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Sales by Aution ^^YMESSKS BAUGH, JONES, & JONES. rF OF FAT AND STORE STOCK AT THE GOLDEN LION, ROSSETT. 11 ^T->SRS. BAUGH, JONES, and Co. will hold M i^eir next Sale of FAT and STORE STOCK, l the (jùleu Lion, Rossett, on Monday, the 25th .January, ?"' STOCK ALREADY ENTERED: A nice lot of Fat Beasts Ditto of prime fat Sheep several Fat and Store Pigs. I -,At ves. ,?.. ,?,crtv of A. Balfour, Esq., J. Topham, Esq., } L'a J. Boydell, Esq. T. Beakb?e. Esq., F ? ?!? r.ivvjrd ? Evans, .Ur Jones, Mr Wool- ?? ,it \H,¡)-croft;tlr Th¡tckeray, i%lr Dutton, Alr r.c!? ?-"j. \?.?croft?lr Thackeray, Mr Dutton, Mr p:ije, -M11i p?t Williams, Mr Davies, Mr Pritchard, price. p?t)?r Entries respectfuUysolicitei. 'T?o o'clock, and the Auctioneers respect- f '11' ?? .? ucsL that the Stock be at the Mart in good II 168b tiisc. "■ fl' i. and Df?? Farming Stock, Dairy Vessels, ¡, JI" :,cho.lld Furniture, at .H?e? Lodge, near  ,¡. BAUGH, JONES, & Co. have been in- "11 tructeil bv the representatives ot the late Mr l:, Divies deceased, to SELL by AUCTION, at LoiiC -E Farm, aforesaid, on WEDNESDAY, 'Ttl 1,?7-5) the whole of the Live and Dead J?"?,. ? ?TOCK, Dairy Vessels and Household Ff ]?t"'TO<)< comprises 5 milch cows, 1 cow and -? u?'u-uld in-calf heifers, ? yearling heifers, • powerful B'-ay mare Joily," in-foal. 'un"" powerful gray mare Jolly," in-foal, uvr-ulblack mare Bell, brown hack mare, 5 ;j' ii ^te-idy ? harness and saddle, powerful bay "Oiaiuoud," nsmg 6, very promising gray cjr i'jl n¡¡¡g ci^]\ii,;niK.NTS, ??., consist of narrow-wheel • -wi'h harvest gearing, pony cart, gig, wheel Ca ) bv "Howard," set of 3 iron harrows, iron ?? "?r cultivator, garden raher, wheelbarrow, hand 1 .? ? c'? chams, 15 corn sacks, heel and hay (;Ud l cliu- p¡,>¡, yde, stone and tile pig troughs, large gtnllr .-?en) thrill, chain and odd gears, and set of !l;,rne, < ?'"?.?L'?hsdl chun, butter scales and tub, cre.?/ ?' Mi?k pans, pair of brass milk pans, screw J10' %,?tts ;UK1 imlers, several ale casks, •Mioiicfs ami grates as fixed, oven and grate. "?'; "1 ?r< -t'?t grates as fixed, oven and grate, '-uui frames, screw as nxeu, sne!ves o  '?e? ?nd r?m?s, screw as nxea, sneives, o [^^iv-aua wU door scraper, &c. IC,\ _? ??jpp?l?rr(.'K,E comprises: i.n Kit- ch?-?"? ?jtis? iron stools, steelyards brass che' 4 h cau«^e:,tic* u1„r:ar and pestal, 4 c airs, corner cup- nu\1' L bl' 1 f d 1 k. pa" j table and form, 8 days' clock in oak ¡.'Ir I;¡r,d ;lwl shelves, panted Ie ?f table, 12 single ca.»e. arUl ,m)t(?:my chairs stuffed with hair, '¡bll:nY j,,?? box, 1tehen rang and crane, &c. ¡¡¡Iu pp pi oi i' ?? ?r-eudersand fire irons, six maho- ? ? ,li:! m?Mgany dining table with D ends, ,ran\ \t f, '? nv.ir?t ho?rd, ?et of antique chma tea ser- I f .iUj cold, quantity of wine and other v !Cc'U1 S of dec?uiei?. md 16 numbers of the 11,Llll dii of A?,ricall?ure. 1 'ivinvr H.m.l — Five palted arm chairs, ho^ivcard table, S days clock in mahogany case,  urn, &c.  four- Tviiti.?l: BLI)ItOo)i-Feiider and fire nons, four- • [ ot?r bestèad, mattresses, feather beds, )r.,n\ and painted chests of drawers, chairs, ^in, tables, wash stands and services, pier '? t\:( T?hf RM grates throughout the house, and a (1! „vrW ')f traW -?"? "?!?"? to ? ?- '? ? 11 for 12o cluck prompt, and as the day are ?? ??,,d the lots numerous, an early attendance is re-r:? r?-?ed. 1??? 5:1/. ar the R h,D LIO N' I't N' Chester-street, Wrex- hain, on Frtdiy, January 29th, 1875. 'M w-F?r? BKUGH JOES, & CO., have been in- S L l,'L by AUCTION, on the above  on 1'nd?v, the ?Hth day of January, 1875, l £"$h&of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and f,-) -FtM? c?mprMing—Windsor and other chairs, n?"[t-.i and ot'?r tables, small pier glass, pictures, ?r. soh covered in leather, writing desk, hall clock inmiiho?n'vc?e.wire and other window blinds, rüller, and racks, gas fittings, large breeding cage, t,L?'t-"e h.?UtI with boards, alls, and cues com- t?te ?it'I- '?:trd and ball, barometer, square niau ''Ntc Wo table and cover, small mahogany stand, carneuiui! and mats, large mangle, long table, table tuij- forming purtitioii in large room, with tressels fd; ,;lIDo, ],llreaU with a number of secret and other drawers. night tMimnode, dressing tables, wash stands anil services toilet glasses, iron and wood bedsteads, prin ?nl other mattresses feather and nock beds, ch? ? drawers, towel rails, stair carpet and brass rod;, spirit ke^> with brass taps, pewter ale and spirit measure. 4 p ill "nt machine, with piping complete, nearlv new. ale tins and crockery, patent filters, to- gether with a number ef kitchen and culinary articles aiiiienect.i; also In Var.i—(Jas Limp, pigeon box, stone citstern, water and oher tubs, pig-stye built with new tim- ber, Arc Sale at 11 for 12 o'clock, prompt. 170s Salt of Live and Dead Farming Stock, at HOXKLEY, BURTON, ROSSETT, it'iica. b-'<ioTa Wrexham and Chester. ME- BAUGH, JONES, & CO., have received 'It ;IHructiùns from Mr Thomas Piercy, to SELL M Al tII ON, on MONDAY, February 1st, 1875, the !I; his LIVE STOCK, Implements of Hus- iuaury, Dairy Vessels, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Effects. Thr Li vi-; STOCK comprises 10 useful in-calf dairy t,¡w and heifers, 20 half-bred Shropshire down lamb- it I in-pig sow, 2 powerful waggon horses. The &-c., consist of narrow-wheel cart fith harvest gearing, shandry, two iron wheel ploughs, ri'iring do., set of three harrows, one-horse power reipin- machine (by Wood), cultivator, turnip drill, jMtent chaff-cutter, turnip pulper, machine thrashing I",x, ladders, wiieelbarrow, a number of corn sacks, Buckley an wood pig troughs, ten cow chains, kalf- ffieasure siev.-s, riddles, yelves, pikels, rakes, shovels, cart ropes, iron b:tr, garden tools, thrill, chain, and p'OUghnig gears, itc. Diiiiv Vi>si;i.s comprise wheel churn, cheese s<re. chee>e tub, cream pots, tin and Buckley railk PMs, niilkiug cans, boiler and grate as fixed, crockery ^-opar. of the Household Furniture. sale at Twelve o'clock prompt. Biiiiiu n't -active and important Sale of DRAPERY a" r- TOWN HALL, WREXHAM. B-NU(3H, J O Ni- E -?  BAUGH, JONES, & CO .have received ?'1. 'nsfur'tons from a General Draper, of North ?'k.? .D.v AUCTION, a large and first-class PKUY, on Wednesday and Thursday, i-i-i «_ :bi an1. 4th (;?)? followin days if required), at  e T"wn Hall, Wrexham. I'u, s st,„ k comprises dress goods, winceys, flannels, ?''?'. '? ?k ,;jlk (best makes), skirtings, shirtings, "tU:Ue..¡ (newest styles), skirts in great variety, chil- | 'en> ??'r'skirts, jackts, waterproofs, mantles, mus- ^urtain>, window muslins stair oil cloths and rem- Jnt., "u?icry, shawls, fancy goods, silk velvets, muf- l'se"r' a:;he" sash ribbons, felt square hearth tia-rai.lway ?n? travelling rugs, prints, alpacas, J;lch "kinoes, &c., &c. ti 1e";r, ?UKh. Jones, & Co., call especial atten- ?. ?) ??' ?? the goods are new, fashionable, ? 'tyhh ?"? ??'Mmf-nce at two o'clock in the afternoon ?'x c'"ck iu the evening of each day. ? ?w mornings of s?le. 164s PRELIMINARY ai, (,( L .1 D d t ,f' ?/? ?"? °'? ?''?? Farming .?OC/f, and part 0/ tl 'hold FM?ttMn;, at Balls ?oot, near Gres- M1^ R??H JONES, &- Co., have been in- :*an.iruc-e'1 '? MrChas. Roberts, who is giving up ??,n ?" 'L? ?Y AUCTION at Balls Wood, .??'') ?'??oesday, the 10th day of Feb., 1875, t h ewi, ntl r ll(,Ie ?'' and Dead F ARnNG STOCK W'lfiirr i: HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. The Liv^twJ "?'ses 15 in-calf cows and heifers, and («itVi<i,J"■u1' ???'n horse also, a quantity of use- ? 'K.t? '??, and part of the household furni- Lut ,nt, and part of the household fumi- Particulars next week. 199a PRELIMINARY. ? ?", ?'? SaZc at Cymmau ?<tH, 5 7?!:?.?<MK. ¡¡¡h' C '>"rt PRELDIINARY. Hall, 5 m i les from M- V""« W"M and Chester, o;? 2 ?w the C. ?, i ,"??. "H the IFT-e??M, Mold and Con- lT1 rFs T' LUte ? Railway. A 7?, I JONES, & CO beg to announce ?riwf,,? '"?"??e received instructions from G. W. F,,q to prepare for a SALE BY AUC. ,Iarl%, 1. Fehruary next, of "? very Suable ?'? 'aod' er? HOT-ISFHOLD FURNITURE and other 'ii i,r l f dining drawing, dressing, and ? ?' ?'K, drawing, dressing, and ?own ? „ -?t' ?''? a valuable library of books and ? n<ut- and cuhnary articles, stanhope four "^el carri- copvertable into dog cart &c. with ?'ak hv "? ?"???? ?? ? c??. &c..with er-" Liverpool, set of plated and ??ofbr;?"Munted gig harness, and sundry out-door ca?ct. Particular- date of ?' will appear next and li?',tailed catalogues may be had on applica- ?" to th?p A Uct¡ners. if, by post, on receipt? a s'-a!ati or-,t H!?rinclpal hotels in Wrexham, Mold Chester, ? days' prior to the sale. 198a 198a SALE BY MR T. WHITFIELD. WREXHAM. fREEHOLD PCBLIC-HOUSE AND PIECE OF LAND. ?? Ot ?!? ?Y AUCTION, by Mr THOMAS TO WHlT' FlFin• at the WyMstay Arms Hotel Wrexham ? ???Y, the 12th day of February, Jt.0, :n Four o'clock in'the afternoon, subject to con- iitions to then P''o?uced— A.U th t ,,l that old-established PUBLIC-HOUSE, called Tead," with the Brewhouse, Stable, and ? h?dd ?h ??:? ..?d also the Piece of LAND ?oin?? "?'?bout 1 acre, situate near to the attle :'I1a.rket, in the town of Wrexham, in the c''?tv ?????°,'S?. ?? now in the occupation of Mrs jall,, Williams. fr<>ntage of 96 feet to Farn- ?re'?? ? a_fronta!:e of 96 feet to Fam- (10ti-street, ?? ? well adapted for building pur lion toher P??ulars can be obtained on applica- L55ga MR H. DAVIES, ls Solicitor, Oswestry. Sales bv Auction SALES BY MR. LLOYD. Sale ef Agricultural Live' and Dead Farming Stock, Itapleinents of Husbandry, Spring Cart, Gears, and Harness, Dairy Vessels, the whole of the Household Furniture, &-c., &c., at THE HULLAH, situate one mile from the town oj Wrexham. MR. LLOYD most resptctfully announces that he has been favoured with instructions from Mr Thomas Jones (who is relinguishing farming pursuits in every branch, to SELL BY AUCTION, in his Farmyard, at the Hullah aforesaid, on TUESDAY, the 2nd day of February next, the whole of his Live and Dead FARMING STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, &c &c. The LIVE STOCK consists of 30 head of cattle, six horses, and 25 pigs, including 15 cows to calve and with calves at foot, four calving and barren heifers, six yearling heifers, two two-year-old bulls, one year- ling bull. Horses: Four powerful and active cart horses, including "Venter;" very useful black mare, 10 years old, in-foal; Diamond," active brown mare, 11 years old, in-foal; Gip," grey mare, 9 years old; Ranger,powerful brown mare, 10 years old; stylish half-bred mare, by "Merry Legs," 3 years old, quiet in saddle, &c. yearling bay cart colt, by Young Champion." Pigs Sow and 14 followers, two in-pig sows, one ditto gilt boar pig, six strong store pigs. The IMPLEMENTS consist of three sets of thrill and chain gears, Scotch backhands, &c., set of harness, and sundry odd gears, two capital waggons, two carts, spring cart, two wheel ploughs, Howard and Edward's ridging plough, two pair of iron harrows, two chain harrows, two cultivators, rollers, new horse rake, straw cutter, turnip pulper, with three actions, finger slicer and mincer (new), scuffle, swingletrees, heel and other rakes, barrows, American hay collector, turnip drill, sack bags, cow ties, and the usual assortment of tools, &c., &c. The whole of his excellent dairy vessels, suitable for a dairy from 25 cows also all the household furni- ture appertaining to kitchen, parlour, and five bed- rooms, &c., &c. Luncheon at Eleven o'clock by ticket. Sale at Twelve o'clock sharp." Dairy vessels and furniture-sale at Three o'cloek. As the lots are numerous, punctual attendance will oblige. Plassey, near Wrexham. 172e FAIR DAY. THE NORTH WALES & CHESHIRE AUCTION MART. WREXHAM. \f"R. LLOYD (late Jones & Lloyd), respectfully an- ItX nounces that he will SELL BY AUCTION, in his Mart, on Thursday, -February 4th, 1875, a splendid lot of Magnificent Fat Cattle, Bullocks, and Heifers, Cows and Calves, Calving Cows and Heifers, Barrens, Stirks, &c. A grand selection of fat and Store Sheep A prime lot of fat Pigs and Calves Sale at ten o'clock prompt. Plassey, Wrexham. 158b MR. LLOYD gives notice that he intends pre- senting at next Christmas Show Dinner, in addition to the usuil cups, value S.42 15s., 1st prize, a Silver Cup, value X7 10s. 2nd prize, a piece of plate, value j63 3s. Will be presented to the Seller whose live stock realizes the largest amount of money in the Auction Mart, or elsewhere during the present year from January 1st to December 13th (Christmas Show Day), both days inclusive; any gentleman winning either first or second prize and not wishing to compete against a tenant farmer, will be awarded with a Silver Medal, the farmer coming next will receive first prize. A cup or piece of plate, value JE3 10s., will be given to the buyer of the largest amount of stock between January 1st and December 13th, inclusive. Sellers and buyers will please keep their bills as a guide. —f PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. H-ighlyiinportant Sale of 20 head of Alde-rney and cross-bred cattle, 2 cart horses, half-bred harness mare, two-year-old half-bred colt, by St. Clair," 2 sows, donkey harness and cart, dog cart and har- ness (new), saddles and bridles, chain and thrill gears, odd gears, 3 carts complete, cultivator, wheel ploughs, roller, 2 sets zig-zig harrows, scuffles, chaff cutter and pulper, wheelbarrows, heel and other rakes, scythes, pikels, <tc., garden roller and lawn mower. ? wntv ?M.?j;. 4 hines of bees, cucumber ?fam?s and lights, 2 hods of po?6atoes, aoMH Aity measures, a!¡out 35 tons of manure, in one lot, etc., &c. Also, all his superior household furniture, in rosewood and mahogany, handsome pier glass, mas- sive side boards, dining tables, card tables, Brussels carpets, L-c., contained in breakfast, dining, and drawing rooms, the contents of the kitchen, and six bedrooms, &c & the usual assortment of culinary utensils, at White House, Hoseley, near Gresford, 21 miles from Wrexham. MR LLOYD has been favoured with instructions ,LM from Earn Murray, Esq., to SELL BY AUC- TION, on his premises at Hoseley, aforesaid, on MON- DAY and TUESDAY, the 8th and 9th days of February next. Full particulars next week. Catalogues may be had eight days' prior to the sale from the Auctioneer, place of sale, or Feathers Hotel, Wrexham, Griffin Inn, Gresford. 171a SALE BY MR SNAPE. SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, AT 5, KING-STREET, WREXHAM. MR. SNAPE has been instructed by John Wil- .n I liams, Esq. (who is giving up housekeeping), to ?.t. BY AUCTION, upon the premises, as above, on iODAY, February 1st, 1875, the whole of his Modern and Choice FURNITURE, comprising— In DINI-,G-ROONI-Handsomemakogany cheffonnier, couch, chairs, table, old china, glass, &c., &c. IN DRAWING-ROOM.—Walnut couch, chairs, table (en suite), pier glass, &c., &c. IN BEDROOMS.—Mahogany and iron bedsteads, feather beds and bedding, toilet glasses, &c., &c. KITCHEN REQUISITES.—Kitchen clock in oak case, patent mangle (nearly new), and a variety of other household effects as detailed in catalogues, to be had from the Auctioneer a week before the day of sale. Sale to commence at One o'clock punctually. N.B.—To housekeepers about furnishing this Sale affords special advantages, as the bulk of the Furni- ture is of superior quality, and is as fresh and good as when first selected from the upholsterer's stock. Auctioneer's Office: Lion House, High-street, Wrexham. 215gc SALE BY MR C. J. GIBBONS. COEDPOETH, NEAR WREXHAM. TO be SOLD by AUCTION by Mr C. J. GIBBONS, at the Prince of Wales Inn, Coedpoeth, on MONDAY, the 1st day of February, 1875 at Five o'clock in the afternoon punctually, subject to conditions to be then and there produced, two MESSUAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES, with Gardens, Stable, Out- Buildings, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate at NANT, Coedpoeth, and now in the occu- pation of Samuel Williams and William Williams. For further particulars apply to Mr LEWIS JONES, Prince of Wales Inn, Coedpoeth, or to the Auctioneer. 117c Business Announcements. WATCHES WATCHES WATCHES WHITE & CO., WHOLESALE WATCH MANUFACTURERS, 78, TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, LONDON, W.C WATCHES are forwarded free and safe by post to any part, on receipt of Post Office Order, or Banker's Draft payable to White and Co. A Written Guarantee with every Watch. WHITE AND CO'S Celebrated SILVER w WATCHES, Jewelled Movement, ? plate good timekeeper, at 19s 6d, are warranted for three years. WHITE AND CU'S Extra-finished SILVER w WATCHES, at 42 2s., are made in any size, for ladies or gentlemen. They are warranted for five years. The same Watch with double Hunting Case, 10s. extra. WHITE AND Co.'S SPECIALTY is the W well-known and first-class ENGLISH PATENT LEVER WATCH, Capped and Jewelled, made UD under our own superintendence, with heavy solid Silver Cases, at £4 10s., warranted for ten years. The above is made with heavy double Hunting Cases, at 15s. extra. WHITE AND CO'S 18 -CARAT GOLD TV WATCHES, Jewelled Movements, at £ 3s., X4 4s.. to £10, are made in any size for ladies or gentlemen, with richly engraved or enamelled backs, Warranted five years. WHITE AND CO'S GOLD PATENT LEVER W WATCHES, in 18-Carat Cases, from £ 4 10s. to ZCQ-O. Warranted five years. PRESENTATION, Keyless, Chronometer and t_ every kind of WATCHES, made to order at fully one-third less than usually charged. GOLD GUARD CHAINS and ALBERTS, BREAS? PINS, SIGNET and GEM RINGS, BROOCHES a,i?8, EARRINGS, STUD?- LOCKETS. AND ?JPWELLERY of every desiription, Electro-Plate and Cutlery at Wholesale prices. Prize List of every article kept, sent on appli- cation, Post free. WHITE AND CO., 78, TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, LONDON, W.C. 1978f Business Announcements. BERLIN, FLEECY, SHETLAND, ANDULISIAN, FINGERING, EIDER, AND RABBIT WOOLS, IN THE FINEST SHADES AND QUALITY. A large Assortment of SLIPPERS, CUSHIONS, GROUPS, CORDS AND TASSELS, MOSELLA GOODS, BRAIDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also the new BEAU IDEAL EMBROIDERY, FANCY GOODS, in great variety, SATCHELS, PURSES, JEWELLERY, &c., THE MISSES WHITING, 2,-H I G H STREE T—2, WREXHAM. 163e MR MAURICE, SURGEON DENTIST, Lately practising in connection with MR HORATIO JONES, of Shrewsbury, Will attend at Wrexham every THURSDAY and FRIDAY at gthe Wynnstay Hotel for the present. PAINLESS EXTRACTION WITH THE NITROUS OXIDE GAS. Artificial Teeth Guaranteed for Comfort, Durability, and Cheapness. OSWESTRY every Wednesday. 154b SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS, AT ALL PRICES. SPECTACLES FROM IS AND EYE-GLASSES FROM Is 6d AT F R A S E R'Sy 210c HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. BEDS! BEDS!! BEDS! THE largest assortment in North Wales at VENN'S JL BED WAREHOUSE, 42, Hope-street, Wrex- ham. Bed, bolster, and two pillows for lis 6. Wool- len Flocks sold by the pound in large or small quan- tities. Wool Mattresses made to order on the shortest notice. Prime Goose Feather Beds on Sale. Oilskins, Leggings, &c. 202b SEEDS! SEEDS!! YSTRACHAN, Seed Merchant and Nurseryman, Y High-street, Wrexham, has much pleasure in again calling the attention of the public to his un- rivalled selections of kitchen, flower garden, and farm seeds. Catalogues, with prices, on application. 205s MONETARY AND MINING GAZETTE. POST FREE. Every Saturday, in time for the Morning Mails, price 4d., 24 pp., inforln like the" Pall Mall Gazette. THE MONETARY AND MINING GAZETTE, a reliable Trecord and review 9f mining, financial, and all other joint-stock undertakings. 213, Gresham House, Old Broad Street, London, E,C. The MONETARY AND MINING GAZETTE furnishes a compendium of financial, banking, railway, insurance, telegraphic, and mining news. Its leading articles are writton with fearless integ- rity and great ability, and it claims the support of all who are interested in these important matters, and in the expression of an opinion that is well advised and cannot be made mercenary. The leading characteristics of this journal are inde- pendence and truthfulness, and by fidelity to these great principles, it has achieved a success unrivalled in the history of financial journalism. It is regarded as an indispensable guide to all who are desirous of investing. It has an extensive and in- fluential circulation amongst capitalists aud bona fide investors, and is regularly quoted in the leading journals, not only at home, but in Europe and America, as a trustworthy authority on all matters of finance and mining. It fully reports all meetings of mining and joint-stock companies generally. Offices: 213, Gresham House, Old Broad Street, London, E.C. NOW READY, FOR JANUARY, I "WREXHAM ADVERTISER-) RAILWAY, COACH, AND STEAM PACKET GUIDE, For North Wales and adjacent counties, with a new and accurate RAILWAY MAP, Containing full information respecting every Train, Coach, and Steamer in North Wales and the border Counties. PRICE ONE PENNY, MONTHLY. Sold at all Railway Stations and by all Booksellers Sent to any address, per post, for a year, on receipt of 18 Stamps. A few Advertisements can be inserted if sent early Terms on application. SEWING MACHINES BY ALL THE BEST MAKERS. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. INSTRUCTIONS FREE. Machines Cleaned, Repaired, and Adjusted. ALL KINDS OF SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES IN STOCK. S. S OTHERS, 3, HENBLAS-STREET, WREXHAM. N.B. A few first-class second-hand Machines in Stock suitable for shoemakers and tailors. 630e WELSH PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. THE Directors are prepared to entertain applica- JL tions for LOANS on MORTGAGE, on the terms shewn in the rules of the Society (certified as being equitable by Arthur Scratchley, Esq., M.A.), and copies of which may be obtained on application to the Secretary, Mr GLASCODINE, Temple-row, Wrex- ham. 2360e .CQ?K 000' have been paid since 1849 237,5 9000 through the Offices, 7, Bank- buildings, London, E.C., for broken limbs and other injuries, fatal and non-fatal, for accidents of every de- scriptio ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED) FOR General Accidents. I Personal Injuries. Railway Accidents. ) Death by Accidents: £1,000 at Death for Xi los. a Year. Y.6 a Week for £2 a Year. £1,000 at Death, and.96 a Week for £3 a Year. All Accidents Covered. Manager. CHARLES HARDING, ESQ. Insurances may be effected at once. Prospectuses and lists of claims paid forwarded Post free on Appli- cation at the Offices, 7, BANK BUILDINGS, Lothbury, London, E.C.; or to Mr. J. GLADSTONE, 9,Temple-row, and Mr. J. BAUGH, Temple Chambers, Wrexham, Agents. 1821 Ao F OULKES) AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, Land and Mining Surveyor and Valuer, RHOSYMEDRE, RUABON. 2090 Business Announcements. WINDER SALE. JJRIGHT AND LEGGE Beg to(announce their HALF YEARLY SALE At Reduced Prices 'to effect a clearance before Stocktaking. Amongst others, particular at- tention is invited to the following Depart- ments :— SILKS.—A large lot of plain and fancy, in dress lengths, at half-price. COSTUMES.—Silk and Material, French pat- terns, at half the cost. MANTLES.—Sealskin and other Furs will be cleared, at a reduction, and all French patterns, at cost price. TABLE LINEN.—Slightly soiled., Manufac- turers' patterns will boaelil at 25 per cent. under usual price. COLOURED DRESS MATERIALS. The whole of the Stock will be offered during the sale, at cosf.Wrice. SHAWLS. A number of Knitted Wool Wraps, suitable for in-door and evening wear, at half-price; and all the Winter Shawls, at a great reduction. FURS.—Muffs and Collarettes in sable tails, seal, skunk, &c., at a reduction, and all Light Furs at less than half-price. MOURNING COSTUMES AND SKIRTS.— All at reduced prices, up to 30th inst. BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 128s PATRONISED BY THE ARISTOCRACY OF EUROPE. P H I L L I P S Elegant Preparation for the Hair, INDIAN Z E LIN. This beautiful Exotic Oil possesses the fol- lowing peculiar and valuable properties:- It imparts to the hair a splendid gloss with a most delicious perfume. It gives to the hair a very dark appearance, and by its use light air is made to appear many shades darker, and light red hair as- sumes a rich golden auburn tint. It speedily restores weak or thin hair, and causes it to grow with the most rapid luxuri- ance. It fixes the hair in any position for a great length of time in the hottest apartments, and by its use Bandoline and Cosmetiques may be entirely dispensed with. It is invaluable to those who wear the hair curled, whilst to Volunteers who wish for a military appear- ance, it is particularly recommended. Indian Zelin has since its introduction into England rapidly superseded all other oils and pomades for beautifying and nourishing the hair, and is now almost exclusively used by the aristocracy in England and the Colonies. Sold by most Chemists and Perfumers, in bottles, at 23 3d each. Wrexham By Mr J. F. Edisbury, and Mr Rowland, High-street, Chemists-i 2113rs P. AND W. MACLELLAN, CLUTHA IRON WORKS, Warehouse-58, Dale-street, Liverpool, FENGINEERS, Iron and Hardware Merchants, Makers of Railway and Mining Plant, iron houses, roofs and bridges,- team engines and pumps, engineers' machinery and tools, cranes, winches, screw jacks, pulley blocks, spades and shovels, bolts and nuts, rivets, india-rubber sheets, hose and belting, Asbesto's and other steam packing, and mechanical appliances, and stores of all kinds. 2236s Education. MODERN LANGUAGES. MONS. RIEUNIER, for 14 years engaged in Teaching in the principal schools in the neigh- bourhood, attends Wrexham on Tuesdays and Satur- days. For terms, apply to Mr PRYCE-JONES, Grove Park School, Wrexham; or to Mons. R., JENA HAUS, Go- bowen, near Oswestry. 204a EDUCATION. WY.NNSTAY HOUSE SCHOOL, KING STREET, WREXHAM. MRS. SIMMS begs to Inform the inhabitants of 1TJL Wrexham and its neighbourhood that she has undertaken the superintendence of the above old- established Ladies' School (for many years conducted by the late Miss Sadler), and trusts by unremitting attention to inspire her Pupils with a desire for intellectual improvement. The mode of instructio* will possess the leading features of the most approved systems. Prospectuses, <&c., on application. The School will Re-ope n January 27th, 1875. January 16th, 1875. J 11 le —————— MR E. B. SIMMS, Organist of the Parish i Church, Wrexbam, and Professor of Music at the College, Chester, will Resume his Organ, Pianoforte, Harmonium, and Sing- ing Lessons on THURSDAY, the 28th In- stant. 1, King-street, Wrexham, 112s Jan. 14th, 1875. GROSVENOR-ROAD, WREXHAM. ESTABLISHMENTforYOUNGLADIES, conducted by Mrs and Miss Wilson. Vacancies for Two Boarders; an Articled Pupil required. The next Quarter will commence on Wednesday, January 27th. 116s IRWELL HOUSE SCHOOL, ABERYSTWITH. THE REV. LLEWELYN EDWARDS BA. OF LINCOLN COLLEGE, OXFORD, GRADUATE IN HONOURS. IV CRIVES TWELVIS BOARDERS and a few Day Pupils to prepare for Matriculation at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Aberystwith, and London, or to fit them for Professional and Com- mercial pursuits. Special arrangements made with Students reading for degrees. INSTITUTION OF LANGUAGES 19, WHITEFRIARSJ CHESTER. PRO. W. GEORGES-SCHLEINITZ J. Late French and Classical Master at the Military Academy, Berlin; Appointed Succesaor to Mons. Junod; FRENCH AND GERMAN MASTER 4T Birkenhead College, Birkenhead; Miss Jones's Ladies' School, Birkenhead; Miss Gatchell's LadieiP School, Birkenhead. Fairfield Classical and Commercial School, Liverpool. Princes's Park School, Liverpool; Mrs Wilson's Ladise School, Wrexham; Miss Monies' Ladies' jegchool, Great Crosby; and at several first-eiiiis Schools in Chester. ■ 1 > Professor Georges-Schl"tz teaches on the method now adopted for several years past by the German, Swiss, and Russian Government Schools, and which has in these countries proved so highly successful with respect to its practioal results. In France the same method has been recently introduced into all Public Schools by order of the Government. Principals of the Schools where Professor Georges- Schleinitz teaches in Lancashire, Cheshire, and Wales, and his numerous Private Pupils, acknowledge that this method has produced higher and more practical results than those generally arrived at by any other system. Children may begin at a very early age, deriv- ing substantial advantages from it; and as Professor Georges-Schleinitz applies his system to whatever text-books are already in use, no further change in them is needed. Prospectus with terms and references on applica- tion to above address, or to Mra Wilson's School, 14, Grosvenor Road; Wrexham. 74c Business Announcements. SELLING OFF! I M ME NSE REDUCTION IN PB I CE. I. Williams, COEDPOETH, BEGS to return sincere thanks to his Friends and the Public for past favours, and to inform them that he is retiring from business, and Selling Off the whole of his Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Ironmongery, &c, at a very great reduction in price. Shop to Let, with or without Fixtures. 102s PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO We beg to give Notice that we are offering RAW PERUVIANGOVERNMENTGUANO&. AS IMPORTED, AND DISSOLVED PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUNO, Treated with Sulphuric Acid under our control. AT MESSRS. OHLENDORFF & CO.'S WORKS, PLAISTOW, VICTORIA DOCK, GUARANTEED TO CONTAIN Nitrogen equal to 10 per Cent. Non-Volatile Ammonia, 20 per Cent. of Soluble ) Guano Phosphate 4 per Cent. of Insoluble ? Guano Phosphate, Prepared in a fine powdery and dry condition. Both per Ton in Bags Gross Weight at our Depots, Victoria Dock. Terms Cash. Further particulars can be obtained and orders executed through the local Guano Dealers, or from the Depot at Birkenhead, under the control of J. H. SCHRODER & Co., Peruvian Department, 12, Rumford Place, 87e LIVERPOOL. WATCHESJ, CLOCKS, AND JEWELLERY. D. D. PIERCE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, HENBLAS-STREET (ADJOINING THE VEGETABLE MARKET;, WREXHAM, HAS a well-selected stock of the above: Silver Geneva Watches varying in prices from £1103 to.£3 5s I.. Gold ditto, from C3 10s to S7 10s Gentlemen's Gold Levers from £5 to X. 14 Silver LeverlWatches from £3 10s to Y.7 a variety of Gold, Silver, and Plated Chains, Lockets, &-e,, &e. every description of Hall, Kitchen, and Bedroom Clocks, from 6s to E7; Barometers from 25s to 50s; Barometer and Clock combined, 70s; Spectacles and Eye Glasses, to suit all sights, at Is, Is 6d, 2s, 2s 6d, 3s, and upwards. Every watch and clock warranted, from twelve months to five years, and exchanged in one month if not approved of. WEDDING RINGS, 10 per cent. off; and a serviceable present. NOTE THE ADDRESS HENBLAS-STREET (ADJOINING VEGETABLE MARKET), WREXHAM. Imla Entertainments and Meetings. A GRAND AMATEUR CONCERT WILL BE HELD IN THE PUBLIC HALL, WREXHAM, ON FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5th, 1875, Under the following Distinguished Patronage: THE DUCHESS OF WESTMINSTER, LADY GEORGIANA PEEL, HON. MRS. STAPLETON COTTON, HON. GEORGIANA KENYON, LADYWILLIAMS WYNN, LADY CUNLIFFE, MRS. YORKE, MRS MIDDLETON BIDDULPH, MRS PEEL, MRS MAINWARING, MRS TOWNSHEND MAINWARING, MRS BOSCAWEN GRIFFITH, MRS LONSDALE, MRS BALFOUR, THE MAYORESS OF WREXHAM, MRS OVERTON, MRS WALKER, MRS LEWIS, THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G., SIR W. WILLIAMS WYNN, M.P. SIR ROBERT CUNLIFFE, BART., HON. G. KENYON, HON. G. COTTON, S. YORKE, ESQ. OSBORNE MORGAN, ESQ., M.P. BOSCAWEN GRIFFITH, ESQ., A. PEEL, ESQ., T. MAINWARING, ESQ., A. BALFOUR, ESQ., THE MAYOR OF WREXHAM, W. OVERTON, ESQ., PETER WALKER, ESQ., JOHN LEWIS, ESQ., The following 1a.diesand Gentlemen have kindly offered their assistance :-The Hon. Mrs Stapleton Cotton, Miss Flint, Miss Lovatt, Miss Fontaine, Mrs Boscawen Griffith, Mis3 Swetenham, Mr Thorley, the Rev. J. Michael, and others. ———— Stalls, 7s 6d Body of the Hall, 5s GaUery, 2s. Plan of the room, and Tickets, to be had at Miss Whitings, High-street, Wrexham. THE PROCEEDS OF THE CONCERT WILL BE GIVEN IN AID OF MRS WHITE'S ORPHAN HOME. 197 WREXHAM HARE AND HOUNDS CLUB. THE First ANNUAL DINNER of the above Club J. will be held at the Lion Hotel, Hope-street, on TUESDAY, February 9th, 1875, at 6.30 p.m. Members can obtain tickets from the Hon. Sec. on or before February 3rd, after which date no tickets will be sold. JAMES S. CRAWFORD, 180a Hen. Sec. GEGIN. SHOOTING MATCH, MINERA, postponed from December 26th, will take place on the above ground on Monday, the 25th inst., at 11 a.m. 106f READINGS AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENTS, Under the Direction of MR EDWIN H ARRISS) CORN EXCHANGE, WREXHAM. THE NEXT ENTERTAINMENT of the series will be held on MONDAY EVENING, the 1st of February, and will be continued fortnightly. PRESIDENT FOR THE EVENING: EDWARD WILLIAMS, ESQUIRE., M.D. READERS: Mr Robert Williams, Mr T. H. Richards (Chirk), and Mr G. Bradley. VOCALISTS: MISS MONKHOUSE, Re-engaged by Special request. Miss Richards (Chirk), Misa Constance, Mr W. S. Wilson. Mr TOM BLEASDALE (Manchester), Mr T. Jones (Rhosymedre), Mr T. Houghton, Master Chas. Harriss (his last appearance). INSTRUMENTALISTS Violin: Miss D. Hayes; piano Miss Heywood, and Mr Edwin Harriss. Admission Threepence; Balcony, Sixpence Re- served Chairs (principal entrance) One Shilling. Doors open at Half-past Seven, entertainment to com- mence at eight o'clock. Will ladies and gentlemen who are willing to assist in the Readings or Musical part of these Entertain- ments kindly inform Mr Harriss. 2464b ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH, A LE C T U R E Will be delivered by MISS CHARLOTTE HAYES, Of Gatewen, in the TOWN HALL, WREXHAM, On behalf of the Funds now being raised for the pro- posed New CHURCH of ESCLUSHAM, subject:- PRINCE CHARLES STUART." CHAIRMAN:—REV. CANON CUNLIFFE. Further particulars will be given in future adver. tisements. 207r FITZALAN LODGE, 1432. ❖ A JJASONIC B A L L Will be held at the VICTORIA ROOMS, OSWESTRY, In aid of the Local and Masonic Charities, on FRIDAY, the 19th of February, 1875. Further particulars will appear. 214a pURE AERATED WATERS. ELLIS'S RUTHIN WATERS, SODA, POTASS, SELTZER, LEMONADE, LITHIA, and for GOUT, LITHIA and POTASS. Corks branded R. Ellis & Son, Ruthin," and every label bears their trade mark. Sold everywhere, and wholesale of R ELLIS & SON, RUT H IN, 646g NORTH WALES. FRUIT TREES FRUIT TREES A Few hundred fine standard fruit-bearing Apple and Pear TREES yet on hand, 50s. per 100. A sample dozen free on rails on receipt of P.O.O. for 7s. Must be cleared off in a month. Address, T.J.HARRISON, Nurseryman, Farndon' Chester. 45e DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY, MESSRS. W. & C. BROWN & CO. Will offer, preparatory to stock-taking, the whole of their Stock of Mantles, Jackets, Costumes, made-up Dresses and Skirts, at a considerable reduction in price. Their Stock of Black Silks being much heavier than usual (owing to their having pur- chased extensively when silk3 were at their lowest), will also be offered at reduced rates, in order to decrease it before the 1st of Feb. ruary. BALL DRESSES In Silk, TuUe, Tarlatane, and Gaze Argentee, also a variety of Bugled Net Tabliers, with Cuirasse Jackets,- and other novelties for evening wear. Patterns sent free by Post. SILK MERCERS TO THE QUEEN AND H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. Chester, January lst.1875. 331a Public and Legal Notices. THE "COMING x- AND THE "SILIAD:- THE Gentleman who borrowed the above from the Advertiser Office, will oblige by returning them at once. Plaakynanton Foundry, January 21st, 1875. I sincerely beg to thank all those kind friends JL who gave their valuable services in extinguishing the Fire at the Foundry on Wednesday night. 182s W. H. HUGHES. — MR JOHN JONES (DECEASED). ALL Persons having CLAIMS against the Estate of John Jones, late of the Beehive, Mold, in the county of Flint, gentleman, deceased, are requested forthwith to send in particulars of the same, and all persons INDEBTED to his Escate are requested forthwith to pay in their accounts. The Beehive, Mold, 20th January, 1875. 167a TAKE NOTICE, that 1. ROBERT JARVIS, col- tier, Rhos, will NOT be responsible for any Debts contracted by my wife, Harriet Jar vis, after this ta. Signed, ROBERT JARVIS. Witness, EDWARD ELLIS, Campbetll-street. Rhos, January 21st, 1875. ISia A YEARLY SICK SOCIETY, To be held at the ROYAL SHIP INN, YO RKE-STREET, WREXHAM. THE FIRST MEETING to ENROLL MEMBERS iL and ELRCT OFFICERS, MONDAY, January 25th, 1875, at Eight p.m. Members admitted up tat 50 years of age. Entrance—One Shilling.* Funds to be divided yearly. RuV s, &c., on application. 175a MR T. T. GRIFFITH'S PORTRAIT FUND. £ s. d. Subscriptions previously announced 10 S Mr Ingham, Queen-street 1 1 0 Mrs Davies, Elephant and Castle Inn, Charles-street. 1 0 « Mr Edwin H. Williams, assistant overseer 0 10 0 Mr Strachan, surveyor 0 10 8 Mr Evans, Inifrmary 0 10 S Mrs Lumsden, Hessle, HuU 1 1 I) J6314 3 6 The Subscription List will be closed on the 1st of February next. The Committee will thank subscribers to pay thEt amount of their subscriptions to either the North and South Wales Bank, National Provincial Bank, Trea- surer, or the Honorary Secretary, 206a J. G. BUCKTON. COUNTY COURT EQUITABLE JURISDICTION. Pursuant to an Order of the County Court of Den- bighshire, holden at Wrexham and Llangollen, made in a suit, Eyton v. Smith and another. WHEREAS, MARY SMITH, formerly of AI- V T threy, in the county of Flint, spinster, de- ceased, in and by her last will and testament, dated the Thirtieth day of November, 1846, gave, devised" and bequeathed, on the death of her (Testatrix's) sister, Emma Parsonage, then the wife of John Par- sonage (since deceased), all the share and interest of the said Emma Parsonage of and in her (Testatrix's) real and personal estate unto her (Testatrix's) brother, Edward Smith (since deceased), and her (Testatrix's) sisters, Margaret Jones (since deceased) and the said plaintiff, Letitia Eyton and their heirs, share and share alike as tenants in common. All persons claiming to be entitled to the sum of £96 4s 5d, and interest thereon (being the share and interest of the said Emma Parsonage as aforesaid), or toany part thereof are, on or before the eighth day of February, 1875, by their solicitors to come in and prove their respective claims thereto, at the Chambers of the Registrar of the said Court, situate at 3, Tem- ple-row, Wrexham, aforesaid, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit; of the said order. Monday, the eight day of February, 1875, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the said offices of the said Registrar, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating upon the said claims. Dated this 16th day of January, 1875. AUGUSTUS H. REID, 159es Registrar. NORTHERN BANK, WREXHAM? Open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 to 3 p.m., On Thursdays from 10 to 6 p.m. On Saturdays 10 to 1 and 6 30 to 8 30 p.m. 1846a PROSPECTUS OF THE NORTHERN BANK AT MANCHESTER, AND AT WREXHAM, DENBIGHSHIRE. Banker: MR WILLIAM CONNOR, 1, Ridgefield, Manchester* and Wrexham. London Agents CITY AND COUNTY BANK, LIMITED, 33, Ab. church Lane, E.C. Solicitors MR CHARLES HENRY SIMPSON, 44, Kennedy. street, Manchester. MR WILLIAM SHERRATT, Wrexham. Notary MR WILLIAM SHERRATT, Wrexham. Auditor MR LEE SPEAKMAN, 13, Briton Buildingsu York-street, Manchester. Banks: ONE, RIDGEFIELD. MANCHESTER. REGENT STREET, WREXHAM. TO DEPOSITORS. THE advantage to. depositors with this Bank 19 JL that they receive interest at a fixed uniform rate every six months, which by many is considered preferable to the fluctuating rates of interest bankers usually allow, and this Bank having a large number of depositors who prefer private individual enterprise and a steady rate of interest to limited and such com pames, paying sometimes a large rate of interest to shareholders only, the Principal is hereby enabled to ntimate that this Bank Pays permanently interest as ollows ON MONEY DEPOSITED For 12 months, six per centum per annum. For 2 years, seven-and-a-half ditto. For 3 years and upwards, eight ditto. ?f? ? °°??  withdrawal of deposits over £ •c™10n0, w but arrangements can be ? ? deposif4 may be withdrawn immediately. CUSTOMERS. On .current balances arising, five per centum per an- num mterest 18 allowed, when the balance in hand runs over a month. Moreover, this Bank oners most reasonable facilities to parties having trade accounts here for over drafts upon very equitable terms: and is especially of great benefit to that class of business where acceptances are taken, as the Bank discounts others. large or smaJI amounts for customers and BILLS ADVISED In due course, or by noting or telegram. Dividend Pensions, and Annuities collected. Customers' Secu- rities taken charge of, and all other banking business transacted upon equitable terms. TO FARMERS. The Wrexham Branch of this Bank has a steady in. creasing class of Farmers' Accounts, and is especmll:t adapted for this class of business. BANKING HOURS. At the Wrexham Branch on Mondays, Tuesday Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 10 to 3 o'clock Thurs: days from 10 to 6 o'clock; Saturdays from 10 to 1 o'clock; and for the convenience of country cus- tomers, the Bank is also open from half-past six to half past eight on Saturday evenings only. PROSPECTUSES And Copy Testimonials may be had Derson&nv or by ak3'i!' RldSefield. MS?'and S RHe^genntt-^strrpe^ et, Wrexham. September, 1874. 18468 Why burn bad oil when you can get A-l CRYSTAL OIL, the finest Oil produced. There is none equal to it for— COLOUR, SAFETY, FREEDOM FROM SMELL, AND BEAUTIFUL WHITE LIGHT. Be not deceived by traders pretending to seUA-1 CRYSTAL OIL, but see that you get "STRANGE'S" A-l CRYSTAL OIL. AGENTS FOR— Wrexham, ALFRED OWEN, High-street, Oswestry, THOMAS and WHITFIELD, Ironmongers. Newtown, WM. FRANCIS, Ironmonger, Welshpool, F. PUGH JONES, Chemist, Shrewsbury, ALLTREEand LEA, Castle-street, Chester, PETERS and HUGHES, 103, Eastgate-str«-* WHOLESALE ONLY-S. TUDOR & SONS, White Lead Manufacturers, 1833c 17, CeUege mil, London, E.CL