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Shipping Intelligence. WHITE STAR I, I X E Uoyul ui'il rnited St itt-s Sioamers. JSOTICK. -The ste-ar-e-s of thir J.in* take the Lane Routes recommended by ward ami !,lVK!:pO(H, 1." NKW YuUK, Forvt i ding Passengers to parts of the TTfiitetl States and Canada. M-«lM:n<>n i^-Tuidoent > turner* Rrc appointed x to weekly MS nud.r. carrying hor Vyesfcy's an** the L'nir» I S \ULHM j I ui|T,(; ').ta' Ap)i)5th. OKI: M AN I<; Thursday, April 1th • •KIT"i l'' lue day, April lJ dth. Tuesday, April 2'ith. j BKlT.\N>:ic" Thur.-dav, May 5th. j I'JI.'IM XKV,' YORK. I i vie Siturdav, March 2(>th. KEPI' 1 ili- Thursday, March 31st. !{EPL?).:t ThMHSUttndtd Vt?<< r?.!?.-H thep?s?e toth? short I ast ?i?e ti?e,  .-?"! to P-?en;; rs t.l h.nhes. decree of comfort hitherto attainable at sea. Aver** "e passage "0 dtys in Summer, SU days 1n terT KaT-h Vessel is constructed in eYen water tight com- partment The Saloon, Ladies' Boudoir, Mate Knows, ana Smoking, rooms arc ainul-ships, and avo luxurU.urfy furnished and Htted with ail modern cuiivenienees pianos, libraries I electric bells, hath rooms, barber's shop, <fcc. Saloon Passage, i.), IS, ani 2i Guineas; Return Ticket* a reduced rates. I The steerage ucc«.icn*<Vtti«>n is .-if the very hi,ghest character, the rooms ale HllUsUally SpaciOUS, well lighted, ventilated, warm. >1 s;ttd oassengers of this Cass will find their euufwfc careful! .-tu.lied, antlthe provisioning ur.- surpassed. Steward'j.w» in St«cn«i! to attend the women ana children. Drafts i-?".t'? on New ? <?rk free ot charge. For ?i.?.t..t pas^ apidy t" WILLIAM HAWK?S High-s'.M-.e t Wrexham; Mr R. ItOBT^riTS, J;" 0, nl;l -l" l .1 r).t l., I Totta Hiil, Wi-l-a?:; Mr W. li .H»NKS, Rolyiread. isMAY. DJI!I E, &: CO., )". Witt.-i -street, Liverpool; o? to I %h :v. 1."atle'l1uùl.trt, London, E.C, ?;h :< !.?:tdt"th!tH-atTe"t, LOTi??n, E.C. CANADA & UNITED STAGES. Sailin from I.ivr ';)?o: KB I Imr.vlays and ?? ?f\rA Satmd.,y" Govcrinn^u .Wisied ,?',r  \J?' !t ages to Canada at reduced \s far'. r..n..h'c?and.n ?,,? Y?.-? ?res- ,n\ ares- u.fur.l.. ? ?? ?Y??.?- r b. r ty- X. "t' a III ;101 ?'?"  ¡ t:; 'N' 6/ rtt}- teernge, ÑU V- l^i'" Through fares to all parts of ?,<?\\?J\? .«?-??Ca)Mtfa and United States on the V\C\\v ?. ^li lowest terms. Surgeon and Stewardess V Larmc. Abo "¡ing to NEW OKLtANS ^^ari TEXAS.—Apply to FLtNN, MAIN, & MONT- GOllliViYj ^lanaging Vireclurs, 24, James-street, Liverpool; or to their Local Agents. 2186 CAPE-OF GOOD HOPE, NATAL, and EAST AFRICAN STIiA.MKits.— The UNtU? S.S. Co. 's MAIL PACKETS "ail from SOUTHAMPTON every alternate Thurs- day, Steamers in the Interine;iiite Service every alter- nate Fnfhty, leaving Plymouth the next day. Apply at the Coinpar.v's nnke". < >riental-pliie0s Southampton, or 11, Leader, hall-street. London. Business Announcements. COAL! COAL! COAL! THE VKOY CRANK frem the VTiON and COED- POETH COLLI ERIf.S, is a superior first class HOUSEHOLD COAL, the fcsst in the Principality. It is cte&a, very hot, burns with Ettle smoke, leaves hardly any cinder or ash. Orders received at thedfice of the Company, 4, Grove ■P-Ark Wrexham, or the Wcvkhouse Wharf Wrexham PRICES AT THE WORKHOtaE WIURP: VRON CRANK ~d per cut Do. THROUGH SLACK 4d do. ORDINARY HOUSE COAL. tM do. Do. THROUGH SLACK 3d do. For cash on delivery. One penny per cwt. extra charged or credit. 1012 A USEFUL BOOK. TO SOLICITORS, ACCOUNTANTS, AND DEBT COLLECTORS. COUNTY COURT LEDGER, Specially prepared for keeping accounts entered in the County Court. 250 leaves ruled for One account. 250 leaves ruled for Two accounts. PRICE 21s. BAYLEY & BRADLEY, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, WREXHAM. AR 1 D K TO KHIVA BY CAPTAIN Ffmn EURNABY, Royal Horse Guards. Page says :— "Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken and for physic—with which it is as well to I be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places—some quinine, and Cockle's Pills, the lat- Mr a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have uneil on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when I administered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS I will never fade from my memory and a friend mine, who passed through the same district many I months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvellous cure was even then a theme of con- versation in the bazaar." See BTTRNABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. GOOD FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST with a prudent use, has saved many a life, and yet we think the idea might he improved upon, and reduced to a more simple form. Take some good compound, such as COCKLE S ANTIBILlOFS PILLS, Mid we find that the desired end may be obtained with- out scale3 and weights, or little mysterious compartments cr enchanted bottles, with crystal stoppers. Others might be used, but COCKLE'S PILLS iis tested by many thousands of persons, and found to enswer their purpose so well, may be set down as the best. —Observer. A RIDE TO KHIVA BY CAPTAIN FRED BURNABY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 says :— Two pairs of boots lined with fur were also taken and for physic—with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places —some quinine and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have Used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact the marvellous effects produced upen the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native medicines, when 1 apministered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never fade from my memory; and a friend of aiine, who passed through the same district many aionths afterwards, informed me that my fame as a 'medicine man' had not died out, but that the tcarvelloua cure was even then a theme of conver- sation in the bazaar." See I BURNABY'S RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. ilOCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. Is boxes at Is ld, 2s 9d, 4s tkl, and lis. PILLS. In use E I G H T Y 0 N E Y K A R S. May be had throughout the United Kingdom In boxes at Is 1!d 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and 5s l8 NEW ORMOND STREET, LONDON. 976 SOCIETY," a journal of F ACT, JjUCTION & AgHl N. I This popular and highly successful journal is now published twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday. Both editions contain totally dif- ferent matter. The Wednesday edition is published at one penny, annual subscription, prepaid, in- cluding postage, (Js the Saturday r edition at threepence, annual sub- scriptions prepaid including postage 13-i. Serial and short tales are given in both issues, also Prize Ortmpetitiona, and all the gossip of Society." Publishing Office, 1UH, Fleet-street, London, E C. INFECTIOUS DISEASES, by doing )'our A WASHING AT HOME. Write for price list of Washing, Wringing, and Mangling Machines AT Washing, IN'rin?ing. and Nlangling .%Iaehine.-i AT ??*?T? ?IVE PER CENT, less than regular prices- from ?W. H. Boyd and Co., 1, Broad-street BuiJdiu"s Liverpool-street, London, E.C. Terms, cash with order, roods delivered to any Railway Station in Kingdom Money returned if not approved. TAILORS who require money at 5 per cent interest per ?_ aMDUma]so?oods to enable them to iner, ase and work their bu-iness to advantage can app!y to Woollen Merchant. 85, St. Martin's )?ne, London, W.C (Stamp), ■T^ARLY APPLWATlOX is Ivis:tble for Sh?rp?TtTTH F fJJ EAST LONDON and SUBURBAN DAIRY COM- PANY Limited. The Directors cannot receive remunera- tion in any year that a dividend at the rate of Ten per cent is not earned and p'tid. -Capital £,)O,OOO!D 1:4 sharrs, payable 5s on application and Gs on allotment and no fur ther call is anticipated. Since first allotment the following going Dairies have been purcnased, viz 1-52, Salmon's Lane, E., ZIti Deptford Lower Road, S.E., Long Lane. Soiltliwark, H.l ,i, Hawkins Street, E Ilothe»-hithe New Road, E and liB, Hih Street, lvhitechapel. i«, as Head Office and Dairy—others are being negotiated for. The Company has the patronage, approval, and support t, f numerous Physicians Clergy, and others. and stringent pre- cautions are adopted against adulteration. For copy of Prospectus appl> to R. M. Soutter, Secretary, ro, High Sreet, Whitecliapel. London, E., or to Rgt)iP"n Bros., ll, 4ueen Victoria Street, London, E.C. -=-="=: Btisinsess Annoanceinpnts. -JVJ'J 1 pElt U V I A N (JO V E R N M E N T GUANO, GENUINE AND UNADULTERATED. AS iMi'Oli lKIJ DIKECT FROM I»EKU BY THE PERUVIAN GUANO COMPANY, LIMITED, SOLE CONSIGNEES. BEST AND CHEAPEST MANURE FOR ALL CROPS. ESPECIALLY FOR CEREALS, (; It A,; It. j ROOT C('PS I H'PS, MARKET GARDEN PRODUCE, I PRICES VAKY according to the Cht-inical Composition of the Guano as ascertained by !)):. AUGUSTUS VOEl.l'KKIi'S Analyses. SOLD BY I THE LOND'»v BANKING ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, (PKIHIVIAN OUAXO DEPARTMENT) 5 7, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, B.C") S()I.F, AGENTS FOlt THK UNITED KINGDOM OF THE PERUVIAN GUANO COMPANY, LIMITED, SoLE CONSIGNEES. For UM Si.ath-West of England Dist ict apply to MKS.SI:S FOX, ROY, and Co., PLYMOUTH and BRISTOL iM'POTS lNifjvs, < Tl<»u(v<t^r, PI mouth, «ind Falmouih. 2103 INUBIAN BLACKING. I I I fI .0 il,l, A BRIGHT I o EA.-Gives an instantaneous Waterproof | Polish without brushing, which lasts a week through rain, mud, or snow, and keeps tlw feet dry. Is easily applied with sponge | attached to cork. Gives an elastic gloss equal to patent leather, | which docs not rub off, crack, or soil the clothing. Being an oily liquid, it nourislws and preserves the leather, and it contains f no corrosive-acici, Test it by putting so ne on a polished Ej Steel surface if acid be present it must tarnish. Suitable for | boots and shoes of every description, military accoutrements, and all leather goods. Superior to Varnish for Patent Leathers. I Always ask for NUBIAN, the original Preparation, and refuse I all imitations. Sold Everywhere, at 1/- and 2/- per Bottle. II Larger size cheaper. 2SS3 WARNING f WHEN YOU ASK FOR RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE SEE THAT YOU GET IT. RECKITT'S PARIS BLUE THE GENUINE IS USED BY THE LAUNDRESSES OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND 1422 DUCHESS OF EDLNBURGH BILLIAK'D & BAGATELLE TABLES. A LARGE t) ST CK of NEW and SECOND HAND TABLES alwaj-s on hand. WlflTE FOH PlilCli lASTS. G. EDWARDS, 182, KIJl;(;:o-;J.AI\'D ROAD, LONDoN  AS) i t?G- D AY REFORM.-—The Fortnight's Family Wash in Four Honr. without rubbing or "oiling, hy using HAltPEK TWELVETHEES' VILLA WASHING MACHINE, 5fs (Cash Price 50s). Can iage paid. Free trial. Easy terms.— £ 0, Fiusbuiy Pavement, London, E.C. HEWITT'S jTt PUNJAB RED PEPPER SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER PREPARATIONS OF CAYENNE. PURE, WHOLESOME PIQUANT. IMPOR TED direct from the PUN- JAB, via Suez Canal. prepared by .1. H. HEW I T' Ch?mis, 3S, High-street, Kocheater. from the I receipt of a E eld officer of her M:ijest>'s Indian Army. -To be had of all leading Chemists and I Grocers in Is castors, and s (id supply t;ns. Wholesale of Bur- r clay and Co., 95, Farringdon- street. Maw, Son, and Th mpsou, A1 dersgate-street; Barron, Har- veys. and Co., Giltspur-street; Wright, Layman and Umney, [ Southwark-street and of the Proprietor. CONNAUGHT THEATHE, HOI.HORN. "THE NINE DAYS QUEEN." Leading Artistes. Every evening at 8. Clias. Morton, Manager. R u ST I-Ck other CAHTS, GENTLIOIEN'S I.UGGAGE CARTS, and LIGHT BUSINESS TRAPS. Prices and Illustrations free. THOS. WATTS, PERSHORE. WORCESTERSHIRE. ?R.?SCOTT'? BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS are i_J preparetl witli»it mercury. I)preparc4l wititeit mercury. R SCOTT'S -BIÚOU8-ADi,ivER-piLL:the I best family aperient medicine. DR. SCOTT'S BIHOUS ANP LIVER PILLS, effectual Din all live? ? complaints. 1)R SCOTT'S BILiOUS AND LIVER PILLS cure sick headaches and giddiness. R. scorrs B I L IOUS AND LIVER PII,LS cure t costiveness and stomach pains. D It. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS cure indigestion and flatulency. I )R. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS may be taken at all times without restraint from business or pleasure. f. R. SCOTTS BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS should 3 J be kept ready at hand, as a dose of aperient medi- cine given in time, will frequently prevent a severe illness. D It. SCOTTS BILTfiUS AND LIVEIt PILLS. Notice.—Some unscrupulous persons, for the sake of making a larger profit may try to persuade you to buy some preparation o: their own. Do not do so, but insist on having DR. SCOTT S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS, which t f are wrapped in a square green package, and sold at Is lid and 2s 9d a box. of all Chemists, or by post. for stamps of the Proprietor, W. LAMBERT, 173, Seymour- place, London, W. DE¡\'S } COUCH, I PILLS, j 1!H BRONCHITIS BRONCHITIS THOUSANDS OF CURES. DEAN'S COUGH PILLS never fail to cure the most obstinate CoUfillS, Colds, Astliiiia, Bronchitis, Consumption, and all Pulmonary Affections, of however long stand ng. Sold by all Chemists. SANGERS, London post free from J. DEAN, Burslem. T. M A N L E Y, VICARAGE HILL BREWERY, WREXHAM. ESTABLISHED ]g:M. THE Celebrated Wrexham Ales, brewed especially for family use, supplied In 9 and 18 gallon Casks. Agent for London and Dublin stout in cask and bottle. PRICE I.IST ON APPLICATION. 1746z MILNER'S SAFIS, Best and Cheapest Safeguard 1.. against FIRE and THIEVES. Phoenix Safe Works. Liverpool. fI J^HE BOUDOIR MIRROR reflects the full figure, sup- plies inexpensively a want in every Lady's Apart- ment price 30s Carriage Paid. Thomas Dockrell, Sons, Martin and Co 41. George's-street, Dublin. VAUDEVILLE THEATRE, Strand, I.ondon. Every! T Evening at Half past Eight o'clock "DIVORCE." Open every Evening at Seven. Prices 1/- THE NOTED BATTLESDEN CAR. For particulars applv to the originator, WILLIAM KING, THE BATTLESDEN STEAM CARRIAGE WORKS, LEIGHTON BUZZARD. BILLIARD .BLLS, CHALKS, CUES, TIPS, and aU R other Billiard Table requisites, at HENNING BROS., Ivory Works, 11, High-street, London, W.C. Old Balls adjusted or exchanged and Tables recovered. Price Lists and Cloth and Cushion Rubber Samples Post free. Established 18H2. CjULLIED." cc Sullied," by George Manville Fenn. A new tale specially written for and I now appearing in the Saturday (3d) Edition of Society." THAT ^HARMING FELLOW ( i That Charming Fellow Cecil." A new serial specially written for "Society," by H.C. Co?ue. author I of "What will 'Society' say?" l i was commenced in the Wednes- day (Id) edition of Society" for January J2th, 1881. ASK YOUR CHEMIST FOR £ OPARKLING RUBINE," a most delicious non I, alcoholic beverage, contains no Iron nor Phosphorus but a far more valuable tonic in Cinchona, or Peruvian Bark, is extremely palatable, and is highly recommenced by the Medic. Profession. Manufactured only by the Chemists' Aerated and Mineral Waters Association (Limited), London & Harrogate. D'ARCY'S DUBLIN STOUT.I D Specify suitable for INVALIDS, being guaranteed to be brewed from MALT AND HOPS ONLY. ANCHOR BREWERY. DURI.IN. (Largest Brewery in Ireland but one.) i R A D FO R D'S V 0 W F, L W A is H I N G D MACHINES (from £2 10s.) NEW PRICE LIST POST FREE. for hand and steam power. Wringers, Mangles, Drying Closets. Gas and Steam Calenders, Linen Presses, Boot < leaners, Casks. Stands, Box and Barrel Churns. Butter Workers, Bone Mills, & all i articles of utility for the House, Laundry, or Public fnstittitions. Address—Thomas Bradford & Co. 140 to 14:5, High Hol born London, & Manchester & Liverpool. Can also o_ obtained from our agents in every town. FHLOWER SEKDS.TICGEfXBLfcT SKMDS?m?LBS. *.? IDDLi S & CO. have a Fine Stock of CLADIOH'S S B)?HNCHLRYEXS)S. the brightest scarlet Gladi- olus grown and offer them in any qnantity at one penny- each. All kinds of Flower and Vegetable Seeds at the lowest possible prices. Catalogue with over :;(;1, Hhistra- tions free THE PENNY PACKET .EE I > CO, LOUGH BOROUGH TOCK Speculators ?t Stocks and Shares are h EXCHANGE vi'01' -,11:,res ;ii-c ir S 1-'XUHAN(.' P' vite'l I)v I:ir?yi? spKcriA'f? rot;t- "1 h~ I' at tnihit;))?? .-4pECI!I,AT!f)N five. Guttendio &■ o .N L l M l T h Co., stock LIABILITY. Throgmorton-street, E.C. (1 API'I ALISTS I)i:sii;jNG INVESTMENTS should j apply to Messrs BOIILT and WOOLLAN, of 3. Nowgate-street, Lsndon. E.C., for their MONTHLY PUBLICATION, containing over 3(H) OPENINGS by wav of PAHTNEIiSHIP, BUSINESS, HOUSE PROPERTY", itr., Uir Disposal. L;iiit; or snnll amounts, Post free two stamps. 9 'FR?jrst' PU BUSH KD?. 7 KK hH!LLi? ???????-sw?ditinn, ONE SHIH {?(; 2T MORALITY," ONE .SHILLING. Air Platt, ?f /S.St. Martin's Lane. London, W.C., will send a copy of any one of the above, post free, on receint of Is in stamps. Should bo in every tradesman's library, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, AND NEURALGIA. DR. J. COLL1S BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. A few doses quite effectuil.-Catition.rlie extra- ordinary medical reports on the efficacy of Chloro- d ne render it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine, which is protected by a Government stamp, bearing the words Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne." See decision of Vice- Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood, the Times, July ISth, lS(i4. Numerous testimonials from eminent Physicians accompany each bottle. From W. C. WILKINSON, ESQ., F.R.C.S., Spalding I consider it invaluable in Phthisis and Spasmodic cough: the benefit is very marked. From Dr. of New Gallovav, Scotland. As a Sedative, Anodyne, and Anti-Spasmodic, I consider Dr. J Collis Browne's Chlorodyne the most valuable medicine known. Sold in bottles. Is ljd, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d, by all Chemists. — PILES and t' IZAVEL. GFORI;E'S Pile anti Crivel Pills. I_ The Marvellous Remedy for PILES and GKA VEl" and all the disorders of the BOWELS, LIVER, and KIDNEYS No. 1. GEORGE'S PII-E & GRAVEL PILLS. No 2 GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. No. 3. GEORGE'S PILLS for the PILES. Of all Chemists in Boxes, 1/11 and 2/9. By P«st for 15 mil 36 stamps from J. E. George, 31.rl.P.S., Hirwain, Aberdare. THE CROSS, OSWESTRY. AILY and WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, conveyed by the Cambrian Railway Co., on the dayof Publication, by the first Train after receipt. All orders promptly at- tended to by C. G. BAYLEY, BOOKSELLER. "V. ALKlR' CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES are super- V seiling all others. Prize Medals, London, ISIS Paris ISH7. Silver from £ 3 3s. Gold from ?H ')s. 77, CornhilCl* E.C. 230, Regent-street, W. and 7(5, Strand, W.C. Descriptive Pamphlet free. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary organs in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and Pains in the back. Sold in boxes, 4s (id each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors or sent to any address for B0 stamps by the Maker, F. J. Clarke, Consulting Chemist, Hiph-street, LincoIn.-Wh)lei\ale agents, Barclay and Sons, London, and all the Wholesale Houses. 993z 1 ??? PATTERNS of NEW SILKS or Dress Go?ds I- () 0 0 free. 8 1 LKS from ONE GUINEA to TWENTY GUINEAS. Write to D. NICHOLSON and Co., 50 to 52, St. Paul s Church Yard, London, E.C. Established 1843 TO VISITORS. I THE pENNY G UIDE To HEXHAM With full information of all objects of interest in the town, and excursions to GRESFORD WY?XSTAy HOLT "I (SERA BANGOR HopF. MOUNTAIN OVERTON CAEKCWRLE CASTLE ERBISTOCIi NAKTYH-R)T:! I RUABON &C., &C. Solu by ail Bookseller*. Published by Baylcy j; Bradley, Ad> crti><cr Ofice. Hits the murk the author aims at, viz to supply in as concise and eomplete a form as possible, information as to what there is to see in a id around the town and how to see it.O"westry Adverti.'er. A very cheap, complete and interesting guide to this in- teresting district. Well written, with its information full concisely given, the tourist will find this little book the very tiling he requires."—Carnarvon Herald. '• In this little brochure, published by Messrs Bayley and Bradley, of Wrexham, visitars to the metropolis of North Hales, will find a pleasant and reliable com- panion, who will conduct them to all the places and objects of interest in the locality, rnd who will give a pleasant and concise description of each. — Shrewsbury Chronicle EPI-013 CHOCOLATE J^SSENCE. tu Product of a spec?! re8n!ng process It is chocolate devoided of its over-richness and substantiality. ugarless, and. I when made, of the consistence of coffee n aftorn?on chocolate. Each Packet I is iabelle is J'A?IES EPPS & Co HOMCEOPATIIIC CHEMISTS I.ONDON. A LHAMBRA THEATRE, LOMJOX, MEFJSTOFELE II. and BALLET. Supported by the leading Artistes. Every evening at S. Prices from Gd. THE NEW I" A X C A S H I R E STEEL PEN U AND ALL OTHER PENS, Manufactured by EDWARD VOORSAXGER, SO LD nv CHARLES G. BAYLEY, THE CROSS AND CHURCH-STREET One of the Agents for Oswestry. w?'??'?'' ?"o?''e comfort.wear, and ;;>no Whfe KITTED STOCKINGS& SOCKS the difficulty has been to £ n°w where to get them reMonfiMy '?n..ous.a?nf ds pairs. Every size & quality. W. Bill, Tenby. 0K^'wE?'5 VIT?TZIXG SUSPENSORY?ELT (IF This "LECTnlC and MAGNETIC BELT—Nature's J Fnend-h?ving the MAGNETIC, STIMULATING ^AT -t;i, ,in g the .NIAGNETIC, STI.NIULATING j :^CTR1C SUSTAINING, SUPPORTING an?  ??' ?? in a most direct manner in RESUs- \f<wr "'?' ?''? of the Generative Organs ?c MOST ?COr?M? FORTABLE to wear' and as a curative power is invaluable. Amongst numerous testimonials one M 1) writes: i have "'°''? ?'°?'' ??'"S Belt with marvellous ?? su?? ? can well recommend its use to all gentlemen I and the immediate n"tice of the medical facn]ty" Prices, 1st Quality. 2n,1 Do. :ird Do. 218 15s- 6d. lOs. 6d. Specially coii-iline(i Belt for the cure of Piles, 458., sc post free on receipt of P.O.O. payable to CHARLES SMITH, Secy., ELECTRIC BELT CO., Harrogate. THE I5URDETT ORGANS by far the BEST of all the American Organs. "Poritv of vnirh."cr -1" ot tone, wonderful combinati-.n? togther ? wi•t*h » the number of New and Original Stnns render them such Instruments as to be bevond S^?rf,e rf!rt!n" oP' rices from IS Guineas. Illu- traced Catalogues on a"plication. B URDETT ????T'?.h ?T.< ?tree..r, Cavendish Square. London, W. TO THE CHINA AND (ILASS TRADES LADIES*' i. OWN PAiNrixos and all kinds of decorative CHINA I AND GLASS, MOUNTED IN VELVET in the best Style. Backs foi Wall Brackets, &c. &c. J. STEVENSON & SON, :3a, Red Lion Square, London. ABERDEEN GKANITE MONUMENTS, from Xr Ac?trri,-t,e p?d. Inscriptions, accurate and beautiful' Plans and prices from John W. Le?e, cuJptor, Aberdeen. 8PAKE 11Mb may be profitably utilised and £2 to a per week ADDED TO I.NCOME Sen(I addressed Envelope for full partu-ular- to J, OHN DAY. 144. ESSEX ROAD, LONDON. THE (mEAT BLOOD PURIFIER -THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS purify th? fontest hltl\Hi. anu remove ev"ry disease of the stom;ich I liver, and kidneys. Pure blood gives health Thousands h-Lytt been cared by theso wonderful Pills whose diseases could n> t be reached by any other medicine. Sold by all .bemi.-ts in bitxe^, l.l1. 2 })>>itt the est^tbiiRhn" ient 14, Oxford-street, Swansea, for 15 or ::J5 stamps Vli 1 mfferers are highly recommended to try them. Business Announcements. IY^T ILLIAM JpIERCE, I [I!n, I 1 I RM)?? STREET, WREXHAM. jj jl to ?9 ?ff:'? Vf?:?'<: .1 ;V Tt'?C'?t Cfm- pemyt Limited, Birtninghtiui. I 1 The Coffins avo highly recommended hy z-11 !h»; I g Ppivtitioners of the N't-iglitioiirhonil. H They ure coven d with'h],?-? and crim"n cloth or | g ,eln;t and every deskn of colored met"l furnI- S g turuisused.. 6 Til** METALLIC SHELL COFFIXS, encased j I in "tput polished oak, or covered with cloth or | S elvet, c;«i he at a few hours notice. I 2 SHELLS AND COFFINS ahnys in stock, 1 I g I _c. yy ORTH A GUINEA A BOX. BEECH AM'3 PILLS. ARE admitted bv Thousands t.?ha worthaCutNE? A  Box for hiUious and nervous di'orders. such as wind md pain in the stomach, sick headache, gi,ltline, fllllnPs *nd sw??ing after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, !o?so!appftitf,.shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches .in the skin, disturbed ,1eep, fri, htful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sen- sations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thou- sands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Tills, and they will he acknowledged to WOUTH A GUlXEA A BOX. i or females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few dosi:-s of them carry "ff all gross humors, open all lOst.ructioTis, arid V.iins: about :-ill that is required. No %ri:i:e should he without them There is no HU'dicine to !>e found to equal RI<:ECHA:\I' PII.I.i for removing any .I'struction or irregularity of the system. If taken accord- ing to the directions given with each twx, they will soon restore females of all a-es to sound and robust health. I For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the liver, they act like MAGIC," and a few doses will lie found to work wonders upon the most im- portant organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long-lost com- plexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and de- bilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, difficulty of iireathing, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of che chest, wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty .-if breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let iny person give BEECHANI'S COU(;IL PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. CAUTION.—The public are requested to notice the words BEECHAM'S PILLS, St. Helens," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If not on, they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the Pro- prietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, Lancashire, in boxes at Is lid and 2s 9 I each. Sent post free from the Proprietor for 15 or 36" stamps.-Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. 2404 IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE. X ESTABLISHED 1S36. X T U B B S MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.C. WEST END BRANCH—53, CONDUIT ST., REGENT ST., W SUBSCRIBERS, BY OBTAINING TIMELY INFORMATION, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS, AND MAY, THROUGH THIS AGENCY, RECOVER DEBTS DUE WITH PROMPTITUDE. STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE Supplies Information Indispensable to Traders. BRANCHES at Dublin, Glasgow, Birmingham, Bristol, Brighton, Belfast, Cork, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Southamp- ton, Sheffield, Gloucester, and Bradford. TER.N],El Is, X2 2s, £:1 3s, X5 5s, according to re- quirements. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to the SECRE- TARY, Stuhbs' Mercantile Offices, 42, Gresham Street, London, E.C. TRADE AUXILIARY COMPANY (LIMITED). CAUTION. THERE IS NO OFFICE IN LONDON CONNECTED WITH STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM STREET, E.C. (SITUATE AT THE CORNER OF KING STREET, OPPOSITE GUILDHALL), EXCEPT THE WEST END BRANCH AT 53, CONDUIT STREET, REGENT STREET, W 2120b JAY'S, REGENT STREET, LONDON MOURNING MATERIALS from I/- per yard. Crape 2/9- per yard. Patterns sent postage free. EDUCATION in ENGLAND, FRANCE & GERMANY -Captain Shirley de C. Bisson, M.A.. gives his counse gratis to parents as to the best schools for boys and young ladies, and sends a list with prospectuses free by post Captain Bisson is the Author of Our Schools and College (officially recognised by the Queen.) 3, Berners. street, London, W. HAIR DESTROYER.—ALEX. ROSS' DEPILATORY Hremoves hair from the face, neck, and arms 3s. 6d. per bottle; sent by post, secretly packed,for 54 stamps. Hair Dye, for light or dark colours; Oil of Cantharides, for growth of hair Curling (Fluid Bloom of Roses, for giving beauty to the lips and cheeks; the Skin-tightener, for fur- rows Liquid for black specs, each 3s. 6d., sent by post for 54 stamps. Splints for crooked limbs, 21s Medicine for obesity, 5s. Complexion Pills, 2s. 9d. Nose Machine, for shapening the nose, 10s 6d.; Ear Machine for outstanding ears, 10s ötl.: Tar Soap, the remedy for the skin, Is.; Ross' Toilet Magazine," Is., secretly packed for stamps. -21, Lamb's Conduit Street, High Holborn, London. 263b BRASS, REED, STRING, and DRUM and FIFE ?P BANDS, PIANOS, ORGANS & HARMONIUMS sup- plied at Wholesale Price at J. MOORE'S, Buxton-road, Hud- dersfleld. Prices with drawings of every instrument post free. Music for any kind of Band. Bandmen's Caps. Patronised by the Army, Navy, Rifle Corps. Second- hand Instruments bought or taken in exchange PUBLIC NOTICE. THOMAS LEWIS, general bill poster and advertising Tagent, rents all the posting stations in and round JL agent, bill poster to the Cambrian and Great Oswestry; biII poster to the Cambrian and Great Western Railway Companies. Office: Oswald Row, Beatrice ktreet, Oswestry, where all orders must be addressed Money j^JONEY ON EASY TERMS. }\tI 0 N E YON E A S.Y T E R MS. ON NOTE OF HAND ALONE, WITHOUT SURETIES OR BONDSMEN. The Farmers' Advance Bank, having been established a number of years, and possessing a capital of £100,000, makes immediate advances from £10 to £ 3C00 to F. rmers. Householders, Professional Gentlemen, and all re-ponsihle persons, upon Note of Hand alone also upon Furniture, Stock-in-Trade, and any available security, at a lower rate than any other office in Liverpool; also upon Freehold and Leasehold Securities, Dock Bonds, &c., at 5 per cent. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. Applications by letter from any part of England or Wales stating amount required, will receive the same at- tention as those applying personally. All communications in strict confidence. THE FARMERS' ADVANCE BANK, 57, North John-street (corner of Lord-street), Liverpool. 121n MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK was established in South John-street, in 1875. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK is now established at 70 and 72, VICTOR IA-STR FET. LIVERPOOL. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK is considered to be THE HANDSOMEST BUSINESS PREMISES 1:V LIVERPOOL. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK LENDS MONEY TO t THE FOLLOWING PERSONS:—Farmers, Shopkeepers, Private Householders (Ladies or Gentlemen), Car Pro- prietors, Licensed Victuallers. Cow Keepers, Tradesmen, School Proprietors, Clergymen, Builders, Warehousemen, Professional Gentlemen, Clerks holding permanent situa- tions, Persons about entering in Business, and all other responsible persons. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK has the following amounts at its command, to lend to the above persons :—Twenty sums of X200 each, thirty sums of £ 150 each, forty sums of XSO each, ten sums of £ 1,000 each. one hundred sums of £ 10 each, fifty sums of X50 each, ten sums of SSOO each, one hundred sums of £ 15 each, forty sums of X60 each, twenty sums of S300 each, ten sums of £500 each, fifty sums of X40 each, one hundred sums of X20 each, and various intermediate sums from zElO to £ 1,000. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK requires NO SURETIES, but lends upon borrowers' own security. Easy mode of Repayments. Rent Executions and Loans paid out in any part of England and Wales. —Distance is no objection. Applicants are cautioned not to be allured bv a cunningly worded advertisement issuing from a disreputable office, when they can be accommodated on the most liberal terms by the Imperial Advance Bank. Call at Bank, or apply by letter (stating amount required) to L. SIMMONS (Principal) 67c 70 and 72, Victoria-street, Liverpool. NO FEES UNLESS CASH ADVANCED PRIVATE CASH ADVANCES on Farm and Trade t Stocks, Furniture, &c., in Town or Country, without I removal, and with or without sureties. All communica- tions from intending borrowers treated with strict con fidence.-Apply personally, or write for a Prosnectna tn GEOKGE PAT NL, Accountant, 7, St, John-street, (opposite the Post Office), Chester. 1854p THE CAMBRIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, IS prepared te advance any sum from £5 to £ 500 upon personal or other secuvity, for periods of from three months to two years, repayable by weekly, monthly, quar- terly, or other instalments. Good bills discounted on ad- vantageous terms. The strictest confidence observed — Application- to be made to the Secretary, Mr James Price Offices, Summer Hill, near Wrexham. Forms of application furnished free, and if applied for by post will be forwarded on receipt of a -itamped directed tnvelope. 773n MONEY LENT ON PERSONAL OR OTHER SECURITY. THE WREXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COM- PANY, LIMITED, is prepared to advance any sum from 15 to JEMO upon Personal or other security, from periods of from three months to two vearq. repayable by Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or other Instalments. Good Bills Discounted on advantageous terms The strictest con- fidence observed. Applications to be made to the Secretary, Mr John Davies. Offices EL-erton -street, Wrexham. Forms of application furnished free, and if applied for by post, win be forwarded on receipt of a I stamped directed envelope.-Office hours for the purpose of making advances and receiving repayments, from 1U a.m. to 4 p.m. 72n  Busine? Announcements. J ON E S S HEAL-ALL OINTMENT (Trade Mark Registered.) THF BEST APPLICATION KNOWN for Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and rsores of all kinds. It cures Old Sores, Ulcerated Sore Legs. It cures Ulcerated Sores oil the Head and Neck. It cures B! a. kheads or Pimples on the Kuce. It cures Scurvv Sores Cancerou- Ulcers It cures Burns and Scalds, Ringworm, Itch, Piles. it etii-es Wtlitk ami Watery E>es. It cures Red aud.sore E elids. It cures Illflainiiiarioii in the Eye. It t-ill-ei Moving Irottlet, before the rye. It cures Cataracts and Partial Rhndnesa. It cure- Obscurity of Vision and Dimness. It cures children's Sore En's left after Measles. It all.-ns Inflammation if) a few hours. Hlld SOOthCS pain very quickly. Sold in Pots. Is lid. 2s 9d. and 4" fitt JONES'S PURIFYING MIXTURE. (Trade Mark—" Purifying Mixture.") For Purifying. Cleansing, and Clearing the Blood from all impurities, arising from whatever cause, and guaranteed to he tile best reparation in the woritl for all eruptions of the in, blotches, spots, pimples, hlachheao.N, pustules, boils, car- buncles, ringworms, scald heads, sore eyes, ersisp- elas, itch. scurf, scrofula, scurvy, glandular swel- lings, cancerous sores, bud legs, piles, syphillis, secondary -yinpt"ms, and for all blood and skin diseases For rehumatism also it is unequalled for relieving pains and subduing inflammation, anil speedily effecting a perfect cure It is agreeable, palatable, and safe, and may he taken at all seasons, ami nil ler any circumstances. Sold in bottles at 2s 3d and 4s (ill each and in cases (containing six times the qti iitirv) lis encli by all Chemists and Patent Medicine V endors tlircni-h'.iit the Unit.-1 Kingdom, or sent to any address on receipt of -7. !ilv, or 13*2 s tamps. JONES'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. (Registered.) A speedy and certain ron. dy for all who suffer from Paiiis in tl-e "k and cross the Loins. Difficulty iii iiiakiii,, Ui-i e. Pains in the Kidneys, Howels and Stomach. Shooting Pains in the and Thishs. Dpressionot Spirits and Eullne s of the Chest. Swelling of the Legs and General Weakness of the Bo ly, .to., <tc. Sehl in Boxes .t Is qd and 2s 9d each. Post Free Id extra. JONES'S HEART AND STOMACH REGULATOR (Registered). For the speedy cure of all Diseases ef the Heart and Stomach, such as Indigestion, Palpitation, Heart- Disease, Wind, Weakness, Faintings, Pain in the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Restless Nights, Headache, Giddiness, Coated Tongue, Sour Taste in Mouth, Ac. Sold in Bottles at 2s tid .nd 4s (id each. JONES'S VEGETABLE PJLLS FOR WIND 'Registered) ARE THE BEST PILLS IN THE WORLD for bad digestion, wind and pain in the stomach, liver complaint jaundice, sick head- ache, pains in the chest, loss of appetite, flatu- lency, griping, a sense of weight in the hack and loins, darting pains in the region of the heart, liver and kidney constipation, pains in the thighs, sometimes shooting down to the calf and feet, suppression and retention of urine, pains in the stomach, and all liver complaints. Thousands have been cured by these Pills, and many who had been pro- nounced hopeless, have been thoroughly re- stored to health by their use. ONE BOX WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEL ZICAL OF THEIR EFFICACY. Sold in boxes at Is Hd, 28 911, and 4s fid each. Sent post free for 15 or 3(5 stamps. Sole manu- facturers, W. JoNEs and Co.. Chemists, 157, Great Howard-street, Liverpool. REMARKABLE CURES. 2, Birket-stre. t. Liverpool, 20th March, 1874. Dear Siri:It is with feelings of pleasure I write to in- form you of the good effects of vour PURIFYING MIXTURE and HEAL ALL OINTMENT has done to me. About six ye rs ago I was bitten on the leg by a venomous reptile. which nearly cost me my life; and I now declare to you and the world, after spending over £ l50 in doctors' bills to try and heal the leg, it is now entirely healed after using only two 4s ö,1 pots of your WORLD-FAMED OINTMENT and two Ils cases of your universal PURIFY- ING MIXTURE. TVe truth of the above statement any person who wishes may refer to me. Your very obedient servant, Messrs Jones and Co. JAMES SMITH. Baton Rouge, Louisana, U States, July 21st, 1S74. Gentlemen,—I enclose you a PO order for X2 10s, for one dozen boxes of your Vegetable Wind Pills and Heal- All Ointment. Please send by the first mail, and direct as before. I intend to distribute them amongst my friends here. Your Wind Pills are the best I ever used in my life, and yonr Ointment exceeds anything I ever saw for healing all kinds of sores. Yours very obediently, To W. Jones and Co. EDWIS MCCLOY. Sold in bottles at 28 3d and 4s 6d each, and in cases con- taining six 2s :M bottles, lls each, sufficient to effect a cure in long-standing cases. Agents for Wrexham and districts — Mr J. F. EDISBURY, Chemist, High-street. J. FitANCts. Hope-street Rhos Mr Magin Rhos  Ruabon Mr Ed D;tvies Llangollen Mr Evans Oswestry Mr Saunders i' ANIR Saunders MrJ. Evans, grocer Afold Nlr E. Williains Denbigh Mr Jones Ruthin Mr Rouw Holywell Mr Carman Rhyl Mr Jones Abergele Mr Jones Corwen .Ir Jones I Fliiit Nlr Jones, chemist I Chester.Messrs Bower Bros fnl237bz WATCHES. JEWELLERY. MIDLAND COUNTIES TT WATCH COY. (Cheapest house in world) Ladies' or Gent's Fine Silver Crystal glass heavy cased Watches, 5' Ladies' heavy cased Gold Lowers 70' Gents' Do., Do., Do., 80/ Before purchasing send for Company's Cata- logue beautifully illustrated, 200 fine copper-plate en- gravings, gratis post free on application to S. Hissey, Vyse- street Birmingham. HA Y V A N'S Jg A L S A M I OF HOREF-IOUND. I Is the most certain and speedy remedy for all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. In Asthma and Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Influenza, Difficulty of Breathing, Spitting of Blood, YVhooping Cough, Hoarseness. Loss of Life, &c., this Balsam gives instantaneous relief, and if pi-operly persevered with, scarcely ever fails to effect a rapid cure. It has now been tried for many years, has an established reputation, and many thousands have been benefitted by its use. IT HAS A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. Whitejield, Chapletown, Sh ffield, October lltA, 1876. Sir,-l have given your Balsam a personal trial, and having found almost INSTANT RELIEF, I have recommended it to several there with the same result. I shall have pleasure in sp eading the name, and reputation of such a valuable household reinedy.-I am, yours, dc GEORGE CIVIL. Mr A. Hayman, Chemist, Neath. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND In the Nursery is invaluable, as children are fond of it, and take it eagerly. Imm-diately it is taken coughing ceases, restlessness is gone, and refreshing sleep ensues. No lady who has once tried it would ever afterwards be with- out it. Prepared only by A. HAYMAN, Chemist, Neath and sold by all Chemists. Price, Is lcJ, 2.1 9d, 4s 6d, and lis per bottle. Sold by J. Francis, J. F. Edisbury, J. Davies, Jarvis. and W. Rowland, Chemistu, Wrexham. 2734z THE ONLY CHEAP NEWSPAPER FOR BUILDERS AND F.NGINEERS.-Every Saturday, price Twopence. BUILDING and ENGINEERING TIMBS. A complete _tL) record of all that is of interest to the builder and en i gineer. Specimen copy, post free, 2id. r Office, 154, Aldersgate-street, London, E.C., and all News- agents. HJE.MORKHOIDS & PROLAPSUS: Their Immediate n and Painless Cure. By G. Edgelow, M.D. Price Is 4 Eade and Caulfield, 7, Princes-street, Cavendish-square, London, W. FRIEND OF ALL HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. CURE FOR ALL! The Universal REmedyfoT Bad Legs, Bad Bteasts, Old Wounds, and Ulcerations of all THERE is no medicinal preparation which may be so Tthoroughly relied upon in the treatment of the above ailments as Holloway's Ointment. Rubbed upon the sur- face of the body, over, or near the affected parts, it disap- pears under the friction of the hand, penetrating at once to the source of the evil, and thus perform its healing errand, rapidly, safely and without pain. In all long standing cases, Holloway's Pills should also be taken, as they purify the Blood and expel all depraved humours frosi the system. COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROATS, AND BRONCHITIS. This Ointment is irresistible in the cure of these throat and pectoral complaints, which when neglected often end in settled asthma or consumption. The Ointment well rubbed upon the chest and back, night and morning, pene- trates the skin, and thus absorbed, is carried directly to the lungs, where, in immediate contact with the whole mass of circulating blood, it neutralizes or expels all im- purities. By these means all pulmonary complaints may be cured with rapidity and ease. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS, STONE AND I GRAVEL. In any of the above complaints more benefit may be de- rived in twenty-four hours, by adopting the following simple means, than could be brought about in six months by any other treatment. In bad cases, if the Ointment be diligently rubbed into the small of the back, over the re- gion of the kidneys, it will quickly penetrate and give im. mediate relief. Six or eight of the Pills should be taken nightly according to circumstances. GOUT, RHEUMATISM. AND STIFF JOINTS. This invaluable Ointment exercises a more obvious con- trol over Gout and Rheumatism, than any other medicine. No one need remain uncured, who will in good earnest make a vigorous application of this infallible remedy- according to the Printed Instructions affixed to each Pot. All settled aches and pains will likewise be banished by the ame treatment. SKIN DISEASES, SCROFULA, AND SCURVY. The beneficial effects of this peerless Ointment are truly wonderful in cases of Ringworm, Scurvy, and Scrofula, or King's Evil, and its powers are adequate to the removal of the most inveterate Skin Disease to which the human frame is subject. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the fol- lowing complaints: Bad Legs Bad Breasts I Burns Bunions Chilblains Chapped Hands I Contracted and Stiff Joints Corns (Soft) Fistulas Gout Glandular Swellings Lumhago Piles Rheumatism Sore Nipples Scalds I Sore Throats Skin Diseases I Scurvy I Sore Heads I Tumours I Ulcers Wounds I The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor HOLLO- w A Y'S Establishment, 533, Oxford-street, London also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilized World, in Boxes and Pots, at Is IJd, 2s 9d Is Hd, lis, 22s, and Tis each. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can be had in any language. N.B. — Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by ap nlying at the above address, daily, between the hours of II and 4, or by letter. Is

Trade Intelligence. - - -"",…




I Markets. I - - - - -' "

