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; Foreign and Colonial.


Foreign and Colonial. FRANCE. Political praties in France are already pre- paring for the senatorial elections, which are to take place it^ a couple of months. The Repnh- licans have formed two committees—one ill the Senate and the other in the Chamber—who are to organise local committees in the provinces. The Conservatives have also formed a Com- mittee. GERMANY. The Berlin newspapers, taking into considera- ti. on the probable lesult of the .second ballots, and making the necessary allowance for the un- certainty respecting the group which the newlv- elected candidates may juin, estimate that the new (ierman Parliament v.'ill number 113 Con- servatives, 155 Liberals, and about 100 Ultra- montane members. Dr, Nobiling, the man who has gained so unenviable a notoriety from his attempt on the life of the Emperor of Germany, h? nutde a second attempt to put an end to hi eM?.iice. ImmediaMy after firing It the Em- peror lie .hot himself in the head, but under medical tieatmeilt he has nearly recovered from his injuries. On Saturday he again made an at- tempt 011 his life by cutting (lpen an artery with a pair of scissors. He was discovered in time to prevent a fatal result, and was immediately fettered to prevent a recurrence of his act. THE CAPE. 1 urther a.lvie.-s from the Cape explain the cause of the defeat of the British forces in the Iran-ward. Captain Clarke, with a number of volunteers and Zulm:, captured several kraals 011 the Maquet hills, and the inhabitants were unveil in the mountain caves, from whence they kept up such a harassing irre, that Captain v,nf t^ve volunteers and one Zulu tatted and seven volunteers and two Zulus w-ounded, was obliged to retreat. Unless he is 011]]<: quickly to recover his position, this stop way iiftve :t disastrous effect in adding- to the number of the insurgent WEST AFRICA. Si inje incidents of savage life are reported in the news brought by the mail steamer which arrived in the Mersey on Saturday from the \Yeot Coast "f Africa. The British consul at Old ( al1 abar was about to hold a court of inquiry | into the custom amongst the natives of that! district ot murdering twin children, with a view 10 suppressing It. The sacrifice is founded on the superstition that it is unlucky h nllow twins to live. The wife ofaBomiv chief had died,! and the bereaved husband hadoffered a hundred j puncheons of gunpowder to any one who would bring her to lite again. Fearful atrocities had. been committed for months past in the Gaboon by siaves. who had killed and mutilated a num- ber ot natives. The murderers are known as "man tigers, bt.cause they dress themselves ill tigers skins and their victims in a wav to lead to the conclusion that they have been killed iy tigers. After eluding capture for a long time, sonieof these murderers have been arrested. I wo Of tnem had been tried and shot, and I a similar .ate, no doubt, awaited the other pri- i THE EASTERN QUESTION. The ratifications of the Treaty of Berlin were '"r;?a!h-exchanged at Prince Bimark' private ?Il?e on Saturday, by the representatives^ "'t I tll.? 1,iwer, c??ll I except of Turkey. Th" iil, ur, k. is, li nndjassador stated that the treaty had been ratified that day by the Sultan, and that the yaliclity of the document was fuHvaeknow- ledged by the Porte. Ratiifcations of the treaty will be exchanged with the Turkish representa- tive as scion as the documents reach from ( on-tantmop^e. It is announced from Berlin that commissions will now he appointed at once to determine such points of detail in the settle- iiietit of the Eastern Question as have been left open in the Treaty of Berlin. An international commission will first he convoked to assign the limits to which the powers of the c unmisMon for Eastern Roumelia and Bulgaria are to extend. The ambassadors of England and Russia, at Con- stantinople will confer upon the same subject with respect to the commission which is to regulate details in Asia Minor, and jointly agree upon the extent of its powers. It is announced from the Roumanian capital that the Russian troops are returning home at the rate of ,OOO daily. Renter's Constantinople correspondent says that Safvet Pasha, the Grand Vizier, Osman | Pasha, and the Skoik-ul-Islam advise the Sultan to enter into conciliatory negotiations with the Austrian Government, notwithstanding that the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is an accomplished fact. A reconnoitring squadron of hussars of the Austrian army of occupation has been severely handled by Bosnian insurgents In passing a defile in their retreat 70 of the hU.'sar were shot. 'Hie advance of the Austrian troops in Herzegovina was also opposed on Sunday by insurgents, who, however, were cnm- pelled to fall back. It was expected that the entry of the Austrian troops in Mostar, the ca pital of Herzegovina, woulll be opposed, as the city, according to most recent accounts, was at the mercy of insurgents. But a telegr am from i Iosbr of [Monday s date states that the troops had entered the town that afternoon without opposition, being, on the contrary, received in a very friendly manner by the inhabitants. It is announced from Yieuna that, in consequence of the rising in Bosnia and the Herzegovina, pressure Is beiiifj brought to bear upon the Porte with the view of arriving at a clear understand- ing as to the position taken up by the Turkish Government in regard to the Austrian occupa- tion. The Russian military authorities have called upon the Rhodope insurgents to evacuate within ten days the territory they occupy in Eastern 1 Roumelia, warning them that if they do not | obey the order they will be attacked by Russian troops. The in Cyprus states that owing to the exorbitant demands at Nicosia for rent, Sir Garnet Wolseley and his staff are going to live under canvas a short distance from the town. Fever is on the increase, and the correspondent says that Nicosia is unquestionably extremely unhealthy.

! The Court. ; i "-- -______1

I Military and Naval. j

Imperial Parliament. - - -'-…

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' General News. I I ^ —— !

London Gossip. "-.........-......--


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II Trade Intelligence.

- - - - - - -  The Farm and…

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