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I The War. I._............_-_.........-""""-"""""'-""'¡


Imperial Parliament. -r-...........…


Imperial Parliament. -r- v- HOUSE OF LORDS. —Faro.*v. In reply to Lord Sandwich, Lord Beaconsfield stated that the British fleet had been ordered from Smyrna Bay to the Dardanelles for the further protection of British interests in the Straits, but that since giving these orders terms of peace had been privately and informally com- municated to the Government which had induced them to order the fleet not to enter the Dar- danelles.—Lord Carnarvon stated that he had tendered his resignation to Her Majesty and that it had been graciously accepted. He said that on the 2nd of January he made a reply to a deputation which waited on him, and on the following day the Prime Minister thought it his duty to condemn very strongly the language he had used, though he had not mis- represented the opinion of the Cabinet generally. On a subsequent occasion, when the expediency of sending the British fleet to the Dardanelles was discussed, he declared that under the cir- cumstances he was not prepared to agree to the proposed intervention, and offered to resign. That resignation, however, was not accepted. On the 23rd inst, however, the proposal was again made in the Cabinet to send the British fleet to Constantinople, and, deeming the circum- stances not to have so changed as to warrant such an act, he submitted his resignation. He expressed his opinion that the policy adopted by Lord Derby up to the present time had been a wise policy. It was supposed, Lord Carnarvon then remarked, that in the interview with the deputation, to which he had referred, he spoke of the Crimean war as being an insane war but what he really said WiUi that he did not believe that any one could look back with satisfaction to that war. In conclusion, Lord Carnarvon stated that it was with extreme regret that he came to the decision to separate from his colleagues, and he also felt sorry that he must leave many mat- teN in an incomplete state in the Colonial Office. Lord Beaconsfield expressed his regret at having been deprived of the services of Lord Carnarvon, and, referring to the impossibility of whollyavoid- ing differences of opinion among gentlemen so situated, declared himself unable to appreciate the force of the reasons which had induced Lord Carnarvon to retire from the Cabinet. Lord Granville having asked what was the date of the armistice and what were the terms of peace, and whether more than one member of the Cabinet had resigned, Lord Beaconsfield replied that there was no armistice, and consequently no date, and that so far as the terms of peace were con- cerned all the information in the possession of the Government was unofficial and confidential. Lord Beaconsfield also said, "The noble earl wishes to know whether any other colleague of my noble friend—any other member of the Càb- iiiet-ha.s resigned. I need not say that I my- self am in a responsible position but as regards any other member of the Cabinet, I always thought it a high, valuable, and ancient privilege of any one retiring from a Government that he should announce the fact to Parliament himself in the first instance. On that privilege I will not trench." HOUSE OF COMMONS. -FRIDAY. The Chancellor of the Exchequer stated, in reply to Mr W. Cartwright, that the reason which had induced the Government to withhold papers which had passed with reference to the relations between Turkey and Greece was that their publication might be embarrassing to those Governments, hut that there would be no ob- jection to produce them if Greece and the Porte would give their sanction.—Mr W. H. Smith, in answer to Mr Gourley, said that, under present circumstances, it would not be advisable to give particulars in reference to the strength of the Mediterranean fleet or the nature of the manoeuvres in which it had been engaged during the last six months.— LordG. Hamilton, in reply to Mr Fawcett, said that he did not believe that, up to the present time, any additional eharge had been thrown upon the Government of India consequent upon the occupation of Quettah.—Lord Hartington then inquired whether the terms of peace offered by Russia to Turkey had arrived in London and were known to the Government when the announcement was made of the supplemental estimates at what time the intelligence arrived, and whether her Majesty's Government was aware that such terms were at that moment under the considera- tion of the Porte whether there was any foundation for the rumour that the preliminaries of peace or of an armistice had been signed by Turkey whether any steps had been taken or j instructions given which had not yet been com- municated to Parliament; whether there was i any foundation for the report that more than one influential member of the Government had I considered it necessary to tender his resignation and whether it was the intention of the (inïern. to lay upon the table further papers with re- gard to our relations with Foreign Powers. In putting these questions Lord Hartington denied j that he was actuated by idle curiosity, and justi- fied them by a reference to the very wide-spread impression that the conditions of our neutrality were imperilled, and that we were in a position of isolation.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer repudiated the implication contained in Lord Harrington's first and second questions, that her Majesty's Government could have been guilty of the suppression of the truth or want of candour in dealing with Parliament. The Government had no knowledge the previous evening that Russia had offered terms which the Porte was considering, and lie was not even now in a posi- tion to say that the terms of peace had arrived or were known to her Majesty's Government. In the course of the preceding evening, however, private and informal communications had come from abroad leading to the impression that mat- j ters had gone further than was at first sup- posed. Lord Derby had, however, since re- ceived from the Russian Ambassador the heads of certain bases on which peace might be con- cluded, but they were given in the shape of a j private communication. Her Majesty's Govern-1 ment, notbeing aware that an armistice had been concluded, had on Wednesday ordered the fleet to proceed to the Dardanelles to keep the water open, and to protect British life and property if put in peril; but since then a further telegram j had been sent desiring the fleet to wait at the mouth of the Dardenelles until further orders, With regard to the position of certain members of the Cabinet he was not prepared at that moment to make any communication to the House, and so far as the production of further papers with reference to our relations with foreign countries was concerned, they could not he pro- duced without the assent of the other Powers. Sir Stafford Northcote added that the supple- mental estimates would he laid upon the table in the course of the evening, and that they would amount to six iiiillioni.Oii the motion for going into Committee of Supply, Sir G. Campbell called attention to the Indian Budget, taking particular exception to the proposed increase in the salt duty. He moved a resolution declaring that, being already excessive, it should not be raised, and that it is especially inexpedient to increase its pressure on the populations of Madras and Bombay at a time when they are enfeebled and emaciated by n prolonged and severe famine. —Lord G. Hamilton opposed a discussion of the Indian Budget before it had been laid before the House in an authentic form, and insisted that the House could not come to a just opinion on the increase of the salt duties without being put in possession of all Sir John Strachey'.smotives.— The resolution was withdrawn.—The rest of the sitting was occupied in discussing Mr Sharman- Crawford's Tenant Right (Ireland) Bill, for amending the Irish Land Act of 1870 in various particulars.—On a division it was thrown out by 85 I HOUSE OF LORDS.—MONDAY. Lord Stratheden and Campbell called atten- tion to the further correspondence respecting the affairs of Turkey, and in alluding to the pro- ceedings of Russia pointed out that the occupa- tion of Constantinople by that Power must in- volve Great Britain in hostilities. He main- tained, however, that such occupation might he averted if the British Government adopted proper measures short of engaging in war, and, declaring his opinion that neutrality, whether absolute or conditional, in no way absolved the Government, from taking such precautionary measures in conformity with the Treaty of 1S56 as would serve to guard Constantinople against hostile occupation, he concluded by proposing a resolution to that effect.-Lord Granville com- plained of the comparative paucity of the papers laid before Parliament and the absence of infor- mation as to the conduct of the Foreign Office. He expressed his satisfaction that Lord Derby was so far recovered as to be able to resume his seat in the House of Lords, and, as it was rumoured the other day that two members of the Cabinet had resigned, he now asked Lord Derby whether he was prepared to give any explana- tion with reference to that rumour.—Lord Derby remarked that the conditions of British neutrality respecting which he had been asked a question were clearly explained in his despatch of last Mav, and to the complaint of the paucity of the papers now laid on the table he replied by stating that additional papers were in course of preparation. With regard to the rumour re- specting his resignation, Lord Derby observed that the circumstances which led to the tender of his resignation having totally changed, he therefore felt no hesitation in withdrawing the tender of his resignation. He said that he could not assent to the proposed resolution, for it was of a nurely abstract character, but in the settle- inciit of the terms of peace the British Govern- ment would claim the right to be heard, as those were matters of European concern.—After some further remarks, the resolution was then dis- posed of by the adoption of the "previous question," and their lordships adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS.—MONDAY. The House of Commons was crowded from floor to roof with a large and excited audience. Every seat in the body of the House was occupied when the Speaker took the Chair, and the Galleries were fille(I to overflt)wiiii,Tlie Chan- cellor of the Exchequer said he rose to make a statement which was, perhaps, of greater impor- tance than any which had been brought forward in his time. Abstaining from any preliminary remarks and from exciting oratory, he proceeded at once to sum up the situation of the belligerents and the relations of the European Powers to them. Turkey, he said, had been defeated by Russia, and, having asked for peace, had been informed that an armistice would be granted on conditions which included an agreement to cer- tain bases for a future peace. These bases had been communicated to her Majesty's Government, not officially, but in an authorita.tive form, a1111 it was also said that the Porte had agreed to them. Nevertheless, although several days bad passed, there was no news of an armistice being- signed, and much uncertainty as to what was likely to happen still prevailed. The reasons for this (ifli could only be conjectured. The bases of peace were somewhat elastic, and it might be that the armistice differed from them, that some- thing was kept back, and that the Porte would he placed at a disadvantage. Although the Go- i vernment did not desire to advise the Porte, it was impossible for it to refrain from expressing its opinion as to the terms of peace, especially as erroneous views prevailed as to their modem- tion. Although several versions of the Russian terms had been received, the following was the version communicated, though not officially, by the Russian Ambassador to Lord Derby First; of all, Bulgaria within the limits of Buigarian nationality—not less than the limits contended for in the Conference—is to be an autonomous tributary State, with a Christian Governor, a native militia, and no Turkish troops except at certain points, to be settled hereafter. Secondly, independence of Montenegro with increase of I territory, and independence of Roumania with territorial indemnity. These terms were loudly cheered by the Opposition, as also was the condi-, tion that the administrative autonomy is to be sufficiently guaranteed; but the announcement that Servia is to be independent was very coldly received. The remaining conditions are small reforms for the other Christian provinces: an indemnity for the expenses of the war in a pe- cuniary, territorial, or other form—at which their was some laughter; and, finally, an ulterior understanding for the safeguarding of the rights and interests of Russia in the Straits. The Chancellor dwelt at some length on the serious and sweeping nature of the proposed changes in the internal administration of Turkey, which, he said, must raise questions of interest to others besides the belligerents, and must be matters of European concert. Next he passed to the acts of the Government within the last month, and after calling attention to the rapid advance of the Russian troops to- wards the points where British interests were menaced, he stated that on December 13 Lord I Derby had addresed a despatch to the Russian Government pointing out the danger of even a temporary occupation of the Dardanelles, and the Russian Government, in reply, sent a memo- randum stating that the acquisition of Constanti- nople was not contemplated by the Emperor, and that its future disposal could only be settled by the Great Powers of Europe but the point of occupation wa-s left where it was. On January 12 the Goveriiment,l)eingof opinion that any Russian occupation of Gallipoli would be an obstacle to the proper consideration of the terms of a final settlement, asked for an assurance that no Rus- sian force would be sent to Gallipoli. In reply the Russian Government informed us that they had no intention to direct their forces there, un- less Turkish regulars were concentrated at Galli- poli. Nevertheless, the Russian advance contin- ued, and ultimately the Government, having obtained the necessary firman from the Sultan, ordered the Fleet into the Dardanelles, but it was afterwards recalled when information reached the Government which induced them to believe that the Porte had accepted preliminaries of peace. In dealing with this part of his subject the Chancellor stated positively and authori- tatively that the intention of the Russian Government was that the ulterior understanding on the question of the Straits should be settled between itself and the Porte, subject, of course, to the revision of the Powers as regarded their own rights. The question of the despatch of the Fleet, however, was only one of the moment; but the question of the attitude to be assumed by England at the great council which must be sum- moned was of far greater importance. The Government desired to go into council backed by the united voice and undivided strength of the country, ;-ii, I they asked for this Vote, not neces- sarily to be all spent, but as a proof that Parlia- ment had confidence in the Government, and would trust- them to use the whole force of Eng- land if it should be needed. If this confidence were refused, of course the Government could not continue to administer matters of this grave im- portance but he believed that to place this power in their hands would be the most certain means of avoiding war.—The Chairman having put the i mention that a Vote of .Q(),OOO,OOO he agreed to, the Marquis of Hartington suggested that the adjournment should be until Thursday, as the Vote was now repre- sented to be one of confidence, 3.1111 was based on papers which were not yet before the House.— Mr G ladstone and Mr Forster supported the sug- gestion, as did Mr Bright, who asked whether the determination to send the fleet into the Dar- danelles had been communicated to Russia; also wiother it was intended that we should go into conference with loaded cannon and revolvers Sir R. Peel also thought an adjournment to Thursday not unreasonable, but regarded the vote, not as on" of general confidence, but of con- fidence in the Government as regarded the spend- ing of .o :u::<h of the vote as might be needed to maintain the honour and interests of England.— Mr Bromley Davenport iiii(INlr C. Denii)n, on the other hand, strongly urged the Government not to give a longer adjournment, which they believed was only asked for the purpose of getting up an agitation by wire.—Sir William Harcourt warmly protested against any attempt to snatch a ver- dict, and Lord R. Montagu, Mr Laing, and Mr Trevelyan also made some observations.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in reply to a ques- tion from Mr Childers as to the form of the vote, j said that any part not expended before the end of the financial year would be returned into the Ex- ebe(ii-.er. In answer to Mr Bright, he said that no notification of the despatch of the fleet to the Dardanelles was sent to Russia, because it was so soon countermanded and with regard to the adjournment, he thought, on the whole, it was not unreasonable that it should be until Thurs- day. The further consideration of the vote was accordingly postponed until Thursday. — Mr Sclater Booth next brought in his County Government Bill, prefacing his explanation of it by a of the previous efforts in this direction and the general" principles involved in it. The Bill does not promise to interfere with the existing local nia.chinery under the Sanitary Acts, but it creates Boards, which will be iden- tical with Quarter Sessions in their power of levying taxe •. The unit of election is to be the petty sessional divison, and each year two mem- her are to be elected by the magistrates for each division and two by the guardians. Boroughs under 20,000 inhabitants are to be treated as part of the county, and other boroughs are to be re- presented each by four members elected by the Town Council. Mr Booth also described in detail the {lowers with regard to such matters I highway* turnpikes, rivers, conservancy, &c., and, among other points, mentioned that to the Boards i. to be intrusted for the future the elec- tion of coroners. In the discussion which follow- ed, several members took part, after which leave was given to bring in the Bill. Some other business was disposed of, and the House adjourned at five minutes to 12 o'clock. HOUSE OF LORDS.—-TUESDAY. Lord Emiy a-skcd if the Foreign Secretary would lay on the tables conies of any correspond- ence between her Majesty's Government and the Greek and Turkish Governments relative to the maintenance by Greece of neutrality. His lord- ship further asked if any remonstrances had been addressed to the Porte in consequence of the Cir- cassian atrocities in the province of Thessaly.— Lord Derby replied that at the present time it would be inconvenient to lay on the table all the papers asked for. The Government had, he said, remonstrated with the Porte relative to the atrocities committed by the Circassians. As to Greek neutrality, all that her Majesty's Govern- ment had done in the matter was to give Greece the friendly advice of a protecting Power. After a few words from the Earl of Granville, the sub. I ject was allowed to drop. ) HOUSE OF COMMONS.—Tt ■ESDAY. The Chancellor of the Exchequer said Govern- j ment had n" Knowledge of any understanding be- (tween Russia-, Austria, and Germany for an | offensive and defensive alliance, and having in [ view the partition of the Turkish empire; when the papers containing the correspondence on the relations between Greece and Turkey were ready copies would be "nt to the representatives of those Powers, an-l it would be ascertained wilcther they objected to the correspondence being made public Government had received no information of an armistice having been signed. A new writ was ordered for Oxfordshire, in the loom <•; Mr Henlev. Mr Forster I gave notice that on Thursday he wi11 move an amendment to the vote of credit, affirming thn.t the House, having received no information to justify a departure from the policy of neutrality, sees no reason for adding to the bind ens of the people by voting unnecessary supplies. In reply to Mr Adam, the Home Secretary said that smallpox in the Isle of Man was now limited to ;1, very small locality. Mr E. Howard, in announcing that for the present he would postpone the motion of which he had given notice, said be would oppose the second reading of the Manchester Corporation Water Bill, and, if successful, he would then bring forward his motion for an inquiry into the whole subject of the water supply of Lanca-shire and West York- shire being taken from the lakes of Westmorland and Cumberland. There was an earlv count-out, while Mr Newdegiite was addressing the House on the Libel Law Aitiendment Bill. HOUSE OF COMMONS.-WEDNE.SDAY. Captain Be 1Úml Pim g:we notice th?t on ?oInK into ?niHntt<? .? supply on the vote of credit he would move thM the house, while ?vin??nYern- ment ervun-1'maintaining the pulicv?tei-miu- ed upon ni?r the ?ue!in .?urfLnces of the Em- per.? "t h?s?, on iiis word of honour, th?t he de.!re??.i;/th.Mm.?-?ty..i the (' ri-,ti;tn ject?.f?P..? ?.??Ded at no ?.?ndis.- ?er.? y-h?t??y. ? ? n.e .?huoii t!?t the ?ur- a?ce ? hebg .?,. ?.'? ?, theref..?. the army and navy ?.ml. bo placed .n ? war footing c *Tnd ''?"'? ?  inLts;fl^a'T-i 3 Amendment 'nm the r,b t ect l-- -o iul<,w censed persons to idve Aiiieii(Iiiieiit ?'Bill, the e:1.Ilt tlie ejection of the bill, i 'L^v%u'wr*s opposed to the humane ge,.iiit tl'ip ,? j ect i on of the bill, O]} the ::r')l:] t:t it Wi, -?i??)ti?:ed to the humane ).nuc!j?e.s ..? EnblHl junsprudence, and that the ;;rieV¡:lœ was a t?re ?!it;m?nt?l .me. The At- itoruey-?en?.?, wii? admitting t!?t ? w.? :vl\'i,¡,lllè m .??y -? i? ?l,,w defendants to iheir own behalf, objected to the 13m in its ffe?ent ?hnpe, :nd .?n?estfd that it he j ''eferred to a select committee. On a division, the -?c.?d reading divl*It)ll the ,iiid the I)ili [For Thursday's Parliament see Page 8.]


Correspondence. -.......-,..-...............-".....1'........"-,,,'-'""""-.."""j.......