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business Announcements. u, I WILLIAM PIERCE, I CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, BRIDGE STREET, WREXHAM. Agelit to the Patent Metallic Air Tight COplt Com- pany, Limited, Birmingham. The Coffins are hielil> recommended by all tho Medical Practitioners of the Neighhourhood. They are covered with black and crimson cloth or velvet; and every design of colored netal furni- ture is used. The METALLIC SHELL COFFINS, encased in strnit poli.shed oak, or covered with cloth or elvet, can be had at a few hours' notice. SHELLS AND COFFINS always in stock. 13.;S yyORTH A GUINEA A BOX. BE EC HAM'S PILLS. A RE admitted hy Thauf?ndB to bA worth a Guinea A ?. Box for hiDious and nennus disorders, such as wind ifld pain in the stoniarh, sick headache, giddiness, fullness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurry, hlohell on the skin, disturbed sleep, fri. htful dreams, and all nervous and trembling sen- sations, iVc. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no Action, for they have done it in thou- sands of caxes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try ')11e box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A OPINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a •few doses of them carry off all groiss hnmors, open all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No female should he without them There ia no medicine to tie found to equal BKK« HAMS FIILTli for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken accord- Ing to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all a es to iiinnd and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all dis- orders of the liver, they act like "MAGIC," and a few dottes wil he found to work wanders upon the most im- portant organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, tustore the long-lost com- plexion, bring back the keen efigti of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTN Admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervous and de- bilitated is. BKECHA.M'S PILI.14 have the largest sale of my patent medicine in th world. BKECHA.M'S MAHIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, difficulty of breathing, shortness of breath, tightness and oppression of the chest, wheezing, &c-, these Pills stand unrivalled. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which niehtly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give Brecham's Cocoh PILLS a trial, and the neat violent cough will in a short time be removed. CaI'TIOn.—The public are requested to notice the words "BkkchaM's PII.I.S, St. Helens," are on the Government. Mtamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If not on, they are a forgery. Prepared only and sold wholexale and retail by the Pro- prietor, T. lieecham, Chemist, St. Helens, Lancashire, in boxes at Is 1 Jd and 2s it each. Sent post free from the Proprietor for 15 »r3K stamps.—Soldi]/ all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealer*. N.B. -Full directions are given with each box. 2404 P RESF.NTS. BARNKRD'S PRIZE MEDAL. Bas- JL sinets Music and Dressing Stands. Illustrated list it B. Barnard, Patentee 107, St. Paul' Road., Highbury London. VAUPKV1LLK THKATKh, ?tmnd, London. Every Kvening u.tH:ilf past Kipht o'clock "THEut'VKOR." Open xv?ry Evening at Seven. Prices 1/- t« ?8 ??. TKICTLY PRIVATE LOANS —Send stamped ad- S dressed envelope fur information which is willingly afforded by Mr Jones, or call personally at either of his offices. Mondays and Fridays, Uhyl Office, 2, Crescent- road; or, Wednesdays and Saturdajs, Shrewsbury Office, opposite St. Jutiitn'M Friars 25filf 0 X F 0 It 1) M I T li E HOT E L -SUPEH IOH ACCOMMODATION moderate charges. L.AOJEs' COFFKK ROOM, BILLIARDS. £-2-W¡;mLY and U PWA Rb<! n??eKASILY and ?? HONESTLY KEALISEO by persons of EITHER KX without hindrance to prea?nt oocupation.-Particu- lars Free, or with a sample, i2 stamps (returned if rle- sired). Address W. ct J. DAY fER, Merchants (P 2(0). 12, Alfred lioad, Birmingham. This is genuine. EV~A>i r>' S MITSM j AND SUPPER ROOMS C()VET G \RDEN: I Cmnd Variety Entertai ment. Proprietor..1. B. AMOR. 1' 71 INE 7\RTs. H BiUtoKS & SONS. 171, Strand' (Kstablished 1750) the eminent Art Publishers who ire jetiriiu from business, will offer ata reduction of 50 per sent. Brilliant Artist proof engravings. Catalogues sent «n application. _h_ I) ALSTON-Si FINANCIAL J and j MINING NOTES, Published at 5», Thrtailneedle St.' louden, E.C. NOW READY, t'ost free on applica- ¡ tion. Containing the latest intelligence on the I,e,t Securities of the day and fonning a Iteliable and indispensable guide to CAPITA ISTS "ND INVF-STORR Low priced stocks are much in fiivor ai d are Ris ng Rapidly. Foreign Bonds, Railway and Mining Shares should he bought at once. safe Dividend Investmknts paying from 5% to 1-% advised. Among Mining Investments TIN- H If. 1. *,H HE-, Limited, are the Safest and should be secured for JMMEIIIaTE AI>va.\CE. ELECTKICAL .11 :IW" I'IFW-\PPAIlATV::I FOR AMATEURS AND THE TRADE Wholesal- Manufacturer oi Metallic Base Electric Bells, Klectric Reversing In.lie ,t m.. aId Consta>t Manuane-o Batteries, Telephone switches and Transmitters, Induction Coils and Vacuum Tube>, 'terminals Carbons, Wire, and All Matt-rials instruments wiule, repaired, or altered on the premises. Complete Catalogue two atari ps. Special quotations to the Ti ade. THOMAS CliAMP'I'i 'N N. Co 251, High Holbom. London, W.C. ^PAKE OR WHOLE TIME.—spare or Whole Time piofitably emplnjed whereb handsome fortunes have been made. Thin in ;eimine Particulars 3 stamps. M< nitor, 23, Picttiii-,t..I' riglit-n. For W liter's Tedious Nighca "— Itichard III., Act 5, Sc 1. ENCOURAGED by the enormous succesii which has at- i t tended the publication of ROUND THE FIRESIDE," THE Winter Nimber OF I sociETY." Two Editions hating already been exhausted, and the de- mand still continuing, the proprietors have prepared a THIRD EDllloN, which is u..w ready. It contains 12 complete Tiiies, 14 ldustiMt;oiis, >0 poems, several short .ketches, aud music, L-ve in Mayiair," by R. Stoepel. Particulars of Prize i'omp. ti ions, for which Five Guineas srd offered. Uiijuiui'-usiy pronounced b., the press to be the Best and Cheapest of the iiiiiints. By post lid. Publishing Office ION, Fleet street, London, E C. WASHING-DAY Po ":1"1 IIDT,-The F(;rlllight'-Falllilr II T V Wa?h in Four Hoi rs, without rubbing ('r boiling, hy using HARPER TWELVhTllEES' VILLA WASHING ¡ MACHINE, n."s (Cash I rice 5 s) Carnage pai t. Frett j rial. Easy terms. ->0 Finslm y Pavement. Lomlon, KC I DO NOT KI SPATR J \F CURING ro?SUMPiIU? "r other wasting or de- | r bilitat'ni: dista-es. but send for Medical and Pr?.tte PHOSPHATED WINK,^ nckuowle geil by the lea-lin^ medical journals and physi- cians a- the best rle"h and tissue former." Post free 4v Pagtiy Waliico and Co, 4i, Finsbury Circus, E C. ^JTOCK KXCHA?Cb: INVliSI'MKN IS.—Ayres & Co., S St,)ckbr?.k?r?, tr?n?tCL every description of ?tnck Exchange liu-iiiess. Air Ayres was for many years Secre- tary of the Kastern I'nuin and Noriliern of Bufnos Ayres Uailway^, 7, Drapers Gardens, Throgmort->n St ect Lon- don. Hew hts jri. PUNJAB UKD PEPPER !»UPE11SEDES I I ALL OTHER PREPARATIONS OF CAYENNK PURE, WHOLESOME PIQUANT. i IMPOR'I ED direct from the PUN- JAB, via sues Canal, prepared by -i. H. Hh?H', t;h?m)a, ?s, High-street, Rochester, frum the receipt of a F eld »iBict-T of her Majesty's Indian Army. -To be had of all leading Chemists and I t.rocers its la castors, and 2b 611 [ supply t ns Wholesale of Kar- clay and Co., P5. Kirringdou- j street. Mhw, Son, and Th mpson, a ldersgatc-street: Barron, Har veys. and Co, (lilt4pur-strti,et: Wright, Layman and Umney, Sonthwark-street and of the j Proprietor. CIONNAUGHT THEATRE, HOLRORN. LA FILLE DU ? TAMBOUR M\K" & BALLET. Leading Tti8.ry evellinl£tIa.!I !\JlIf¡lIn Man"r. RUSTIC A other CARTS, GENTLEMEN'S LUGGAGE K, CARTS, Md HUHT bU?tNMSS TRAPS. Prices ai.U Illustrations free THOS. WATTS, PERSHOliE WORCESTERSHIRE. *A?)xpfnn\ Box of IJLaKEY's Patt:nt  A BOO!' 'PROTECTORS will wear P TOrR longer than two pairs of the best soles and BOOTS, heeis. No tri uble to fix. Can be had from TOCR all lr,-nizi-n-.ers. Ail Assorted box sent post POCKETS free for TWELVE PUNNY STAMPS, guar- and |aiiteed to save at least Llls. Hi,'ALTH. AGENTS WA.NTED where not represen t e d vol'K AGENTS WATED where not represen ted Address, JOHN BLAKKY, LEEDS. j -j Money J" "J'" LIVERPOOL COMMERCIAL INVEST- MENT C(»MPANY (LIMITED). LOANS of fr m X 10 to £ 500 promptly GRANTED and cile interest charged unusually moderate. Personal or ¡ nth4!r Security, Share Certificates, Dock Bonds, Life Policies, Ac Apply to BENJAMIN FOBERTS, Branch Manager, and Tobiicconist, City-road, Chester. 2547b NO FEES UNLESS CASH ADVANCED* I PRIVATE CASH ADVANCES on Farn and Trade I t Stocks, Furniture, &C. in Town or Country, without removal, and with or without sureties. AJ! communica- tions from intending borrowers treated with strict con dlmc.Apply personally, or write for a Prospectus, to Okokge Payne, Accountant. 7, St. John-litrftt, (opposite Post Office), Chester. 1854P THE CAMBRIAN" IOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, [ prepared t. ^•viincesnv nam friia ifl to tipon PTaonal or other security, for periods of fri)m three tonths to two ve,-ivs, repa; abln hy weekly, «no> thly. quar- ^f'y, or other instalments. Good bills discounted ou ad- I "ftntageous terms. The strictest confidence observed. \nnlication- to he made to the Secretary, Mr James Price, '>8i<;es, Summer Hill, ;,ear Wrexhaiv. Forms of ap licat'on 'nrnished free, anil if app'ied for by p"st will be forwirded "n receipt of a stamped directed envelope. 77.m MONKY LENT ON PERSONAL OR OTHER I s VCU k ITY. THE WREXHAM LOAN AND INVESTMENT COr-I- PANY, 1, 1 -%11 1 F.D, is prepared to advance nnv sum from 5 to JE. (Xi upon Personal or ether SfCUritv from period •;> f Iro,n threo months to two vears repayable by Weekly, Monthly. Quarterly, or other ingtitlmtnva. nl100 Billtt piscouuted on advan'ageous terms 1t.e striitest con- adence obstrved. Applicatiana to loe n,&,le to the Secretary, Mr John Davies. Offit" K er'on street, "reiham. Forms of app'icatioo furnished free, and if •'pplied for b) post, will be for»wded on receipt of a stamped directed ei.velope.—Office hours for the purpos of making advances and receiving repayua&tg, from III &I » 4 p.m. nn Business Annonncemftj1^5, -J-r-r. .r".n", .I. SAVE AND PROFITABLE INVKsTM KVl^5- ?T0<)? AND SHA.:?. F?nK.<? H.xhS' h.?"- km;T W?y- AS, )?'<srHi-A?t').t?ft?. COAL and Ml^CELLAVEor-i SHARES SOLD or nol'O liT. Befoue Investing CONSULT Messrs H. R. LEWIS AND CO., B A H THo L O M E W HOUSE, (Opposite Hank of England) J BARTHOLOMEW LANE. LONDON, r ,A N D HELIABU: INFORM ATI ^N in the SELECllON of LEADING MINING SECURITIES, to pay from ?)to3't per cent per annum, and rise 100 per c?nt?mj,?m.. w itc or apply at once as above. NV K.\KKYKS,si?Ts1?THHsmHT &-e., Ac. ?e., A- c STONE'S EYE WAT Kit (Tnide M?r!? h?TT? ?.T? beneUci?Hy u?.d f..r );U >>ars, and thou?udsttre!i cured by it. S, Ti)NFI-, I.- yi. is an infallible remedy for all Diseasc-3 lIf the Vision. lit.ii.,ireti Si^ht, Ac. I n'F. EYE WATEI: is a direct, antidote to In- ? flaimnatiun and i;? ds!,Mt AfF- rtioiis and cannot /<i? to rf-m?ve them. ft K'S KV k' U ATiTK, i 1^^ I t stilll1»Iii.iIs. OTi>N'K'S EYE WA l l li Wholesale Agents, Barclay Ik7 and Sons Stingers, snd N< wbery and sons, of nil Chemits. in tHltt..< 1 ? ']Hl 2,?, or by post for !5 or "tamp" frow ths Pi-'pr: tor, J. M. i?nce Winchtield, || H.nits. -iU:'I' 'H M IM- BooTs-N|» sHOKS. Send for 1 Illustrated I'ric- isrs "!HI HuJ"" for "elf m<nre-I ment to the Frell?-li i,(, 1!4),?t Co Itid, hcK'it- "tr'—t. ml1. New ?or in.i: ton-street. W. Fit)!l1"ralltt:O"1. ¡ Hiuh-Legged Buttoned B"ts from !!I Dress s hoes from A I I pat-ce curri::?'- )")d -lj'AïlFF;JL;'TL¡'¡- PROCESS ANTI-COROi'O > TURKS and FITTINGS by this p oc ss.—Apph '1 be Rustless and General iron IVuipanx, 3, Queen-street. piace, EC. K1 /V M/-WHfkYIv F P l.l' E N T S for BIRTHDAYS, wediiinoS. Ac LARGEST and I H i, i,.s,r -TO('K in EUROPE. T PA I K  (IXFOI(l) STHP T W. PARKINS & U<')«' ?' "xK)«n ?TRE T, LO, W.  ?HE' ?OTKD );AT ) t.KSnKX C A R For particulais apph to the originator, W11.1,1 \M KIN(", THE BATTLESDEN Si CAM CARRIAGE WORKS, LKHSHTON BUZZARD. ?np?. '?nd H!! IDH.H?RT) BALt? .CHALKS. CU?s?_ l other Billiard Table n quisites, at HENNING BROS., Ivory Works, 11. High-street-. I^mdon, W.C. Old Balls adjusted or exchanged ttilli Tables recovered. Price I Li-its and Cloth iiitt Cushion Rubber Samples Post free. Established 1';i2, SK YOUR BOOTMAKER A for the WATERPROOF K" Boot. See Atirt. iii the l-'ieid Newspaper. qoldknWA X and r <'?r)"N W?X .j C7I KA PEST CANDLES MADE, 1>"1V 7 ILK IE & SOAMIS, ?? <:t:KP:XWtCH t-ftKnoff. THE T ) P T I C A P P A R AT U S Muniifs! tnr'nsr Company. App .ratus obt.-iineil liovii p uml ers who supply and fix thein. Patent automatic H,titivi. Perfect immunity in- sured from all foul eases aiul ,4itielig in closets, pipes, and drain*. Price oli Si;\ ERAL GI'OII and I SF.FUi> K liMS T i HI.' I kT S AT MU.??AT I N Sr.. ,.e? the times, f omno to fi41, acres n the Counties ..f Northampton, st;ifford, Warwick Cloucester. lied ord, Herts. Hums, &c., &c. Apply to blie Managing Diuci r, Agricultural Agency Com- p..n: Agricultural Ha 1, 1."11(\0111, N. ~1D Ja^ 1' O C K i A IN 1) H A R KS. Ct??.s. RAILWAYS, FOXHX:? STOCKS, MINES, and every ?' ?' U'T?.S dealt in at ?L<?b M ,j, £ i« '?' t "MAH?ION. SELECTED LJ:T uf Mines cEhTain *jo I: bE. A i U'EII 1 C0. KE, 7t), 0,11 London. (ISTAIII.IMIKII IMxi ) r1uiteen > e;.rs at the ai ove < ffices, adjoining the Stock fcxcliHime, with which ihe. are in J}.HEc.:1 TKLEGRAPH1C COMM UN 1C_>.TION. U 1 T UN'S S I. E D S s it E THE BEST, .-+- 'U'J'TO' HE US CARRIAGk_ FREE IF OF 211,. value. SU TT 0 N S S E E D S P 0 S T P R E E ?-7 ("xn!'t Btaiis ) 1 Qd I Everyone wi n has a Gar- 1 00"1 1881a d. n si ion ;d re?d loult ? U T T N s a -1 Al E U iï lJ I 1) E? KJ the he,t Work on (iardening yet published. BUTTON'S A M A T E U R s G U fl) K, ??9 )?e;ititifiill% -A il;ustratc(l throughout. Price Is; Post ine f.-r 15 Stamps. UorION'i CtILLECTIONS <>F SKEDS FOR ALL. C.r<leii- At all prices. OjUTTON & SONS, ( The Que.n's t mUDJNG, ?9 ( MKm?MtN f ]%/W ODERN FRUI T CULTUR' a cr"rth?F:rst'Ye?r m obtained by the CORDON SYSTEM Descriptive and illnstiated Cata ognes free 1)% post, al o all kind of TREES ic SHRUBS, i.ulbs, SKEDS fo the Farm and Gar- den of every description. J. CHEAL & SONS, LuwHeid Nurseries, Crawley. Ii A Y M A N i" A L S A M OF H (I R E il 0 U N D Is the most certain anil speedy remedy for all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. In Asthma and Consumption, Bronchitis. Coughs, I nflnenra. Difficulty of Breathing, Spitting of B'ooil. Whooping Cmmh, Hoarseness Loss of Lif-, itc., this Halsaui eive- instimtaneous relief, and if properh persevered with. scarcely ever fail", to effect a rapiti cure. It has now been tried for mmy years, has %n established ¡ reputation, and many thou-ands hve been benefited by itd use. IT HAS A MOST PLEASANT TASTE. I IMrOIiTAST To" TIJ[i)NJAL. Whitfield, ChapUtnum, sh Jjield, October 11th, 1S76. H'A)'<  re M c  ?f-??M-tt. SiT,-[ hnr-e !Ii¡;n¡ y nr Iinhaw a peraonal trial, and I kan n>i f"()IIIL(i almost INSTANT KEI.iep, 1 have recforniiiended it t ■ xevenH ther, with the KUinereKU.t. 1 shu,l hIll)" pleasure I in *p f<t?t/)? the 1¡" f?«? t?'M?tMtt.? tueh a valuable household Tfiufdy.- ? am, .?oMte, ?'e GBORGE CIVIL. I Mr A. Hiiuman, Chemixt, Neath. HAYMAN'S BALSAM OF HORKHOUND ¡I In the Nursery is inva'uable, ius children are fond of it, and take it eimcrlv. linm il.at- ^y it is taken couching ceases, restlessness is gone, and refreshing sleep ensues. No lady who has once tried it would ever nfterwa- ds be with- out it i Prepared only hy A. HAY MAN, Chemist, Neath; and sold by all Chemists. Price, Is Ifd, 2, ltl, 4s 6d, and lis perhotttf. ) Sold by J Francis..1. F Kdii-bnry, J. D .vies, Jarvis and W. Rowland, Chemist*, Wrexham. "2734z Anton bknda A eo. importers of JAPAN ESE and CHIN FSE GOODS No. 6, i;EVIS :\lAHK"; ST. IARY AXE, LONDON, EC THE yyilEXH A M ADVERTISER, j DENBIGHSIIIRK, FLINTSHIRE, Shropshire, Chtsliire, Merionethshire and Xorth Walei, Heyinter. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Prick Twopknck, or free by Post, in advance, bis lild per annum. PKICK TWOPENCE, or free bv Post, on credit, 12s per annum. The Adrertixer has now I)t!eii established Tii,,itri years and is the Hi-kitow led^:ed County Paper for DENBIGH- SHIRK >md FLINTSHIRE, where it has a circulation more than double tlint of any other papei published ill either of those counties. It is also extensively circulated in the counties of Chester, Salop, and Merioneth, and throughout the Princil)ziliti and will, therefore, be found a most eligible medium ju, all kiwi" of advertisements. Orders for papers ami advertisements received ai the office -.—Advertiser Otlice, Wrexham, Mr C. G Bayley, Oswestry Mr J. Morgan, Mold Mr T. Miller, Den- bigh. and the following Aiir..> lis t Abergele Mr R. Jones, Visitor Office Bauiiit Mr E. Williams, JPont Oltice 7M r Jacob J ones Mr H. I- vans Bangor-Isvcoed )11 Bickerton, Buck Inn Bersliam k-c Nir A. Madtlei) Bwlcligwyn .tc Sir Siller j Brvillho Miss Howard, Post Office Brjneglwvs. Mr Lloyd, Post Office Buckley. Mr Catberall, Post Office Chester.Messrs Smith and Son, Railway Station Jlr Tho*. W Jones Northuate-strevt Mr Aston, Market Square Mr Ratliburne, Roman Baths Connah's Quav Mr Mathias Coedpoetll -Mr J- Pickering Chirk %ir John Evans Caergwrle, &c. Mrs Bilker, News Agent Cernev and Pentre Nirs Whitehead Cefn Mawr Mr James Williams Cefn %Iawr Corw-en Mrs Erasmus Edwards, Stationer DenhIgh. Mr Nott, Booksellei Mr H. Davies 91 Messrs Smith and Son, Railway Station I Flint. Mr Charles Clark, News Agent I Mr Thomas Jones, Post Office Ffrith .Ir %#. Jorieg, News Agent n_L nœ Gresford Nir iiiiaeus, i-o,L kiiiice I Gwersyllt Mrs Parry Hanmer Air Kitelling. Post Office Hoi and Famdon J. Keenan, News Agent Holywell Mr P. M. Evans Ho e Junction Mr Bellis, Shopkeeper Haward II .Mr New on, News Agent Leeswood and Puntblyddyn, ,MrW. ,1nne Mr Garston, Manchester House Liverpool.Jlessrs iJee and Nightingale, Castle-street MrC. Hirch.Jl, :tl, FouIkes and Evans, it>, Tithebaare-street Llaneollen Mr J. HuPhes London Messrs W. H. Smith and Son, 186, Strand it Messrs Barker and Sons, 8, Birchin-lane, Comhill „ "?iJssrs Kingsbury and Co., 12, Clement's Court, I,omhar.l.stre"t. I Mee? C. Mitchell an d Co., Red Lion Cout Mr R. F. mite, :? Fleet-street, E. (, M?srsf;. trMt..mdC.?.Cornhm. )! MMars Street !?rothers, T, Serie-street, MeMraRevneH MdSona.44.ChMcery.lMe ? Me?r«\V; J. CHrXe. & Co., *5, Cr?e-church) street. Regul?ty ?-??d at HMeU'a H?!, W?t Strand, and at th.. Crystal Palace, Sydenham. Marchwiel A Cross IzLiies Nir T. Jones, News Agc-lit .%liners .Nlr J. Francis, Post Office Mold Messrs Pring and Price, High-street „ Hugh Jones and Co., New street, Beresford and Co. hnp Nir Charics Clarke, News Agent w tir C. (' Bayiey, Messrs Smith ,nd son. RaHw?y Station n Vi^rionn -iwdge: Mr Shone, PnstOnicf Hvertnn ?ridKe J. Mr Hn!t. Post <)<ncH Pttdeswood .Mr W.f'ntheraU Penvgelli Mr Samuel Roberts, Shopkeeper QlIeen"fprry. .l\Ir C, ctt Rhosllanerchrugog Mr Joseph Jones, .,p .?' Rhosymel!re. Mr Joshua Roberts, Sh<'P?? Mr Jonen, Post Ottire R"h'? ?' ..MeMm Smith Md Son, Rintw?y Station .,Nlr Trehearn RnUet't • Mr "van H"?" ho? ? R- -?"?. RidM street ?,?g? smithed Son, Railway Station !Ku?tm;- n Mr W. T.Rouw, Market P?of ..Mrf!reen. Bookseller Mr Lloyd, Market Place «t ?H.nh Mr Tomkinson Trvddvn and 1.Ianfynycl.1 .Mr >il'ery ?'J?n-An B.w.h-.enen. Md R&ih?y S?tior.s WiJlliam .11 Booksellers and Railway Stations Worthenbury and Threupwood Mr Humphrey I iiu situ;; • oiiiicements. J .v, .J"I' COU(il !IS COLDS! a?- i hma BRONCHITIS! j HUGHE- i'lVIIMKJND S S E N R E <'? H "RE HOUND, :J ..— ► Ok UIK tVWI.hTK ,:I!ItE OP Couehs, Colds, Infill, ny i, A-thinn. Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Whooj.in^ i • n^ii, Brea'.hing Sorene-is and ri. lit n. s- u; t!;« t.'iiejit. Hoarseness, and all other Complaints tending to CONSFMI'TIOX. The Compound -if Horeh-mnd is entirely com- posed of those roots, h. r'.s. ami ""er"I,lp substances which J.vP a specific inflio-fc- UP'.1J til- Jnng, and their con- nected organs lt4 iiami-ili .tf t fi"t-t is to 2illay irrita?i-)n, and gen'ly remove ;¡L:t- z),, iiid other m-Tbid secretions lrl)ml the throat and air p is-in;. thus relieving the cough by subduing the infliimiiint.o-i it'i.l other causes which give rise to it. it also sf.o.u! it.-s imparts a healthy tone to the lungs them*. ]ve* thereby enabling them mor- thorous' lv to remove from tft, t Mod those imptiiities and diseased particles wlr.-h, if i ^tainei). do so much mischief in the system, and lay rtie 'oimiUtion for incurable Con- su'nntion In" P.ottles Is Hd. -J.> lid. tn.i 4s I'd t-nch, duty included Sold by most chemists, or n :i; )" had frnm the Prt-prietror for Vij 3;, Etil(I stHinw- Fa!! directions with each bottle." Physician, Dr. Pierce, Denhisli, Coroner for tb- c.mntv :— "of all patent medicin-> which have come under my notice, the "Compound t'sahifr of llorehound" is the best, safest, and mo-t effociu-i' renn-dy for coughs, colds, Arc." Be careful to a,k for Ituubes'Compound Essenae of Horehound," as bund etis linvi Veen cured by it. To be had of all rest.ectub'.e Chemists. Special Agents: Mr N(,i,. ('heiiiist, Wrexham Mr Rorw, ('hemi.st. liutbin Mr J>«>'F.s, « hemist, Mold Mr Datiks, Cbemist. IlhyJ; nriii .-f )tll Wb-)Ies;ile Druggi.-tts in t-nndon. Liver|»i>ol, Mitncln-ster. Bristol, Chester, Ac. Prepared only by II I ) FFUGHES, OPERATIVE AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, C(){" .'<TY Mi incAi. HALL, HKIH STRKKT, DENBIGH. birsfa I"IHF OliTHOPRAGv.S OF THR SPINE. Cimprising « the treatment of Sjiinal Deformity. 5/- By IL H EATHEH llWU. J. & A. Churchill; or the Author 56 Wimpole-street, Lon- don, W. II IMPORTANT ro ALL IN TRADE. X ESTABLISHED lKlti. X T tT B B S MERCANTILE OFFICES, I 42. GRKSHAM STREET. LONDON, E.C. WKST End BHaNCU— fUJ. ("oxrHlfT ST., REGENT ST., W SUBSCKIHKKS, tiV OBTAINING TIMELY INFORMATION, MAY AVOIO MAKING HAD DEBTS, A Nil MAY, rHRot-GH THIS AGENCY, R E C (I V F, I. n B B T S DUE WITH PROMPTITUDE. ST EBBS' WKEKLY GAZETTE Supplies Information Indispensable to Traders. BRANCHES at Ouhlin. (Jlasuow. Birmingham, Bristol, Brighton, Belfast. Cork, Rilinburgh, Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Southamp- ton. Sheffield, Gloucester, and Bradford. TERMS— £ 1 -t:i Us, Z,5 53, according to re- quirements. PROSPECTUS forwarded onapplicatioii to the SECRE- TARY, Mercantile Offices, 42, Gresham Street, London. E.C. TRADE AUXILIARY COMPANY (LIMITED). CA PTION. There is v40 opvicf. in LONDON cojwectf.1) WITH STUBBS' MKRCANTILE OFFICES, 42, GRESHAM STREET, E.C. (stTt ATK AT THF corner OF KirfG Street, OPPOSITK ♦Jl'FI.KHAI.I.), HXCEfT THE WEST ErtD BRANCH AT 5:1, CONI/C/T STKEKT, HEGKST STREET, W 2120b OJOFIN UPTON, CABINET MAKER and UPHOTXTERER, :Ji, HOPH STREET, WREXHAM, (For 19 years in the employ of Mr Win. Pierce, Bridge-st.) I BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, MATRESSES, FLOCKS, ETC., ALWAYS IN STOCK. P.S.—Any goods not in stock made at least possible Notice. Furniture packed and removed to any distance. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Workshop-QUEEN-STREET. 2474 T7DUCA110N in E?(?LANn. FRANCE & GERMANY, -Capt"jll :hirley de C. BisM'n. M.A.. ?ircs his counsel grntis to parents as to the best schools for boys and young ladies, and senrl" a. list with prospectuses free by post Captain Bisson is the Author of Our Schools and College (officially recognised by the Quetn.) 3, Berners- street, I.on on, W. ANTKO.—Assurance Collectors and others calling T fr )? House to House can earn 25s to 409 weekly.- Apply GEEVE & Co., 8, Chiswell-street, London, B.C. TIMBER SLATES BRICKS TILES CEMENTS I I.A 1 h S SEWERAGE PIPES. And all other Building Materials at E, 11 EREDITH JONES'S, TIMBER YARD I and I STEAM SAW MILL, CHARLES-STREET, 1816 WREXHAM.  | OCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RE- ?TCRRR will completely restore in a few days, grey oi I P' t'n !lturly li,-ht nair to its original colour without the j slightest cl'.aoce of miury. The Hair Restorer is the best I evet ofteren ior sale. It effects its object satisfactorily, producing a perfectly natural colour thoroughly cleanses thie head front scurf, and causes the growth of new hair. Sold everywhere by Chemists and Hairdressers, in large B(ittles, Is ti(I eu-h. Be sure to obtain LorK nm's Sul- phur Hair Restorer. 1640 CRACROFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE. By using this delicious aromatic Dentifrice, the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like Ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially use- ful for removing incrustations of t?rt?r on neglected teeth. Sold by all Chemists, Pots, Is and 2s 6d each. (Get i Cracroft's.) 1040 SULPHOIJNE LOTION.—An external means of CURING SKIN DISEASES. There is scarcely any eruption but will yield to SnIplioliue" in a few days, ami commence to izi.-le away even if seems past cure. Ordinary piiwples. redness, blotches scurf, roughness, vmiish as if by magic whilst old. enduring skin disorders, that have phtgued the sufferers for years, however deeply ro(irtti ttiev inity be. Sulpholine will successfully attack ttlein. It de.-troys the aminalculte which cause these un- sightly, irritable, painful affections, and always produces a clear, healthy, natllraleondition of the skin. "Sulpholine" Lotion is sold by most Chemists. Bottles, 2s 9d. 11)40 pEPPER'S QUININE & IRON TONIC will remove Indigestion, Flatulence, constant Heartburn, Weakness of the Stomach, Sinking Sensations, Nausea, &c. Quinine Iron is the most effective treatment in all complaints arising from derangement of the Nervous Sys- tem. 1610 pKPPERTS QUININE & IRON TONIC.- The P-emedy in all Wasting Diseases. Sold by Chemists in Bottles containing 32 doses, price 48 fid; next size Bottle, lis and in larse Stone Jars, 22s. The signature of .T. Peppkr is on the lailel in red ink. 1K40 pEPPER'S QUININE & IRON TONIC Purifies and Enriches the Blood Strengthens the Nerves and Muscular System Promotes Appetite and improves Digestion Animates the Spirits and Mental Faculties, Thoroughly recruits the general Bodily Health, and induces a proper healthy condition of the Nervous and Physical Forces. 1640 +- rpARAXACUM & PODOPHYLLIN.- This fluid combination, extracted frnm medicinal roots, is now used instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure of dvspepsia, billiousness, symt'ins of congestion of the liver, which are generally pain beneath the shoul :«rs, head-ache, drowsiness, n appetite, furred tongue, disae-eeable taste ill the morning, giddiness disturbance of the stomach, and feeling of general depression. It sets the sluggish liver in motion, very slightly acts on the bowels, giving a sense of heal'h and comfort within 24 hours. It is the safest medicine. Taraxacum and Podophyllin is a fluid only made by J. PEPPKR, Bedford laboratory, London, whose name is en every htM. Bottles, 2s. 9d. Sold by all Chemists. 1610 A V E YOUR B A U O » — CALVERTS PIG POWDERS This old-established and well-known preparation iN an infallible remedy aeainst Fevers, Distemper, Eruptions, and all Cutaneous and r.ther diseases. Pigs take them freely in their focd. For 1 Litnonials apply to J. H. Cal- vert, 8, Blackfriers Road. London. Sold by most Chemists and village S?;opkcepcr.>. A Y'S, RRGENT STREET, I. ON DO X MOURNING MATERIALS from 1:- per ynrd. Critpe 2' per yard. Patterns sent postage free. ROUGHINH HOH:E:ROST COGS, suggested by Geo- Flemming, Esq" F.R.C.V.H., and recommended bv the Soeietv for the Prevention of Cruelty to knimals. Price per set of two dozen Frost Cogs and two punches, complete, 10s fid Frost o.-s per dozen, 3s can be removed or re-placed inx'antanenuf.ly. Sole Manufacturers and Patentees, ARNOLD and SONS, 35, and 311, West Smith- field, London. rHE VAPORIFER, by DR. SHEPARD, is a Bronchitis Kettle, Inhaler and Vapour Bath combined, recom- mended by the Lancet, British Medital Journal, i-c.. as the cheapest and most efficient apparatus invented, 5i & 78 6d. Sold bv all Chemists or d rcct trom the Patentees. AU.NOLI) A' SONS, 35 & .{6. West Smithfield. London. 1 BUILDERS, MERCHANTS. SLATE, TILES BRICKS. CEMENT, STOVES RANGES, GUTTERS, NAILS, GENERAL IRONMONGERY AND IKON FOUNDRY GOODS Manufactukkks or MARBLE A KNAMELLKD SLATE CHIMNEY PIECES A ?TO? ? ?KEM\, Limited, Bur? street, St. Mary  A? Axe. London. Bristol fc nnMJH. !■ fr- I EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ACT. V GENTS WANTED f..r the sale of R O O 1 S PATENT "SAFE and SURE" STEAM BOILERS and KNAP'S PATENT MECHANICAL STOKERS in every county. Address, 28, H neage-street, Birmingham. Business Announcements. "J" 'J" J °"" -'r. "r-r' 11 OLDENS gTOMACH jyjIXTURE PURIFIES THE BLOOD, CURES INDIGESTION, CLEANSES FROM DISEASE, REMOVES SICK HEAD- ACHE, CURES BAD BREATH AND GIDDINESS. HOLDER'S STOMACH NIIXTURE.-In confirmation of this, Dr. T F. Ker, surgeon, Ac., 12. York-street, Ardwick, AMztncheste; savzg: Your celebrated stomach Mixture is deserving of all the commendation which I can bestow on it. Frotn 1Dj customer's experience of its excellent quali- ties I have frequently recommended it and shall do so again to anyone who suffer24 from indigest'on. Sold by all the Chemists avls. I iti, and (three times the size) 2s fid per bottle. Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, Messrs. Pilling and Graham, 8, New Bailey-street, Manchester, and all Patent Medicine Houses. THE AFRICAN JIair RESTORER. PRICE IS PER BOTTLE, FOR RESTORING THE HUMAN HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOUR. Never known to fail in restoring the Hair in eight or ten days. It promotes growth and prevents its falling off cratlicitting Dandrift, and imparting vitality to the roots of the Hair. Daily application ei this preparation for a week or two will restore faded, grey, or white hair to its natural colour and richness. If properly applied it never fails, but it should be well shaken before using. IT IS NOT A DYE, nor does it contain any colouring matter hence it does not soil the head the scalp, or even white linen but produces the colour within the substance of the Hair. When the original colour has returned, THE AFRICAN RESTORER should be applied about once a week, which will be sufficient to sustain it. N.B—See that the words "THE AFRICAN HAIR RKSTORER" are on every bottle, as that is a "Trade Mark." Sold by Chemists and Perfumers, at Is per bottle. Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, Messrs P lling and Graham, 8, New Bailey-street, Nianchester, and all Patent Medicine Houses. SAVED BY A PINCH OF SNUFF. Dear Sir,—I had Tic or Neuralgia in my head for about six weeks, and was as near out of my mind as possible—so far that I was determined to put an end to my existence A friend who had been nearly as bad as myself, and was cured by your snufi, told me of it I came to your shop with great Trejudice; but, marvellous to say, I was cured in less than three minutes, and there are no signs of it returning, ii n d that is two months ago.—I am, yours faithfully, J. W. A. MARCHANT. Newcastle-on Tyne. HANDYSIDES' ELECTRIC NERVINE iLJt- SNUFF- CURES TIC, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, and PAINS in the HEAD IN TWO MINUTES. W M. HANDYSIDES, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER, 28, GRAINGER-ST. WESr, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. And of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers. SOLD IN BOTTLES AT Is lid EACH, OR POST FREE, Is 3d. Sold Wholesale by Messrs. Pilling and Graham, 6, New Bailey-street, Manchester, and all Patent MetEcine Houses THE NORTHERN CURE, A Single Bottle of this Remedy for i RHEUMATISM Completely cured a well-known Newcastle gentleman Particulars can be had of Mr PROCTOR, chemist. Dean- street, Newcastle. THE NORTHERN CURE contains no Oil. Price, Is ld per Bottle. Sold by all Chemists. Sold Wholesale by Messrs. Pilling and Graham, 8, New Bailey-street, Manchester 2380 FURNITURE (New and Second-hand) Carpets, bed F steads, bedding, blankets, quilts, counterpanes, sheeting-, wall papers, billiard tables, pianos, music, boots and shoes at prices never before offered. The vast Stocks should be seen. All goods warranted, packed and delivered free. New illustrated price lists gratis. Wilt. Wa i nk's, 131 to 139, Newington Butts, and National Supply Stores, Crampton-street, London. A D F- m ikel. EXTRAORDINARY CURE of a COUGH. The following letter has been addressed to Mr iloweb, from Win. Boards, Esq. "Nightingale Hall, Edmonton. Dear Sir,-I have recently suffered much from a most violent cough, proceeding from a tioklivg in my chest, which no remedy, out of many 1 resorted to, could allay. M< head was constantly aching, and my whole frame ent rely shaken. Having seen the good effec s of your BALSAM of ANISFFD in several members of my family, I purchased a small bottle, and when going to bed at night took a teaspoonful in two tablespoons- fuls of water, just warm. The effect was im- mediate it arrested the tickling in my chest, I slept well, and rose perfectly restored in the morning, with the exception of debility, arising from fatigue by incessant couching for some days previous. M\ cough entirely left me, and has never returned Having since heard of a lady in the neighbourhood who for a long time had laboured under a most distressing cou"h and who had re- sorted t, every remedy within her knowledge, I sent the remainder of the bottle to her I and that long standing,. bstinate and (as she thought) incurable cou" h was perfectly cured. You are at perfect libei t\ to make what use you may please of this communi&itinn, as the contents are strictly true. I shall take every opportunity of recommending your inestim- able medicine, feeling as I do fully assured of its efifcacy. I am, my dear Sir, yours truly, To Mr Thomas Powell." WM. BovRDS. P 0 W E L L'S BALSAM of ANISEED. "H.M. Gunboat Netley. Wick Scotland. "Dear Sir.—Having had a most distress- I ing and severe cough which caused Lie m'tny sleepless nights and r. stless days I was recommended by his lordship the Karl of Caithness to try your most invaluab'e BALSAM of ANISEKD and I can assure you with the first dose I found immediate I relief, even without havinjr to suspend my various duties and the first small bottle completely cured me therefore I have the greatest confidence in fully recommending it i to the million. ) (Signed) W. LINZEIL. H.M.G.B Netley." THE EFFECT of ONE TEASPOOXFUL I taken in a little water on going to bed is EXTRA- ORDINARY. No family shnld be without it in winter. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World, at Is li(i and 2s 3d per bottle a great saving in taking family bottles, lis each. Established over 50 years. Prepared only by THOS. POWELL, Blackfriars Road, London. LION, NET, and MOUSE TRADE MARK. ASK for PO W E L L'S BALSAM of ANISEED. P 0 W B L L'S BALSAM of ANISEED. I POWELL'S BALSAM of ANISEED.  2351 BRASS, REED, TJUSG, and DRUM and FIFE I BANDS, PIANO, ORG \NS & HARMONtUM? sup plied at t?Ao7?<t? ?'tee at J. ?KX?RE'S. Eur&pn-rmd, Hud- dersfleld. Prices with drawings of every instrument pewt free. Music for any kind of Band. Bandmen's Caps. I Patronised bv the Army, Navy, Rifle Corps. Second hand Instruments honght or taken in exchange PUBLIC NOTICE. THOMAS LEWIS, general bill poster and advert?;n!: Tagent, rents all the posting stations in and rouud Oswestry; bill puster to the Cambrian and Great Western Railway Companies. Office: Oswald Row, Beatrice I t treet, Oswestry, where aU orders must be addressed -u H A R L E S RUS8, COURT FURRIER.  C\ SEAL PALETOTS. GREAT PEClALlTY. Evert ARTICLE Guaranteed. 70. New Bond-street, London, W. _1 TO ALL WHO WISH TO BUY, SELL. OR EXCHANGE any description of personal property from the smallest Article to one of the greatest value. THE BAZAAR, EXCHANGE AND MART, AND JOURNAL OF THE HOUSEHOLD. (Published every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), offers the best, cheapest, and most ready medium. Like all ijra7id conctpttnns, says the GLOBE, the process is Temarka lejur its simplicity r|1HE BAZ AAR also contains articles with illustrations 1 on all subjects of household interest including Amateur Mechanics, Magic lanterns. Music. Scienc Art, Literature, Cookery, Gardening, Travel, Bric-a-Brac, Cage Birds, Poultry, Goat Keeping, Fashions, Fancy Work, &c. Extra Illu-itrated Supplements, are given gratis as follows on TH F, GARDEN, the last Monday of every month THE BOUDOIR (Fashions and Fancy Work), the First Wednesday of every month. THE KENNEL CHRONICLE the third Monday of everv month. -fHr: BAZAAR can be had. Price 2d, of all Newsagents I and at the Railway Bookstalls, or any of the ap- pointed Agents (over 400) a list of whom will be sent on reeeipt of I jd in stumps. I A Specimen Copy of THE BAZAAR sent on receip of 12d Office 170, Strand, London, W.C. BECKETT BROS. CHELMSFORD l HORTICULTURAL BUILDERS and HEATING ENGINEERS. 1 N.B.-Particulars and estimates furnished on application.

I "Correspondence.

[No title]



