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1\ rfi <>K JOHN .H>Nl>, )


1\ rfi <>K JOHN .H>Nl>, M. p, fin l1!r < 'orvn (îF I \M VU I HI\. I Med, N JV. 1(1. at Iii" ve-iiUme, in thr f,t;th yea.. I'l hi ago, "Iter a pivtiac U <t and pain- ful ilini'-s, which he bore with beÜtting resi^'aa- ¡\1ft! ti! thr divine wiU. John I:q., one 01 t II. h'll1h, 1' \)1' 1'lli:uut'lIt lllr that v. unity. i haa !H!l1 pi 11(. ( l) U.iaitor Sessions, and l.c\Odd ot th. aneienl b\ln'!t':h of Kidwelly..No | u al rvrnt w it (nit our ivi- .oi i tioii has ]>i'oduei d v ptÎllhd and HlliYtT:d a trrling of among- mm of all ranks and all shades of political opini- ons as that \\llidl it i our tiut, to announce thi iliv. The (h ath of a man or" such kindness ut 111 ait iif 1Ih "leal anti varied mental endow- ments, and ll eminent for hi public u. efulnes, ;e. a Senator, and in 11is judicial capacity a t hail- man (It pur Quarter Sessions a tlie ready aud ,r;\IHitpu. adviser of all who repaired to hitn for lounscl III c>Ci of lc-al doubt awl dilliciilty, must ill the nature of things tHo îdt as a i;reat pulilu ¡¡:lIidi,,1L winl-t Ills social cpialmcs in pi ivate hie IHiI.t render Iii" (llath H severe and 11'- HiMMblc 1: tn his relatives ami mum rolls l,mi"K. liie deep toned sol row with whah his (l JH. j v i w here mentioned, aw.1 the uloont if has i.i-t o\er this town and neighbourhood, whilst tliev .dftlht indubitable evidence lit" tht, hi;;l: intimation ill ,,11Il"h he was hdd I, ..11 i a>s».s, supply at the same tmie an aihetiiiiA tri. l.ute to hi", weith, and attest his well-carm'd po- oti iiit y ,1: a jhiMic man. lie was many years til, i, ciiinsil of the ('arrl1:ntlll'H rJrcuit d\il II." the i\i»trnee of the ('Hit of (ileal Ses- HII1: Ili Hiie'iit addus, .Hid felicity ofillustra- tion hi racy wit the qllil lviicss with which he s. ihå ad the salient points of a case, and the -kilful manner in which lit arrayed them bctore a jurv, (¡ as to produce an impression tavourable his ilii ill, d.-ervdly sicured tor him the rank iir-t ai l v-HMt". at the bar. lie was • o encra l'v PUcetsshll in (ïHlyill ,d\ll1 with him the -y.upathics of the jury, and in leading iptive their judgments by hi, juwers of persua- sion, that it was consider, d tJY sllItors a point ,,1' hi lie thaa llldnary importance to secure the beuelit of his advocacy, well knowing thai the y„■ "I hi, name an I iiitluence with a clsli u v w ere "a tl\t:1" of strength," and would ill ;• (jut d. "II! iate 1'(" probably gain a verdict. V:t• ■ r a suce. .ful and lucrative praetiee (If some vears, un the ahdition pfth(' el-h judieature, in rctind from the liar; but his talents were lint lost t:1 the community, lor lie continued tu di. h:u;> with n'at abiiitv, and corrispondent ad- \aiitalic tll the public, tIll: duties of Chairman of tiie ('annatt111.'Hshirl' Quarter c.,i1.n. lip to the time of his death, ,Ill ollicu lor IIhid, he was eminently qualilied by hi, experience at the bar, and hi, know kdl' "f the law. The Magistrates et the eoimty, and the profession, te-titied their huh sense of his services in thi, capacity by pre. si titini; him with some massive and elegant pieces plate, "n which they recorded thlir sense "f 1:i. i1h{icÜll service* 111 the veal' l,)O', It" tilled the office of Mayor of Carmarthen, alld in IM J, he contested the re]>ic-cntation ot this Ooroimh ill l'arliuincnt with Admiral IIt" lion. (inline Campbell, brother uf the late t"rd ( aw- dor. who wa returned by a small majority. In IMI, he was elected Recorder of the borough of of Kidwellv, and ill 1M'>, on the ,kath of(ieneral ¡)idon. tw' ] (,!IlT;-ot'utcd the united boroughs of I'ciiibroke, Tenhv, alld Wiston. In 11, he sue- es^tullv contested the representation of Carmar- then with thc linn, .lolin l'rederiek Campbell; lit 0'\ thc llcath of I.ord Cawdor, and thc eleva- tion uf the present l'.arl to the Peerage, lie aiiain iiite-ted thc represent 11; '11 of this horough with ir William l'axt m, "hoJll he deleated by a large uiaj'aitv. In ];W. he contested the borough with Captain Philips of Cwmgwillj, which re- sulted in a petition to the llnuse ot (\\H\1n\ln, Il lommittie of which reported the election tu be ",id, and upon anew writ being issued, he wa r turned bv a large majority. In l; owing to ;q injudicious adjournment of the lHdl by the •lnvili; he was defeated by the lion, llenry Win. Yclverton, by a majority of seven only and alter t'i unsuccessful contest, hc abandoned all lur- t'icr intention Df sitting for the hVfOUh. In I,<I¡\ however, he ('ante' lor waul as a candidate a-one of the seats in Parliament for the county I (" rmavtheii, but did not succeed in attaining n: ebj. d of his wishes. In 1S7. he again eil'ered hiniseit to ,hv notice of the electois as a caniti- d ite for tL.îr suffrages, in conjunction with tht, Hon. ( ol. Kite Trevor, and succeeded in defeating liis opponent. ir James Williams, At the gene- 1:11 ( lection in IS 11, Col. liice Trevor and Ir, .1 'lies were elected without opposition, 3nrt Ir. ,1011(. retained Ids Hat until his death. III his public ami private capacity, he had lew equals, ,,alll'1y II superior; aud hy his talents and public »'11 ices hi- aequireda hih reputation,and w iclded a per-inal int1U('Ul' greater than any Ulall in this (11' the 1J:,i.hhotlrill counties, probably the ;i atcst intlucncf of any private gentleman in the l iiin ipalitv. This influence was perfectly legi- timate, and was acquired by the force of his cha- 1 :Idvr, awl a conviction (11 1us great talents aud public usefulness. No man w as ever more severely it'd in public life, for his personal hitory ('x'- hibit- H series of harassing electioneering trll- 1. s which fe ll In the lot of few other aspirants 1 n senatorial dignity; and Ill) person ('l'1'l'viuccd grianr thinness and fLlrtitu<k, coupled with abi- iitv, ill the most tryill circumstances, fIr possessed moi'i tact in oiganisin g and coinohdating a po- litical p:¡ny, and iH preserving it unity. To his untiring and resolute personal exertions, an d pecun ar y sacr ces, the count y of Carmar- t \11!: ,II t\: I;,i: ;Ii,fi ¡t iJ\'it'tl;tl; i: <:l; high )'H}¡tÏca1 privilege it now enjoys of having its int. li sts represented ill Parliament toy ttro Con- s reative niembi rs for illthotlh crude mid tlll- pr¡Hii"t,(1 materials for the formation of a great (' ins. rvative party existed, it was he who infused life and vigour into it, and hy hi own t'x:l1llplt"u be liis siigacitv nnl political management, gave it that moral force that cohe-ion mltl irresistible p' c h.minance it has now acquired ill this county. Tlie numerous exciting and harassing eiectiou- ( i ring struggles in which lie Wa engage (1, and the liviet'y attendant upon thein "the numerous awl iied exertions l.v nladt, for hi" party. and ■! the prIIAntjQl1 of the cause of f"III"f'1'Y:ltiY<, -ovcruuH nt, contributed, We have uu doubt, trl imn.iir his constitution ali(I injure his health, for In never considered any exertion or sacrifice ton great t" advance the' wdt:.re of his political Ji!I1lI. awl tlf the great party with whom he was a so, i;,led. IIis health, whkh had been ill all lo.satisfactorv st ,te for the last fourteen months, .I d let cause anv ser ous alarm to his fr i en d s, lint I ab \1"1;1:? months ago, when hi was evi dent lti constitution was giving waY, aud that, vnhss some decide(! and ivvmiicid change took place, the disorder with which lie-1 was ahlli( ted must te rminate tatally. A gradual, but pereepti- t.le decline iu his health, continued the worst ap- jrchensioin of his liieiuls; and although they still eluue: to hope, it was obvious that they did HI iii spite "f their convictions to the contrary, for he was e vidently hastening to pass that bourne from v hi nee no traveller returns." Tlu: virn- 1",11"" of id s coinnhiint was latterly sU}Hhud by judicious and SKiiful medical treatnu lit, and all unfavourable s ymptoms., exempt p}¡y"icd debility, disappi ar<-d I but the constitution <li(lllot 1!'1:O; sufficient recuperative' (I I rit;ht it sell, and ( nable the patient to rally so that he died more j tioin i \hau-tion of his bodily powers, caused by 1 nig illness, than Irotn the presence of any active (bsease, 1'or some time pH,vioa.. ,to his dissolu- ( ion, he Wa conscious of the approaching event, alwi bowed w ith becoming resignation to the w ill of Heaven, In death lie w as calm and and his cud was peace he died in full reliance (.!¡ the merit* flf the Saviour, and his word s were, I die in peace and charity with ??ll k i I lie expired without a stuiggle or a groan, and ma y be said to haw- hilt" asleep, so tranquil and ??t. w.is ?i?'i-?"i" Whether we regard him as a magistrate or as a local judge' as a se- nator or as a pr vate individual, a l wa y s acccss 1. t > even jM'tviu u !m uUln-'l to lH,I!it h' j K;, ,I of richly stored mind and great ('UiM is,onal .'s, of friendly and filiiU'iis t iii.g. or as the Mentor and mining pmurof t'le ti, :,I party u ilh Whjlh we an ( onnect- ,i by eommunit) ol \i< Wsau<l feiltngs, W( <an- la t e\'ee ('t!HI¡I; lhe e.xti nt and >e\ i'' it\ of the i i s we li ne -ict liin'd bv the lamented death of oui able and adiy\ n1)n'I;'¡1i\t r,.t! him !"i dl in all We -hall not ).. 'k ?;-n )n.- like again." The faiiin.il t >"l la-t, and V at I I d Ii 1 I.' a :i ,1 ( a; \)1' rich ami poor. I,) t, Potei's Chinch, C.umaitinn. Tht pro- 1,.Iít11illH' i;l tae fionial ] 11 i'o ssion W;¡.a: loliow holites. i (hid friiews. lnh diO.Mits (iI! f,t. 'N) i r dlid < orpo!aai of K id in Hv ¡-ni! iiBu I'll' rei in T'he Clevgv. Tenants ct' tlu' <1\'< \'a'l'i (III lI(ll',d,al'k, I 11KAKSK, (("ontainin^ ny to\u' Morses.) Kciiitioiis of the(k-c(risi-d,&Mourners in t auutrt } rct jin^ons 1. Oh the iinival of the ]>r<»trssion at the I inirtn duur, the Ivoritcs ;»iul OtUl Fullows iiletl ort "II t'LH li hand, and fHrllI<:d an Livciute for thl' funeral llcaist1 containing ?'K' remains passed by, they nil liiieovcrcd. ( 1", .hmrtuil



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THE pRINrir.YUTY \1.11\1 io…