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DIRECT STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN ijenal Bridge. Bangor, Beaumaris, and Liverpool. ftinr CITY OF DUBL1 COMPANY respect- l fully give NOTICE that the PRIWCE OF WALES, (G. DANI, Commander.) (if ¡(IO tons burthen, and 200 horse power, built expressly for the Station. ŒA1: BRIDGE,-MONDAYS, WED- ?? ?\YS. and FMHAYS. at 10 ,lock He ?,? From Prince's rier Hend. LlYM?" ??PAYS. THURSDAYS. & SATURDAY-b.1 a, a Morning- The Sew and Powerful from Steamer, FAIRI, run r-u'-arly between CAKNAHVON and ^'YVXIAKIS in conjunction with the I Prince of Wales.' further particulars m?y be had on apphcation to -?' rw T"?y' Mr. Robt. r""?''??' r lVmsor Mr. T. Byrne, Post-master, Beau- "?" :Ilr. J. Jones, .Ship-aent. Carnarvon or to Wj K. Hounthwalte. at the Company 8 Office, '1 Water Street, Liverpool. -'????S??'??t Apri). t84?_ « t- L PKUUV & Co. '? to inform theirj?tien'a } Lire** i)i coMuUiwg iheni, that in cowsrquenco M4 I""1 th". ti,?d it iiyillric ?ic"b I to «dh«re Mhich rcently gave of not vtutin, to t'lf i?,it that "patients may not on future «M™ni „ ?'"??t?"??,h,? t ?"? :,icli is toVrtliv. l'EKUY's RESIDENCE TOl ;t.h:)\');Jf' ?? ? rEKRY'S RE81DESCE WILL UIVE?IRRIVAL. UUistrat/ ea i leillt 26 Anatomical Coloured Engravings ?MMf. U'\ l'IlYSICAL CATION" GE- ?'?!i.?.??'??'? "S?iL?T ?UEXD." •< r.ge" Price 2.. 6(l. ¡ nr !t'r to l'n:l\tr IH,cn'cy, &IH\ punc,ua\H' iu the i* 'r \"w in St'ut direct from tU« Es'ablUh.ne.it, free to ,l:¡\ ,art of the klu«U0.n, in a scaled \:uveluv, on the a^ f ^T% etrr.TlKa«..l NVorV, -itten in T;1:'L.I>¿D 1'r.iII:I"ie;in t¿ ??,),s at)'Mtins the senornuve 'yMemu) ..hjrh tift' ùirec\\y snd indirectly concerned in 'he (unction ? '?-?'i.< ,c,?? ? ?'?' '"? oonstjtution Local and iieneral debility, ne \o s (aucs <\nJ. conM:'Q.Utmce'd. resulÜn from the ban.rul pl'actwe, wlJ:th lhc \Ü:otlr and nlunlÏnej:l lif" ar ellu\"1t.'d nd d. "IJt.rallùJl, lUiustratcd by cl.lound ('n1.:rèi,"ins.,) and \11e IroHd, t'<TI bt'turt m,ture h. fuB)" e!itabUshed the l'owersluJ  Keut!ral lilbil'ty nerious kin,| intense melancholy auii .nut ic.irful am kln\J, intense IUU\önchoJ)' and ?'?ss.un of the (p"■»■ d r ,lal or complete extinction of !lle 1''prodl1cttvo P\lwtrS, &;c. artt thu produced, In the Sl- •Ue '?.'?'.??c???' to the 1!01?,id ti.( tt?.?, 14 M^1r1 'e,i ;'lal.its contains also an account of the means i mL he nrvvt'iUtd and removed, so a* to restore tt.e io t!!« e.>e»t Of hculth and the functions of man- t. r1 rm>-iMiu*en? c;« result in; from venereal contamination arc ? o!.? vlH, and the nature and chtrac er of gODorrhœaJ '■ et lm,K '» secondary symptoms of cvuykiDd are e!x «,iai iniee l, with d.rictioos (or eure. Their daiig(!ro? tiicient!y dilated "D, and a Ii"u ie'tt?ll 'by uhich the recurrence of tbesu :IU) H\ wr}' intaHcC be completely prevented. The "V 1:¡1111tl'S \¡th a chaver on the ouilationS of marriage, r iediiueiits which tend to disqualify the caudi- Siti f.'r \?' holy ??' ?? ? di,ectioiis ae es?ary for "'??'?? n?tr?d by the detail of ?ise?, a d by 26 co- i „,r. 1 «n Tavin2$on rteel, 'hu' uudcrini? it In't i'? IJlIrlorts il to bel the true but l"i1t!nt frilH1 of in.in the consequeuces ot car1)" error ai \ict:-a work \dlich niily l»e amsulttd without exposure, iiOU "ilh e*er> tM»5issuurraauuctee e,-tit 15 y R. L. P E 1Ut Y. CONSULTING SUKGEOXS. tl)' the Authorl!Ô, ami sohl b)" Strunl', 21, Pajpr- v iUutiav anU Co., O:, Oxfor«!-»treet; SUIIC'N, 150, j Gordon, U6, LeaUt-nhulUtreet; &t«r.e. 31 I' ..t\t. t-hL)-marl\t't, LHIHIOlli Xewtou, It), tillt! HI, i. ..„ '/n.r.?'tv???'??'?'? ?:t?   ,r, d, Uh,bO\ R. L11I4.1st\Y, 11, Ellluj-row, Edint)tirli;  Dbli 8ud by ,Il book- ';I.I:O '.11. pa\nl meOICUlU ,udnrs ill town and coulIlr)o fu„c.ion9 i, ■ aa:.ltolU) l,h)'sinh)IlY of the !l{e'uuutiVl' f.tio?, It .Z V; rruccint account of all the organs In lI1an which '1,-ea in the important fUDCtlous of the reproduct on ol .fL and the mode ju which sell-almse operates to the II! 1', n, Hit- human frame, and the dt'l<i.trctio' of the spec .il ;<1 ¡;al l;¿WCt!i. '1'his JS iUutrut\!il 'Y m* CU1UUH:1.A U- ,.tal powers. of the juHr.hifi and decay of the t'lil- -t the 11,Ji"-Ilil? f Uleuce •«- their aieonipanyins tram of symptoms otHl <ll""r^rS,T tre.itetl by the chJin of connecting «««»*» tn \h\& caue. T1H H'ctiuH is iUutrutt'll by three coloured en5ruviiii.», whidJ lullv -ilis.Jav the etiects fphy?ic ti decay.  the di. HAKT t!t third coutahu an accurate description of the dis- p caused by infection, and by t!,? ?b-?ll of -?llu'Y Pli- U\\r) and sccuu'hu) symptoms, eruptions of tk. sore hro«t%,llu.n„.atJ, ti,e eye, disease of the W. Konor- l'u:a, ilk-el fctricture. c.. atv shown 10 d?p?.d on lbi- can»e. triv IPV (Uf iho trC.1t1uclJt uf all these diseases and their coose* i iviice-i ii h'mh'fNl h this section, *hich, I f (tuly followed up, caiiw I fail in t'ttt>clin a cure. The ^rt 1, illustrated by )¡>Wit1lt'u coloured eUllra,'ius. y?T?'hJ Fourth.—Contains a 1)r?eription for the Pft%t?ll ?.utMt,.Me ly a ,im)???e<'t"y ''?"?'?" "? iiitpotion is ob,iated. Its aclion is simple but sure. It !ict "h Uie i, h?.i?.Y, "nd li?- its power on the '?'t ?"? '?"?).?'?t .( the Work h?, ?d not -??p, t if.i d er's notice. fA? ?? !i'[? )'r.t9 of M?ri.se, its ob'ixat.ons and di?- 1;:fia:f¡IJU which )<wt M h?pmt-6 m ¡ ivirriaee t.t? ar d-,Ig von, and those "I"?l"p' indic"ti%e it,i>ery and domestic inquietude. Tiie nature oflgm, and I.tatweut of ph)sjcaJ dis^Malifieations ur a!so described, ai.d r,:iM;its for this state furm an important consideration in IJi,Ht'(C¡un of the w!lrk. t'?'<')'U)?'t'?H?'" of SYRIACUM )') etpres?y emplo)ed Itmnl. Ihe impaired 1r? of life, when e.l?.t?d by ti* ,'illue.ice exerted b) ?.lit-,y indu sem e on the system. Its ait:.in is p'?y ?Lm'ic; its fuwe. in ?''?"? the hm.' 111 all c,.št>tI of ?,r ?d debt-, 'y,b.ti.t? i;U".tt,»iMm>tencv, barrenness^ and debilities arising from ve. r¡(lre1 excesses has been demonstrated by its unvaryine suc. tbHU thousands of cases. To thoe persons who are prevented «hterin^ the married state by the consequences of early rrou (ussr¡ ITTIUSS RELAXBD, weak or decayed, TRRUL1NG OF TH8 MAX IK, HKAD-ACHK, FA1NT1NUS, Nmt IBMALR TOW-> 'uiMs, are under its iiiuuediate influence, and when tiie by-s- t, i< I a< received a »hock, ani is debilitated from imprudence N 11 ■ II T..HI in the early part of life, or ft sinking under I" riuvain-f ears, or by lOll'! residence in hot or cohl climates, 1!h"l'iIlC will atfbrd irnmeJhite assurance of returning l.y jfivliijj tone to the muscular system und organs A! Local and General Debility, Nervous Irritability anJ Kiciteincot, Consumption, 1111.hgestion of the IOOst iwrful tntd e.hau8till kmd- Intense Melancholy Depression i tfsv duiritf, Partial or Complete Extinction ot the Hepro- -ctive Powers, and Nun-retention ot Urine, are permanently lurid by the CORDIAL BALM OF SYlU\CCN. und patients ies- 'I"! 10 the full enjoy'ment of health and fulle lon, ut?nuh..d. I'r IU per boue, or four quantities in one for :i:is, .L"<u?'t'.?T;?.\t'Ki) DETEISIV ESSLNCL. nnti'y- > lir rome-lv, lor purifying: the system from venereal con- n¡¡rnlloll, and js recommcndeu for any of the varied furm8 vcoudarv symptoms, Buth a'erupt\Ouon the ikiu, blotches JH TIIE head and lace, enlargement 0" the throat, tOIlilst anfl \1\11; threatened destruction of the nose, palate, Ate,, .vijnv, Scorbutic Humours, Old Wounds, Ulcers, Sore Legs, Wreul l>vM and Sores, G'anduhn SwdUnl, Eris'pe' ?,.r?'. 'Kh?-'? Eil, 'ri'D?'. Diseases of '?? Skin, itati.uus Erupiions, on uny part of the body, and all I\n- ;iari!ies of the Blood. Price lis. and iWs. per bottle. l ie cases of Syriucum or Concentrated Vetemie be had at 19, herners-street, VIfOld 1" London uhereby there is a saving of it. Ws., "I the patient is entitled to receive advice without a !'1, ichiih advantage is applicable only to those who I ,"lit £ j. for a packet. Perry's Purifying Specific Pills; Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. per Box. Tl,ese Pillo, each box of which is accompanied with explis.it 'tenons art well know" throughout Europe to be the mOlc rt,,¡U tiii'j efli'Ctual remedy e\ cr dbconrt,¡J of gonurrhœJ I\)lh m i1 mHd and aggravated forms. They hUlllediatl) 1,1, the in6ammation by their specific influence on the uru- hUiI,8U¡) arrest the future progress of the disease. strictures, irritations, and chronic inflammations of bladder, pains of the loin, and kidneys, gravel, and other of the urinary passages, in either rex, are speedily nil} permaneDlly cured, without couftnement or the least .V IT* all cases of consultation by letter, the usual fee Oue Pound must be forwarded, either by fast OJfice ur otherwise. Clients are requested to he as minute nS possible in 1he de- l|' wf their case" noting especially the duration of the com- a *Mhe mode of Its commencing, it s\ mptomlj, and pro- rt'h, be, habits 01 living, and occupation, and In societv. Medicines can be forwarded to any part It¡ world flu difficulty can occur, they will be securely •'ic*fd, carefully protected from observation. l: medicines are preparedonly by Messrs. R. aud L il"'Y & 9, Bet-itei,?-?ti,eet, ?/<?-«rM(, ?-i by ii lUedi?; 1'e,,d,,? •V/j, Ct'Nftfry Medicine Velldal's CIIII be slIpplied by "f U. ttnd L. Perry ami Co,. Surgeons, may be con- as usual at 19, Hefners-ftreet,(hford-sneet. London, 6, h ;,i (I,, k', le 1) ?.mH"??. itt ttie P't-eitipig. ati(i (pu I I tO I. ^jiii by J hum'i^ A. Roberts, (Chemist, Conway Mr. ,"?.?Gr,t)i)),,(;hi.m!?&. Untwist. Bangor: Robert Iligli-stret4t, Carn?irvo Wm. I:d. ??'.Ch,.m)?.t)M)b'ith;H'.C. Buhes, CbemlSt. '^e««d JoImi Beale, Chemist, High-street, Wru- K. W »rd, Chemist, High-street, Brecon Ph,hp ,)c" Ollic., hridgend: 11. ebb?r, Guardiun ,'?'?Jni.?'?ter)h<)mns, Chemist, (opposite Menhyr J. N\ White, ChemM, GuiUlball .?'rm,,??.,)_ \)).?ms. (;hen.ist, High :?'. O. Dalies, Chemist, Haverford- V Jos. I'otter, HeruUl Ottice. Haverfordwest K. '?"'?et.t.s.Chen)tst. Pt'luliloø: 'J ))omaa EV811, nwi» I!i»b*treet, ^wanseai John Moore, (hem" U('*XTv*U .\«w Town; Ibonias Stephens, Chemist, .?'?'?'.?<.F?))rty?!; terr!s??o?.DfUS- '• 1O(¡'bt\:{. Bn\ul; JO'Jn y,"aHou. Chrofudø ?' ?"))U'y;Km?"b))kot'?'-M-)i''r iW".V.*eet* )'*nw,"ster Draper, blOlt. BronU L'?''j'?''?J.i\???. ?on'Uthce.?ootnuut?, V.Vj m L!b Comniercial'Street, XewpoM; I'hil-  ''t'" "'?' "?'??. ??'?? 0(' II o( wL-jm '?-?h.??.t?. TO ROAD SURVEYORS. WANTED.  SURVEYOR, to undertake the superintend- A anpp of the FLIT, 1101,YWELI nnd MOS TYX TURPIKE DlTlUCTS. in the County of Flint. None n"d apply but those who are compe-I tent to the formation ar.d manAgement of Hnnds upon the principle of ',I,Ad- can produce the most unexceptionable testimonials as to charac- ter and ability, and will devote their whole time exclusively to the duties of the nppointn1ent, The appoinlinent will be made at the HOVAL AND WHITE HOUSE IIOTKL, IIOI.YWELL, on Wednesday the 27th day of J C I; next; but any further in- formation can in the meantime be obtained on ap- plication to the undersigned. EDWARD JONES, Clerk to the Trustees. Pendre, Holywell, May 26th, 1849. C R OSSK ]I L LIS PATENT HOLLER, FOR roBing Whats in the Spring, upon light and heavy lands. It far excels Sheep-treading, and every other means for gi,'ing oIidity to loose soii, being more equal, rapid and effectual in operation. The serrated points finger in the fine top soil, and Becurely press the roots fast into the ground which experience proves, causes the young plants to grow stronger; thereby increasing the quantity and im- proving the qualitv of Wheat, Oats, Barley, &c. It kills the Slug, stops the Wireworm, and is unequal- led as a Clod Crusher. Draining makes the land warmer, which, with the now prevailing use of Ar- tificial Manures, tend to increase all the small tribe of vermin, so injurious to Corn Roots and Plants; hence arises the necessity of Rolling. The prac- tice of Rolling, by an overwhelming evidence, is proved to be most effectual in stopping the ravages of vast tribes of Wireworms, Slugs, &c. THE PATENT SERRATED ROLLER, after many full and free competitions with every other kind of Roller, at the principal Agricultural Ieet- ings throughout the Kingdom, was awarded the special Honorary Gold Medal, the highest mark of distinction, by the Royal Agricultural Society of England, as THE toST BENEFICIAL IMPLEMENT USED IN AOIIICULTUBE." Cash Prices, with Travelling Wheels complete, delivered in Hull:—5ft. Gin. (21 cwt.) £ 18. Oft (26 ewt.) 9 19 10s. 6ft. 6in. (28 cwt.) £ 21. Delivered in Newcastle, Stockton, or York, 10s, extra. Ditto London, Southampton, or Bristol, 211s. extra. Ditto Northampton, Birmingham, or Liverpool, 30s. extra. CROSSKILL'S PATENT WHEELS and AXLES-Manufactured by steam machinery. The workmanship, materials, and low price of Crosskill's Patent Wheels prove that machinery is destined to supplant hand labour, and perfect this art of manu- facture. Price, per set, to carry 30 cwt., £6 10s. CROSSKILL'S PRIZE MODEL" ONE 11011SE CARIS. Light, but very strong, and useful Carts, with Harvest Shelvings complete; to ruii easy with heavy loads; adapted for general Farm and Road Work. To carry 30 cwt., price 112 129. Ditto, with Shelvings, &c., as a Model" Cart, £ 14. Also, CROSSKILI.'S IMPROVED PRIZE rOKTAULE MANURE BROADCAST DRILLS, LIQUID MANURE CARTS, &c. For further particulars, apply per pos\ enclosing six Penny Stamps, to cover postage, and New Illus- trated Catalogues will be sent. ?fMMM.-fr.V. (.'?O?.'AfLL, ?ott Works, Be verley. CROSSKILL'S IMPROVED, SIMPLE, POWERFUL, & CHEAP THRASHING MACHINES, Which had the First PRIZE awarded, out of TEN that were TRIED at the YOKKSHIRti AGRICULTURAL MEETING. FOUR-UORSE POWIlt ONLY FORTY-FIVE POUNDS; Warranted to Thrash as much Corn as any Ia- chine in England with IMPROVED SHAKERS, TRAVELLING WIlEELS, FEEDING TABLE, BLOCKS, HOPES, &e., Complete. Goods forwarded at Low Rates, per Steamer, Trailer, Railway, Canal, or Carrier, frolll Hull to all parts of the Kingdom. Mr. Crosskill's Commercial Traveller will attend Bangor and Beaumaris Markets on Friday the 8th, and Saturday the 9th of JUNE, to exhibit Models and receive Orders. Iron Works, Beverley, Yorkshire, May 28th, 1819. Protected by Royal Letters Patent. Dr. LOCOCH's FEMALE WAFERS. Have no Taste of Medicine, And are the only remedy recommended to be taken by Ladies. They fortify the constitution at all periods of life, and in all Xervous Affections act like a Charm. They remove Heaviness, Fatigue on Slight Exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits, Weakness, and allay pain. They create Appetite, and remove Indigestion, Heartburn, Wind, Ilead-aches, Giddiness, &c. In Hysterical Diseases, a proper perseverance in the use of this Medicine will be found to effect a Cure after all other means have failed. Full Directions are given with every box. NOTE.—These Wafers do not contain any Mineral and my be taken either dissolved in water, or whole. BEWARE OE IMITATIONS. The very gc; celebrity which Dr. LOCOCK'S WAFERS have attained, has induced unprincipled persons to prepare Imitations in the form of PILLS, &c., Which from their worthless nature, disappoint the just expectations of the purchaser, and injure the character of the GenuilJe Medicine. It is therefore necessary to observe that no Medicine is Gennuine but "WAFERS," And that outside every Genuine Box is the GOVERNMENT STAMP, IN WIiICH ARE THE WORDS, DR. LOl'OCK'lN WAFERS IN WHITE LETTERS ON A RED GROUND. OBSERVE.—There are various Counterfeit Medi- cines, having the words on the Stamp, so NEARLY ¡n:8E:IIIILlSU THESE, as to mislead the unwary. Purchases must therefore stiictly observe the above Caution. Prepared only by the Proprietor's Agents, DA SILVA A Co., 1, Btide Lane, fleet Street, London. Price Is. lt.d., 2s. Ud., and Ils., per box. The 2s. 9d. Boxes contain nearly three of the small size, and the lis. Boxes five of those of 2s. gd. The Pice in India, is 1 tupce, 2 rupees, and 8 rupees per box Aaents, Messrs. Scott, Thompson andCo.,Ca)cnttf:Mes!.rs.I!?rieandCo..???s. and Mcssrs, Sprague and Co" Bombay. And Soldj by one or more Agents in every Town in the King- dom, and on the Continents of Europe andAmerica. Perfect freedom from Cough in Ten Minutes after use, and a rapid cure of Asthma and Consumption, and all disorders of the Is 111. A LU « LIWGS, is III S III eel by Dr. Locoeli's Pulmonic Wafers. rpHE truly wonderfal powcrs of this remedy have ) cnncdf.)nh Teslimonials from all ranks of HO' ciety, in alt quarters of the world. Among others the following have been received ANOTHER SURPRISING CURE OF ASTHMA. From JJr. 11" lloicen, Cartlett, Ilaierforduest, Sir,—Having been afflicted for many years with violent cough and asthma, nnd having tned H O medicines in vain, I was recommended to try Dr. Locoek's Walers, I sent to you for a Box, and to my great astonishment, I found relief the very, first ni?ht. and ha,e continue to ?-t better everMnce Their dreCls are .c?iy?.,ndc.fnt. My??t c's now good, w'?.rcM for.e,ly I ?..Id lce'P any lyod on u.y ?md..Ih?my?t..?'Ke recommended them to several persons, who have all received the greatest relief from them. (SigneJ) IN'M. BOWEN. RAPID CURE OF ASTHMA OF FOURTEEN YEARS STANDING. From Mr. J. E, Jjj!Jllell, Holyhead-road, IVednesb!lry, and addressed to ilr. Ladbury, there, September ) 6, 1848. Sir, When I had the first box of Dr. Locock's Wafers from you, I was labouring under one of those attacks of asthma to which I have been subject now for nbout fourteen days. I have had the best medi- cal advice the neighbourhood could aflord, including two physicians at Birmingham, and one at Wolver- hampton, but with no success. My breathing was so verv difficult that I expected every inspiration to be my last; as for sleep, that was impossible, and had been so for several weeks.—The first dose (only two small wafers) gave me great relief-the second more so-in short the first box laid the groundwork for the cure, which only four boxes have effected, and I am now quite well. I remain, sir, your most obliged, J.E.BI?NELL. ANOTHER CURE OF ASTHMATIC COUGH OF LONG STANDING. Ddaled City Jload, Haverfordwest, Feb. 6111, 1R48. Sir, I am happy to inform you that I have ex- perienced the greatest benefit from taking only two bùxs of Dr. Locock's Pulmonic Wafers, which you were kind enouh to re?mmend me. Previously to my taking them I could scarcely walk without the greatest difficulty of breathing and my cough would then increase to such a degree that I was nearly suffocated. I had not for many months slept for more than half an hour at a time, but I am now able to sleep all night without cough- ing. I can truly recommend them to those who are similarly afflicted as a most invaluable remedy, and you are at perfect liberty to make my case public if you think proper. I am, &c. JOHN JONES, Cabinet Maker. IMPORTANT ro ALL WHO SING. From Mr. Edward Page, Director of the Choir and Organist of St. Peter's Catholic Church, Leaming- ton, June, 21st, 1848. Gentlemen,-Having frequently suffered much from relaxation of the throat, I have often been obliged to resort to various preparations but since I have had the good fortune to try Dr. Locock's Pulmonic Wafers, I am now but seldom obliged to resort to them, for the extraordinary good effects they have produced are most surprising. Even when the throat appears to be completely exhausted and the voice to be nearly gone, two or three (at most four) will, in the short space of half an hour or so, completely restore its flexibility and power, and they do not act as a mere temporary exciting remedy, nor do they leave any lassitude after. Having felt the great value of the remedy, I feel it a duty to generally recommend it, as I am convinced that all persons will find immense benefit from the general and persevering use of it, and I shall be happy to answer any inquiries. EDWD, PAGE. The particulars of many hundred cures may be had from every Agent throughout the kingdom and on the Continent. °" TO SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS They are invaluable, as in two hours they remove all hoarseness, and increase the power and flexibility of the Voice. They have a most pleasant taste. Price Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and lis., per box; or sen by post for Is. 3d., 3. or lis, (id., by DA SILVA and Co., 1, Bride-lane, Fleet-street, London. Sold by all Medicine Vendors. TRY ERE YOU DESPAIR. "i '( ,I.' Jb (, M ■X =» ^1 i Jpy»»j > T i ;u: I "'1;0 'i"t;:lJj HOILLOIVAI S PILLS. CURE OF ASTHMA. Extract of a Letter from Mr, Benjamin Mac7de, a respectable Quaker, dated Creenagh, near LoughaU Ireland, dated September 1 Ith, 1848. To Professor HOLLOWAY. RESPECTED FRIEND,—Thy excellent Pills have ef- ectllally cured me of an Asthma, which afflicted me for three years to such an extent that I was obliged to walk my room at night for air, afraid of being suffocated, if I went to bed by cough and phlegm. Besides taking the Pills, I rubbed plenty of thy Ointment into my chest night and morning. (Signed) BENJAMIN MACKIE. CURK OF TYPHUs FEVER WHEN SUPPOS- ED TO BE AT THE POINT OF DEATH. A respectable female in the neighbourhood of Loughall, was attacked with Typhus Fever, and lay for five days without having tasted any des-cription of food. She was given over by the Surgeon, and preparations were made for her demise. Mr. Ben- jamin Mackie, the Quaker, whose case is referred to above, heard of the circumstance, and knowing the immense benefit that he himself had derived from Holloway's Pills, recommended an immediate trial, and cight were given to her, and the same number was continued nigbt and morning for three days, and in a very short time she was completely cured, -N.B.-From advice just received, it appears that Colonel Dear, who his with his Regiment in India, the 21st Fusilcers, cured himseli of a very bad attack of Fever by these celebrated Pills. There is Indoubt that any Fever, however malignant, may be cured by taking, night and morning, copious doses of this fine medicine. The patient should be induced to drink plentifully of warm linseed tea or barley water. CUKE OF DROPSY IN THE CHEST. Extract of a Letter from J. S. Mundy, Esq. dated Kennington, near Oxford, December 2nd 18-18. To Professor HOLLOWAY. Siit,-My Shepherd for some time was afflicted with water on the chest, when I heard of it, I im- mediately advised him to try your Pills, which he did, and was perfectly cured, and is now as well as ever he was in his life. As I myself received so astonishing a cure last year from your Pills and Ointment, it has ever since been my most earnest endeavour to make known their excellent qualities. (Signed) J. S. MUNDY. THE EARL OF ALDBOROUGH CURED OF A LIVER AND STOMACH COMPLAIN I, Extract of a Letter from His Lordsliip, dated Villa Messina, Leghorn, 21s £ February^ 1845. To Professor HOLLOWAY. Sm,- Yarious circumstances prevented the possi- bility of my thanking you before this time for your politeness in sending me your l'ills as you did. I now take this opportunity or sending you an order for the amount, and, at the same time, to add that your Pills have effected a cure of a disorder in my Liver and Stomach, which all the most eminent of the Faculty at home, and all over the Continent, had not been z, *bl,! to effect; nay, not even the waters of Carlsbad and Marienbad I wish to have another Box and a l'ot of the Ointment, in case any of my family should ever require either. Your most obliged and obedient servant, (Signed) ALDBOROUGII. CUlŒ OF A U¡';BILITED CuNSTITU I ION, Mr. Mate, a storekeeper, of Gnndagai, New South Wales had been for some time in II most delicate state of health, his constitution was so debilitated that his death was shortly looked upon by himself alH) friends as certain; but as a forlorn hope, he was induced to iry Holloway's Pills, which had an immediate and surprising effect upon his system, and the result was to restore him in a few weeks to perfect health and strength, to the surprise of all who knew him. lIe considered his case so extra. ordinary that he, in gratitude, sent it for publica- tion, tothe^ydney Morning Herald, in which paper it appeared on the 2nd January, 1848, A few doses of the PiKs will quickly rally the energies of fotli bodvandniind.when other medicines have failed. These celebrated Fills are iconderfulbj eiliac- cicius in the fallowing complaints. a,tiji, f ovt'i* of all Scrofula, or King's ki, t? ililioii!- complaints Vits t Sure 1 limits e) lllMBlics on the Gout 5,0,u' f Gravcl skin lIt;'¡lI-a(}e Secomlar)' S)IlIP" l\owd complaints liulisotion toms colÎ<: lIlU,UHII1" I K-llouloKreux. Coii^uiiiitiimot' the Hon 'lumours Jut u els Jaundice Vlceis Consumption ™ Venereal ASH- j1111* tlt"hl I),lit) Lumbago of ul„l jMS l lu-umatiiin eaWm-ss, from ¥i. ;¡;¡! Sold at the Establishment of Prolessor HOLLO- W\Y 244, Strand, (near '1'('.r'1'lc.bal,) London, and by most all respectable Druggist, and Dealers Me- dicines throughout the civilized world, at the fol- )9W? pr'ces° -'s.iid.,?. lid" 6d., lis., 226., and :)s. each Box. There b u tou:-ideiable saving by t,,kkill?. the larger h- Ko. 1, st. Paul's Chureliyaid, LONDON. DAKIN'S 110YAL PATENT COFFEE. DAKIN & COMPANY have much pleasure in announcing that they have appointed Mr. THOMAS BIRKETT, TEA 13VALVIi, SOLE AGENT FOR BANGOR, for the sale of their ROYAL PATEXT COFFEE. In announcing this appointment, it will be impor- tant to point out therxcellenceand iidvantagesol Da. kin's Royal Patent Coffee, and for the purpose ofdoing so with brevity, the followin copy of a certificate of A)r. TAYLOR, 11?d Mr. ARTHUR AtMS, the great authorities on Chemistry, 3ituu.ni.juris- prudence, and the Sanatory question may suffice :— We hereby cert'fy that we have chemically ex- amined four varieties of Coffee, namely, best Mocha, Jamaica, very Fine and good plantation (Ceylon) Coffee, both in the raw state, and as prepared and rousted by the Patent Process of Messrs. DAKIN. We have likewise chemically examined samples of the same varieties of Coffee, roasted at the same time in the usual way, and the result of this examination is, that in delicacy of flavour, odour, and as an article qf diet, the Coffee prepared by Messrs. DAKIS'S process is, in orer jitclyntent, setpoy-ior to that prepared in the ordinary way. M We have also examined the apparatus used by Messrs. DAKIN for roasting Coffee, and we find that all the surfaces with which the Coffee comes in con- tact during this process are of SILVER. We find also that great care is taken so to regulate the degree of heat and the mode of its application as to render necessary a longer time and lower temperature to effect the roasting, whereby all risk of charring the berry or producing empyreumatic oil is prevented, the separation of acid vapour is more gradual and complete, and a larger portion of aroma is remained than occurs in the usual methods of Coffee roasting. "The process of Messrs. DAKIN appears to us, therefore, in a chemical view, better adapted than any yet suggested for procuring roasted Coffee in a pure and wholesome form. "ARTHUR AIKIN, "ALFREP S. TAYLOR, F.R.S. "Lecturers on Chemistry in Guy's Hospital. II Chemical Laboratory, "Guy's Hospital, Aug. 9th, 1848. rRICS CURRENT OF DAKLN's ROYAL PATENT COFFEE." Roasted in silver cylinders. The following sorts are supplied in sealed bottles, containing two pounds each, and no charge ia made for the bottles. Two pounds of good sound Coffee, in a s. d. sealed bottle 2 6 Two pounds of strong and fine flavour- ed Coffee, in a sealed bottle.. 3 0 Two pounds of very choice and eieet- lent Coffee, in a sealed bottle.. 3 6 Two pounds of the finest old mountain Coffee, mellow in ripeness and rich- ness of flavour, in a sealed bottle 4 0 The prospectus, fully detailing the process and the particulars of the invention, may be had, or will be forwarded gratis, on application to Mr. THOMAS BIRKETT, TEA DEALER, Sole Agent for Bangor, for the Sale of DilHIVS ROYAL PATENT COFFEE. CHESTER AND HOLYHEAD RAILWAY. TIME TABLE, and after Hi of MAY, 1849.' FROM HOLYHEAD TO LLANFAIR. 9 0 a.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st, & 2d Class. Fares, 1st Class, 4s. 6d. 2d Class, 3s. 6d.; 3d Class, Is. 9d. 2 0 p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Class. 6 20 p.m., Mail, 1st & 2d Clues. Fares, 1st Class, 5s.; 2d Class, 4s. On Sunday—Mail l'rain, 6 20 p.m.. 1st & 2d, and Parliamentary carriages attached. FROM LLANFAIR TO HOLYHEAD. 6 15 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. 3 0 p.m., Pari, Train, 3d, 1st &2d Class. 5 10 p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Class. On Sunday-Mail Train, 6 20 a.m., 1st & 2d, and Parliamentary carriages attached. DEPARTURE FROM BANGOR TO CHESTER. n. 6 0 a.m., Parl. Train, 3d, 1st and 2d Class. 9 15 a.m., Ordinary Train, 1st & íd Class. 11 0 a,m" Ordinary Train, 1st & 2d Class. 3 20 p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Class. 60 p.m.; Ordinary Train, 1st, 2d, & 3d Class. 7 30 p, m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. SUNDAY TRAINS. 7 0 a.m., Ordinary Train, 1st, 2d, & 3d Class. 6 0 p.m., Do. Do. 7 30 p.m., Mail Train, 1st and 2d Class. DEPARTURE FROM CHESTER TO BANGOR. H. M. 3 45 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. 8 0 a.m., Pari. Train, 3d, 1st & 2d Class. 10 35 a.m., Ordinary Train, 1st & 2d Class. 1 45 p.m., 1st & 2d Class. 2 55 p.m., Express Train, 1st & 2d Class. 6 15 p.m., Ordinary Train, 1st, 2d, & 3d Class. SUNDAY TRAINS. 3 45 a.m., Mail Train, 1st & 2d Class. 8 0 a.m., Ordinary Train, 1st, 2d, & 3d Class. 6 15 p.m., Do. Do. FARES FROM BANGOR TO CHESTER. ParKamenary Train, 3d Class, 4s. lid. Ordinary Trains, 1st Class, 12s. 6d.; 2d Class, 9s. 9d.; 3d Class, 7s. 3d. Mail & Express Trains, IstClass, los.; 2d Class,lis. The Company's Steam Packets run in connection with the Express Train from Holyhead at 2 p.m., arriving in London at 10 311 p.m.; and with the Express Train from London lit 9 a. m., arriving at Kingstown about 10 30 p.m. Fares by Packet, 1st Class lis., 2nd class 8s. The Admiralty Steam Packets run in connection with the Mail Trains. Omnibuses are provided by the Company for the conveyance of Passengers between lUsooit and LLANFAIR, and from the Station at HOLYHEAD to the Steam Boats. Kote.—Horses and Carriages will not be conveyed by the Mail and Express Trains. First and Second Class Carriages will be attached to the Parliamentary Trains. The MAIL TUAINS in Anglesey will, on Sundays, have Parliamentary Carriages attached. RETUUJJ TICKETS will be issued at all the Stations on Saturdays, and are available on Sunday or Mon- day, at a fare nd it half, by any Train except the Express and Mail. Season Tickets (First Cass) available for any Station between Chester and Bangor, are issued at t.5 each, per but are not transferable, or available at any Station except that named on the Station. Children under 10 years of age are charged Half Price; Children under Three Years of age,pass frte. 1 <101 bs weight of luggage all; wed to First Class, SOIbs to Second Class, and 56ibs weight to Third Class Passengers; any excess to be charged—for distances under 41) miles, jd. per lb. and above 40 .1 per lb. and a  c)ve 40 miles, Jd. per lb. The Company will only hold Inemsolves respon- sible for Luggage when it is booked and paid for, according to iis value; and they strongly recom- mend to Passengers to have their Nanus and Desti- nation in all cased distinctly maiked thereon • and to satisfy themselves that it lij deposited on the Company's Carriages. PAHCHLS.—For distances under 40 miles, nud not exceeding N.B.-The above Mte? are not intended to a J. to Parcels consigned beyond the immediate .?n)y ties of the seTeratStaHons. nor to those Panels proceeding by branch coaches, for which slr»tcli il rates may have been tixed. Speod Waiting Rooms are provided at the Stations IWeniai BrWse. ?t?  ?.?.-M?.?  ?=?'??'?° The Powerful and Fast Sailing Steamer, OA MB It I A CAPTAIN J. HUNTER, I EAVES LIVERPOOL on MONDAYS, WED- j NESDAYS, and FRIDAYS at 11 Morning. And the MENAI HHIDGE on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at 10 Morn- ing. PRICE & CASE, Liverpool, 14th March, 1849. PARTIES ABOUT TO FURNISH, FAMILIES AND BUYERS OF CABINET FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, LOOKING GLASSES, BEDDING, &c„ Are invited to the House Furnishing Establishment and North of England Bedding House, 13, Bold Street, Liverpool, where URQUIIA KT and ADAMSON submit the selection from their large stock of WARRANT- ED HOUSE FURNITURE, manufactured by themselves, in well-seasoned choice materials, supe- rior workmanship, and in new and elegant designs, and the Goods being marked in plain figures, and bearing U. and A's brand,-show at once to cash buveis the ADVANTAGE, SECURITY, and SATISFACTION they derive by purchasing from this Stock, manu- factured expressly for a customer trade, by URQUHART and ADAMSON, CABINET MAXEKS, UPHOLSTERERS and BEDDING MANUFACTURERS, 13, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. Country Orders receive particular attention and carp, and no charge for packing. U. and A.'s New Price List of PUIUIIED BEDDING and BRITISH PLATE LOOKING GLASSrs is now ready, and may be had on application at this Office. THE CALIFORNIAN GOLD REGIONS MINING ASSOCIATION. Provisionally Registered under 7 8 Victoria. Capital 1100,000 in Shares of £1 each. Deposit Is. per Share, for the option of hereafter taking up the £ 1 Shares. '■pHE official intelligence of the unlimited quantity JL of Gold and other rich Minerals in California, being daily confirmed by undoubted authorities, this Association has determined on applying for a Grant of Lauds from the American Government, and at once sending out a powerful and well-organised staff of Engineers and Miners, with Implements and Apparatus complete, to commence operations in the Gold Regions immediately on their arrival in Cali- fornia, and other influential parties will proceed to the United States, to obtain a protective privilege from the American Government, for the Works which the parties in California may have com- menced. It is calculated that a Deposit of Is. per share will cover the expenses of the Expedition, and on the arrival of a lteport from the Chief Engineer, Sub- scribers will be called upon to exercise their option of taking up their 91 shares, wliieh it ;s expected wfil thlii be worth at least LIOO each. Share-Certificates will be granted on application at the Offices, or to those who send their names and addresses in full to the Secretary, with the Deposit of Is. per Share on the number of Shares for which the option of hereafter taking up is desired. Certificates villi not be granted for less than five shares. No liability will be incurred by Subscribers, nor it any Deed now required to be signed. Imme- diato application is desirable, that the Expedition may leave England without delay. LVIG WILLIAMS, Secretary. Offices, No. 1, Copthall Chambers, Throgmorton-st., London. VALUABLE FAMILY MEDICINE. HUN T'S APERIENT FAMILY PILLS 5  MOST excellent Medicine for Bilious C.m. A pl,i??t.?, Di,.?r(Icrs of the Liver, Stomach, and Bowels, Habitual Costiveness, Indigestion, Heart- burn, Pains and Giddiness of the Head, Influenza, Worms, Spasms, Nervous and Dropsical Complaints. For upwards of FORTY-FIVE YEARS have these Pills obtained the unqualified approbation of the public in general, among whom may be in- cluded families of distinction and medical men, Their composiiion is so truly excellent, and their beneficial effects have been so widely experienced, that the Proprietors feel the greatest confidence in recommending them as one of the MILDEST and MOST EFFICIENT APERIENT FAMILY ME- DICINES ever offered to the public. These Pills require no confinement nor alteration of diet, and are adapted to every variety of age and constitution. They seldom operitte until eight or ten hours after taken, and then gently. They restore the tone of the stomach, strengthen the digestive organs, cleanse the bowels of ull impurities, and promote the due secretion of the liver and of the kidneys, and by invigorating the system generally, become an inva- luable restorative of health to both sexes. OFFICERS of the AltlJY and NAVY, will find these Pills an invaluable appendage to their medi- cine chests, as they retain their medicinal virtues in all climates. LADIES even of the most delicate constitutions will find these Pills particularly beneficial, both be- fore and after their confinement; nor can they be too highly recommended for the general use of SCIIOO LS. They are also an excellent preparatory in the use of medicinal waters, sea-bathing, &o. Prepared and Sold by Messrs. HUNT (the original Proprietors), 6o, Great Pulteney-street, Bath; and sold wholesale and retail by Messrs. Barclay & Son, 95, Farringdon-street; Butler, 4, Cheapside; Sut. ton, 10, Bow Church-yard Edwards, 67, St. Paul's Newberry, 45, St. Ilaul's Sangar, 150, Oxford- street, London; Ellis, Chemist & Druggist, Bangor and by all respectable medicine vendors throughout the United Kingdom. Be careful to see that the names and address of the Proprietors are engraved on the medicine stamp around each box, as such only are genuiue. Price Is. I id. per box. TOOTli-Ullf: PERMANENT. L Y (UREO, Prise One Shilling per Packet. BHANDE'S ENAMEL for FILLING DECAYING B WA TD '& rendering them SOUND and PAINLESS, has, trom its unquestionable exce?ence, obtamed Breatpopuhntyathome and abroad. Its curative agency is based upon a TRUE THEORY of the cause of Toothe-ache, and hence its great success. By most other remedies it is sought to kill the nerve, and and so stop the pain. Ilut to destroy the nerve is itself a very painful operation, and often leads to very sad consequences, for the tooth then becomes a dead substance in a living jaw, and produces the same amount of inflammation and pain as would re- sult from any other foreign body embedded in a liv- ing organ. BHANDE'S ENAMEL docs not dettroy but by RESTORING THE SHELL OF THE TOOTH, completely protects the nerve from cold heat, or chemical or other agency by which nntn is caused. By following the directions IN- ST ANT EASE is obtained, and a LASTING CURE allows. Full instructions accompany every packet. TFSTTMONIAL from a MEMBER of the SOCIETY cf FRIENDS. Bloomlield Retreat, Dublin, 12th. mo., 11 th, 1848. P?ESPEC;PD FRIEND, HESFK? duty ?? ? myse1f and the Mnfrins;. allow me to bear this unsolicited testimony to the m?fuh.es. of the advertisement of the astonishing m ??r.-nde's Enamel. I have tried with entire success, e.?. md comfort.-and Can fully ?. commend it tu the ;I ice.[' the public. y f, i (1, JOHN MOSS, T. J. Willis. Superintendent. I ondon = Man.fac'?d .n)y by JOUNWILUS. •U Vast Temple Chambers, Whitelnars, Heet M.. ,!1 from 4, Hell's Buildings, Salisbury Square. I ,I' d 4, W ? by il the large Mediae Houses. 8uld by Mr W. A. Co.sc?. 1'? O'nec. Monmouth. Mrs. S. Evans, Abergavenny. Air C. I'l?iiiip?, ?. i'ukc-?reet. Cardiff. M?ts Tardrew & Smith, Carmarthen. ?? ) ).?).ere he anY dimrnhy in obtaining it, enclose th?tep.nn bS t.m? ? In 'Jon" WH.HS. (as abo?) and 0l;NtIN1! ?.r,ci.r. i.EK ..KTU.? y°U OF Vro>T r. '? .1 authentic Testimonials, with full direction fnr nse, accompany c1ch packet, which eontatns enough « Jvu.mimmneel i ii> i» lill sr veral Teeth. Ob- ?:' that the name ol John \.i»w is «» I ACi:\r.s \vA.x:n:v. TO Dr, LET, AND V.STEUliD urof IMMEDIATELY, TIIE MANSION HOUSE OF FRYARS, near BEAUMARIS, Ready Furnished. Apply to THOMAS WILMAMS, Esq., Bryn, Beau- maris. MK SO?B, T" II I GJ ø. D SEVERAL v')u:)h? Lots of FREEHOLD >, LAND for BUILDING, 3itu?te in the centre of the City of Bangor. Apply to Me'rs. HUGHES & RommTS. Solicitors. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, ALL that new and substantially built Messuace or A. Dwelling-house. Yard, Garden, an,1 Offices, known as the QUEEN'S WINE AND SPIRIT VAULTS, situate at Pendref, in the City of Bangor, now in the holding or oCCllpatiOl: of Ir, Turner and Mr. David Williams, ThelH) extensive Premises which are situate in the thoroughfare to, and in the immediate vicinity of, the Hailway Station, aie well adapted for and in full business, and Me let to u tc- nant of the first respectability at a rent of £60 per annum. To treat apply to Messrs. POOLE, POWELL, and POOLE, Solicitors, Carnarvon. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, No. 1. ERW FAIR TERRACE, Garth Road, Bangor. THE above desirable RESIDENCE, consists of Upper arid Lnwet Kitchens; Front and Back Parlours Drawing Room Best and Back Bed- rooms and Two excellent Upper Bed Rooms. Attached is a good Garden, Yard, and Out-offices, and a never-failing supply of pure Spring-Water there is also a small Flower Gdrden in front. The elevated and salubrious situation of this most delightful and comfortable Residence, its proximity to the City, the Bathing Heach, and the Landing place of the Liverpool and other Steamers, which ply daily, combined with its retired character, can- not fail to render it pleasant and most desirable to such as may feel disposed to take up their abode in this most flourishing and picturesque neighbour- hood. ar For particulars, apply to Messrs. W. and J. BROWN. Chronicle Office, Bangor. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. HUGH ROBERTS, At the BULL'S HEAn, in LLANGEFNI, in the County of Anglesey, on Thursday, the 21st day of JUNE, 1849, at the hour of Two ("clock in the afternoun, unless in the meantime disposed of by private con. tract, of which due notice will be given, subject to conditions to be then and there produced, and in the following or such other Lots as shall be de- clared at the time of sale. -II Acreage more or LOTS. TENEMENTS. TENANTS. PARISH. I lest. [A. P. 1 Bodgyngid J.Williams.. 1 ?; 2t, 12 2 Tyddyn yr Eirach Owen Davies ? j 26 2 8 3 Cae Engan Owen Davies "3 ) 7 0 0 4 CaeBrynmawr \V. Prichard i' 5 1 37 5 Tyddyn Llawas.. W. Piichard £ I 5 1 H 6 Tyddy, yrlithi? W.. J2 ) ) 3 3 0 7 Rhosbach Robert Jones !j ,¡ 13 0 4 8 Cefnpoeth Bach. Dd. Roberts Dnn- iddyi,i? 14 0 0 9. Llanrhyddlad Chapel (subject to a Lease thereof for a term of which about 90 years are unexpired, at the rent of £ I 2s. per annum. 10. Llangefni Mill and Premises, and the several Dwelling-houses held therewith. That portion of the above property, which is si- tuate in the Parish of Llanrhyddlad is distant about 10 miles from Holyhead, and 7 from Amlwch, and commands splendid views of Ilolyhtad and Cemlyn Bays. The buildings are in cxcellent order. CEFNPOETH BACH is situate a short distance from and about midway between the town of Llan- gefni and Bedwharf, and is surrounded by the es- tates of The Right Honourable Lord Vivian, Alto. Lewis, nnd T. P. Williams, Esq., M.P. LLANGEFNI MILL and premises and the se- veral Dwelling-houses, producing a Net Income of Lill) a year or thereabouts (beyond the reserved rent) is held on lease, under the most Noble the Marquis of Anglesey and Sir lL B. W. Bulkeley, Bart., M.P., for the life of a gentleman of the age of 70 years or thereabouts, at the rent of £21 per annum. The Mill has four pair of Stones, and has just been p-it into thorough repair. The purchaser may have immediate possession. For further particulars or to treat, apply to Messrs. POOLE, POWELL, and POOLE, 801icilH¡OÕ. Carnarvon. CHESHIRE. MOMENTOUS SALE OF VERY VALUABLE AND HIGHLY IMPROVABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES, In Great Xeston, Parkyate, Leighton, Thornton llowjh, and Ilin .erton, on (he Banks of the River Dee, in- cluding numernns excellent Houses, Hotels, &c. divided into 2S4 convenient Lots. MESSRS. CHUKTON have the honour to an- i? ) nounce that they have been instructed by the Honourable Proprietor, to SELL BY AUCTION, on MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, TIIUUSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATUIIDAY, the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7r h, 8th, and 9th of days of JUNE, 1819, each day punctually at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, in a spacious room specially erected, adjoining the Mostyn Arms Hotel in Parkgate, in upwards of 280 distinct Lots, as de- scribed in the printed particulars of sale, or in such other as the vendor or his agents may determine upon, the whole of the most impoitant and VALUABLE ESTATES. consisting of PARKGATE, LKIGHTOX. NES. TON, and THORNTON IIOU.H, in all upwards of 1500 STATUTE AcitEs of very fine rich LAND, let to an old respectable tenantry at low rental., i??ludii,? ?"" THE WHOLK TOWN OF PARKGAIE, and the greater portion of GREAT NESTON. with many eligible plots of accommodation LANDS, and divers sites for the erection of Villas on the banks of the River Dee, commanding most exter-sive views of the Estuary, Flint Castle, and the romantic Welsh Mountain Scenery, together with the SEVERAL MANORS & MANORIAL RIGIIlS, AND TITHE RENT CHARGES, issuing out of or arising from the said Estates, and which have been commuted at nearly £501) PER ANNUM. The whole will be divided into 84 CONVENIENT LOTS, to suit lare and small capitalists the agricultural portion into farms varying from 100 statute acres down to 20 and the accommodation lands in lots from 2 to 10 acres each. The situation of Parkgate "nd the anjoining Land- can scarcely he equalled in the kingdom the air is •nost salubrious and healthy, and it is one of tha principal summer resorts in this part of England. A Railway is now in course of formation to unite the whole of those Estates with Liverpool, Chester, Man- chester, &c., by joining the Chester and Birkenhead nail way at Spital Station. The estates are inter- sected with several turnpike roads, to which most of the Lots have considerable frontage; amongst them may be named the Neston and \ood.ide,- Chester and Hinderton,-Chester and Gaytuo,- Parkate,- Thornton Hough,—via Clatterbridge to the Rock Ferry, &c. &e. Most of the EB12OH0NS are of a substantial character, and amongst the fcAKM BUILDINGS will be found many extremely well-arranged and commodious. The lots have been so divided a8 to offer to even the smallest capitalist an opportunity of investment; while to those of more extended THE THOUXTOX nOMfJ ESTATE, in a perfectly Ring I'1" iurr,)und?d by Koads. in a perfectl};,gLi1I!u}c21,y ltoads, IIINDERTON, and other FARMS, are well worthy their THE MOSTYN ARMS 110ILL is deserving of marked observation, being replete with every accom- modation and convenience besides this (to especially) the SHIP INN, and tne PENGtt E N ARMS FERRY IIOUSE, in Parkgate, the LION INN, Neston, and other are each so well established as to be a source of great profit. A Piece of LAND has been allotted in the centre of Parkgate by the spirited Proprietor, its a site for the erection of a Church, A FLOATING KERRY, upon a new p.r.ci.pl.e. is also liltdy soon to be placed upon the Dee, to convey Pusscnuers at any state of the Tlue to join the Holyhead Railway at Bagillt. COAL is to be had in this locality at a very low rate. UHICK CLAY, excellent Building SrOSE and SAND are to be found oil the Estate-, thus ren- dering them inoct desirable to the speculator, the inhabitants of large towns in ti.e ne gl.bourhood, ir the letired tradesman. of Xe?,n. wiU show .he Mr. Ch.?l,?s Baxter, f Nst).?ll show the L' Lithogrrrphic 1'lans with {ull pmicu'ars mw I:e liad f,.m ti?,?. Aue-r h,?i, O!ti, %Vi,i,- chiureh, Liverpool or Chester; tro,)) Mr; Ms?n. pas-coch, St. A?i,pl? at the OlEcc. of Messrs. W??and M-eod.?).tor.ap.r?ti?- ,.?. Temple, t.ou?it.or Me* Cuddon, >.(M- Ii., Norwich.