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General News. - - ....-.-…


General News. .J THE IstE OF MAN Railway is to be extended to  ScoooL B..AM. require ?30,300 ^.P-TTYKKVOOI. SHUN,BOARD require £ 30,300 fro)" the rate for the present year. ALDK,.B,,MAU J, H HAMBIj KISOX, a member of Liverpool (")1171(.il f ()1-  yeal', ,hed h?t week. Town (-,nnlt NT refueù to ?-aut a ThE ;In,1 ('III'ratill!1 to Merthyr Tydvil. ?,y..r ?' ?'. ?? h,c.u.c a total abstainer, drunk nothing but ?ater' ;t.e Is ?'out to be FfU:H SAUIO, p:Lcht'(11JI l."t', I a 'O'lt t he uotheKniiVl\nia.kets ?"" San Francisco, and will be sold at M'Don- A GL.(;Ow 1'(,I.I('Fll %N' 11:11 iif?it Johi ald. has been   drunk and as- -tltl, has bet'll tiiie?l of III  .?treets. saulting a muni < )x,UAX FAMINE REMEF THE MAS* to <?-000, ?000 hanng Fl'xn no\?' I)ilnts t', ?:510,OM, t?4WO lit%-iiig been received Sydney. Aiig- THOMA* 1 OCAN. a navvy," was beaten to ou Sunday night. The police dentil iiea. ,? ? fcH?w \\orkmau n?ned urt. in -e'llL"^ ;i follow workman named n?<t- t t'.rsE of minions has lost a veteran '.?m '])r.Dutf,the famous Indian mis- ??'?v.'f Fi.t,e iiieit at fSM^oiith on Tuesday. FIB:: "ccurred on Saturday !H the machine ??.?.ofJ\tessrs Kemp and Co. Holheck Mill Le",i;. Th damage done was considerable, the '?.?,-s hein? gutted, but many valuable models n'a;tved. (? SATURDAY TSK.HT, John mason's I l„,pvev, Sunderland, kiUed his wife by striking I the throat with a poke; which penetrated i l, 5 a onarter of an inch. The parties have ip.| married twenty years. u \RMiN<; 1'ioke out in St. Matthew's I rich Nottingham, on Sunday but W3. ex' "1 ;a half an h.air. The chancel, much til, '.IIILI (itlit'l- parts were damaged ?"' 1,J.l the interior wasflooded with water. '?('H?t)'s L.?.Ut. ?. P. for Scarborough I 'v beenap!»>inte.l to the vacant (Tndel:, Secretaryship O-tap new electi(,ii will lIr: !It'Cl'al' \11' W, H. Caine, of! Liverpool, v.'ili e''litest, tll,? ill tile illtl'il't. 'n d avweek was TIST,* U»' M.V-V on Friday week was 'I*t?F. Fit(: ,,it tll,? I r-irkcuhead nus.sed  ¡1\It! NN;ts kille(l. Twn 1.' ? t.tk. and the other at 1-t their live- in a -miliar way on the ,.t "ic;M, S t ■s'an "??' -? lire ?-? ''?? Saturday! "-u >'■ -it ti e A Theatre, situate m the e? Ill' I, 'I I. I i (' "'w A panie ensued, ?nd m the, 'llt t H T' l,. tV, ?.t.r? "f the'?;L!h,?d.out twenty j i' ??.\V? injU't'd. X.?c.'f the oases were | t.?'"?')''?"?- '< 'n.F)'):Frrt;\s show that from the l<t  tsr7t.?hc"th instant, the receipts were 1\ I, I, '0' bl 'i-? :'?t.cn.t!:??i7.S7'?4: ba l ances, j Yorresponding period of last year, | I" it: SI. ('IIIT¡'I'III1l]\II:' I'"n. 0, :1i't yen', '? i'I¡¡ ):q ;1, expenditure, .?:7,034,St.l; 4 .? .?. ?.s:!4.4;?. »j 1'j'\o.M, near liateshead, on Saturdav, I V' |'(ii!e, aged C4, attempted to murder his tV j 1-' i""I t t i* t t ..?..?)\v?!)t.i))tM)'"?f)'? his house, by :i,: )?!' ?u'<)r. Ht-:)ft?n\u'?scuth[.s<'wn  ,f.tirt'b' th:\t d"flth ensu;;ed. The tl):It 41(?q.tli eiisiised. The l* :?j,.? preemious cond ition. r .n;E .foiiNso.v Cn.vr'.vooii, a letter carrier, Voir t before the Liverpool Stipendiary on 4 ,v""c:iav.'«,il mth haYm.? ?tuien a letkr! 'ijjr, in notes. His father, Peter Chat- 'w;^ i'l-" ehargt-'d with receiving part of  1\" l' .y )t..t)) p'isoiie:'were remanded. Y i,|ii accused of being engage Hn the )'?'. it'Wt'1 !??' L i \erpoo] and other /C,i '•vvr» '"I Satimh'.y again further ro?auded 'j,l' wk. Amongst the article> now in the j-?if |».liee !?'???'? ero.ss of the ..?.? ?]'.? for which all "n?r is wanted. \T):!??K"'?' Lt'rwick reports another )M?ih"f.tt:nt\'inShct)!U)?..MrA)'tiu'.r?)uith, r.e v'nt. Xorthinavine, and Mr Andrew Ander-j ):t't?!?'L??''??'???t. which I ■ ;-et ?.. .? heavy gust of wind, and. the two I.mith were inarrieil. Neither r :t has b<*en recovered. II MONPW afternoon, a child named William liv >, nvi. vears of age. sun of Thonia* Owens, !'•>n-n.ad, Birkenhead, was playing In a (.'laugliton vilhigf, when he fell into a pi". i was rescued ill It "err exha.usted state 1, ■ women. A medical man v. as in [u'oiupt u; !:ii\ce, but convulsions ensued aLd the '• liiwl on Tuesday. i'r,;T-MAU'i'i.\i. at lJoi tsmonth, on Satun l-iy. Thomas ("orne, tirst-cla-^ boy, of the in, i receivc three dozen Commander Vandermeiilen of that ship, Vi" t' officer was on deck talking to two Ii • „■ i:e was struck a violent blov,- behind -:i rar. anil oil the shoulder. On turn. it., ,mil he was again struck oil the mouth by II C": iM>ne:\ who wa> standing in fighting atti- t! and would have continued tliv tttac-k had Wen secured. A syrjors ciii i.isi'i.N occurred on the Midland ic.'I'.i'ay, near Leicester, on Saturday. Part of Is tvr.in became detached, and before the nl coulil bring it to a standstill and take ni. sr.v.s t" ]ii'otei-t it, a second goods dashed int- the detached wagons. Tlie guard was hurt, and tliere v. as considerable dr. i'^e to jolliiu' >toek. The passenger line was had it not been that the Scotch e. due .\t the time, was late, more sei ioos i v-tai-'h: have followed, f" TrEI11 Y. ,1a111e Trickett was executed in i Ki '.v'i.do gaol. Liverjioil for the niunler of his IIi: in ffojnrooii-stieet. on the 2iith Dec. last. Mi>•«! gave tiie culprit a dro]) of 8 feet, and tlcvtl: wasii!stantaiieoii, On Wednesday, another j I-: tl ill tuok |>!ace, In this case the culprit; v. i- !:uc:ier who had killed a momed » ■ i: with ?'!?'!nht.' had c?hab)t''d,nud who .it ??? Thf un- ?' .:w'r?d at Nottingham gaol. The un- 1'1 •.anile a. full Confession of his crime, )' .r?:'do:LfnU c'?. f css i ?!i(' f ht-.cmne, "? \?)tcd t? drin!?,:M'k)tuwled?ed tha "f i-i-ntLnce, and died with the prayer Lord, remember me." T a child, apjiaroitly about two v. evidently Indoiiging to persniis i. j¡; Wen taken from the Thame. at H, in]s-y. The child was dressed in its night ii-which is of the finest ijiiality, as if it had ,!AII fr ea its bed and thnnvn in the river, r'l 1 11 1 d I t ble beauty, an d has not i -!ig i-:i«Hgli iii tlie water to make any aker- this respect. ire I 1 1.. I. •rt.iijiei l or, the subject of this discovery. 'i< csased eo'i-ideruMe evcitemeiit, and ::wt will not be held until the jiolice havt- the inijuiries lliey are making privately. -Tr.lKK ia the coiil trade has proved a sore 'l.i who have been unable as yet to liliv- c! • the necessary licenses anil last week a li.ceih; of this class was held at Bedlington, whe:. it w; 'let.'iiiiiiie.l to send a deputation to hit!, y to ask his opinion a- to wheH.i-r an cxMi«ioi! of time for the payment of ta< hI. granted or not. The' iii;igistrate i. reported to have expressed j la -,f iinabfe To answer the query, and to have byt! wliitii-r they accordingly went, but only 1 ijiforMcl Kv that ufiiL'er that they iiiu-t the liecessaiy licenses or part 1 ':0 :V« tnvxtk D;r{(1I J<t<'rn<> ai'kaih occured in Bradford '• -inlay, which resulted in the death of Clara l.'y-fk, a girl au'ed Ii;. wililst she waseng:i,ged ') ."tinijt)? liniit dour of a h.?Mp,aMrt "?:.n:):)t?!<;tf.?- i'mines, wentt" her,and in j ¡ I '?;'?' l iiiainier, accused her of slandering his llil\*?ii-, tlll,i.:ttt'lik?ll tolicr tt;t hE.r, her mi the side of the head. Laycock. 'i' tn escape from his violence, ran a s h?rt. '1-V.-11 the street, but he ov ertook her and ,I" I. 1 tl j- (pit tile Iii(le of the .if.t.n.U)],,?. 1,r?u-;ht her to the ground '"In jiassing vail laden with cloth, and ? ''?.t)?! i t)?\iHtt:(' !fn?')thc!nth,an(? ''y"n??)n?hn?Vt;ht'rthcv!mp?-'?!'?'Mi' ''? t':)ii))'s.}n:ti'f?)Hh]n;nun'i',t('i'-dt'? Ili, til?Lt (-,)iiltl n(?t staii(i ,II' III it filk, J I 1'' (L ).ij,t ?.'t u!' he wou ) d punch h?' I in:in was called, anil by his advice "he: J'-1' t-i the infirmary. On the way thither. J •die ('\pirell Vmines has been taken 1 "h' f J  "n iii»r>t;s uf (PH\"4wntioH 0 f the IH'O\inCe i 1 -.t'i'lniry „t on Wednesdayat Westminster .tt-??h uf husiu?s.' fn the upper; ?."?t?t?Bi.h.?ufLu.hnt-tdprfsoitpda.petnif'r? '?f.?j.i._j)?t))).j,j.??,?j))?.??;;?t??- ,.1 lint being nil-label's of the Church "f j?,?H?"?.tny?,.?? in cliurchyaids. b "'l'I\ eXIt' ill's 'O'M' Ir ,Vn exl'W;!ssed bis entire concurrence in H. 1 i i.'i..t.vei-ot ,th,einn u-ii-iui, mid ?ud in th'3conr i 'aw'^1'k l.;i0D,(J00 souls he had; v> ?'A%i '?'?v:n?fr?m the present; .f/?? litl% I) i,1)4iii ,if b oroug h 1  tltel*Iti(,Il t?f the :t'"f nibiles as ,nnit the ?ur:? of  '1'1" J '} I I .1 tl p. I'' IT• L'L!.J" 'diinchyards, while the  J th 't J ,ome ar- f. l 1,1 \'It'll' \r¡¡ that liome ar- I ??.?t.<h..uH),t.t,??, tile settlement of i ''?"' "?"'??t'h?u.sntin'cotumittec. Mast .Inly TO consider the burials bill | 1 J il ''P!tt in which they adhered t? the: II  '1' J ¡' -J J I 1 t' |.j. .,S' !L T )A- ].,?. }?,,??) verse TO tV'' t'1"* "»f Nli- ( ?AToj-- i •vi i i'" 1 l"sei| himself satisfied with 1 ?,P'?'-d)mn-?f')tMcd "ith, f. --tiT. ow, iiyv motion, fl A"?"?'?U?tn, th.. b(M;? of ¡" '1,1 Inrl'l' I," \J' '1 Kt„ u ',l''ls M iiv Harris ?evei?' and ?. wcrt- mur d ere d by Joseph ')? i'?'?'??-nn.r.)?.-dbyJ.?ph ,??-?ehush.,nd.u!df:)t])??ft)h'('!ec?sed, fi %%its on Monday ?t H.? '?''??''d has bei-n brought from W.?' VuU,t-V ??"L ?nd evinced the .?me >I 1 that III, "!to" I from th," Hist, f '?.? h.),u.t f,n. d? tn. t HWrS :,s to the tiinliiig of the j,:e,! ""]1'" "I I J In 1 "•'•:i-V"T'1' t' dcc'?t; .ts already re- i '| he 'ads of nil three had been battered ''i 'II ax,. ¡illd thdr ^n-otmded. Th 1. r-in-liuv stated that her daughter; '?"'w:?:nr:ndt<'h).'lt.'tt:donf\th .'?? ??.??t??t?nmw?rw?ddt?thc It '¡'} prisoner had been in two lunatic 'r?. '?' t)? idea that while he  1 1 f' .tl 1 1 ?.??' had been IIII:U Itn, but '? /• ?'?-?n??n'und ?'r hi, 1\ ¡ j L''M'itnesses d?j?sHd t.'seiZU?thR' t.:t.???'?un?I?.??.?M?? ,Lftur I,tlll" tl I I I ????'?'"? 'td?r, securing him with a 't'??'?h.)ndi]r? him t" the )).dK'c. 1'1- ;i\lll'J1t 1'Í.'l1IJI ,tilted th:lt l.hi11 tak¡II'   tl I I f \IT ?)/ 'tr ^ough the streets of Worcester, 'II"( I I J  d ") kn<?. I' ?' J I' 1.lall' I".  ,11', .I{\ t iI i.. ;?-k county asylum ?L I 1 niv wife i|u;irrclled. My mother- i n-I  lll' \)1<. '1l!;tlT,.lll.rI, .\ly IIwtht'l'-ill.1 \III1Jia "'t'd to t'\ I! 'ii: th" 1 ,i„]"to Pimick again.lie then ask-^d t, ""I'K-t was to be h?d. !Ml(!h?. "f 'I¡1 It,. )?t f.,?i?. t?..?-t?thmn. ? '?'?"?'?'"?they like?"  '?'. "snal iin|uiry, H.trrMrcptMd U i., | !mt'» snv, ami the jury relumed i- "• ^'u.| iul murder against liiin.


i The War. : The War. i-



[No title]