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' Cricket. I,'".-",,-,-,,,-",,

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Cricket. I, TO SECRETARIES. Reports of Cricket marches must be sent in hy Thursday morning, and written plain{!! on one side of a sheet, otherwise they can not be inserted, KocK FEf:i:Y Y. WREXH\M.—Played at Ro" Ferry on Monday. Score — nocKrRnRY. J. I' Itveiigcroftc I-,Iicrr:ttt F. Unsworth cAmau b A. Kvrke. 11 b,Nl(trrill 14 B. Higa;inson c Sherrittt C. A. Alore(-roft b A H.! b!V.Kyrke 1:! Kyrke. ::() A. Sankey c A. KTke A. Kewney b A. Kyrke 0 11 :-itrachan 57 A. C. Readnotout. 11 )) Mon'n.!L. 1'! :\1. Hi:;ginson b Iol'illl U Ext\'a t!. P. H. Uuswortit b Aum)i 4 — U.AiunnbMoi'Mil. IS, WRHXHAM. J. T. stmchM b P. H. rnsworth 15 run out 2 C!. W. sherratt c P. Uns- wot'th hP. H.rnsworth {) absent 0 E. A. Cross b P. H. Uns- worUt 1!) Rig-,Iiisoii h Unsworth 0 F. (. Am:tn b Ptvcn-qcroft 21\ c and )' Hmenscroft A.V.Hvrke))I:!ivenscroft OatB.Hi;rginson. I{. H. V. Kyrke b I:.nens- croft. :!cB. Higgiii-,on i) Rnvenscroft 0 w. nlI1Yanl c :'Iorecroft h Ravenscroft () P.H.Unsworth ScAma.ubUnsw<Tth C F. Aspinall h P. H. Uns. i worth 0 c. Higginsoii li Unsworth I:! f!.(;ittinsbn:iYenscro{t 0 not nut. 7 H.Aspi!):(n run o'.tt. Oc B. HiKgim"" L'nswnrth 0 C. :\forraU b P. H. Uus- wmth 2 b Onswot-th. 0 Extras 4. I 80 ? CntL SEKVu'n Y. CKEWE.—PliiyedontIte ground of the Utter on Sat.U'(liY.i.c()-- t.;niL:K!tV)CK. W. A. Jones b Letman 5 c and b Letm:m 21 H.EdwardscHitrrowavb b Letman. 3 b Shaw. 18 A. Ricli:u'<ts c Tophell b Letm:ut IbLettuan. Le t ttii T.H.<ncerunout. IcandbHavery. 0 J. Bevan b Sliaw OcSmithbShaw. 7 iD.PricehShaw UbShaw 17 W. ShttIe b Shaw 4 b Sh:).w II, J.Cmwford b Letman. :{Mtout I') J. Grange bShnw ?cTopheIlbLectnan 3 1{. McDennott st H?very 0 c Barnes b Letm:m 12 H. Jones not out. t' b Havery ft Extras 3. & 23 ? CREWE. P. TopheIl b Price. :)b('rawford 2 I \V. Letn:;tn c Price b Cra" fur.t Oru!) out 2, H.H;HTOWMYhUri(-P. 2.") (' Etl\anls b PrÍLl' 0 (:Letu):mb<'rnwf'ii'd :Ub\vbPrice 5 W. L'.ovd b Crk'e S c Edwarua b Price. < H.tv'M' b (;r:cu. O Ibw b Price 0 H. Ihrue; b Prit-e. 2 not out. ] W. ;\I:1.Vl'anl:<¡ nm out ScEdwMLrdsbPricc. 4 W.Sni'ithbPrit-e O b Cr.t-.vfM'd 5 J. Sh:)W it!,t (.)'.t. :!b Price .0. 2U J. Smith c Edward'b i Pticc. :!bPn<-e J Ext-ts < J ? M ? :tt Phi.TO'.vcr<t Saturday. Score:- ST.M.\[:Y'S. miOSTYLLEX. J. T. Ev;iis riiii t)iit 2 D.E.Squh-usc E"ans ] IT. Roberts b ThMnp- J. Thomson b :\I<,rris. 0 son. IT. ('.Jones obstructing ?A.KdwiudsbWiIson ne!d (? T. tii\ ze c ts?r 11 W. Squires b Ev:uis 0 W..)o)!MbWi)son 1 A. WHsoub Hvfms. :1 W. H. },ea c ThMnp- J. Pa't-nix b 1,1."1 3 q9ll 0J. I-,g:tr c It T. n. t;;t;vnot out 0 A. Timlwrlal_e b Len <' T. P..ivt-11 PJ¡,"uix.. <' T. T{o-;ers Morri-< 2 !(:.Pjyi.MbPh.t-!nx. 0 T. OriffitJ:s J1()t out 1; !D. n. ;\Iorrb b Pho'nix. 3 Extr;:s ]2 Extras. 10 :M ii Ilp,. W. H. P. WILI.I,m: Er.¡;E: Y OnT!101' C!Hf'KHT Cm'—PiayedatXM'thf'ponSnt!n'd(\ Score'— ? ?R?.)f.r.WIUJ\A!ST!?!. -\I,- W. H. P. WiHinms, !hwcJ.\Vit!inuts. 0 runo'tt < :11' < Scott b Travis. 11 :'III' C. Asht'-n c and b 2:1 :III' 't'. t'. t'otd \iUl!tms rm. o'tt. M T:a.i=- ]j 10 b Nl(,N'ell .\Ir H. \ce "tout II .Mr H. Hoper b Hughes 14 'Ir A. c IlcZNeil h Hushes 2 .\Ir E. WiUinms b Hushes \II- 1,1. Willi:inii b Travis S ..MrC.A.WiUiitMscaKdb ;\IcXiel 10 c E. D,tvies b McXeiI -1 Mr H. Shiind c and b McXid tI Extras. 4 Extras. 4 M 14 .\OIZTILOP CRICKET CLLB. H. Hushes h T. T. Ford W. Foster c H Wil- WiDi.uns. 11 IiumsbF.Wi!)t::ms 5 (. Htnnphrevs c and b E. Ashton b T. F Scott 0 WiMi'nns 0 W. Farrow h T. F. Ford R. Davies not out S Will;aiiis 2 J. Tombs bT. F. McNeUbandcT.F. FordWiU;:tms 3 ForJ WHImms IE, Davies b T, F. Ford 2 J. Willihiiis c Dr. Wil- liams. 0 Extras 14 A. Travis b T. F. Ford WiHIams. 60 I MOLD v. BAOM.T.-Played at Mold on Saturday. Score:— Mun'. R. J. Willinl\1s 11 T,yster U c Tamnt h R. Jones. 2 C.RoKC-rsrunnut. o. Jnne 11 I,ster 2 J.RotiOttsbKvre. T' bEyre iW.r.O'CunuM'nmottij. t) nntout 2:i !r.!)\k!;tscl'mttbKvausl:; not out :3 !W. t\vist,cJ.T:n'mut)' Kyt-G T. A. oitt 14 W. D:J.Yi,¡ b L-tel' 1 W. Hampson c Mv.tn.b Lyster. 1 ? ))J<'nM S: ?St;)n]? Smith h E?))?. Extras U Kxtms. l') 47 t!:{t h\(:!H.T. \Y. T. fierce h -f. Ri)lo- J. B. Astolev 1' 0. S. p]'ts 0 .1nnes 14 A. ri(li)- \Y. Iyre C 1)lIb. 1) 0, ;:i. crts '1" Jnn"s .T.TarritUt 1) ]. littlici-t,; A. F(ptilko- 1) -iiiiitit H. Tarr:mt ;¡ r Pratt not out. 0 ¡ H. I,sterrnn lIut. 1 ,T.D'.OwcubJ.i:('b- Extras :!il erts.— 2 j- n. A. F. JunM b Sunth 1.! LLAMY\YI)D v. PoxTYBOnKtX.—Played on Satur !(lav. I I.I.A:'iFr:'irnn, l'UNTYISOI)IiIN". W. Heeson, c Huberts, h R. I.ewM, nm out. price SR.Lewis.bJones. 4 1). Jones, b Uohcits. 1 M.JonM, bBeeson. 1 I \Y. Parry, 11 1:01.ert,; 5 J. JI'1leS, ù. JI\!H'S. 0 E Jones, c Mcc,b T.Lcw)s,c Jones, b Joues. 0 'W t;ich.n'dsf'n,cJ('nes, tt.Kvans.bJ.mes. 0 h E\ln- -1 P,l\uf()nl, h Beeson. -l ¡ p. WiUhnui-, c rrice.b J.l:obM-b,bJ"nes. 0 i ]!nLeits. IC.Mf'f.bDavtGs. 2! iT. South, c Pricf, h !{.Jone.s,nmout. O! I .Enms. -l.J. Hoherts, 110t out. 3j T. Beeson, b Hv.ms. (I 17xtriz 4, IT. na\'Ïes, c Prtcr. It —' Hohprts. 2 20 <' 11.. H u:hcs, !lilt (oIut. II Extras. 1 :U C.U)H'U\-< (Motd) Y. P<?THH-[tPY\ 2.\[< H.— P!:ned Ht PonU)h?d\n en Sattmhy. Sc?re I'OTm.YP!JY: .A. Morris, c E\'en-ctt,b A. Joucs.st Harris,bK'.f- r' rctt <) not out. 11 JM.tr.tcn.bl'.u'soMgP. 1 run out. 0 !H.Fostpr,bKYerctt. 2b Edwards. 1 PCnnitht<, b P.a'sun:tge. :}cEdw.a'ds,b Rob- erts. 0 Edwin Hampson.b Roberts 11 W.Cheupv.rnuout. UbPfu'sonage. 4 J. D:t)-bysh))'c,c Uoudwin, c Edwards, b Eve- b Edwards. rett 3 W Owen, 11 Parsonrg:e. 0 b Parsonage 1 S. Owen, cCoodwin,b Par- soM"p :1]¡ Robcrts. ].} Edward HitmpM'n, not c'ut 1 b Hoberts.] Extras. 14 Extras. 11 53 51 C.\M)<R!s. Itobc-i-ti. 1) p (.tf- W.QoodMm.cS.Otven gths 0 b GntBths. 0 E. Grimths, c S. Uweu G. Ward. b GnSiths. I bWOwfn 11 (..Anther, not out. 4 E. Edward", c S Owen E. Francis, b W. Owen 0 b Griftiths C Extras. 5 T.EYerett,cE.H:tmp son,b(!rmiths. <' 30 T. Parsonage, b Crif- iiths. 0 T. Roberts, c Norris, b Griffiths. W. Htrris, b W. Oweli M<'H) Y. WAVEKTKHt. (LtVERi'Ot'L). P!:t\fd on th"LeafmiUsMeu.d<'ws, on Monday. Score: W.EHTRf.E. I .). (irier.-on, c JOlÍl'r It I L:unbert 711-w lo Joiles G T Si(hveti.Robtrt- 2 c]):nbyahire,bJones 5 TStub).b tiitlo 7 b Darbyshu-e. !< J.C«Uins,candbditt< '!lcSmith,bUobert-i I C. :llaitlan,l, 11 Lambert. 1 run out. !) W. «rah!.m, b tiuberts. 1 b Darbyshire. 0 < I.ucy, b (Utto. ZbRoberts 3 )'f, Newrom).>e,Jlot (luL. 1 h Darh-shire 0 T. Parsonage, h Hobert. (I not out. C lto,t,eri, I-till uitt h Hohorts U C'. ,Johnson, st William, I. Robert-' <'bparbYst))).e. 0 7 Kxtns 3 45 :M '"(tf.n. 't'. ))!it'b\r-!m\r!in<tt. ] H. Williams. b (r;lha1"1 P. H:'kins, I'nu(,ut. ::ï 110¡ (.ut 1U !W.P.OC«nn<'i.bCr<thM. 1 !j.j:ohcrts,c:):tdbdittn.1'S T.A.Mmbert.cCd!i!?,]' CmhHm. 5 ?;'<. '\Yii!nu.bCu!H!)-< t W. H. Jolm"o11, r'w 1' Ctrierson. !(' jO.S.Jones.dCoHins. 2 !tan!e:. UI¡th, \lot ont. [) not out. 1 I Extrh. K Exha, 1 1 CA':t!M\ Lf:ATtfK): 'VORKS. H r 1,[:1: D; Y. F,%NCY LK\T))):i: i on th dl ;;CIT¡"S, g<n)'i"jS.t;:<t:ty. 6core H\T. LKATHKR. J. St.tnf..)' tun o:tt. 22 H. :¡11,woofi Hayps, h .foncs 2 J. I:owLJllIl (1,), bU. H. Hp.'nce. iiT.Hcm!(.'tt,nmout. 0 J. Wal:¡h, b U. H. Muence m J. -)iiiiiiiN, c Ktanfurd I b WalÙ :) T. Jones, b Lea 3 G. H. tSpcncf, h Junes H. Evans, c Simms b (i. H. Mpence. itJ.Lea.camlbJones !) E. Wiiliams, b t!r H. Spence 1 W. Spence, b J. How- !:md (h). 0 R. Dftvies, run out. 0 A. Pootc, b JfMK' 2 J.t:owta.nd(:t),r))nout 1 H..Tone: b Howland II J. H. Crompton, run out U J. Ummmont, b Junes 0 J. Hoberts, b G. H. Spence OE. Foster. c Ci-,)iiipton b!:<).utKt(h) 1 J.Price, not out. 4C. !{!ch:ud-.o)). not out. 0 Extras 21 I';xtr.s 12 1 7!1 R) LLAXEKCH! GM. v. Lt,Oi'T Wn\. P!:tyed at LIoft Wen ou Sa.t.urd:)y. Score <J. Jones, c J. GriHiths, b. PnwYS.)nnt:s,))) w, )) !}. Jones. it W.' ):«herts. :) Willi:iiiis, ritii otit 0 P c i- ( I t ollu. t ?V.I i:(')'ert.-) 5' A.!);i'ies,br.R.Jones. 4 Jus KYMS, )j E. Wi!)i:tms. t< E.W)UiauM,bP.R.jMie. 0}:. JnnM, b W. i )to))t.')'ts. 14 T.Wi!!iau)'notout. 7W. Jftnes, b 'r. j:nhcrts !I J. b P. R..Tones. (i W. Etlii-ar(is, run out 2 H. f!bcrts, h P. R. Jones W. foutkes. run out 0 W.t{.)herts,bH. Jones. OJ. <!)iM[h, h H. !;obe!'ts 3' K. D.w.s, hi:. Jones. 2f:. < i' \tii.ims. it! J. J"nea, b R. Jones. 0 J. Doyd, not o')t. 51 I:. :allllcron, b i:. Jonf.s U i:. WiUiutnt:, b C. Jon'-t 0 Extras. K) Extras I3 ? ?. CRICKET FIXTURES. WREXHAM. Aux. 10th, Mold, at Wrexham. Au.t. ]7th. v. Chester CoHege, !it Che-t(!j', Au: 24th, v. Chester, at Wiexham. Aug. 31st, Y. Hooton, at HootMi. Sept. 7th, v. Wynnstay, at Wrexham. CIVIL SH!:VICE. Atig. H)th, v. Ourk Mt Wrexham. Aug. 17th, v. C:WH)'.sY!It, at Gwt-rsYl!t. Aug. 24th, v. PontMyddyn at PontMyfMyn. Sept. 7th, v. Huahnn school .it SHpt.Mth, JIo, ]!!a(-kP:t)'katWrexha'n. Sept. 28tit, v. Alumn Crewf at Wrexlm1! WYKXSTAY. Aug 24th, v..Mold, at Motd. Au. :!lst, v. J{hos. at I:os. Sep. 7th v. Wrextmm, :.t Wrexha'n. Sep. :bt, Closing match. PONTBLYDDVX. .s. 17th, v. H:mardpn at HawardeH. I Au?. ??th, v. Civi!Servic<; :ttPon!:i.]\ < A)i;j:?!st, v. Mold at Poi)'<Iyd h it. MOLD.. Au?. ]<)th, v. Wrcxham, at Wrexh'mi. Au. i7th, v. Cheater, at Cht'stf't'. Au'j;. :!lth, v. Wynnst::y. at :\]0111. :!lst, v. )'"nt')Iv()'tbn, at Pr'ni.t'!vd.I' \n SL-pt. 7th. v. Hh,lbnerchn:;rog :It ;\101,1. SL'p! L'th. v. Ma)ried and Siu g1e. :.t [,,1,1.

Railway Time Tables for August.…



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