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Miscellaneous. I


Miscellaneous. The cost of obtaining the Burnley Improve- ment Act was £ 2,250,, viz., parliamentary agent, £ 1000; expenses of witnesses, See., 9700. and attorney's bill, £51)0. Is not this too bad ? The quantity of potatoes being put in the ground this spring will more than double the quantity set this time last year .Limerick Chron. The duke of Brunswick has obtained a ver- dict for 1720 against two officers of the sheriff of Middlesex, for having committed a trespass in breaking into his house when executing a writ of fieri facias. The late Joseph Taylor, Esq. of Leeds, has left E2000 to various charities, all free of legacy duty. An American court has decided that mar- riage contracts entered into on a Sunday are ralid, on the ground that they came under the head of" works of necessity and charity." The ammonical liquor made at the Wakefield gas works was sold last Tuesday to a Wakefield manufacturing chemist for E125 per annum. During the year 1847 the British Government paid to Russia A;92,872 Is. 9d, being a year's in- terest on the Russo-Dutch loan. The use of tobacco has been totally abandoned throughout Lombardy and the Venetian terri- tories. In the former place the revenue from tobacco last year was about E260,000 sterling. Don Carlos and his son have, it is said, resolved to leave the Sardinian states, and to establish themselves at Modena.—Galignani, The Russian government has instructed its re- presentative in Switzerland to inform the Diet that it fully approves of the notes presented to that body by the governments of Prussia, Austria, and France.— Galignani. The Haro of Caen announces the failure of M. David, corn dealer, for a sum said to be 2,000,0(10 fr., the assets being from 300,100 to 350,000 fr. The Bank of France, it is said, holds bills to the amount of 600,000 fr. .CARMARTHEN.—SUMMAHY PUNISHMENT.—Last week, some of the soldiers at the barracks, being dissatisfied with the quality of the meat supplied by the butcher, seized the unfortunate fellow, and speedily coveyed him to the pump, and gave him the benefit 01 a cold bath. We read in the Courier Francois It is said that there has been a discussion in the council of ministers about presenting a law against ban- quets and political meetings. It is eeftain that the ministers are uneasy at their situation, and far from being so confident as they pretend to be. Mr. Duchdtel daily received letteis from his prefects announcing that new reform banquets are being got up in the departments, and detnand- ing instructions for their guidance." AWFUL OCCURRENCE.—At the county couit held at Carmarthen on the 26th ult., the cause of David Williams v. William Morgan was tried, and judgment given in favour of the plaintiff. The conflicting parties were neighbours, residing at Llanddowror, in that county, and were each of them examined as witnesses upon the trial. The officer of the court, oil proceeding to serve the judgment order upon the defendant on Thurs- day, found both plaintiff and defendant dead, and their relations and friends assembled to accom- pany them to their last resting place. LLANELLY.—During the heavy gale which blew on Wednesday last, the schooner Trois Amis, bound here from France, in ballast, Cllpt. Allain, was wri cked on the bar. It appears that the ves- sel drew 6 feet of water, but the captain, desirous of reaching port, determined to put in, although at the time there was only four feet of water on the bar the consequence was a total wreck. The captain refused a pilot, who offered himself. Had he accepted him, the vessel would doubtless have been steered to the docks in safety. No lives, we are glad to say, were lost. Another vessel, whose name is not known, foundered on Tuesday night, near Penbre. It is supposed all hands are drowed. Thftbodvof one of the men was taken up by some of the boatmen. Featfal M't undsfor Erysipelas cured by Hollo- way's Ointment alld l'ills.-lr. A. Coles, for fixk, years in the employ of Mr. Oliver, Coach-makuf, Twickenham, had been ill, off and on, fourteen years, and for the last seven was continually under the care of one surgei.11 or the other, be- sides being a patient for a considerable time at one of the Hospitals for settled Erysipelas, in both legs, which discharged quantities of water, and humours issuing from several large woullds. His pge being seventy-two it was expected that the complaint would kill him, anil yet this poor man has been perfectly cured in six weeks by Hollo- way's Ointment and Pills. THE Bisiioi, OF MANCHESTER.—The stipend of the Bishop of Ianchester is the subject of an Order in Council publishedin last Tuesday night's Gazette. It directs and authorises the Eech sias- tical Commissioners to pay £i.210 a year to the Bishop of Manchester out 01 the funds of the Commission and in the event of such funds be- ing insufficient, it directs, in aid of such funds, the payment by the Archbishop of Cante1 bury and the Bishop of London of £1,000 each per annum, and by the Bishop of Durham of a sum not exceeding £500 per anriuiii the money so contributed from the richer sees to go in aid of the fund of the Commission for the endowment of the new see of Manchester. ANOTHBR METHOD OF PRSSEHVINO EGOS is to place them in a vessel full of thick lime water, keeping the vessel free from heat or frost. A patent was granted in February, 1791, to HI r. Janye, of Sheffield, Yorkshire, for the following process of preserving eggs Put into a tub or vessel one bushel, Winchester measure, of quick- lime, 32 ounces of salt, 8 ounces of cream of tartar, and mix the same together with as milch water as will reduce the composition, or mixture, to that consistence that it will cause an egg put in it to swim with its top just above the liquid; then put and keep the eggs therein, which will preserve them sound for the space of two years at least. —J. Chat le's New Edition of the Cabinet nf Arts, Gw ACCIDENT. — On Tuesday last, as Mr. Beamont, the Mayor of Warrington, and a bro- thet attorney, were returning from their attend- ance at the County Court in Mr. Beamont's gig, they had proceeded but a short distance down Hilton-lane, when, driving too near a cart, the projecting iron footstep was bent by striking against the cart wheel this placed it in such a position that it grated on the wheel of the gig, making a singular noise, which frightened the horse so as to increase its speed. The faster the animal ran, the louder the noise become, and the animal getting unmanageable, by a sudden plunge, the gentlemen were thiown by the jerk out of the vehicle on to the horse's back, from whence they fell into the road. No further da- mage was sustained by the gentlemen, but what they suffered by a thorough roll in the mud.— The gig was conveyed back to Ituncorr¡, and the parties, having recovered themselves from their disagreeable plight, proceeded by boat to War- rington. JOSEPH ADY DEAD BEAT AT LAST.—On Wed- nesday the notorious Joseph Ady was summon- ed at Bow-street, to pay LIG. 16zi. 6d., for post- age, on unpaid returned letteis to his numerous correspondents throughout the globe. lIIr Ady did not appear, but ;l1r. Pelham, his solicitor, said his client admitted he w"s -it length di-ad beat by the perseverance of the Post-office au- thoritic. in enforein the stringent claeses of the act of Parliament against him, and he had come to the ùetcrmÜll1tion. (If nbilndolling such a course in future, it having involved him in serious embarrassment. He pleaded rneicv on the grounds that he was ually eighty years of age, and that the publicity given to the former proceedings against him had rendered his ope- rations entirely profitless. —Mr. Peacoi k. tor the Post-oflice, said that since the last i"o.:cc,lillg had been taken against the defendant, 110 fewer than 1983 unpaid letteis had been sent by the ùcfeudaJJt tJ¡ruugh the Post-office, in direet viola- tion of the law. The whole mailer had been laid before the Postmaster-General, and in case a conviction wa" ordered, he had n" objection tu atav further proccedrngs lor Q week. The de- fendant was then convicted in the amount claim- ed, with costs, with the undeistanding that a wiek would bo allowed for the p"ym¡¡I, or a disiiCBS II auant would be issued, BOILER EXPLOSION.—A frightful catastrophe occurred at Manchester on Friday last, the burst- ing of a boiler the premises of Mr. Thos. Hirey, spindle and fly-maker. It was attended with the loss of eight lives, young men and boys. Five others were coveyed to the Infirmary. KEEPING EGOS.—Take a box, or ca-k, or any vessel in proportion to the number you mean to save, cover the bottom with fine pulveiized salt, and set the eggs in it on the small enùs, cover them with salt, by another stratum, which cover again and so on to the top, and it will pre- serve them for years fresh and sound.—Maine Farmer, U.S. An American farmer, who found the demand lor goose-quills was considerably on the decline, turned his attention to some method by which he might make his geese as valuable as formerly. After much thought, he hit upon the followirg plan :-lIe fed them well with steel-filings, anJ after due time, on trying the effect by pulling out a feather from the wing, had all his expecta- tions realized, by discovering a beautiful steel pen at the end. Earl Fitzhardinge's fox-hounds have been out each day this week, except, of course, yesterday, and have had very fair 8port-Tuesday especially so. The meet on that day was at Puzedown, and the largest field of sportsmen that has been seen out this season kept their favourite appoint- ment. The Haselton covers were drawn, and a brace of foxes was killed. Next day the meet was at Coomb End, and on Thursday at Dowdeswell, at each of which places they had very fair sport, the scent lying well, and the Broadway country, and on Monday the pack returns to Berkeley for the remainder of the month, and the first half of March.—Cheltenham Looker-on. Among the wonder of this scientific age, by which the labour of man is to a great extent superseded by mechanical skill and ingenuity, is an instrument which has attracted considerable notice lately in this neighbourhood. It is termed a stone drilling machine, the object being to pierce the rock of quarry stone to enable powder to be introduced for blasting. A trial of one of these machines was made a few days ago by lr. Richard Cail, the eminent contractor, in a quarry near Gateshead. The machine being placed upon the works, was put in motion by four meu, and worked tor an hour and a half, when they had attained a depth uf eight feet of four-inch gauge. The hole was then charged with 191b. of powder, and the dischaige produced the removal of 6*100 cubic feet of rock.—Newcastle Journal. HIGHWAY ROBBERY VFAlt LLANELLI*.—As Ilr W. Hughes, the sub-collector of lhe poor-rates of this parish, was returning home between Furnace Gate and Penywern, from the western part of the parish, where he had been pretty successfully collecting a poor's-rate, about eight or nine o'clock on Wednesday night last, he was attacked and robbed by two men of about £00 or L70, with which the rascals decamped. It appears that it was raining at the time, and Mr. Hughes was sheltering himself under all umbrella, when a hand grasped him by the arm, and spun him round, whilst another person threw dirt and dust into his eyes, and then took from his pocket a bag, containing the sum we have mentioned in gold and silver. The dirt so effectually blinded him that he was unable to identify them. The Augsburjth Ga;elle of the 9th has the fol- lowing from Milan, 1st inst. A deputation of five members from the Cential Congregation of Venice arrived here yesterday, to pre.ent!\ peti- tion cxpiessing the wishes and the wants of the country. The petition is similar to that laid at the foot of the throne by the congregation of Lombardy. The Viceroy received the deputa- tion very kindly, and assured thiin that the Em- peror was always disposed to all reasonable wishes when brought under his notice by legal means. The number of arrests have becn much exagger- ated by the journals- they have only been from IS to 10. Papers weie found in their possession which compromised several individuals, not only in.J..mtburdy and Vienna, but in foreign coun- rtfies. Arrests hav, consequently, taken place in several towns in the L'):nuMùu, Ycneliun king- dom." WRECK OF THE PIKKNIX, AND Loss OF HER CREW. — We regiet to have to announce the total wreck of the brick Phcenix, Capt. Kerr, a fine vessel, not more than 10 or 17 months old, the property of Messrs. James Hunter and Co". of this town. She was bound from Bahia for the Clyde, with a cargo of sugar, and had put into the Cove of Cork for orders. She left Cove on the 3d instant, but had not proceeded far, when it came on to blow a tremendous gale from the SSW., acromponipd w th rain; and it is pre- .umed that the Ph.,?i. was running back for the harbour when she struck the roeks on the tlil liitt,otir m,h?n she struck the rot-k,4 on the posite the H¡¡ht-house. The ve,?sel has gonc entirely to pieces, and there is no trace of the crew, from which it is conjectured that they must al1 have perished. The exact numher of the crew is not yet kiiowii but they would likely be from 12 to 11 hands, and there is only one of them known to have belonged to Gree- nock. Capt. Kerr's wife died some time ago, and lie has left no family.—North British Mail. During the storm on Wednesday morning a schooner was observed drifting in the channel off Slld Point, having a flag of distress flying. The ebb of the tide brought her down within a dan- gerous proximity to the point of Birnberk, from whiehshedrifted intuSand hay. The b"t\ol1\ being soft, the force of the Irurrieallc cansed her to drag her anchor for some distance, and she lay so near in shore that it was believed she would have to remain there until the next spring tides. During the ebb of the tide two of the coast guards ap- proached her by wading through the mrd, and ascertained that she was the Mararct and Eliza- beth, of Youghal, Ireland, about 101) tons burden, laden wilh oats, butter, and pit-props for Cardiff. She had unshipped her rudder by striking on the Cardiff grounds they had then slipped her an- chor, and being unmanageable, she was drifted across the channel at the mercy of the wind and tide. The weather for the past few days having been moderate, they were able to re-ship the rud- der, and yesterday (Friday) mmning she was safely got off and proceeded to Card,lf.- IVeston- svper-tnare Gazette. DEATH OF HEAR ADMIRAL THE HON" J. U KING. We regret to state the death of this gallant officer which took place at his re8idence, Anler, Cran- brook, Kent, on Monday last, in his 6.L>rd year. Rear Adiniritl Kinq the navy in ,he Sans- pareil, 80, August 4lht Ij17, and served nearly six years and a half as vulullteer of the first class and midshipman in the Channel, West Indies, and North Sea, in the Sanspareil, ( arnnt ic, Bittern, Jama ica, Unicorn, Elhalioo, and 1¡IIolaur. lie passed for a lieutenant in November 180; was promoted in 1i.IH,1 and w", appointed to the Vanguard, 80, in which ship he served a year and a half in the West Indies. In 1806 he was appointed to the ..Eo\u., frigate, on the Irish station, nnd was promoted from her in Auu. ItHXi, and appointed 10 the !Melville, If), which sloop lie Colrtmandtd for tWI) years ill tbe W est Indies, and at the capture nf tbe Danish islands there, lie then removed to the Pclorus 13, and commanded Ihis bri for the months, d?,i,?g which time he was enaagerl at the capture of the island of Martinique. a.d ipp,?i..I,d, i.? 1809, to h, 1,,p, 41?, -(I in the West Indies for four mon.hs. A,?d his next and last ship, was the Jason, :;B' which frigate be commanded for the ye, is anil a half. In Tier h was employed at Wnlcheren, Newfoundland, in the in—.liore squadron, blockading the Scheldt, part of rhp ,¡me commanding the squadron. Me was dr- t.ch. d <t.tn?h.nce 10 take on board .)ai..r-?e?) Sir Herbert T.'))urand Co)onp)t-'?c).hdtoc..n- vey ¡)OOO stand of ,,n,.to 11.11?":d. 'H' took ?o d al Helvoel 'il-,r b), of Ad nnr.d SirW. Young. Subsequently he was canton 'nhwM?at Holiness tbe Duke of (;t??.;c..m pscurting Luuis XVIII. to France; »lso in convey .ni;his){oy.d H?hn??.h<- P,i.,?, of W?.s ?u? haven in attending the I'lince Keuent off Brighton • ?nd w.? otherwise ftnn)u)(din?.eCh?nn(.[ and on ??Cork ti?tion. ??' 1111 ()f the late and g..?d uncle of the present Earl of Kingston — ,I,: ,i,d, i-? 181.5, 'h, 11 1,,I, ?'' Hcv.):u?b) Cleavct, Archl/isUop ol i uulju.