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District News.


District News. r_, THE MAYOR of CHESTE): has been initiated into the mysteries of the Ancient Order of Fores- ters. THE RKV. J. E. OWEN, B.A., Me curate of Mold. has been appointed to the curacy of Llatiasa. LLANi)Y;:xoH.—The M-r.pening of the restored ch'ch lias been nxed for the M) March, when tIic Lord Bishop will preach. A FiRE broke out last week in some outbmid- ings at Isycoed Hall, but was soon got under without much damage being done. The Malpa-s t'Ire Brigade showed great promptitude in cun- necti¡¡I! with the casualty. JoHK E\'AX>i, of Grindley Brook, Wbiteliurch, capcai:) of one of the barges on the Shropshire Union Canal, fell under a railway train at Wa- verton station, on Wednesday week, and died in Chester Infirmary, where he was at once con- vened, on Thursday morning. IjLAXHHAIAnK IX ClXMEKCH.—A VISITOR.— Or. Thursday week, a large baloon alighted in a Held close to this village. An address was found attic?)ed to it, from which it appeared to have come front Liverpool. The machine was packed up and duly returned by rail to its starting poi:t. THE CHESTER LITERARY AXD DEBATING Socu-;TY discussed, last week, the question, "O'jght Chester Races to be abolished, and on a divL-ion, 3') voted in favor of the races and 32 ag:),ir.t. The next subject for debate is rather a CU':¡'Hl.; one, Is it true that Life Insurance Societies are tnisehevious institutions. AT (hu:at'!)Ki).—On Thursday morn- ing, Mr William Hughes, George and I)i-agoii Inn, Lavistcr, Nvis connng; to Wrexham in his i:t which was a young pony. On reaching Gresford. the pony took fright, ran up against Color."1 Townshend's wall, and capsized Mr Hushes, wh" was seriously injured on the left te!U))le. Mr Wm. Chapman, grocer, kindly assisted Mr Hugltes, and the pony was taken int.) Colonel Townshend's stables. DEATH Of MR GILBERT MYDDELTOX Rm- IJI:LP H. —We are sorry to state that Mr Gilbert Hu-;h Myddelton lÚ,ldulph, youngest brother of M' Bid'lnlph, Chirk Castle, died at Rome on Mr BIddulph, who was thirty years of a.;?, was formerly an "I i in the 23rd Welsh Fu-;]icrs, but retired from the army, aud had f. r some time taken up his residence in Ro:i!e, for the purpose of art study, to which he hat: d ;vot:ed himself. He died of fever. Jc"y I!u)n\AY, a Xorth Western railavay g-,i,Lrii, h:M been committed to prison for six Ulont}:, for stè;tlin a ,liamOJHI rin and sapphire pin. value £20, the property of Mr Morgan, who was travelling from Stafford to LIandudno, gave a (strapped only) containing a scarf, to w.nch th" pin was attach-jd. to the prisoner, who was -ruM-d to the train, and v/hen lie reached hi:i /¡qte1 at Dandudnc, he discovered that the h:HI been opened and the pin mL.s- ing. it I)eiii,, afterwards traced to the prisoner. THE TJ,\IXIX(. SHir "CijIO."—We are re- quested to draw attention to a. concert to be give.r In St. James's Mall, London, on Friday e\'elliw, next. the 22nd, in aid of the funds of this sHp. The artistes engaged include Mrs A. Ster- ling. ML.s Helen D'Alt"n, Mr Edward Lloyd, Mi B,doll, Mr Guckin, Mr Maybrick, Mr H. Pyatt. Mr Cliit'.M-d, the London Concert Glee TIto Mattel. It! is hi.nhly that the funds of the ship houlc Ill' in a nourishing condition, and we b,)"e t aoy of nul' i-e:ttlers who may be in Lor.u:\ next Friday will lend a helping hand by ai.ti' ''ing the concert. There are now 72 bays on );¡¡¡ml. Iv:, S'n' .U'/f RF.XDEL has accepted an Invitation ior'Mded to him on behalf of the Liberal of and consented to become a ca.lllli;tè for that county at the next election. Mr Re;:djl is not unknown in Montgomeryshire, ar.'i tcok an active part in the hist election for the Boroughs, witen, by his effective speakin'-f. he as-'Ist.cd in the return of the Hon. Frederick Tracy. It is now many years ago since a c''n!;est occurred in the county, which has been by Mr Charles Wynn since 1S62. Ir. that year. when Col. Wynn was killed by a fa.H tr;ni itis hor,;t,, the !ttte Lord Sudeley. tlicii Ca.t. Ti,a(,Nl, contested the t-e;tt with the present and v.is defeated hY:1 majority of 130. LouAL Hiu.s.—In tha House of Comnion-' on 'Prt'L-,y. the J3il'kenhenll, Chester, allll Xorth ,raIe" Rail way BH! was rea.d a, second time a.nd j referrr'd to a .select committee.—The corporations h¡we ))et:t;on<-d the Hous" of Commons prayin? to be heard against the (Addi- tioi.at Powers) HiU.—The Dee Bridge eommi.sion- Cr. the corporation of Chester, I1n:l the London a.r.d North-we.stern Railway COlllpany t)etrtioHud the House of Commons lorai-iii-- to be hearJ I ii.E the Chester Tramways BilL—Lord Pemhyn h:H petitioned Parliament prayingf to be heard a';dnt alterations In the Rang'l\r Local Bo,ir:-k till Winter and Ga,; BIH.- and the Board seek to be heard In com- 1:1ite à:;limt the latter measure. F;'NERAL oy THE REV. R. Ef.LIS, LLAXK- t'YDr-.—On Thursday week the funeral of l\Ir, EIlis. whose death we noticed in our last) took j took place at Llanefydll, near Denbigh. A f-ervice w;n Iield at the Aletho(ii,,t Chapfl, H. Hushes, LIa,nrwst, re,-i( and prayed, and an appropriate sermon was delivered bv Rev. J. Jones, of BIaenUechan, South Wales. After the Rev. J. Williams, of C!olwyn. hid prayed at the house, a procession of Rome hundreds of people was formed to the Ba.pti.4 cemetery. After reaching the spot, short .<L"'csses were dRiivered by Revs. H. C. Wiliian.s, of Corwen. 1. Jones, of Rut!.in. and .T..J(,¡, of Conwa.v. There Were !tis0 present Rev. B. Hushes, St. Asaph, (C.M.), J. Salns- hm'y a: I. E!iis, LI.mefvdd, J. Hum"hr?vs, :LIl!lLt¡r, B. Evans, RhllddIan, anll ,Yo H(>derick, I Rhyl. Gr.V\ VAU.EY Tn\M'VAY CoM"AXY.—A sl)teizil of the proprietors of this Corn- pan 7 wa- held at Euston Station, on Friday week. Lord A. E. Hill Trevor preside(h and a.m'si: those present were :\fessrs Theodore Martin. R. LesHe, Moon, Roberts, Griniths, and WiUIani.. The business, which was of a purely formal character, related to the "Bill to confer furthn' po\ve:'s on the Glyn Valley Tratn\vay Cot.r'a.ny and for other purposes." The Chair- and Mr Theodore Martin the Îoll"win: r'solution That the Bill :row submitted, intituled a Bill to confer furtim' ).o\vers on the <r)yn Valley Tramway C'omp'u.y and for other purposes, be, and the same Is hereby approved, subject to such amend- IU(-¡tf or alterations as may be made therein by Parliament, and assented to by the Directors. The :olution was unanimously agreed to. and the RnssETT NATtOXAL ScHooL.—TIie children were examined in religious knowledge (JIl .Mon- day. by the Diocesan Inspector, the Rev. Ellas ()%i,L,n. There are 1.S5 children on the books, and out !f these 181 presented themselves. The re- port h, not yet been received, hut there is every probability of it being a very favourable one, judging by the way in which the children ac- quitted themselves. At the exa.mina.tion of pupE touchers, held in June last, the two pupil teachers of Hos-ett School, viz., Mary Ann Hhaw (3rd year), and George Price (2nd year), v. ere placed in the 1st class. Mr J. T. Porter, the schoolmaster, has the following entry on his certificate:—"This is a well taught school. The examination in drawing is fixed for March Htli. the GovernmeHt awl Pupil Teitchers' Ex<n:):nations take place the same month. The proceed. (less expenses) of the concert given by Mrs Boscawen's party on January loth have be&r handed over to the treasurer of the school in '(!d of the enlargement fund. The amount is J:1210s M. A Rf:t'RACT"RY FARM SERVANT.—At the f'he.-tbi' County Petty Sessions, on Saturday, William Bennett, of Oonnah's Quay, farm ser- vant, was sued by Alfred William Edward.?, farmer, Shotwiek, to recover .65 as compensation for the nonfulfilment of contract. The defen- dant had been en!t,-e(i at the new year for twelve months at .tto 10, but was imbued with a considerable spirit of independence, and absented himself on the 6th, the 13th. and 19th January, and o't the 2nd and 4th February, when he left altogether. He just went and returned as he pleased, and when remonstrated with by the plaintiff, he used abusive language. In conse- quence of the defendant's negligence, plaintiff had to break Iiii milk contract, and had other- wise suffered great inconvenience and loss.—The defence was that he was not allowed occasionally to go with the horses as the master promised him, and that his dinner waf< always very late. He refused positively to go back.—The Magis- trates ordered him to pay JM and the cost.s to the plaintitf. HopK SCHOOL BOARD.—At a meeting of the nar<l heM Oil th th' 0 B,lar(i Ilel(I on the Tth inst., there were present Mr ?.ilcock, in the chair, Mr T.Jones, v i ce- h e aIr, 'r ones vlce- C mn'l:tn Rcv T II ch airman, Rev..T. SmaIIwood. and Mr Robert. A potion signal ?y 226 ratepayers of Hope was t 1 Ira epayers e,f H.pe was presented praym? them to reconsider their de- cision with regard to ?ie disehargeof Mr Francis, school attendance omcer. The Rev.J.Smalb 'I cer.. he Rev, J. f.\maU- wood .stated that Mr Franei.s had discharged his 1 t' h.. bC arec IS dutie-. since his appointment In a sati s f actory d } ¡,;a IS ac ory manner, and he moved that, subject to Mr Francis entering into an agreement to he pre- I b ] ] k '(j oc pre- pared by the clerk to .Ive or receive one week's notice to determine his en,ienient, he he con- ffi '1'] "] p'" e e')n- tinued ill o f nee.— T he C hairman, in deference to thf remarks of the Rev. J. SmaUwood, and in consideration of the petition, seconded the reso- tut!on, which wn.s carried. Four tendern ha.d been sent !n for doin.L; the work at the footpaths in Llanfynplc1, that of Mr T. to lay the bricks at 8d per yard, accepted.— The clerk was instructed to take proceedings :t":1.iJ:"t the overseer. for non-payment of call, and was a.iso instructed to advertise for a certiri- t-nted a,,i;;tant tnistress for Lhnfynydd schools, :'t a ,il-,try of NO a ye:n'.—TI)G Attendance Ofnc-r'r, report sh<.wed the average attendance at the vtriolli schools in the pan-ih foi'nve weeks, ending February 1st :—At Penyf-.rdd the ;)un'her of children on the register wa.s]60, of win.'h l.O had attended during the month, the school having been opened 40 times. At I.Ian- fvnvdrl schooL Number present during week ended February 1st, 204, admitted and re- admitted since January 1st, 33. School opened 48 times. Bridge End National School. Num- ber on re,,iz.tei, 17!1, admitted since January llth 23, school opened 40 times. There were twn da'ne schools in the parish which were each at- tended by about 2(i children, and in addition to the children attending school in the parish, the following were attending school out of the parish: —at Leeswood National School over G&, Pont- bh ddyn (;, Penymynydd 31, Kinnerton 9, Bnr- ton Green 1, Cross-street 6, Brymbo Board School 13, and Bwlchgwyn School 14—tota,l HO.


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