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A PREACHER OF THE GOSPEL.-The following epistle was received by a person in this town a few days ago, from a local preacher.—" Dear Sir I Right to infoim you that I am still very unwell and am not able to do any thing I have been withe the Docter and he gave me Medsen and has made me very hill at present I will come back as crely as passable, May the lord bless every I Efford Paul may Plant and Appols water but God may give the in Ciase I am yirer amblev servent" "SuowiNo THE WITE FEATHER."—A short time ago, when a series of crowded meetings were held in the Welsh Calvinistic Chapel, in this town, a young lady, of considerable personal attraction took a positionin front of the gallery, and while she gazed at the throng by which she was surrounded, she was gazed upon in return, the more so. perhaps, because she sported a fashionable hat, ornamented with a gay white feather. While these re- ciprocal recognitions were going on, and the fair one was intently taking a survey of some fashionable bonnet below, the hat and feather took their departure from her head, and in obedience to the law of gravitation, made for the centre of the earth, but were retarded in their downward course by finding their way into one of the pews below. The young lady, covered with confusion, retired from the front, and would gladly have retired from the chapel, had she not been so hemmed in by the multitude. A Calvinistic congregation is proverbially a serious one, nevertheless, the gravest elders present could hardly avoid giving way to an incipient titter, which was rather increased than suppressed by a gallant young man picking up the hat, proceeding with it to the gal- lery, and presenting it to the blushing maid. LECTURE ON GEORGE STEPHE-NSOf.-We beg to call attention to an advertisement in another column of a Lecture to be delivered on Tuesdav evening next, by our esteemed neighbour, R. C. Rawlins, Esg., on » Geor-c Stephenson and the Railway system." The interest of the subject at this present time, and the well known ability of the Lecturer, wiii we doubt not, secure a large attendance. VISIT OF SIR WATKIN AND LADY WYNN TO THE WORK- HOUSE.-About one o'clock on Thursday, Sir Watkill W Wynn accompanied by Lady Williams Wynn arrived at the Wrexham Union Workhouse and were conduc,te2d through all the wards of the house by the mastw and matron. They were attended by the Rev J C. R?""?? the chaplain, Mi Edgworth and Mi Jonathan Jones on; of the guardians of i?bon. We believe the visit was the result of an interview between Lady Williams W?nn and the latter gen; emen. Her Ladyship exp? .X desire tQ see the whole of the workhouse arSnen ill order to judge what the restraints and also S com- forts of the poor reallv were. The party went through all the wards, the sick rooms and the schools. Her Ladyship paid particular attention 19 the latter and heard the children in each school sing. Sir Watkin and Lady Wynn more than once expressed their gratification at the very nice order in which the whole house was kept by Mr and Mr. Blagger, by whom the visit was entirely unexpected. Ihe inmates shewed their plea- sure by repeated cheering, and Sir Watkin left a han d- some donation to be expended In a treat to remember Lady Williams Wynn's visit. Before leaving her Lady- ship signified her intention to the matron of paying the house another visit shortly. FATAL Gu-N ACCIDENT AT MINERA.—A shocking acci- dent occurred last Tuesday week in the vicinity of Min- era. Jonathan Darlington, son of the manager of the lead works, went out fowling with a double barrel gun. In hunting up a bird he had occasion to put his hand into the bush to drive it out, at the same time he held the gun resting on the ground with the other hand, when instantly, its contents were discharged into his thigh. The wound at the time was considered to be a most dan- gerous one, and up to Tuesday last the poor fellow has been a great sufferer, and his pain is only, now ended by death. The deceased was only 18 years of age, and was a very promising young man he was aboat to emi- grate to New Zealand early in the present month. SEASONABLE BENEVOLENCE,—On Wednesday last the Rev. J. Dixon, and other gentlemen, superintended the distribution of about twelve tons of coal to the poor of j | this town, in lots of about cwt to each person. LITERACY INSTITPTK LECTURES.—'Tho second of the I series ot l'cure:! e'Jtl:¡edt:J 'ith the Wrexham Literary Institu'e too< place in the T.,wn H ill, on inlond.iy even- in, last, the chair l eing taken bv the R-. v. W. Davie*, senior cutra-e of Wrexham. Tne Lct ue was one of a scientific chiracter, by Mr Wheeler, aai fully bjre out the anticip itions of the audience. Thi; next lecture will take place on Monday week, and will be ouo, we are given to utideritand, if an exceedingly attractive thaniC- tr. The lecture will be delivered by G. A Cooper, Esq, entitled Memoranda on Music ztt Home anil Aùro¡¡,J," acconipinied with v ical tuusi:: hy Mrs Conner. lAitruniMKT MOXTES, NIESC.MJR Mus."—It was repolt, d i.i tho •'Viineo" a ■ diys liHi-.k that Lord Dungannon save noti-je in be Houie of Lords that he siioiil! o,i tile fell* wing ni:t present a petition from the rural Deanery o? Wa-iham against the abolition of church iatcj." Gr.at wis tho curiosity to catch a sight of the i'imes" following the night in question, as every one expected to see at least a column and a half of hi3 lordship's we. 1 known oratorical powers, but be- hold the dinppintrne,lt of reading, Lor^Dungannim presented a petition from the rural deanery of Wrexham against the abolition of church rates 6 ——


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Family Notices

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