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-.-u----' MOM: '


u MOM: Br/U>v. EN/'—By a reference to our auver tUiag c.i'iiiins, it will he seen that this jiopular new \Vel.t will lie in the Market Hall, oil Tucsdav evenitig next, and we have no doubt Imt that the lmll in-iil l-c fille(I oil the occa- sion. The (ilH'l'il v.iil lit' performed by a poition of the celebrated South Wales ( lioir. TKKAT T.> WOUKMKX. — On Friday evening Inst T^Ir ('. J. Holmes ;ne a treat. to the wives h.l.U-LiLillvn (,f the workmen employed in re- building resilience at 1 >ry n, near (!wern- afEd,I. Thel \l'as :t In? nu)uher p)t-?!)t,]l of vliom thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Be- tilt iiii io .?-ef l fpre "ei.ti, HI" 'lihL'¡:liity (,f )h Holmes was suitably a-'enowdedge 1 with rin?in? cheers, and the b.ft spb it ?Mv.ti!?d throughout the enter- tainment. I.IAMKVT.— Mr Roberts the newly elected mem- ber for the Flintshire Boroughs. made his delmt as a speaker in the H[ct)?e ?npn?y??kh) silill,tlrt (?f t of -Nli- to i-efer 1 Bil; '?'.J!!t? with tit'?" commutation to :t larger committee-, -Mr Plim-oll having moved that the Li!! he re-committed. Mir Sy" dney Waterlow, cne (? th" governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. who was the promoter of the Rill, op- posed the motion. Several members then stood up. 1-1 t upon cries being raised of Issw Member," New Member," the Speaker called upon Mr Roberts, who said that St. Bartholomew's Hospital was entitled bv an ancient Act to levy a rate of 2s !)d in the pound upon the rateable value of the pro- perty in Christ Church parish but for the last "200 year. however, the Hospital had been con- tent to receive an annua! annum in lieu of the rate, but, within th: };lst few years the authorities of the hospital had determined to revi ve their ancient claim, which if it could lie established would. m>w produce about :tiiiiiiiii. They therefore sued some of the parishioners f,.r the full amount, and a test case being taken was tried before the Master of the Roils (Sir G. Jessel) last spring. Both sides having been heard t.i e Master of the Rolls said that though he considered the claim to be a monstrous one he found t'ae k\v was in it.- favour, and that if compelled. t' decide then he would have to ?!vc a verdict for the plaintiffs. He would, however, take time, further to consider the questm! and would do his best to timl some vlii:-Ii c?iititl- Iiiiii tt) trri%-e at 4i,,(-i 'iiiii which lie could not hut feel would he ,i:i unfair one to the parties involved and in the meantime he would strongly advise a compromise. This Bill was therefore intro- duced, it provided that the hospital should receive £1.10(1 per annum for five years five and t:?,200 per annum ever afterwards. These sums appeared to him to be unusually high (having regard to all the cireun. stances of the case) and the Master of the Polls thought them a very good bargain for Hi. Bartholomew's. He hoped therefore the Bill which had only been curried b Ciunmittep by the wtiiuj vote of the Ciiai-man would h: iv-u>MTiiitted raidthese amounts reduced ] so tliL unfortunate litigation might be terminated on terms liberal towards a most «<•• ?«! institution, and still fair towards j the ;.itci oyer-; of Christ Church parish. Beside- • those inehi i'Uevl in the report. Jr ""atkh \ViI- liams, who acted with Mr Flim-dl as teller h): the divi:-i-e>, spoke at some length against the bill. dwelling on the legal points involved. The division wa- considered a good one, a, in the House it is generally considered the right thing to su; j: V th<- dcoMoji of committees on private bills. The .Scbjipj delayed th" House resuming thp i.UtiP ;"Pl., I debate or. th Eastern Question till nearly five o'clock.

SCXf AY SCHOOL I / ii M <…

