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EsTAV.i.ismn A.T). lQS 4 \VREXHAAI ADVERTISER .■UK WREXHAM ADVERTISER, >V hfhii'C^ Fliiit#h'i'r j }f*'i '0>ieth.<hnTt .1  ?' t' < F ?' <.?' ) .y"J, Reiiiitcv. (I,t, Pup^r fw all Official Notifos in Denbigh- '¡h:' .shirear.il Flintshire. j ,„> Fr?r FlU n.1 LiXnS.1 TURD A Y em(TJ.AX..j.H1. I Y AND liPtADLEY, I'liOPlM K T O IJ S si'isnurTiox "s. per Annmn, pay. 1' ¡.ù' on èrellit, 10s. 1)('1' anll\\lI1. Pel' l)O"t !.lV ivMiwe: on credit, Ilk per annum. Per post !II. pe' annum, payable in advance on Credit, J.J. „.I .niiiuni. Sales by Auction. MKs-^llS BAUliH. JONES, AND CO. N o T 1 C K. • s |i •:rowing Wheat, on Lower Gwersyllt .V entail't» t:\ke pl.uv at the Wheat- ■ ,,m Wheat-ihwif, mi Tuesday. the tith day of ¡, I :»-t ill take 11 ;I,'P at tile :i!lil ,I"l'" i"' \?'?' ??''?'?'? ""??'?' BAl'liH, JONES .V (O. I WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. ¡ JHCIM'AV, AUGUST Sni, 1S7S. W iUi|. ,H HT A)) TOHE STOCK EVERY S r\)!; !tAY. ?tTtin ?\-1"rk. ami the A'tct?'n?Gr- rep' ?h)'?["t"'t that the Stock be at the -Mart M' 1 STOCK Ai.ni:\DY ENTERED. | ,t of l'rinie Fat lieasts Dairy Cows, Fresh Barrens, In-calf iK'Ifi'is. short horned bulls lot "f Sheep. Lambs, Calves, and Pigs Sale at Ten o'clock. l.vrilH, JON"ES, AND CO. '.Ilr, b Furniture oil,; Outdoor Eifeets at vi' •' 1 LION IN.V, ROSSKTT. M. ^i;s t:<'H, JO?Ks, itnd CO. have been by the representatives of the late Mr 'V(i !'Yvnii-. tn SELL BY AUCTION, oil the above ,ji.Oil ran'AY, the I'tli -I.iy of Aujswt. IN" 1,1,of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, \\K;.Fj'r.i:?TU):Ks and rt'n'?us,.)u? iv-t in i VitfccK viz. >l i;uoM. '"?h??.mvt'Htt.?.h-. JiHo??a. 'v I, pin- in gilt frame, timepiece, oak I •" Illf rocking, and arm chaiis, pictures, .„i.): ii'llav tire screen, fender, tireirons car- tri. v-uW. window ?'?n?.A?. ?,. MI Two I'MU.OI i:s.—Large iur>- ?; .h:a?!s.c') -(to). Windsor, and I >1 ,'j I' !if'i!'?'?m? other lamp*, brass and •nil-, -eating covered, forms, <>ak dresser. .L.nt)"hAn'th: pictiurs, fo??'rs.?s]..  fir..irwindow lilillds, «Ve. ?'? t' P.i:. Tables ^zim'-covi'red tnp,\ .r-?..t:?.t: form*, s tovo anil piph)?. w'i_ aii.l spirit ji'nsses, ipiantity <• ■ '1: ci'its. llr't ke-'s and taps, pewter alt* ,).)?"  t )?i'?:?)< ) ta p s. } 't'u' t 'i'r:( t.'? »• n'k»r. icon s t?'t\?.. A-c. itM K KI IVIIi-:x.—stronjr white and t .Mfs, Aiii-rican clock, hastoner and jack, Ti.i; -«i:.I r>ti:er en :ir- ilinn. r aii'l tea services, knives and forks, dinner prongs, spoon- iVe 'i.-irit iiini, siiacwpans. ten kettles "II. i.s. and other candlesticks, fenders, ;11 knife cleaner, lamps. V 1 other JK111S, A-c. J ])::IM:UIHIS AM> STAIIU'ASI- i ii: .,1. :< d: r., linoK-inn, iloiiy ii l-i a ooil, an-I other Iie^- iii. .'w is'ist:nds. toil, t glasses, toil- t it I If drawer*, cupboards, chairs. • !» :ls. -traw ami inattresscs, larp' • tm ..••••! w-iod trunks, tenders, lire iron v.aid-'v. ''liads, iv:viiii^ bath, pa»Tot cat- and ntln-r linen. V\;i, .I, jiatent f,ndry, <jiiaiitiiy of manure, coy v •> i t.ia^iis. c.iol-r, kne.i.lin.ij," tub, r:1:: ■ i- dolly end tub, lmcktts, tn1: i rr.ia- r-ms other effects. s ,ie in Twelve "'clock prompt. lsti,) i • !i;wki; WINK MF.tjchaxts, AND OTHKRS. M'MMKHHir.L, WKKXHAM. C,,T.~ | '•* jiK sit.' .li l!V AI"«'TIOX, by .MKSS1{>». ??' ??;J' ):Y .U'rT!<?. 1,y  1 :?J':H.K.?(.). ??«n!ei'<fthp?!n)t.! .'?.. ;1;, c Eh:.r William Inn," Summer Hi!). 't'?'.iY,thp?th():)\-?f.\)?ust.1?- I woll-os'ao- Kit; *iV'l?.'i; to^et'ier '.citli the stable and ■! iin.s and iiowlin; jjivelt thereunto IP- I ;ni> inin.o. situate at Snmmerhill, afore- .'■i i i.vns'nip of fiwcr.svllt, in the parish »f Danbiuh. now and for some 1 <■■•i-iijuttii.il i.f .Mr Phil nix. .r:t;.ins kitchen, back kitchen, pantry. bedrooms, laiye clubvoi»tn. am! •, i. an "Id licensed Inn, well established, n ■ • ;t<- i>i the centre of a larire and populous c..i y v ;rtii-nli\Ts apply to T)KYKUKr\ i' l: Temple Row, Wrexham, or to the ?;<•}. r)KM;M.ii.-]ni. ■i i \iii. FRF.F.HOU) PiiOPKRTV '?"t -'?.i)?v.\r')"x.'??'?-).?.J!.u'<;tr, I .v at thel-redington Arms, Howl, iji t'r?.Y.th' h).h day of August. 1-7S, at r i i-lni k iutje.i't?)'n<?))). in the folio v. in^ I: as .shall be luTeed upon at tin. subject t-> conditions to be the.: \¡; T1\.T rn.v'io!.i Messuage or i>WKf.- v with double shipjioii for ten cows an.! -ll-hon.se. v. -u'eiiouse, pineries,Paml! ;'r"i ::1111 rear o? house (the garden at tl'.»- j land; situate 1 of Holt, in the t>, abi-h. fi-mitiim the road leading from j • 1 now in the occupation "f .?):? *'• '?t' ?:??'iftt?'.w)t"!s:?Hr'?.t. i? :? iiremi-es. The d\vf)!))i?-h?)?<'? -'i tli- •». <:uid Hour front and back kitchens, '■ '■ dtiiiu is-'U -e and on the chamber d 'i"d.o(.m> ami the j-anleus are well .!• thriving damson, Victorii. piuni, • ll'.ice 'llit il'« es. Ai!that Freehold Mes>u;me or DWF.I.I.IXf.- '■ v 't!i -i|ijnm f..r live cows and loft over :eiles and uarden ill front of the dwel!- !?' i)t tlvj whole in surface area j ?''?i' yards, more or less, -itnatf HUll '?. lately in the oM'ujiation of Mr i I t !Tm* dr.e')iiir-house contains on tlio | ]-i')i ;ir, kit-"nen. back-kitchen, and j '?!'nt)?' chamber storey two good i S £ ad the -v.rden is well-stocked with usifful x 't''  u i "? ;ll. f-] the.t'?iveprptni.-f"- are in a ) 'pair, and there is a capital and 'iii'l'ly of sj,r:n^ v.atjr on the premises ii'|ii !y to Mr »\'il!!ams on and after the t •A'lUilSt llext. ply to Messrs Biitcii, II:" lId lunaii.solicitors, Chester; or 1'" T 1 ('I I 'v-I-st Tcnnde C ham'oers, Wrexham HALL WORK'S, XKAR rii, Ri'Ai'ON. 5 Iiv Ai l'liOX, (sn'??. t.tt?n- );<. .?.? and there ivad), Ly .MKSSItS ? "XKS. iiini Co., at the Wynn-:tay Arms, l!.i !?-.???)?), ,t.,yt,f.)?))-t,IS7S,at "iilly, the nia xpired term of the Lease ?.?'r.(.,t "Trevor H?)) I.ime and Fiux- '!I 't 'I II ii. !l'in'y, near ):??)?.)). together with all '1', 1'1' I \1 I' 'I') t :li.. .?' and Machinery. lCl'e] n l'atl1- ,?,??'t)rh Raih'.a' to the Ouarry. and a great r).?; 'I- upon tiie works by the lat'-Owner. '?.? )" .?'?'t't""ity for a good investment to V"!K of jmshiiia on the trade. The Canal ?.?.hi.'ht)!w is a Wharf )?!")'?'"?t' ''??'.? ?,?. "?' )?!ti('))).i).t,?].\ tuMrHn.-toM?, 'ry- Acre/air, near Rnabon, or tl ''?',? ''?"???"?"?''?'?'?"'?'? '■■■>,», "1 1 will anange with intended 'i''?n.?'P?"yt!?"?"?'t???"?" • h, "lIdJ) :'11 a\'l.(,intment with Jilin tu th"t '■i'lli July, ¡-q7f -,l 1.11 J I. I RLLIMIXARY. ?- 7.?, /y.?-<, v '??-\VfLLA<if:,rL!?T.sm):t;. f|» I I'.Y Al'CTIOX, by Messrs BAUliH, ?,?.?("tt]K'hou.t;?f Mr .Marsh, '.Vi'I'.ti, !l I'ontblythin. on .Mit.\l>Y, the i!)th 1N'K. ft Three o'clock in the after- 'wt 11 conditions to be then and there pro- 'H n: •,•f»»! „ >'H Severn! Mtb.stantiiilly Stone-built ) ''i* )'?-)))n?-Hr-us?,wit.h th<-t?stye' Va- thereunto "l'IolJin and adjoin- 'i< m(« .'V, "ntrf', ne,lr T"YI}IJn '('om Mill, in "t>\»i..Trj-dityn, in the parish of Trydrtvn, l!t" r i, ■ Mint, late in the respective ?ccu??- 1;i- i-T "??j. "?"f'?, Thomas Jones, John Roberts, ??,? ei''i Jones, anil Kvan Trevor. Abi ?"/ ,-r"ft ?''??' M' ?nvct uf LAND. con- .1" 1, "') pr?ni?'s. :)u? hddbyth?sinnt' V' Tl',1" "I'l'ietor sunk two shafts upon the ,:rL.l,te ]1i1J»l'jetl/ ¡¡l1k two shafts 11/1011 tlw — '?'t'-l'ti'.M? beint: 42 \n'ds.:md r' i,n,l thereby pioved that the land %i!dde beds of coal (and it is believed ? ?"<'r.?nf the adjoining lands to .11\: t o ?'t'sn?.t; time ago expressed their "■ /'ll' ,t with any iiurchaser of the above estate" net ,i V sp of the mines under their est ates "1'" 'Ii" 111 J '¡' 1 ') "l! posi t:<,ns that the mines can be 1" -.1 ,i Jl. :i>' Miudlest possible cost. The new line eVL'* 'h part of the 2110 acres. .\i. ???'?;]yt'fr.).\?t:.s, "(,1i("i- M e "r ?' t? tl.y Am tioneers. Temple  distill !r?. q ,1. I:I¡" KXKTF.R HOT Kb OJ¡'' 1:, J r." I"" A |lj l v.-> ?"?'t"n?"t?"thH WEST- 'i: ,Ii, I'S,' t" t': l'!ii:H!i:s. jmd most ") '"?-t. ?ithth?:rh.!UtaKHof J i,.ij, r'y sin rounded 1, the wo?d I "I>I11;t-, 2; '1: 1IJ':mjl1"n"oms, with | I'd: Drawing-Rooms, with f. ? ? /?']?'?;-?vi<'c,?'!d. The I' I. 1. ?.)').u'f ''?"? that the ,H"ne is ;|1'' Maivi.ifV ,,r!l'usare parties. Xor is there a I, c i. t .i.j. u. ''?'„??'m'u]H?teIn' in L?m)"t)." 7e Sales by Auction. SALES BY MR. LLOYD.  LLANGOLLEN SMITHFIELD, AUG. tiTIi, 1S7*' I MR LLOYD h ? great PI;sue.!n !U)nou!?" ?- 11' his next Sale of Fat Md ?*- '??'" ,.t -.ore Stock aVt VLhini,- I fiiiiian win take -?? nn T»es(lay, ?<?,.)\ h, ',?, W'. n lis -11 I w he>er:t! ."n? for ale the following stock, vi7 Ind store Cattle Several Fat Sheep !-eve'al Shropshire and Welsh Ewe Lambs A few calves and pigs. Sale at Ten o'clock prompt. Offices Piaster, Wrexham. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8TH, 187S. WRKXHAM SMITHFIELD. MR LLOYD he;; to inform his numerous frieud? and supporters tht he ha. taken FIRST and ECOXD MTANU in the ??w SmithiicM (which b V11 tile left hntl side of the entrance), where lie will in future hold h? fortnightly sales of cattle, sheep, pigs, Ac., anil trusts he shall receive the same support that has hitherto been accorded him during the time he has been in busines as an auctioneer, and has the pleasure of announcing his next sale will take place on THURSDAY, August Sth. The following stock are already entered. A prime lot of Bullocks, Heifers, and Bulls, In-calf Cows, and with Calves at foot, Barrens, Stirks, Store Bulls, Ltc, A magnificent lot of Fat and Rearing Calves A prime lot of Shropshire and Cross-bred Fat Sheep A number of Pork and Bacon Pigs, also Stores The property of regular supporters of the late Auction Mart Sir W. W. Wvnn, Bart., MP W vnnstay; Sir R. Palmer, Bart., Sir R. A. Cunliffe, Bart., Hon. Geo. Kenyon, T. L1. Fitz-Hugli, Esq E. Peel, Esq., Bryn-y-pys; S. Y'orke, Ksq.; S. P. Hope, K-i/j., H. Lees, Esq., Pickhill Hall Captain Ormrod, Peuylan: A. Peel, Esq., <}erwvn A. Balfour, Esq. Monnt Alyn: Capt. Godfrev, H. W. Meredith, Esq.. T. Beakbane, Esq., F. R CottOIl, h.[.. Captain Best, E. Swetenham, Esq., W. H Diivhy, Esq., Bvymho; T. Clayton, Esq., MaW' Roper, H. Whalley, Esq., Plasmadoe Captain Owens AHIr-ey, Peter Walker, Esq., George Barbour, Ksf] i Bractcn: J. Clarke, Esq., R. C. Webster, Esq., Geor-e Plant, Esq., Henry Dennis, Esq., Henry Hiiiiipbi-e is, ti. P.. Beniiit)ii, Esq.. E. Randies, Esq., R. J." S„ssoi), Esq., Charles Griffiths, Esq., Thomas Morris i'sq., Esp Hill: J. Kenrit-k, Esq., Wynn Hall Nii-s .1 "]lIl.Jn, Esless The Alisses Lewis, Jliss Haves, New British Iron Company Messrs T. Evison, Kvton • RT* Peate, Eyton: Thos. R. Pan v, J. MillKin Meredith, R. ,T. Roberts, J. \dh;ims, H. Bate. s. T. Reeves, K. Humphreys, T. Roberts, Berse T. Fearnall, Royton J. B. Murless, s. Dale, Holt H, Parker, Belgrave J. Fori-ester, i Sutton, Thomas Griffith, T. Brassey, Althrev: T., r.eake, ,1. Owens, Coddington Io;, Kossett: Cooke, tt'orthenbury it. Iliurison, Plascocli: J. Kdwavils, i c-iythiigena T. YVainwright, J. Roberts, Woodhouse: J. Lee, H. C. jrnrless, Rnabon T..Tones, Hollies • c. Parsonage, Bev in, Jackson, Eardley, W. Billing-! M. Darlington, B. S. Roberts, Esq., Burton Hall, w, Thompson, Esq.. Bryn, The Broughton Coal Co Bryn, The Broughton Coa! Co., >v ■ &c T'ic property of Ilri Edwards, Wood Bank, near Chester. 2 s horthorn Bulls. Pedigree on tliiv of sale, S:tie ut lt> o'clock to u minute. 20;lpn \ïJtEXHA:\1 HOUSE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. LATE AUCTION MART, BEAST MARKET, WREXHAM. "3 R LLOYD beg- to announce that he has ereottd α- s pacious sheds, boxes, leaping bars, in the aoove Mart, where he intends holding a Monthly Sale of Horses, Carriages, S.uldlerv. A: and has the pleasure ofannouncin.; his First Sale will take place on TnynsDAY n I:T, August Sth, when he will for Sale the following valuable Horses, Traps. Harness, iVe., viz. S powerful cart horses, 4, 5. and years u'.d, varying from to 17 hands high; (i use- froiii I- to 17 h: (; ii-,e- ful cobs, 4 and "i years old, about 14 hands high; Ii hack horses, hunters, iVc., steady in saddle or harness cart rolt.s: -1 ponies, about l.i hands high, various ages; also several shandries, traps, harness, bridles, raddles, iVc., the property of J. C. Edwards. Esq., Trevor Hall, Rnabon; Messrs T. Roberts, Berse; Jiio. Eaton, Malpas; E. Williams, Borras; — Burrou-hs. Streetymwiii T. Meredith, Borras; J. Boote, Park Eyton J.Junes, Vownog G. Ciriffiths, '< f'!d Hall: I:. Williams, Gvfellia; J. Shone, Penybryn: H. Thomas, \V..lones, T. LI. Lloyd, &e., &c. The property of Mr J. .Tones, Yownog. That Noted Entile Horse DE CLAP? E," If; hands h!h. Ly "Tonchst me," winner of the DuncMter St. I. °ge; De ( lare." only started thrice, and won at at each, 20 .subs. to 4 on De Clare"). Sire of. Klnrikoff, Clarior. Clai eiiiont, IClarinska, Stentor, and many other noted leases these five horses have won over ten thousand pound*. Sale to Cci imence at Two oi,.ic,ek, prompt. X.B.—Every horse must be in the yard by Twelve j o'cl -ck, with a m'ii in attendance until solli: Catalogues are now ready and may l ie obtained from the Auctioneer. offices: Plassev, Wrexham ) Tii-pr-taut Sak oj Valuable Freehold Propei'ty at RAGS HILL, 74 7"1XOY1) Jus great pleasure i;t announciiig that | j.?jl he has been honoured with instructions from j Mr John Griffiths, to SKLL BY AUCTION, at the Back Hotel, Bangor, on MONDAY. August 12th, 1 7H, ¡ tw" ;¡hblltial COTT.\G ES, brick built and slated, j containing kitchens, parlours, pantries, bakehouse, n.l three bedrooms, new shippon to tie two cows, j iitabling for e,ue horse, jiigstyes, orchard and croft,! ami other out-office-, containing by estimation tii-o i roods more or less, together with a frontage of 1110 v.- rds to) the Bangor and Whitchurch road (suibhle i for buildingsitesl, now in the occupation of Mr Henry !) ivies,adjoining the lands of E. Peel, Esq.,Brynvpys, Cotgiva' e, Esq., and the representatives of the late i Mr Dymock. .-ale to commence at Seven o'clock, prompt. OSites T'lassey, Wrexham. rifi-t'int Sale of (jiou hitj Corn, at tin• Elick Hotel, I 5 miles front ll>(.r;i«i/i and J:uf¡I.JfliL f .|Tii LLOYD has great pleasure in announcingtliat Jfl he will sell by Auction, at the Buck Hotel, Biingor, on MONDAY, A«!rsT lth, 17, the follow- i:;g excellent gtov. ing crops of Corn, viz. :— The property of Mrs Moll, Maesynant, Cross-lanes. Lot a r p 1 Clover-field, Wht-¡,t. S 0 0 2 Marl-field. do 4 2 0 Poor-field 0:-t. 7 1 :jh I 4 Bain-tield do 5 0i, I Mr 1\, Peate, late of Eyton. Field of Wheat (turnip ground) 110 0 (half share) (i Field o; Wheat (turnig ground) SOU (half share) Consuming price will be allowed for the straw, The representatives of the late Miss Studley, Overton. 7 Field of Wheat belonging to Penyllan Farm, growing near Overton, !) acres, half share. Sale to commence at SIX o'clock, prompt. X.B.—To view apply on the premises. "DEW FALE BY MESSRS. W.M. DEW AND SON. COUNTY OF DKNBKill. I\tP0RT\XT TO FARMERS, STOCK BREEDERS, CATTLE DEALERS, AND OTHERS. Sale (Î Valuable Extra Live and Dead Si'i", at GREENFIELD, Trefnaut SW";t, on the Jiht/l a,ul Denbigh Hallway. MESSRS. WM. DEW and SOX have received in- .I. structions from Win. P. Evans, Esq., to SELL Ly PFBLIC AUCTION, on Monday, 12th day of August, lK7, a quantity of valuable extra Live and Dead Stock, comprising Sixteen grand young CART HORSES, of great power and high courage, in first-class condition, (many of which are prize takers); sixteen noted Welsh and Short-horn COWS and HEIFERS, several with calves at foot and others down to calving (including several pii?.fe-winners); six barren cows and heifers, twelve strong yearling steers and heifers fifty fat Shrop- shire Down lambs, twenty ditto Shropshire Down Ewes, thirty prime porkers of small w eights, three farmer's waggons, nearly new, a few other imple- ments, and a large quantity of excellent horse gear. N.Ill.-Tile Auctioneers have every confidence in thoroughly recommending the above high-class stock to the notice of the public. Luncheon at Eleven a.m. Sale to commence on the arrival of the 11.27 trains from Chester, Mold, Ruthin, Denbigh, and RhyJ. Descriptive catalogues may be had at any of the principal hotels in the counties of Flint and Denbigh, on t' e premises, or the Auctioneers, Wellfield House, Bangor, and Town Hall, Rhyl. 1771a SALE BY MESSRS T. & W. WHITFIELD. NEWBRIDGE, CEFN BYCHAX, RUABON. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD COTTAGES AND GARDENS. TO BE SOLD BY AH1'JO, by Messrs T. and W. Jt WHITFtEL!), at the T;t))y-H? 11m, Newbridge, on Tt)H:sr.A?,AuRust Sth,)87S,at four o'clock in the afternoou sa hied to conditions to be then de- I clared, ail those Four several DWELLING-HOUSEs, COTTAGES, and GARDENS, with the appurtenances thereto belonging the whole containing by admea- surement 1(5 perches or thereabouts, now in the seve-1 ral occupations of Messrs John Roberts, William Roberts, John Roberts, jun., and Davill Davies. The Property is situated close to Newbridge, in the parish of Ruahuii, and adjoins the turnpike road leading from Newbridge to Rnabon. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, Willow Honse, Osw??trv or to I Mr RICHARD HARRY FJ.US. 17i;Siil Solicitor, Oswestry. -??'1 ESSRS ?HtLIJPS AND £ 10. t ArCT)OX:):S, ? I A r c T I o N E E R s, I VALUATIONS FOR PIWHAn DUTY OX REASONABLE TERMS. Accounts settled up at close of l'ach day's Sale I OFFICES F.UCNDO.N AND HAKTIIILL. 8Sjll SSjd I Sales by Auction. SALES BY MR. J. W. BROWN, Sale of off-minn Tenant's ? ?. 1/1)/u grOlinfl on ihj 11 1 -'to* <, •/ e W <•■h>. eat,, tiow aromny tLWYNl FARM, WEPRE, near Con nnh's Quay. \|R J. W. BRCWX is instructed by Mr John T" Lat!lam< to SELL BY AUCTION, at the 14oti,e Tavern, Connah's Quay, on Wednes- uay, the < th day of August, IïS, the undermentioned lots of Growing WHEAT LOT. A. H. r. ]1.—Off. -going Tenant's two-thirds share, now growing on a Field called "Marl 2.- Ditto, on Marl Pit Field," (2) 5 :1 10 :5.—Half-share, on "Little Bradley," 4 0 2-S 4,- Do. Pear Tree Field, n 0 22 5.- Do. "Well Field," 7 2 18 I Ii, Do. "Part of Meadow," 5 0 0 7.— Do. "Big Field," 8 0 13 44 1 14 I Straw to go off. 44 1 14 Sale at Six o'clock in the Evening. Mr John Latham, Shotton, will show the lots to intending purchasers. Mold, 1h78. 1741b STOCK SALE AT BROUGHTON HALL STATION i "IlL J. W, BROWNwill hold his next Fortnightly -tle of Fat anot Store Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Pigs, Calves, Ac., on WENfESDAY, Aug. 14th, 1878. Early entries to the Auctioneer will oblige. High Street, Mold. 1823 Fourth Annual Sale of Pure-Bred Shropnhire-Dof a Sifep, at TYDDYX-Y-GWYXT, MOLD, FLINTSHIRE. (Clone to the Rhydymwyn Station, on the Chester tfml Denbiiih ?a'?M'/). MR .T. W. BKOWN is again instructed bv Mr T. it ?. Bov-ft?e to SELL BY AUCTION, on Fni- lath September, 1S7S— loo Grand Pure-Bred EWES, including ahout 40 J1 shearlings, many prize winners and dams of prize winners. 41) Splendid one, two, and three Shear RAMS. 23 Capital Ram LAMBS. Sll Wedder LAMBS. ANn the following Pure-Bred Leicester, the Property of P. B. Da vies Cooke, Esq. Capital Pure-Bred EWES. 1 1 our RAM, 1 three-shear (h, and o Shear- Irag (I", 7 Grand Ram LAMBS. 40 Wedder LAMBS. Luncheon at 12. S:ile 1.31) 1).rl o.ita'ogues may bi; obt vued ten days prior to sale '.n the premises, or of the Auctioneer. Chur .-k huie, Mold, ls?\ 1821tt SALES BY MR. JOHN JONES. MR JOHX JONES will hold his NEXT SALE ot .]' Sileer, ztn(I on the 11'rexliiiin SiaithtieM on TIU'IISDAY, Aug. Sth, 187S. Also an excellent phieton, Shandries, saddles, Bridles, a lot siiziz)(,ries, liri(iles, zt lot Aucc?'n?er' u?ice, Crescent-tcrMce, Wrexiiam lSiil ??': e<»HX JOXl'S :s favoured with instructions ?T? from Mr Thomas Jones, M WiHiantson's-row C.ie'.ipoeth. to SELL BY AUCTIOX, on MONDAY. Au;i«>tis. the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FUR- NniRK and other Effects, comprising tables, "P:!1" iron and other bedsteads, cupboards, Arc., Arc. Sale at Two o'clock. Auctioneer s Office, Crescent-terrace, Wrexham, lS-Sil SALE BY Mll EDWARD J ONES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR 6 EDWARD JONES, on MONDAY next, 5th August. iS7?, adjoining the School in the Beast Mar- ket. Wrcxham, a variety of useful HOUSEHOLD kFeUt, RNITURE, capital Wringing and Manning Ia. chine, and other effects, taken under Distress for Rent. Sale at TWO o'clock, prompt. 181.">f SALE BY MR RICHARD OLLERHEAD ,+. s.VLK IX VEGETABLE MARKET, WREXHAM. TUESDAY, AUGUST 15TH, 1378. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, bv Mr OL'HR- T HEAD, as a'?ve, the HOUSEHOLD iFURNI- TURF., Beds, Bedsteads, &c., of Mr J. H. Maddocks, who is giving up business and leaving Wrexham. The.-e are capital goods and nearly new. Removed to the above Market for convenience of .?ie. Sale at Two o'clock. Auctioneer's Offices, S, Charles-street, Wrexham, 18151 d MESSRS CHURTON, ELPHICK, AND CO. /!< SlIrth IJWfji.—To Ilotel-lcepers, Brewers, and others. Messrs. CHURTOX, ELPHICK, and Co., will :)" ;IV("rIOIA. ,tt the Mostvn Arms Hotel, Rhyl, oil Tuesday, RJth August, 1S7S, at two I for three all that old-established and very valuable full-licensed HOTEL, known as "The Sportsman," situate in one of the best position's in Rhyl. 'The Hotel is substantially l.uilt and very COIll- mo'Tous. Being situate near to the Railway Station, and a?, the corner of two of the principal thorough- fares of t'ne increasing town of Rhyl, it is admirably' adapted for carrying on an extensive husiness, awl also presents an excellent opportunity for a safe ill. vestment. The whole of the Fixtures and Fittings will be included in the sale. A large proportion of i the purchase money may (if desired) remain on mort- gage. Early possession may be had. lor further particulars apply to the Auctioned s, at Chester or to Messrs, Roberts and Dickon. solicitors,! Che-ter. J7!¡:l FLINTSHIRE. Sal: ini nortant Freehold Property, kuot'ru as //< "rEFX MAWR" ESTATE, j the 'i/nri.ihes of Hold and C ileal n, a nil within milex fmiii the town of Mold, convpre)>ewl- '■ !A>I :$7S *UITHTR ac.•'•.<, or thereabout*. MESSRS CHURTOX, ELHICK, AXD GO. will .II.. Si?.LUY AUCTION, at the mark LIOn: Hotel. Mold, on WEDNESDAY, the 14th day of I August, TCs, at Three for half-past Three o'clock! p.m. punctually, in one or more Lots, as may lie de- termined upon at the time of Sale, and subject to such conditions as will be then produced, a valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as the "CEFN MAWR" ESTATE, comprising a nice residence, i called "Cefn Mawr Hall," with coacli-house, stable, garden and pleasure grounds, several farms, cottages, beer-house, plantations and lands, pleasantly situate on the Hmestone range, commanding fine views of i Moel Farnmaii and Clwydian range of mountains, and partly abutting on the river Alyn, containing in the whole ;17: statute acres of LAND, or thereabouts, in the holding of g-oml tenants. The whole of the pro- pert/ w ill, in the first instance, be offered in one lot, an if not so sold, then in the lots set forth it the; printed particulars of s;tll. Th? minerals do not belong to the property. Mr Hugh Davies, at Cefn MaWT Farm, will kindly show the property. Particulars and plans, and any further information may be obtained from Gl'ORo'E Hl'fiHES, Halkyn, Holywell: GEOIK.F. BF.I.LIS, Esq., Surveyor, Moid j Messrs KELI.l'.Y and KEENE, Solicitors, Mold; or from the Auctioneers, Messrs CIH RTON, ELPHICK, ROBERTS and RICHARDSON, Chester. 170,"c SHOCKLACH, CHESHIRE, A WORTHEXBU11Y FLINTSHIRE. Sale of Valuable Farm and Landin Shoeldach, in th" eounty of Chester, culled the TOP HOUSE PARJr, and a Piece of Land in the parish of Worthenbury, it,, the county of Flint, eoniprisinij altogether abolit 140 statute acres, and xubdieided. into numerous Lots for the convenience of purchasers. MESSRS CHURTON, ELPHICK, & CO. are ( a instructed to SELL BY AUCTION, at the Queen's Head Hotel, Foregate-street, in the city of Chester, on Saturday, the 17th day of August, 187, at Two for half-past Two o'clock p.m. punctually, iu the lots set forth in the printed particulars of sale, or in such other and in such order as thagents of the vendor may decide upon at the time of sale, and sub- ject to such conditions as will be then produced, a valuable Freehold ESTATE, situate in and near to the village of Shocklach, in the county of Chester, in the occupation of Mr George Hales, as yearly tenant, consisting of a Farm House, an extensive range of I agricultural buildings, garden, and numerous pieces or pa reels of valuabfe pasture and meadow lam1s, comprehending in the whole about 140 statute acres, I The property has been sub-divided into 13 separate lots for the convenience of purchasers, several of which have frontages to the main road, and present sites for building and for forming small detached tenements so much needed in the locality. Shocklach is distant about four miles from Malpas and Farndon respectively, about eight miles from I Wrexham, and about six miles from the Broxton Station, oil the Chester and Whitchurch Railway, and is approached hy excellent roads in all directions. Printed particulars, with plans and further infor- mation, may be had upon application to Messrs BIRCII, Cri.I.IMOUK, and DOCGL.VS, Solicitors: or Messrs CHCRTON, ELPHICK, ROBERTS, and RICHARDSON, the Auctioneers, all of Chester. 1070b SALES BY MAODONALD & FRASER, SCOTLAND. PERTH AUCTION MART.  R E A T ANNUAL L A I H SALES. ?? —— FR IDA V, !)th Anxust current. Present Entries ]2,0'?, comprising H\<MO Top Cross or Grey-faced Lambs, 20(1) alf and three pitrt bre?t C,tt;t- logues on application. Sale at Eleven a.m. FRIDAY, Ifitli August current. Annual Sale of ?latk-fHced and Cheviot Lambs. ""esent Entries Jilt \.JII\ or 0000 comprising 50!'? mack-faced Wether Lambs, iii(I Black-faced Ewe Lambs. 1000 j Cheviot Ewe and Wether Lambs. oil ap1p1 lication.. EI even a.m, S?catMevena.m. The above Sales are deserving special attention, as it will afford buyers a selection of cross and black- faced Lambs not attainable ill any other markets in in Scotland. M vcn(,NALD AND ERASER, Live Stock Salesmen. Auction Market Office, ISl"1 p,?,.tli, Ist A!i,lilst, IKS- Legal and Public Notices. -?? ?"* t ? ? ? ? ? ? -? ? ? ??.? ?. -??-?s.???.?,???  HAW Alt DEN FLOWER SHOW will be held by .M permission of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, l\I.P, in the Pleasure Grounds of Hawarden Castle, M. PT., HURSDAY, August 15th. Two efficient Bands on will be in attendance. The Prizes will be distributed by Mrs Gladstone. Admission: 2 till 5, Is: 5 till 8.30. Cd. Persons leaving the grounds will pay full price for re-admis- scn. Entries close August Sth. IS21d G. SPENCER, Seci-etary. BRnIBO WATER COMPANY. NOTICE is Hereby Given, that the Nineteenth ??! General Half-Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Brymbo Water Company will be held at the Wynnstay Arms Hotel, Wrexham, on WEDNESDAY, the 21st day ef August, 1478, at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon. An application will be made at the above meeting for authority to borrow further capital. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed on the 8th day of August, and continue closed uatil after the meeting. I By order of the Directors, THOMAS CHARLES, Ottices: Brymbo, Secretary. August 1st, 1878. 1812h I RUTHIN WATER COMPANY. NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the ordinary Half-yearly General Meeting of the Share- holders of the above Company will be held at the Company's Offices, Well-street, Ruthin, on Saturday, the 10th day of August, 1878, at 12.30 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the report of the Directors, passing the accounts for the past half-year, and transacting the ordinary business of the Company. By order, DAVID JONES, Secretary and Manager. Company's Offices, Ruthin, July Lith, 1S7S. 1741a. DENBIGHSHIRE AND FLINTSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. THE ANNUAL SHOW will be heM at Rhyl on JL TrEsnAY, the (ith of Au.?st next. PRIZES amounting to £ t/27 arc offered for Cattle, Horses, .Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Dogs, Cheese, Butter, Implements, and Leaping of Hunters, &c. PRIZES amounting to £:200 are offered by the Rhyl J Local Committee, which are open for competition to the United Kingdom. The ANNUAL DINNER will take place in the Show Yard. Tickets, 3s each. Admission from 10 to 12 o'clock, 2s (id t'arh, after 1^ o'c l oc k Is each. 12o\ock, Is each. GEORGE BELU, Secretary, July 24th, 1-7S. 174og IN THE MATTER OF THE COLOMENDY BRICK, TILE, AND CLAY COMPANY, LIMITED, IN VOLUNTA R Y LIQ UI DAT ION. AND IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES' ACT, isM AND Bi7, rjnHE CHE?tTOHS of the above-nMned Company T are f'ef?ured 011 or bjfore the Dth (hy of August, 1 s~s, to s"n t their Names and Addresses, and the particulars of their d?bt.? ?nd chums to Messieurs C. H. Wade and G. W. Taylor, the joint Liquidators of the said Company (addressed to them at the Office of Mnssieurs Thomas, Wade, Guthrie, and Co., No. 12, Marsden-strcet, Manchester), or in default thereof they will he excluded from the benefit of any dis- tribution nvide by the said joint Liquidators before such debts me sent in. FRIDAY, the Ititli day of August, 17, at 12 o'clock at noon, at the Offices of the said Messieurs Thomas, Wade, Guthrie, and Co., is fixed by the said Liquillators for investigating and determining upon debts and claims. Dated this 22nd day of July, ISiS, C. H. WADE, 1 Joint Liquidator, GEO. W. TAYLOR, j of the said Company" j! 1772c j I BANK HOLIDAY (AUGUST 5TH.) I OSWESTRY RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. A (1 RAND RURAL FETE AND PIC-NIC in aid of G the funds of the Corps will be held on the above date at j The Seat of the night Hon. Lord Harlech. Assault at Arms, A thldic Sports, Gymnastics, Jugglery, Negro Minstrels, Swimming, &c., &c. Dancing in the Park and on the Bowling Green. Magnificent Display of Fireworks. For further particulars see bills and programmes, i Tickets of admission to the Park (!d, if purchased on or before Tm '!?n.u'. August 1st, after that date Is. Bowling Green (Quadrille Band). Is extra. 1757g T. LEElih, Hoii. See. HOLT CASTLE FESTIVAL 1878. THE above AXXUAL FESTIVAL will be held I' t. amidst the ruins of the famons old Castle on Tt f:s))AY. August tith, ls74. The liand of the Royal Denbigh .Militia will be in attendance tea, refresh- j ments and dancing from three o'clock admission to the Ciistle and grounds Is, including tea, Is tid. THOMAS HARRISON", I' >s- Proprietor. OSWESTRY MARKET TOLLS. XTOT1CE IS HEREBY GI VEX, that the several I TOLLS, RENTS, and STALLAGES, payable 011 Market and Fair Days in the Cattle and Horse .Markets (including the Tolls paid by Auctioneers), and within the arca of the covered markets called the j Powis and Cross .Markets, will be LET BY TICKET at the Town Clerk's Office, in Oswestry, on Tuesday, August the llicli, 1878, at eleven o'clock in the fore- noon, in one or two lots, for the term of one year, from the 1st day of September next to the 31st day of August, 187il, inclusive, subject to such conditions as will lie then declared, which several Tolls, Rents, and Stallages were let in 1877 for the following sum; viz. — I LOT. £ s. d. 1. The Cattle and Horse Markets 710 0 0 2. The Powis Market and Cross Market 510 0 0 HENRY DAVIES, Town Clerk. Oswestrv, Town Clerk's Office, 18th July, 1878. limltl THE RHOS RELIEF FUND. TAKE NOTICE NO books for collecting subscriptions from the public will be autlientic unless signed by one of the Vice-Presidents and two Secretaries. 1470 THE DISTRESS IN RHOSLLANERCIIRUGOG. A FTER several and numerously attended Com .L' mittep, consisting of the principal Centry and Inhabitants of the neighbourhood, it was unanimously decided to make an Appeal for Funds to meet the pressing and alarming Distress which is found to exist. After a careful canvass of the District it has been ascertained that above ONE HUNDRED FAMILIES are in a deplorable state of destitution, and in urgent need of immediate Relief this being owing to the great scarcity of employment, several Works having altogether stopped, and others having greatly reduced their hands. It is stated that at one Col liery alone the amount of wages paid per fortnight is above £ 1,000 less than was the case a few months ago. Subscriptions will be thankfully received by any of the Honorary Treasurers or Secretaries, or can be paid in at the North and South Wales Bank, Wrexham, to the credit of the "RHOS RELIEF FUND," and which will be duly acknowledged in the Wrexham Newspapers. Chairman of Committee. Sir W. W. WYNN, Bart, M.P., Wynnstay. Vice-Presidents. E. EVANS, Esq., J.P., Bronwylfa. (TOMEK ROBERTS, Esq., Tanyclawdd. Rev. JOII JONES, Vicar of Rhos. Hon. Treasurers. Rev. JOHN JONES, C. M. Minister, Rhos. Rev. W. Fo !'I.K F. Preshyterian )linistel', Rhos. Mr R. ROBERTS, Ponkey. Hon. Secretaries. Mr J. OSWELI. BUllY, Wrexham. Mr E. T. FITCH, Hafod, Rnabon. Mr J. DENBIGH JONES, Rhos. Mr WJI. OWEX HUGHES, Rhos. SUBSCRIPTIONS. £ s d Amounts previously acknowledged 210 12 (i W. Trevor Parkins, Esq 2 0 0 Mr Wm. Williams, Button-street, Liverpool 2 0 0 Mr Hugh Dew, Love-lane, Denbigh 110 Collection at Llanuwchllyn Parish Church, per Rev. W. Williams 0 15 (j 1527g. THE RHOS RELIEF FUND. WREXHAM COMMITTEE. J. C. OWEX, ESQ., MAYOR, CHAIRMAN. Amount ittready acknowledged. 132 1 0 In appealing to the inhabitants of Wrexham and neighbourhood for further subscriptions to the above Fund, the Wrexham Committee wish to state that having held a meeting to confer with the Rhos Com- mittee, they are convinced that considerable distress still exists at the Rhos notwithstanding that a num- her of men have been provided with work. Fifty men are employed in breaking stones at the Rhos at 28 6d each per day, working eleven hours. Others are working in the fields, but a large number of men cannot obtain any employment whatever, and the latter with their wives and. families are entirelv do pendent upon the Relief Fund for their maintenance Further subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Honorary Secretary, or may be paid to the accounts of the Wrexham Committee of the nho ielief Fund," at the North and South Wales Bank. High-street, and the National Provincial Ban! Hope- street, Wrexham. J. OsWELL BURY, j Honorarv Secretary. I Temple-row, Wrexham, Juh (jth, brs. 1605b Legal and Public Notices. NOTICE. I HEREBY give notice that I will not be answer- J. able for any debt or debts contracted by my wife, Amelia Williams after this (late. EDWARD WILLIAMS, Quarry Man, Ruabon. Witness—JAMES TAYLOR. July 29th, 1878, J793g MERIONETHSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. TWELFTH ANNUAL SHOW Will be held at TOWYN, 12th SEPTEMBER, 1878. PRESIDENT W. W. E. WYNNE, ESQ., PENIARTH. VICE-PRESIDENT Mr ROBERT DAVIES, DRL ID, COR WEN. ENTRIES CLOSE,-Root Crons 20th August all other entries except jumping 25th August. FOR the Jumping Prizes see future advertisements and small bills. Special cheap railway arrange- ment sue Company's Time Bills. For farther particulars and entry forms apply to the Secretary, THOMAS ELLIS, Henblas, Bala. 1798s I RUABON HORTICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. PRESIDENT SIR WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, BART., M.P. EXHIBITION, WYNNSTAY PARK. AUGUST lifrH, 1878. FOR programme see handbills. I' Entries for Clean Cottages and besfr Cultivated Garters to be handed in to Court House, Ruabon, Monday, August 5th, at 7 30 p.m. CHAS. WMS WRJGHT, Hon. Tres. ) 180% P. MIDDLETON, Hon Sec. THE WREXHAM, MOLD, and CONNAH'S QUAY T R?tLWAY.counectingthe London and North- Western Railway at Hope Junctiu? w;th the Great Western KaHwa.y ?tWrexham, forms the SHORTEST and CHEAPEST ROUTE between 0»WESTRY, Rua- bon, Wrexham, and 31old, Denbigh, Rnthin, St. Asaph, Rhvr, and Holyhead Line. See the W. M. and C. Quay Co.'? Time Tables for Through Service of Trains. SEA-SIDE EXCURSIONS.-NINE HOURS AT RHYL. -Every Monday, from July 1st. Excursions run from Wrexham to Rhyl at 7.0 a.m. mill 0.40 a.m. and intermedia to- Stations, as per bills. Return fare, 2s tid third class. SATURDAY T&MO?nAY AT THE RK-SIDE.- Every Saturday, from July (!th, Cheap Excursion Tickets will be issKtsd from Wrexham aii(linternie-? diate Stations to IM;* 1 and Abergele by the HAt} a,m, and — p.m. Trains, See bills for full particulars. Special terms un,1 arrangements made for school Trips, and guaranteed Excursions to Bangor, Llan- dudno, Denbigh, Liverpool, Manchester, &c. All information to he obtained from T. CAimvRioTrr, W. :\1. and C. Q. Railway, Wrexham. 1530' ———— FLINT BOROUGHS ELECTION. NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS against the Committee of Mr John! f*- Roberts, M.P., in connection with the recent Election must be sent to me not later than TUESDAY next, the lith inst., after which time the acconnts will be closed, and no further claims entertained. J. HARRISON JONES, Agent for Mr Roberts, h), Derby-road, Liverpool. 1801c ROSSET, GRESFORD, PULFORD, AND DODLES- I TON COTTAUHRS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. UNDER TIIE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G. THE THmD EXHIBITION in connection with Ttlie above will be held 011 WEDNESDAY, August 14th, 1878 (by the kind permission of Captain B. T. GrifHth-Boscn.weu). in Trev?h-n-park, Rosset. Upwards of Upwards of 270 PRIZES will be olFered for Plants, j FIowrs, Fruit, and Vegetables. Th& spiendid Band of Her Majesty's %t11 Regiii,.ent! has been engaged, and will play choice selections of music during the day. The Exhibition will open at 2 p.m. Admission to the ground from 2 to (j, One Shilling from six to the closc, Sixpence. TRAIN AUn.VNOKME.NTS. Passengers will be allowed to travel at reduced fares as under :—From Chester to Rosset at 11 a. 14,. .Vina 5.40.j^ -1 p.ni. Return p n. 'Rctum Tickets, M Returning to Wrexham at 5.58 and 8.47 p.m. A Special Train will leave Eosset for Chester at !?5 p.m. The Prizes will be given out near the tent about 4.45 p.m. Schedules may be had on application to Mr G. Edwards, Lavister; Mr Randies, Boot and Shoe Maker, Gresford; Rev J. R. Williams, Pulford Rev A. C. Gordon, Dodleston or from the Secretarv, ISO-td E. BABB, Alyn Hotel, Rosset. PURSUANT to an Order of the High Court of JL Justice, Chancery Division, made in the matter of the Estate of Edward Lee Bellasyse, late of Cefn y Wern, in the county of Denbigh, Esq., deceased, and in an action, Bellasyse v, Rigg, 1877, B. 3:i5, the Creditors of EDWARD LFE BELLASYSE, late of Cefn y Wern, in the county of Denbigh, deceased, who died in or about the month of October, 1877, are on ar before the 1st day of October, 1878, to send by post prepaid to Messrs Helps. Birch, Culh- move, and Douglas, of the city of Chester, the solici- tors, of the defendants, James Rigg and Francis Manistv, the executors of the deceased^ their Christian 1 and surnames, addresses, and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, or in default thereof they will be peremp- torily excluded from the benefit of the said order. Every creditor holding any security is to produce the same before the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Charles Hall, at his Chambers, situated No. 14, Chancery-lane, .Middlesex, on Thursday, the I-Itli day of November, 1878, at One o'clock in the afternoon, being the time appointed for adjudicating on the claims. Dated this 23rd day of July, 1S78. WILLIAM BINNS SMITH, Chief Clerk, W. A. DAY, Ij. New Bridge-street, Blackfriars, 1817b Solicitor for the Plaintiff. JOHX" PRYOR, DECEASED.—Pursuant to an Act of Parliament, 22nd and 23rd Victoria chap. 35, intituled An Act to further amend the law and to relieve Trustees," Notice is Hereby Given, that all creditors and other persons having any debts upon or against the estate of John Pryor, late of Penyffordd, Mold, in the County of Flint, mining engineer, deceased, who died on the fifth day of December, 1877, intestate, and to whose estate letters of administration were granted by the St. Asaph District Registry of the Probate Division of her Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the seventh day of June, 1878, to Jane Roberts, of the "Machine" Inn, Kuthin, in the county of Denbigh, widow, the natural and lawful sister of the said deceased, are hereby required, on or before the first day of Septem- ber next, to send particulars of their claims to me, the undersigned, solicitor for the said Jane Roberts and that in default thereof the said Jauc Roberts will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among theparties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, and that she will not be liable for the assets so distributed or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim she shall not have had due notice. Dated this 29tli day of July, 1878. ROBERT EDWARDS, 179Hh Solicitor, Ruthin. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. CHEAP SUMMER EXCURSIONS. -On every SATURDAY, until further notice. Cheap Ex- cursion Tickets for Corwen, Ruthin, Denbigh, Bala, Dolgelly, B mnouth, Towyn, Aberdovey, Harlech, Penrliyndeuaraeth, Portmadoc, Criccieth, Pwllheli, Llanymynech, Welshpool, Montgomery, Newtown, Llanidloes, Machynlleth, Borth, and Aberystwith, will be issued from Chester and Wrexham by any of the through trains, available to return on the Monday following date of departure. On every MONDAY, until further notice, an Ex- cursion Train for Corwen, Bala, Dolgelley, and Bar- month will leave the above-named departure stations, and return the same evening. Tickets and handbills can be obtained at the stations. 1437b J. GRIERSON, Manager. Paddington Terminus. NOTICE. SCHOOL BOARD FOR THE DISTRICT OF BROUGHTON WITH STANSTY CONTRIBU- TORY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in reference to N(each of) the above Districts(), that 1. The above School Board have (subject to the ap- proval of the Education Department) made certain Bye Laws in pursuance of the powers given to the School Board by s 74 of the Elementary Education Act, 1870, as amended by the Elementary Education Act, 18715. 2. A printed copy of the proposed Bye Laws will continue deposited, for inspection by any ratepayer, at 1, Henblsw-street, Wrexham, the Offices of the School Board, for one month from the date of the publication of this notice. 3. At the expiration of the said month the said proposed By > Laws will be submitted to the Edu- cation Depa> ment for approval, j 4. The School Board will supply a printed copy of the said proposed Bye Laws gratis to any rate- i payer. JNO JONES, Clerk. July 4th, 1?" 1734f i NOTICE. SCHOOL BOARD FOR THE DISTRICT or Jmnmo, TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, in reference to; the above district, that: 1. The above School Board have (subject to the ap- proval of the Education Department made certain live Laws iu pursuance of the powers given to the School Board by s. 74 of the Elementary Education ■ Act, ls7d, as amended bv the Elementary Education Act, IXili- 2. A printed copy of the proposed Bye Laws will continue deposited, for inspection by any ratepayer, i at 1, Henblas-street, Wrexham, the office of the School Board, for one month from the date of the j publication of this notice. 3. At the expiration of the said month the said proposed Bye Laws will be submitted to the Educa- tion Department for approval. 4. The School Board will supply a printed copy j of the said proposed Bye Laws gratis to any rate- payer. JNO JONES, Clerk. i 4th July, BiS. 1735f Public and Legal Notices. BANK HOLIDAY, AUGUST 5TH. FOREST E R S FETE. THE MEMBERS will meet at 10.30., and parade the principal streets in FULL REGALIA, headed by the BAND OF THE ROYAL DENBIGH AND MERIONETH MILITIA. At Three o'clock, the SPORTS Will be commenced, for which substantial Prizes are offered, and which are now on view at Messrs Bayley and Co.'s window, Hope-street. THE BAND WILL PLAY FOR DANCING FROM FOUR O'CLOCK. Refreshments will be provided on the ground. EXTRA RACE.—On the solicitation of several gentlemen, the Sports Committee have decided to add another race to the list, viz-O.NF MILE OPEX HANDICAP, 1st, £2; 2nd, 12s Oil; 3rd, 7s tith Entrance, Is 6d. Entries for all the races close on August 1st, at noon. See small bills. 1751c HON MAM CYMRU. Y GWIR YN ERBYN Y BYD. 0! IESU N'AD GAMWAITH. CYNHELIR EISTEDDVOD GADEIRIOL MON A GWYL GERDDOROL CYMRU YN PORTHAETHWY, AR Y 6ED, 7FED, SFKD, A'R OI-ED 0 AWST, 1878, PRYD Y RHENIR YN AGOS I BUM' CANT 0 BUNNAU MEWN GWOBRWYON. NODDWYR DUG WESTMINSTER. AKDALYDD MOIY, I ANRHYD. G. S. DOUGLAS PENNANT, A.S., I ANRHYD. W. O. STANLEY, SIR GEORGE JERV TS MEYRICK, BAR., TRA PHARCH. DDEOJT BÅGOn, G. W. DUFF ASSHET0N-9MITH, YSW. LLYWYDDION ARGLWYDD E>¡GOB BANGOR, CADBEN VERNEY, B.N., CADBEN MORGAN, PEITNANT A LLOYD, YSW., I RICHD. DAVIES, YSW., ;S" I I MORGAN LLOYD, YSW., Q.C., A.S.. I LEWIS MORRIS, YSW., LLUNDA1N, I H. BULKELEY PRICE, YSW. ARW EINWYR PARCII EVAN JONES (CAERNARFON), CLWYDFARDD, LLEW LLWYFO, ANDREAS 0 FON. Pit IF GANTORION MADAME EDITH WYNNE, MISS MARIAN WILLIAMS, MISS MARTHA HARRIS, EOS MORLAIS MR MAYBRICK, MR T. J. HUGHES, AP HERBERT. OFPF.IIYSWVR MR .T. THOMAS (PEXCRRDP GWALIA,) I Telvnor i'w Mawrhydi y Frenhines, MISS JONES (TELYXORE5 CYBJ) Dit ROGERS, BANGOR. CYKAUWYDDWYR CERDDOROL MR E. W. THOMAS AC ISALAW, BANGOR. CYNHELIR CYNGHERDDAU MAWREDDOG BOB NOS. Ac yn mysg pethau traill, dadgenir Judas Maccabieus," o waith Handel, a'r "Creation" (Haydn), gall GYNIDEITHAS GOliAWL BANGOR, gyda chynorthwy STRING BAND Y PHILHARMONIC 0 LLITPIVL. BEIRNIAID Gwilym Hiraethog, Clwyfardd, Ellis Wyn of Wyrfai, Hwfa Mon, loan Arfon, Tudno, Llew j Uwyfo, Oarwad, Tudur, Yr Estyn, Y Tliesbiad, Cadwalad'r, Gwilyn Eryri, Menaiwyson, Pencerdd Gwalia, Farchu Wynn Williams, U.H., Borfewryd, John Hugh Evans, John Hughes, D.D., Lerpwl 0. Jones, Llan- dudno H. Williams, M.A., Balt; H. Jones, Caernarfon Dr. Rogers, Bangor Mr J. Rowland Philips, Llandain T..Ni. Owen, M.A. Rhyl; T. M. Williams, B.A. Lluudain J. C. Rowlands, Caernarfon W. P. Evans, Greenfield W. L. Banks, Jchn J. Evans, Penrhyu Slate Quarries Morgan Richards, B tngor John ■ Thomas, Llanwrtyd Robart Parry, R, G. Thomas, Benjamin Thomas, Menai Bridge Thomas Priteharil, BeauIllaris, a Richard Tlioiaas, Ebenezer. CYNHELIR YR HOLL GYFARFODYDD MEWN PABELL ARDDERCHOG, A GYNNWYS CHVVE, j MIL 0 BOBL. TREFX Y CYFARFODYDf). ) Y'tt ORSED1) i agor bob dydd am r.awo'r gloch. CYFARFODYDD YR EISTEDDVOD i ddechreu bob I dydd am haner awr wedi ileg ar Cyngherdd ui am bump o'r gloch. Mynediad i mawn tnvy Docynau. Toevnau unigol i nn Cyfarfoil:—Lleoedd goreu, 5s ail, 3s trydydd, 2s oedwerydd, Is Season Ticket* i fyiied i holl Gyfarfodydd yr wytlinos, goreu, 30s ail, 18s. Bydi Trens rhad yu rhedeg i'r Borth o bob part o'r Deymas. 0. T. OWEN (MENAIWYSON,) ) C. DAVIES, >YSGRIFEXYDDION. 1573c^ T. HUGHES, (TnnOR ALAW.) l I'SGRII,'E*,YDDII)N- Business Announcements. "o;f' WILLIAM WARBURTO is OLD ESTABLISHED PAINTING AND GILDING BUSINESS, PAINTING kND GILDING BUSINESS, AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY, j 2, CHARLES STREET, WREXHAM. 126411 | SPECIALITIES. JUST HECEIVED r BLACK FELT HATS, Cork Lined. BL ACK FELT HATS, Patent Ventilated. I BLACK FELT HATS, New Shapes in round Crowns. BLACK FELT HATS, New Shapes in Square Crowns. I BLACK FELT HATS, Clerical shapes. BLACK & BROWN FELT HATS, From 3-d to 12 C. DAVIES, MILITARY TAILOR, HOSIER, AND HATTER, 58, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. 1419d T. L E E. WAITER, ETC., 4 ELEANOR TERRACE, LORNE STREET, RHOSDDU, WREXHAM. Wedding Breakfasts, Luncheons, Dinners, and Ball Suppers attended. Waiters sent out I by the Week or Month. 1807g JJOLKER AND 0UDWORTH, I GENERAL ENGINEERS, I Having had considerable practical experience I in the manufacture and repairing of LOCOMOTIVES, ENGINES, AND MA- CHINERY IN GENERAL, Trust, by prompt attention to business, combined with good workmanship, to merit a share of public patronage. Estimates given for Millwrights' and General work. WORKS ADJOINING WHEATSHEAF STATION, WREXHAM. 1584 _u_ As a whole, beyond comparison, the best tottriits handbook to Wales yet published."—Chester Chron icle. I NOW READY. GOSSIPING GUIDE TO WALES. I Is. fid. POPULAR EDITION. Five Maps, 17ii pp. 2s. 6d. HALF-CROWN EDITION, Cloth, Five Maps. Routes, and Panorama fiom Snowdon (: I feet long), specially- drawn for the work. I 5s. CROWN EDITION; Cloth Gilt, 12 Maps Routes, Geological and Botanical Chapters and Coloured Snowdon Panorama. 24(5 pp A model in its way."—Daily News. By far the most amusing guide we have seen." Standard. 2S('d HODDER AND STOUGHTûS, LONDON, AND WOODALL AND VENABLES, OSWESTRY. WORKING MEN'S CLUB, MOUNT STREET, WREXHAM. ■5\TILL?AM VEXX begs to infonn his friends and the public that he has given up the Dining Rooms in Hope-street, and will carry on the same at the above Club. REFRESHMENTS of First-late Quality supplied at the following prires :-Lar(Fe cup of Tea, Cotfee, or Cocoa. Id; plate of Ham or" Beef, 4d Roll, Itl Itoll and Butter, 2d Dinners, from (id each upwards Pea Soup, 1 id per how!; Gravey Soup, 2d. Bagatelle, Chess, and Draughts. Id each visit to non-members. A well-appointed 'HiHiard Room, Library, Reading Room: two daily papers t?ken Cigars of superior quality. Hot and CoU B?ths. Public Dinners and Picnic Parties supplied en the shortest notice. Tariff on application to the Manager. IHiOc LUNT AND DAVIS' Ii Motto is-" Small Profits and quick Returns," [ GLASGOW HOUSE, MOLD. I SPECIAL PREPARATIOX:X(':o.IEROFS i TESTIMONIALS. THE "OLIVE CREAM," (Registered at Stationers' Hall). Highly recommended for PRESERVING, IWIGO-i BATING, and DRESSING the HAIR, rendering it Soft and Glossy, and imparting a healthv stimulus to the Hoots of the Hair, < PREPARED ONLY I:Y FR A N C I S )? PHARMACIST, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM, In Is and 2s Botttles. I FRANCIS'S VOICE LOZENGES, for Clearing and Strengthening the Voice, relieving all Affections (If the Throat, Hoarseness, Huskiness, Sore Throat, Re- laxation of the Uvula and Tonsils. Public Speakers and Singers take them with much benefit as a Preventive of Hoarseness, and as a I'teine(ly when it exist. Sold in Boxes, Is l?d. 2s 9d each; or per post, the 'Is I4d for Is 2d, 2s !)d for 3s, in stamps, from 3. FRANCIS, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Hope,street, I Wrexham. EJIIUI | G. CALD EC0TT ? (_< f?ALDECOTT TAILOR AXO LADIES JACKET MAKER, Begs to inform his Friends and Patrons that he has just returned from London with an entire New Stock, consisting of Coatings, Suitings, Trouserings, Braces, Ties, Black and Coloured, which he is now shewing at his usual moderate prices. Over 1,000 patterns to select from. Xli. 2, OVERTON ARCADE, WREXHAM. 1810a ON SAE'E. TO FARMERS, CATTLE, FOWL, AND PIG FEEDERS.—We are now supplying the under- noted, and our present prices are- Feeding Indian Meal .£1) 0 0 per ton. Do. Wheat Meal .£5 10 U „ Do. Rice Aleal 16 I) 0 Do. Palm Nut Meal. £ (j It) tl Do. Fowl Corn, 3s tid and 4s (id Per Imperial Bushel. All of First-class Quality. Samples sent free on ap- plication. Sacks, Is each. Payment, Net Cash. Apply to LANGLEY & CO., 4, Argyle-street, Liverpool. 127Pa THE WREXHAM AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEPOT. First Prize for Implements of the Denbigh- shire and Flintshire Agricultural Society awarded to E. Powell, ISfiS. is 99 IS/2. to J. E. Poicell, 1876. J. E. p 0 IV ELL Begs to call the attention of Agriculturalists to his large and well-selected STOCK of IMPLEMENTS and MACHINES for the Season, viz., POWELL BROS. & WHITAKEE'S MOWING AXD REAPING MACHINES, HAYMAKERS, HORSE RAKES, AMERICAN HAY COLLECTORS. BEVERLEY, BRISTOL, & BALL'S CARTS, CHEESE PRESSES, CHEESE STOOLS. CHEESE MAKING APPARATUS, &C., &c. An early inspection invited. Please note I Address: J. E. POWELL, WHOLESALE Ar RETAIL IROXMOXGER, IRON MERCHANT, &c., I Ii, TOWN-HILL, & 7, ABBOT-STREET, WREXHAM. ) P.S.—Please send in Machines for Repair as I soon as possible, t259h i \r STRACHAN has htilt many thousands of j J. « Bedding and other PLANTS at the Railway Station Nurseries. Inspection invited, HOOc GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Advertiser Office, MARKET SQUARE, WREXHAM. Every description o COMMERCIAL, GENERAL, AND FANCY PRINTING. PROMPTLY EXECUTED J Publishers (by .vithorifcy) of the Abstract of the CoallHiM Regulation Act, AXD Special Colliery Rules for Wales. To be hud ire .Sheets and Books, in VJSIY Scglisb and Welsh. B AYLEY,& BRADLEY, PROPRIETORS: «JITI. Business Announcements. NOTICE. PARTIES INTENDING FURNISHING SHOULD VISIT J. LLOYD S, CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY ESTABLISHMENT, 4, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM. BEDROOM SUITES FROM TEN I GUINEAS. ——— I DIN I K G ROOM AXil DRAWING ROOM SUITES, AT REDUCED PRICES, I 177*8h ( NOTICE OF REMOVAL. JJOUERT RAVAGE, COOPER, In returning thanks to his numerous custom- ers for the support- given to him in the past, begs to inform them that he has HImOYED 0 from Bridge-street to more commodious Pre- mises, 12, MOUNT-STREET, where he intends having, in addition to the usual Brewery work, on hand a supply of D-MRY GOODS, viz., Churns (Machine and Hanll Power), Cheese Vats, Tubs, Buckets, readv-made or to order. 175')d ) ESTABLISHED 1817. DYEINU; DYEIU: DYEING! FIRST-CLASS I CERTIFICATE OF PRIZE MED A L I IJmIT Awarded 1871. Awarded 1874. THE LARGEST DYE WORKS IX THE MIDLAND COUNTIES. IMPROVEMENTS IN THE ART OF DYEING A, VDWOT e-rilitl.x l.\U, AT THE MIDLAND COUNTIES STEAM POWEll DYE W ORES, J. E I C'E s TEn, Lichfield, and j Burton-en-Treut, O H N g'MITH, SOLE PROPRIETOR. AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT:— WREXHAM: lIsSES WHITING, Fancy Repository, 2, High-street. OSWESTRY: I MRS M. REASON, Fancy Repository, Church-street. Goods sent to and received from the al iove Agents Weekly. AGENTS WANTED IN RUABON AND UNREPR F.SENTED DISTRICTS. SeT The New Price and Colour List for 1878 to be had Gratis or Post Free. 12!f;b pROVIDE AGAINST ACCIDENTS.. By taking a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY. The oldest and largest Accidental Assurance Com- pany, HIGHT HON. LORD KINNAIRD, Chairman. SUBSCRIBED C A PI T A L 11,000,000. I ANNUAL INCOME £ 210,000. I A fixed sum in case of Death by Accident, and a j Weekly Allowance in the event of Injury, may be secured at moderate Premiums. I Bonus allowed to Insurers of jive yean standing. ACCIDENTS OCCUR DAILY £ 1,230,000 has been paid as COMPEXSATIOX. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agent, or 61, CORNHILL, LONDON. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agents Agents for WrexhamMr W. JAMES, Wlie-itsheaf Railway Station. Mr J. B. SHIRLEY, National Provincial Bank of England. 12n NEW FOR THE SEASON. C. D A- V I E HOME SPUNS, SCOTCH TWEED AND CHEVIOT SUITS. C. D AVIES, WORSTED, CASHMERE, AND FANCY COATINGS. C. D AVIES, FANCY TROUSERINGS, ALL NEW- PATTERNS AND SHADES. C. D AVIES, SUMMER OVERCOATINGS. TOURIST SUITS, £ 3 3s. TROUSERS, 21s. The Wt'exham Cricket Flannel kept in Stock. Made in any Garment to, Order. 58, HOPE-STREET, WREXHAM. 1420d 11 •<* REMOVAL OF BUSINESS. wm. H ALL) WHOLESALE BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTURER HENDLAS STREET, WREXHAM. W. H., finding his premises too small for his. In- creasing Business, has taken the Sliop, No. 2, ABBOTT STREET, II alH wi1 OP¡'X on THURSDAY, with a large and vaned >tock of BOOTS AND SHOES, which for Price and Quality CAXXOT liE E<JR \LLED in the Town La,lies' Elastic-sides ,from 2s 5d Gentlemen's (Js (id. Ien's Strong Working Roots „ 5s tid. Cliildi-on's in great variety, and ut equally Low Prices Repairs done promptly and well. Note the New Address No. 2, ABBOTT STREET, Henblas-,tieei Shop to Let, aj ply 2, Abbott-street. Als) to Let, a Good Bakehouse, upon the preniises. 16301)