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Skipping Intelligence. WHITE STAR LINK Royal and United States Steamers. NOTICE.—The Steamers of this Line take the Lane Roatea recommended by Lieut. Maury, ou both the Out- ward and Homeward passages. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, Forwa,ding Passengers to all part8 of the United States and Canada. THESE well-known magnificent .steamers are appointed Jt. to sail weekly as under, carrying her Majesty's am 'he United States Mails ■— FROM Livkhpool BRITANNIC Thursday, January 2<jth. BALTIC Tuesday, January GERMANIC Thursday, February 3rd. REPUBLIC. Tue-dav, Fel.riiary Sth. ADRIATIC I-ttesd;,Y, February 13th. From New YOILK. BALTIC Thursday, January GERMANIC ?iaturdajf ?"'? y 15th. Theile splendid Vessels reduce tlie passage U,, tho slaort- eat possible time, anti 8nr,1 to Passengers the highest deoee of comfort hitherto attainab_ le at sea. Average passage it days III summer, 94 itaya in Wm- Ser. Each Vessel i. constructed in seven water tiight mm-  'I' I. "t to I> kl  ?JMn L&diM' Boudoir, Stato Roomx, ana -mokin? rwma ar» ?mid?hip", and are luxuriously furnished and fitted with all modern conveniences; pianos, libraries electric bells, bath rooms, barber's shop, &c. Saloon Passage, 15, W, and 21 Guineas Return Ticket.4 a reduced rates. The Stecrago accommodation i.s of the very hi. ghest character, the rooms are unusually spacious, well lighted, vantil.ud, and warmed, and passengers of chis claSs will Snd their comfort carefully studied, andthe provisioning un- ] surpassed. Stewardesses in Steerage to attend the Women tirilt children. Drafts issued on New York free of charge. For freight or passage apply to HAWK IVS TILSTON, 3, High-street, Wrexham; Mr R. S'OBKKTS, Town Hill, Wrexl-af • Mr W. I> JONES, Holyhead. l CO., 10, W.-iter-street, Liverpool or to < £ !), :u, Leadenliall-street, London, F..C. DOA"N ION LI.E TO CANADA A:<TJ STEAMERS LRAVI LlVKitPOOL EVERY ALTER- NATE THURSDAY. REDUCED FARES TO PORTLAND direct £ 6 (is. Through Tickets issued to New Yoik. Boton, an t Phila- delphia for d £ (> Hs ASSISTED PASsAULS To QUEKEI; (via Portland) granted to Agriculturists, or Persons in- tending t" follow the occupatiili of Farming, and to Domestic Servants. For N'l W ORLKANS regularly (Via Cornnna and For NI-W I)ItLl-AN,.?; re, Havannah), Cabin, E211 Steerage, £ S (ia. Apply to Local Agent, or to FLINN, 31AIN. -f. MONTOOMKRY, 2186 21, James-street. Liverpool. CAPE, OF GOOD HOPE, NATAL, ittitt EAST AFRICAN STEAMERS.-The UNION S.S. (.0. 's MAIL PACKETS sail from Soi'TII Wll'TnN every alternate Thu>s dav, and Steamers in the intermediate Service every filter- nate Friday, leaving Plymouth the next day. Apply at the Company's Office. Oriental-place, *• outhismpton, or 11,1 Leaden hall-street. London Business Announcements. COAL! CO A L COAL! THE VRON CRANK from tho VRON and (JoED- POiJTI'I COLLI KK!E>, is a at-.perior first class HOUSEHOLD COAL, the best. in the tr-mcipality. It is i dean, very hot, burns with little tnuoke, loaves hardly any cinder or aah. Orders received at the office of the Company, 4, Grove Park Wrexham, or the orkhouse Wharf W rexham pkicj:8 AT tiik workhouse wcarf: VRON CR.oílL. Gd per cwt. Do. THROUGH HJ.AeIL. 2d do. ORDINARY HOUSE COAL .5t1 do. Do. THROUGH SLACK 23.fl do. For cash oa deliver). One penny per cwt. extra charged Of credit. Post Free tor Five Stamps, from MR T. CONGREYK, PKCKHAM, LONDON, "CONSUMPTION; ITS ONLY SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT." (Kea E ) tcitk maity Interesting C(f#I'. qf Cur*. A USEFUL BOOK. TO SOLICITORS, ACCOUNTANTS, AND I>EBT COLLECTORS. I COUNTY COURT LEDGER, Kpecially prepared for keeping accounts -entored in the County Court. 2SO leaves ruled for One account. 260 leaves ruled for Two accounts. PRICE 21s. ¡ JBAYLEY & BRADLEY, I; ADVERTISER" OFFICE. WREXHAM. Aii 1 D E TO K H I V A A BY CAPT.il X Fit ED BURNABY, Itoval Horse Guards. Page Li says — "Two p.iirs of hoots lined with fur were also taken; and for physic- with which it is as well to be supplied when travelling in out-of-the-way places—some quinine, and Cockle's Pills. the lat- ter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the grossest possible success. In fact, the marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all native aedicules, when I administered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS will never from my memory and a friend of mine, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a I medicine man' had not died out, but that the ffiarvellous cure was even then a theme of con- versation in the bazaar." See nURNABVS JUDE TO KHIVA, Page Li. 4 GOOD FAMILY MEDICINE CHEST ?? ?ith ? pn'??nt n-.f\ hM saved in,my a !!fe, ?nd yet we hbink the iiic-a might be improved upon, and r-jduced to a Sore simple form. Take some good com sound, such as COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. and t-e £ n.! that the desired end may be obtained with- out scales and weights, or little mysterious compartments or enchanted bottles, with crystal stoppers. Others might be bci COCKLE'S PILLS •is tested by many thousands of persons, and found to answer their purpose mo erft, may he set down as the tJe3t. -C. A RIDE TO If HIV A ¿ BY CAPTAIN FnEP BURN A BY, Royal Horse Guards. Page 13 s&ys :— Twi. pairs of booth lined with fur were also taken and for pbygie-witti which it is as well to be suppliett u hen travelling in out-of-the-^way places —some quinine and Cockle's Pills, the latter a most invaluable medicine, and one which I have used on the natives of Central Africa with the greatest possible success. In fact tho marvellous effects produced upon the mind and body of an Arab Sheik, who was impervious to all nativg medicines, when I administered to him five COCKLE'S PILLS ■will never fade from my memory; and a friend of mi, who passed through the same district many months afterwards, informed me that my fame as a medicine man' had not died out, but that the marvellous cure was even then a theme of conver- sation in the bazaar." See BURNABY S RIDE TO KHIVA, Page 13. ic 0 el 3c L p ANTIBILIOUS PILLS THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE. Tn boxes at Is Ijd, 2s 9d, 4s 6d. and lis. £ JOCKLK\S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. In use EIGHTY YEARS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom. In boxes at Is 14d 2s 9d, 4s fid, and 5s 18 NEW OIDWND STREET, LONDON. :r.6 THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS purify the foulest Tblood, and remove every IHeMe of the stomach, liver, and kidneys. Pure Mood gives health Thousands have been cured by these wonderful Pills whose diseases could not be reached by any other medicine. Sold by all Chemists in box, 1/H & 2/9 or from the establishment, 44, Oxford-street, Swansea, for 15 or 3S stamps. All uflerers are highly recommended to try them. ^HILUM," THE GREAT INDIAN REMEDY for R BELTMATISBI, N EURALC.IA, I^RU^KP tc., &c. Price 2/9 per box. A sample Box on receipt of 211. Wholesale Depot, Rotberhithe New Road, LONDON, S.E. F. H. BOWDEN, Manufactory, MADRAS, INDIA. Agents Wanted.  ?"lAPtTAHSTS desiring INVKSTMENTS by way of PARTNERSHIP or otherwise should apply to Messrs BOULT and WOOLLAN, of 3. Newgate-street. London, EC, for their MONTHLY PUBLICATION or ..USI- NESS OPENINGS of large or small amounts. Post free two stamps. Genuine Businesses and Partnerships always wanted. 1 ICARD'S -The only GENUINE FRRNCH COFFER ¡ t-'ICARD'S-L-InfalUhlePATE-<T FRENCH CAFETIERES. ICARIVS—SPECIALITIES, 140, Strand. London. Businsess Announcements. -r.r-J'## PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO, GENUINE AND UNADULTERATED. AS IMPORTED DIRECT FROM PERU BY THE PERUVIAN GUANO COMPANY, LIMITED, 8 0 L E CONSIGNEES. BEST AND CHEAPEST MANURE FOR ALL CROPS. [ ESPECIALLY FOR CEREALS, GRASS. I ROOT CROPS I HUPS, T MARKET G A 1-t I-) E AN p n 0 11 u ii JN. Pricks VARY according to the Chemical Composition of the Guano as ascertained by DR. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER'S Analyse*. SOLD BY THE LONDON BANKING ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, (PERUVIAN GUANO DEPARTMENT) 67, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C., SOLE AGENTS FOR THE UXJTRD KINGDOM OF THE PERUVIAN GUANO COMPANY, LIMITED, SOLE CONSIGNEES. For the South-West of England Distrld apply to MESSKS FOX, ROY, and Co, PLYMOUTH and BRISTOL DEPOTS at Sharpness Docks, Gloucester, Bristol, Plymouth, and Falmouth. 2103 _0 [NUBIAN HARNESS DRESSING I I NUBIAN. NUBIAN. NUBIAN. NUBIAN. HAVE YOU TRIFD IT P-A Harness Oil aiid I Dressing combined, with the proper amount of polish, which comes of itself. Easily applied, no brushes or labour, perfectly waterproof, one application lasting a month. It is an intense che-nical h-ark. free from acid or alkaH, and containing a large amount of oil. Keeps the harness soft and pliable. protects it from the action of the weather, nourishes and preserves tho leather. NUBIAN HARNESS POLISH for patent leather parts of harness will restore it equal to new, and need only be applied occasionally. Gives an elastic gloss which is impervious to all weathers. Sold Everywhere. 1/- and 2/- per Bottle—larger size the cheapest. i :n_ 'n_ f "The 1miration of the world." JM RS. S. A. ALLEN'S World's Hair Restorer Awarded superior ty -nd CXCG:Lllùe for its wonderful life-giving proferties to L'(led or falHng Hair ond QUICKLY CHA:rG ING GPEY OP. WHITE HAIR jSjj???N)?!????? TO ITS NATURAL youthfui^coloub t??m?m???M?? AND BEAUTY. Its occasional use is all that ia needed to preserve the Hair in ts ighestpnrfection. Dandruffisqu :ckly re- Mm moved. Soldbyall Chemistsand Perfumers. 1L25 WARNING WHEN YOU ASK FOR RECKITT S PARIS BLUE SEE THAT YOU GET IT. RECKITTTS PARIS BLUE THE GENUINE IS USED BY THE LAUNDRESSES OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND 1422 DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH BILLIARD A BAGATELLE TABLES. A LARGE ST CK of NEW and SECOND HAND TABLES always on hand. WRITE FOR PRICE LISTS. G. EDWARDS, 182, KINGSLAND JWAn, LONDON _n- n A NEW MEDICAL WORK BY HENRY SMITH, Doctot of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Jena, and "Doctor of Medicine of the Metropolitan Medical College, New York, by Examination, IStiO. Just Published, Enlarged Edition, 144 pages, Crown 6ro., Free by Post Two Stamps, in Envelope, DEBILITATING AND NFIIVAIUS DISEASES THEIR CAUSE, CONSEQUENCE, SYMPTOMS, AND TREATMENT. The work gives the Result OF TwE:NTY-EtC IIT YEAP- SPECIAl. PRACTICE for the Cure of all Dise.-tse* of the Ner- vous riyatem, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depre- ssion, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight a.ntI Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back, Constipation, Blush- ing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self-distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Muscular Relaxation, &c. It is a GUIDE TO N F-ILTH, STRENGTH, and VIGOR- OU8 OLD AGE, invaluable to the Nervous, Sedentary, Dyspeptic, and all those whose constitutions have bucome debilitated and relaxed from Irregularities of Life, In- temperance, Climate, Age, or Disease, or from Over taxed or Abused Energies, whether of body or mind. Gives Instructions and Advice for the Treatment of Ner- Tons and Physical Debility, Local and Constitutional Weak- ness, Premature Decay, and all Disorders resulting from loss of vital force. Also by the same Avthor, by Poet Seven Stamps in Knvclopf, ON msKASES PECULIAR TO WOMAN., THEIR ( AUSK, SYMPTOMS, AND OURS. This work is wiiti.-ii for the use of Females. It in a-Guide to the Cure -if a claws of ailments to which the Female Constitu- tion is peculiarly liable. NOTICE :—Consultations free by t or. Notice.—The above Medical Works will be sent direct fr. ai the Author, in an Envelope, on the receipt of the mount in stamps. IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY INVALIDS. Consultation BY Correspondence. riltie AUTHOR OF THE ABOVE WORKS will for the | 1 benefit of country invalids, on receiving a description tlieir case, send his opinion, Free of Charge, with advice and "lirections for restoration to Herilth. A form of Correspondence containing Ques- tions, <V> to assist persons in describing thuir case, will he sent, y free, Oil receiving a directed envelope. M)I>llKfiS Hknrv A CERTAIN Clan; FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY. (GRATIS, ??fEDiCAL WORK showing sufferers how ()F they m:iy be cured and recover Health and Vitality, without the aid o* Quacks, with HecipM for purifying the Blood and removing Skill Affections. Free on recript of ttaoip to prepay postage.—Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomv. Birmingham. 246(1 -+ \Y SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND MYRR PILLS are; ¡ prepared without mercury.  OR SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS, the best family aperient medicine. DR. SCOTT S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS, effectual in all liver complaints. if ?COn"!? BI L! 0 US A?O? LIVER PILLS cui-e j D- sick headaches and giddiness. j -c: 'c, i ?-?{7 ?('OTT?PtLIOUS?\K D LIVER PILLI erne j J? co?tivcneas and BI!Ich pains. ¡ Y?" coTTo MIOI-S AND LIVE!? Tills cure J H? indigestion and flatulency. DR. SCOTTS BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS may be! tak n at all times without restraint from business or pleasure, sTR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS should; ? y be kept rea.dy at hand, as a dose of aperient medi- cine given in time, will frequently prevent a wvei-e iUness.  ? 1 DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS.,L I Notice. -Si;n)e unscrupulous persons for the sake of j making a larger profit may try to persuade you to buy i ¡. some preparation ot their own. Do not do so but insist) on liaving j t I' DH. SCOTTS BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS, which D are wrapped in a square green package, and sold at 18 Id and 2s Hd a box of all Chemists, or by post. for stamps of the Proprietor, W. Lamiikrt, 173, Seymour- place, London, W. | DEAN'S Ii i COU(.HL I I PILLS, j ? I I i BRONCHITIS! BRONCHITIS! THOUSANDS OF CURES. 1 PAN'S COUGH PILLS never fail to cure I ? the most obstinate Coughs, Colds, Asthma, lironchitis, Consumption, and all Puliiionar)- Affections, of however long stand ng. Sold by all Chemists. Sanuers, Loiidoii; post free from J. DEAN, Burslem. THE HOSPITALS OF LONDOX. I TIVER & STRENGTHENING PILLS are recommend- J ed by the leading Doctors as a-afe and sure remedy for all Bilious and Liver Complaints, Sick Headache, Wind, Indigestion loss of Appetite, Impure Blood, and Costive- I ness. Prepared only by BEAUMONT and Co., Medical Hall, Chislehurst. Sold by Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors in 1/1 J, and 2/9 boxes, or sent post free for amount in stamps. "YOUR new Vowel' A] is a-ont-derful Machine, both X as Washer, Wringer, and Mangier seriously Mrs G considers it beyond all praise." Vide Purchaser. Price .Efi lOs, Carriage free and trial free. Catalogue free by post. PARIS, 1878, three Silver Medals to THOMAS BRADFORD, & Co., 140 to 143, High Holborn, London, and Cathedral Steps, Manchester. T. I A N L E Y, VICARAGE HILL BREWERY, WREXHAM. Established 1S36. THE Celebrated Wrexham Ales, brewed especially for family use, supplied in 9 and 18 gallon Casks. Agent for London nnd Dublin tout in cask and bottle. PRICE LIST ONAPPLICA 'I'!('l'. 46z j MILNER'S SAFES, Best and Cheapest Safeguard .ifJ against FIRE and THIEVES. Phtenix Safe Works. Liverpool. J AMES; PLATT AND CO., WOOLLEN MERCHANTS s- 78, St. Martin's-lane, London, W.C. j PRICK LISTS SENT POST FRER TO THE THADE. ) NOTICE. — THE TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL OENTLEMEN AND THE PHOFESSIONAI PRESS HAS BEEN UNQUALIFIED IN PRAISE OF LAMPLOUGH S PYRETIC SALfNE, as possessing M_J most important elements, calculated to restore and maintain health, with perfect vigour of body and min4:- Have it in your houses and forget it not in your travels." DII, Pr.OUT. Unfolding germs of immense benefit to mankind. Dr. Morgan.—" It furnishes the blood with its lost saline constituents." Dit. TtritLPY.- "I found it act as a specific in my expl-ri- ence and family in the worst form of scarlet lever, no other medicine being required Dr S. Gibhon (formerly physician of the London Hospital.-66 It is the best preDaration of the kind I have' evor met with. Its usefulness in the treatment of disease has long been confirmed by medical experience I have been in the habit of nsing it in private practice for many In hot climates it is of especial value." DR. Sparks (Government Medical inspector of Emigrants from the port of London) writes "I hilve great pleasure in bearing my cordial testimony to its efficacy in the treatment of many of the ordiriiky and efcrome forms of (iasttic Complaints and other forru.,t of ,ebrile I)yspepsia.It is of inimenso value in I "rickly \DR. ,1. W. DOWSING. I used it in the treatment of folty-two casei of Yellow Fever, anl I am happy'/to state that I never lost a single case."  W. ??s?"- in his works on Cho!er? md Fever, ,st:ttt-a:- Since its introduction the Fatal West India Fever.,care deprived of '?" terrors." ??,4.?ii/ and 21/- each bottle H. Lam i-lough, 113, Holborn, London. OUIWITURE, CARPETS. &c. B?ase!s, 2/2?, 2?:?A- ;¡t :l/, Tapestry do., 1/4J. of" FurAiture. Bedsteads Md Bedding at prices never before offered should be seen. All Goods wammted. packed and dehvered free WM. Waine, Wholesale, Export and ?cner?Furn?hmg Warehouseman, and National Supplv Stores, 131 to l:N, ^T'n Butts, London. S.E. New Illustrated i Priced List G;atis. ??' ?" -?? YNOT llAS[I AT 1'103rP ?'?H BRADFORD'S New ? J_ ? Pattern "\nw? YWashin? Machine? The most perfect and useful ever made. Priced 7s M nett cisb with order, and refunded jf the machine is not satisfactory. ? ?"? ?? ?ticipate a h?e s*'e. which ?)one wi!l justify the price at which this first-class Machine is offered to the pubJic. Aa,lressTh»mas Bradford anit Ca). 140 to 143 High Holborn, London, and at Manchester and Liverpool c OUGHS, COJ.DS, ATH!A, BROCHI'ris, AND NEURALGIA. it J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. I> A few doses quite effectual. -Caiition. -The extra- ordinary medical reports on the efficacy of Chloro- d>ne render it of vitril importance that the public a.iould obtain the genuine, whi.-h is protw-ted by a I Gmernmctit stamp, bearing the words "nr J. Col lis Browne's; Chlorodyne." See decision of Vice- Chancell.)r Sir W. Page Wood, the Titite..q, Julv Kith, JS64. Numerous testimonials from eminent Physicians accompany each bottlo. Fr»,n'W. C. Wilkinson, sQ., F.R.C.S Spalding. f consider it invaluable in Phthisis an-! Spasmodic cough: the benefit is very marked. Dr. of Now As P Sedative Anodyne, and Anti-Spasmodic, I consider Dr J Collis Browne's Chlorodyne the most valuable medicine known. Sold in bottles, Is Ill], 2s 9d, and Is Cd. by all Chemists. P ILES and GITAVEL. George's Pile and Gra el Pills. The Marve ,lous Remedy for PILES and GRAVEL and all the disorders of the Bowels, Liver, and Kidneys Xo. 1. GKOROKN PIf.E&G? R?Vn PILLS No 2 (>EORGE'S ORAV EL PILLS. No. 3. GEORGVE'S P/ IT I 's for the PILES. Of all Chemists in Roxes li M ,n S oa By Pest for 15 ud stam?s ?-? ?-?'?.P.S.. HiS'wain, Aberd, THE CROSS, OSWESTRY. DAlfYrTni WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, conveyed by the Cambrian Rai-lway Co., on the day of Publication by the first 1 rain after receipt. All orders promptly at- tended to by (: 0. B A Y L E Y, BOOKSELLER. i AI.JCKK S CRYSTAL CASE WATCHES are super- sedmg all others. Prize Medals, London, 181;2, Paris lSli1. Silver from £ 3 3s. Gold from £ fj 6s. 77, Cornhill E.C. 2:10, Regent-street, W. and 76, Strand, W.C. Descriptive Pamphlet free. ?NE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warrante!}I to ''°? all discharges from the Urinary organs in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and Pains in the hark. SAM in ?"?cs. 4s M each, by all Chemists and ? Patent Medicine Vendo?; or sent to any address for 60 stamps ny the Maker, F. J. Clarke, Commlting Chemist si)y the Maker, iho]Vsale agents, Barclay and Sons, ILondon. and all the Wholesale Houses. ?3z London, :tn I 1000 PATTERNS of NEW SILKS or Dress Goods 0()0 free. SILKS from ONE GUlNg to TWENTY GUINEAS. Write to D. NICHOLSON and Co., 50 to 52 St. Paul's Church Yard, London, E.C. Established 1843 TO VISITORS. THE pENNY GTilDE To REXHAM With full information of all objects of interest in the town, and excursions to GRESFORD I HOI.T Bangor Overton Kkdistock RUABON Wynnstay Minera Hope Motntain Caekgwhlk CASTLE Nantvffrith &c., &c. Sold by all Booksellers. Published by Piaylo?j ii Bradley, Advertiser Office. "Hi s the mark the author aims at, viz to supply in as concise and complete a form as possible, information as to what there is to see in a, d around the town and how to see it."—Owextry Advertiser. A very cheap, complete and inter sting guide to this in- teresting district. Well written, with its information full concisely given, the tourist will fintl this little book the very thing he requires. "—Carnarvon Herald. In this little brttchvre, published by Messrs Bayley and Bradley, of Wrexham, visitars to the metropolis of North Wales, will find a pleasant and reliable com- panion, who will conduct them to all the places and objects of interest in the locality, rnd who will give a pleasant I and concise description of e:\ch.- >;hrewilllury ChronicU. j Businesa Announcements. .5 O N E S S HEAL-ALL OINTMENT (Trade Mark Registered ) THF iJEST APPLICATION KNOWN for Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds. It cures Old Sores, Ulcerated Sore Legs. It cures Ulcerated Sores on the Head and Neck. It cures Blackheads or Pimples on the Face. I It cares Scurvy Sores Cancerou- Ulcers It cures Burns and Scalds, Kingworm, Itch, Piles. It cures Weak and Watery Eyes. It cures Red and Sore E.,elids. It cures Inflammation in the Eye. It cures Moving Specks or Floating Bodies before the Eye. ) It cures Cataracts and Partial Blindness. It cures Obscurity of Vision and Dimness. It cures children's Sure Ejes left after Measles. It alla)s Inflammation in a few hours, and soothes pain very quickly. Sold in Pots, Is lAd. 2s 9d, and 4s 6d JONES'S I PURIFYING MIXTURE. I (Trade Mark—" Purifying Mixture.") For Purifying. Cleansing, and Clearing the Blood from all impurities, arising from whatever cause, and guaranteed to be the best preparation in the world for all eruptions of the snin, blotches, spots, pimples, blackheads, pustules, boils, car- buncles, ringworms, sc;ild heails, sore eyes, erjisp- elas, itch, scurf, scrofula, scurvy, glandular swel- lings, cancerous sores, bad legs, piles, sjphillis, secondary symptoms, and for all blood and skin diseases For rehumutisni also it is unequalled fcr relieving pains and subduing inflammation, and speedily effecting a perfect oilre. It is agreeable, palatable, and safe, and may be taken at all seasons, and uii-ler anv circumstances. Sold in bflttle8 at 2s 3d and 4s lid each and in cases (containing six times the qu .ntity) lis each hy all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the Unite I Kingdom, or sent to any address on receipt of 27, 5f;. or 132 stamps. JONE,S 8 PILE AND GRAVEL PJLLS. (Registered.) A speedy and certain rem dy for all who suffer from Pains in the back anil across the Loins. Difficulty in making Uri. e. Pains in the Kidneys, Bowels and Stomach. Shooting Pains in the Leas ilid Thiahs. Depression ot Spirits and Fullue s of the Chest. Swelling of the Legs and General Weakness of thf Bt),Iv &-c. &(! Seld in Boxes ;>t Is ljd and 2s 9d each. Pùrit Free ld extra. J'C N E S' S HEART AND STOMACH REGULATOR (Registered). For the speedy cure of all Diseases of the Heart and Stomach, such as In digestion. Palpitation, Heart- Disease, Wiud, Weakness, Faintin;s, Pain in the Stomach. Loss of Appetite, Restless Niulits, Headache, Giddiness, Coated Tongue, Sour Taste in 3fouth, <&c. Sold in Bottles at 2s od :mtl 4s tid each. JONES'S VEGETABLE PJLLS FOR WIND registered) ARE THR BES1 PILLS IN THE WORLD for bad digestion, wind and pain in the stomach, liver complaint, jaundice, sick head- ache, pains in t-lie che-t, loss of appetite, flatu- lency, griping, a sense of weight in the back and loins, darting pains in the region of the heart, liver and kidney constipation, pains in the thighs, sometimes taootiug down to the calf and feet, suppression .md retention of urine, pains in the stoim.vh, and all livor complaints. Thousands have been cured by these Pills, and many who had been pro- nounced hopeless, liavfc been thoroughly re- stored to health by their uso. ONE BOX WILL CONVINCE TIlR MOST SCkf iICAL OF THEIR EFFICACY. Sold in boxes at Is ljd, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d each. Sent post free for 15 or 3li stamps. Sole manu- facturers, W, Junes and Co.. Chemists, 157, Great Howard-street, Liverpool. REMARKABLE CURES. 2, Birkct-strect, Liverpool, 20th March, 1S74. Dear Sirs,-It is with feelings of pleasure I wnte to in- form von of the good effects of vour PURIFYING MtXTUHEMid HKAL ALL OINTMENT his done to me. About six yo Fit ago I was bitten on the leg by a venomous reptile, which nearly cost me my life; anlt I now declare to you and the world, after spendin • over X[r)O in (loctorq* bills to try and heal the leg, it is now entirely healed after using only two 4s fid pots of your WORLD-FAMED OINTMENT and two lis cases of your univetsal PURIFY- lING MIXTURE. The truth of the above statement any person who wishes nay refer to me. Your very obedient servant, Messrs Jones and Co. JHfF.S Smith. Baton Rouge, Louisana, U States, July 21st, 1S71. Gentlemen,-I enclose you a P 0 or,ter for A:2 10s, for one dozen boxes of your Vegetable Wind Pills and Heal- All Ointment. Pleaso send by the first snail, anti direct as before. I intend to distribute them amongst my friends here. Your IFtiirf Pillx are the best I ever used in my life, and your Ointment, exceeds anything I ever saw for healing all kinds of sores. Yours very obediently, ) To W. Jones and Co. Edwin McCloy. Sold in bottles at 2s 3d and 4s Cd each, and in cases con- I taining six 2s 3d bottles, 118 each, sufficient to effect a cure in long-standing cases. | Agents for Wrexham and districts — I' MrJ F. Edisbury, Chemist, High-street. J. FRANCIS, 11 Hope-street. Rhos Mr Magin Ruabon Mr Ed Davies Llangollen Mr Evans Oswestry .Mr Saunders to Mr J. Evans, grocer Mold Mr E. Williams Denbigh Mr Jones t Ruthin Mr Rouw Holywell Mr Carman Rhyl Mr Jones Abergele Mr Jones Corwen 31r Jones Flint.Mr Jones, chemist Chester.Messrs Bower Bros fnl-237bz JgPPS'S c HOCOLATE, JgJSSENCE. Prodpct of a special renninp process It I Pa, tucd A?2tl ae tf ea= d of its over-richness and suh?tantinlity. Sugarless, and, when made, of the consistence of coffee. An nnftorn^on chocolate. Each packet! is labelled, j JAMES EPPS & Co., j HOMCEOPATHIC CHEMI8TS, LONDON. ALHAMBRA THEATRE, LONDON, MEFlSTOFELE All. and BALLET. Supported by the leading Artistes. Every evening at 8. Prices from 6d. THE NEW ¡ LANCASHIRE STEEL P F, N JLj AND ALL OTHER PENS, ilamifaeiurtd by EDWARD VOOPSAXGER, SOLD BY i CHARLES G. BAYLEY, ¡ THE CROSS AND CHURC H-S T R E E T One of the Agents for Oswestry. VflDLAND COLLE IATE SCHOOL, EDGBASTON, IYJL BIRMINGHAM. Principal -JOHN SLACK, B A. London), from whom particulars may be obtained FASHIONABLE SILVKR JEWKLLERY. Lockets, t Necklets. Brooches, Earrings, Rings, Ac. HIustrted Wholesale Catalogues free. J. Simmons, 29, Dudley-street. Birmingham. VVTATOHES JFWELLEIIY, MIDLAND COUNTIES ▼ t WATCH COY. (Cheapest house in world) Ladies' or Gent's Fine Silver Crystal glass heavy cased Watches, 5' Ladies' Do., Do., 80/ Before purchasing send for Company's Cata- ( ) fine copper-pli?tt3 ell- logue beautifully illustrated, 200 fine copper-plate en- 1 gravinjs, gratis post free on application to S. Hissey, Vyse- street Birmingham. | PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, and AMERICAN OnGANs from 4 guineits upwards. Wholesale and retail. Price list free. lte-t and Cheapest House in the Trade. WJLLIAM LEA, 57, Church-street. Liverpool. FRIEND OF ALL tiOLLOWAY-S OINTMENT. CURE FOR ALL! the Unixertal Remedy far Bad Ijcjis, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, and Ulcerations nf all kinds. '|^H MiK is no medicinal preparation which may be so j 1 thoroughly relied upon in the treatment of the above lilments as Halloway'a Ointment. Rubbed upon the isur- face of the body, over, or near the affected parts, it disap- pears under the friction of the hand, penetrating at once to the source of the evil, and thus perform Its hhng errand, rapidly, safely and with <ut pain. In all long standing cases, Hollo way's Pills should also bo taken, as they purify the Blood Rnd expel all depraved humours j from the system. COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROATS, AND BRONCHITIS. I This Ointment is irresistiblo in the cure of these throat and pectoral complaints, which when neglected often end in settled asthma or consumption. The Ointment well rubbed upon the chest and back, night mil morning, pene- trates the skin, and thus absorbed, is carried directly to the lungs, where, in immediate contact with the whole mass of circulating blood, it neutralizes or expels all im- ¡ purities. By these means *1! pulmonary complaints may be cured with rapidity mil ease. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS, STONE AND GRAVEL. ¡ In any of the above complaints more benefit may be de- rived in twenty-four hours, by adopting the following simple means, than could be brought about in six months by my other treatment. !tL?adcMes,!f the Ointment be diligently rubbed into the Small of the hack, over the re- gion of the kidneys, it will quickly penetrate and give im- mediate relief. Six or eight of the Pills should be taken nightly according to circumstances. GOUT, RHEUMATISM. AND STIFF JOINTS. This invaluable Ointment exercises a more obvious -Or,- trol over Gout and Rheumatism, than any other medicine. No one need remain;uacured who will in good earnest make a vigorous application of this infallible remedy- according to the Printed Instructions affixed to each Pot. All settled aches and pains will likewise be banished by the ame treatment. I SKIN DISEASES, SCROFULA, AND SCURVY. The beneficial effects of this peerless Ointment are truly I wonderful in cases of Ringworm, Scurvy, and Scrofula, or King's Evil, and its powers are adequate to the removal of the most inveterate Skin Disease towhich the human frame is subject. Both the Ointment <!? Pt?? it?MtM be !Med in the /<?- lowing comvlaints: — Bad Legs Bad Breasts Burns Bunions Chilblains Chapped Hands Contracted and Stiff Joints Corns (Soft) I Fistulas Gont Glandular Swellings I Lumbago Piles Rheumatism I Sore Nipples I smids j' I Sore Throats i Skin Diseases Scurvv Sore He&da Tumours Ulcers ) I Wounds The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor HOLLO-I WAY'S Establishment, 533, Oxford-street, London also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilized World, in Boxes and Pots, at Is lid, 2s 9d' Is fid, lis, 22s, and 33s each. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box' and can be had in any language. N. B. -Advice can lie obtained, free of charge, by ap plying at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and t. cr by letter. lz w ATCHES, SILVER AND GOLD. GENUINE SALE OF NEW SURPLUS STOCK. SILVER FROM 15s. GOLD FROM 27s 6d All Warranted. Send post card for Illustrated List, 30 Engravings. GOULDEN, Watch Manufacturer, Crewkeme, Somerset,






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