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0-0 THE PRESTATYN cuLLI HY COMPANY. DEMONSTRATION AT QUEENS FERRY. On Saturday 'ast- a demonstration of an hit -rest- ing character took place at Que-n' Ferry, in Flint- shire, on the occasion of tile openiug of a branch line to connect the Eleanor Colliery with the Lon- don and North-western Railway, or the Chester ami Holyhead line. It mav be stated that the Eleanor Colliery, which belongs to the Prestatyn Colliery Company, is at Qneeu's Ferry, m t far from Con- Ball's Quay, and a short distance from the London and Not tii-western Railway. The laud has been taken on lease for a lout; term of years from Earl Spencer and Sir Stephen Giyilile. About three years atnj the co npauy began operations by aiiikini; the zit c s iry shafts. In the sinking of the lir.-t i-haft very httie difficulty was encountered, but in sink- ing the second shaft an immense bed of ijuick-sanil was met with. To get through this qnicksai.d, cast- iron cylinders had to be brought into operatiou but afn r the cylinders were fixed the work of sink- ing became comparatively easy, and at the present moment the shaft is perfectly water-tight, and no less than 500 tons of coal may be drawn up daily. At first, the operations were considered by many persons to be of a very unsatisfactory character, and not a few expected that the undertaking would prove a failure but through the skill and per- severance of Mr Gilroy, the able manager to the company, one obstacle after another was overcome, and the colliery is now in first-class working order. During the operations, the worki.igs were inspected by ti e Right tion. W. E. (jladstone, the P; im Minister, and his brother-in-law, Sir Stephen Glynne, both of ivhoru tiok great interest, in the work. The set" or take" consists of 500 acres, and there are four seams of coal-one of 9 feet, two of 4 feet each, and one of 3 feet. In additiOl. to the first purchase, the company lmve spent from £15,000 to £ "20,0C0 in opening out the colliery, which prolluces iirst-class coal both for house and steam nurpos.-s. The coal has been tested by the CitJ of D. blin Steam Packet. Company, who liav>. expressed themselves highly sati-tied with the quality. In their negotiations with the owners oi the land, the Prestatyn Colliery Company have been met in a very liberal manner, every facility having been afforded them to uevelope the mineral resources of this particular part of Flintshire. The principal ) roprhtors ( f this new co iiery are 3ii Ge irge Tatters, of London; Mr Robeit Curwen of Live pooi the Rev. Philip Looton, of Londo and other Lreiitleiueu. The sole agent for the com- pany are Ales-srs. Carwei. Brothers, Northern As- surance Chambers, Titiiebdrn-street; and the secre- tary is Mr James H. Athertoc, Atlas-buildings, Suuth Castle-street, Liverpool. Ihe branch line of railway from the Eleanor Colliery, the opening of which was celebrated o:. Saturday last, is nearly a inre in length, and at its junction with the Chester and Holyhead main line there is a double siding, affording waggon acconi- dation for about ¡3ïO tons of coal. Before the opening of this biaocb. the coil had to be carted to Queen's Ferry and Connaii's Qilay. About two o'clock a numbei of the proprietors and other gentlemen assembled at the Eleanor Colliery, and afttr the works had been inspected, a waggon, cjutainiug tea tons of coal, was drawn along the new branch line, followed by a baud o! music, whose excellent playing considerably en- livened the proceedings. The waggon wa- decorated with Hags, and bunting was also ex- hibited from several houses and prominent places in the locality The first load of coal drawn on the new line was consigned to Mr William Aaron, of the firm of Lloyd, Jones, and Co., South Cattle- slreet, Liverpool. The line having been formally opened, an adjournment took place to the Hawarden Castle Hotel, Queen's Ferry, where a sumptiioni dinner was provided by Mr J. Smith, the landlord. Mr Robert Curwen, the chairman of the Prestatyn Coliiery Company, presided; the vice-chair was occupied by Mr George Batters, and amongst other gentlemen present were the HeY. P. Lockton, Messrs W. Cuiwen, John Hargrove, J. H. A.h ri toil, T. Crosbie, W. Aaron, C. Penny (manager of the Connah's Quay Chemical Wcrksj, E. J. Davies, Holywell; H. Fenton, Baugor; W. H. Gilroy (manager to the Prestatya C llieiy Company), &-c. The cloth having been removed, The Cnairman proposed the usual loyal anu patriotic toasts. The Rev. P. Loekton responded to the toast of the Bishop of the Diocese and the Clergy of aii Denominnttuus" He wished the Prestatyn Colliery Company every success in their undtr- taking, and expressed his op.nion that with tin- present management, and Messrs Curwen Brothers as their agents, the company would be a pros- perous one. The Chairman, in proposing Success to the Prestatyn Coil.ery Company," briefly referred t" the operations of the company at the E:cauo mine, and stated that the coal had been tested and found to be first-class both for steam and domestic purposes. Indeed, it could not be surpassed by any other seam of cotil in North Wales for any purpose, and from what they were told by Mr Gilroy, tiie supply was almost unlimited. The Eleanor Colliery was very advantageously situated, and he trusted they were now on the eve oi reaping what they had been so diligently sowing for three years both in time and m)ney. The eompanv, who had bet-n met in a noble spirit by Earl Spencer and Sir Stephen Glynue, had done everything in good faith, and they had spent a great deal of money with the view of making th- colliery a paying concern. In consequence of having the use of a wharf, if required, the cost of shipping the coal, including cartage, would not exceed Is. per ton. If the company were treat'd liberally by the joint railway companies at Connali' Quay, they would make that place their main port for shipments to Liverpool, Dublin, Barrow, au Isle of Man, and other places. The Eleanor Colliery was iluated in he neighbourhood of some laige chemical works, and this would also give the company considerable advantages. The chairman concluded by expressing his pleasure at seeing so manyfrienlg pre-, eiit. (Appla lse.) Mr Gilroy, the manager, responded, and in doing so said lie had no doubt that all the money which had been s pent on the colliery would in a few years be returned, with good interest. Tin- Company had had obstacles to contend with, but they were few as compared with those of their neighbours. (Applause.) Mr Batters next gave a long and interei-iino account of the undertaking, which at first, he said, was beset with difficulties, but now the company had got one of the best collieries in the country, free from ail w.it -r—a colliery with good workubl- seams, and with coal as good—he would not 8;1\" snperior-as any in North Wales. H° believe7, the colliery would pay a good interest for theii outlay. Although his pecuniary interest in the concern was very considerable, he was more pleased at the success of the undertaking on account of his friends than on his own account, for they had ventured in the work partly lvlying on his faith and judgment. He concluded by pro- posing "Prosperity to the firm of Cnrweii Brothers." the a.gents to the company. (The toast was drnnk with applause.) Mr William Curwen responded, and in doing so ¡ spoke of the coal produced from the Eleanor Colliery as being A 1, and promised that the best endeavours of his firm would be put forth to further tiie interest of the compmy. Some other toasts having been disposed of, an adjournment took place to a large test erected in a aeld frontwrY the H d I H field fronting the Hawardt-n Castle Hotel, where the workpeople employed at the ccllierv were dl < t; 1t-rv wen' regaled with an abundant dinner in ce lebrati on of h T e. Jl a IOn o. the event. The men and bovs, numbering abou- 150, all respeetab'y attired, and some wearin ■ rosettes w d red to the tent in processi on, head-i 1 e:"Inn,d'a(p1 by tuS band of music. After the workpeople who seemed thoroughly to enjoy twelves, had dined, they wore addressed in L-illdlv allit friendlv terms b I'll 13 tt ;\i[' enn" by Mr B itters, Mr Uurwpn and .? .-r gentlemen. ,-U'4 nen .cIne:J. The remainder of the day was spent in mnoccLt < InnOCel. amusements, and in tne eveniug, on leaving the ':>' l..P.1 ".lI1f1' it. hotel tc) tako the train for their respective destina- tions, the promoters of the umu-kilnsK* Wlr accompanied to the station by the band a".i hearty che, r, ivere liS b workpeople fur the Prestatyn Colijery C JiH.ianv.



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