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MISCELLANEOUS BIRTH IN A RAILWAY- CARRIAGE.—On Wednesday last a married woman, named Gosden, left the Guildford railway station, by a third-class train, with the inten- tion of proceeding to Kingston, where she was to meet her husband, who went by rond, on foot, and was going to convey her to the Kingston Union, to await her ac- couchmcnt. During the journey, the woman was seized with thoEe premonitory symptoms which plainly indi- cated to her fellow passengers (these, fortunately, C In- sisted of only four females, who were in the sa.no com- partment of Lhe carriage) that the advent of another item to our population was at hand. Before arriving at Kingston, the woman gave birth to a daughter. Every attention was paid to the mother and child, who were carefully removed to the apartments of Mr Mawdsley, the station master, whero they were promptly attended by Mr Coleman. The child born under such peculiar circumstances ig, we understand, to be christened Fan- ny Surbiton." Every aid that could be afforded, under the peculiar circumstances, was cheerfully rendered, and the ladies of the neighbourhood were most assiduous in their attentions. The poor woman was fortunately, so tar recovered, yesterday, that she was able to submit to a removal to the Kingston Union, where every care will be taken to ensure her recovery. A KITTEN IN THE CKINOLINF..—A few mornings since a young lady, in considerable alarm, stepped into the shop of Mr Culeman, a greengrocer, Queen's road, and be^ed of Mrs Coleman to be allowed to go into the palour to search herselt over, as there was something crawling about her whicn made her very uncomfortable. Mrs C. kindly tendered her assistance to discover the mysterious stranger, and on investigation soon found a kitten hung up in the trelliswork of her crinolino. A few moments reflection afforded a solution of how it ob- tained its whereabouts. The young lady was one of the district visitors, and she had just been to pay a visit to a poor person whose cat was a mamma, and Miss Titt, in her kittenish frolics had availed herself of the crinoline to have a game of hoop and hide.. It is to be hoped that the attachment of the youthful feline miscreant is no omen the young lady may hereafter be one of those antiquated spinsters who by tradition are said to have a strong affinity to cats.—Brighton Paper. MR COBDEN.—A Paris letter of Wednesday, in the Morning Star, says—" Mr Cobden leaves us to-morrow for Cannes, much in need of repose, and threatened with loss of voice if he should neglect to seek it. Although he has accomplished a great deal, much yet remains to be I done, and his presence has become even more necessary here at this period of the proceedings than it was at the commencement of his work. After a few weeks' rest in the South he will return in order to get the machinery, of which he is the inventor, sole modeller and constructor, in full motion, and not till after that, the greatest and most important task of all, be thoroughly accomplished, will he consider himself a free man to go home to Eng- land and receive the heartfelt thanks oi his countrymen, and that reward of gratitude he has so nchiy earned." A:oiOTHEn. RIOT AT ST. GEOUGB'S-IN-THK-EAST.— There was a great riot in the church of St. George's-in- the-East London, on Sunday evening. There were cat-calling, cock-crowing, howling, yelling, hissing, shouting of the most violent kind snatches of popular songs were sung; loud cries of bravo" and "order" came from every part of the church; caps, hats, and bon- nets were thrown from the galleries into the bouy of tha church and back again, while the pew doors were slam- med lucifer matches struck, and attempts more than once made to put out the gas. The procession of choris- ters headed by the Revs. Bryan King and C. F. Low- der, caused intense excitement. People jumped on to their seats, pew doors were violently slammed, and loud shouts of execration proceeded from every part of the church. Scarcely a word of tho prayers was audible, I and tho sermon was interrupted by boys who were un- affected by the preacher's admonitions. After the ser- mon Mr Kin?, Mr Lowder, and the choristers were more suM'-ctad to personal violence. A cry was raised to de-j molish tbe altar, but the attempt was prevented. Over the apse, or quasi altar, is a beautiful candelabrum, and this at onco became an object of attach. Hassocks were collected from the pews and hurled at it. Many of them struck it, and every moment it was expected that it would come down. As it was, it was seriously damaged. Another object of attack was the large cross over the altar, at which hassocks and cushions were thrown from the gallery. All this time there were fighting, shouting, and sinking in all parts of the church, with no one in authority to repress it. The cushions in the galleries were torn up and thrown into the aisle; bibles and prayer books were flying about, and much damage was done. The police ultimately cleared the church. Every- thing that has previously occurred sinks into insignifi- cance when compared with the terrible sceno which was witnessed on Sunday night. The church was densely packed, there being at least 3000 persons present, of whom about 1000 were boys who had come with the de4 termination of making a row, and who took possession of the galleries. No theatre on boxing night ever con-I tained such an audience. The reporters confess their inability to convey an idea of the disgusting character of the proceedings, CHINOLINB.—A girl named Ann Watts, residing in Love-street, Sheffield, died last week from injuries susiain- ed on Tuesday, at the works of Messrs W. Guest and Co, button manutacturers. The accident was of the most shoeking character. The girl went to the button manu- factory to see a sister whu had a few days before commen- ced working there, The sister was employed ij boring horn buttons, at a low wocK-bencb, and deceased had stood beside the bench fur two or three minutes watching her,]wheo her drees, largely" extended by crinoline, was caught by a small drum running on a shaft under the work bench. Being uuablj to tear her clothes fruin the drum, she was in a moment drawn down and whirled round the shaft, which is only twelve indies from the floor, her head and feet being dashed against t hb floor and bench at every revolution. A youth named Hall succeeded in a few moments in throwing off the strap by which the ma- chine was driveu, and thus stopping the shaft. When this was done the head and shoulders of the poor girl were sound much compressed in a shocking manner under the shaft. She was released as quickly as possible, and cou- veved to the infirmary. It was there found that her spine had been fractured in several places, and she was other- wise shockingly injured. No hopes were entertained of her recovery from the first. The drum and shaft were wholly uuboarded at the time of the accident, but have since been boxed off. The deceased's clothes were torn from her back during the accident. THE BALLOT IN AUSTKALIA.—Mr William Cooper, of the National Bank of Australia, Melbourne, has addressed to Mr Cobden the following interesting letter on the Working of the Ballot" in the colony of Victoria :—15th I-N ov, 1859. "Dar sir,—Among the newspapers which h ivej. us t arri* v ed by the mail from England, I have read with interest a report of your speech at the Rochdale banquet; and though a personal stranger to you, I feel inclined to address you these few lines in corroboration of the senti- meots you expressed in favour of the ballot, especially as I did not observe that you instanced this colony as a coun- try in which it had been found thoroughly successful. I am aware that the person who was chiefly instrumental in introducing the system of secret voting here, William Nicholson, was under your notice whilst on a vidit to Eng- land some time ago, yet as all the elections under our new constitution, inaugurated three years ago, have taken place fcincethat time, 1 thought it might not be uninteresting to you to know how the system has been found to work in ae- tual practice. With hardly a single exception all the elec- tions, say over 100 in number at the least, have taken place with an entire absence of disorder, drunkenness, in- timidation, or known or even alleged bribery, though in a large number of cases party spirit rau very high. In all the elections which have come under my personal obser- vation) such was the complete contrast to the scenes enac- ted in England, that a stranger coming into the town would never have known that a hotly contested election was going on, except perhaps by the posters on the dead walls. Out of them all, I can only repall one instance in which intimidation was practised, and one case of treat- in" on n very email sCbb; the latter offence sufficed to unseat the only member of the Victoria parliament who has yet been unseated. So far fron. there being any dis- position to return to the old method of open voting, a!. most all those who opposed the introduction ot the ballot now acknowledge its advantages; and amongst them is the then premieir, whose cabinet was beaten on the question, and who resgined in consequencc. No imputation ot tam- pering with the voticg papers in any way has yet occurred so that one of the flimsy and plausible objections of Syd- ney Smith's practically refuted. file returning officers are chosen irom men of the higkest standing and honour, and only in one instance has there ever been any suspicion of partiality or unfairness ou their part, and in that \0- stance it was only a question of two or three votes, which in no way influenced the election. As I think it is very probable that you may have made yourself acquainted with the precise way in which the voting is here conduc- ted, I will not enter into detaih in the matter; 1 will merely conclude by saying that though always a believer in the ballot, I never saw, till I witnessed its operation here, how flimsy and groundless are all the objections of its enemies As a point of reform, I should be more glad to see it carried in Britain than any other, but I know that it will bie most keenly contested by. the 'Upper Ten Thousand,' and therefore I wish that its advocates may be in posses- son of every argument which can be brought to bear; and, as one fact is worth six arguments, I have taken the liberty to trouble you with a few, hoping that if they are at all fresh to you, they may prove of some little lJe.-I remain, yonr sincere admirer, WJT. COOPER." "Richard Cobden, Esq, M.P." To BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FollEArMEI).-Ifedica nvestigators are of opinion that almost all diseases are preceded by premonitory symptoms* In -some instances these symptoms are invisible to the ordinary observer. There is one malady, however, disease of the chest, which gives unmistakable warning of its advance, and yet how few pay proper attention to the ominous signs. In too many instances, a cough which threatens mischief to the lungs is negled, or merely palliated with sedative remedies Those who wish tg obviate the disastrous results which J may succeed to an apparently simple but prolonged cough have recourse to that most safe and efficacious remedy, Dr de Jongh's celebrated Light Jirowu uoa Liver Oil, which does not merely mitigate, but effectually cures the c-ongh, and prevents the development of chest disease. The fol- lowing communication from Dr Wandby, late Physician to the Hereford Infirmary, describes the beneficial action of his unequalled Oil I can take Drde Jough's Oil without difficulty or dislike, and with as little inconveni- ence as water alone. Not only in my own case, bilt in many others I have seen, it has caused an improvement of cheat symptoms and an increase of weight so soon and so lastingly as to be quite remarkable, ¡..

------OSWESTRY. -----I

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