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I CORRESPONDENCE. I -THE "IIEOPLP,'g PARK FOTLT WtLtEXFlAM." t To the FAiiot of the DenlMghshir* AiivcrtUcr, Sir,-IVith all deference to Mr Frederick Owen's letter on this subject, in the 9, Organ" of last week, and however laudable his suggestions may be as far as re- gards the increase of trade, nr. I the future prosperity o! the town, I must beg leave to differ from his opinion that we are not in a j-osition to have the People's park until his siii^vRiions ave carried out. If we only have t ,e %ri!l we c!ia l l i, tiie vill we eliall soon find th:? way, for there is no town in En?l-ind in proportion to its population that is more remarkable for its opulence and material well-being than Wrexham, backed as it is by an immense mineral district. The purchase of the "paik" should, in my opinio i, preceiic and not follow Mr Owen's suggestions, inasmuch as it could be accomplished for nearly the amount required for any one of tho several c,)mpan- ies he r"po=ed to be established, and if the anticipated result of ihe People's lark" s.iou!d be realized, the working classes would bo in a bett-r position to take up tho £1 shares, which Mr Owen has bujrgestcd. Ik: it, however, as it may, we must remember that man's chief object is not to live for mere money profit-it is now a generally admitted fact, that men require amusement as well is work, and that they need the amenities as well as the necessaries of life. The worthy Wrexham Brewer proposed the pur- chase of the Park end mansion, principally as a substi- tute for the discontinuance of the races, and as a means of affording the working classes a permanent place for rational amusement, whereby they may bo weaned from the vicious pursuits which they too ofton provide for themselves. The project, therefore, together with the liberal offer of S50 which accompanies it, is one of those pleasing remiuiseenses of earnest self-devoting enthusi- asm we seldom witness, and justly demands our highest encomiums, at all events, every one will be disposed to concede the importance of the experiment, stimulated as it is by prudence, forethought, sobriety and intelligence; and what is more, if. has the advantage of having use- fulness, dignity, and permanence to recommend it. For my part, Mr Editor, I am no heio-worshipper," to the extent of some men on the contrary, I admire much what Carlyle has written on this head but when I see the genuine munificence and pure philanthrophy of the Wrexham Brewer," and others of the same stamp, I must emphatically declare that to no man will I yield in admiration of such men-men who devote their beat efforts, their means, and self-sacrifice, the social condition and the wants of the many; who nobly endeavour to give them new habits and new motives for good-men who teach by living example, rather than dead precept, and strive to set up the honest, fearless, and industrious worker as a great respectability, worthy to be looked upon as a true model for imitation. Your obedient ser- vant. OLYMPUS. I A COVERED CORN MARKET FOR WREXIIAM. I To the Editor of the Denbighshire Advertiser. I Sir,—As one of the Welsh mountain farmers I hope you will be good enough to let me say a few words re- specting the W rexham corn market place of standing. I stood there on Thursday until I was almost starved to death through the frost and snow. We farmers have no means to get a warm fine cloth cloak to cover our shoulders, and to get gutta-percha under our shoes to keep our feet dry and warm. I do not understand what in the reason that tho poor farmers are not respected in Wrexham the same as other market towns, where they have a good warm place to meet and sell the produce of their labour. Has not the Town Council something to do in this matter. They are jabbering all the time about pig-styes, street names, pumps and lam pi, and I do not know what else, yet they all take good care thoy will not spend a single penny to comfort the hard-working farmers. I ask for justice, and no favour—we as far- mers demand a better place to sell our corn on Thursday. I understand that the Itoyal Oak in High-street, is like- ly to be sold, that is the very place for a good corn mar- ket. I have been speaking about this to one or two pub- licans, but alas, not a single word of co-operation came from their lips. I intend to try my bt st to advise all the farmers to bring every Thursday, a piece of black barley bread and butter in their pockets, and go to each-of the 170 pumps which the corporation is likely to erect in different parts of the town, and stand to eat and drink thero-if we can stand three or four hours to sell our corn, we can stand twenty minutes by the water pumps. The butchers, confectioners, fishermen, tailors and drapers, huxsters of all Bortp, have a warm place, but the p)or farmers must stand out on the streets in dl sorts of weather. I solemnly ask you sir, is this right? Can you live one week without the farmer? Yes I will repeat it, and aak you can you or the other tradesmen live one day ? Can you maku a meal without the farmer ? Justice to all. England expects every )nan to do his duty. Trusting the farmer shall have justice, and the town of Wrexham will do their duty in providing a corn market. r Tyn-y-mynydd, Jan. 27, 1860.. A WELSH FAUIIER. THE LITERARY INbTIfUTE. To the Editor of the Denbighshire Advertiser, Sir,—I think the Literary Institute, as well as the public generally, are under a deep debt of gratitude to our worthy Mayor tor the part ho has takeu in inaugra- ting thpreBellt series of excellent lectures now in course of delivery in the Town Hall, and also for the munificent pecuniary aid lie has afforded thereto. I trust when the tasto for lectures oi this character is properly awakened, and the habit of attending the; duly formal that no winter will be allowed to pass without a similar series being again set on foot. While I am thus willing to award honour where hon- our is due, I hopo the friends of the Institute will bear with me while I indulge in a word or two of fjult flud- ing. One of the leading defects of the Wrexham Liter- ary Institute at present is the exclusive character of tho committee. The mamjjrmont always remains in the same hands, which has the effect of limiting the interest felt in the prosperity of the Institute. I know several persons now who wish to be on the Committee, hut modesty fabids them coming forward to propose them. selves. I am quite persuaded that a few annual changes in the formation of the committee would be for the bene- fit of the Institute in many iya, und I know several others who are of the same opinion. A MEMBER. ARE WE TO HAVE WATER WORKS? To the Editor of the Denbighshire Advertiser. Sir,-Can you tell me what the Town Council are doing in the matter of water works ? The question is one of vital importance to every man who possesses a pump, as the prtsent state of uncertainty leaves him in a state of great; perplexity if his pump snould happen to be out of repair for some time, and as I made sure that as soon as the election was over in November last, the matter woul,l be set at rest some way or other, I waited and watched the result, and here I am in the same hole yet. Now this is too bad. But what is worse btill, I am tohl the Town Council are going to make us repair our pumps whether wo have water works or not. This is worse still. Let them first, tell us whether we are to have water works or not. If we are, then d, not put us to an unnecessary expense—if we aro not, thun let them enforce the law—make every man have his own and keep that pump in repair. I thiuk I could settle thise things much more expeditiously if I was a lown Councillor. 1 hope the next meeting that is held, the question will be decided either one way or the other. Yours, &o. A BuItGESS. I PURCHASE OF THE MARKET HALL. I To tho Editor of the Denbighshire Advertiser. ] Sir,-I perceive by your report of the late Council meeting that we have amount our local legislators some few who either from short sightedness or sheer perver- sity oppose the purchase of the Market Hall. From whichever motive they act, it shows they arc unfit to represent an important and improving town like W rex- ham, in the Council Chamber. We want mB.) to rep- resent us, who will do all thov can for the impri ve 0 it of the town, not a lot of obstructionists, who would be-.p us if they could, in a state of primitive rtillene, s. It has been stated again and blg.iit, in the Council and othtr places that nothing further can o d me fcr clear- ing of our narrow streets on a market d y, until the Market Hall becomes the property oftho to.- n. This fact must be patent to everyone possessed of an average de- gree of intelligence and observation. Our local author- ities have come to a dead lock—not an inch further can they go in the direction of clearing the streets until they becomc possessed of the Market Hall. Before we obtain- ed the charter of incorporation, we were constantly com- nlainins of the crowded state of the streets, but we could not send the people from the streets, because we had nowhera to send them to. Now that we have got the charter, we have relieved soma streets by crowding others This is very unfair to the tradesmen of the latter localitiee. There is no remedy for this, but the purchase of the Market flill, by the corporation, and it is a shame that more progress has not been made in the matter. I am glad to find the sensible business like view Mr Beale takes of the matter, and I think the town is much in- debted to him for proposing a renewal of negociations. York-street, Feb 1, I860. I. FFSTIVE REJOICINGS AND TESTIMONIALS. 1" l' To the Editor of the Denotgnsnire Advertiser. Sir,—I think it is very generally, felt now, that "Testimonials" have become quite a pest and a nuis- ance not only in this neighbourhood, but all over the kingdom. Let a man do his duty, say for a few years or months only, and then leave his office, and lo subscrip- tions are entered into, (originated by a few personal friends) and ho is at once presented with a testimonial as a token of their respect and esteem. This "respect and esteem" might be aJ right as it regards those per- sonal friends, but with the great majority of the subscri- bers it is all bosh. They subscribe because they do not like to say no, and possibly to please the party who solicits them. What takes place after you weil know, a supper and fulsome speeches ad libitum. But in addition to the testimonial mania we are sadly afflicted with the festive njoicings" epidemic, and a virulent disease it is. A gentleman cannot get married—(nor a young lady either) cannot return home after a few years sojourn in a foreign laud, without subscriptions being entered into, and rejoicings taking place in contiguous villages and hamlets. What I chicfly object to, is, not the respect we are called upon to show to the resident gentry, (that is all very right and proper in its way) but this, viz that the parties who form themselves into these commit- tees are really interested parties in most instances, and who intend doing honour to themselves as much as to the Family of Mr and Mra So and So," and also that the poorer class of people, small tradesmen and others, are by them almost compelled to gubscribe, "unless they desiro to be barned, and to half ruin themselves. Now I for one am anxious to protest against these social nuis- ances, aid injustices, and would fcuggwt that ia most cases the parties who form the committes for carrying out ftch a thing should themselves find all tiie money, as it is they IV:IO g't all the eredit, whilst other people subscribe the greater part of the cash. A proceeding of this kind has just been started in this locality and, I trust my suawsnon in reference to the members of the committee finding ai! the cash, will be act- ed upon. NV(!rf. it 5, T,:u!d have no objection ot bavins: my name puied on t:le coiinuitioe, and subscrib- ing a fair shire t.iwiL Js the ner ;i!a,.y cxi)eiijes. l'rust- ing you wiil Ibd this letter a place in your paper, I re- main, sir, yours truly, A "OUNTUY THADES.M.W, Drymb), January 23^1, 1:1;:>. 1 I To the Editor of the D.'ubijhihire Advertiser, I S!r,—ItwnuM:?-:igrett imri to the ma;a of U)? Wf.r'?;)? cdlicrs, if y.? CJIU I induce all 'ho employers ? of lat)oir t,) give up the pra.tjcu ofaiin?n? any of their meno keep beer shop*. S)me of the fir ns in t!li district have aJoptcJ tais CJUlSd fer many vvars with a d vantage. As IN-ITAIUTAVT.


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