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THE WO VDER OK THE WORLD. MOLLOWAY'S PILLS. If these Pills be used accoiding to the printed directions and the Ointment rubbed over the region of the kidneyi- at least once a day, as salt is forced into meat, the Ointment would penetrate into the kidueys and correct any derange- ment of these organs, should he suffer from stone or gravei. then the Ointment ought to be rubbed into the neck of th bladder also, a few days will convince the sufferer o the astonishing effect of these two remedies. DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH, most persons will, at some period of their live&, sufer from indigestion, derangement of their liver, stomach, or bowels, which, if not quickly removed, frequently settles into a dangerous illness. It is well known in India, and other tropical climates, that Holloways' Pills is the only remedy that can be relied upon in such cases. Almost every soldier abroad carries a box of these Pills in his kLapsack. In England most persons know that these Pills, will cure them whenever the liver, stomach, or bowels are out of order, and that they need no physician. WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY. Suoh as may suffer from weakness or debility, or where there is a waut of energy, should at once have recourse to these Pills, as they immediately purify the blood, and act upon the main spring of life, giving strength and vigouroua the system. Young persons entering into womanhood with a derangement of the functions, and to mothers at tb turn of life, these Pills will be most efficacious iu correcU ng the tide of life that may be ou the turn. Young and elderly men suffer in a similar manner at the same periods when there is always danger; they should therefore, un dergo a course of this purifying medicine, which euiura lasting health. COMPLAINTS OF FEMALES. The functional irregularities peculiar to the weaker sex are invariably corrected without pain or inconvenience by the use of Holloway's Pills. They are the safest and surest medicine for all the diseases incidental to females of all ages. DERANGEMENT OF THE KIDNEYS. Any derangement of these delicate organs affects disas- trously both the body aud mind To the nervous invalids Holloways Pills are an article of vital necessity. As they impart tone and vigour to the internal organs, and conse- quently to the nervous system, which pervades and con- nects them. Hence their marvellous cures of hysteria, low spirits, spasms, fits, headaches, nervous twitchings, and other kindred complaints are all radically removed by tha use of these invaluable Pills BILIOUS AFFECTIONS: The quantity and quality of the bile are of vital imports ance to health. Upou the liver, the gland which secrete this fluid, the Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectifying its iregularities, and effectually curing jaundice, bilious re- mittants, and all the varieties of disease generated by an unnatural condition of the organ, Holloway's Tills are the best remedy known in the Ulorld for the following diseases Ae Dro(llY Ina?mmatioa Sore ThmMt Af rtUroa ?y"'nMry Jaundice Stone and Or& ?"h f. ??, ?'?' Liver CorupWuU Secondary b SB??ochM.ont.he Female lrregul&rl- Lumbago toms Skin ?' P'?' Tie.Uoato?M Bm,'el Complaints Feven of tU ?tndt Rheumatism Tuiuuur» ?'t)<t Ftto Retention ol Ulcen I 'eMOa Cn?t.p.u.nofth.G.ut' Urine VM.rMtA?ectS DOHela ° luead-ache bicrufula, or Worms of all kind* Weakness 4c from neb! Itj whatever cause, ao d at the Establishments of PBOFESSOB HOLLOWAY, 244, Stiand, (near Temple Bar.) London, and 80. Maiden L, ue, New York, also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following prices :-ls ild, 2s 9d 4s 6d, I Is. 22s, and Us each pot. I *«*There is a considerable saving by taking the large sizes. N. B.-I)irections for the guidance of patients in every dil ordera realflfld toeaoli Put. lioo REWARD 1 IT having come to thu knowledge ot JOSEPH OMORL EY -L of No 77, Newgate street Loudon, that, u.an.r unprinci- lied persons are manufacturing aud palming oil on the pub- lic, spurious imitations of his justly celebrated "Food for Cattle," and adopting his trade marks, circulars, and adver- tisements, as. also vending receipts ior making sncli Food aiid further using to the disadvantage 01 Joseph Xhorley the Jieport or Ur Ilassall (Atial) tiual Vheuaibt), Of fi, Wilu- polo- street, London, made at the instance ot the "Lancet Commission: Now he it thereby known that the original receipt ot the Food, as compounded aud manufactured by Joseph Thorley, is known only to himself; iliat all other d .s are spurious and utterly worthless imitations-are devoid of the stimulating and fattening properties of Thor- ley 8 and the Id Joselih Thurley hereby otters the above IUiJWARI> ofOE HUADltED FOUMDS to be paid to any person or persons whomsover who may give such iu!orina« two to the !!aui Joseph lliorley, or to Air HE.i ity üuD- ■UAiiU (lat, e one ot the principal officers ol the pubuc oilioe. uw glrtjet), itt liii I)rkv,,L i,iq,l krv* /uija, .VJ 1, iiarriustou square, Hampstead-road (N. vV.), as will enable tbe said Jo sepli Thorley to instruct his Solicitors to prosecute to con- viction any persou ur persons who may maimtactnre, ve nd, or sell cattle lood, use the trade marks, adopt the language ot the circulars, sell or dispose ot receipts, or otherwis il- legally and dishonestly interlere or infringe upon the ae- knowledged aud legal rights 01 Joseph Tliorley in his own manufacture and the Nubility, (ientry, AgriculturibLa, and others, are hereby duly cautioned and recommended not to purchase or use uny other condensed Food for Cattle than hat procured direct troiu tho Manufactory, or iroui some or ol his acknowledged and appointed agents, Oiliccs, 7 Newgate-street, Manufactory, Caledonian-road, iiiiiirs-GrOft Lociuou, This Paper is Printed and Published by George Eaylay Hope-street, in the Parish of W fellwa Rtaia. wiuham hU day, February 4th, imO.