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THE SPANISH THRONE. I T?r the past week the whole ot Eun'pe nas "<-?" ??ed at the aspect ?hich affairs wear upon the qnes- io,f the acceptance of the Spanish C?.wn by Pr.nce '?he?n7oHeru The <?."t" of Horence deprecates the adion takpn by France, and ur?es peace ?ben? t e deire of Hurop'e. The Vienna pa^rs. on the other ?mt find a n:ti.at venter their feehn?nsrongb T?? Opr. v .f "f the?ndi??tu.-c of a tt)riiiiee of 1'russ?. The ??1?' n ',?r?"?'? that the Kmg has taken any part in ;he „Wotiations which ha-e taken place. In V,. ',1 i'?- '?-u.< )?s c:Lu?'d ccnstderabic excrement. ¡ 'sm n in- .?ciaUv notified to th? European Powers ]ts ? i?entl.m 1" lir of 14?)lleiizollerii, as i candidate for the Spanish throne, The attempted dictation of France appears to have touched the sensitiveness of the nation. Frmce Antoine of Hohen- zollern has, however, in view of the opposition created his son's candidature anil with Prince Leopold's con- vent withdrawn his name from the list of competitors. A communication has been sent from the Foreign Office at Berlin to the representatives of the North Uennar. Con- federation in Cermany explaining the P,iev tif the Allied Governments in general, and of Prussia in particular, 1):ITt i Cll l ;tl' with respect to the >p:uiisli throne. It is affirmed that they have invariably refrained from interference in this flatter, and had no intention to depart from a neutral policy. The note adds that the views of Germany were already known to the French Government, hut that explanatory auti confidential uttt:rane, had been prevented liy the tone which the French Minister had assumed froin tlx beginning. The lierlin correspondent of the Tim x that when the crowr of Spain was offered to Prince Leopold some montlis-ugo, lie sought counsel of King William, who advised him to refuse it but when the < ffer was repeated quite recently, and the Prince received no similar warning, it was accepted. The bellicose tone of the French press lits sliglitiv modulated, b-.t several organs which are supposed to receive more or lers of their inspirations from official sources treat the immediate cause of the dispute as a matter of secondary importance. The Moniteur, the Franc, and the Pre* all point out that the question has a hiulo-r origin than the Prim-Holienzollem occur- rence, ami that what in reality is now to be decided, once for all. are the international (lucstioii., raised by what they consider to be the ell t. S of Prussia 111 ard they urge that an end must at once be put to the encroachments of that power. Other journals mention the extraordinary activity prevailing at the arsenals and naval ports. The Soir of Monday states that sirce the previous day forty-five vessels of the fleet commenced arming between Toulon and Cherbourg. From Pusseldorf we have a rumour, not worth much, perhaps, but for which the Bursen Courier is responsible, to the effect that Prince Leopold will only be permitted to accept the proffered honour on condition that Spain should make common cause with Germany in the event of war. EMS, Thursday.—Subsequently to the reception by the French Government of the official communication that Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern had withdrawn his pretensions, the French Ambassador addressed a demand to the King of Prussia to authorise him to telegraph to Paris that lie (the King) engages at all future times to refuse his consent, shouldthe Prince of Hohenzollern be again nominated. The King refused to receive the Ambassador aain, and sent word to him by hisaid-de- camp that his -Majesty had no further communication to make to him. FRANCE. I M. Gamier Pages has introduced into the French legislature a hill affirming the neutrality of the seas in time of war. This measure has a special significance at this moment. The disputes between capital aVlllabour are on the increase in France. At Mulhausec, in the Haut-Rliin, the carpenters and joiners struck, and the spinner,; and weavers soon joined them. Large bands of persons paraded the streets, and amused themselves by singing the Marsellaise and the Pompiers de Xauterre, and by shouting Vive l'Empereur" for the edification of the sub-prefect; but no disturbances of a serious character are reported. The workmen of Guebwiller have followed the example of their brethren at Mul- hausen. A body of 1500 men, employed in the spinning factory and in the workshops of )1)1. Sclilumberger, have struck for a diminution in the hours of labour.— Paris has at last enjoyed the luxury of rain. To so terrible a strait had the capital been reduced by the drought, that the ornamental basins in the parks and gardens were dried up, and the fountains ceased playing. Under these circumstances, with dust unquf-nched, and with a scorching..July sun to boot, Paris has not been enjoyable. On Saturday, however, thundercltuds spread over the sky, and a welcome rain followed. AMERICA. The Tax and Tariff Bill has passed both Houses of the American Legislature, although there are certain "disagreeing amendments" still in the hands of the conference committee. The duty on pig-iron is now fixed at from £ 9 to $7 a ton on steel and Bessemer rails at 1] c., and on rails, part steel, at Ie. per lb. The American markets are reported to be greatly unsettled by the rumours of war from F.,urnpe.-The Government are likely to have more serious troubles with the Indians, a lio are mustering at several points in large bands. THE INFALLIBILITY SETTLED. The council at Rome has at last voted on the great question of the infallibility of the Pope; and has declared in favour of the dogma by the large majority of 450 against SS. Of the ayes, (!2 were conditional. This result will create general surprise for though there was little doubt that the dogma would be carried, so great a majority was not expected.

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