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DIRECT STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN enal Bridge. BanSor, HeaumarM, and Liverpool. rBE CITY OF DUBLIN COMPANY respect- fully give NOTICE that the P R IN CEO F WAlESi (G. DANI, Commander,) If 400 tons burthen, and 200 horse power, built expressly for the Station, [Mf„ MENAI BRIDG]<10NDAYS, WED- r ,.< MENAI ?AYS. and FRIDAYS, at 10 o'clock in the w^mine. From Pace's Pier Head, ?LI?Emp'"o"?? ??DAYS. THURSDAYS, & SATURDAYS, ? 11 Morning. The New and Powerf ul Iron Steamer, FAt RV, will run regularly between CARNARVON* and BEAUMARIS in conjunction with the 'Prince of Wales: Further particulars may be had on application to Mr, E. W Timothy; Mr. Robt. Pritchard, Post- ?M?F' W ?o': Mr. T. Byrne, P<"t-?. Beau- ? tr?Mr. 3?nes, Ship-agent, Carnarvon or to yr J. K. Rounthwaite, at the Compaq Office, U Water Street. Liverpool.  Menai Bridge Office, 3ht April, 1649.   I T> ». I PKKKY & Co. be* to ii.rforio tieir patients ,,id pMt'iM '?'M"' con.uttin? them. ttat in ?"?"? of repeated tb flni] |t impr writable to adhere of ????chtLy "?? of not visiting: not on futue rojcusioun f'Sby ffiesalty osinj their nan.e, they beg be d,?i,?d by  °us:handing, to ?.,tt? V (0 0(  VOWB V OF MR. E. PERRY'S REBIDZNCE WILL BE OtV? ON HIS ARBIVAL. illustrated with 26 Anatomical Coloured Engravings on Stel, nv pnv?CAL DISQUALIFICATIONS, GE- O??.EINrAFACITY. AND PEDINTS TO MARRIAGE, ???'LENT FRIEND," ? V,,r "Intlifdp-iS'11 d.llr.nr, th. IS ordN to enliure ¡ecec)', 8.d punctuality In deU,ery, the 'Vr, ???. ?'? ? direct from '? E.'ablLhmep., free to v M? of the ?'"«" in a ""? -?,?i.p% on the ft'èeil!t 13.. ad. in potaKe „ie l,t of38. ddpin^,p iV a Medical Work, ritl, in T::n::Ne;lE:rD .re:I:h:c'i\e,rI::n I; ph\fC auo'ialiftcatlom affecting the generalhe y.te. in 1,0 Itconwins an elaborate and carefully written TT8? nt th?e anatomv and pliyslolow oUhe .,gL.. in maa and Indirectly concerned In the function ,?.r.t',o' ?C""?'?ed?byM!.ur<d .?vim..) and the nc(1 r?ulting from the baneful practice \iVwt 2nd man)iDeu of life are enervated and de»- lr0-t" «™ Store nature h., fully ebtablished the power and •taininaof constitution Local anJ eeneral debility, nenou. irr.ialrtliiy itement consumption, Indigestion of the most '?»' and usting Und, intenoe melancholy and depression o } ath he s,pumiriw w,»nd partial or complete eJtinctlon of tht iv,r,, &c. are that* produced. In the SI- the product v V> '? T'?'' ;?c?)?p'er devoted to the Mn.i<i.rMiou of th.. rlreadfu( iontaint slw a0 account of the mm. dreadful vented and removed, so as to restore the ??.;?' tbeenj^jnient of health and the fu.eti.? cfm? b(h,d. ?' fonieQuenM: resulting from 'e" contamination are ..t?.nted < '? and character orgonorthœa, gleet, ,u'cln symptoms ?f cveryklnd are c?),„r. .y ?'??'"?''???'?<,X for cure. Their dangerous ?,o.hn.MnK..? ? ?.?.Xntty dt).ted?..nd eti'cis on huioan e > by which ,h. recurrence of these Tmi ll!nn ey instance be completely prevented. The -? "m' ") "?? ?? c'h.pttt the .hi'?tion: of mtrri?e. ped? t, wii?l, tend ?o diqulify the ?.udi. ?.? '?hXty ?!?.nd the dir.<U.ec?ry for their remo\a'i. detail of cases, and by 26 co- he ,),, lIIu,traled by the detail o? ??,e., and by 26 loured en<ravln?s on itl'cl, thus reudering h.t it. name purports it to be, we i >but 8ilent frie„d of all suffering error and vice—a work which h? "ult?d without exposure, and with every ms.,?nce ol compete success and benelit. 1h R. & L. P ERBY. CONSULTING StJRGEONS, H?,-ay and Co., 63, Oxford-atreel j Søller, 150, Publi.bod b) tbe Author>. and sold b)' Strane. 21, Poter- Ne-t" 16', ,1 11, d146'I..de,,h.11-?t,.t; S*?e, 23,  Li\'er'KJOI; Rawle. Church.street, LI\erpool; Ch?ck-street.  Jl,'o«el,' (ii.g it. Ll.d,y, 11, Du?li,, .d by .11 look- .?r.' Ml    P.1l.T the fillt -fth?, work 1. ded?,?.t?, to ,It..0.?? d?., t, jfth?natan and ph>s of tb£ en£rative function,. It P.M th. ?????, th.or?nitn man which »<W*4 in the functlojK of tbe reproduction of trie sjwcie#, .aSna ,d t ^l,1V« u.oden; which,df-abuse operate, to the tM .it'x?c??t. "nd tht).? ??tf?.?;? of the p?,?1.1 .?'???? ??. ?"? ?„ dMtructioncf the epoettt) (d ..U1il  II UaitnUd by .1& coloured m- S avinas.. lh infirmities and decay of the r»*T \,to'iucel\ b, on.r-iodu1gl'llce of the pusion,. The e»- system vto'iuced b> ° tet.ee of ncnous'"nù ie1u\ rtebi\it^ y and incapacity, with thdr o.<:CtJlUVall) lug trsin of lytl1ptom di,ord?r,, are tlieir M?tn. "? "??'J !'? ?' ?l?l, Ti?i, ;??. ? '??tr:t? ?:n?.<.?ed en?..?.. wh.h .?ty <ti.?y the   y"aT tbe third contai..¡¡ aD øccurnte deäcrip1\on Qr the dlt.. t':ueli cau,ed by in(etiQnJ and by the abuse of mercury: pri- mary and ?,?o.dr)- syrnptolD8, ernptions of  iort: throat, inlfammation of the ^eS^ease f h(, gQnor- rhœ, w¡1t.>e\, "t' h Y, it,p d thil!l CI:IIJ-se. A!I\ic stricture, f aU ihdi"seases and the&r c nse- A'ivice ,0e"i,°/ h,lfduly followed up, rhoea, li'l»ee'tl, l're^^n^ -r'TI,p«. I- illustrated by ZS?™?"^ Mventecu e,)rrta!J!ni*a Prescription for the Pre"en- ti"? ot Diease 'Y a øimplø appJication. by -?ich the d?ger inft>ctiou ob?i.t?d. Hs action is simple but 1ture. It a° ti wi?h the iw» chemicaUy, and destroys It. power on the ?.n'" This Important P.I, of the Woik h-?.!d ..t ?c?p. pvliT Ibe fifth ireats of Marriage, ,t. obligations and dis- VI. «.„•«. which lead &0 b.,Pi-?,- in the .|iial, ih, ,atioii8. ? dw??.?. and those which are "'d'?"? ot'SrVi'd domestic Inquietude. The nature origin and ",tat of Phyis^ ical disquaJif1eütions are a!so described, and r'? f,, ta forma" im?t?tMn'MeMt.on in tins f Ih? work. "??'0".? ?M.f SYMAC? 1. espre..ly employed 0"" i?.ai" pow??ri of life, when e.h.u.t?d by '1 b, solitary indulgelice oii ^he sy"wm, I s LCllon 15 l?u.,Iy b.t?..? i? P"" in re-inigurltim( the ?:rj:"??"?.'<.?'   1('t'tI,iD}potE'ncy, barreU(}ft,i, .?d d.bilitil- a.risin from \'e- nerel cxcesses, has been demonatratcd by its un"lu1in JUC- cu in thousand. of cases. To thole penoos *h, are Irle""I eiitenng the married state by tb?"'?"<?'  1HI U.\SD9, HiB.D-ACHB, F.1NTINO. and 'V.MÂt.B COI(- I ksssk sssB^SwSsSiS and laltellt¡oU in ear\y Va.rt or Itfl', or it sinkinlt' r !he au,ance f or blot\ residence in bot or co'd c tmntes, sSTwffiSr^S strength, by givlD \oDe to 4. muscular sjstem and ,,g. "VKliiTof Local aud General D?bility. Nenou. 11"t-b"'ty  ('oasumvtion, Jndleøtion of the wo t .d nhaustio,c kind. ioteøse .\Ielanchol)' Depreu)on ??ltits pa tj I Extinctio? of tl,. He V'O- ilicuve Power^and Non^etentton 0? ^° permanenU}' CumJ b, THF COHUIAI- BALM OF SV'??cu.p.ti?.t. ?- t. lo fb full enjoyment of healthand f.. :i.n, of .load. •fi™ro iu ttpr boUie, or fo,qu.itie? in one for 338, } CO\CV™\F&0 MSTEKSIVE ESSENCE, an antisy- i,b\\lw' r medv for purifviog the s) stem from venereal con- tsminali'jn and Is recommended for any of the varied forms o' weondarv symptoms, such as eruptions on the kin, bt.t?h-? on ÜU heall and lace, enlargement of the thros ,ous»8. and mil a threatened destruction of the nOle. palate, &c" ?'j?. 5..?? H?Mr., Otd W?nd.. Uk<.r.. Sore Leg. ,?k Ul,,rl and Sores, Glandular Swlifigs, Erisipc?lus, ]'* 'rii.v King's ''E?rp'??"?' of the ?" <.u.?. Eruptions, .? any part ol the body, and all j.niH, of r the 1 Blood. Price 11.nd 336- per bottle. ':?' coses 4 Syria, a' ete,i,e 1 ?,,c?..?/h. W.I ?. Benurs-sireet Oxford !Kt L..?. ?<r<ty<h'f<'< a M"'? "/?: U ..? ? puti?t is <?"<? to receive advice tcith ut fee, u-hich adi-eutage is applicable only to those who "t £,1, for « packet. JfeWs Purifying Specific Pills; Vrice 2s. 9d., is. 611.. and lla.per Box. these Pills, each box of which I. accompanied wlthelpllsU iirectiuns lire well known throughout Europe to be the mose ,:trlaln aiul efl'cctual remedy ever discovered of gonorhœa., hotu in ,t mild and agcravated forms. Thly Imraodiatelv >ildv Iti? inflammation by their Pf!citJc on the uru- tirj.iicdrrrest the future pmgms of the di. (ii ett., ,?cia?re6, irritatims, and chronic lnaa™m'"° !!h f -!?e b'%dder, p." of tbe win. apd kidneys, 8™>e' JiiurAer: 4 the urwarv passages, Ui either sex, a ;r p diK5 ini VViUdUeotly cured, =:' cotincme.Qt or the least VI oilcan of MusuUtiiion by lerter, the fee -\f One Pound must be forwurdal, either by Pat Office Haef. or øtheru.:ise. der, (ir otherwise. to he « minute ?t Po ?Ibl? i. the d,?- h? of their c?s, noting e.i)M?))y &be dpration of th. com- ?..?.? mode of ,t,<.m?nc.<.<. i" ""?<? !<<s. Mf.)MMH Of MM. M'? ??''??''?' ?'J cokition in »4>ciety. Medicines can be forwarded to a> P. t"!hewt,r),).,(,d?u!tyMnorcur.theyw:Ub<MCure') VwWvd, nd c?refully protected hUI\\ oMervaýon. iw- tutLiicmes are prepared only by Metfrs- R. alld L. Beniers-treet, Oifonl-street, London; and sold by alt Medicin Veatiers ft town or ■V.8. (^otuifru Mttitcuie Kettdors can be supplied by "Ml of the Wholesale I'atent Medicinee Houses tn Lmulon .?Mr<. It. and ?. I'erry and Cc..?r?<'M),may be "?'iM.?!()9.B<.rwri-<t'-Mt.0.t?d-ttrMt;Lo).<<uK "-Y 6, 1,?.d if,, F,-i,(i ) /??" "M J (? S in ?e ?MfM)?. and i>« Sundays.from 11 to 1. by r: bom;i?i A. Itoberts, Chemist, Conway Mr. '?'h.n.C.f.thtb.Che??t & DruKi8t, Bangor; Hobert ?)b.(j)j)!m?.ih,str<)<t.C<rnATtOM.n'.M- D?t?bjgb 11, 6. fluh.s, Cb-i-t, ""?bMd John M..?. Ch.m.st. High?str?t, Wrex- .,d, CbqV?.t, H,gh-?t t, Philip "?. I',t Uthce. IInctKend: H. Webber, Guerdian 'J«ce, < .rd?; WaI,.r HMmxt. Chemist, ng 'Cb?mi,t, Guil,it?,l! >««, Carmarthen W. Williams, Chemist, 't?'' "*st, Cardigan; 0. E. p.eo, t?mit'. H?e?otd- Joa. Cuuer, Hemtd Umcc. H?'er?orJwest K. Ireweeks, Chemist, I'embroke 'I F s, -liatntst, iligb-slreet, Swansea; John Moore,Cbemist, "tr, ?.? )cwn; I hon'.8 &t"??s, Cb.m'?. '? S'rw, M.,tb? )y?d. F.rns ? Scow, Drug- C nion.street, lirisiol; John CI»ROFNCL« .?' tibr?sbury; J.mM ?'Hco". Moot.?ner. ^0^ MREET, J^oiuinster; Draper, Cb.m'?, Broad H«R«FOTD,T. Karrar, Ue?ooUSce.Mentncutb; 'M ?" Con.merct.)-?rM'. Mewport; '"d RHIL" U,» Hijb-eireet, Newporl, of .n of whom t. M?d)he" Si^eut Friend. CROSSKILL'S PATENT ROLLER. FOR rolling Wheats in the Spring, upon light and heavy litnds. It far excels Sheep-treading, and every other means for giving solidity to loose soil, being more equal, rapid and effectual in operation. The aerrated points finger in the fine top soil, and securely press the roots fast into the ground which experience proves, causes the young plants to grow stronger; thereby increasing the quantity and im- lil,hg the quality of Wheat, Oats, Barley, &c. It rili. the Slug, stops the Wireworm, and is unequal- led as a Clod Crusher. Draining makes the land warmer, which, with the now prevailing use of Ar- tificial Manures, tend to increase all the small tribe of vermin, so injurious to Corn Roots and Plants I heaoe arisea the necessity of Rolling. The prao- tice of Rolling, by an overwhelming evidence, is proved to be most effectual in stopping the ravages of vast tribes of Wireworms, Slugs, &c. THE PATENT SERRATED ROLLER, after many full and free competitions with every other kind of Roller,.at the principal Agricultural Meet- ings throughout the Kingdom, was awarded the special Honorary Gold Medal, the highest mark of distinction, by the Royal Agricultural Society of Kngland, as "THE MOST BENEFICIAL IMPLEMENT ussd IN AGitiCULTURS." Cash Prices, with Travelling Wheels complete, delivered in Hull :-5ft. 6in. (24 cwt.) .£18. 6ft (26 owt.) E 19 los. 6ft. 6in. (28 cwt.) £21. Delivered in Newcastle, Stockton, or York, 10s, extra. Ditto London, Southampton, or Bristol, 211s. extra. Ditto Northampton, Birmingham, or Liverpool, 30s. extra, CROSSKILL'S PATENT WHEELS and AXLES-Manufactured by steam machinery. The workmanship, materials, and low price of Crosakill's Patent Wheels prove that machinery is destined to supplant hand labour, and perfect this art of manu- facture. Price, per set, to carry 30 ewt., t6 10s. CROSSKILL'S "PRIZE MODEL" ONE HORSE CARIS, Light, but very strong, and useful Carta, with Harvest Shelvings complete; to run easy with heavy loads; adapted for general Farm and Road Work. To carry 30 cwt., price 912 12s. Ditto, with Shelvings, &c., as a Model" Cart, £H. 4"* Also, CROSSKILL'S IMPROVED RWZE PORTABLE MANURE BROADCAST DRILLS, LIQUID MANURE CARTS, &c. For further particulars, apply per post, enclosing six Penny Stamps, to cover postage, and New Illus- trated Cataloguea will be sent. trated Cataloirz. caOSS??L?, Iron tror?, Be- verley. YOU MAY BE CURED YET! OINTMENT. CURE OF RHEUMATISM AND RHEUMATIC GOUT. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Thomas lirnuton, Land- lord of the Waterloo Tavern, Coatham, iorkshtre, late of the Life Guards, dated Sept. 28th, 1S43. To PROFESSOR HOIAOWAY. Sir,-For a long time I was a Martyr to a Rheutna- ism and Rheumatic Gout, and for 10 weeks previous to using your medicines, I was ae bad as not to be able to walk. I had tried doctoring and medicines of every kind, but all to no avail, indeed I daily got worse, and felt that I must shortly die. From see- ing your remedies advertised in the paper I take in, I thought I would give them a trial. I did so. I rubbed the ointment in ai directed, and kept cab- PFLDS IPHWPH to the oarts thickly spread with it, and took the Pills night and morning. In three weeks I was enabled to walk about for an hour or two in the day with a stick, and in seven weeks I could go anywhere without one. I am now, by the blessing 01 God and your medicines, quite well, and have been attending to my business for more than seyen months without any symptoms of the return ot my old complaint. Besides my case of Rheumatic Gout, I have lately had proof that your Pills and Ointment will heal any old wound or ulcer, as a married woman living near me, had had a bad leg for four years, which no one eould cure, and I gave her some ot your Pills and Ointment, which soundly healed it when notung else would do it. For your information I had the honour to serve my country for twenty-five years in the first regiment of Life Uuards, and was eighteen years a Corporal. I was two years in the Peninsular War, and was at the Battle of Waterloo. I was discharged with a pension on the 2nd Septertiber, 1833. The Commanding Officer at the time, was Col. Lygon, who ? now General. I belonged to the ?  the  (Signed) TllOIAS BIWXl'ON. CURE OF A BAD LEG OF TWENTY ONE YEAR'S STANDING. Extract of a Leiter from Mr. Andrew Brack, Black. evtith, Eycmoua, near Berwick, dated lOtA Aug. 1848. To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY. Sir,- With pleasure and gratitude I have to inform you that after suffering for twenty-on" years with a bad leg, which yielded to no kind of reatment, al- though I consulted, at different times, every medical man of eminence in this part of the Country, but all to no purpose. I was frequently unable to work and the pain and agony I otten endured no one can tell. My leg is now as sound as ever it was in my life by means of your Pills and Ointment, which I purchased from Mr. 1. Davidson, Druggist, Bcr" ick- uoon-Tweed, who knowlI my case well, and will, I am sure, be happy to certify with me, if necessary, 8S to the truth of this wonderful cure.. » "» ?th?wond ?cu? BRACK. AMPUTATION OF TWO TOES PREVENTED. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Oliver Smith Jenkins, dated Falkirk. August 13w, 1843. To PROFESSOR HOWWAY. SIR I was superintending about six months ago, the erection of one of our Railway Bridges, and by the fall of a large stone my right foot was seriously bruised, which ultimately got so bad, that I was .dviMd to go to Edinburgh to consult .omeofthe ?nt Surgeons, which I did, and was told that in order to saye my foot, two of my toes must be taken off. In despair, I returned home to impatt the me- lanchol, nellla to my wife, intending to submit to the operation, it was then a thought struck me to try your valuable Ointment and Pills, which I did, and was by their means in three weeks enabled to resume my usual occupation, and at this time my toes are perfectly cured. "'?'gU?' OLIVER SMITH JEKIXS. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A DES- PERATE SKIN DISEASE. On the 21st July, IBAS, the Editor of the "o fussilite Newspaper," published in In, i., the following Editorial article in his paper—" We Know for a fact, that Holloway's Pills and Ointment act M a most wonderful manner upon the constitution, as an eccentric Coolie, called Elliza, employed in out, establishment, was affected with myriads of Ring- worms, which defied all the Meerut Doctors, and promised to devour the poor man, before he was un- derground we tried Holloway" upon him, and in a month he was perfectly restored to his lormer condition and cleanliness of skin. The eflect was miraculous. The Pilú should be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following cases .—— Bad Lees CancelS S,Id. B.?d L,-g? C(,a?ted R04 Sme-Kipp)es Stttt-j.inM 6.r.-thr..? Bunions KiephMtti?is Mktn-d.b?.? Bite of Mo3chetoe fi?t'll" snr, l^ ads Md SMd-FtM Cu?t  Coeo?Hity —suen. fir15 chiiS^r i-uXgo ™ Chit&MM !.um? bago ??,ou.n,.t?ts Chappfd-hand: fMes "?' Sold by the Proprietor,244, st,?,.d. Te-ple Bar), London, and by all tespec?Me ?"dor??? tent Medicines throughout the Civilized W°"°' in Pots and Nox?, h. Hd., .s. 9d,, 4s. 6D 1 ?,'j and 33s. each. There is a very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes. NB.-Directions for the guidance of Patients are: ffixed to each Pot and Box. aft 11 VALUABLE FAXILY MEDICHTE. HUN T'S APEBIEMT F AMILY PILLS; A MOST excellent Medicine for Bilious Com A plaint. Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, and H?eis Habitual Costiveness, Indigestion, Heart- hs Pains and Giddiness of the Head, Influenza, Worms, Spasms, Nervous and Dropsical Complaints. For upwards of FORTY-FIVE YEARS have these Pills obtained the unqualified approbation of the public in general, among whom may be in- cluded families of distinction and medical men. Their composition is so truly excellent, and their beneficial effects have been so widely experienced, that the Proprietors feel the R^test conhaence in L?mmpndinz them as one o?f the ?M?IL?Dh?bt ?a?n? MOST EFFICIENT APERIENT FAMILY ME- DICINES ever offered to the public. These Pills reouire no confinement nor alteration of diet, and are adapted to every variety of age and constitution ?'hev seldom operate until eight or ten hours after taken, and then gently. They restore the tone of the stomach, strengthen the digestive organs, cleanse the bowels of all impurities, and promote the due secretion of the liver and of the kidneys, and by invigorating the system generally, become an inva- inahlp restorative of health to both sexes. OFFICERS of the ARMY and NAVY, will find these Pills an invaluable appendage to their medi- c?h?. as they retain their medicinal virtues in all climates. IA? even of the most delicate constitutions ..iua.d?e p?? p???'y beneficna, both be- f.to &uLL g(wr thaw o6ull nment; nor cani th be Wectoènï::?;l:O;eri:lI\ ÙI:k of ?!100t.?. They are also an excellent preparatory in the use of medicinal waters, sea-bathing, &c. P? e?nd Sold by Messrs. H?T (the original Proprietors), 65, Great Puiteney-street. Bath and sold wholesale and retail by %Ies??rs. Barc)ay& So 95, Farringdon-street; BuUer. Cheap» de Sut; ton, 10, Bow C ?U'reh-yaid; Edwards, M. ?.P?_ Newberry, 45, St. Paul's; Sangar, 150, Oxford- ?.Tundo. Ellis, Chemist & Druggist, Bangor and by all respectable medicine vendors throughout the United Kingdom. Be careful to see that the names and addresa of the Proprietors are engraved on medicine stamp I around each box, as such only the are genuine. Price Is. ld. per box. Protected by Royal Letters Patent. Dr. LOlOCR's F E M A L E W AFERS. Have no TaIte of Mefficizie, And are the only remedy U.mm".d,d to be taken by Ladies. They fortify the constitution at all periods of life, and in all Nervous Affections act like a Charm. They remove Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Weakness, and allay pain. They create Appetite, and remove Indigestion, Heartburn, Wind, Head-aches, Giddiness, &c. In Hysterical Diseases, a proper perseverance in the use of this Medicine will be found to effect a Cure after all other means have failed. Full Directions are given with every box. NOTB,-These Wafers do not contain any Mineral and my be taken either dissolved in water, or whole. BEWARE OE IMITATIONS. The very geat celebrity whlcn Dr. LOCOCK'S WAFERS have attained, has induced unprincipled persons to prepare Imitations in the form of PILLS, So., Which from their worthless nature, disappoint the just expectations of the purchaser, and injure the character of the Genuine Medicine. It is therefore necessary to observethat no ?,?. is Qennume but IWAFFU And that outside every Genuine ?o.r w the GOVERNMENT STAMP, IN WHICH ARE Tilt WORDS, DR. LOCOC]ii'S WAFERS IN WHITE LF.TTE11S ON A BED QHOUND. OBSERVE.—There are various Counterfeit Medi- cines, having the words on the Stamp, so NEARLY RESEMBLING THESE, as to mislead the unwary. Purchasers must therefore strictly observe the above Prepared only by the Proprietor e Ager.ts, DA sil IA, & Co., 1, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London. Price is. lid,, 2s. yd., and lis., per box. The 2S. 9d. Boxes contain nearly three of the small site, and the I Is. Boxes five of those of 2s. 9d. The Price in India, is 1 rupee, 2 rupees, and 8 rupees per box Agents, Messrs. Scott, Thom p son an d Co Calcutta; :s.à: an d t2o,1:!rn and Messrs. Sprague and Co., Bombay. And Sold; by one or more Agents in every Town in the King- dom, and on the Continents of Europe andAmerica. Perfect freedom from Cough in Ten Minutes after use, and a rapid cure of Asthma and Consumption, and all disorders of the BREATH 4 L USGS, is Insured by Dr. Locock's Pulmonic Wafers. THE truly wonderful powers of this remedy have i called forth Testimonials from all ranks of so- ciety, in all quarters of the world. Among others the following have been received :— ANOTHER SURPRISING CURE OF ASTHMA. From Mr. Will. Bowen, Cartlett, Haverfordwest, dated February 4th, 1848. Sir,-Ilaving been afflicted for many years with a violent cough and asthma, and having tried all other medicines in vain, I was recommended to try Dr. Locock's Wafers, I sent to you for a Box, and to my great astonishment, I found relief the very first night, and have continued to get better ever since. Their effects are really wonderful. My appetite is now good, whereas formerly I could scarcely keep any tood on my stomach. I have myself since recommended them to several persons, who have all received the greatest relief from them. (Signed) W1. BOWEN. RAPID CURE OF ASTHMA OF FOURTEEN YEARS STANDING. From Mr. J. E. Bignell, Holyhead-road, IVeditesbury, and addressed to lIlr. Ladbury, there, September 16 1848. Sir.—When I had the first box of Dr. Locock's Wafers from you, I was labouring under one of those attacks of asthma to which I have been subject now for nbout fourteen days. I have had the best medi- cal advice the neighbourhood could afford, including two physicians at Birmingham, and one at Wolver- hampton, but with no success. My breathing was so very difficult that I expected every inspiration to be my last; as for sleep, that was impossible, and had been so for several weeks.—The first dose (only two small wafers) gave me great relief-the second more so-in short the first box laid the groundwork for the cure, which only four boxes have eaected, and I am now quite well. I remain, siro your most obliged, J. E. BIGNELL. ANOTHER CURE OF ASTHMATIC COUGH OF LONG STANDING, Ddnted City Road, Haverfordwest, Feb, 6th, 1848. Sir,—I am happy to inform you that I have ex- perienced the greatest benefit from taking only two boxes of Dr, Locock's Pulmonic Wafers, which you were kind enough to recommend me. 1 reviously to my taking them I could scarcely walk without the greatest difficulty of breathing and my cough would then increase to such a degree that I ?s nearly suffocated. I had not for many months ?pt ? more than half an hour at a time, but I am now able to sleep all night without cough- in" I can truly recommend them to those who are similarly afflicted as a most invaluable remedy, and you are at perfect liberty to make my calie public if 'ou think proper. JOHN JONES, Cabinet Maker. ?'' ? £ 0 JOHN JOES, Cabinet Maker. IMPORTANT ro ALL WHO SING. From Mr. Edward Page, Director of the Choir and Organist of St. Peter's Catholic Church, Leaming- ton, June, 21st, 1848. Gentlemen,-Having frequently ?red much from relaxation of the throat, I have often been obliged to resort to various preparations but since I have had the good fortune to try Dr. Locock s Pulmonic Wafers, I am now but seldom obliged to resort to them, for the extraordinary good effects they have produced are most surprising. Even] when the throat arpears to becompletely exhausted ? the voice to be nearly gone, two or three (!\ ?f ("ur) will, in the short space of half an hour or so completely restore its flexibility ana power, and they do not act as a mere temporary exciting remedy, nor do they leave any lassitude alter. llaWng felt the great value of the remedy, I feel it a dut). to generally recommend it, as I am convinced that all persons will find immense benefit from the NERALU persevering use of it, and I shall be happy to answer any inquiries. EDWD. PAGE. The particulars of many hundred cures may be had from every Agent throughout the kingdom an?d, on the Continent. ? S??S AND r?BUC SPEAKERS they are .??uaut<as in two hours they remove all hoarseness, and increase the power and flexibility of the Voice. They have a most pleasant taste. T>RICP Is lid., 2S. 9d.,andUs.,perbox;or6mt b ,pos, for ld., 3s., oi lis. Gd„ by DA SILVA and Co. 1, Bride-lane, Fleet-street. London. ? <' SOW by .'a MEDICINE V. ndors. SITUATION WAITED. A YOUTH is in want of a Situation as aT.Mhtr A in a Gentleman's Family, or an ^SISTA'U in a School for Junior Classes; he is aequaintel with LATIN, FKBNCH, and a little GREEE DRAWING, USE OF THE GWBBS, and ENGLISH COMON H.hMnoobjectiontoen<.se.nanOmce.a,he eanWriteandAecomptweU. to B. C., Apply for further particulars, post paid, „ Chronicle Office, Bangor, North Wa!M- Ale and Porter Stores. Bangor. BOSKET PRICHM, RESPECTFULLY informs all classes of lo"ers of K CM-? <?. that h. is appoinied Agent by Mr. Peter Eaton, ofCh?er. for the Sale OF H'«»«PE"OR ane flavoured PALE ALES, BITTER BEER, and PORTER. Mr. Eaton's Ales have long been peculiarly distin- guished for the elegant amalgamation of the mate. rials of which they are brewed, vi*. Hops of the finest aroma, with the richest Pale Malt, and only require to be tasted to be duly appreciated. N.B.-Bottled Porter in quarts and pints, Liverpool-place, June 21. MR. ST. ALBIN, PROFESSOR OF DASClMfi, BEGS most r"pectfully to announce lp the Nobi. JD M? and Gentry of BE?MAa?.'??OR.  UAMf?Mt. that he will oomtuenge,grinkin.trud- In tha AWTE accompliament, on the bt of JULY. Mas. -ST. ALBIN will also give Idonson the PIANO FORTE to Finishing Pupila. As Mr. and Mrs. ST. ALBIN'S residence will be for a few weeks only, they would attend Twice or Three times a Week. Applications to Mr. BICXKEU, Bulkeley Arms Hotel, Beaumaris, or Mr. ST. ALBIN S Residence, 44, MOUNT PLEASANT, LIVERVOOL. CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, UPPER NORTHGATE STREET, CHESTER. THIS SCHOOL, conducted by Messrs. MAR- TTINDALE and SUART, with the assistance of a resident French Master, will be opened on THURSDAY, the 26th day of JuLY, References.-The Rev. Dr. Pulford, Greenbank, near Chester; the Rev. Jos. Hodgkinson, B.D.; and thc Rev. Wm. Harrison, M.A., Chester; the Rev. C. B. Tayler, M.A., Otley, Suffolk; the Rev. F. Parry, B.D., St. Clement's, Liverpool; the Rev. J. R. Rushton, B.D., Hook-Norton, Oxfordshire- and the Revd. John Dixon, Crosthwaite, near Kendall. Liverpool, Beaumaris, Bangor, and Iflcnai Bridge. The Powerful and Fast Sailing Steamer, CAMBRIA CAPTAIN J. HUNTER, LEAVES LIVERPOOL on MONDAYS. WED- )j NESDAYS, and FRIDAYS at 11 Morning. And the MENAI BRIDGE on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at 10 Morn- ing. SECOND ISSUE of PORTRAITS to the SUB- S SCRIBERS to the CHRISTIAN TIMES.- On the 6th of July, THREE SPLENDID ENGRAV- INGS will be presented to Half-yearly Subscribers being Portraits of THE REV. JAMES SHORE, A. M., taken in Exeter Gaol; I THE REV. JAMES HAMILTON, D.D, of the Scotch Church, Regent-sq., and THE REV. E. STEANE, D.D., of Camberwell. Portraits of the Rev. THOMAS BINNEY, md the Hon. and Rev. BAPTIST NOEL, were presetted to Subscribers on March 30. Subscription, 26s. per annum. Proofs of the for- traits to Non-Subscribers—On India Paper, is. j Plain Proofs, 2s. The CHRISTIAN TIMES is published every Frilay morning, at the office, 10, Gough-square, Fleewt., London, and may be had of all newsmen. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, No. 1. ERW FAIR TERRACE, Garth Roads Bangor. THE above desirable RESIDENCE, consists o Upper and Lower Kitchens; Front and Back Parlours Drawing Room; Best and Back llid- rooms and Two excellent Upper Bed Rooms. Attached is a good Garden, Yard, and Out-offices, and a never-failing supply of pure Spring. Waur there is also a small Flower Garden in front. The elevated and salubrious situation of this most delightful and comfortable Residence, its proximity to the City, the Bathing Beach, and the Landing place of the Liverpool and other Steamers, which ply daily, combined with its retired character, can- not fail to render it pleasant and most desirable to such as may feel disposed to take up their abode in this most flourishing and picturesque neighbcur- hood. For particulars, apply to Messrs. W. and J BROWN, Chronicle Office, Bangor. TOOTH.ACIIE PERMAKNENT- LY It,, u R E D. Price One Shilling per Packet, IJBANDE'S ENAMEL for FILLING DECAYING TEETH, & rendering them SOUND and PAINLESS, has, from its unquestionable excellence, obtained great popularity at home and abroad. Its curative agency is based upon a TRUE THEORY of the ciuse of Toothe-ache, and hence its great success. By most other remedies it is sought to kill the nerve, and and so stop the pain. But to destroy the nerve is itself a very painful operation, and often leads to very sad consequences, for the tooth then becomes a dead substance in a living jaw, and produces the same amount of inflammation and pain as would re- sult from any other foreign body embedded in a liv- ing organ. BRANDE'S ENAMEL does not destroy the nerve, but by RESTORING THE SHELL OF THE TOOTH, completely protects the nerve from cold, heat, or chemical or other agency by which pain is caused. By following the directions IN- STANT EASE is obtained, and a LASTING CURE ollows. Full instructions accompany every packet. TESTIMONIAL of CHAS. LOUIS WILKINSON. Clay Cross, Collieries, near Chesterfield, I April 14th, 1849. Sir,-It is now above a year aince I took advantage of an advertisement setting forth the remedies pro- ceeding from the use of Erande's Enamel. I was, before that time, troubled very much with acute pains, not only in one or two hollow teeth, but in ?utna OF the opposite side. My applying the Enamel not only stopped the further decay of my very bad teeth, but effectually cured the pain in the gums. I would have every one suffering thus to appif im- mediately the only artificial means whereby to re- medy, and which I am sure is found in the use of your agreeable preparation. I doubt not you have multiplied instances of cures effected, in ceitificates; but if you think to add this one—no sham—you may with assurance do so. I am, Sir, Yours truly, CHAO. Louis WILKINSON. London Manufactured only by JOHN WILLIS 24, Eait Temple Chambers. Whitelriars, Fleet St., removed from 4, Bell's Buildings, Salisbury Square. Wholesale by all the large Medicine Houses. Sold by lr, W. A. Cossens, Post Office, Monmouth. Mrs. S. Evans, Abergavenny. Air, G. Phillips, Ii, Duke-street, Cardiff. Messrs. Turdrew & Smith, Carmarthen. Should there be any difficulty in obtaining it, enclose thirteen Stamps to JOHN WILLIS, (as above) and you will ensure the GENUINE ARTICLE PER RUTCUN OF rosT. lwentyauthentlc Testimonials, with full directions for use, accompany each packet, which contains enough Enamel to fill several Teeth, II" serve that the name of Packet. I No. 1, St. Paul's Churchyard, LONDON. DAKIN'S ROYAL PATENT COFFEE. DAKIN & COMPANY have much pleasure in announcing that they have appointed Mr. THOMAS BIRKETT. TEA DEALER, SOLE AGENT FOB BANGOB, for the sale of their ROYAL PATENT COFFEE. In announcing this appointment, it will be impor- tant to point out the excellence and advantagesofda- kin's RoyalPatent Coffee, and for the purpose ot doing so with brevity, the following copy of a certificate of Mr. Alfred S. TAYLOR, and Mr. ARTHUR AUtIN, the great authorities on Chemistry, Medical Juris- prudence and the Sanatory question may suffice We hereby cert'fy that we have chemically ex- amined four varieties of Coffee, namely, best Mocha, Jamafca, very Fine and good plantation (Ceylon) Coffee, both in the raw state, and as prepared and roasted by the Patent Process of Messrs. DAKIN. 'We have likewise chemically examined samples of the same varieties ef Coffee, roasted at tnljlame time in the usual way, and the result of this examination is. that in delicacy of flavour, odour, and as an article of diet, the Coffee prepared by Messrs. DARIN'S process i8, in atir judgment, superior to that prepared in the tnary way. or We have also examined the apparatus used by Messrs. DAKIN for roasting Coffee, and we find that all the surfaces with which the Coffee comes in con- tact during this process are of SILVER. We find also that great caieis taken so to regulate the degree of heat and the mode of its application as to render necessary a longer time and lower temperature to effect the roasting, whereby all risk of charring the berry or producing empyreumatic oil is prevented, the separation of acid vapour is more gradual and complete, and a larger portion of aroma is remained than occurs in the usual methods of Coffee roasting. "The process of Messrs. DARIN appears to us, therefore, in a chemical view, better adapted than any yet suggested for procuring roasted Coffee in a pure and wholesome form. "ARTHUR AIKIN, "ALFRED S, TAYLOR, F.R.S. "Lecturers on Chemistry in Guy's Hospital. "Chemical Laboratory, "Guy's Hospital, Aug. 9th, 1848. PRICE CURRENT OF "DARIN'S ROYAL PATENT COPFEE." Roasted in silver cylinders. The following sorts are supplied in sealed bottles, containing two pounds each, and no charge is made for the bottles. Two pounds of good sound CoCee, in a s. d. sealed bottle 2 6 Two pounds of strong and fine flavour- ed Coffee, in a sealed bottle 3 0 Two pounds of very choice and excel- lent Coffee, in a sealed bottle II 6 Two pounds of the finest old mountain Coffee, mellow in ripeness and rich- ness of flavour, in a sealed bottle 4 0 The prospectus, fully detailing the process and the particulars of the invention, may be had, or will be frwarded gratis, on application to Mr. THOMAS BIRKETT, TEA DEALER, Sole Agent for Bangor, far the Sale of D A K I N I S ROYAL PATENT COFFEE. CHESTER AND HOLYHEAD BAILWAY, TIME TABLE, on and after 1st JULY, 1849 FROM HOLYHEAD TO LLANFAIR. 1 35 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. 9 I) a.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st, & 2d Class. Fares, 1st Class, 4s. 6d.; 2d Class, 3s. 6d.; 3d Class, Is. 9d. 2 0 p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Class. 6 20 p.m" Mail, Ist & 2d Class. Fares, 1st Class, 5s.; 2d Class, 4S. SUNDAY. 1 35 p.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d, & Parl. Carriages. 6 20 a.m., Mail Train, lst& 2d. Class. FROM LLANFAIR TO HOLYHEAD. 6 15 a.m., Mail Train, Ist & 2d Class. 3 0 p.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st &2d Class, 5 10 p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Class. 12 45 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. SUXDA Y. 6 15 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. 12 45 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d., & Pari. Cariiages. DEPARTURE FROM BANGOR TO CHESTER. H. M. 2 45 a.m.. Mail Train, 1st Sc 2d Cla.»s. 6 0 a.m., Pari, Train, 3d, 1st and 2d Class. 9 15 a.m., Ordinary Train, 1st &2d Class. 11 0 a.m., Ordinary Train, 1st &'2d Class. 320 p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Class. 6 0 p.m., Ordinary Train, 1st, 2d, & 3d Class. 730 p.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. SUNDAY TRAINS. 2 45 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class, 7 0 a.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st & 2d Class. 6 (l p.m., Ordinary Train, 1st 2d & 3d Class. 7 30 p.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. DEPARTURE FROM CHESTER TO BANGOR. H. M. 3 45 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. 8 0 a.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st & 2d Class. 10 35 a.m., Ordinary Train, 1st & 2d Class. 1 45 p.m., 1st & 2d Class. 255 p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Class, 6 15 p.m., Ordinary Train. 1st, 2d, & 3d Class. 10 25 p.m., Mail Train, 1st h 2d Class. SUNDAY TRAINS. 3 45 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. 8 0 a.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st & 2d Class. 4 30 p.m., Ordinary Train, 1st, 2d & 3d Class. 10 25 p.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. FARES FROM BANGOR TO CHESTER. Parliamenary Train, 3d Class, 49. lld. Ordinary Trains, tat Clas., 12s. 6d. 2d Class, 98. 9d. 3d Cltfse, 7s. 3d. MailS Express Trains, IstClass, \oa.) 2d Class,lis. The Company's Steam Packets run in connection with the Express Train from Holyhead at 2 p.m., arriving in London at 10 30 p,m. and with the Express Train from London at 9 a.m., arriving at Kingstown about 10 30 p.m. Fares by Packet, ht Class I is., 2nd class 8s. The Admiralty Steam Packets run in connection with the Mail Trains.. Omnibuses are provided by the Company for the conveyance of Passengers between H?ooR and LLANFAIR, and from the Station at HOLYHEAD to  and Carriage, witt not be c.nTeyed tK Note,-Horses and Carriages will not be conveyed byth? Mail and Express Trains. First and Second (La Carriagcs will be attached to the Parliamentary The MAIL TMN. in Anglesey will, on Sundays, havLe Xmentary Carriages attached-v.? the 1 35 Ta.m. (up) and the )2 49 p.m. (down) Trains. REURN TicKETs will be issued at all the Stations ??TtCKET? wiU be i?ued at ? the Stattom dUy at a Se atd a half, by any Train except the Ezpreu alld Mail. *'S:&S' (First Class) available for any Station between Chester and Bangor, are i. ssued at L5 each, per month ¡ but are not transferase, or available at any s..tM 'P' that named on the Station. ?ihon under 10 years of age are charged Half Chtd?n under Th," Years  free, 100lbs veight of :uggae allowed to Fir!it Class, P?rice !? S»j ci.i.r.s i«»- -»n|>; "■ ri» Parsers; any excess to be charged-for dances undegr 40 miles, .d. per lb.; and above 40 under 1" mueb?, .tU. ""?e ?'.?- will only hold themselves re.pon. sible for Luggage when it is '? and paid J? ;,? value; and th,y atrongty recom- mend M "?? their ?,n? and D??;ti- ssaitcbbc? ?oe rd.?'M??? lUsnnctly marked thereon and to satisfy tj?Lt it is deposited on the CS —For "distances un d er 40 miles, an d no. P ARCELS.-}'or tlistances under 40 miles, and not exceeding 201bl., llld,-above 20lbs" rl. per lb, Abo,? 40 miles, I 2,1.. and 'tel, per lb. ANB "abon. "re^t intended to apply :"?? ??? ??????? heyond the ill vicini. tips f the se,,r?ll :tation8, nor t o those Pareel?% 1 ,.h coaches, for ?hich 6pecM) I SOLD OW AUCTION, BY MR. WM. DEW, At the CASTLE HOTEL, in BANGOR, on Friday, the 13th day of JULY, 1449, between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock in the afternoon, (unless prev'ously dis- posed of by private contract) in such Lots, and subject to such conditions as may be determined on and produced at the time of Sale, SIX FREEHOLD DWELLING HotrSES, with I G ARD ENS attached, situate in KYFFIN BQUABE, in the Town and Parish of BANOOB, producing a Rental of £ 30 ..yen,. ?t further particulars, and to treat by private contract, apply to Messrs. HUGHES and ROBERTS, Solicitors, Bangor. NORTH WALES. DEIVRI cTiTs hire. rREEXOLD PROPERTY, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR, THQMAS JPAVIES, At the Knw's HEAD INN, in the Town of LLANRWOT, on TUESDAY, the 14th of AUGUST, 1849. The Plaa yn Blaenau Estate, COMPREHENDING about 300 Acres of Excel. c lent Arable, Pasture and Meadow Land, within a ring fence, sittialo in the parish of pangernyw, within 5 miles of the Markt Town of Llanrwst, and 10 miles of the Abergele Station, on the Chester and Holyhead Railway, arranged into the following or such other Lots as shall be agreed upon on the! day of Sale, and subject to conditions to be then pro- duced, unless disposed of in the meantime by rivate Contract. LOT I.-The PLAS YN BLAENAV MANSION HOUSE, House, Farm and Lands, Mr, John Wil- jams, occupier, in the Paiish of Llangerniew, containing 123A. 3II. 1 Op., more or less, LOT 2 (including 2 & 3 in Particulars and Maps). —BRYN BRYN-SION, Farm and Lands, Mr, John Morris, occupier, in the Parish of Llangerniew, con- taining 9A. IIR. 13P. more or leu. LOT 4.—BRYN FYNON, Farm and Lands, Mr. John Roberts, occupier, in the Parish of Llangerniew, /.ANM>INI>I<> IAI 0» I4I> tnnrp nr leftft. ,VU"U"'b 4U, .U., LOT 5,-KASERTH, Farm tlnd Lands, Mr. Hugh Williams, occupier, in the Parish of Llangerniew, icontaining 28A. 21t. 33p., more or less. LOT 6.-TY HIR, Farm and Lands, Mrs. Margaret Davies, widow, occupier, in the Parish of Hangern- iew, containing 13A. On. 21p" more or less. LOT 7.—PEN Y BRYN, Farm and Lands, Mr. David Jones and another, occupiers, in the Parish of Llangerniew, containing 42A. OR. 38p. more or less. LOT S.-SINGRUCir, Farm and Lands, Mr. Robert Hughes and another, occupiers, in the Parish of Llangerniew, containing 30A. OR. 25P. more or less. LOT 9.-DDOL FELEN MEADOW, Mr. John Williams, occupier, in the parish of Llangerniew, containing 7A. OR. 27p., more or less. LOT 10.-CAEAU NEWYDD NANERTH, Ur, Hugh Williams, occupier, in the Parish of Llan- gerniew, containing IOA. 211. 1 lp.. more or less. LOT I I.-The IDuillet ot' Land called LLAWES, Mr, Robert Williams, occupier, in the Parish of Llangerniew, containing OA. 3R. 2p., more or less, LOT 12.-It H 0 S L A N, Farm and Lands, Mr. Robert Jones, occupier, in the Parish of Llangerniew, containing 10A. On. Hp., more or less. LOT 13.-NANT YR IIENFAES, Farm and Lands, Mr. Edward Roberts, occupier, in the Parish of Gwylherin, containing 22A. 2R. 6P., more or jess. The Farm Honses and Agricultural Buildings are chiefly modern, and all in good slate of repair. There are valuable and thriving Plantations upon the Estate, with several streams of Water running through it. It adjoins Lands belonging to the Right Hon. Lord Newborough, Samuel Sanbach, Esq., and The Miss Lloyds. The above Estate for its size presents a most eli- gible opportunity both for occupation and Invest- ment. To the Sportsman, such that can seldom BA met with. The Estates of the adjoining owners being strictly preserved, and a locality in every respect well adapted for the preservation of Game. Particulars with Lithographed Plans may be had at the best Inns, in the vicinity. Also, on applica- tion to the Auctioneer, and Mr. WILLIAM GRIFFITH, Solicitor, Pen-issa'r-dre. Llanrwst, of whom any further particulars irtay be obtained. MI. JOHN WILLIAMS, of Plas-yn-blaenau, will direct a proper person to shew the Estate. LLANDUDNO AND GREAT 0RKESEEAD. MR. LLOYD DESIRES respectfully to inform the Nobility, 1 j_? Gentry, and others, that he has been honored with instructions to Sell by Public Auction, On Tuesday and Wednesday, Ac OUST 7th and 8th, 1849, at the CASTLE HOTEL, CONWAY, SITES of VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND' IN 214 LOTS, at Llandudno, on the Estate of Gloddaeth, belonging to the Hon. E. M. L. Mostyn, M.P., suitable tor Mansions, Family Dwellings, Villas, and other re- sidences. The VALE OF LLANDUDNO is pleasantly situated in a beautiful and romantic part of North Wales, at the foot of the Great Ormes- head. Its shores are skirted by LLANDUDNO AND CONWAY BAYS, and being sheltered from the cold northerly and wes- terly winds, the atmosphere is at all times of the year genial and delightful, and it may well be called the Italy of Wales. Those stupendous triumphs of science, the CONWAY SUSPENSION & TUBULAR BRIDGES, are in the immediate neighbourhood, and within an hour and a hairs sail stand those still more magni- ficent Works, THE MENAI SUSPENSION and the BRITANNIA TUBULAR BRIDGES, The rich, wild, and majestic mountain scenery, the extensive views of land and water, the varied pros- pects, the far-famed ruins and antiquities, the num. berless pleasant excursions, the residences of the an- cient Princes, and the salubrity and fertility of the district, are sure to draw together the lovers of na- ture, whether in the pursuit of health, recreation, or retirement. Already are demands made for accom- modation which cannot be provided, and, ere long, it will become the most popular summer resort in Wales. As a FASHIONABLE WATERING PLACE, t affords facilities and attractions superior to any which the Principality can boast, Ihe Hals are peculiarly and favouraoly situated, so that in either delightful SEA BATHING can be enjoyed, without the slightest risk, however roueh the water may be outside, as it possesseii the advantage over all others of a sufficiency ol water at ebb tides, and that of the most pellucid character. The thickly wooded GROUNDS of GLODDAETH & BODYSGALLEN are in the immediate vicinity, and the noble Mansions form picturesque objects on the rising ground. The Sportsman, either in OR FISHING, will find ample amusement. The present proprietor has, at conai del able expense, thoroughly drained and carefully laid out the land, which it is now pro posed io sell. A splendid MAHINE CRESCENT, with A Lawn in front, forty feet in width. will skirt the whole of the xtern Bay, the other l.to?. with GARDL ? the front and rear. running in right an- gles towards the western Bay. A aeaea of BUILDING have been nB? ?d on, for thc purpose of preserving the comfort of those w ?o settle ? the district, and en- sunng ,r p „!P « ventUalion, sewe.a^e, drainage, and .unng P?P? ,,J elevation, au that none .hall suffer hereafter by the caplÎce or cupidity of others. ?HRFUL A?D S«1FI STEAM-VESSELS land and embark. Pa.sellgers Daily in Summer, and r tour T'IT1«rS itxrs;r br' ?,,?e ..about, to be erected F0A R ,L ^EATER CO,1VLFN,ENEE of the Public. Uan- poot. a? ? three hours' sail f?.m Liverpool.  & BOI.YIlEAD RAILWAY, -jv'tt  may be haLl wilh ?';?  L?'"P- "? ? P"?'P'" •srs sxss'3*" l'lalls (,t the buildin Site-, ? )[ap of the Neigh- bourhood, the Iteg,.I;,tio,,s, ith l?ll 1,.r- ticulars 01 this i.terl!"Ii.?g :d,,y be h?,d ""P to Meflil' W\l.LIAIS ""d l\I'L&oIJ, ,i. ,'ltors, 8, Pal'el-bu'¡dill". London lessrs.I'ul1l'S, :\orwlch, IlI1d 8, Ur"y'.Inn-'I'I" Lor,don; Mr. JOliN W!LLtAtll,ll"daiul\,  N?'ILLIIll [, a" d l-,?tatt! and1,?nd 28, SI. t I'nu"'pal HotelF, ;?. ??.' ,r!? '?''?"' ."cUunver, J K r.)?. XORTM WAMS8, PERMANENT BOAKD k IIESIDENCF. GENTLEMAN and '-?? of '?'? Ability, in'. W"thil t.n n.nuL al? ,? the?. and ??.i" '? wal I,f Ibe parih <hltch, \herl' t!¡ erv!le IS partly performed in En);'?h. vi?h tp  pGkErtNly 'I'LE?IIA,N and hi" ?1??' or LAPI'?' as Bo;irdeis. H Their Cottage residence ?nctt ? A G?den. W'.t? a 41,e § £ A ?iew. and the nc?bbnurhood is mucnJN, adiuited for iu diversified as well as its romantic scenery. There are two TOST daily, 844 Conclies pass near the For a reference APPLY to Ih" E,lit()r of Ihill Paper.. N.B.—Uood Fishing and Shooting. IN THE VILLAGE OF FFESTINIOO, NORTH WALKS. ifft BE LlEIr, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION* I Good tubs?ntiat HO?JSE? in the picture?? A Village f Fe.?ti.ipg, ?,,nsiti.g .1 2 Pfirl4?ur.' ? rawing-room, 4 best Bedrooms, 2 Servants Be rooms, Kitchen, Cellar, Sculleiy, and Out Offices, together with a Kitchen Garden. A quactity of land may also TU had if required. The Village command a view of the eelebrateq, Vale of Festiniog, with Harlech and Criccieth Cas, tles in the distance. The weekly market is well and cheaply suppli(,i with butchers' meat, poultry, and faun produce and the Jiivets and Lakes in the neighhourhood at- ford ample sport for the loter of anglipg, being will stocked with Siilmon and Trout. English Seivne i performed every k-juiidity at the ESTABLISHED Church, in Mueniwrog, two miles and a half distant, anq there is a daily post to London and all parts of the kingdom, Apply to Mr. RoumT LLOYD, Bank. Festiniog. DEE BANK HOUSE, CHESTER. Establishment for the Education of Young Ladies, CONDUCTED BY JIIr, FRANK'S and her Sister Miss COTTERELL. NO expense is at any time spared to render the Ndomestic arrangements of this E.tab\ihment commodtnttaandheatthy.ondthe'-eare?cha? combined with the beauty and salubrity of the situ- ation, cannot fail to meet the approbation of Parents who attach importance to such considerations. The systeni pursued by Mrs. PRANKS and her Sister in the fulfilment oi their respimsible duties, continues to give satislaetion to the Patents and Ffiends of the Young Ladies educated by them, and they have the privilege of naming as relerees — The Very Reverend the DEAN of Bangor; Rev, F. Parry, Incumbent of St. Clement's, Liverpool; ltcv. J. Gaman, Incumbent of St. Paul's, Chester; Rev, J. Dale, Albrighton, Shropshire W. Wardell, Esq. Banker, Chester; Dr. Hardy, Nelson-street, Oxiord Road, Manchester; G. Morley, Esq., Surgeon, Leeds, YORKSHIRE; T. Morris, Esq., Solicitor, War- wick Major Campbell, Howard Place, Edinburgh; Sic., Sc., 8,:c. TERMS :—Board and Instruction, in English, French, Music, and Singing, 50 Guineas tJo annum 40 Guineas tJo annum, if paid in advance, HALF- yearly, A Protestant Parisian Governess resides in the Establishment. The Musical department conducted by Mr. FRANKS, Professor and Composer. Studies will be resumed on July 31st, 1849. Cheater, June 18th, 1849.