tinys, Trowbridge, of March 12th, Ishl, says: "Small profits and quick returns seem to be the business motto of the well known firm of watchmakers, Messrs. Ktewart Dawson and Co., of Liverpool. Hundreds of testimonials sent to the fit-in testify to the high character of the goods they offer—mor. over in addition to receiving full value for his investment, every purch ser of a watjh receives a ticket entitling him to a free prize on the ?th June." The Xewry Ttleyraph, Newi y, February 2';th 1S81, says Tbe watches are of unsurpassed excL-Ilence ti time: keepers. All the testimonials concerning them are of the same high character in praise of their merits. A perusal of thein has led us to form the opinion that all who are anxious to secure a good timekeeper at a remarkably lew price, should at once send to Messrs. Stewart Dawson and Co., 121, Park-road, Liverpool." The Banffshire Journal, Banff, N.B., March 1st, 1881, says It is astonishing to observe the large number of letters of appreciation and thanks which have been sent to Messrs. Stewart Dawson & Co. from people in the northern counties of Scotland. The Belfast Weekly Belfast, February ;2t5th, 18*1 says: "Those who are wanting a good Watch would do well to read the announcement of Mess s. Stewart Dawson & Co. Such inducements are seldom if ever offered, and notwithstanding that the prices are much lower than usually charged, every purchaser, up to the 30til June next, will receive a free prize on that date." The Durham Chronicle Durham, March 5th, ISkI, says "The £5 5s English Levers offered by Messrs Stewart Dawson and Co. for E3 are undoubtedly perfect time- keepers, and can altogether be strongly recommended as a thoroughly serviceahle and extremely cheap article.. Those desiring to secure a genuine bargain should make early application to the manufacturers." The Devon and Somerset Weekly News, Tiverton, March 10", 1881, says: 'The watches sold by Messrs Stewart Dawson and Co, are of best workmanship, and splendid timekeepers The Wrexham Advertiser, March jt'.i. 18~>I, *ays- The letters and testimonials in recommendation of their watches are published in full, with addresses complete so that we feel confident they are genuine. To those who are about to buy a watch, we cannot do better than to recommend them to write to Liverpool for a copy of Messrs stewart Dawson and Co.'s pamphlets and judge for themselves. WREXHAM ADVFRTISEll Co UPO-N FOR STEWART, DAWSON, & CO.'S ENGLISH LEVER AND DEFIANCE WATCHES, LADY'S OK GENTLEMAN' This Coupon will entitle the Sender, on the payment of X3, to one of our Ao us English Levers, or on the -oavment of 1 5s to a Silver De- fiance Watch, as described above, together with a free ticket entitling the holder to a pnze on jUtn June. (Signed) STEWART DAWSON & co., 121, Park-road, Liverpool. P.S -Available for any watch as above. 1 lease l state Size preferred. P O. Orders payable at the IG.P.O., Liverpool. ADDRESS—STEWART, DAff-uN, & CO., 121, PARK ROAD, LIVERPOOL. NoTiCK.—Over S 000 marvellous unsolicited Testimonials have been received from all parts of the World in pratl!C (I our Celebrated Watches. Pamphlets, containing 70 Pagt- of these Testimonials, Illustrations of the Watches, tuii particulars of this and our former DIstrIbutIons, sent Post Free for Two Stamps. Watches for the Continent delivered at 2s rid each cxtl&, and in the Coloni for 5s extra. •'