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General News. -_--.-".''-""""""""'--


General News. THE MANSION HOUSE Indian Famine Fund now amounts tot5O4,OW. THE MOTHER of the children who were poisoned at Bucknalllast week lias been arrested on the charge of causing their deaths. CLFOPATIL-,?K N'EEDI,E »'!W safely ('Mked at Bl.ack. wallon Monda). 1'e Queen sent a con- gratulatory mess:\e to Ir Dix oil. A SOLDIER in I)r,),L, rheda, while ciittinlr a raw t t 'f Ù 'v erfnillg chscovere(1 at it, core po a 0 on ues f h C 1 d  pronoun??? to bethelarvao t e Colorado be £ tle' „ „T, I TONS W"l be wanted, under authority /vZ ^X ?the parch?e of the eXltng rb'hts of I ing 1 'lTdon wlth water, ? -lvi. n(, ?ndon a etter supply. V BOILRK exploded at Thornley Colliery, m the county of Durham, on Friday afternoon, causing the immediate death of two men and .seri"u "injuries to about twenty others. THE PROPRIETORS of the Daily N(11). have pre- sented Mr Archibald Forbes with 2000 guineas and a silver cup, in recognition of his valuable services as one of their war correspondents. THE DUKE OF SUTHEUI.ASI> is said to have in- timated that, although he attended the banquet given by Lord Beaconsfield at the Foreign Office, he has no intention of seeecling from the Liberal party. A TELEPHONE has already been placed in the House of Commons to enable the editors of one of the principal London newspapers to hear by word of mouth the latest news of the parliamen- tary debates. THE REV. MR SPCKOEON, whose Iwalth has been very delicate for some time past le.t in the course of last week for France, where he intends to remain for a few weeks, in the hope of re- cruiting his health.. THE TOTYL NUMBER of private b,i.l.l.s i. n respect Of which,-Llililicatiion b:iql)epjl iii;t(le tol'ai-iitment for the present session is 375. Of these 320 relate to projects in England and Wales, 33 to Ireland, and 22 to Scotland.. A was made on Saturday to upset the Scotch Pullman evpress on the Midland .1 ill 11 'l'h t Railway at Beighton. near .Sheiffeld I he at- tempt Was discovered and frustrated by an in- spector of permanent way. A PISTITKS8IN<; AFFAIR has been brought to IHit at Dundee, There has been discovered there the bodies of an old woman and her daugh- ter, both of whom had been suffocated in bed by "as escaping through a fractured pipe. Two RAILWAY" COLLISIONS occured on Wed- nesday", one at Verney Junction, on the Ayles- bury and Buckingham Railway, between two luggage trains, and the other between two goods trains at Ardwiek Junction, Manchester. The line was blocked for some time. No one was in- jured in either accidents. THE TOTAL RECNI'TS from revenue into the n ?"'al exchequer from April 1 to January 1H were T"IS.374,OSS corresponding period of last yar The expenditure was £ (>4,307, it,t y(?zir. The ba l ayiee !j\ .t?;tin'-t.M3,)M,.?!3 !ast year. ?10 balance in the Hank of England on Saturday last was R" LJ I:).-)!), and in the bank -if Ireland £ 204,075. Tur )L,Tr.R OF THE HOLLS has made example and Mr Le Riehe, the former a I ivcrpoo! and the latter a. London solicitor, for PROFESSIONAL misc induct in connection with the -DE of an Irish estate. Mr Lowe had been sus- WML''L FOR two years, and Mr Le Riehe for six MONTHS. They were also nirdcted in the costs of the M'WEDINGS in his Lordship's court. \T THE WINCH ESTER ASSIZES on Tuesday, J.lines Catfye, a labourer, of KlmHeld, Ryde, Isle of "ïht, ivas sentenced to death for the murder of MilVfa Fcirbev, with whom he had cohabited. H> was evidently fond of her, and lived with her father, who also "cohabited with a woman not his wife. Barber threatened to leave prisoner, who thereupon struck her upon the head with an axe, killing her instantaneously. it has been bidding large sums for Temple Bar, being prepared to buy the structure as it stood, REMOVE it at its own cost, unf1 ex- it to America. George Sanger, the circus j?prict"r, was ?'aJy with a cheque for three thousand pounds t" purchase the \%Tit?l the object of having TT mpie Bar reconstructed AS the entrance TO HIS summer establishment, The Hall by the Sea," at Margate. THE COMMISSIONERS OR INLAND REVENUE have approved of the employment of a number of special officers (to lie obtained, for the most part, from ex-members of the constabulary force), for the purpose of assisting the Mirveyor of taxes in ascertaining the num ber of dogs chargeable with the tax. These persons may institute a house- to-house visitation. The penalty for keeping a dog without taking out a license is £ 5, and this in future is to be strictly enforced. ON TUESDAY, the dead body of a young miner, named Matthews, was found floating in the ('aider Water, near to tlie Old Forge at I'al- derbank. Matthews was drinking on Monday with several of his companions, and late that night proposed to bathe in the Calder. Xot- withstanding the entreaties of his friends he plunged into the stream, which was at the time in full flood, and he was- rapidly borne down by the strong current and drowned. A oiiAsri.Y DISCOVERY has been made in aroom in the Ashtou Town-hall devoted to the storage • if H::llot-hn\es. The room HAD not been visited since the last municipal election in November but oil Tuesday night, an unpleasant, odour being perceived, a SEARCH was instituted, which resulted in the highly decomposed body of a man being found in a corner. HOW or when the man ob- tabled access TO the room is unknown, and his re- mains are still unidentified. Wru.fAM JACKS'?, the man accused of the murderous U-ssault on Mr Eugene Hamburgher, • •:I H"lborn Viaduct, a few days since, shot hilll- self through the heart in a churchyard at Lewes, on Friday week. In a pocket IJo,.k found on him j lie left a full confession of the crime. The con- •lition of Mr Hamburgher has somewhat im- proved. The fever IH; slightly subsided, and .t!thou?hth? buHet HAS not yet been extracted, hop S of hi- ultimate recovery are entertained. FKI.DKKIC!C WILLIAM BAXNI.STLR, son of Quar- ter-Mister Bannister, of the Fir;t Warwick Militia, was murdered in the streets of Constan- tinople on the tith instant. Deceased u,,t.,z man on board her Majesty's ship Flaminyo, and while tailing a stroll ashore with two friends, when on leave of absence, war jostled by two men. Hf pushed luck one oi them, supposed to he :t Crei'K, when the rufiian stabbed him with a knife and ran utt. Bannister died almost iw- mediately ;.fter the wound was infJicL;cl. THE HON. LI.VDLEY WOOD, president of the Ivielish Church Union, addressing a meeting in South-place Chapel, Moor;Rate-street, London, on TIN'SIL; night, on Church and State, said he THOUGHT there were signs that disestablishment V.'JIS near at hand, and lie believed it would he taken up by the Liberal party to satisfy' the (le- mands of the 1t,I.lie:lk lie considered Mr Fos- ter's speech at Bradford as an appeal to High ('linivh'iien to surrender their views of the Divine i ''■•L'LJIIISSION to the Church in return for a con- tinuance of the loaves and fhhe. of the Establish- ment. IIrr\ ha:p off the port of Liverpool on Tuesday, the Spanish steamer Ponce, bound LIEM-e for Porto Rico, ran into the large sailing DIM BILL ING Brothers, which was being towed up between two tugs. The steamer sank in about half an hour, and two of her crew were drowned while (it is they were disputing about some •lotlies. The other men were rescued and hri■ught to the Landing-stage by a stenmtug. Baring Brothers was so much damaged, ¡".it was towed up to Keacombe, where- the crew were assisted at pumping by a shore gang. AT WoltUKSTF.RsHlUE ASSIZES, 011 Saturday, Abel King, who had plerded guilty to two ill- ,Hdment. of highway robbery, and making a •i-lK*l-;ite assault with a knife upon Charles rainier, at Pershore, was brought up for judg- ment. Mr .Justice Lush said that the cat's proved against the prisoner were of an atrocious and daring character, and sentenced him to 2.> penal servitude. Prisoner is reported to have committed innumerable highway robberies and assaults in different parts of the country for some months past. TWICE NMVINV, to grant permission to the Italians in London to celebrate a requiem mass at Hatton Garden Chapel for the repose of the soul of the late King of Italy, Cardinal Manning has now given the required permit, and the fact is otiiciallv announced, in order to allay the irritation which this incident ha, caused among the Roman Catholic body both in London and in Lome. It appears that an appeal was made to the Vatican against the English Car- dinal s prohibition, and tfvat he yielded only at the request of the Pope. h'^TR.\oi;i I[X \KV >Tl(iLy was related on H ednesilay to i.he Preston magistrates, on the 'famg.ofa grave charge against an attendant in iii i-i. One of the inmates of the asylum is a man named Jtk-lisoil, I who professes to be acquainted with Arthur Or- Jon, and lie alleges that an attendant named Coupe wished him to muriiertw<. other attendants and to rob their boxes. Coupe arranged the de- tails of the plan, and furnished Jackson with all address in London to which he was to make his way aft?r the murders had been effected. Jack- "'B. however, disclosed the plot, and Coupe was arrested. <'oupe.wh.tden?fd the charge made •'gainst him, was remanlled. I ^peli.INO liEromi formed the theme upon ^hieh a deputation representing school boards in "Io.dand :\11.1 W:d?, expatiated to the Duke of 'thm.?dand Lo?-d San Ion on Friday after- noon week. Besides the speeches, the deputa- presented a memorial praying for the ap- pointment of a lioyal Commission to inquire iu- to the subject of English spelling, wiih a view t" reforming it in the interest of education. The 'hike of Richmond said the subject w-a-sftneof the greatest importance. He could not himself Yvntnre to express an opinio:! upon the matter, hit he would place fairly and candidly before his colleagues the views put before him, and They must in the end decide what should be. '.one. CHARGING THE CRAND JURY at the opening of die Liverpool Winter Assizes on Wednesday, All- .liistice 1 leunian remarked that though the calendar contained only a small number of prisoners, Miin,. (,f the casts were of a terrible '■'laracter, and he referred specially to the cases '1 Thomas Lmnon, charired with stabbing his atliev to the heart on the loth December of •bnnes Tiickett, who is said to have killed his u"e on the 2tith December; the man (Uasgow, mate of the ship Westfield, who is charged with imanslaughter of a seaman named Henderson I", stabbing him on board ship, while the deceased v'Us struggling for tilk) captain L man Spike, cha.r?d with ki!!i'? i'bter?owan t III],, "n tlie liea-I with the buckle of a ^«-t and the prisoner Bean-, who shot William • inith after a trifling dispute in r/t'erence to some preim-e,s which one was taking from the other.








The War.


Imperial Parliament. - - -…


Correspondence. -........-…

I -Jan. 2-?-il, ?. M. -_.…

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