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Sales by Auction. SALES BY MESSRS BAUGH, JONES, AND CO. SALE OF FAT AND STORE STOCK, AT THE ROSSETT AUCTION MART. MESSRS BAUGH. TOES. & CO. win hold their JL next Sale of FAT and STORE STOCK at the Golden Lion, Rossett, on Monday, January 7th, 1878. STOCK ALREADY ENTERED. A Lot of Prime Fat Bullocks and Heifers A Lot of Ripe Wether Sheep Several Fat Calves Fat and store Pigs A Valuable Greyhound—Pedigree produced at time of Sale. The property of A. Balfour, Esq,, F. Potts, Esq., .1. Boydeil, Esq., General Townshend, E. Iwcteiitiam, B. S.Roberts, Esq., Mr J. Edwards, Mr Jones, Mr Woolrich. Mr P. Williams, Mr Davies, Mr Vntchard, Mr Lewis, Mrs >Voolrich, Mr E. Woolrich, Mr E. B. Samuel, Mr Bayne, Messrs Baguley, Mr Hinchdiffe, Mr Dudleston, and others. Further Entries respectfully solicited. Sale at Two o'clock prompt. 42b WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 1878. SALE "P FAT AND STORE STOCK EVERY ? FAIR DAY, at Ten o'clock, and the AnctMneers r?pfCth'Hy request that the Stock be at the Mart tally. tally. MOCK ALREADY ENTERED. A lot of Prime Fat Beasts Ditto of D..iry Cows A nice l(t t.f Sheep, Lambs, and Pigs Sale at Ten o'clock. BAUGH, JONES, AND CO. 907b T) .r\>. V i! Ct.ltayes and Eiuldiny Land at ¡ EROUGHTON AND BRYMBO ¡"r: W, .r'lI: I  nAFCH. JONES, & CO. have been in- ?? -trn.'tc? by the Representatives of the late \)-<Wm'"?' Francis, to offer for SALE BY AUC- TION, the WL.te Hart Inn, Rrotighton, on Monday, the Tt'h iluy fi .lanuary, l, at Four o'clock in the afternuen, suio'-i-'t to conditions to be then produced, and in the i"l'w'ng or such other lots as shall be ■liflwi "t the tune of S:ue. All th.it COTTAGE and GARDEN, con- ;tr e;t aioil square yards or there- ..imiits •••'itii;:te at Black Lane, in Broughton I'foresiid, :Itl now in the occupation of Elizabeth Williams. Lin .Another COTTAGE and GARDEN, con- t.:i:ii!i! in >r.rface area 512 square yards or thereabouts, siiuiiit' near to Lot 1, and now in the occupation of J. Hinriies. Lor I! Another COTTAGE and GARDEN, con- taining in surface area '.142 square yards or thereabouts, situate .uijuiiiing Lot 2, and now in the occupation of 1.0" 1 -Another COTTAGE and GARDEN, ad- i.iininu L4-t:i,. containing in surface area 204 square \"T.i < or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Mrs Howard. LOT j.-A11 that FIELD OR CROFT, containing -117 square yards or thereabouts.situate on Moss Hill, u'lj<>miug the residence of Mr Owen Price, and the miii leading to Brynmally, and now in the occupation i: Mr NV. T. Jones. LoT ii.-k piece of IUTlLDIN(i LAND, containing >2?i|uare yards or thereabouts, situate at Cerney, iiioHjrhtoii aforesaid, being part of a field at the back and adjoining the Calvinistic Chapel, and property lielnnL'hiir ti> Mrs Humphreys. LOT 7. — All those TWO COTTAGES, with L'AliUKNS and Two CROFTS, belonging and adjoin- ing, containing in surface area I acre, 2 roods, 1)5 peivhi s or thereabouts, situate at Nant, near the New Church and Parsonage, Brymbo, and now in the oc- n'.tiatiou of Edward Williams, Cunnah and the (if the late Peter Williams The Auctioneers beg to observe that the whole of the Land in the above lots is most eligible for build- ill:: Ijil" I lost. For further particulars, ami to inspect a plan of the n"-i?'U\c lots, app!\ to Mr K. Wn\ JUNES, Solicitor, Crynt di.nubtis. Chester, or the AucnuxEERS, TtiMe I'huinbevs, Wrexham 2414be SALE liY MK BIRCII. WREXHAM S.IIITHFIELD. TL- be held eno Thursday, 17. 1S. MR EHf(.rf'.e?tom;o!Tu his numerous Mends ?1. and custoiiK-rs that the follow i)? STOCK has hrn already entered for ??!le, cllmpnsin a lot of t'riuv Fat Beasts. 0, Fat Sheep and Lambs. Vii: and Store Pigs. I Calves, Arc. T'll prr,'ierty of the snppfirters of this mart in- •te'iiajsim-'ii Yorke, Esq., A. Peel, Clark, K;V.(:- lirassey, Esq., J. Walker, Esq., T. Brassey, E. Lewis, Esq., Messrs J. Milligan, R. J. J. Sandbacli, H¡.xJ: .1. Piggot, .1. Sandbach, junior, Lee, I life. (Vr., (Vc. Sik tll commence with fat cattle at Ten o'clock. office Marciiwiel, Wrexham. 1&"5c ====-=-" SALE BY MESSRS ETCHES XUXXER LEY, AND ETCHES. rpHF. NEXT WHITCHURCH (SALOP) HORSE t SALE will take place on FRIDAY, Januarv j. All ( Jitries rlo.s? on Jail, lltli. CTCHF.S, NUNNERLEY, AND ETCHES, Al'CTIO.VEEUS. (fe e WaU'reMte-street, Whitchurch, Salop. 2983n SALE ]'.Y \l: -HITf'¡ELD. I 'I'llki?lilly WHITFIEI,D. i" ruLU I:t:r I'nPI;]KToRS, -(;J:l;' I !iHLn?:s, AXD OTHERS. IMPORTANT SALE AT CAE LLWYD RESERVOIR, itl;les fi-oill Wrexham and Ifojfiwi Jihimllaiierchruyog. T '11111 w. WHITFI ELD lieg to announce that they nave received instructions from the Adininis- '!i '>tiit«- of the late John Wan I, to SELL ?'-?<.i<?.(.)t[)tpp).emMfs?j()!Hina:thHResm'- ■••'ti' 'illt' l?h "f .January 1878, the whole ?;U.t used in its ctmstnu'ti?n, consisting of tl""Is,lllltl f?t of red d?I?nd spruce planks, V- ni-. -inn scantling of various dimensions, IS earth ?" yard waggons, one four-wheel )?n- three 711 -t 4iii,-iLiitity of tram r.ji.. several Iiillieq, a set (if t)l<?s,«ne:r?n  ??''?')) by HohitMun, sundry chains, smith's PK'ks, saws, h'un bars, nails, quarry to,ls, "irut, \y."„] hurdles, manure, a wood stable, with "¡t rUlli. :Wt ''y ISft, a smith's shop and stores. 50ft h\ ,tl<(,jt)(???j.uof, an office, three powerful ?'<' 'r:I(tn Hi?rses, seven sets of earin, and i iini 's "?'" cffect.. which will be m"re particu- j'l'vj 'Jl,si,iiieil in the cat:do?fues now being prepared, ,n' | I.e hall one week pri(,r to the Side on 't?.?-?t?:hL- AUl'tioneus', or at the Wvnnstay H'.tels, Wrexham and Ruabon. \k t commence at Twelve o'clock prompt. :1; H" Tmmway runs from Wrexham to the  2511 =-- -== ??LE BY MR EDWARD JONES. VV oV\uiNl\ 1\ J'?'??IX, WREXHAM, 31 1 ri: FlVw vi-n inv^ ?' ?L-ARY. lH7K ?it l?L .10.\ES v.-ill sFI,I, ?Y AUCT?)X, on \Ion!i!v (.n tile '?""?s as ?'? (under a Judi'in.'nV • ?/ "? ?'?). the whole of the H()('s|-HO| I) ((win • Hxtiil .t.,4. ;:I),] effe(,t?; I "on,istill of every- .< ?. '?f ?'T??"?"? property of the ?'< f. "??''deceased, without '"H?.n? ale .it Twelve for One o'clock punctually. '?' <'M' ?', Uattle Market, Wrexham. 2:!c SALE BY MR. JOHN JONES. I!: it'the v V wi" ??-? BY AITTIOS ??f the ?' ???'? Stvei,t' '?o)]en, (in  f h 1 ■'•iau.irv (,h,.tn,,e « ?nancy), on Monday, i h 'iVs -mI^i ^RRNIKMPI fahlps, Chairs, Sof;i, ??'?' '.on Bedsteads, Father ? no?is,?: sa!e at 1 o'clock. ,I:'li"\leer' ?'" ?'?' ''?'"?- \rexham, '1, ?o?' n 45z —c 45z -sr. CHer-TOX, ELPHICK, -J?co? -I -v. Sale (it PLAS FRON, 0  ? ???' ?."?0'- ?.<-?/, <?(y threc ?.?<it.?n'?MM. ?'SS):S OHrRTOX, ELPHICK, ? ('0. beg to t. 't!ln"u!we ?''? ?'? ?'? heen favoured with "tr?  P?t'.n (who  ]eavins:the fl'"ln X|iss Panton (wlio is leaving the "I'll) (-SELL BV AUCTION, on Tuesday •'•inuary 2?nd and Sfrd, 1?7?, Com- llle'K-in« v at Eleven o'clock punctually, the ')?,t). HonchoJ¡1 FURNITURE, ex- ?"?"t Turk?'? ?"'?" 'UHXtTCHf;. ex- '?"Xnvin., r"?'?' "?? R?Mts, paintinss )" ?' '??' ? '?"s P?t and .??. '? ?d??r "'?  ??heH requisite? Tgl as. -china, kitchen requisite? h" "?? '}?' 'T? ?"se:! rwss.llred short hhrse f chestnut carriage f"i'r vear- ?' ,?? ??"?. circutM-fronted "ham, bv i"el,light-running (lon, light-running '? t te bv Win 1rer' t Lo",on> cart, sets of "'??.tnds? ..h?"?' s¡\(\rUery, stack .f hay, the ;e f —??. quantity of manurt. ,mp)e- ??f.fh?'?;?'? g it(r (luisite?g, ami other mis-  ?????'?'c punctu?ny each day at  d'.d" ? the IQLS are numerous and the d? 1> 1'tallÍ"lIt X.? ^"tayi'%haa rom thp w>nnstay Arms n?,ttl l 't'xbtin nr from /t,lie Auctioneers, MESSRS ? ?\ ?HK.K, RODERIS, AD RlCHA&DS? tkt.?t b ?b' Sales by Auction. SALES BY MR. LLOYD. Important Sale of Modern HoimhoM Furniture, Farming llilpklllwt, Dairy Fcesefo, Slack of well- harvested Hay, Poultry, etc., THE HOLLIES, MARCHWIEL, Sear Wrexham. MR. LLOYD has been honoured with instructions ??1- from Mr Jones (who is changing his residence) to SELL BY AUCTION at the Hollies, situate as above, on MONDAY, January 7th, 1878, the following excellent FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Farm Produce, Household Furniture, and other effects, as follows:- HOUSEHOLD FUR.NITURF.-Wainut couch, up- holstered in amber damask, with chintz covers, mahogany tables with D ends, easy chairs in Morocco leather, chairs in birch, oak, deal, and other tables, handsome mahogany cheffonier, oak linen chest, sets of tea trays, fenders and fire irons, ashpan, iron bed- steads and mattresses, several feather beds, bolsters and pillows, washstand, dressing table, commode, mahogany chest of drawers, looking glasses, parafin lamps, &e. I.MPLE-MP-NTS.-Iron.ind wood harrows, cultivator, hand and wheel ploughs, gears, &c., swingle trees, sundry tools, wood roller, large dog kennel, corn coffer and seive, cart ropes, excellent chaff cutter, set of thrill gears, saddle and bridle, &c. P-Fjve couples of black Spanish hens, and one cock Stack of well-harvested upland hay, containing about six tons. Sale to commence at Two o'clock prompt. Offices, Plassey, Wrexham. 3001i THURSDAY, JANUARY 17TII, 1878. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. MR LLOYD begs to inform his numerous friends and supporters that he has taken FIRST and SECOND STAND in the New Smithneld (which is on the left hand side of the entrance), where he will in future hold his fortnightly sales of cattle, sheep, pigs, Ac., and trusts he shall receive the same support that has hitherto been accorded him during the time he has been in business as an auctioneer, and has the pleasure of announcing his next sale will take place on THLRSDAY, January 17th. The following Stock are already entered. A prime lot of Bullocks, Heifers, and Bulls, In-calf Cows, and with Calves at foot, Barrens, Stirks, Store Bulls, itc. A magnificent lot of Fat and Rearing Calves A prime lot of Shropshire and Cross-bred Fat Sheep A number of Pork and Bacon Pigs, also Stores The property of regular supporters of the late Auction Mart: Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., M.P., Wynnstay; Sir R. Palmer, Bart., Sir R. A. Cunliffe, Bart., Hon. fico. Kenyon, T. LI. Fitz-Hugh, Esq., E. Peel, Esq., Bryn-y-pys; S. Yorke, Esq., S. P. Hope, Esq., H. Lees, Esq., Pickhill Hall; Captain Ormrod, Penylan A. Peel, Esq., Gerwyn A. Balfour, Esq., Mount Alyn: Capt. Godfrey, H. W..Meredith, Esq., T. Beakbane, Esq., F. E. Cotton, Esq., Captain Best, E. Swetenham, Esq., W. H. Darby, Esq., Brymbo T. Clayton, Esq., Major Roper, H. Whalley, Esq., Plasinadoc Captain Owens Althrey, Peter Walker, Esq., George Barbour, Esq., Bracton: J. Clarke, Esq., R. C. Webster, Esq., George Plant, Esq., Henry Dennis, Esq., Henry Humphreys, Esq., J. R. Bennion, Esq., E. Randies, Esq., R. J. S isson, Esq., Charles Griffiths, Esq., Thomas Morris, Esq., Esp Hill J. Kenrick, Esq., Wynn Hall .Mrs Johnson, Esless The Misses Lewis, Miss Hayes, New British Iron Company Messrs T. Evison, Eyton R. Peate, Eyton Thos. R. Parry, J. Milligan, T. Meredith, R. J. Roberts, J. Davies, LlanypwlT; E. Williams, H. Bate, S. T. Reeves, E. Humphreys, T. Roberts, Berse; T. Fearnall, Iioyton J. B. Murless, S. Dale, Holt R. Parker, Belgrave J. Forrester, A. Sutton, Thomas Griffith, T. Brassey, Althrey; T. Beake, J. Owens, Coddington Moss, Rossett; Cooke, Woi-flienbiiry R. Harrison, Plasroch J. Edwards, Carthagena T. Wainwright, J. Roberts, Woodhouse; J. Lee, H. C. Murless, Ruabon T. Jones, Hollies C. Parsonage, Bevan, Jackson, Eardley, W. Billing- ton, M. Darlington, Ac., &c. Sale at 10 o'clock to a minute. 209pn PRELIMINARY. Important Sale, of Household Fe.rniture, Dairy Vemls, Outdoor Effects, <0c., at THE PARKEY, Situate three ntdts from Wrexhani, and tieoJ'i"m IjUnyor. MR LLOYD has been honoured with instructions ..L from Mrs Roberts, who is leaving the neigh- ?bo.uir. hood, to SELL BY AUCTION (without reserve), at the Parkey, situate as aforesaid, on TUESDAY, January 22nd, 1S78, the following superior and modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, D?irv Vessel, and other Effects, viz. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.—Very handsome house- keeper's cupboard, containing 5 cupboards and 5 drawers, dea), round, and other tables, mahogany dining table, mahogmy hall table and two chairs, fenders and fireirons, ash pans, guard, iron stool, win- (low blind with patent rollers, handsome mahogany chest of drawers, with secretaire and book- case attached, arm chairs and single ditto, lamps, iron hat and umbrella stand, maple painted dressing tables and waslistands, 3 iron bedsteads and mattresses, 2 flock beds, tent bedstead, bedroom chairs, oak carved chest, mahogany chairs, alarum clock, oak chest of drawers, corner cupboard, kitchen chairs, mangle, 2 oak presses and shelves, meat safe, shelves, itc. DAIRY VESSELS, GEARS, AND OTHER EFFECTS.— Butter tub and prints, milk steins and pans, cheese presses, 2 wheel churns, salting turnel, :10 cow chains, 2 sets of thrill gears, odd gears, 5 grates, 2 furnaces, several benches, hack bridle, and a variety of other effects too numerous to mention. Sale at Two o'clock prompt. Offices Plassey, Wrexham. 24n SALE BY MR. J. W. BROWN. STOCK SALE AT BROUGHTON HALL STATION. MR. J. W. BROWN will hold his next Fortnightly iH Sale of Fat and store Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Calves, itc., on WEDNESDAY, January Kith, 1878. Early entries to the Auctioneer will oblige. High Street, Mold. 3.% Sale of Farmiwj Stuck, Household Furniture, itr., at THE FFERM FARM, Pontblyddyn. MR. J. W. nnow is instructed to SELL by ?i. AUCTION, on MONDAY next, January 7th, 1878, the undermentioned FARMING STOCK, Stacks of Hay and Straw, Household Furniture, etc., which comprise 3 cart horses, 1 cow (in milk), 3 yearling heifers, 2 store pigs, 2 Tl.-in. wheel carts with gearing, 2 swing ploughs, 2 pairs of iron harrows, market gig, 3 geese, 6 fowls, stone roUer, grindstone, thrill and chain gears, i) Llyn sheep, 2 stacks of meadow hay, about 8 tons each, an(I I stack of straw. BEST KITCHEN.Mahogany eight-day clock, hat stand, dresser and shelves, and lot of crockerv, 2 square deal tables, bench. 4 oak chairs and 1 arm ditto, oak square screen, round table, copper tea urn, copper tea kettle, brass skillet, warming pan, 2 trays, 4 brass candlesticks, steelyards, 2 shelves and crockery, 2 knife baskets, fender and tire-irons. PARLOUR.—Book case, large mahogany table, small ditto, round ditto, barometer, S prints, paratin lamp, mahogany sofa, 4 chairs, old carpet BEDROmI NO 1.- Oak bureau, feather bed and mahogany bedstead, dressing table and glass, chest, chair, towel mil, piece (Irurget, small timepiece. BEDROOM, No. 2.—Dressing table and looking- glass, small round table, 3 chairs, Wiishstand, toilet table, chest of drawers, screen, 2 bedsteads, Ac. BEDROOM No. 3. Feather beds, bedstead, dressing table and glass, alarum clock. BEDROOM NO. 4.- Featherbed, bedstead, chair. GRANARY.—Quantity of wheat, about 10 measures, dairy vessels. BACK KITCHEN.—Two screens, deal table, round oak table, chair, crockery, fender and irons. SERVANTS' Roml.-Chaff bed, bedstead, screen, old chair, 3 cheese-presses. Sale at One o'clock prompt. Mold, 1877. 40r SALE BY MR PARRYr THE CRUMBLES, distant, about one mile from liuabon. Sale of jive capital in-calf Cows and Ileifers, handsome Pony, about 12 hands, rising four years, capital spring pony Cart, Store Piys, useful outdoor Effects, also the substantial Household Furniture and Dairy Utensils. MR PARRY has been favoured with instructions Irl- from the representatives of the late 31r Samuel Wynn, deceased, to SELL BY AUCTION, without reserve, on the premises as above, on Monday next, ¡ January 7th, 1878. Sale at One o'clock prompt. Full particulars in posting bills and catalogues. 22b PRELIMINARY. THE RHOS BRICKWORKS AND COLLIERY, Tsittiate at Rhos, between Wrexham and Ruabon, with the valuable working plant, will be offered for Sale by Auction about the last week in January in- stant. LEAROYD it Co., Xin Solicitors, Huddersfield. [CARD.] JJICHARD QLLERHEAD, AUCTIONEER, CHARLES-LTREET, WREXHAM- 2112it ADDRESS. WM. pARRY,   A(JCOUTAT, I AND E'?" T A T ? "A T.  of f:oods ? every received for positive sale. conucted in town an(l'cf)untry itpoll strictly eqUItable terms. Prompt Settlement of Accounts. Agency for the transfer of business. Stocks bought and sold. OFFICE- 1, CHURCH STREET, WREXHAM. 101' 101, Public and Legal Notices. DENBIGH. PARLIAMENTARY BOROUGH. MR watkin WILLLUIS, )I.P., WIll ADDRESS his constituents in the ASSEMBLY ROOMS, DENBIGH, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY STH, 1878, when he intends to present a full statement of the facts bearing upon THE EASTERN QUESTION taken from official documents. The Chair will be taken at 7.30 p.m. precisely By the MAYOR. A resolution will be moved expressing a hope that Great Britain will not be involved in the War. 2945p WREXHAM DISTRICT TRAMWAY COMPANY. ADVERTISEMENTS can be posted inside the ?CTL Company's Cars at the rite of Is tid per square foot per quarter.—Apply to R. C. FEARNLEY, Secretary. 5, Temple Chambers, Wrexham. 44n ST. DAVID'S DAY. THE ANNUAL DINNER in celebration of the JL Patron Saint of Wales will take place at the ROYAL OAK, MOLD. PRESIDENT MAJOR TREYOR ROPER. VICE-P.RESIDENTS W. B. MARSTON, ESQ. 53n A. J. BRERETON, ESQ. WREXHAM INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY. HOSPITAL SUNDAY, JANUARY fjTH, 1878. THE COMMITTEE beg to announce that through the kindness of the Ministers in the town and njei_ ghbourhood, SERMONS will be preached and COLLECTIONS made at the Morning and Evening Services in the respective Places of Worship, on HOSPITAL SUNDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1878, In aid of the Funds of the Institution. More than 70,000 patients have received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation. J. OSWELL BURY, SECRETARY. December 28th, 1877. 3007z WREXHAM DISTRICT PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Incorporated under the Buildiny Societies Acta, 1874. Shares, jE50 each. Entrance Fee, Is per Share or part of a share. THIS Society is now prepared to make advances, J repayable in a certain number cf years, on Mortgages. A meeting is held on the first Monday in each month for receiving subscriptions and enrolment of members. For further particulars apply to the Secretary. J. J), SHIRLEY. No. 12, Temple-row, Wrexham. 640r NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK. SEVENTY-EIGHTH DIVIDEND. "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Dividend of 1." Ten Shillings per Share for the half-year ended 31st ultimo, on the Capital of the Company, and a Bonus of Seven Shillings and Sixpence per Share (being at the rate of In per Cent, per annum), will be paid to the Proprietors, free of Income Tax, on and after the lltli instant, at the Head Office and the re- spective Branches. The Transfer Books will he closed from this date to the 11th instant inclusive. By Order of the Directors, K. MEREDITH JONES, Liverpool Manager. Liverpool, 3rd Januaryy, 1878. 38n THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 18(59. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DENBIGHSHIRE, HOLDEN AT WREXHAM. In the matter of a Special Resolution for Liquidation by Arrangement of tlic cjj'airs of Samuel Solomon Maurice, of 39, Wrexham Fechan and 46, High- street, Wrexham, in the County of Denbiyh, surgeon dentist. THE CREDITORS WHO HAVE PROVED THEIR DEBTS may receive a nrst and final DJI. VIDEND of two shillings in the pound on appJica- tion to me at 3, Temple-row, Wrexham, on and after Friday, the 8th day of January instant. Dated this 4th day of January, 1878. CHARLES GLAsCODINE, 55b Trustee. SALMON FISHERY ACTS. For the purpone of increasing the supply of Salmon. l TO PERSON shall fish for, catch, or attempt to .1. catch or kill Salmon or Trout between the 2nd day of November and the 1st day of February. And any person so offending shall incur a penalty of £5, and £2 for each Salmon so caught. ~VTO PERSON shall buy, sell, or expose for sale, or ?t have in possession for sale any Salmon or part of any Salmon between the 3rd day of September and the 1st day of February. And any person so offending shall incur a penalty of £2 for each Salmon or part of Salmon. And NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a reward of £5 will be paid by the undersigned to any person who will give him, and eventually before a Court of Justice, such information its shall lead to the convic- tion of anyone acting in contravention of the said Acts. Signed, A. MOSTYN OWEN, 2548c A Conservator of the Dee. A LLIANOE A SSURACE CO. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £5,000,000. (Of which £550,000 is paid up.) FIRE RESERVE FUND UPWARDS OF i;4Go,ooo. CHIEF OFFICES BARTHOLOMEW LANE, LONDON. Chairman: SIR MOSES MONTEFIORE, BART, F.R.S. Secretary: ROBERT LEWIS, ESQ., WELSH BRANCH HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. Chairman THOMAS BARNES, ESQ. Fire Insurances of every description transacted on moderate terms. For Prospectuses and other in- formation, apply at the above Office, or to any of the Agents of the Company. E. LLEWELYN LLOYD, Secretary. Wrexham. 2flfi6n2 pROVIDE AGAINST ACCIDENTS. By taking a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY. The oldest and largest Accidental Assurance Com- pany. Hon. A. KINNAIRD, M.P., Chairman. ANNUAL INCOME £210,000. A fixed sum in case of Death by Accident, and a Weekly Allowance in the event of Injury, may be secured at moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to Insurers of five years standing. ACCIDENTS OCCUR DAILY has been paid as COJIPEXSATIOS. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agent, or tiJ, COnXHlLL, LONDON. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agents Agents for Wrexham :—Mr W. -TAMES, Wheatsheaf Railway Station. Mr J. B. SHIRLEY, National Provincial Bank of England. 12n p NP,UAIODYNE.-The Positive CURE for CON- J. SUMPTION in all its IStages, and a true Lung Healer. PNEUMODYNE- CURES SPITTING of BLOOD. CURES TUBEIJCULES, CURES CONGESTION. PNEUMODYNE.—CURES ASTHMA. CURES DIFFICULTY of BREATHING. CURES HACKING COUGH, &c. p ,NEUIIODYNE.-Prep,qr['Ll from the Prescription _t of a Physician of high standing. p NEU-%IODYNE.-In Bottles at 2s fid and 4<1 tid t of all Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Central Depot-3, Euston-road, London, N. W. zmr —T Entertainments f jsd Meetings. CORN EXCHANGE, WREXRAM, A GRAND EVENING CONCERT WILL BE GIVEN IN THE ABOVE HALL ON MONDAY, 28TH JANUARY, 1878, Under the distinguished Patronage and Presence of HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR. (J. C. OWEN, ESQ.) SIR ROBERT & LADY CUNLIFFE. G. 0. MORGAN, ESQ., Q.C., M.P. WATKIN WILLIAMS, ESQ., Q.C., M.P. EDWARD WILLIAMS, ESQ., M.Ia, J.P. EDWARD EVANS, ESQ., J.P., fSRONWYLFA. EDWARD WILLIAMS, ESQ., J.1 ELWY HOUSE. CHARLES HUGHES, ESQ., J.P. BRYNHYFILYD. CHAIRMAN » TEE REV. D. HOWELL (VICAR). ARTIST' MISS MARY D-V-rs, R.A. At. MISS CORDELIA fij" i "V ARBS, U.C-W." MISS MARTHA £ &WlES, R A M. MR. JAMES SAUVAGE, R. A. M. MR. T. J. HUGHES, (LIVERPOOL PHILHARMONIC). ACCOMPANIST MR. SPARROW. (Private Organist to Sir Watkin). Doors open at 7, Concert at 7.30. Carriages may be ordered for 10. Admission-Reserved Chairs, numbered, 3s; Front Seats, 2s; Balcony, Is 6d; Third Seats, Is. Plan of Hall and Tickets at the Misses Whiting's, 2, High Street. Tickets also at Messrs Hughes and Son, Messrs C. Bayley and Co., Caxton Buildings, and Mr. John Rogers, Stationer. 6je Business Announcements. CHRISTMAS, 1877. A REDUCTION OF TEN PER CENT. OFF ALL GOODS FOR ONE MONTH FOR CASH ONLY. D D. PIERCE has much pleasure in offering the above Reduction to his Customers and Do Public generally. I ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Every description of Watches in Gold and Silver, from 15s to .E20. CLOCKS For Bedroom, Kitchen, Hall, and Parlour, from fis to £ 1010«. The Austrian Regulation Clock, Prize Medal at the Wrexham Exhibition, 187C, fromC3 10s to £ 30. D. D. P. begs to draw Special Attention to his fine and well-selected Stock of Ladies' Gold Dress and Engage Rings set with diamonds, emeralds, ruby, torquoise, pearl, and other precious stones, from 5s. tid. to £20. GUINEA GOLD WEDDING RINGS. A Present of Half-a-dozen best Nickel Silver Teaspoons is given with every Wedding Ring, in addition to the Reduction. ( An inspection will greatly oblige D. D. PIERCE, WATCHMAKER AND J E W E L L E R> H E N P. L A S STREET, Z:;43¿ WREXiiAM. WATCHES. WATCHES. WATCHES. CLOCKS. CLOCKS. CLOCKS. JEWELLERY. JEWELLERY. JEWELLERY. ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS, FANCY GOODS, &c., &c., &c., SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS, TO BE HAD IN GREAT VARIETY AT F. FRASER'S, 42, HIGH STREET", WREXHAM. LARGE CLOCK OVER THE DOOR. PRIVATE ROOM FOR WEDDING RINGS. 2924n THE "LIVER, WESTMINSTER BUILDINGS (LATE ART EXHIBITION,) HOPE STREET WREXHAM. 0 .7. FRY wishes to thank the Public of Wrexham and district for the liberal support they have given him, and hopes by continuing to sell the BEST ARTICLES at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, to merit a continuance of that support. I also hope the Public will be able to properly appreciate the SUDDEN DISCOVERY on the part of some that they can offer Goods at much LOWER PRICES than before, and I a-sk WHO CAUSED IT: AND WHO WILL YOU SUPPORT i JOHN FRY, PROVISION MERCHANT. 2921c HOPE STREET. THE STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, W R E X H A M ESTABLISHED TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC AT MERCHANTS PRICES, C. K. BENSON & CO. TEA DEALERS, FAMILY GROCERS, FOREIGN & COLONIAL WAREHOUSEMEN, BEG respectfully to call the attention of their patrons and the public generally to their choice and well selected STOCK of PATRAS, VOSTIZZA, AND CEPHALOXIA CURRANTS MUSCATELS, VALENCIA, AND SULTANA RASINS, FRENCH PLUMS, ELEME FIGS, JORDAN, VALENCIA. AND BITTER ALMONDS. CANDIED LEMON, ORANGE, AND CITRON PEEL CRYSTALIZED AND GLACE FRUITS. PRESERVED PINE APPLES, PEACHES, TOMATOES, APRICOTS, PEAS, MUSHROOMS AND GINGER. « PATE DE VOIE (JRA, CURRIED FOWL AND RABBIT, 1" ..TTELES, POTTED MEATS AND SOUPS, PlCSIC AXII 1)111 ED OX TONGUES, SALAD CREAM, LUCCA OIL, TABLE JELLIES, FRUITS IN BOTTLE FOR DESSERT, INDTA,Y CHUTMES, CURRIES, ANCUOVEY BLOATER < £ • MULLIGATAWNY PASTE. PICKLES, .SAUCES, JAMS AND JELLIES. IA CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS CAKER, PLAIN [AND FANCY BISCUITS, BON BONS, COSAQUES, &c. PARMASAN, GRUYERE, STILTON, AND CHESHIRE CHEESE. FOREIGN WINES, SPIRITS, AND LIQUEUS. BENSON AND CO'S FAMILY GROCERY, FOREIGN ÓJ COLONIAL STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. p2781e Business Announcements. THE CEFN AND GARTH STONE CO., LIMITED, ARE prepared to deliver BUILDING STONE, in ?TL Block or Dressed to order. Engine Beds and Grinding Stones of all descriptions. Rubble Stone of excellent quality. Address for particulars to the Offices, at the (larth Trevor, near Ruabon. 2887b J. G. WILLIAMS, LAND VALUER & ACCOUNTANT, AGENT FOR THE PHOSPHO GUANO MANURES, AND THE "ECLIPSE" LUBRICATING OILS; ALSO FOR THE QUEEN FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE OFFICES, 4, WREXHAM STREET, 9i M 0 L D. JOSEPH ON & SONS, I Maafacturers of Crucible Cast Steel Castings, Patent Colliery Wheels. Axles and Pedestals, Colliery Cages, Cage Slides and Guides, Winding Pullies and Frames, Rail Crossings, Points, &c. SYKES WORKS, SHEFFIELD. Please address inquiries and order- MR W. GAMBLE, 13, QUEEN ST., WREXHAM, and the same will have prompt attention. 2220b E LLISS RUTHIN WATERS. pURE ÆRATED WATERS. ELLIS'S RUTHIN WATERS.-CRYSTAL SPRINGS. SODA, POTASS, SELTZER, LEMONADE, LITIIIA, and for GOUT LITHIA AXD POTASS. Corks Branded, R. Ellis and Sons, Ruthin," and every label bears their trade mark. Sold every- where', and wholesale of R. ELLis & SON, Ruthin, North Wales. H21e HIGHLAND AND LOWLAND. FINEST OLD IRISH AND SCOTCH MALT WHISKIES, 36s. and 42s. per dozen. Being the production en- tirely of the old-fashioned Pot Still, these whiskies are rendered soft and mellow by the addition (if age only. rjlHOMAS WILLIAMS, WINE MERCHANT, T 0 W N HALL, WREXHAM. 2764e CHARLES DAVIES (LATE S. DAVIES AND SON), 58, HOPE STREET WREXHAM, WOOLLEN DRAPER, MILITARY TAILOR AND OUTFITTER. LARGE PURCHASE OF SCOTCH TWEEDS AND WOOLLENS. Owing to the great depression in trade I have purchased nt a considerable Discount off, a large portion of a Scotch Tweed Manufacturer's Stock made from pure Scotch Wool, which I can recommend with the greatest confidence. I intend giving the benefit to my customers, and shall therefore offer the same by the yard, at 30 per cent. off or made into suits at £3 3s. Original price, £4 4s and zC4 10s. ULSTERS same material X2 15s. An inspection of the same will much oblige. HOSIERY, Just received for Christmas, a large variety of new Styles in SCARVES, GLOVES, TIES, DRESS SHIRTS In superior quality. C. DAVIES, (Late S. Davies and Son), 58, HOPE STREET, WREXHAM. 2404nr THE TEA TRADE. 14, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. THE present Season's arrivals of FINE TEAS from China are again exceedingly large, while the excellent quality of former years is fully maintained. The most delicate taste of connoisseurs will be gratified by the superior character of some of the INDIAN TEAS which have arrived, resembling the old CHOICE KAISOW-SO highly appreciated by consumers of the flner classes of TEA. The unparalleled success which has marked the progress of our business from year to year is the result of our practical knowledge of TEA, and of the exercise of proper care in the selection of Stock, which enables us to sell TEAS and COFFEES of superior quality at moderate prices. We tender our sincere thanks to our numer- ous customers for their constantly increasing support and extensive recommendation and they may rest assured that all orders en- trusted to us will continue to have our prompt attention. The following qualities are well worth special notice: _8. d. Strong Kaisow Congou, refreshing, pun- gent. 1 8 Fine Kaisow Congou, a choice mix- ture. 2 0 Delicious Breakfast Congou. This is a perfect Tea of great strength. 2 4 Choice Moning Congou. This is a tea of sterling quality 2 8 Finest Moning Congou. We especially commend this high-class Tea 2 10 Finest Lapsang Souchong, unsurpassed at the price 3 0 Finest Kaisovr Congou, a family mix- ture of fine Teas, choicely blended, rich in flavour 3 3 The Finest Mixture of Teas that can be produced. This is the prince of Teas 3 6 A CHOICE AND SELECT STOCK OF FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND COLONIAL GOODS. DELIVERY OF GOODS- C. K. B. It Co. deliver all Orders Free of Charge by their own vans or by carrier, or carriage paid to the nearest railway station. ORDERS per post, carrier, or messenger will have immediate attention. HOURS OF BUSINESS. C. K. B. & Co's Stores are opened at 8.0 a.m. aud closed at 7 p.m. On Thursdays at (S.30 p.m., and on Saturdays at 10.30 p.m. N.B.—They will be entirely closed on the Four days set apart as Bank Holidays. C. K. BENSON & CO. FAMILY GROCERS, 14, HIGH STREET, 223kne WREXIJAM. f Business Announcements. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR. TO THOSE INTENDING TO FURNISH, JAMES GERRARD, OF FOREGATE HOUSE, FOREGATE-STREET, CHESTER, Has the greatest pleasure to announce to the Public that he has just completed the purchase of one of the LARGEST STOCKS < OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, AND LOOKING GLASSES, He has ever had, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON or 1878. Every article for the comfort and convenience of Housekeepers will be found at FOREGATE HorsE, and J. G. having purchased in a falling market is now pre pared to sen at far LOWER PRICES THAN EVER. DINING ROOM FURNITURE. DRAWING ROOM FURNITURE, BEDROOM FURNITURE, LIBRARY FURNITURE, HALL AND STAIRCASE FURNITURE, BREAKFAST ROOM FURNITURE, NURSERY FURNITURE, KITCHEN FURNITURE, AiLSO IRON, BRASS, AND WOOD BEDSTEADS. FEATHER BEDS, HAIR AND SPRING MATTRESSES, SHEETS, COUNTEFiPANES, PALLIASSES. WIRE MATTRESSES, WAHI AND FLEECY BLANKETS, ALL KINDS OF BED AND WINDOW CURTAINS DDIITY CURTAINS, DAMASK CURTAINS, PEP CURTAINS. CHINTZ CURTAINS, CRETONNE CURTAINS. And every other Material suitable for Curtains. JAMES GERRARD having had such a very long experience at the trade can compete in price with either Liverpool, Manchester, or London. ESTIMATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. Carriage Paid on all Parcels of Goods above P-5 to any Railway Station within 100 miles of Chester. JAMES GERRARD, Foregate House, Chester, wishes to announce that he has paid particular at- tention to the CARPET TRADE, and has now on I hand an IMMENSE STOCK I 1\1 1\1 E S <t'EST 0 C K 1 CARPETS OF ALL DESCRIPTION, AT LONDON MICFS. NEW PATTERS DINING ROmI CARPETS, DRAWING ROOM CARPET*, I BEDROOM CARPETS, BREAKFAST Roml CARPETS, ALL AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER. BRUSSELS CARPETS, KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, STAIR CARPETS, TURKEY CARPETS, THE FINEST IMPORTED. All Sizes. Estimates Given. JAMES GERRARD respectfully invites all buyers of Furniture and Carpets to make an inspection of his Stock before buying elsewhere. Foregate House, Foregate-street, Chester, is the main street outside the Eastgate, where purchasers can see one of the Largest Stocks of Furniture in the Kingdom. JAMES GERRARD has addeiljjto his large Establish men t ANOTHER SHOW ROOM, 150 FEET LONG. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RE-POLISHED. WINDOW FITTINGS, I ROLLER AND SPRING J BLINDS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, VENETIAN BLINDS In either Iron or Wood, d an Colours. WINDOW CORNICES. CORNICE POLES. Venetian Blinds Repaired and Repainted. Also, every description of FLOOR CLOTHS AND MATTING For Halls, Passages, Stairs, Lobbys, Landings, or Public Rooms. Plans Taken Free of Charge. LINOLEUM IN THE NEWEST PATTERNS. PLEASE REMEMBER THE ADDRESS- JAMES GERRARD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CABINET MAKER & UPHOLSTERER, 21, FOREGATE STREET, FOREGATE HOUSE, CHESTER. LICENSED APPRAISER & VALUER TO THE COURT OF PROBATE. VALUATIONS TAKEN. lezjpnr Business Announcements. HAXELL'S ROYAL EXETER HOTEL, Jl situate in the most open part of the WEST STRAND, close to the THEATRES, OPERAS, AAJ. and Objects of Interest. Apartmem,¡,   26 &L Drawing-Room, ?th Bed- JuRooni en ?tt?, 10s tid., 12s Cd; Service, Is fid. The Private Apartments are en suite, the double Coffee-Rooms for families and gentlemen well ar- ranged, with entrances to Billiard and Smoke-rooms. Cuisine excellent."—Vide Aberdeen Journal. 7r JJOLKER AND CUDWORTH, GENERAL ENGINKE::S. Having had considerable practical experience in the manufacture and repairing of LOCOMOTIVES, ENGINES, AND )1. CHINERY IN GENERAL, We trust, rby prompt attention to business, combined with good workin.umliij.i, tu lueii; a share of public patronage. Estimates given for Millwrights' and General work. WORKS ADJOINING WHEATSHEAF STATION, WREXHAM. 2¡;2tjn CHRISTMAS BOXES AND XEW YEAH';) GIFTS. IN answer to numerous enquiric-s,WILLIANI PHILLIPS through this medium wishes to in- form his customers that he has entirely dis- pensed with the system of giving away Christmas Boxes and New Ye.ir's lints in every shape or form, preferring to fix his scale of profits at the lowest remunerative rate, leaving no margin for any unnecessary expenses. WILLIAM pHILLIPS, TEA AND COFFEE SALESMAN, 1, TOWN H ILL, WREXHAM. ]7,. NURSERY STOCK. Y. STRACHAN, SEED MERCHANT AND NURSERYMAN, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM, BEGS to offer the finest selection of Standard ;.P'l Dwarf Roses, Standard and Dwarf Fruit liifs Evergreen and Flowering Shrubs in great varifty' also a large Stock of Larch, Spruce, .iml Scotch r j, and many thousands of Quicks, aud Privet. An early inspection invited at the RAILWAY STATIOX NURSERIES, WREXHAM. 2,)!J: p MR JJENRY JJETHELL, HOUSE l'AI.NTEIi, DECORATOR, ttC., MOUNT STREET, W H K X H A 1 Begs to thank his numerous Patrons for their T.-i 't kind, and liberal support; and ill doing ,io. this opportunity to inform tile illha)/iumt> OlWieX- ham and neighbourhood that he has REMOVED From his former premises, 39, TO 22, MOUNT STREET. The continued patronage of his fri"nc1 l"T,êCt.. fully solicited. All future communications to be sent to hi- ..(Idress. WINTER FASHIONS. EDWARD gMITH Is now prepared with a large and varied Stock of New Goods for the Season in each Depart- ment, Comprising Silks. Fancv Dresse*. Crapes and Mourning Materials, Velvets aud Velveteens, Skirts, French and Berlhi Paletots and Ulsters, Millinery, Hosiery. Gloves, Trimmings, Ac., &c. Owing to the present Low Prices of all classes of Drapery Goods, he has made un- usually large purchases of Flannels, Blanket*. Linens, Calicoes, Sheetings, Arc., Arc., and his the full I)enetit Patrons may rely on receiving the full benefit of a considerable reduction from former prices. Dressmaking as usual under thoroughly ex- « perienced management. 26, HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM. 2'i! "!• i pAR K. INSON, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, NEW STREET, MOLD, BEGS to return his sincere thanks to Bhis numerous friends, and the public generally, for the liberal support awarded him for a large number of years, and to draw their attention to his [LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PICTURE FRAMES in rgreat variety of mouldings and patterns. EVERY ORDER PROMPTLY AND NEATLY EX EfUTEIJ. :j .) I SEALSKIN JACKETS. JJROWN, HOLMES, tt Co. Beg to announce that during the month of De- cember, they will offer their stock of Seal- skin Jackets (the Now Shape), considerably reduced in prices.—Intending purchasers will find it advantageous to inspect this stock, Sealskins being much cheaper than for some years past. They are prepared with special Novelties for the season in BALL DRESSES, MANTLES, PALETOTS, SII.KS, DRESS FABRICS, AND FURS. Patterns sent free by post. The DRESSMAKING ROOMS are superin- tended by experienced and efficient managers, the Newest Style and Good. Fit heim; given :it a moderate cost. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. In the Fancy Department a large collection of Fancy Articles will be found suitable for Christmas Trees and Presents. SILK MERCERS TO HER MAJESTY ANI. H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. CHESTER, December, 1877. 3311, R. EVANS & COMPY., WREXHAM. GINGER CHAMPAGNE, NON-ALCOHOLIC. For Pic-nics, Weddings, and Evening Parties. LIME 'JUICE CORDIAL, AN EXCELLENT BEVERAGE. One or two spoonfuls ill a tumbler of water-I)eing a splendid purifier of the Blood. FRUIT SYRUPS, RASPBERRY LEMON, And other FRUIT SYRUPS, Used in WATER or SODA WATER, OR FOR CONFECTIONERY PURPOSES. Sold by Retail CHEMISTS, CONFECTION EUs. and ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMEN. WHOLESALE AT THE MANUFACTORY R. EVANS & COMPY., WREXHAM. 157Øzj

