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NEW MUSIC AT HALF PRICE, 27, Bridge st. Row, I Chester. BOUCHER AND ?O.?-?Jways.oi W an c  tensive selection of Jtw and 'SECOND- H \ND- INSTRUMENTS, of the bes: character, for SALE and HIRE, on the most moderate- terms. Additional Stocks kept hy their various Agents in WaIC5. EYEHY ARTICLE IX THE MUSIC TiUDK, -:J. THE I'P,wO"\ri2SrCIj^.Xj I WELSH ??L!?.C? COMPANY, ¡'J r. L. 1\ t 1 w U if¡ Fori h (The M?' hmrancc Company fs??;'?? ? M';<?.? Chief O&ccs. IIlGlI-S'rUi.ET, AYHEXHAM. LONDON, 77, ]jftiia.x.i:STREET, GLASGOW. TRUSTEES' The RIGHT 110A. LUKD BOSTON, Behave-sqn->r», London; ileuscr Lodge, U aidenhead; and Liani.ar, The EIGHT HOT -LORD THEDEGAB, Tredegar "1"\1 -r Pari., Si iroj and S2, Purtmaa-zqiiare, London. SIll. AYATKIN WILLIAMS AYYNN, EAUT., M.P. 18, St. Jtini.j:s-sqnaM, Loudon, and IV'yrlnstay, Don- bighsaii u. COLOXLL MYDDBLTON BIDDULPH, M.P., Lord- Liein. of the County of Denbigh, Chirk Castle, Den- L1 cilf,]: 1'(. TOWWsiiEXP MAINWAMNG, Esq,, M.P., Gallt- faenL ll, Denbighshire. COLOalL Ai KINS, M.P., Lord-Lieut. of the County of Brecknock, Pcanoyre, Brecknockshire. ITlhlJiiillCk. 1UCHAIID Yi EST, Esq., Ruthin Castle, Denbighshire. I HEllY THOMAS, Esq., Chairman of the Glamorgan- ani, Quarter Sessions, Llwynmadoc, Brecknock- shire Tlll!1A BTI..A.SSEY, Esq., 4, Great George-street, Westminster, and Lowndes-sqaare, Lcndou. HUGH OWEN, Esq., Barnsbury, London. TirCTSTiiiES IN IRELAND. VISCOUNT AArONMORE, Enuismorc, Kingstown. LORD MASSEY, The Hermitage, Castle Connel, County Limerick. The JiOX. FREDERICK YELArERTON, Bcllislo. County Tipptyaiy. DIRECTORS. CH.mfAN" :-TlIOMAS BARNES, Esq., Farnworth, near Manchester, and The Quinta, Salop. JO ii X JAMES, Esq., Elti-y House, Wrexham. R. YENABLEs KYliKE, Esq., Stansty Lodgo, Wrex- ham. HUGH OWEN, F,-q., Barnsbury, London. THOMAS PAIINTEII, Esq., Bodloudeb, Mayor of W rexham. R. C. RAWLINS, Esq., Hope Mills, AYrexham. EDYvAilD TENCH, Esq., Ilasnewydd, Ruabon. AV ILLIAM A\ lilGllT, Esq Grcsford Rank, AYrexham. The BUX. W. H. YELVERTON, Whitland Abbey, Carmarthenshire. BANKERS. Til E N ATIONAL TltOVTNCI ATi BANK OF ENGLAND, 'i'lii; Ni)KT 1! AND SOUTil AVAJ.KS CONSULTING SURGEON. T. T. GltlFlITH, Esq., IVrexham. CONSULTING ACTUARY. GRIFiITH DAVIES, Esq., London.: SOLICITORS: Messrs. EDGWORTH AND DEVEREUX PUGII. Wrexham. D. THOMAS, Esq., Brecon. SURVEYORS. RICHARD KYRKE PENSON, Esq., Swansea. M. GUMMOW, Esq., Wrexham. SECRETARY TOtTHE COMPANY- ANTHONY DILLON, Esq.) Wrexham. London Board. CHAIRMAN The HON. W. II. YELVERTON, Whit- Ifind Abbot. COLON ML rOWELL, M.P., Junior United Service G. Ouh. 2, Great S t an h ope-stree G. W. riTZlIUGII, E?q., 2, Great Stanhope.strce Mayf..ir. n VG tI U??EN, Esq., Barnsbury, London, Bankers. Messrs. HANiliUltYS and LLOYD. Consulting Surgeon. JOHN KlOPEliT, Esq., G, New Cavendish-street, Surveyor. RICHARD II. MOORE, Esq., 4, Queen's-terrace, Regent's Park. Secretary to the London Board. JAMES BENNETT, Esq. Glasgow Branch. Offices, 77, BUCIiANAN-STREET. Manager. W. J. (JARSYv ELL, Esq. Special Advantages. S' Life.—Stamps ptdd by the Office.—Medical Referee paid for their Reports.—Profits Eighty per con1- returned.—Ofifce Expenses very moderate, nnd j chiefly borne bv the Fire Department, so as to in- crease the Bonus,—Non-forfeiture of Policies. No liability incurred by the Assured as in Mutual Office*.—Member.? of Volunteer Rifle Corps assured ■without Extra Charge, New Feature: Twelve months credit on Pre- mitnna if xequired, sahjeet to Interest at;C5 pur cent -Tltis in a mw and special feature, and confined to tlih Oftcc only. Fire.—Moderate Premiums.—Prompt and liberal set- tlement of losses.—Farming Stock insured at 4s. percent., provided the amount be sub-divided is Ci. rooted in the Company's Forms RS heretofore, or at 5,i por cent. if not so siib-divid.:d. Fire Insurances e.'Jecled in other Offices may be transferred to this Company free of any eharire lor Policy or Stamn. ANTHONY DILLON, Chief Onic'e?, '\Vrexham. Secretary to the Uomapny. 1 Chief Oflim, AYrexham. AGENTS 'W-A-IsrTEID. CONDY'S PATENT FLUID or NATURAL DIS. IN FECT^ANT, nut only deodorizes b?t disinfeets perfectly and de,Úop for ever the cause of infection, is not j.oisinou^, as it may be used to purify water, evolves DO Iwxious or unpleasant g:,s, cannot be mis- taken lor any (,th:,r flai(l, thereby preventing death and disease, and insuring pood heaUh, pure air, and water, and is ihercfurii the best, safest, cheapest, and most pleasant disinfectant ever introduced. Condy's Patent ogonisud water for the TIath and Toi- let invigomtts the irarne, nnd cleanses thi; mouth, breatb, li,;(! kin, removes all seeretioiis, by substituting abso- ¡ JutL! p\lfilJ, GJ. ) Sold by all first class ehtmists, 63, King William-st. ) Xiondon Bridge, E.C. Sold in Qunrt-Jtottle*, 4s., Tints, 2a., Half-pints, Is and in hulk 10s. per Gallon; ~XTINKGAR.—Patronised by Her Majesty's Goveni- V liient. CON DPS PATET CONCENTRATED PURE MALT YJNEGAR. Families by using this «le:ieioiis l'iiiegar, insure purify Mia c-fieet a saving of Fiity |.irwn. See reports of Dr Letheby, City offices of lioaitb, Dr Ilosr-all, of the Lancet Commission, and others. iii labelled and I capsuled. Wholesale, 03, .Kin? "ïl:iam-3t., London; bnd?.(, E.C. t- 'I c a b ove article he- Condy's Faini'y vinnjrar, being the above article be- ow co)?entration,0uu Guinea, Six Gajlom, cask and car- aj<(! lrei. i > 1'] X SON'S W A T CUES. JIANLFACTOUV, 33 & LUDOATE llir.r,, Lu.vuo.v, E.C. o ..<   ????''??. ??.?/'? ?.\<?-? ?' e;-?-.?-?'?' r!i ?.  ¡,: ) :?;¡ j:' \.}(ï: .;iY't :t' <j,# q Established 17-iy. I SPECIA!. attention is reqursfed 1o ??c))snnsn(;wl))ustra?dl'!nf.pi.)Ht. on ntciics (tree for two staiuiisj. 1L contains a lull d?sfripticn of every ('ontrudioll of waleb now made, pro- ltls(?IY illustrated with ùrawius, w)th Uieir various priMs. important iu?r. n?non M to thH?atch to buy and H-wtu uaeiL 1;.? its :nd |iersons liviiw ???"'lr<-i?d. Wales, Or nnv ?rt of lil?Ktik)ll" can ?;i(? w:Ui U?L.M?stM.?intyt!,??,?,?,, -ulan.^l to llieir- .?. Kvevv \v;Ueu 'is wan anted and sent free h„,1 'af" pf?t ou rccb?t. ol u reinittance. ■ ■ artistic foolin" in Lil 11 tieriecuonol meekauism.— il.mii p. Silver ;i t0 15 guineas. Gul.t a LO guillall. Eonson's Gen,.Iamanls Wateh.A)1 that call ho. deniri-d m linisi, raste. and .-ilver a to 50 guluta. Cioid u to 100 guineas. Donson's Lever Watehea.—'■ Leave notbinv; to be desired l ut the money to buy them uirh." —S'.aa.lHrJ. •Silver 4 to SOguiuoas. <tg1<J 7 lo 50 guineas. Benson's Horizontal Watches.—" A trood watch w:th- out pajiiig an exorOitaut price."—1-faiiy Tele^rinh. s Agents lor Liuiiii—Messrs Grindiay aad Co. Cuicutta. Messrs Smith, Taylor and Co, Boinbav, Me-fsrs T hack or and Calcutta aud Allahabad. Messrs Le P,1.e and Dir. i.ibr.ir.v, Calc,lltla, uf whol4 PMJ.IP!lIt!l al1 be :obtaiueu. Orlltolrtf, wilu remittances (iucluunu: 5%e.\tfa lor post:ue), sbo ed ba scut dircci (or throiifih any ot the above tinus) to J. W. Benson's Watch in, Lutigitt; Jlill, Londou, E.0 i-.siHi.hslied 17-K' M. veb.-nits U M.taina, Sbi?.t.rs, Watch Ctu'?.?xd WhoJc- Is,-nlitier.itly. old ?.?[c;.? takeu m sciiuuki; or repaued.. KAYE'b ?'OKb?ELL'S PILLSt TTEALin RE.iORLO and by t? use/, J?  l'l?aCfcd ??;y by Johu l\ayc, Esq. ,7,{ ^d1. t,n:iiWi,'dl u.? linuderstield. They Me ??qua'? gimpbcily, ?y,? bene aiid in c£hs £ 3 ot aec?e.?fH ..?ic   ?.7 1'rom  ? blood, Ij¡di:Ji:st¡,¡: a;ut 'Cc:ml¡", lJatio1i. .? Lcbt? n.?ieme <b? ? ?.Hy be .ur l')vyc¡f F?M?M, AKTJz?s, MrcHANrcs. ? per..? of S? denary ii?Hs.?udthegeLuni pn?c, wiA ? them the greatest service in correcting aiid preventius irrceu- larit ies in the performance ot the various lunctiuus ol the human body. Buy one Box and read tlu Uskmonial enclosed. 4 I ELLIS'S KUTHLN'.SODA WATERy R ELLIS ^nd SON beg respectfully to inform the > public that there SODA, l'OTASS, AND SELTZER WATERS AND CHAMPAay% 'LUiWNADE, So long celebi-ute* for their unrivalled pority, may be obtained from alt respectable liataflers of Mineral waters, n the United Kingdom. iMPoiiTine or QBiiiUjr SiJLiZEE WATER. Agents for AYrexfiam, JoBeph ClarJt, Wine Merchant J. Broughton, Dtug^kt. ?- s' J STEAM COliMUNICArlON BLTV7EEN ) LI V E II P O 0 L A N I) C A X ADA ¡i AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Vuier Contract mCh Her Majesty's Provincial Govern- I tneiilfui- the Conveyance of Vis Canadian and L:itd I lllli9 Mails). Mails for the United States and Canad a are madn I made up in Liverpool cycry WcJ?.c?dty Morain?, for th: I transmission by the ur/lomotdl t-amors An extra Mail, to La put on beard at U-ioensiv.vn" nljj 1 ,r 1 T, (\ made up uvery AVcducsday Evening ,,1, 0 a ), ARRANGEMENTS isco l Tho Montreal Ocean Stenm-ship Company's first-class r powerful Screw Steamers. «t t 4 c.? !? '1, 1I -S! S 3B i <> » A SCO i L AX. Cap, A. M'MASTEK, LOII.oAilAi\ Capt. W. Ga,x«n, XOllTII BUITOM ..Capt. li. IWD, "\T ('1 J () I" ') 'r L l' 'I"" -ANGLO-J iXO.v Onpt. Bau.a:> (TNi;, 'NOKTff A". IKUICAN T. Aims, CANADIAN J. GHAUAM. Are intended to sail bftivcca I LfVEHPOOIj AND QfTLuCJ AND MONTREAL, Colling at QUe0C :r.J QlLc;b7¡Il L: Her M^jwty's ) and Passeng ers, us folio'.vs:— f ."Uo ,hJ.Á..LL'),s,iJ.ll 1..1-,0).- rROPJ LIVERPOOL. I NORTH AMERICAN A'/eduesdiy, 23rd Mar j NORTH AVed.iesday, 20th May, tdnoidav. Gth June, CANADIAN Wcduertlay, 13th June, ,ii. ¿j,l't 9. ll.lHC(,T' 0. And every WednccJay there,.fter lluriüg the ticason of opea navigation. FROM QUEBEC. I CANADIAN Saturday, 2Cth May, AN GLO-SAXON Saturday, llnd Juno, 4 d J XOATA SCOTIAN rfatmxhy, !>ih Jur.c, .,¡, 5 -L ,1 .( -') J "I.C, NORTH AMERICAN (SaturJav, l?hJur? T? !'I 0- .c, ?-.?up? LOHL.ilAN Saturday, M?h J:1C, I C.VXADIAN.. ■.• ■ • i S?uraav, 7th July, And every Saturday thereafter during the Season of open navigation. Rate of Freight on Fine Goods to Quebec and Montreal 60s per Ton Measurement, and 5 per cent Primage. Weight subject to agreement. Cabin Passage Money to QUEmC, EIGHTEEN GUINEAS and FIFTLnN1 GUlXRAS, iucludiag Provi- sions, but not Wiues or Liquors, v.iiich can be obtained on Board. Steerage Passage Money to QUEBEC, SErEX GUINEAS, including a plentiful supply of cooked t'ro- \;iûns By arrangements made with the Grand Trunk EaiRvay Company of Canada, Bills of Lading and Passage Tickets will be granted in Liverpool for the conveyance of Goods aud Passengers, at veiy moderate through rates to most of the principal towns in Canada and the United States. Bug/jaye taken fro»i the Ocean Steam Maps to tI, e RaiZ- way Can Free of Expense. l Apply in London, to Montgomery and Greenhorne, jl 7, Graeeehurch-strcet; in Glasgow, to James and Alexirider Allan, 54, St. Enoch Sqiiare; orto ALLAN BROTHER8 and CO., Weaver Buildings, Brunswick-street, Liverpooh For Steerage Passage apply to Sabel aud Searle, 19, Water-street, Liverpool. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, LONDON. F)L1CIES issued by this Society NOW or before JL MujSUMMEU, 1860, will participate in rouu-yirrus, or 80 per cent., of the vnorxxs at the next distribution in JANUAIIY, 1SG3. Profits divided at intervals of Five Years. Agents are appointed in all the provincial towns, of whom prospectuses may be obtained. C. II. LIDDERDALE, Actuary. II E N RI'S PATENT HOUSE & CATTLE FEED. THE first invented. Introduced in tho year 185-1. J- Sold by guaranteed Analysis, and the only one pro- tected by Letters Patent. Manufactory, Hull, AGENTS—Midland and North IVales. Asfcbournp, Thomas Mellor Ailston, Eiiucji Cui;cv Birnvnghani, M. J.Ex'ey Burton, Henry St-.ley Burslem, R. It. latcr Cheadle, W. Tjirton Ciu'sterlield, T. Evinson Chester, Bowers, Bros. Conway, T A Roberts Dudley, Geo. Baggott Derby, T. R. Miles Hanley, Sural. Wood Leicester, J amps mack i Liverpool, J. M argenson Manchester, 8, Hanging Ditch. >- _u. Menai Bridge, J. Edwards Maeclesf:eld, J. F. Bowers Nantwieb, Jcsiah Gilbert Nowpo.t, leke & Yates i Oswestry, Weaver & Son Shrewsbury, James Icko Stafford, Fowke £ As ten Tamsrorth, S Hanson Walsall, Henry Hignway W'llvurhainpton, Mander, Weaver, ii: Un, AVyliingtin, Tho. AYebb AVeui, 11 amy Kyn-istcr. Wiexhaui, J Ohll Murri3 i Q I L K S BUT Y V li E E » NEW SPUING PATTERNS. S hciiherii's C'licck 8iiks, itl I. fu!i J¡."s- J. iccoiuitiiiii lii-.rs, 4:1 Is Od The Now Stri f.es, k 1 7s tiJ. Strijicd, Checked, ai-.d (,'i-js^over J'oult llc .:t t 7s ôJ. Jasper Bar ao-i i!uy:tuere Giaees, A:! Vs b, Rich Tua'etas, &I its (,Li. Ecal .ilk ilrouffcts, Novel tie- in l-Y'-uc'j Silk- ,C1 17m 0d. llich ijrvcadcl Silks, J-i IJ4 (id, .Ulaek and coloured t-'iouuoed ?i!ks, -2 i. Eitra ltich tJayaiiore l-'iouueed Silks, Guiliea. Rich Moire f.n,illucs.£;¡ 0(1. Musiins, Jlou.iirs, spriu; l)res>es, £ e.( e:lually cheap. A?IOTT BROTHERS, 61 aud G2, St. Paul?s Chui ehyard, London. ?U?ROWS AND Co., W H OL EISA L K W 1 N K M i: K C 11 A X T S, L I V 1, It P 0 0 fj Stores. LIME Si-iu-ET.—Oiiiees, 51, lii;xr. "1"TliE Proprietors ln'g mo^t respectfully to Mil the i :c?tic!tot'U.u'i'Mdc, \'<jHG)nc?, CIc)?y, auJ thf 1) I' t tl" 'I J' i". Public in yeiier.il, to their extensive Stock of Ouoicc Wines of Rare Vintages. THE WONDER OK THE WORIJ). 110LL0WA Y'S LMLLS. If these Tills be used according lo the priuie-i directions and liie tlinaueni rubbed over the rcgiou of the kidneys- at le.ist ullce a day, as salt is forced into meat, the Ointment would penetrate into the kidneys and correct- any der;ti!e liient of these organs, should he sutler Iroui stoue or uravel tlien tbe Uiutuiuit ought to be rubbed i(l(o tile (j(!(!!¿o[la,J lihiJder also, a few days will convince the buiferer of tht- itstmmL'iu? eifect of tbese two remedies. ef.(?(.t ol't t%vo Such as ir."y sulfcr from w-?kn';? or debility, or where there is a want, of s?olil?i It once li;lv? reeoi!gp to these Pills, us they iinuK.-d;:ueiy purify the blood, aud act upon the main spring of life, asid vi^otirim- the system. Young persons entering into womanhood with a derangement oi the fuictioni-, a id to mothers at the luru of lite, these Pills will be most ciiieaeious iu correct- illri the tide ot lilc thaI. IlIay he oit the turn. Youtu; and elderly men sillier in a similar manner at the s.iaie periods then there is always diu.trer they should therefore un- dergo a course of this purityiug medicine, width ensure lasting health. COMPLAINTS Oi-' FEMALES. The functional irregularities peculiar to the weaker 8c,1 are invariably corrected without I)riii or iucoavciiieues bv the use of Hollov.iy's Pills. They arc the Mfesr anil surest inediciuc fur all the diseases incidental to females of al! ales. DERANGEMENT OF THE KIDNEYS. Anv derant'.einciit. ot the*! delicti to organs atTccts trousiy both the body aud mind To tin: nervous nsvaiida llolloAuys l'ills nre an artitb; of vil-ti aii(I conse- quently to the nervous system, which pervades ami con- nects them. Iitneti their lmirvciluus cures o[ hY;!ril.ll)w spirits, spasms, lits, headache?, nervous twitcniu^s, and I' crtiier kindred comjiiaintsure all radically reoioveu ay use of these invaluable l'ills DISORDERS OF THE AND STOMACH. Lo;t per;ous ail!, at some period of their lives, suiter from iudigestiou, derangement of their liver, stomacn, or bowels, «llich, if liot ipiicklj removed, ircipieiillv sellles into a dangerous tlinesa. it IS weil kuo'.vn iu India, atrl other tropical climates, that ilolioways' Pills is tin; only remedy that can be relied lipon in such cases. Almost every soldier abroad carries a box of these lhiis in his knapsack. Iu England most persons know mat tnese Pills will cure them whenever the liver, stomach, or are lout uf order, uud thai they need no physician. B1 blOCS AFFECTIONS. The quantity aud quality ot the lnic arc of vita imports allCC to health. Up:JlI thu liver, the glaml which secrete this HuiJ, the PtUs operate £;Jedieally, infallibly rcctilvlU" c; its Regularities, and ciit:cm?i!ycu;'iu? jaundice, b)?.;u? r?. mittauis, aud aii the vríet1u 01 dia?tsu ?cuer?tcd by au unoatural condition of the organ. tloltoway's l'Ms tire thi bii'tt- remedy known in the word for ii. clisilscs;- Asihma JUuo li ill uius Complaints uiorcur&ontu^ aiv u liowei Complaints Uj.ii's, CjLi»i>p;itiou of tne HoWCJs tonaaai,jtiou iiebliiiy Diop.sy Wyw'iicry Sryatpdiuj! Irreyulari- f Itrsi Jus Ciout ll.^J-ache illH/f.'llil.tlMJD Ji,u:i cc i,l v t:f CoiiiJ'lllDtS Kf-ii-natisra iituauua ui Uriae zier(Ifilia, or Kin-4,i. Lvu Sort- iupian St!»r»e ^n-.i Cir^vel èuwp. r TiC-Douhtttrcm Tuiuour^ VU'LTA Veueri-Hl Affections W.I.IH OI lilt Ulliila Ni'uukaess itmii \va«iccver c«»us- ?d:tt.U)u .Establishments of I']WF£S,\m JfoL'IOWY, 2h, Sn&u[), (near Tempi'} t>ar,) XjOuouu, a>;U Si) -Uaim-a 'r-«ne, i-Ntw uik.a?tty:).Ur?t)'.c.L!tbIt;Urn?[s'&;m??t-?.:r:jm icdicine.s tnrou^hoat taei v^vn. :.t WtjfiCi,?tni'jt?t.?M'iUt. pri<i~,a net +s dvl.tls, -i-ii, it.id -t?c.tCtt)'o?. Ihetc i a considerable ?vm:; bv taking HM h'rser sizes fttf''?'?'??"??'??? vatic.ila in ovory "'Qrüer r.Mm.?U toe-tch I'ot -_h- G LL,Ni"IEI,D PATENT 6TARCII used iu the Royal Lauodry, Prououncea by heri Majesty's laundress to be the Finest Starcti the ever used. Sold by aU CbauOkW! Grggcte, &<.


THE REV; m. HATCH AND Jm:;o??:?…


S -'[ i'? '?T,- n SRYfEN'OK…


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