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1 5 by Messrs. Baugh & Jones, Sa e NOTICE. I ,.tF ? the KING'S HEAD, MOSS, near 1':¡ h'' advertised for the 12th inst., is POST- ',lrl'l :l!l1, ?? JONES, Solicitor. ''?.. OIl t 1' mJ:ii; {'l)" ?  PROPERTY IN WREXHAM, DEN- >HO lH(j.HSHlllE. í.;OLD bv ACCTlO by MESSRS BAUGH 1 Ti ^,1'noNES: at the Green Man Inn,Wrexham, i T the ?'t? '??' ? September, 1ÛD, at 5 I '? ?the afternoon, (unless previously disposed of ? ?. trcatv. of which due notice will be gIvn,) in  ?°? !.3t? as shaH he agreed upon at the time of l1J' cct to conditions to be then and there pro- -?r t?' several MESSUAGES or DWELLING ? ?? ?\ith the yards and appurtenances, thereunto :u'" .J TIT I f 1 • V^ituate in Penvbryn, in Wrexham, aforesaid 'In", f '1 Ed 1 L 1, r^ pectivc occupations of Mr Edward Lamb, ;:1 t 1<' l ?' K bvtr'l Roberts. ""f r'her particulars apply to Mr T. B. Acton, so- J,. I' 00- •r-; ?Kxl?m, or the auctioneers. 905 j HEXHAM SMITHFIELD MONTHLY FAIRS. I-JSSRS. BAUGH & JONES beg to announce H init their next sale of Fat and Store Cattle, Horses, and Implements in Husbandry, f"'l"ike place in the above Smitlitield, on Thursday, r b of October, 1864, where they are prepared mxil accommodation for such stock as their friends 'fiv ir tin-in with. already entered:— on Prime Fat Sheep S vend Fresh Barrens A number of useful Farming Implements l-j sach other stock as may be entered up to the ofsile. Sale at 10 o'clock. 0ffice-Chester and Wrexham. Sales by Mr Richards. ZlY AT ERBISTOCK, NEAR OVERTON BRIDGE, FLINTSHIRE. 1I1: 11ICHVRDS has been instructed to SELL fjï AUCTION, (without reserve), on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12th, 18G4, the whole of the FURNITURE, DONKEY CART and 1IARS, and other effects, the property of the late EL!ZAI:KTH PEMISERTON, deceased. fu FrnITl-RE comprises-Chairs, tables, (capi- ■ single), corner cupboard, china, glass, one dozen Il-a spoons brown ware, kettles, saucepans, &c.; _t clock in oak case, crimping machine, quick other irons, brass candlesticks, iron stool and fenders, tire-irons, stove, bedsteads, chaff beds, Oi-r ditto, bed linen, dressing tables, wash-stand and • -ice. toilet glass, oak chest, ditto chest of drawers, .1 wardrobe, bedroom chairs, mahogany card table, I stools; family bible, pictures, <tc. washing tubs, 'll. ut ironing tables, &c.. &c. C.VI'ITAL DONKEY CART AND GEARS. Sale at One o'clock, punctually. ,ic-.—Hope street, Wrexham, Sept. 7, 1861. 912 SALE AT No. 21, BEAST MARKET, WREXHAM.  RICHARDS has been commissioned bv a J Gentleman who is leaving the Town, to SELL M AUCTION, ou TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, :,A. the whole of his HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, r Kitchen, Parlour. A; Bedroom purposes, comprising: In PARLOUR—Fernler and Fire-irons, Six cane- ■ ltrd Chairs, Rocking do., Easy do., in Leather, Tabic, Papier Muche Do., Couch, hair-seated, Side-board, Set of Trays, Set of China, T JOUUI Lille igrapli, in gilt frame (approach of Simoon) aril>ul,Yi in nitt ,10., Pair of French do., Paratine Lamp. In liEDltUOMS.—Half Tester, and other Iron 'iidi-teails. Mattresses, Feather Beds and Bolsters, i)!v.».-i!ii,' Wash-t.nd and Services, Mahogany v'■>{ "f Drawers, Cane-seated Chairs, Toilet Glasses, Vo ter C!i;r, Carpets, Fenders, Arc. l. KITCHEN—Fender and Ash Pans, Brass and other uvilvsticks, sundry Tins, Six Kitchen Chairs, Couch, 'iv Clock, Book Shelf, Mat and Oil Cloth, Clothes Willow Crockery. LALK KITCHEN and YARD.—Saucepans, Kettle, v:.vs Ski llet, Dutch Ovens, and other Tins, Brown !:<». SI >p Can, and Coal Box, Rain Tub, Arc., ite. s..1., to Commence at One for Two, punctually. —Hope street, Wrexham, Sept. 7th, 18b 1. 018 Sale by Messrs Hill and Son. HOUSE, NEAR LLANGOLLEN. ,111) BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. i HILL A SON, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. lsti-i, on the above Premises, the whole of the Wlsome modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, •;t-n and culinary requisites, dairy utensils, capital »ii pony, 1;) hands high, steady in harness, yearling liaiidsome basket pony carriage, harness, imple- pis of husbandry, about 80 Welsh sheep (part fat), iuuidsoino Avrshire cows, 1 yearling, and 2 calves, sack of barley, garden tools and other effects, of Jas. Lightfoot, Esq., who is leaving the ilii'Dinliood. to coiniuence punctually at 11 o'clock, in conse- -m-e of the number of Lots. ^itnlo,'ues may be obtained at the Hand and Royal t. Llangollen; Wynnstav Arms Hùtl, Huabõn; ?'?J'.vr Hotel, Corweu Hand Hotel. Chirk; and at UD:.ces of Messrs. Hu.l A?D SON, The Lymos, .h; y l'istill is situate 2 miles from Llangollen oil load to Ruthin. The HOUSE and LAND to be LET. 909 j ,n. Sale by Mr. T- Roberts- -_r- SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. '-LUARLE FREEHOLD FARM, A- MINERALS, AT DUDLESTON, SALOP. \P'- lh (BERTS begs to announce that he has b?en  ?; 't?d to offer for SALE BY PRIVATE <t.rry, a very compact and valuable FREEHOLD ? called Pen-y-brvn," situate on the side of the ? ? pee, in ihe T¿wnhip of Dwlksbn, containing I 1 ]. f "'r acres of Laud, and now in the holding of Mr. lh-berts %'vtJier with all the MINES and MINERALS tlie same, and which is understood to extend ¡.li¡I/lllt. IV'tjM i-tv nearly adjoins the Coedyralt Collfei' ,vitl,i:i one mile Of Ifton Colliery," where a Itailc is carried on and the Coal under this Pro- i Ulieved to ]>e of all the usual valuable Seams, •'to tin- Let Welsh Coals. i 'l!e-haJf of the purchase money may remain for I :,u!/ears upon Sccmity of the 1 feijant will show the Property, and foi-particu-j ^l-d to h. :tt for sutuc :? ply to Mr. Rf.hn'T?, t'JIJ '}' 1 I ??'<r:.ud Land Agent. Ovcrt?n, f wt: un. t ,? HtM. osa "h. I,') -= I J. STEVENS, I: A D AND BISCUIT BAKER, ^r. HOP £ -STI:KET, J?j-??. S t.. c?tl the attention ,£ the Gentry an ?'i.hh:U)ts 01 the Imnl and Vn-;un y to tue f:? -?Li;Y VARIETY OF BISCUITS are mann- 1 (di the premises -'?' ?d iiJVUnas' Biscuits. Best Scotch Oatmca m Stock. 85 to he advanced upon Freehold :"id Leasehold, at :> and 5 per cent inte.-est. Also lj r"iial securities iu town or country, in sums of than Apply to W. Bnn: & Co., Civil 1 ,J C"t 7, Union Court, Old Broad Street, City. j No procuration fee charged. l Legal and Public Notices. PUBLIC NOTICE. THE IRONMONGERS OF WREXHAM intend -L CLOSING their respective Places of Business ¡ t SEVEN o'clock p.m. (excepting on Thursdays and Saturdays), during the Winter Months, commencing October 2nd, 1804. (Signed) JOHN GITTINS, EVAN POWELL, ALFRED OWEN, ROBT. O. JONES, JOHN DOLBEY, )2 DAVID HUMPHREYS. DRAINAGE WORKS. THE Board of Gardians of the Wrexham Union in- JL vite Tenders from Builders, Contractors, and others for executing the drainage works and supplying J all the material necessary for connecting the drains of the Union Workhouse with the sewers of the Borough of Wrexham at Pentrefelin, according to plans and specifi- 1 cations, prepared by T. Layland, Esq., architect, which may be seen on and after Wednesday next, the 7th inst., on application to Mr Storey, clerk of the works at the Wrexham Workhouse. The works will have to be performed in a satisfactory manner and under the direction of the Local Surveyor, and T. Layland Esq., architect. Sealed Tenders to be sent to me before 12 o'clock on Thursday the 15th inst. The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest tender. By order of the Board, JOHN BURY, Clerk. Wrexham, Sept. 1st, 1864. 902 WREXHAM UNION. CONTRACT FOR PROVISIONS, &c. THE Guardians of the above Union are desirous of _L receiving TENDERS from Persons willing to contract for supplying the Wrexham Workhouse with Clothing, Shoes, and Coffins, for the half year ending 25tli March, 18G5, and also for any of the undermen- tioned Articles, for the Quarter ending 2oth December next, viz:— Flour, best seconds and fine, per sack of 240 Ibs. Best Oatmeal, ditto. Peas, best boiling, at per bushel of ûOJùs. Butter at per lb. Potatoes, per measure of 00 lbs. Tea, at per lb. Coffee, at per lb. Treacle, at per lb. Cocoa, at per lb. Sugar, brown and lump nt per 1b each. Rice at per cwt. Soda and Starch at per Ib each. Soap, brown and soft, ditto. Dip Candles at per lb. Beef and Mutton at per lb each. Coals at per cwt. Sealed Tenders, accompanied by samples in all cases when practicable, must be sent to the Workhouse, be- fore Ten o'clock on Thursday, the 22nd day of Septem- her inst., endorsed u Tenders for Contracts." Payments Quarterly. JOHN BURY, Clerk to the Union. Wrexham, Sept. 1st, 18M 8'). TENDERS FOR ERECTING SCHOOLS AND j MASTER'S RESIDENCE, AT PEN-Y-CAE, NEAR RUABON. npHE Plans and Speciiioatinns can be seen at the A Office of the Architect, Air. Wm. Turner, Queen- street, Wrexham. Tenders to be sent to Rev. E. W. Edwards, ltuabon Vicarage, on or before the 19th inst. The Committee do not bind themsvlve3 to accept the lowest or any other tender. Quantities furnished. 004 I! O R O U G H- OF OSWESTIi Y. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT. THE TOWN COUNCIL of thi- Borough, requiring jL a SURVKY0R (who will a1,1I till the Office of Inspector of Nuisances), at a salarv of and a COLLECTOR OF RATES, to be puid 4d. in the pound on the amount collected, invit applications by Candidates, accompanied by Testimonials, to he sent iu on or before the 10th day of September next. addressed Tu the Town Cleric, Oswestry," from whom particulars of the several duties may be obtained. Any Candidate who shall canvass any Member of the Council will be disqualified. Bv Order, lIEXny DAVIES, Town Clerk's Ofiiec, Town Clerk. Oswestry, August 009 CHIRK AND ST. MARTIN S HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. n HE Tenth ANNUAL MEETING of the above Society will be held at Chirk, on Friday, the 2:d A military band will bo in attend- ance. For particulars see smail bills. THOS. H. RICHARDS, Hon. Sec, Chirk, Aug. 25th, lSiil. 871 WREXHAM FLORAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. PKKSIDEXT SIR W. W. WYNN, RUlT., M.P. rrHE AUTUMN FLOWER SHOW of the above Society will beheld in GtinvE PAT:K. Wrexham, on WEDNESDAY, SKPTKMBKU 11th, 19«4, at which will be exhibited FLOWERS, PLANTS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, and FIELD ROOTS. Prizes will be given to Claras of Exhibitors. Competition is earnestly invited, especially frcm Cot- tagers the latter ma" y exhibit free of charge. The Band of the Royal Denbigh Militia will be in attendance. Admission to Members at 2 o'clock on presentation of and Is. between the hours of -I and Coti tgers from 1 to G o'clock, 3d. each. Children and Schools Half-price. Tickets may be had of the Wrexham Stationers Mr. J. FHANLTS, and Mr. Y. STI:AC \X, Seedsmen; and of the Secretary, who will supply Prize Lists, with Rules, &'c., on application. Subscriptions for the current year due and payable to CHARLES OLDHAM, Honorary Secretary. N.R.—The Trains of the Givai W^ter i lfailway Com- pany will run to Wrexham, fallow.- :—Leave Rirkeu- lica(1 at 7-10. thy, 9-50, 11-10 a.m., and l-J-o p.m.; leav- ing Shrewsbury, at 0-45, -S-25. l')-2 ). 11-55, a.m., and ing Shrewsbury, at <i-45, S-). 1'2 ). 11-??, a. m and 2-?0 p.m.. stopping at tho Intermediate t!1dOnS as per Co:n?ny's Tn.? Bill. Fir-t and Second CL?s Pass?n- gers by these Trains for the Exhibition will be booked at Sl.LE FAI:I:S for the Djr?L?; Jo??rY. S?i TENTS TENTS TENT:? Ill ON HIRE, a first-?i i-s IRON TENT, suitable for 7 Bow Meetings, Flower Shows. Clab Fcrrns. Tea I. t "v. .t _1.do 11 f'" ",) 'P Yr' Parties, Jtc., capable of dhriu? Persons. Tevuij moderate.-—Applv at the W rexaaiu. 1. W.3  3 DRAINS: D il A HUGH DAVIES, B r I L D K U A X D l: V V o n nT."('¡; t f t" 'Ir f n. BEGS to inform tho :h:\biof the Boroug" h of A3 Wrexham, th:tt he prepsivd ij contract for the making of Drains, to connect Private Preaiises with the Public sew ei >, in aat-f.eci.jat a;il ecjiioinical manner I 'I., .> .¡:, t: and in accordance -?t:i the re ?-?.?-i:. of the Local Government Act. 29, HOPE STREET, WnExmn. 911 "l. ,1: HARMONIUMS FOR CHURCHES, CHAPELS, SCHOOL ROOMS, &c. THESE Instruments are much superior to small i Organs for Places of Worship, as they seldom get out of order, are cheap and light, and arc ea:il- moved about. PItiCE5 IN MAHOGANY OR OAK, CARRIAGE FREE TO ANY RAILWAY STATION IX WALKS A L r> r. 8 ■) ucuives zi) IUS. 1 H Stops 8 0 5- I1 9 0 « :stops.. ZE I I Os. i 10 „ i-i o do (knee action) solid Oak IG 0 IU Mops (knee action), Rosewood or Walnut, t A VERY FIXE INSTRUMENT 18 0 The 3 Stop Prize Medal Harmonium, with folding pedals, in elegant Rosewood, for the Drawing 120 Prices of Harmoniums, with 12, 14, and 1G Stops, two rows of keys, &c., to be had on application. MOLINEUX it SON" PIANO-FORTE AND HARMONIUM DEALERS. 87, JOHN DALTOS STREET, MAXCHESTER. 8G1 GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. TOURIST TICKETS, available for ONE MONTH', -L are now issued from WREXHAM, and most ot the principal Stations on this Railway, to Weston- Super-Mare, Williton, Watcliett, Minehead, T'vnmouth, Lynton, Ilfracombe, Exeter, Danlish, &c., Arc. MONDAY" EXCURSIONS TO BIRKENHEAD, LIVERPOOL. & THE ISLE OF MAN. Oil MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, and every JNDAY until further notice EXCURSION TRAINS will leave CHIRK at 8-10, RliAEO 8-25, and WREXHAM 8-40 a.m., for BIRKENHEAD and LIVERPOOL, and the ISLE OF MAS, per one of the Isle of Man Steamers, leaving the landing stage, Liverpool, at 12 o'clock each day. Fares for the Double Journey, 4s. and 2s., to Birkenhead or Liverpool, returning the same day; 7s. and 3s. Gd. to Birkenhead or Liverpool, allow- ing eight days and 13s. and 6s. 6d. to the Isle of Man, allowing from one to fourteen days. ¡ The Trains also stop at other Stations. For further particulars see Programmes and Bills, which may be had gratis at any of the above Stations. 7Ui EXCUSION TO LONDON. ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, an Excursion Train will leave Wrexham at 11.50 a.m amlRuab n aL 12.5 p.m. for LONDON, returning at 12.5 p.m. on Thursday, September 22nd. Fares for the double jour- my IBs. Ga. and lis. For further particulars see bills. Paddington, 12tli July. J. GRIERSON, Gen. Manager. 92G BEE HIYE FOUNDRY. MOUNT-STREET, WREXHAM. PMcDERMOTT begs to announce that he has com- JL monocJ business as Iron and Brass Founder, and iu soliciting the patronage of the public, gins an assurance that any orders with which he may be fa- voured shall be promptly attended to, and executed on the lowest terms. A first class Moulder wanted. 561. A. R. PRING'S | PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, NEW STREET, MOLD, ?Tt?HERE the most superior CARTE de VISITE j I t and every other style of PHOTOGRAPHS are taken An inspection of A. H. P.'s specimens is requested. 849 THE ALBUM POTRAIT STUDIO, HOPE-ST I WREXHAM, (Opposite King-street). 1\/1 R. D. J. EDWARDS begs to announce that he l?La has opened the above Rooms for the production of FIRST-CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS, at a moderate price, and especially invites attention to his new stvles of CARTES DE-VISITE; also the new MEDALLION Potrait. I AU other descriptions of Potraits from LOCKET to LIFE-SIZE. Photographic Views of Comiti-y Residences. Works of Art Copied. THE ALBUM POTRAIT STUDIO, Opposite King-street. Homs of opeiatmg from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. for the present mmith. 1i7 JOSEPH READ, 2. YORKE-STREET, WREXHAM, (Late Omnibus Driver at Wvimstay Arms HoteL) I~>EGSmost respectfully to in f orm the inhabitants' ¡ !,EGS most respectfully to inform the inhni,ibnls I JL,) of Wrcxbam and Its vieil1t: that he has com- menced to Let Horses, Cars. and Spring Vans for Hire, ?nd he hopes by strict attention and moderate charge to aierit a share of public support. All orders intrusted to him will be met with prompti- tude and attention. I REFRESHMENT ROOMS, 4, CHARLES-STREET, WREXHAM. THOMAS MORRIS has sncc?ded to the abore- i Rooms, lately occuuied by Mr KGUfInc?, where he- hopes to meet with a fair share of jmblic support, Open at all hours of the day. Gl:) GLASS AND CHINA WAREHOUSE. 13, HOPE-STREET CHAMBERS, WREXHAM. W B A Y L E Y X> ESPECTFULLY invites an Inspection of a Choice 1 \J Stock of Fancy Goods just to hand, consisting of Elegant Cut Glass and Alabaster Lustres, in various styles of design and colours; Flute, Opal, and Tulip Vases, painted, gilt, and plain, of superior workman- ship; China Figures and Shades large Parian Figures and Shades Grecian Vases Toilette Sets, in Grecian, Jasper Ware, and China; Fancy Flower Pots, of new design. W. B. has also on hand Flower and Garden Pots. Cucumber Glasses, Propagating-Glasses, Bee Glasses, T II E CROSS, 0 S W E S T il 1 C. G. BAYLEY, rrjxxr.R, bookseller, AXD AGKNT,' R??J? respectfully to intimate that he receive the ??? folluwiiig Daily Newspapers j The Manchester Exani?r, Daüv, ? 3 3? Liverpool Mercury !:J -i,• rr> • v  f1- 1 45 '?t:!vT?legr.)ph „ -?r' ? Standard Standard. DDi'vXews  M??Po.t.? .y WEEXLW The News of the World, Weekly Times. Reynold's N^ ewspaperb, Liovd's ditto, Penny Newsman, Weekly Budget, do. Mercury, Bell's Manchester Weekly Times, re? ham Advertiser, Illustrated- London News, Times, Weekly News, Penny Paper, Sporting News, The Field. The Railway Times, ite., &c. 1 r The London Journal, Family Herald, Reynold s Miscellany, Cassell's Family Paper, Fun, Bow Be s, dtc., &c., and all the cheap literature publishec. r y A BOOK PAJttCEL FROM LONDON DAI^ JUST PUBLISHED AX ELABORATE CHROMO LITHOGRAPED VIEW of the INTERIOR OF THE PUBLIC OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPAN1, WREXHAM. Published and drawn on Stone by E. RODEX AXD Co., Lithographers. The details are minutely pourtrayed and the drawing is colored in 4 tints. Size 25 by 20. Proofs 5s each. Can be had framed complete in a handsome Gilt Frame embellished with corners designed especially for this rLUt. 10s 6d each. Subscribers names received at the Offices of the Com- pany, or by the publishers, E. Roden, and Co., Chromo Lithographers, Queen-street, Wrexham. LETTER OF COMMENDATION FROM ANTHONY DILLON, ESQ., PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ) Wrexham, 19th July, ItjIH. GEXTLKMES, I consider the Chromo Lithograph of the interior of our public office in Wrexham, which I you are about to publish, to be a faithful represen- tation of the room. Your obedient servant, ANTHONY DILLON, Secretary. Messrs Roden and Co. "73! NEW GOODS. THE LATEST DESIGNS FOR THE AUTUMN AND WINTER SEASONS AT THE EXCHANGE DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, FORE GATE STREET, CHESTER ALFRED WILLIAMS begs respectfully and with great confidence to draw the attention of the in- habitants of Wrexham and vicinity to his large and Well-selcc'ed STOCK of AUTUMN aid WINTER MATERIALS. Parties that really require a good as-ortment, and an immense selection to choose from, including the various makes, qualities and designs, should, previous to making their purchases, VISIT THIS ESTABLISHMENT, I Which for value in the article given cannot be excelled. The few following enumerations are given, that the discerning public may form their own conclusions as to the value obtainable:— In the Dress Department some very desirable Goods will be submitted for inspection, amongst which are 80 Eu b Isseù. Wincey Knickerbocker Robes IBs. Gd. 50 Ditto ditto ditto 10s. Gù, 35 Pieces Aberdeen Winceys, in d. various colours and shades. 15 25 Ditto ditto ditto.. B I T" f 5e ?Oi?o ditto ditto 21 T'?e gOOt S 1..0 (. 0 1 0 12 Dito do. K. k 1 I 2 C.d wt!rè contl'HC- !,o o. lllC -er )oe i:Cr  h'acted £01' in f 16 D'ai) LIght do. 1U? 3A1I /\1C; 1 last, & 70Dit. D?k do. 10A? 18 Ditto <lo• do si ?-? 's 1<1 IS Difto do' aù, ¡ W1 ).e Sl' 10 Ditto Light do. 7? accr,llllgl', 10 Ditto Dark do. u?,?. ?? ?'? that! 71 Ditto Plain Winceys, colonr;; I tlUe tUlS par- I 'I beulaI' cla:;s of I various. t tf 1 1 I 75 Ditto do. do. his ai. 23 Ditto do. ùo. Iii I danced per 20 Ditto do. 7i!ceiit., aittl,%v?,ll 20 Ditto do. do. 8! !U ?stil,l ,??! 2 Ditto do. 'do. 10! J 26 Ditto do. do. M? Total of 485 Pieces, equal to 28,750 Yards of Dress Goods, ranging from 21. to 4tl. under their i a Aa:- ket value. Coburgs, Alpacas, itc., at their old price, in various colours and shades, from 5A J. to per va,d. THE SHAWL STOCK. Consists of some of the newest and most approved st TIes Ilnd designs, in Wool Squares and Longs. Several :o:s at nominal value, including Lot 1, Melton Squares, in Brown Cuir, î French Grey, and Dark Grey at 7s lid ) Do. 2, Shepherd ditto, with Hmubol.? Ophel?ine, and Azulaine Border, at 8s fid Do. 3, do. long, various sets, at 10s 6d, I Wool Shawls worth 18s Gd of every Do. 4. ditto ditto, 15s 61, worth 21s I descriptionare Do. 5, Fancy Wool Squares, 5s 11, advancing usual price 10s fid rapidly. Any Do. G, The Dagma, do. 18s Gd, do do 25s of these Do. 7. 72 Black De Cosse Longs, 10stitl Goods are do. do. 14s fid much below Do. 8, 21 do. Indians, do. 12s Gd, do. llo. makers' pre- 15s 1M I sent prices. Do. 9, Bo do. do. do. lis Gd Oo. do ls M Also several qualities in 42nd, Shop- herds, Llama, De Cosse, Indiana, and Fancy Wool, long J In anticipation of continued advances in FLANNELS AND BLANKETS we have iintle large purchases, on very favourable terms. The greater portion of this Stock heing bought List Winter and early in the Spring, we are enabled to offer them without any material advance. Blankets from Gs. Ga. the pair, advancing Is. to :20". Flannels from 7 Ul. per yard, advance id. to 2s. per ya rd. A good useful nn. Welsh, 2 and Is. per yard. A gooil itseful 11 l ai-,tl Real Welsh, 13d., 14d., 15d.. llid., and 18d., worth from ;,41. to 4d. per yard more. Lancashire Flannels, lOld., llid., Charities, and Is. to 18d. ) parties buying for White and Scarlet Saxony, | Charitable 18d., and 21d. per yard. These purpoes, wiil be are very cheap. supplied on Saxony in the New Blue, Magenta, ) Wholesale Pink, t £ -e. Terms. In handing the above Lists we beg to observe that Manufacturers are requiring large advances, therefore these low prices can only be continued as long as our present supply exists. The Flannel, French Merino, and Shawl Stocks remain at the OLD PRICES, while the advances on other goods are really small in com- parison to what has taken phce since buying. Patterns sent on application to Ladies residing at a tlistanre. I EXCHANGE D R A P E R Y ESTABLISHMENT FOBEOATS SHIEST, CHCSTEK. 742 On _742 H. JONATHAN SHARRATT, BUCKLEY, MOLD, FUN-TSHIR^, COMMISSION AND PROPERTY AGENT, And Collector of Rents and Accounts. AGFXT TO THE PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COJI?.VNI T And to the Patent Eureka Sanitary and Manure <?'0))?aity, LtinueU. 80 NEW TEAr?O?ERY? ? PROVISION SHOP, CH?.?EE? STREET, B2XHA3I, (At the Bw:k of Mr. Jones' Ho. tit'r, Zo. 1, Honc-jlreet.J I-0 ir>\RAHT) E -WRIGHT begs to inform the mhabi. E ?ut? of Wr?ham and It? VleHuty, that he has <?-?'ED the above Shop with a choice selectio* of Ta?-, ogees' ti??eral Groceries, Flour, and Provisions, ?1ti-n?ts tha by keeping goods of the best quality, nt ?c lowest prices, FOR CASH, to secure a share of public patronage. « ONE TRIAL IS SOLICITED. July 7th, 1364. 665  ADVICE TO IKEEPERS. I D ONL*T risk brewing your own Ale this very hot I ) weather, but purchase what vou require during '■he summer months, at the NAG'S HEAD BREWERY, .vliere you can be supplied with a first rate article, at a moments notice, on the most reasonable terms. Agents for the celebrated Dublin Porter. Nag's Head Brewery. Wrexham, May, 18(34. 408 j I T. R. J. WILLIAMS, E'AGLE BREWERY, WREXHAM. THE MILD ALES and HARVEST BEERS are JL now in first-rate condition, and ready for imme- diate delivery in any sized casx-s. August, 18G4. 837 TO FARMERS, j HAVING Land set off with Potatoes, or other Crops HL can have it accurately measured (if required,) by ) applying to Mr William Bavlev, stationer, Wrexham. J 872 PORTLAND and ROMAN CEMENT, to be had J. direct from the Manufacturer, JOHN CLARK, 10. Love-lane, Great Howard-street, LIVERPOOL. ¡ Portland, 10s. 6d. Roman, 8s. Delivered on Rail. 1121 ) BOLTS! BOLTS!! BOLTS TO COAL PROPRIETORS AND OTHERS. SCREW BOLTS of all sizes, Made and Sold at the lowest prices, BV I THOMAS EDWARDS, 554 PAKK SIDE, RUABON*. NOW READ Y. PRIZE POEMS receiving the 100 Guineas offered jL in the Advertisements, "Ho! Fun A SIIAKSPEARE," and awarded by Messrs. Webster, J. Stirling Coyne, Andrew Halliday, George Rose, and Thomas S. Stuart. Illustrated with Lithograph Portraits of Queen Elizabeth and the Queen of Beauty. Can be had OIUTIS at all the best Drapers in the Kingdom, or forwarded, on re- j ceipt of stamped address, to DAY & SONS, Lithographers to the Queen, Publishers, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London MR. E. PENNINGTON AND MRS. EVANS UPHOLSTERERS BEG respectfully to return their sincere thanks to their numerous friends for their liberal support to them during the many years they have been in the business, and beg to solicit a continuance of their fa- vours. All orders entrusted to their care will be strictly attended to. Carpets made and altered, feathe bed's dressed, hair mattresses cleaned and remade. Up- liolstresses sent out covenient to parties furnishing their own materials Address 19, Madeira-hill, and 11, Willow-road, Wrex- ham 14 June, 1864. 579 SAMUEL GRIFFITHS, Aucr[o\i:i;i:, OVERTON, BEGS respectfully to inform his Friends and the -L3 Public visiting-Wrexham, that for their conveni- ence he has opened the Olliees formerly occupied by 1MI'T ohn Jones, Solicitor, nearly ?pposiip the Wymistay Arms Hotel, Wrexham, where in future his business for this district will be carried 0:1, and where he hopes to receive a continuance of those favors which have hitherto been so liberally bestowed upon him. Sol No. 4, CHARLES STREET, WItEXHAM. T HO M AS MORRIS, (LATE OF YOUKK STI:KI:T), BEGS most rcspL-ci.fuHyt? thank the fuh?t?t?.tts of B the Town and Neighbourhood for the support ac- cordell to him during the short period he has been in Business, and to inform them that he has removed to the more commodious premises. No. -1, Cir.vni.r.s STR;:et, where he will carry on the GI:o<I;Y, Hi:I-r>, AND PRO- VISION TRADES in the various brandies, and the Ii FRKsnHEJiT Roo.'is wiil lie replete with the liece.Siirv viands. ¡f'¿;¡-= XOT1: THE AT)11' NOTI: THE AT>I>I:ESS— Ml ?o.l.CHAKLES STREET. PL ASM ADO C NEW SAW MILL. I MESSRS BRADLEY, THOMAS, ;u;d CO., be? to announce to CONSUMERS of TIMBER, &at they have completed the erection of their STEAM SAW MILLS. At Pliis-yn-Wcm, adjoining the Plasma doc Branch Rail- way, and we prepared for SAWING ever* y JeocrrAoLion of TIMBER upon reasonable terms. A stock of limber and Boards, suitable for Builders and Colliery proprietors kept on hand. The Piasmadoc Railway is connected with the Great Western Railway, the Shropshire Union Canal Co.'s Tramways and now Railway, and aiVord< ever" y facility for supplying all the works ill the district. To I u-. i JOHN DEE HUMPHREYS, DYEH, AND FRENCH CLEANER. (From New-street, Birmingham.) i BEGS to announce that lie has commenced business JD in the above line, at If). Ruabon Hnnd, Wrex- ham, and trusts that by strict attention, and skilful ex- ecution of all orders entrusted him, he will secure that share of favourable patronage it will be his constant study to merit. Shawls of every material dyed or clt uned dresses dyed without being taken to pieces silks of all colours dyed or cleaned, feathers cleaned, dred, and curled, on the newest principle; kid gloves clJanc-d or dyed, and made equal to new: straw hats aad bonnets cleaned, dyed and pressed gentlemen* apparel cl-aucd and r •- novated. Every article pressed and iiuished bv the best and newesi: process. Orders can be left with Mr Baylev. bookseller, V>'rcx- AOJ-.nts Mold—MI-? Ac? ?.'N'F H?h?t:??! Llanf¡¡ir-lrs Jones, factor. Llangollen—Mr .Tones, Temperance Hotel. Berriew—Miss A. Jones. 483 ENGINES AND THRASHING MACHIXE?, r .> A-ND r _i_. t.:¡ .1? C!YT"X'?I'ATI:T.) CARTS, WITH HARVEST RAVES, AXD ALL PATENT MAC itINi.i THE I HARVEST FIELD. J AND H. K E I O E T H I LIVERPOOL AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEPOT, I i 23 T4RLETON-STREET, LIVERPOOL. STEAM BLEACHING AND DYEING COMPANY L. ELLIS AND CO.. BIRKENHEAD, DUBLIN, AXD MANCHESTER. ?T*HE attention of th? Public is respectfully drawn to iT the several branches of the Steam Dvdmg C,)" viz., soiled Muslin :md Lace Curtain. bleached mrl finished by the b?m?pruccss as when new. The largest Carpets c ieztiied, (,tit taking L pieces, ilk Vt-7v?t and all kinds of \vo.jU?-u Jrc-?ea M?.l sh?\vl? dvtd and ;5 cleaned, chintz cuvtuins.and covers cleaned an'd "lazed ali kinds of Damask Moreen ami fancy Curtains cleaned and dyed, feather Heds and Pillows ('le¡mj, ?t'n-ed and i! made equal to new. lu,,itlc- equal to ?-< !| Price lists D.LLUYD, Upholsterer, | Ctte?t?'-strect. Who has been appointed agjnt for Wr -l-m .md ne~'7'h- bourhood. bo'?rhooJ. r-. Situations, &c., Wanted. TO MILLERS ^T7~j^TED by an experienced Single Young Man, a situation its above. Good reference.—Address A. B., Tost Office, Ellesmere. 910 7" ED, a slhi?tlou ?s light Porter or T?me- ? T keeper. bv a person who has been engaged for some time as post-oflice messenger. Satisfactory refer. ences can be given. Apply at the office of this paper. 901 TT /-ANTED, an intelligent OlSee Bfy\—Apply at tha ? T Printers. gg? APPRENTICES to the Dressmaking wanted imme- dialely. Apply to Misses Jones and Lloyd, Vic- toria House, Hopc-tn'et, Wrexham. 795 \?????' a ?o? P?'c COOK, :n a lespectabl^ fnmily, in the neighbourhood of Wrexham; also a tiUl bEMAID in the same family.— Ipply to Mr W* Barley. 748 TO PARENTS.—Wanted, two Apprentices, to the I- PRINTING TRADE. None need apply who have not had a tolerable education. Appl" y at the Ad- vertiser ollice. 310. WrANTEIX iu a gentleman's family, a short distance ? V from Wrexham, a good plain COOK. Respect- able references required. Apply to Mr W. Bayley. Bookseller, Wrexham. 841: WANTED a respectable GENERAL SERVANT, /f in a small family, a short distance from Wrex- ham. Apply to Mr. W. BAYLUY, Hope-street. m TO BREWERS. WANTED at the Albion Brewery, Wrexham, TWO f1:vactive Snd ?'P??"<-ed WOUKING Tb!il'iL!iVvviriRi>s as Lrust l and Second Hand. Apply on tka Premises. 923 AFANTED a Medical man, an active youn^ J V man ? ?ROOM. Apply for address to Mr? BayY iey, Lookseller, Wrexham. 913 WANTED a good sized HOrSE, somewhero T v about the centre of Wrexham. Tenancy to begin about May next. Apply to 1\lr. Layley, stationer, Hope street. 916 by a young man, a situation as GROOM V and COACHMAN. Satisfactory references can be guen. Apply to William Jones, Welshampton, near Ellesmere. 917 \V ????' ?' ? respectable Young Lady, a Situa- W T t?'t as ??urscry Governess or Companion to & La'ly. ?°o"?ction to a friend. First class references A? i.pty to Mr Bavlev, bookseller, Wrexham. 925 i rANTED to purchase, a good SHOP COUNTER, FIXTURES, and NESTS of DRAWERS, mutable fur a (rrocor and Draper's Shop. Any person having these to dispose please to apply to Mr. W. Layley, Bookseller, Wl"cxham. 91!} \??'?' ?'' ?"? ?""? LiverpooI, a good 1\ V ???KR?L SERYAT, who can wash, ?on. st. arch well, and is a good plain Cook. Address, \uth full particulars as to salary and character, to Advertiser Ollice, Wrexham. 920 I _n_ To be Let. rpO LET, in a pleasant part of the town of Wrexham, X a SITTING-BOOM and BED-ROOM. A Gentle- man would be preferred. Apply to Mr. Bayley, Book. seller, rexhani. ggg I? LIGIRLE APARTMENTS TO LET, in King. D street. -Apply at the Ollice ofi this Paper. 879 FLINTSHIRE.—TO GRAZIERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. rp0 he LET, Bli\NOWi"NT," 109 acres, inspleudid order, all having been bMied well adapted for a I Cattle Salesman, being withiu a mile of Caeru-ys' "MAESYDDGWYNION," !),a. lr. in the parish of Llanasa, in the holding of the Executors o £ Mr Thorns "ïlliam", lately deceased. Apply to THOMAS JOKES, Cnyu, Llanas:J. 812 Apph-toTffOHAsjox]:s,(hyu,L[aiiasa. 812 rpO LET, with immediate possession, a HOUSE, ? senate in Holt rerrace.—Apply to Mr. Strachan, 1, Street, Wrexham. 852 rIll) BE LET, and entered upon Oil the 2Gth or Ociooei' next, a House and Snop ill the ceutrc of High-stivet, in the rapidly increasin" g town of Wrex- ham, now occupi.-1 by Mr William Bromley. The above premises arc most conveniently situated for l.asmoss purposes, being opposite to the Wrexham ilarket Hall and Corn Exchange.—For particulars as to rent, Ac., apply at the offices of Messrs T. and J. Allington Hughes, solicitors, Wrexham. August, 18C3. 915 TO BE LET, ON the 1st day of SKPTKMBKR next, CAE MYNYDD \J' HOUSE, Mincra, -1 miles from Wrexham Rail- way S^ tation. The House contains entrance hall, dining room, drawin g room, breakfast room, Ii bed rooms, and a dressing room, kitchen, back kitchen, scullery, pantry, ) wash house, coach nouse, three-stall stable, cow house. j harness room, shrubbery, intersected by gravel walks) Hower and kitchen garden, and usual domestic offices, a: large yard, and a good supply of water on the premises. ) —For further particulars apply to Mr. Robert Williams, Solicitor, femple Row, near the Church Gates, Wrexham, j 861 '==-n- :=-=-=: -==-=.=. n_ To be Sold. ?') SOLD 1y private contract, 13 COTTAGES? i wBit? h Preaching Room attached, situate near the (;ed!n ddu. Minora.—Applv to Mr Rymer, solicitor, Wrexham. 739 L l. -1.1.- j 1- '0 BE SOLD several convenient building lots o £ JL LAND, pleasantly situated, 1Car to the Railway, r.l Mr Darby's House, Brymbo. To view plans and to treat lor the same.—Aj>ply to Mr A. Hughes, the Mount, Brymbo. 48G _n. ON SALE. Q-n,\ hI!AL Valuable BUILDING LOTS nnd Frce- O hold COTTAGES, at Adwv'r Clawdd.—Apply to J. A. HUGHES, Eriq., Solicitor, Wrexham. 256 rpo BE SOLD several small Lots of Land suitable! i for bmldii? pnrpo?s. Tho property is adjacent j to t!;? Crescent-terrace, Beast Market. For Plan and "f 1 "1 I parhemaw of same, apply to Mr Isaac Shone. Land burvevor, W rexliam. 56 Education. jV 1 E. THEODORE K?B?LEIN" ?? ORGANIST OF ST. MARKS, a, 'ROI- ESS_ OR OF MUSIC AND MEMBER OF THE COLLEGE OF ORGANISTS. on tÜ Organ, Harmonium, and Piano in i-iieory of Mu.-jie, Composition and in Singing" 1 J (SOIO ana c.ass.j Choirs instructed. Open for an Evening Service. 1" GI:MAN LAXOUAOE AND LITKRATUHE. v. -J _4. .a.' I » 2, iI.1::ei., itiiuKXT-STKEET, W UKKIIASI. n 706 MR. WILLIAM TURNER, ARCHITECT BUILDER, LAND SURVEYOR, AND DRAUGHTSMAN, Oi-iicE, QuEE.N-Sr:ii;ET, WHEXHAH. 81