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DIRECT steam communicat ION BETWEEN wcnal Biid*e. Bangor, Beaumarla, and Liverpool. CITY OF nUBLI COMPANY rcspect- I lu1y give OTICE that the p R I E OF WAlEi, (G. DANI, Commander,) Of iOO tons burthen, and 200 liorsc power, built expressly for the Station. A' 1EAl BRIDGE,-MONDAYS. WED- V 'vYS. and FRIDAYS, at 10 o'clock in the rnin«. From Prime's l'ier Head, LIVERPOOL ^V'„[XKSDVYS, THURSDAYS, & SATUUDAYS, at 11 Morning. The New and Powerful Iron Steamer, FIRY, Win run reeohrly between CARARVON and j-KXCMAlilS in conjunction with the 'Innce of W.iU' Further particulars muy be had on application to >T r 1 W. Timothy; Mr. Hobt. Pritchard. Post- ;n:t<ter, Ban¡(or; Mr. T. Byrne, Post-master, Beau- maris 1r. i. J.?e., St?ip-.g??,t Carnarvon or to Mr J. K. I t ou??t h ??titl, at the Company's Office, >1 Water Street, Liverpool. .Uenai Bridge Office, 31st April, 1849. n t» PE11RY & *Co. beg to lnrforuj theirpatienn ,nd parte imw of wnttltin, uieni, that in (?onuqi" t, flnJ j, impracticablc to adhere t.\)trb,,t itpauiiec^. SkHbkh they rcttyW «f vismaj e ;'i patients may not on future occasion* r S b> paJS. %k|dy « 4t thelrrmae, «ey beg of their tandwriuujj, to mutate OF Mil. II. PEBBY-8 RESIDENCE WILL liE GIVEN ON 1118 ARBIVAL. V'ustratcd with 26 Anatomical Coloured Engravings on Steel, O PHYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS, OK. NKR\T1YK1NC APACITY, AD nlPEDITS ioM 'VRKIAUi:. "THE SILET FRIEND, 1 \fu- FiHtiim, enlaced 10196 Pages, Price 2s, 6d. 'K- i-lirto en" sure secrecy, and punctuality In deliver), ,he V «k «S -b «»« direct from the E^blishment, free to (t1L\ Jlar' of the kiudom. 1.. e.l?d envelope, on the d. It, PO?tdgt' btiirnl)S. EN,11' FITIENI) t, Work, written in T,ll')I.:r.i,:tl:!IC:i..ri:D I •. "ir dbonaWHeattoM atfectlm; the generative 8)'nem in fJoill eXt' It tonhÜns nand ?.,?fully Written ;I(,I.'Dun1 ot" the &lIaWIUY .d ph)'lIIlology of the Orl{lil1l I. mun a" r:^r^ lud^ecl?y wS?*„,ed in the fu.icti™ ?c?,r?tion, ( m ustrated by coloured enaravings.) .ad the ('"U"(':O and el,cca resulting from "he b?t?(ut practice r h .i C "i::our and manline.* 01 lire are enervated nd d,?, '"V lv Srnature has full) established the power and i.Hnf the constitution Local and teneral debility, nenous liUtv .ad excitement, coniumptfun, indigestion of the i.Wul Vnil ail.aust.nu kind, intense melancholy ,.d d-iiie.sii on n of ?he spirits, and partial or complete extinction of the t't'pru jj, thu produced. 1. the Sl- !M!i FrTuJ, Jhc clMpter devoted to the eon-ideration of th™ dre\ Ji"ul t i ,0 un account of the means 'thV-'V tLeTinay be prevented and removed, so as to restore the ..n t'n:t to 'he \'ujÙ}\lltHl uf hc"Uh ;.UtÙ the runction of mau- I n ( '01\,('qUl'ncP'" reciting from venoreal contamination "I t>.1.I1J";litt!J out, and the lIatur »„a character of souonh«a, lid tile gluture aTptuttis of c?verykind are c:i4rl) t'xtJlaine), wilh dírlc\\ons tor 4?ure. Their dungerous d"t'I'tS on h;JUlan t'COlwrn) are dthlted ,,)0, oil (Ia 11lt'"I¡.. b U.iiO \n(hctl.\d by which thd recurrence of JI.a,CIi ni?y In e\r)' '.staiiec? be cOlJ1pleely prevented. Ttlc wørliõ. t(miUl41l"S wltll chapter on the obileations ofn.,ri?, Ta|' m!it.Mn.ents wliich tnù to disqualify the candt- tmi iioly estate, ..dH,. directions necessary for 1 WIJrk II illustrated by the detail of cases, and by 26 co- lourt'(ll'n¡;r"\D11.' un steel thus reliderin? it h.t it. name !r:r,s u to be. tile Hue b?t ?ilt?nt friend of all sufft?rin,? ,m Me cunsenaeuces of early error and yu.-a "uk flM t.F COMMAJUU "III' CXVoure, and wun every ^J ^c • )t cour'lete iUCCt!Ü ahd benefit. uv «. i- p E It R Y. CONSULTING SURGEONS, Pub'isne-iÍ b) the .,uthon..anl"l auld by Stfll.n'Ce, 21, Puter- 4h)tt'I'U\Y; Uu.mltt.Y IUII..1 Co..6,}. OXf(H'll-tree¡; Safl:er, 1;")0, (hfor..t"lre..t; (tlor,lolI, 146, Stiir¡e. :t:i, TltC:Ll!urm,stret't. 1J1\"lUjrlu't. Luu,lou; uwt.on, 1G, anti. HI, l'j¡iHlh-:itl'eet. L\,cl"l'uul; Ibl\ Il', Church-!Iotrl't"t, Li,erpool; |II3ia.a, Maritet-awtV. MaaeU • J(. E]in,.rl)Wi E<iinb»r|;h, Street, (1111..10\ IL 1..lud:OIiY, II, E11111i-ro\V, dinhur..h; lMael, 1("i, We^tiU'.ielai t Uutilin and by all boot- seller, .ud patent niedicin l"' h ..nd couulry. P.wc the r,t o tins w»rk » dlltl(:?t" 10 tll ,.„,„Werutlon ,)f tilt, unatolllY älld ,bYliinlu¡; or ttac enfrativ It .,r the anatomy and ^[ .Ue or.a,is in man hi?h ,re ensureVd i^n Vt rie e liiiiiiipuourru tant i fuuctloth of the reproduction ot the !J.'l'('It'S. .ad le ^eir.aL,ll&e operates to the ti.e speeies, and the u |||# JeitrucUou of the s|>eclai and 'vui I'ow. '1'111' illu.tratoll y .i colourod 011- «cond treats of the inftrraiiie. system pro-laced t>> 0*eM"dV'*™™ i,, and incapacity, with t;,(:"teli :"y tk « ••"X "I' tbls cause rS' l"s "L'ctiulJ is iUu!<itratl'tt by ,t¿¡ee cllourd t'wgrii\'in8, wi?ilh distJJar thl' t'tft'cB ° 1"A art lie tli ird clmtalu a <>asei(?uusc'i by jll(;¡:Ü,)II, 'inù hf 1Iw a!Jus.t: uf JUcrctll) IJ,.j. inary and secondary ao)'H'l1tum. t'1'4J{Jtiuu:'I {If the .skin, ¡;ort: 'thrott, iutl.mO\OtflJ;1 of tile t»p", ùiSl'a(! of the btmt!i, :onor- rlm'a, It"('l. I¡UU'-turt', &t' :^«»To depend r,hl. ca.llse. All? lor ,it, trentmentof uil these dise.ist:» in 'heu tousi t ciidlrcd i,? lbi, -1l,lio-, hich, f uly fllowed liP, lt&IIIIU' 1,1 !II clhcHU" ü TuTTt^r/u^S bv l'H'lItC1I co1ourf«i enivavln?». coloto ?'i en? P e?(!rlptioil for the p.. PA.I? till? yipl, ppwhiell titd?, of H\h'tiOU is obviated. 1t action is .Pll but ?ure. It »ft« wlth the l virus chemically, u»d destro ? 9 its power on the "1t'1I1 fhi imiSItint part of the Vuik ilwud not escape l' l"t'a,ju. 'e PvKT tLe li^th ireats of Marriage, its obliahons and l|s- .mabrt.a!.ls Tin- cùu,Ol. «Weh U'ad to happiness in the n arr'i!V sttti pre dwelt upon, and those which are indicative R™^ I mestie ialí.l.lIi('lUtl'. 'fhe lIaturtl origin, IraUlu'l¡t tiC J.I'¡'k:.11 dis.flulilith:i1tioul1 art' aau de"cribeô, ,A '^ute f^.1 a,r ^.portaut consideration In th:s St('tluU oi t; wurk. 'ri.Vr' UiUL' VlLM of SYRIACUM is expressly employed •o rwinv. til. impaired ",ower. of life, when exhausted by itnhc e iir r.miliimuu itc c aexmertw ed b) iuHtr) indulgence on the system. Its pOWeI in r-in"lgorùtin the aSd sexual debility, obstinate "I' l)urrennet»u» and debilities arising from ve- s been demonstrated by its suc- i -it cases. To those persons who ure preventea :1": t. i 't 11t by the coiiw^qneuecs of early't!rron lJo IJJ\ ,1iu;,bl" VXmmiss r.ELAXEU, wPk orTMIILINO 01, THB HANDS, ILBAD-ACUB, FAISTINAS, *XA ^MAUB COM- IUNIS aie under its immediate inttueiue,and v>\wn the »>»- urn hL ?ecL.h«t » ihock. ani U debilitated from imprudence ami in.ut'-iitiou in the early vart or IUt" or ia l!Jiuk.iu under .l VFIRI. OP bvloiu residence in hot or !old c imates, atford immediate assurance of returning Stromth, by giving tone to thu lUusculiir system und organs úr S"0" Ai! cas of I.ocal ad C.eneral Debility, Nervous I«'iliiy Kxeitement, t'onsumption. Iinlijestron ol 'Irf-I ..d exhausting kind, intense ?..bWy Uep es lo., ?! tlie ipinu, Partial or Complete hxtinction 0* ti?,? 1.?p.. d K tiv, Powers, and Non-retention 01 t rine, are permanently (urul by the CORDIAL li vt-M or SYKUCUM. and patients res- tered 10 Ihe full enjovment of health and "U1)CUOn¡; of manhood. Price lls uer bottie, or four quantities in one I., JW». ,?.NT:Lk'rEL) DBTEKSIVK ESSENCE, an antisy- pliihtic remedy, for purifying the system Irorn venereal con- HHiiuiiiiun, and is reeoiuiiictided for any of the "ed "™» ••fseceadarv symptoms, such aseruptitllnon the akill, b.otelie< un lh head and face, enlargement of the throut, tonsils, ,nd inula; threatened destruction of the ..?, palate' &c s irw. S orbutic Humours, Old Wounds, tHers, S.r. Leo: \-nr vu fli-rs and Sores, GtanduhH Swellings, bnsipelas, I., t, Kini.'s E,d, Pimples, Diseases of the Skin' ItEruptions, on any vurt or the body, and all 118 1 .ruu„ or the Blood. Price lis. and 33s. per bottle. } he £: casts of Sjinaci.m or Concentrated Detersive Zutnce etiu only be had ,t 19, Beniers-street. Oifoid street, Loudon whereby there is a saving of £ I. lift., ind the patient is entitled to receive advice uithout a lee, uhiek advantage is applicable olllil 10 those alio •emit £ j.for a packet. Perry's Purifying Specific Pills; I Price 2s. Ûd., 4S"ld lIs. per BQx. These Pillo, each box of which is accompanied with explisit iireciions are well known throughout 'nrope to be the rnosc M;t??tffMm? rmedy <fr discovered ofgonorrh?. '.c;hutjts.nUdandt.t;T.t')tt(dt.rm..Th??"'?dt? il!i% the inflammation by their specific influence on the uru- tHr:IJ t'ud arrest the future progress of the disease. Gleet*. Strictures, irritations, and chronic Inflammations of l b. „K!t.r van s of the loin, and kidneys, gruvel, and other 'HVI- ot the urinary imseagL?.?, in either e., ar?? speedily -r(Lt?ttetitly (:uced, without countienient or the of consultation by letiel,, flie usutit fee I .t b, Pdt?utf ??' ??uMt? to b. as minute a* '? In the de- :iI -1 their ?ises, noting iptCilIy (he duration ol the com- V«aint, the mode of t, commencing, "I "Ilplol* "I? Jm- rt:, age, habiu ol living, and ceneml occupation, and im -ocietv. Medicines can be forwarded. 10 an part d till » Till flO difficully can occur, they will be securely uiick.fl, u-»*l carefully protected Irom observation. '?.e ?tJtnNM«f<p''?.<.J .M? by Me, K- <? L Pf'fry § C.))M???, )H. ?.'?.;s-.<'?< ?'?".?' /.01/ h)¡¿; and soiu by .11 Medicia Fe"drr I town or iKWitry. N.B (gantry Medicine F?M'?rs ra» be "'p)'? by '"»»tt'.e It'/ielesii/e I'atent Mfdicinee Houses in London -Vf»»rs. M.«N? I.. Perm atut Co., Surgeons, may be con- u.ul un9. RfrMtt't-<(rMt. 0.iford-street.Lon(ion ?'?f??tf<)?;(??<<M<?"'?) 11 fill 2, '? tiifM in the Keening, ami on Sundays.from 11 to I. ,,?'!d by hom.? A. Roberts. Ch..i?t, C.-?-Y Mr. ?"!?n(Jnmtt..C).?.tt?UtUt!);i".?neor.Hob..rt 0,|8nl>. Chemist, «.t:h.?rMt. Carnarvon m. Ml ?'r?.Ch?)i.!«. Denbigh ll.O. ).)M?' Chemist, '??<d..h.hn He.oIe. ci??" "it'<?' U rex- 1\ .rel, Co.m. IIIGb,s"e.I, !trecoll; PhIlip c.. 1'0,1 OIlie.. IIridolld: H.?Hbbe',C'(i?n ?'t;r.t!t).Mi?r 11wnH11i, Chemist, (opposite '<?) iMertbyr; J. \V. White, Chrmi. Uut!d'?' ?w.. Carmarthen W. ?'i"n! Chemist, Hiih C.rdit?n. (). );.U.?"'a.('t?n?t.H.erfo'(!- *"«< Jos. fuller, Herald Qth?, Ho'ertbr?M'xt ?. ): "weeks, (;tHmlt, Pmbwke; lliomus Kvstis, 'list, lli,'|jireet, Swansea; John Moore, Chemist, < r'ii's;reet, ,\ew l own TJwtUd tt'J1h&t Cbemtai, '"t'' S.r?. Merihyr lylvil k't)rr? & Scoie, DrlJ. ?' L't(,n.?,tt.?i,;f,).juhnWtfe?LhMn'c? bureH-bury; booUaeiler, ''nii.street, heoiuinstor; Draj er, Cbennst, Hroau ,"r ?. nt.?tjrd. ). forrir boacon od' M<M'?"? ■ ■ ,'eiikius, Commercial-street, .\owporti UIHI I'lnl- Cieu.Ui, Hi;h-?Uf''t.i\o"'p3:t,<?t 'f'?' "?'? !.c II 'mt Friend." VALUABLE FAMILY MEDICINE. HUN T'S APERIENT FAMILY PIIXS; A MOST excellent Medicine for Bilious Com JT. plaints, Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, and Itowels. Habitual Costiveness, Indigestion, Heart- burn, Pains and Giddiness of the Head, Influenza, Worms, Spasms, Nervous and Dropsical Complaints. For upwards of FORTY-FIVE YEARS have these Pills obtained the unqualified approbation ot the public in general, among whom may be ill- eluded families of distinction and medical men Their composition is so truly excellent, and their beneficial effects have been so widely experienced, that the Proprietors feel the greatest confidence in recommending them as one of the MILDEST and MOST EFFICIENT APERIENT FAMILY ME- DICINES ever offered to the public. Uhese Pills require no confinement nor alteration of diet, and are adapted to every variety of age and constitution They seldom operate until eight or ten hours after taken, and then gently. They restore the tone ot the stomach, strengthen the digestive organs, cleanse the bowels of all impurities, and promote the due aecretion of the liver and of the kidneys, and by invigorating the system generally, become an inva- luable restorative of health to both sexes. OFFICERS of the ARIY and NAVY, will find these Pills an invaluable appendage to their medi- cine chests, as they retain their medicinal virtues in all climates. LADIES even of the most delicate constitutions will find these Pills particularly beneficial, both be. fore and after their confinement; nor can they be too highly recommended for the general use of SCHOOLS. They are also an excellent preparatory in the use of medicinal waters, oti-bathing, &c. Prepared and Sold by Messrs. HUNT (the original Proprietors), 05, Great Pulteney-street, Bath and sold wholesale and retail by Messrs. Barclay & Son, 95, Farringdon-street; Butler, 4, Cheapside Sut- ton, 10, Bow Church-yard Edwards, 67. St. Paul s Newberry, 45, St. Paul's; Sangar, 150, Oxford- street, London; Ellis, Chemist So Druggist, Bangor and by all respectable medicine vendors throughout the United Kingdom. Be careful to see that the names and address of the Proprietors are engraved on medicine stamp around each box, as such only the are genuine. Price Is. ljd. per box. Protected by Royal Letters Patent. Dr, M( OCXs F E M A L E W AFEES. Rave no Taste of Medicine, And are the only remedy recommended to be taken by Ladies. They fortify the constitution at all periods of life, and in all Nervous Affections act like a Charm. They remove Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness ot Spirits. Weakness, and allay pain. They create Appetite, and remove Indigestion, Heartburn, Wind, Head-aches, Giddiness, &e. In Hysterical Diseases, a proper perseverance in the use of this Medicine will be found to effect a Cure after all other means have failed, Full Directions are given with every box. NOTc.-These Wafers do not contain any Mineral and my be taken either dissolved in water, or whole. BEWARE OE IMITATIONS. The very geat celebrity which Dr. LOCOCK 6 WAFERS have attained, has induced unprincipled persons to prepare Imitations in the form of PILLS, &e., Which from their worthless nature, disappoint the just expectations of the purchaser, and injure the character 01 the Genuine Medicine. It is therefore necessary to observe that no Medicine is Gennuine but "WAFERS," And that outside every Genuine Box is the GOVKRNMBNT STASH, IN WHICH ARE THE WORDS, DR. laOCOCIi'S WAFERS IN WHITE LKTTKKS ON A UK I) GROUND. OBSERVE.—There are various Counterfeit 1IIedi- cine-, having the words 011 the Stamp, so NEARLY RKSEMBLINO THESE, as to mislead the unwary. Purchascli must therefore strictly observe the above Caution. Prepared only by the Proprietor's Ayer.ts, DA SILVA <5' Co., 1, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London. Price h. ljd., 2s. 9,1., and Us., per box. The 2s. 9d. Boxes contain nearly three of the small sise. and the I Is. Boxes Ave of those of 2" 81. The Price in India, is 1 rupee, 2 rupees, and 8 rupees per box Agents, Mesns, Scott, Thompson and Co., Calcutta; Messrs. Barrie and Co., Madras and Messrs. Sprague and Co., Bombay. And Sold; by one or more Agents in every Town in the King- dom, and on the Continents of Europe aridAmertcu. Perfectfredomfrom Coujh in Ten Minutes afler use. and a rapid cure of Asthma alld Consumption, and all disorders of the BREATH &i L L'XGS, it Insured by Dr. Iaococli's Pulmonic Wafers. rpiIE tru1y wonderful powers of this remedy have j_ c?tedf?th Testimonials from all ranks of so- ciety, in all quarters of the world. Among others the following have been received ?'N?!'IR'R?R?S'I?G CURE OF ASTHM A. From ?. Win. Bomen, Ca<<??. f7tt?e)/o?MM<, dated February 4th, 1848. Sir,—Having been afflicted for many years with a violent cough and asthma, and having tried all other medicines in vain, I was recommended to try Dr. Locoek's Wafers. I sent to you for a Box, and to my great astonishment, I found relief the very first night, and have continued to get better ever since. Their effects are really wonderful. My appetite is now good, whereas formerly I could scarcely keep any food on my stomach. I have myself since recommended them to several persons, who have all received the greatest relief from them. (Signed) WM. BOW EN. RAPID CURE OF ASTHMA OF FOURTEEN YEARS STANDING. Froll Mr. J. E. Biynell, llolyhead-road, Wednesbury, and addressed to JIr. Ladbury, there, September 16 1848. Sir.—When I had the first box of Dr. Loeock's Wafers from you, I was labouring under one of those attacks of asthma to which I have been subject now for nbout fourteen days. I have ha 1 the best medi- cal advice the neighbourhood could anord, tncluuing two physicians at Birmingham, and one at Wolver- hampton, but with no success. My breathing was so very difficult that I expected every inspiration to be mv last; as for sleep. that was impossible, and had been so for several weeks.—The first dose (only two small wafers) gave me great relief—the second more so-in short the first box laid the groundwork for the cure. which only four boxes have effected, and I am now quite well. I remain, sir, your most oblierl. J. E. BIGNELL. ANOTHER CURE OF ASTHMATIC COUGH OF LOXG STANDING, Vdated City Road, Haverfordwest, Feb, (ith, 1848. Sir,—I am happy to inform you that I have ex- perienced the greatest benefit from taking only two boxes of Dr. Locock's Pulmonic Wafers, which you were kind enough to recommend me. Previously | to my taking them I could scarcely walk without the greatest difficulty of breathing and my cough would then increase to such a degree that 1 was nearly suffocated. I had not for many months slept for more than half an hour at a time, but I am now able to sleep all night without cough- ing. I can truly recommend them to those who are similarly afflicted as a m ist invaluable remedy, and you are at perfect liberty to make my case public it you lhink proper. ?°'"I 'a'm. ?? JOHN JONES, Cabinet Maker. IMPORTANT l'O ALL WHO SINC. From Mr. Edward Page, Director of the Choir and Organist of St. Peter's Catholic Church, Leaming- lon, June, 21st, 1818. ?nttn?n.—H.?i"S frequently suffered much from relaxation of the throat. I have often been obliged to resort to various preparations but since I have had the good fortune to try Dr. Locoeks. Pulmonic Wafers, I am now but seldom obliged to resort to them, tor the extraordinary good effects they have producftl are most Sl&rp;if\ing. Even when the throat appears to be completely exhBusted and the voice to be nearly gone, two or three (at most four) will, in the short space of halt an hour or so. cmnpletely restore its flexibility and power, and they do not act as a mere temporary exciting remedy, nor do they leave any lassitude after. Having felt the great valf.e of the remedy, I feel it a duty to generally recommend it, as I am convinced that all persons will find immense benefit from the general mid persevering use of it, und I shall he happy to answer anv inquities. ElJWl). 1L 1AU,r>. The particulars of many hundred cures may be had from every Agent throughout the kingdom and on the Continent* T? M?CHM AND ITBUC SPEAIŒHS they a,. i.Y.?a'.?. in two hOUT they remmo all hoarseness, and increase the power and tIxiuiJity ?ot the Voice. They have a most pleasant taste. Priee Is. lid., 2s. Od., nnd I is., per box or sent bvpost for Is. 3d., 3s., or lis. (id., by DA bIL\ A and 1, Bride-lane, p'eet-8treet, London. «.* sold bv all itino I-endt)is. No. 1, St. Paul's Churchyard, LONDON. DAKIN'S ROYAL PATENT COFFEE. DAKIN & COMPANY have much pleasure in announcing that they have appointed Mr. THOMAS BIRKETT, TEA DEALER, 11 SOLE AGENT FOBANGOB, *>r the sale of their ROYAL PATENT COFFEE. In announcing this appointment, it will be impor- tn nt to point out theexcellence and advantages of Da- kin's lioyalPatent Coffee, and for the purpose oldoing so with brevity, the following copy of a certificate of Mr. ALFKED S. TAYLOK, and Mr. ARTHUR AIKIN, the great authorities on Chemistry, Medical Juris- prudence, and the Sanatory question may suffice :— We hereby cert'fy that we have chemically ex- amined four varieties of Coffee, namely, best Mocha, Jamaica, very Fine and good plantation (Ceylon) Coffee, both in the raw state, and as prepared and roasted by the Patent Proces* of Messrs, DAKIN. chemitally examined samples of the same varietKMl \f Coffee, roasted at the same time in the usual way, and the result of this examination f ?do,,?, and as an article is. that in delicacy of flavour, odour, and as an article of diet, the Coffee prepared by Messrs. DAKIN S proccss is, in our judgment, superior to that prepared in the ordinary way. "We have alpi examined the apparatus used by Messrs. DAKIN "lor roasting Coffee, and we find that all th" sirfac,s with which the Coffee comes in con- tact luting this process are of SIL VEtl, We find also that great care is taken so to regulate the degree of hea. and the mode of its application as to render necessary a longer time and lower temperature to effect the roasting, whereby all risk of charring the berry or producing empyreumatic oil is prevented, the separation of acid vapour is more gradual and complete, and a larger portion of aroma is remained than occurs in the usual methods of Coffee roasting. "The process of Messrs. DAMN appears to us, therefore, in a chemical view, better adapted than any yet suggested for procuring roasted Coffee in a pure and wholesome lorm. "ARTHUR AIKIN, "ALIKEU S. TAYLOR, F.R.S. "Lecturers on Chemistry in Guy's Hospital. Chemical Laboratory, Guy's Hospital, Aug. 9th, 1848. PRICE CURRENT OF DAKIN'S ROYAL PATEXT COFFEE." Roasted in silver cylinders. The following sorts are supplied in sealed bottles, containing two pounds each, and no charge is made for the bottles. Two pounds of good sound Coffee, in a s. d. sealed bottle • • 2 6 Two pounds of strong and fine flavour- ed Coffee, in a sealed bottle 3 0 Two pounds of very choice and exeel- lent Coffee, in a seated bottle 3 6 Two pounds of the finest old mountain Coffee, mellow in ripeness and rich- ness of flavour, in a sealed bottle 4 0 The prospectus, fully detailing tho process and the particulars of the invention, may be had, or will be frwarded gratis, Oil application to Mr. THOMAS BIRKETT, TEA DEALUK, Sole Agent for Bangor, for the Salo of DIHIVI ROYAL PATENT COFFEE. CHESTER AND HOLYHEAD It "-I L "\V A Y TIME TABLE, on and after ls< JULY, 1849 FROM HOLYHEAD TO I/LANFAIR. 1 35 a.m., Mai! Train, 1st & 2d Class. 9 (I a.m.. Pari. Train, 3d, 1st, & 2d CIa«s. Fares, 1st Cla^s, 4s. 6d, 2d Class, 3s. 6d. 3d Class, Is. 9d. 2 O p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Claaa. 6 20 p.m.. Mail, 1st & 2d Class. Fares, 1st Class, os.; 2d Class, 4s. SUNDAY. 1 35 p.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d, & Pari. Carriages. G 20 a.m., Mr. Train, 1st & 2d. Class. FROM LLANFAIR TO HOLYHEAD. 6 15 a.m., Mail Train, Ist 8: 2(1 Class. 3 0 p.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st &2d Class. 5 10 p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Class. 12 45 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. SUNDAY. Train, 1st & 2d Class. 12 45 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d., & Pari. Caniages. DEPARTURE FROM BANGOR TO CIIESTER. H. M. 2 45 a.m.. Mail Train, 1st & 2d C!ass. G 0 a.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st and 2d Class. 9 15 a.m., Ordinary Train, 1st & 2d Class. 11 0 a.m., Ordinary Train, 1st & 2d Class. 3 20 p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Class. 6 0 p.m., Ordinary Train, 1st, 2d, & 3d Class. 7 30 p.m., Alail Train, 1st & 2d Class. SUNDAY TRAINS. 2 45 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. 7 0 a.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st & 2d Class. 5 (1 p.m., Ordinary Train, 1st 2d & 3d Class. 7 30 p.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class, DEPARTURE FROM CHESTER TO BANGOR. H,  I 'rain, irt & 2?l Class. ?' 4? a.m., Mai' Train, 1st & 2d Class. 8 0 a.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st 8: 2d Class. 10 35 a.m., Ordinary Train, 1st & 2J Class. 1 45 p,m., It &, 2d Class. 2d Class. 2 55 p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Class. 6 15 p.m., Ordinary Train. 1st, 2d, & 3d Class. 10 25 p.m., Mail Train, 1st 8; 2d Clas. SUNDAY TRAINS. 3 45 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. 8 0 a.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st & 2d Class. 4 3f) p.m., Ordinary Train, 1st, 2d & 3d Class. 10 25 p.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2a Class. FARES FROM BANGOR TO CHESTER. Parliamenary Train, 3d Class, 49. lId. Ordinary Trains, 1st Class, 12s. 6d.; 2d Class, 9s. 9d.; 3d Class, 7s. 3d. Mail & Express Trains, 1 stClnss, 15s.; 2d Class,lis. The Company's Steam Packets run in connection with the Express Train from Holyhead at i p.m., arriving in London at 10 3 > p.m. and with the Express Train from London at 9 a.m., arriving at Kingstown about 10 30 p.m. Fares by Packet, 1st Class lis., 2nd class 8.J. The Admiralty Steam Packets run in connection with the Mail Trains. Omnibuses are provided by the Company for the conveyance of Passengers between HANOOR and LLANFAIII, and from the Station at HOLYHEAD to the Steam Boats. Xote. Horses and Carriages will not be conveyed by the Mail and Express Trains. First and Second Class Carriages will be attached to the Parliamentary Trains. The MAIL TRAINS in Anglesey will, on Sundays, have Parliamentary Carriage. attached-viz. the I 35 a.m. (up) and' the 12 45 p.m. (down) Trains. RETURN TICKETS win be usueu at .ui uie on Saturdays, and are available on Sunday or Mon- day, at a farc ana II half, by any Train except the Express and Mail. Season Tickets (First Class) avaibble for any Station lJetween Chester and llangor, are issued at £;j each, per month; bul artJ not tramferahle, or available at any Station except that named on the Station. Children under 10 years of age are charged Half, Price Children under Three Years of age,pass free. 1 (10lbs weight of iuggaie allowed to First Class, 8011)3 to Second Class, and 5Glbs weight to third Class Passengers any excess to he eharged-for distances under 40 piifes, .'(). per lb. and above 40 distances u'" (..r 40 m U miles, d. per lb. 'iL??CumpL'nywit)on)yhotdthemse!vesrpspon- sible for Luggage when it is booked and paid for, .iMMduiSto"?'?'?'?'S'y''?°" mend to Passengers 10 h:lve lheir ames and Desti- nation in all cases distinctly marked thereon and [o?tistythemsui'esthat i't is deposited un the that it i!, deposited n the PARCELS. For distances under 40 miles, and not exc,,di,?g 201bi., 201b?., 1,?? lb. Above 40 mites,ts.2d..and ?d.per!b. N.1).-TI?. rk,tt. intended to apply to Parcels consigned beyond the immediate viiiii- ties of the several Stations, nor to those Parcels • proceeding by branch coaches, for which special rtes intiy have been fixed. no provided at th« Stations. CB^lWU'S PATENT ROLL EH, FOR rolling Wheats in the Spring, upon?ght and Fbeavy lands. It far excels :;hep.treading, and every other means for giving solidity to loose soil, being more equal, rapid and effectual in operation. The serrated points finger in the fine top soil, and ■ tKn mnt. fast into the EtOUtld t which "IJ Y. -H experience proves, causes the young plants to grow stronger; thereby increasing the quantity anrl im- proving the quality of Wheat, Oats, &c, It kills the Slug, stops the Wireworm, and is unequal- led as a Clod Crusher. Draining makes the land warmer, which, with the now prevailing use of Ar. tifieialllfanure, tend to increase all the small tribe of vermin, so injurious to Corn Roots and Plants; hence arises the necessity of Rolling. The prac- tice of Rolling, by an overwhelming evidence, is proved to be most effectual in stopping the ravages of vast tribes of Wireworms, Slugs, &0. THE PATENT SERRATED ROLLER, after many full and free competitions with every other kind of Roller, at the principal Agricultural Meet- ings throughout the Kingdom, was awarded the special Honorary Gold Medal, the highest mark of distinction, by the Royal Agricultural Society of England, as" TilE MOST BENEFICIAL IMPLEMENT USED IN AGRICULTURE." Cash Prices, with Travelling Wheels complete, delivered in Hull:—6ft. 6in. (24 cwt.) LIS. 6ft (26 cwt.) t 19 lOs. 6ft. 6in. (28 cwt.) 121. Delivered in Newcastle, Stockton, or York, log. extra. Ditto London, Southampton, or Bristol, 21)s. extra. Ditto Northampton, Birmingham, or Liverpool, 30s. extra. CROSSKILL'S PATENT WHEELS and AXLES- Manufactured by steam machinery. The workmanship, materials, and low price of Crosskill's Patent Wheels prove that machinery is destined to supplant hand labour, and perfect this art of manu- facture. Price, per set, to carry 30 cwt., £6 10s. CROSSKILL'S PRIZE MODEL" ONE HORSE CAlitS. Light, but very strong, and useful Carts, with Harvest Shelvings coniplete to run easy with heavy loads; adapted tor general Farm and Road Work. To carry 31) ewt.. price £ 12 12s. Ditto, with Shelvings, &c., as a Model" Cart, £14. Also, CROSSKILL'S IMPROVED PRIZE PORTABLE MANURE BROADCAST DRILLS, LIQUID MANURE CARTS, &c. For further particulars, apply per post, enclosing six Penny Stamps, to cover postage, and New Illus- trated Calalo;1ues will be sent, Address,-IV.I1. CROSSKILL, Iron Works, Be. verley. YOU MAY BE CUnED YET f tJ:1,(i¡ J!J ,,4i" ';I' ;¡'i}'JJ$l'¡jI'æ..JJ I'; tS'Ji," \dfjJ N' "L;d;¡J,) HOL' CURE OF RHEUMATISM AND RHEUMATIC GOUT. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Brnuton, Land- lord of the Waterloo Tuvem. Coatham. Yorkshire, late of the Life Guards, dated Sept. 28th, 184S. To PROFESSOR IIOLLOWAY. Sir,—For a long time I was a .nartyr to a Rheuma- ism and Rheumatic Gout. and for 10 weeks previous to using your medicines, I wis as bad as not to be able to walk. I had tried dootoring and medicines of every kind, but all to no avail, indeed I doily Jot worse, and felt that I must shortly die. From see- ing your remedies advertised in the paper I take in. I thought I would give them a trial. I did so. I rubbed the ointment in as directed, and kept cab- ca"e leaves to the parts thickly spread with it, and took the Pills night and morning. In three weeks I was enabled to walk about for an hour or two in the day with a stick, and in seven weeks I could go anywhere without one. I am now, by the blessing ot God and your medicines, quite well, and have been attending to my business for more than seven months without any symptoms of the return of my old complaint. Besides my case of Rheumatic Gout, I have lately had proof that your Pills and Ointment will heal any old wound or ulcer, as a married woman living near me, had had a bad leg for four years, which no one could cure, and I gave her some of your Pills and Ointment, which soundly healed it when nothing else would do it. For your information I had the honour to serve my country for twenty-five years in the first regiment of Life Guards, and was eighteen years a Corporal. I was two years in the Peninsular War, and was at the Battle of \Vaterloo, I was discharged with a pension on the 2nd September, 1833. The Commanding Officer at the time, was Col. Lygon. who is now a Genera1. I belonged to the roop of Captain the Honourable Henry Bar in, (Signed) THOMAS BRUNTON. CURE OF A BAD LEG OF TWEXTY ONE YEAR'S STANDING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Andreip Brack, Black- smith, Eyemouth, near Berwick, dated 10th Aug. 1848. To PROFESSOR IIOLLOWAY. Sir,—With pleasure and gratitude I have to inform you that after suffering for twenty-one. years with a bad leg, which yielded to no kind of reatment, al- though I consulted, at different times, every medical man of eminence in this part of the Country, but all to no purpose. I was frequently unable to work and the pain and agony I often endured no one can tell. My leg is now as sound as ever it was in my life by means of your Pills and Ointment, whieh I purchased from Mr. 1. Davidson, Druggist, Bent ick- upon-Tweed, who knows my case well, and will, I am eure, be happy to certify with me, if necessary, as to the truth of this wonderlnl cure. (Signed) ANDREW BRACK. AMPUTATION OF TWO TOES PREVENTED. Extract of a Letterfrolll Mr, Oliver Smitl. Jenkins, dated Falkirk. August lith, 1848. To PROFESSOR IIOLLOWAY. g.n j was superintending about six months ago, th? 'f'rectio? o'f ?e ?t Jur I?ihvay Bridges, and by the fill of a large. stone my right foot was seriously bruised, which ultimately got so bad, that I was advised to go to Edinburgh to consult some of the emi ?nt Surgeons, which I did, and ws lold that in order to save my foot, two of my toes must be taken off In despair, I returned home to impait the me- lancholy news to my wife, intending to submit to the operation, it was then a thought struck me to try your valuable Ointment and Pills, which I did, and was by their means in three wecks nllblcd to resume my usual occupation, and at this time my toes are perfectly cured. ??"('sU?' OLIVER SMITH JENKINS. AN EVTRAOlWINAIW CURE OF A DES- AN ?" PER ATE SKIN DISEASE. On the 21st July. 1818, the Editor of the Mo- fussilite Newspaper," published nilndia, inserted the ftdlmvin- ° Editorial article in his paper-" e know for a fllef. that Holloway's Pills and Ointment act in » moat wonderful manner upon the constitution, as an eccentric Coolie, called Elliza, employed in our fiocted with myriads of Ring- worms, which defied all the Meerut Doctors, and promised to devour the poor man before he was un- deruround; we tried Holloway" upon him, nnd in a  onth he was 'Perfe?tlY res tOTed to his former ..??? a'd cleanliness of '?!? ?e effect was I should ? useti COY,110i/lil!/ tc,iII4 IltoI The Pills sl,ould be used  witlt tlte i n">1 most of the following cases:- lhd L"" linil Breasts Burns Bullions SX'M??M and Rant1..FHc Coco-H.iV ?'?.t Clijllllains I Chapped-hiinda ?, Cancers CoutiiKtud anil Stiff-joints KlcpiiautiasU Fistulas Gout Glandular SwcH- iugs Liuubugo l?? Rheumatism Staid* gore-Nipples Sore-throat:! Skin-d iamcs Scurvy bore-heads Tumours V1.-0M ■\YouncM Yaws Sold by the rroprietor,zl4, btranrt, (near .temple Bar), London, and by all respectable Vendors of Pa- rpnt Medicines throughout the Civilized World, in Pots and Boxes, Is. Ud., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., aud 33.. each, There is a very considerable saving taking the larger sizes, ). —Directions Alle guidntics of 1 alic-ato are ffixed to cach Pot and Bex. CARNARVON TBAINIHG INSTITUTION. ADMISSION OF PUPILS. The Rev. D. J. Binns, A.B., HAVING been appointed CLERICAL IN- STRUCTOR to this Institution by the Bishops of Bangor and St. Asaph, an additional number of Pupils will be ndmitted. Candidates arc requested to communicate with the Rev. 11. J. BINNS, A.B., at H. P. MANLEY, Esq., Secretary. Carnarvon, 2nd July, 1849. cmAMMAK SCHOOL, CARXARVON, CONDUCTED BY MR. W. H. BAKER. IN this Establishment Pupils are instructed in every branch of useful and polite Literature, and every exertion is made by kindness and by pa- tient explanation of difficulties to lend the youthful mind to consider the acquisition of knowledge a pleasing occupation instead of an irksome task. To Boarders, whose number is limited to six. there are all the comfortsof acheerful home, with the salutary restrictions of scholastic discipline, as all receive the same parental treatment as the sons of the Principal. The course of study ranges sufficiently high to prepare young gentlemen for any of the pro- fessions or for the civil or military colleges. terms. For Boarders 30 Guineas Day Boarders 15 Day Pupits ..?.?. 6 „ The Continental Languages, Music, Drawing, and Dancing, on the usual terms. Boarders are to be provided with a knife and fork, a silver spoon, and six towels. I All accounts to be settled quarterly. The School will re-open on Monday, the 22nd instant. CHESTER & HOLYHEAD RAILWAY. LOANS ON DEBENTURES. THE Directors of this Company are prepared to receive (unùer the powers of their Act of Par- liament) Tenders for Loans of Money, on Security of Debentures, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, the interests payable half yearly, viz., 10th January and 10th July. Tenders, stating amount, and term of years, for which it is proposed to be lent, to he addressed to the Secretary, Euston Station, London. By order, ANDREW G. GIFFORD, Secretary. Euston Station, 14th June, 1849, Liverpool, lleuum^ris, Bangor, and Metkal liridsc. -mum, The Powerful and Fast Sailing Steamer, CAMBRIA CAPTAIN J. HUNTER,  EAVES LIVERPOOL on MO!)AYS, WED- jj NESDAYS, and FRIDAYS at 11 MnrninK. And the MEAI BRIDGE on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at 10 Morn- ing. CtECOND ISSUE of PORTRAITS to the SUB O SCRIBERStotheCHRMTIAN TIMES.-On the 6th of July, THREE SPLENDID ENGKAV- INGS will be presented to Half-yearly Subscribers being Portraits of TrIn llEVT TAMES lirTORLI, A. M., taken in Exeter Gaol; TIIE REV. JAMES HAMILTON, D.D., of the Scotch Church, Regent-sq., and THE REV. E. STEANE. D.D., of Camberwell. Portraits of the Rev. THOMAS BINNEY, and the Hon. and Rev. BAPTIST NOEL, were presented to Subscribers on March 30. Subscription, 26.. per annum. Proofs of the l'or- traits to Non-Subscribers—On India Paper, 6. Plain Proofs, 2s. 'I' The Christian Time3 is published every Friday morning, at the office, 10, Gough-square, Fleet-St., London, and may be had of all newstnen. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, No. 1. ERW FAIR TERRACE, Garth Itoad, Bangor. THE above desirable RESIDENCE, consists o TUpper and Lower Kitchens; Front and Back Parlours Drawing Room Best and Back Bed- rooms and Two excellent Upper Bcd Rooms.  Attached is a good Garden, Yard, and Out-offices, and a never-failing supply of pure Spring- W "ter there is also a small Flower Garden in front. The elevated and salubrious situation of this most delightful and comfortable Residence, its proximity to the City, the Bathing Beach, and the Landing place of the Liverpool and other Steamers, which ply daily, combined with its retired character, can- not fail to render it pleasant and most desirable to such as may feel disposed to take up their abode in this most flourishing and picturesque neighbour- hood. I ri- For particulars, apply to Messrs. W. anil J Brown, Chronicle Office, Bangor. TOOTH-ACHE PEH.5IA.MEXT- LY U RED. Price One Shilling per racket. BRANDE'S ENAMEL for FILLING DECAYING TEETH, & rendering them SOUND and PAINLESS, has from its unquestionable excellence, obtained great popularity at home and abroad. Its curative agency is based upon a TRUE 1HE0R\ ot the cause of Toothe-ache, and hence its great success. Bv most other remedies it is sought to kill the nerve, and and so stop the pain. But to destroy the nerve is itself a very painful operation, and often leads to very sad consequences, for the tooth then becomes a dead substance in a living jaw, and produces the same amount of inflammation and pain as would re- suit from any other foreign body embedded in a liv- 'or..an. B:{AXDE'.S EXAMKI, does not ??y Me ?.but by KL:STOm\C THE SHELL OF THE TOO TH, completely protects the nerve from cold, heat, or chemical or other agency by which pnin is caused. Bv followin¡( the directions IX, STANT EASE is obtained, and a LASTING CURE ollows. Full instructions accompany every packet. TESTIMONIAL of CHAS. LOUIS WILKINSON. Clay Cross, Collieries, near Chesterfield, April 14th, 1S49. Sir,-It is now above a yellr sineeI took advantage of af, advertisement setting forth the remedies pro- ceeding from the use of iir.nde-s Ename). I was, befor?? that time, troubled very much with acute pains, not only in one or two holl.? teeth, bt in gums of the opposite side. My applying the Lname not onlv sloppcd the fu.ther decay of my very bad ?'i but effectually cured the pain in the gums. I would have every one soffering thus to uppiy im. 5?' the only artificial means whereby to re- med3, n?d which I am sure ;s found in the s?! of your g,e?nbl,) pleraratl,HI. IAR;R multipaeTinstances of cures effected, in cer tific-t?l; but ? y" think to ada lhl3 OM-M sham-you may with assurance do so. I am. Sir, Yours truly, CUM. LouIs Wilkinson. .AfanuftctureJonh'bvJOUXWILLIS, T ?? ??C?b.r.. ?hi:efri.?. l?t SL. .4 ? Bell's Building8. Salisbury Square: Buildings, Salisbury Square. Wi?(,Ie"l?by III S,)Idby ?- A. P?-?t oaic, Monmouth. M G. Piiil.ips, 17, Duke-street, Cardiff. ? s?.i'?:-& ?n.?.Cu???.. Shouht there be any difficulty in ohtaining It, enclose S t,lmps to jo lIN ?'?''IS. (as above) and 3' "'? the ??.?.?.H AUTlCLE RI?URL or ros;r. :1?? ?"? ?)e?.c Testimonials, with full or ros:r. use, any ?,h packet, which dlrec,on' 'o'h w ti??T?).. Ob- contains c!noti7,h E.ain,l t- fill 8"ver?i'f??etil. Ob- .?erve that thL, iia,ne of Lvery CARNARVONSHIRE SUMMER ASSIZES.-1849. KOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the next Assises and General Gaol Deli- very for the County of Carnarvon, will be held At CARNAKVOX, in the said County of Carnarvon, on Fridny, the 2oilt day of JULY instant. And all Justices of the Peace, Chief Constables. Coroners, Stewards, Bailiffs of Liberties, Jurors, Prosecutors, and Witnesses, arc requested to attend at Carnar- von aforesaid, on Siturday, file 21st day of JULY instant, at the Hour of Ten o'clock in the Forenoon of the same t c) do those things which belong respectively unto them to be done. Dated the Jtn day of July, 1.849. SAMUEL OWEN PRIESTLEY, ESQUIRE, Sheriff. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE PORTRAIT OF THE LORD BISHOP OF BANGOH, PAINTED BY JOHN WATSON GORDON, ESQ., R.A. ENGRAVED BY MR. J, U P T 0 N Subscriptions already advertized £352 5 0 Hugh Reveley, Esq., Brynygwin 1 0 John Edwards, Esq., Dolserra I 1 0 Miss Andrews, Dolitellau 1 1 0 llev. E. Andrews, Dolgellau I I 0 jESoGOO J. W. TREVOR, Hon. Sec. to the Committee. I.lnnvaelog, 11th July, 1849. ( £ 2° Subscriptions are received by Messrs. V IL- LIAMS, Bank, Bangor. Error—For novo D. L. Jones, Newborough, read He v. D. L. Williams Newborough. Ato-entere,t by mistake-Rev. J. Morgan, by Dr. Howard, £ 2 0 0 CELEBRATED DYE WORKS. Joseph Clover & Co., FROM LONDON, Now of 93 CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL. rpHIS Establishment stands unrivalled for the I manner iu which the following articles are Cleaned, Dyed, and Fini?hed — India and British Shawls cleaned, and the most fugitive colours preserved entire. Silk Velvets dyed any colour, and the pile finished equal to new. Silk, Satin and Crape Dresses, Crape Shawls, Lace Veils, Blond Lace, French Merino and other Stuffs, Silk and Worsted Damask, Moreen and Chintz Fur- niture, &c., &0. The above splendid Establishment having now been in operation these twenty years, the Proprietors fwho have availrcl themselves of all improvements and recent inventions connected with the trade) can with confidence recommend their style of work to the public generally, ns they have no hesitation in saying, that they have invariably given satisfaction to those who have been pleased to favour them with their commands, to whom they embiace this oppor- tunity of returning their most sincere acknowledg- ments. Goods and Parcels forwarded by the following Agents (ftee of carriage) and all orders executed in ten days at most Mr. JOHN PARRY, New London House, Bangor. Mr. EDWARDS, Tea Dealer, Carnarvon. Mr. llYRXE, Postmaster, Beaumaris. Mr. LLOYD JONES, Draper, Denbigh. Mrs. EVANS, Market-street, Ruthin. C-r Books of Patterns and List of Prices at the AgentB. LLANDUDNO AND GREAT 0RSIE3HEAD. MR. LLOYD DESIRES respectfully to inform the XohHity. J ? Gentry, and others, that he has been honored with imtnictions to Sell by Public Auction, On Tuesday, 28th, and Wednesday, 29th, AVGVST, 1849, at the CASTLE HOTEL, CONWAY, SITES of VALUABLE LEASEHOLD BUILDING LAND, IN 214 LOTS, at Llandudno, on the Estate of Gloddaeth, belonging to the Hon. E. M. I>. Mostyn, M.P., suitable for Mansions, family Dwellings, illas, and other ie- sidences. The sidences. VALE OF LLANDUDNO is pleasantly situated in a beautiful and romantic part of North Wales, at the foot of the Great Ormes- head. Its shores arc skirted by LLANDUDNO AND CONWAY nAYS, and being sheltered from the cold northerly aiul wes- terly winds, the atmosphere is at all times of the year genial and delightful, and it may well be called the Italy of Wales. Those stupendous tiiumphs of science, the CONWAY SUSPENSION & TUBULAR BRIDGES, are in the immediate neighbourhood, and within an hour and a half's sail stand those still more raagni- ficent Works, THE MENAI SUSPENSION and tho BKITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGES. The rich, wild, and majestic mountain scenery, the extensive views of land and water, the varied pros- pects, the far-famed ruins and antiquities, the num- berless pleasant excursions, the residences of the an- cient Princes, and the salubrity and fertility of the district, are sure to draw together the lovers of na- ture, whether in the pursuit of health, recreation, or retirement. Already are demands made for accom- modation which cannot be provided, and, ere Ion, it will become the most popular summer resort in Wales. As a FASHIONABLE WATERING PLACE, it affords facilities and attractions superior to any which the Principality can boast, The Bays are peculiarly and favourably situated, so that in either delightful SEA BATHING can be enjoyed, without the slightest risk, however rough the water may be outside, as it possesses the advantage over all others of a sufficiency of water at ebb tides. and that of the most pcllucid character. The thickly wooded GROUNDS of GLODDAETH & BODYSGALLEN arc in the immediate vicinity, and the noble Mansions form picturesque objects on the rising ground. The sportsman, cillier in BOA TING OR FISHING, will find ample amusement. The present proprietor has, at considerable expense, thoroughly drained and carefully laid out the land, which it is now proposed to sell. A splendid MARINE CRESCENT, with a Lawn in front, seventy-five feet in width, will skirt the whole of the eaHem Bay, the other Plots, with Gardens at the front and rear, running in right angles towards the western Bay. A series ot BUILDING REGU LATIONS have been fixed oil, for the purpoe of preserwin the comfort of those who settle in the dismct, and en- su"ring proper ventilation, sewerage, drainage, and opriety of frontage and elevation, so that none shall puffer hereafter by the caprice or cupidity of otlilrs. POWERFUL AND SWIFT STEAM-\ESSELS land and embark Passengers Daily in Summer, and Four times a Week in Winter, to and too, Liver- pol' and a Landing-stage is about to be erected t.? tl,e greater )f tlil 1 ubne. Ll.u dudno is only three hours' sail from Liverpool. The CHESTER & HOLYIIEAD ltAILWAl, is four miles distant from the town, and by thi? ?e? direct daily communicauon maybe had with I ondon, Dublin, Liverpool, and all the principal Towns and Cities in the Kingdom. Phmsof the building Sites, a Pamphlet conta.n.ns „ of the Xeihbourhood, the Bii'li,?g Rcgnhi- tions, and ?'e wl" ttie Order ofRenewaw.h ?.0 & 1,1; mn'l..h. hUll ?" tnls WLtrC"lIIJlM ¡¡H.UUL}, "J ,U" ''fz; WILLIS & MWD, 501i,\ cito^fs, r??in?.L?.d.n;Me.sr..Cm?? ?? .'Kh ? r? b?. ?n.squ. London; Mr. J?\V?/Li Ut l??f llodafon, Llandudno, near Conway Me8s", WILIIAMS and JONES, EslRIC and Land ?'?' ? ? J.u"?'??'. Liverpool; ? the sr.r;i" j Oilici' "t this p'er i 01' (0 I)riiicil)r,l ll()tlllPii,k  Mv dear, don t ny up, say nRrrative," Maid » ,i.. her on) who was IclHti,, »n mteri.M- Z talXhe had just re»d in the 1;ews,;spei. While the little fellow was ihn kmg ot his m.s.ukt, tile h,)u?e- do walkcd in, slli:killg hii wil, :'I'd qnlte fnmiiiallY ill t\il LiJ\ wh,:n Lc ,xciaimcd, la, ??c:?ho?i't'?''g'?' I' NORTH \v.\i.t:?. D ty ?J a J U s 52 TO BE SOLI) H Y AUCTION, BY MR. THOMAS T/V.'S At the IÜG's UUAD IN'S in the To»vn OF LR.AMIVI SR, on TUBSDA.V, the 14th of AU(.V..T, IS 19, I The Estate, p OMPHKIIENDIXO «V.ut :S') A"ff' of Exc'd. C lent Arable, lWure and Land, within a ring; fence, situate in the pai:.»h of 1,lHfq;PiUY\ within Ó miles of the Murkt TUIn. 01 I.laoll\t, um.- Holyhead KaiUy;ty, airanged into th* foiluAing or such other Lot, fls shall be UJMH; Oil the Ù", of Sale, and fcuhjt-ct to (;()ndllHJ¡" t,) IH (hn pn; duc'-d, unless disposed of in the meantime by private Contract.  LOT ?.-?t'i? PLAS YN HLAEXAU MANSION J10US15, House, Farm a:;d Lands, Mr. John WU- iam, occunier, in the 1'ari^h of L!al,g(rl1i,w, containing 123A, Sit. Wr., mor or h AS. LOT 2 (including 2 & 3 in Particulars and Maps). -llH.Y nRY.SIO. Farm and Lands, .\1. John Morris, necupier, in the Parish ot Llo.1u¿;t:u1itH\. con- taining 9A. OIL 13P. niorn or lesa. LOT 4.—UKVNT FYXOX, Finn and Land*, Mr. John Roberts occupier, in the Parish 01 LjaHé(:r;iÍc\. containing 10A. 13, .? less ?" L''r 5"?XAXl'H.T!I, 'F.n,i Ld.?s. Mr. H.?h Williams occupier, in the Parish of Lianj-trniew, icontaininjf 2RA 21t. 33p" more or kss. LOT 6.-TY HIlt, Farm alld Lands Mr*. Margirc-t Davies, widow, in the Parish úf Liang in- iew, containing 13A. OH. 21p, more or less. LOT 7.—VKN Y 131,YS, Farm and Lands, Mi. David Jones and anothei, o< cuf.iers, in the Paii>h < Llangemiew, containing 4-A. OR. LOT 8.—SlXUliUG, Farm aud Lands, Mr. Kobe Hughes and another, oucuj>i<-i'S, in tlie Palish > > Llanfcerniew, containing 3i1A. Ou. 25P. more or LOT 9.-Di)01, MKADOW, Mr. So:" Williams, occjpier, in the' parish of Llan £ < rn:c\v, containing 74. Wit. 27r more or lus. LOT 10.-CAEAU Nl]\VYl>L> XAXEHTir. Hugh Williams, ncrupier, in the Paiiaii ot Liun*. gcrniew, containing 10a. 'J Il. 1 h.o 1\;01'(' ov leso LOT I I.-The Quillet of Lund cai.e LLAWLS, Mr. Kobert Wiliiams, crcupicr, in the Puiish ot Llangornieiv, containing <M. 3u. 2p., mere or less. 1 oT and Laii<!&, Ir, Robert Ji-nes, occupier, »n tile PalL-.h of Llangcrniew, culttftiuing 10A. tiH. lip. more or :i;t:. Lox I3.AX1' YU IiLXFACS, Farm and Lands, Mr. Edward Roberts, otx-uj it), in the Parish of Gwyiherin, containing 22A. 2n. £1' "wrc or Ie. The Farm Honsts and Agricultural Buildings all chiefly ¡nOÙell1, and aU in j»o.>d state of 1"£>IJ1:.1L There are valuable and thiiving Plantations upon the Estate, "hit several (II ater I ul1l1il'6, through it. It adjoins Lands be^on^ing to the Hight Hon. Lord Xewborough, ::iamue, ,I.!Jad" E.'1' and Ihe Miss Lloyds. The above Estate for it3 size prç;¡ent& a most eli- gible opportunity both tor occupation and Invest- ment. To the Sportsman, such that ,.II seldom ba met with. The Etalts oj the adjoining ownelb being striçtly preserved, and a locality in every rebpeet well adapted tor the preservation ot (Jamc. Particulars with Lithographed Plans may be had at the best Inns, in the vicinity. Altou, 0:1 applica- tion to the Auctioneer, and Mi. WILLIAM GUUTITH, Solicitor, Pen-issu'r-dre, Llaniwsf, ot whom any further particulars may be obtained. Nit- JOHS WILLIAMS, 01 PU>-yn-blaenau, will direct a proper peis-m to shew the Estate. MOXTGOMEUYSIUKE. THE HIGHLY IMPORTANT FUT^I-iCID ESTATE OF J^ERTH LLOYD, NEARLY SURROT'NDING THE IIOROUGII TOWN OF LLANIDLOES, ff^XTEXDIXG for above thiee miles on both fides l?i-fthe Ilivcr Severn and of the Turnpike Read, alld embracing the magnificent Raniie of Oak Woods skirting the whole of this beautilul approach to the Town. togethei with THE OLD MAltKCT HorSE AND BOROUGII TOLI.S, And other premises in the town; also the heuuu'.ul ESTATE OF IiWLOII Y Ll.YX, With its romantic Lake and Plantation?, about two miles distant; the Peipetual Advowson of the Vi. carage or Trefeglwys, and a portion of the Impvo- priate Tithes of the Parish, the property of a Noble- man, divided into upwards of eighty separate lois. MESSRS. CIIURTOX Have the honour \0 announce, that they have been instructed to ..ELL BY AUCTION", on Wednesday- and Thursday, the 2o;h and 26th days ot JUIA, 1349, commencing each day punctually at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, in the newly-erected Public ltOOIU. in the town 01 I.lallidlc,s, Montgomeryshiie, in upwards of 1'0 distinct lot., nS described in the printed particulars of sale, In in 8ud¡ other lots as the vendor's agent may determine upon and subject to the conditions then to be produced, the bovo very important and commanding ETATE, comprising altogether ABove 3700 A cans OF WKLT, CULTIVATKD MI:ADOW, PASTUIM, AUAWLB, AND TILLTTVING WdoD LAND, With the River Severn and a Turnpike Road, wind- ing for ubove three mih-s through the heart of tlie property, the *vhole very richly divci&itied, tuul com. manding some of the grandest and most extensive scenery in the county. These tioe Properties lire Mtuated 011 the high Turnpike Road to Aberystwith, adjoining to and pai tly surrounding the Borough and Market Town 0: Llanidloes. They compile the BEUHI LLOYf) ESTATE, presenting aspkndid Landed Investment. extending for about three m;ies 1'1} <-a« h uf tt 0 Turnpike Road and River approaching the town. also, THE BOUOUGlt TOLLS AND MAHX.KT 110USU, With some Houses &e. in the town The ULWW.UEZ 1 LI.y:ti Estat, Which is detached, forming a very compact and highly pi?tu..?.O.? Property, embellished by a beau- h!ul Lake aud \)n)atncntH'. Plantations, <>irer.ug a most attractive spot tor the erecti!)1J of a Residence, and ,,1.-0 the ADVOWSON OF THE VICARAGE 0:' TREFEGLWYS, (Its own Parish,) and a Portion ot the Lay Tithes of two or three extensive The Lands and Premises in and near tho town h iving been eateiuHv subdivided into !imalllt)t ior the accommodation vt the inhabitants 0" persons wishful to build. BcrtSa EjEoyt* Is a very valuable and highly important E.tate. ?n"p??, ?b?: ??  o 3,098 ACJTSS, N'early in a rin- fence, subdivui-.d into several L arms, together with some EXTEXSIVK WOOIJ6, chiefly thickly stored with Oaks, anl remarkably thriving Plantations on various parts ot thu property forming tiu Preserves for Game. The Farm Homesteads aro most conveniently placed, are of a very superior description, and, witii trifling exceptions, iu substantial lepair; the piiuci- pal ons appear fiom the Turn;-ike R ,ad in plciut- esque succession upon thê. vising UanU> tho Severn, which winds through tite heart 01 tl, pro- perty. pe?ly Property iaSncty nnd boldly diversified, pre- senting within itsdl u grlat "ill ¡..t) ot lien aud beau- tiful Vale and Woodland Scenery, intersected by th»* windings of the River, and skiited by broken ranges of magnificent Hihs, ottering many invting snots f u- tile Erection of Residences, with all the Hitiactioi.s for Game and 8 Ii"" Trout and Salmon F" a;.d C(lmm lI1r1il: 011 all sides views of buipiising extent anti grandeui, with Pmuimmon iu the distance. The Bwlch y Llyn Estate is a singulaily pictur- esque little d0main 0t above 5 0 Acres, embuu.iig a iJeauliful i.nke, skirteU by or¡¡;w¡4;>i}!al 1'IuHtatloiH' and, united with the y¡"a¡.:c Gt Trdvgl\\ ys (ItS 011'11 parish), 11111 with the Tithes, which are 1.11\ con- muted, would form 8 v».-ry valuable Mud dl':oi1Ub¡' prnpHty. puiiieuljtly for an y HUC connected wun the Church, or inclined to build. It is y seldom that such a l''o)?ttyc?nK". in'.) the Maiket, looking ttl it conne ttou \\lttl t,, H. rough nUll Market Town of Llaniuloe*, and its ac- commodation Lands adjoining thereto; its c»p tal iurnpike and other R ads; i.ni ii. extent ol pti- vatc River its splesdid and bcaotuui y var e I l«*a- cs; lemaiUably th;i»iog P ai.ia- lious and the c-rtaan but 1:1"; h.:u:atJlc a:lLutat:fs to be duiud Irom valuable M iner ..is, a fu s l'" men of Lead Ore having been ducoveu^i on the estute. The poor rates are vei y low, nlld the lctiants wilh few exceptions, all pay the Land lax, Wuiiit is VLTV inoueiately lu)\bHl, M adûitiuu l,) tluiu' rents. Also will be SSOLI> the Ancient MARKv.T HOU.*K of the Town with the UOROL'wU TOLLS. N.B.—Mr. Win. Party, Laud Suney .i, ut y or- fodion, \v;ll shew the Estates. fC I'uiited Pariicu ai>, with lithographic maps attached, will be distributed ten day* pi.or to t;,e S;t c, and m-y be had at the Q-.con's Head lun, L\;¡II\Hll1(. Beat'* Head, Royal Oak, Welshpool; Diagon, Moi.ig m.ei y 11. Mo Vue, AbeiYMWi.il 1 CaM.«, UwU'»pV<'wst; Li- ii, t{h*ew>- LutV i a I i he Uth?Ill,f »\ iJ.LJAJisiv .M L la);». .*>ooVltoi>, 3 Pa p er l»uvr. i nr> lenipie, Lomna Alessrs. CfcliDoN, :\I,n\¡I-:I, i-ad B. G lav's In Square, London; h. SI^ON, Pbs Coch, S"illt Aviph; or Messrs. CHCKTON, the Auc::oi■turf, C d Livir;cl, I