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BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. In consequence of imitations of LEA & PERRINS' SA U C E. "Which are calculated to deceive the Public, Lea and Perrins have to request that Purchasers see that the Label on every bottle bears their signature thus, 6t2/Øh Without which no bottle of the original WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE is genuine. gar Sold Wh-ihtdU by the Praprielor., Worcester; Crow and Blackwrtl, Lnnjhvj and Export Oilmen generally. Hetailt by Dealers in Sauces throughout the WorM ON DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. THE ORIGIWATj AWD ONLY GENUINE. OHLORODYIE is admitted by tho Profession to he the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. CHLOHODYNHis the host remedy known for Conghs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma CHLORODYNE oflectaally cbeclss and arrests those too often fatal diseases—Diphtheria, Fever, Cronp, Awns. CHLORODYNE acts 1ke a cherm in Diarrhoea, and is the only specifio in Oholora and Dysentery. CHLORODYNE effeo'.ually cats short all r.ttacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms. CHLORODYNE's?on?paUatnomi Mrag?, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothaehe, Meningitis, So. From D.. B. J. BOULTOB A Co., Hor?mstle We h?t _do BrettT ext?ofire aM of 0,'oMOyne in onr pm?tioe imely, and loot upon ttM an excellent direct Ntd?MMd ?ti-?Sod'c. It M<9 to aitay t?in and irritatioa in whatever crRac. and from whatever ?.u?.. nM?a?MSoomtort and quietude m? obtainable by any other r?ouy, -d it B?mB to pomu this gr?t_ dover .11 tb?.?r So a2tiv?, that t leaves no iinplea?i nt tlftffect.? "Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians that he received a dispatca from Her Mttieaty's CoUsUl at Manilla, to the effect that Cholera has been ra?gi?g fearlullj. Efd^ hat tlir^rir re; ¡ n;lr:i ::9 ffiJftDCi;: -See ;t,rteoWll' CAUTION.—J5BWARE ef PIRACY and IMITATIONS. r.?.? —V.M rhMiMUor Sir W. PAOt W?n st'nod that Dr. J. Coins ErowM was, ?,.Io?bt,,Al the Innntor of CHLOUODYNE; that the story of the D??fendant, Fn??. was deliberately u?o. which, '?8 "gre'.tcd to ?A7. had b??eu ?om t?,-Seo Ttw##, 13tl\ Jil l? 1S64. inBn'* or at la lid U 9d, and 4s 04 each. None is ?e nnino without th. word, "Dr. JT CWOLTTLTICS pPRROOWWN^ 'S» CE?D?K?on h??nm? S?up. Ov.rwh.;mi.iK Medical Testimony MMmpaniMeach bottle. <.Mt?MM<Mm?-J.T. DAVBNFORT. 83 Or"t RwaoU BU*ot. Bloo=bury, London. The "North Wales Chronicle" STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. DOUGLAS BROTHERS, LITHOGRAPHIC, COPPE LATE, LETTERPRESS PRINTERS, AND BOOKBINDERS, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR BANKERS, BROKERS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, PUBLIC COMPANIES, SOLICITORS, AUCTIONEERS, ETC.. EXECUTED WITH PROMPTITUDE. Prospectuses. I I?ventoriM. I Placards. P.c,pf!etnaeA.. ?Uo. ) ?'?,??C?.. S?ndCbe.kEook. catalogues. B.i.e" .?.d Address I Bill-heads and Check Books. Advertisements inserted in all tbo London &nd Provincial Newspapers. NEW SERIES OF THE JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE." ENLARGED. G R EAT LY EN L A R G E D. On the FIRST of JULY will appear No. I of a NEW SERIES of the JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE COTTAGE GARDENER and HOME FARMER, ILLUSTRATED, (ESTABLISHED 1848), This rsoo.-rised Periodical of the Country Gentleman and the Professional Gardener and the most extensively circulated Journal of its class, is devoted to GARDENING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, embracing among other home pursuits of the country house, HOME FARMING, POULTRY, BEES, PIGEONS, CAGE BIRDS, Ac. Practical Utility is the Chief Object of this Old-established JournaL The JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE contains more original matter, and practical, useful information on the subjects on whicii it treats than any other paper of the kind published in the Country. Weekly 3d post free, 31d. Terms of SubscriptionOne Quarter. 3s. 9d.; Half Year, 7s. 6d One Year, 15a- To be bad through all Booksellers and at the Railway Stalls. TO ADVERTISERS. This work being so EXTKNSIVELY CIRCULATED AMO.NO THE UPPER CLASSES renders it a most eligible medium. SCALE OF CHARGES.—Head Lice charged as Two. £ s. d. Width of the Page (Three Columns) 8 inches. Five Lines and under EMhLm.beyoadFi? 0 one To those SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. Half.. Column, 1 10 0 [) those SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. A C,,¡umll  'T'h' A Column „ Q Q | Thirty-six words, Is. 6d., and 6d. per line after. A 10 0 Set up acrosaTwo Columns | JJ deep | j JQ Q I Theaa Advertisements muBt be prepaid. It Three C.1u. I li lUC eep ( 110 0 These AclverLieement? mnet be prepaid. Diep'ayed Advactisemeuts will be charged according to t]t U T d the 8pace occupied. Copy must be at the office not later than Tuesday OFFICE-171, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C. Post Office Orders to be made payable to E. H. MAY. AGENTS Liverpool: W. II. Smith & Sun. Maochester John Heywood and Abel Heywood & Son. Edin- burgh and Glasgow: J. Menzies & Co. Dublin W. H. Smith 4 Son. 763 HOLLOWAYa' OINTMENT. I FRIJSJND OF ALL. KNOWN IN ALL PARTS OF THE WOlLD HERE'S OUlt REMEDY. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. No More Suffering! The M?N-cry of this Ointment has proved an !nva)uaMt boon to thousands of sufferers; "h?? n:bhed over or near the at of sr.ffcringi its rare Ualsumic properties are convcyed to e\"ry part. TÍ1tb it hc:¡J inward wounds and Hlcers of the STUV.acm, POWF1.S OR WOMJT, strengthens the spinal marrow in rases of nervous weakness and deprcywon, and all dncascs of the THROAT, Li"> ANL) CMKST. NO invalid need despair uf aire. this Ointment can lie obtained; for the reputa- tion it bears in every 4uartcr of the globe, is fully borne out liy the succert it has attained, corroborated as it is by testi- moniab frWJl persons of all classes and countries. Gout, Rheumatism, and Neuralgia. These truly formidable and dreaded diseases, with nocturnal .sms) nervous twit(hiI1gs muscul.tr cramps, ami .sciatica, will J1Cld, when treed by tus Ointment. ) R ho cass is it more Miportant to ha"e the Omtment thoroughlr ¡and etlcctually con. I veyed through the pores of the skm to the affected part*, u poo i?h it will b soothing influence to bear, and thus produce e?se, cc?rt. and «-?ty. The PiHs thould also be takea in appropriate doses le?en the inflammation, and to pUrify the blood. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, and Ulcerations of all kinds. 'pp'i'n this O?ntment he.1s, in a remarkable ?'i,?d f {J¡r!itc;,e the 'íftor: I tissues causes "proud flesh to di,piz,?, nd f,)uiand loat ..e discharges to becomc nvcrttd into h h,a ?, :c}Cdge ::Caro;:r:;r::y ,?dj and permanent. and Piles, Fistulas, and Abscesses. These and all similar affections must be carefully treated accor*Kog to the plan recommended in the printed instructions. The Ointment nuut Dc apt-lied directly to the parts affected, and Hulloway Pi»* be simultaneously, taken to purify the bleod, an d to rel eve the interna congestions which are so iertile a cauje of this class of åisea. Dropsical Enlargements, Swelled Legs, and Varicose Veins. In the reduction o( all Glandular Swellings no remedy equala this incomparable Ointment It prevtuts dlc formati0n vf extra- neous growths and is an invahiah)? remedy ('It checking all Chronic discharges; when diiligenuy rubbed into th, wru .&?d, Ih.st will yiia in a cemparntivd)' sàon apace of time. Scrofula and Old Skin Diseases. This Ointment is a certain romedy for all dise.??es of the skia. ??e,toer M1Dplu or coml)li?ated ??curvy, ringworm, blot,- tumu^Sj and other cuUincows ,i, sordcm, arc ? once :.dc..w fcy this invaluable Uufcuent. Both the Ointment and Pith should be used in a, foiunoing complaints fiad Legs Corns (Soft) ScaWs Bad Breasts Kistula* Sjre Throats &Ins <;»ut Skin Diseases Bunions ?ia!,du)M SwetH?s Scurvy ?j, Chilblains Lumbago Sore Hoa. Chapped H-d,. 'I'timours ContrtCttd?dStMr Rb-.Mi.. Ul??. joints Sere Nipples Wouads. The Ointment and PHk Ire sold at Professor HOLLOWAI?S Eslu?meM :H. 0"'? S'r?'. L..d.. .1?. by nearly t4,A ?d?, e th?ugh?vt thic (,iv?t'. WM)d. icPoM and Boxes, at r 't< » 9^ » 45. M "? ?-" Md tM?. The 5?)e? Pot of Ointment cont?us o?? and the ma"?t r? ? P-'h fo?r dc?n. Full printed diwtiuns are ?!ixM) to each Pot and Box, and can be had in any language, even in Iwrkish, Arabic, A.?rmem..??a. Vr, n, Chinese. U b Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by rallying at the above address, dWy, between tM 1=1,, M«, or bl1etter. I "N. A FACT WORTH KNOWING. BEEOHAM'S PILLS have now been before the Puolic xtween Twenty and Thirty Years, and the rapid sale from thecommoacement, and the still increasing demand )1 the Public is one of the best guarantees of the Nervous and Debilitated. Thousands, in every sphere of ,tfe, with one voice pronounce them the beat, the mfeet, life the surest for eradicating all those complaints to which Besh is heir to. They stand without a parallel tnd nave the largest sale of any Patent Medicine in the -orld. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are admitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea a Box, for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Paiu in the,Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Ful- ness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushing of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Short- ness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy and Blotches of the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Ner- vous and Trembling Sensations, etc., etc. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands of casea. Tho Proprietor of tjiese Pills having obtained (at great expense) a Patent for them, he challenges the whole world to produce a medicine to equal them for reo moving the above-named complaints, and restoriug the patient to sound and lasting health. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BM For females of all ages these Pilk are iovaluable, m • ow do<M of the*. «arry off all gross humoum an d own .11 btru?ti. and bring about )J! :h: it =.- ",0 female should be without them. There U nf?medictne « be found equal to BEEOHAM^ PILLS. for removing ?y e?ttntctton or irregularity of the syatem. If taken =rdt:titlJ:v=:i: -h they will ?n mtere females oi agea to aound and robua f.r a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Die .den of the Liver, they aet like" MAQIO," and a iew doses will be found to work wonders on the most joportaat organs i8 tee hcaan mehime. They strengthen ?he whole m?olu reatem the long 10lt wm- jkiij ou, brig bok the k.. elg? f ? 'tit., and &mus? ;io:ih:hÊ.m Ott, whl. jhysici energy of the b. fm.e, The. ,e "FACTS" ,d.dtted by thousand.11 .1. of d.tv, .d one of the best guarantees te the Kervous and De- is. BERCHAbiS PILLS has the Largwt Sale .f Iy patent Medicine in the world. BEBCHAM'S MAGlO COUGH FILLS is a remedy for Coughs in general Asthma, Diffieohy breathing. Shortness of Breath, T^htness andOppres- ,lon of the Chest, Whe^ang, etc.. th?. Mh tnd .t).ùed; e.nd;any oae louring under any ? Uieabovs ?m?iBt. need ou]y try ONE UOX to prove that they -? the BKST EVER OFFERED TO TnE PuBuo, for A?thmi?, .? Mid C.u.pti,. Cugh., H-(!?.8 and Opp-d-n < the Chft. Thev "?di4y remove that oeMe -1 Op- ?MMd Difficulty of Br?thinx which ightlydpri,. -.0 Patient of Rest. They will give almost lnstantrellef •ad oomfort to those afflicted with the above distressing, ,„j, who MglceM, d"gorms eomptamf. Let My f?MMtMuM? ith -aY of the ab.T.Comp?t. 9"0 t?HAM'S OQUQH PILLS a trial, and they wiU aot lie MAOIO. The most violent Cough will in a short itae be removed. oAUTION.-Th. PabUt we reomted to nOd- tW OAUTMN.—The Pflls. St.Jlelena," are m. the i^v«rmnent Stamp sfflwJ to ea& BM of tk$ PIUM U t on. they we a ry. o:r andUJ Wftel..le aDd RetaU. by the .??.THbMAS BFXOHAM, St. Helena Lan« m<,tnBoMtt.l*l)dMd&MeMh Se-t Post Fm "16 N 36 smmpil ?''??r?M. MdP?-tM?.b..D?!<Mh. .? UnUed Kingd- *-jpjji Dinonon orrw WIMManx, PUBLIC NOTICES PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC and Eorichss the lilood. PEPPERI8-'QUÎNINE AND I1WN TONIC JL Strengthens the Nerves and Mucular System. PEPPEWÖ QUININE AND IRON TQisIQ Promotes Appetite and Improves Digestion: UEPP¡lL-QU.lNiNEAND litON TONIC J: A1¡\mate tbe ,pirit. and Mental F.iti?,. pEPl iiK'S QUININE AND-IRON TONIC Jl thoroughly recruits the Oeneral Health, and induces a proper hewlthy condition of the iServuus and ¡'by,ic..1 Fotees. PEPPER'S QUININE AND mox TONIC. X. The remedy in all NV..?i.g Diseases. Sold by all Chemists everywhere. Bottles containing 32 doses, price 4s. W. next ize itottles, 11 b: large stofie Jars, 22s. Notwilhstafiding the long peried Quinine bas been in use by the Medical Faculty, Its remarkable powers of repairing the 10'" of strength caused by disease, decay, ,.1. ea harassing, mental worry, or overwork, &c., &e., besides its di=liti.. a. a febrifuge aud r,,e?; for complaints of anintermittent character, it is only f("'?t? late years that ..ytt?i.g like a due amount of appreciation has been act?.?-d?d toit. Ti.? combina- tion of Quinine with Iron presents a tonic of undoubted etneacy; it uiay be btated to be the best of all Tonics, as the powertul virtues of both are consolidated, and their individual character- Istics preserved. The principal property of he Iron I. it, ?l,icd ti.. on the blood, which it greatly enriches by increasing the quantity of the red corpuscular matter, on which the vital tiuid depends for performing its important functions. Pepper's Quiniue and Iron Tonic, being certified as composed of thus iui?orwat n?edidnes in their due proportions, may therdore b l'elied on in cases where a course ot strengthening treatment is indicated. It possesses all the powers of these valuable tonics in banishing diseases and symptoms traceable to weakness. It rouses and developes the DelVOWl energies, en- riche, the blood, promotes Immediate appetite, dispels languor and depression, and fortifies the digestive organs. Is a P??? ao r?!mt?dyfor?eurOgia, indigestion, levers, chest ,,ecti.Ds, and in wasting uiseases, scrolulous tendencies, &c. Tho whole frame is greatly invigorated by Pepper's Tonic, the menlul faculties are brightened, the nervous and muscular system strengthened, and a return to robust health is certain. bottles containing S'i doses, 4s. Od. next size, lis. Sold by Chemists everywhere. The name of J. PEPPER 13 on every Label. TJL ARAXACUM AND PODOPHYLLUM, A FLUID COMBINATION (Seo the name of J. PEPPEKi. on the Label.) THE UllEAT LlVEK MEDICINE, AN EXTitACT Oil MEUICINAL BOOTS. THE ONLY UEAL liEMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA AND BILIOUSNESS. Ne more necessity for Antibilous, tilue Pills, or Injurious Mercurial Medicines of any kind. TARAXACUM AND POD>_PiIYLLIN JL is prepared from the Dandelion Root, carefully selected from all parts or llalllp3tHre, Kent, ussex, and Surrey- many torjs a year being used; and when the fluid extract is made it is combined with a resinolIs essence of Podophyllin, .b.i.,d from the root of the May Apple Trea-a Nort? American tree, TAKAXACUM and TODOPHYLLIN will completely cure all symptoms traceable to Conge.tion ef the Liver, and which are principally a disagreeable taste in the morning, the breath is always more oriels offensive, a complete disrelish for food, flatulency, acidity or hoartburn, costiveness, pain In the e eball., irritability, a sense of chilliness preceding pain ^sometimes dull sometimes sharp) from one side of the backo ?p't!'? ?!ulder, t I,cqli?!.t I yled with oppression of breathing and (;itnculty of lying cxcept \hö bi,¡c affected, ??getliur with imu^ea and often reJec. tioq, of bdiuu^ matter, headache or giddiness, general torpidity and disinclination for any exertion, besides many other symptoms affecting all who suffer in so many different ways from what is termed Dyspepsia, lli1ionsDcss, and Indigestion, and who at one fly for relief to purging, mercu- ritil, lJr other pills, which ultimately break down the health jnst, all of restoriug it, wuereas what is required is a gClIUeJ mild, alterative, slightly laxative, purifyiug, cooling modi- cine, which is to be found in the TARAXACUM and PùDO- PHYLLIN. On dose a dy, in the morning betoie break- fllst, is all that is jequired, and it may be confidently stated that any person taking this, and observing the very few restric- tions as to diet that accoYlpany each bottle, may reasonably look forward to freedom from the many ailments caused by a disordered stomach and liver. It must be borne i,, mind this is not a secret or quack medi- cine; nor does it contain lill atom of any mineral substance whatever, but i3 a harmless extract ot vegetable medicines of the highestctiteacy. TAKAXACUM and PODOPIli'LLIN is Sold in Bottles coiitsiuing W doseB, piice L'S 9d. IT IS MADE ONLY BY JOHN PEPPER, At BEDFORD LABORATORY, BAYLE1.n:EET, TOTTENHAM COURT-ROAD, LONDON. Nearly all Chemists sell it, or will got it in a few hour<. Inquirers for this MedIcine will oft-?n bo told that any Taraxacum, &c., is equaJJy g..d, ..d some \ery cheap, worth- less compound will be ,ffered, so that it is quite necessary to insist lhatthe TARAXACUM and PODOPHYLLIN supplied bears JOHN PEPPER'S Label. T 01)1 ZED SARSAP A KILL A. -L SARSAPARILLA, as -?-1117 taken, require, so long to produce results to we Iry the P"t,ent. Combination with iodine a('celratos its e6ect3 in a surprisiog manner, and rtndeis Iodized Sursap.rWa a Powerful alter.tive of the secretions. Its most certain success is as a Blood Purifier and Cooling, cleansing Medicine. All appearances un the skin, red and black pimptes, scaly eruptions, glandular swe lings, abscesses (particularly of a scrofulous character), suppurating woucus, and malignant, slow-healing sores are cured by it, if preserved with. In those instances were the system has been prostrated by the over-use of mercurial and other strong medi- cines tho Iodino with i::)ar:;ap8Jilla 8 ccrtam to elimiuate the cause fdisease. In the Spring and fall of the year. there are very few whose health would not be improved by a short course of IODIZED SAUl \PAKILLA. Its continued use is attended with a great impH. smeut In Ihe general health. Sold I- Capsuled B.t,l?, of li loes, 2s. 6d -4 doses, 4s. 6d. next size, 118.; by aU CJ:, iiists, &c. Prepared at Bedford Laboratory. The Name of J. PEPPER is on the Label. ^UL¥HOLINE LOTION.—An External O Means of CUIUXG SKIN DISEASES. There is scarce- ly any eruption but will yield to Sulpholiue" in a few day,, and commence to fade away, even if it seems put cure. Ordin- ary pimples, reline-s, blotches, scurf, reughness, vanish as if by magic whilst old, enduring skin disorders, that have plagued the sufferers for years, howerer deeply r80ted they may be, "Sulpholine" will successfully attack thera. The ifrst sug- eoie:: s'i,e'f was a:dehO:m 'Ii; ri; treatment. It destroys I the animalcule which cause these un- sightly, irritable, painful affections, and produces a clear, healthy, natural condition of the Skin. An "f"?ti,?e Lotion for the Skin is very difficult to procure and although Washe? of mauy kinds ari ? used daily with effect, it is chiefly owing to containing mineral poisons, which do more harm than good, while all the benefits oi the most powerful fekiu depufitives will be found in Sulpholine, which m*y he used to the Pace, Arms, Neck, or any part of the Skin with security. Blue bottles, containing nearly half a plut, price 2s. 9d. Sold by all Chemists. EAFINESS, NOISES IN THE EAWS, &c. DELLAR'S ESSENCE for DEAFNESS should always be tried, as in numbeis of cases, seemingly incurable, it ha' done wonders. 81191?? Deafness, Obstructions in the E.r?, and the Incessant Humming Sounds so frequent with -ff?t,,d hel'{ii,eE*êe; or Three Nights' Applications. DELLAR'S ESSENCE ?.. be p'k! of as sure to give some relief in any case of Deafness without causing the slightest injury to the delicate organisms of the ear, and, howfiver, 81Ir. prising. Persons fur years Deaf have heard articulate aouuds after a fair trial of Deliar's E:!encc..Auri8ts of omiüence recommend it. Bottles, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. Sold by all Chemists. pURED IN A FEW DAYS, CORNS, J BUNIONS, and ENLARGED TOE JOINTS.-DELLAR'S CORN and BUNION PLASTERS are the only real remedy. They differ from all Plasters, Shields, or Compositions ever Invented. By irstantly softening the callous surrounding, tile pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. ];unions and Enlarged Toe Joiats require more time for perfect cure, but the actio. is certain aud relief is instantaneous. Any boots may be worn with comfort three hours after applying Dellai's Plasters; on no account be persuaded to buy any other..uOXt,)8, I.. lid. each, are old by all Chemists. BILE, WIND, INDIGESTION. DR. KING'S PILLS.—Only TWO MEDI- "??NES really act upon 'ho Liver; one Mercury, the other Dandelion. Thou?i.d? of ?tit,,tion? liars been destroyed by Mercury, Blue '111 ,-? Calomel. The only safe r'??d? I. DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE PILLS, w?"h act gently upon the Liver, giving immediate relict in cases of Bile, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Loss, f Appetite, Giddiness Spasms, Heartburn, Hatulency, Nervousness, Gout, all dis- orders of the stomach, and impure blood. Thi. medicine ha. resisted the innovations of n<arly a century, -a I' "till the b,?t .tibiti. Pill. by .11 Chemists, 1- L-o.??, Is, 1 5?d. lilt. KlJXli'S JJAINDL'JLLOA & QUININE LIVER PILUS (without Mercury), A,:k.??l??g?d by Eminent Mirgeons of elery School to be the I In b's Mildest Pills fur every Constitution. I" at li. li(I.. Yd., and 4s. 6t]., oi all Dr. X, "g,. pit d.t.-I as far 1,?,k ?7??7. nRACRoKT'S AliECA NUT TOOTII- PASTE is the best Dentifrice. Legularly userl every wowing the Teeth are kept in beautiful order. All decuylug alill (ie-.ti uctive tartar is removed from the ontunel, which 800U assumes its ivory-like THE AJ< bX'A AUT PASTE LiM a peculiar tr, F, ciiising the gams to firmly thereto the Teeth, and o p\'enti!l? a deiralJh compactness, by its warm aromatic stimulant properties a very agreeable effect is pro- duced on the pulato, completely purifying the breath. pRACROFT'S PASTE Removes all Causes of \J Decay, and will preserve the Teeth intact for many years. Branded pol&, 18. each, are sold by a great number of Chemist). (Get Cracroft s.) L OC,KYElt'S SULPHUR HAIR XJ RESTORER instantly stops Hair from turning Grey, and and so long as the Wash is occaslouallYllScd Greynesa is im. Sossible. Even at a ,,p,,ati%ely early peri?d of life, t,, .11 fade at the parting, temples, or wherever it is thin or becoming O; thus making tue wearer üppt:ar.much oldr thnn is really the case. rIlBE Sulphur HAIR-RESTJRER alters this ia 48 hours, invariably bringing back the colour in bar- mony with that ot changed. T OCKYElt'S SULPirUR HATli RESTORER.—If the Hair is actually Grey the Sulphur Restorer in six or seven days will effect a great alteration. By a gradual action, scarcely perceptible even to watchful obser- vers, several darker shades will be attained. In a period of three weeks a complete change will occur, and a colour exactly resembling that which had been lost will become raanifeftt. These remarka apply eqwally to the Beard and Whiskers, although a longer time I. required to effect the change. Yi en the original colour is produced only occasional use of the Restorer i,e" I.rg.B.ttieii,p ?el7. 6D'' '°LD TA"MJ8T' Haird?ef?? or'Pe?!" ?" '°" ? '? '? a"m''t. T C C E Y E R' 8?&U L P H D R"H AIR RESTO HER ;-Idependntly of its action on the co'onr it is the Best 1),; 1." that can be f d No pemade oil 'of &pything else is necessary when the Sulphur Wash b taken into .Where the Sulphur Restorer 1. applied, scurf cannot ed)t and a MMM of deaniineM, cooineM. &c., prevails which cannot remit from daity plastering the hair with grease. Sold J. nearly I,ry 'I'ow.d Nri= by ChemM! and 1, grdrengre. iD Laige LOltles, holding .Imo,t" ''«»t 1,. 6d each. 7Ul PUBLIC NO TICEB. j JONES'S HEAL-ALL OINTMENT I (Trade Mark—Registered) OR EVERY MAN'S FRIKNDI THE BEST, APPLICATION KNOWN for Scrofula, Sourvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds. It oures Old Sores, Ulcerated Sore Lees. It euros Ulcerated Sores on the Head aDd N" It cures Blackheads or Pitnplea on the Face. It cures Scurvy Sores, Cancerous Ulcers. It cures Burns and Scalds, Ringworm, Itch, Pial. It cures Weak and Watery Eye.. It cures Red and Sore Eyelids. It cures Inflammation in the Eye. It cures Moving Specs or Floating BAes before the It cure* Cataracts anil Partial Blindness. [Eyes. It cures Obscurity of Vision and Dimness, It oures Children's Sore Eyes left after Measles. It allays Inflammation in a few hours, end soothes paim very quickly. Sold in pots, Is 16d. 2o 9d, and 4s C& THE WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER. JONES AND CO.'S CJ UNIVERSAL PURIFYING MIXTUB& Trade Mark-" Purifyinj; Mixture." For Purifying, Cleansing, and Clearing the Blood from all impurities, arisin? from whatever C.Uge, nd "uar- anteed to be the best prapartion in the world for all eruptions of the skio, blotches, spots, pimple., black- heads, pustules, boils, carbuncles, ringworms, scalded head8, soie eyes, erysipelas, itch, scurf, scrofula, scurvy, glandular swellings, cancerous ulcers, bad legs, piles, syphilids, secondary symptons, aud for all blood and skin diuea«eb. For rheumatism aho it is unequalled for re- lieving piins and 6ubr\uin¡; inflammation, and speedily effecting a perfect cure. It is agreeable, palatable, and safe, and may be taken at all seasons autl under any circumstance. Sold iu bottles at 2s 3d and 4s Gd each, and in cases (containing six times the quantity), lis each by nil C^ hemists and Patent Medicine Vendors tlr.h..t the United King- dom, or sent to any address on receipt of 27, 00, or lJ2 stampB, COUGHS! COUGHS I JONES'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND, TOLU, AND LINSEED (Registered). MILE MOST AGKI-EAIILE AND EFFEC- TUAL remedy for asthmatic and consumptive coughs, bronchitis, winter co ughs, difficult breath- ing, whooping cough, hoarse".s<, loss of voice, and all affections of the cliest and lungs. One bottle in niosv cases eft'octs a cure. Páee. Is lid, 2s lid, and 4s till per bottle. JONES'S PATENT VEGETABLE PILLS FOR WIND (Registered), I RE THE BEST PILLS IN THE ?1. WORLD tor )iad D?e?tinu, WiBd and P?id in the Stomach, Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Sick Htailachf, Pains in the Chest, Loss of Appetite, Pain in the Back, Flatulency, Giipiuc, Colic, a sense of Weight iu the linck and Loins. Darting Pains in the region (If tho H""lt. Unr t Kid- ney, CoiiSLipivtujn, Pains ill thl-l J iiii.h^, :'I"u¡p¡i1llcS lwoling down t:) tl, Calf and Feet. ■•■iip|>ic».-iou and Ketcii'. on (If Crinf, Paiosin ti.e Stwuaei., aud all Liver Coi-ipiaints. been cured by ilnse Pill" iiuil ninuy who haY. been pro- nounced hi yule«, have b en thoroughly restored to health by ti; "I U< ONE IHX WJLL C'.WIMV THf. MOST 8CEPTICAt. 0* TH»:ill ll'TKACY. Sold in boxes at 1, Ijil, s HJ, and 4. 6d each. Sent poht In o r'or li> or 30 stamps. Solo lauu. fact-uiers, \V. JONKS acJ (Jo,, Chemist, 157, Great Howard Sueet, Livè\"p'1(ll, I:i\MAKXA!-R,E FTTR'^S. 2, Birkett Street, Liverpool, 20th March, 13T4. Dear Sirs,—It is with feelings of pleasure I write t. inform of the good effects your PURIFYING MIX TURK and HEAL-ALL OINTMENT has doue for me, About six years ago I was bitten on the leg by a venom- ons reptile, which nearly cost me my life and I now declare to you and the world, after spending over £150 in doctor's bills to try and heal the leg, it il now entirely healed, after using only two 4s 6d pots of your WORLD FAMW OINTMENT, and two lis cases of your uni. versal PURIFYING MIXTURE. The truth of the abuve stateneut any person who wishes may refer to me. Your very obedient servant, Messrs Jones and Co. JAMES SMITH. 13, Milferd Street, Lerpwl, lonawr lOIed. 1871. Mr Jones a'i Gyf., Foneddigion,—Teimlaf lawer o hyfrydwch wrth ddWYD tystiolaeth i ddirfawr cich Balm Peswch. Y mae yn nodedig, canys darfu i un gostrelaid fechan lwvr wella fy ngwraig o anwyd hlin, crygni, a llwyr gr,!liad ei llilis. Argy,ùellwn ef i bawb a hoenydir gan yr d,-Y, Y. ufudi), J. MOHOK. Cross Foxes C.ttg, Llanfair Careinion, Welshpool, ionawr 13eg, 1873. Foneddigion,—Gyda phleser a hyfrydwch )r ydwytyr ?<nfenu:.ttuchichhy!,byM fod ?ch-PeleMigwynt- gwerthfawr wedi fy ns?etht yn hoUoI—yr oedd ai?ual chwant bwyd yn fy "a?,?IY y noson gyntaf ar ol eu cyweryd-n" yr oùdJwn yn meddwl lawer tro wrtb fy."l l'm gwdy .?, buaswn byth yu codi o hono, od 19 awr yr wyf Y. meddu ar y.pryd a chaloa newydd; fe L"ffwu i'r byd wybod am danynt.-Yr eiddoch yn ddiulcligar, aud Co. JOHN MORGAN. ileistri Jones aud Co, JOHN MORGAN. GOOT AND RHEUMATIC MIXTURE A Certain Cure for Gout. „ Cure for Rheumatism, „ Cure for iiheumutic Gout, II Cure for Lum1)'go, „ Cure for ciatica, Cuie for Rheumatic Heachache, ,f Cute for Tw aud ioothajiie. A TRIAL SOLICITED, As no person need now suffer pain one day, as this preparation quickly dissipates it. Sold in Bottles at 2d Wd and 4s lid oach. JONES'S R HE UMA TIC EMBROCATION IS THE MOST EFFECTUAL REMEDY ever yet die- covered for the RELIEF and CCKE of RHfcsJ- :MATI8M, Rheumatic Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Contracted Joints, .Spains or Glan- dular Swellings if every description, no matter how long standing, or from whatever cause they arise. 'Xhouaauds of individuals have proved its efficiency in the above complaints after all other preparations had pi oved of no avail. Price 11 6d and 2s 6d per botiie. 10, Townson stieet, Liverpool, 23rd December, 1873. Dear Sirs,—I have sulfeitd from Gout and Rheuma- ism for over forty t'a), i«id huvt?tried various remedies, 'nt'mg  them Bjxit'8 hhs. Hnù others, but "<In :tid..tly tii h;tt 1 have derived more benefit from One Bottle if your Mixture thau floal all tile other Wtdic,nes put ioAoiher.— Faithfully youi?, WILLIAM THOMAS. M, Sand-street, G?Mt Howaid-street, Lerpwl, 5ail1 G<)q)henaf, I8i. A?wyl Syr,-Y m?e't. ud?twydd !;en\{ ddwyn tyetMl. 'Oth o blaid eifeilhiau rhyieddoi eich meddyginiaeth i'r 'Jrydcym.?u.D.trfutU.tU?tretaidtyDiiI'?btweIthau .1 Iyddi:,u ?lyehry??llyd. (,Il aurhyw un ddymuau gyfeino attai. Yr eiduoch IU gywir, DAVID THOMAS. 48, St. Martin's Cottages, Silver-street, Lerpwl, Mai, 1872. Anwyl Syr,—Effeithicdd eich meddyginiaeth enwog l'r Crydcymaiau amaf fd e) taredd. Y nJ"e dau ddogu yn ddigouol i'lIl g'-velih a Y" wastadol. Argymhcllwn ef i boh dyoddifydd oddiwrth grydcyinalau lei y feddygin- iaeth ortu y n y byd. Gall ymddined y dygwoh ef twy fylw y cyhoedd, a tlmvy hyny warcda Lawer bywyd o diueni, Yr eiddoch yn gywir, GEoRGE Tratixf. Sole Manufacturers, W. Jones and Co., Chemists, 157, Great Howard-street, Liveipool. Sold by all Chemists el'erywhre, tveryw Me. ?? AND TOOTHACHE. JONES'S TIC-MIXTURE AND NERVINE. Of all the agonising pangs which human nature is prone to, there are none to be compared in intensity with those of Tic, or Neuralgia and Toothache. Happy is the man who in the midst of his anguish can call for the almost infallible remedy called Jones's Tic Mixture. Tic Doloreux is an affcction of the nerve of the tace, the pain attending It is of a shooting, plunging, and throbbing character, and occurring in paroxysms. lu no curable case will this mixtu, c fail to afford immediate relief if used in connection with the Nervine or Pain Destroyer. NERVINE. An application for Tic, Neuralgia, Pains in the Head and Face; cures Toothace without extracting a tooth. PRICES :-Tio Mixture, Is 1.\<1 and 2s 9d a bottle. Nervine, 7Jd, Is I Ad, auu 2s 9d. The two together, Is 9d, 2s 3d, and 3e 9d. S'8 JONES'S UNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT. An elegant, novel, and effectual application for re- moving hard or soft eorns. warts, &c. it will extract the root of the corn without pain, and is equally applicable to segs and .n callo.iti. of the skin. Ty bottle, it. fSect* will delight yon.—Said in b.ttl. at 7?d and Is I each. AOENTS FOR EANGOR AND DISTRICT: Mr M. Roberts, Chemist, Mr Thos. Webster, „ High-street. Carnarvon, Mrs G. Owen LUnrwst, lIlr Jones Mr Jones Conway, Mr Edwards MeMi Bridge, Mr Jones Llandudno, Mr William Pwllheli, Mr R. O. Pughe Bala, Mr Williams Rhyl, Mr Jonet) Ruthin, Mr Lloyd. Wholesale of Evans and Sons, and Raines and Co., Liverpool, Or direct from the Proprietors (for value in s\amp&). WILLIAM JONES 4 CO., Operative Chemists, 157, Great Howard-street. LIVERPOOL. ADVICE FREE—IN ALL CASES. 980 Cmar,' Id a (eod-aatursd ftatleman to fala coleired *1 did net If now until to-day that you had bees whipped last wnk.' 'Didn't you' mauaf "pU'4 C?,mr. 'I kowd &I do ti. PUBLIC NOTICES. I BRANDRETHIS CAPSICUM POROUS PLASTERS Are far superior to..U other Plasters, MORE PLEASANT TO WEAR. EASIER TO REMOVE. QUICKER IN THEIR ACTION. In bronchitis, and all throat and chest affections, they are of wonderful benefit. They produce a most comfort- able glow, and when once used they will always be appre- j ciated.. i They are superior to liniments and embrocation.. whose effects are not lasting, beside: being of consider- able trouble to apply. In lumbago, rheumatism, backache, pains of the side, they usually give relief as socu as applied. They are really an improved Allcock's Porous Plaster, and wearers of Allcock's should give them a trial, except in ruptures and chilblainp, for these use Al:oek',i. IMEORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMONY. BBASDRETH'TF CAPSICUM POROUS PLASTERS. Clara, King's County, August 12th, 1879. SIR,—I have much pleasure in adding my testimony to those who use your CAPSICUM POROUS PLASTERS. I have always recommended them to my friends and patients, and have founct them most benefi- cial in Lumbago and iu affcctious of the respira- tory system, and very useful in cases of irritable stomach. I had a case lately of excessive vomit- ing, where nothing could be retained a plaster was placed on the pit of the stomach, and in a very few minutes the vomiting eutireiy ceased. They act also as a valuable mechanical support in addition to their couuter-irritant properties. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, T, MCLOUGHLIN-, Surgeon to Royal Irish Constabulary, Medical Office of Health for district of Clara, Tullamore Union. R. BEANDRETU, M.D., Liverpool. Sold by all Chemists, and at the principal Agency, 57, Great Charlotte-street, Liverpool, at Is. lAd. each. (e) fSd.,l/,l/aJUOSON'S CHBMIALS JIUDSONIS CHEMISTS and3/a COLD PAINT.RTA'lER. Kvery lady should do Anyone can use J U D S ON'S Every 1,(Iy should do ), Dy".g t ho.?. Ho:ter, DYES, ?;rWS d m; .t63 CdL. -D 6 D-. result: almost magicaL PAMPHLET, Containing much very valuable information, post free. Apply to ÑI\1:1'FÜtÕN & SON, Appl7t g)?thw?,k Str,,t, L-,I. S,E. T OWLE'S PENNYROYAL AND STEEL PILLS FOR FEMALES quickly correct all irregularities, and relieve the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. Boxes Is. 1 ID. and 2s. 9d., of all Chemists. Sent anywhere for 15 or 34 stamps, by the Maker. E. T. Towle, Chemist, Nottingham. (e) FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." FAMED Trade Mark- "Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impuri. ties, cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores, Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck, Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs, Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on tho Face, Cures Scurvy Sores, Cures Cancerous Ulcers, Cures Blood and Skin Diseases, Cares Glandular Swellings, Clears the Blood from all impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate con- stitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits Butferers to give a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. CURE OF A BAD LEG. "5, Chester Bridge, Crewe, 12th June, 1376." "SIR,—I have received the following from one of my numerous customers for your justly cele- brated i Blood Mixture.' You are at liberty to publish it. Youra truly, E. BOOTH, Chemist." "To Mr F. J. Clarke." 418, Liverpool Terrace, Crewe, 10th June, 18ï6." "MR BOOTH, Dear Sir,—I have for a Ion? time suffered with a bad leg-the inflammation extending from the knee to the toes-wliieh was rapidly breaking up my constitution. I was off work eighteen weeks, and tried several of the most largely advertised remedies, and got worse under their influence. As a last resort I ob- tained from you a small bottle of Clarke's Blood Mixture,' aud experienced so much relief from it that I persevered, and seven (7) small bottles cured me. I have recommended it to several of my friends, who are now improving rapidly under its use. Yours truly, HENRY DAVIES," "Engine Fitter, Crewe Works." 1170NDEKFITL CURE OF ULCERATED SORE LEGS OF 18 YEARS'STANDING. Messrs O. Mumby and Company, Pharmaceutical Chemists, Gosport, write as follows: SIR,—We have received the enclosed testi. monial and have much pleasure in forwarding it to you. As he obtained th« medicine from us, we can vouch for the truth of tis statement. "27 th February, 1875." "I, Charles Lukor, keeper of the Royal Engineers' Office, at Gosport, having had ulcer ated sore legs for the last 18 years, which broke out while stationed at the Cape of Good Hope. Since my return to England I have tried every- thing in the way of patent medicines I could hear of, and have had the best advice both in Govern- ment and private hospitals, but obtained no per- manent relief OR hearing, three months ago, of your medicines, I was induced to try them, and, wonderful to relate, after having taken one large bottle of Blood Mixture And applied two 4a. 6d. pots of your Miraculous Salve, my legs are perfectly healed. "You are at perfect liberty to make what use you like of this, as I think all who suffer from similar diseases should try the same. CHAS. LUKER," "Witness—W. J. Sparrow, Late ergt. R. Engineers." "To Mr F. J. Clarke, Lincolo." CURE 0 F RHEUMATISM AND SCORBUTIC ERUPTION. "The Elms, North Cheam, Surrey, S.. 4th March, 1S75." SIR,—I had been suffering from rheumatism for SEVERAL years, together with scorbutic erup- tion of the skin, of a local nature, about the size of the palm of the hand, and was induced to try your blood Mixture in consequence of two gentlemen in my neighbourhood having been cured of obstinate sores on the body. After taking two bottles, I became much better, and continued it up to the tenth bottle, when I found the rheumatism had left me, and mv arm was healed. I consider it a most valuable medicine. "You arc at liberty to use this letter in any way you think proper, for the benefit of others. Faithfully yours, THOMAS WATTS." "To Mr F. T. Clarke, Lincoln." SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Scald Heads, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolourations of the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short time by the use of this world- f. Medicine. IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.-Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impuri- ties bursting through the skin in pimples, erup- tions, (r soies; cleans9 it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins cleanse it when it is foul, and your feeling will tell you iwhen, Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will f^LARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE is sold in bottles, 2S. 6d. each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, Its case-sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases. BY ALL CHEMISTS ANI\ PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, or sent to any address, on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps, by the Proprietor, F. J. CLARKE, CFEMIST, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCOLN. /1AUTI0N.—Beware of worthless and in jurions imitations. The Proprietor Cautions the Public against IMPORTERS who are travelling about the country representing themselves as Mr Clarke, of Lincoln," or his "Special Agents," and selling worthless Medicines on the reputation of CLARKE'S WOILD- FAilED BLOOD MIXTURE, The Proprietor begs to state that he has 110 retail Travellers. (0 PUBLIC NOTICES. JpROTECTION FROM FIRE. BRYANT AND MAY'S PATENT SAFETY MATCHES. EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. ADVANTAGES. Are not POISONOUS Are free from SMELL Are manufactured Without Phosphorus Are perfectly harmless To the Operatives employed. Are very DAMP PROOF. LIGHT ONLY ON THE BOX. EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS. PROTECTION TO HEALTH. (e) 11HE BEGINNING OF ALL DISEASE is a disordered Stomach. Use NORTON'S CAMO- MILE PILLS. Sold everywheie, in Bottles, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and lis. 0 NDIGESTION. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS. A gentle Aperient and a powerful Tonic. Sold everywhere in Bottles, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and lis. c ALLCOCK'S CORN PLASTERS Are admitted by all who have tried them to be the BEST REMEDY FOli CORNS EVER MADE. C U R E YOUR CORNS. OUR E Ar,L2o&'ON pRs9E ]i; at once, and in a short time C U ItE THE MOST PAHiFUL COltN. A IiLCOCK'S CORN PLASTKRS Are Sold at the PRINCIPAL OfTICfC, 57, GKKAT CHAltLUI'TE STI¡¡;BT, LIVERPOOL, and ly all D'Jllers in Medicine, at Is. 1 id. per box. Free by post for Is. 2d. =)'NEOOx.-ÕF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is J warranted to cure all di-charges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel. Anti Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent medicine Vendors or sent to Any address for GO mtamps by the Maker, F. J. CLARKE, Consulting Chemist, High street Lincoln.- Wholesale Agents, BARCLAY & SONS, London, and all the Whole ials Houses^ c TWELVE CARTES de VISITE, 29 8d, TSix, Is 8d. Carte enlarged to 10 inches, 5s; Cabinet 2s. Send carte with stamps. Perfect copies and original returvid free. London Photo-Grftpbic Co., 304,Regent Street, London, W. F. S. D. Philips, )lanager. (c) W. F. S. D. Philips, Manager. (c) ALLEN & HANBURYS' "PERFECTED" COD LIVER OIL. "It is so pure and tastcless that when oiJ..ill agree at all this is sure to do so.llúracc DobeU, M.D. "Has almost the delicacy of salad oil,li,(is1> Medical hi Many persons to whom the taste of the oil bas hitherto Yb?,?. an obstacle will doubtless be able to take No nauseous eructations follow after it is swal. lowed."—Judical Pr«« and Circular. A pharmaceutical product which is in its way un. rivalled. "—London Medical Record. A great boon to get such an oil. It well deserves the Dame of 'Perfected' "-P,.a.ctitioner. ALLEN & HANBURYS' "PERFECTED" COD LIVER OIL Is prepared from fresh and selected livers at their own factory in Norway, and by an entirely new =(I Ipecial process. Whilst free from offensive taste and odour, it possesses in the highest d?gr..11 the ouour, z and nutritive prol?erties of this invaluable remedy for which there is no eqnivelent. It can be borne and digmted by the most 'I i? cut. it can be fore, who have difficulty m tkiug cod liver oil, Ihould im-it on b.,ig Allen and Hib-yW P?rf6?t?d Oild only in imperial quarter pints, Is. (d.; half pints, 2s &1. ¡ pints, 49, 9d.; quarts. 9s. Trade Mark Ploui?. Of all 6h..i?t., and of ALLEN and HANBURYS, PLOUGH COURT, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON, E.O. c NOTICiC,—The testimony of Medical Gentlemen and the Prr )fc>sioiifii Press has been ""q,?.,ifl,, in praise of Ls2 J.cuath!t: ns i)osse?'ing most important elements, calculated t- -to. and maintain health, with perfect vigour of body and mind ,k Have it in your houses and forget it not in your travel" DXi. PROUT.—" Unfolding germ of immense benebt to T\B. MORGAN.?t famishes the blood with Its lost saline constituents." DR- TUHlS<Y" "I found it act as a p,,Ie? in my DR.e"e;.fu/e o: f:rmaOJ:}'.v' no other medicine being required." T^R. J. W. DOWSING-.—"I used it in the treatment of forty-two cases of Yellow Fever, and I am bappy to state that Ilost single c?, Dn* W. 8TEVENS. m his work. Ch-l?r. nd Fver, DR.se:. "S.nce its introduction the :[" J e:;r F-,?? -r, deprived of their terrors" DR. S. GIBBON (formerly ph3,?ici,. ,f the London DR'HPif)38. th mbe;i :n o te1:;oÏ have ever met with. it? u?fulness in the treatment of disease has long been confirmed by medical experience. I have been in the habit of using it in private practice for many years, In hot climates it is of mp?ial value. T%R. SPAKKS (Government Medical Inspector of Emi« grants f rum London ) writes"I have great pleasure in b ??,g my ?rd is testimony to its efficacy in the treatment of the ordinary and chronic forms of Gastric Complaints and other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia.— 8th August, 1857.It is of immense value in Prickly Heat. Price 2/8,4/6, II/- & 21/- each bottle, B. lÁl'r¿cû:£o, 4/& }l¿ilto:n:r!etor. A CERTAIN CURE FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY. I RATr,q, a MEDICAL WORK showing G'Uffe".r.? bow they may be cured and recover Health and Vitality, without the aid of Quacks, with Recipes for purifying the Blood and removing Skin Affections. Free on receipt of stamp to prepay postage. Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 668 LIST or AGENTS FROM WHOM THE NORTH WALES CHHOiviCLti XAY DK HAD EVERY SATURDAY MollNlttA AT TH»* FUBXJ3BJCJ) PRICK, TWOPENCE. Aberystwlth Railway Bookstall Amlwch Jones, bookseller Bala .Mr Kelland Baugor The Publishing Office M Railway BooksUll The different Booksellers Beaumaris. T. Pritchard, bootmaker „ R. Jones, bookseller Bethetd* Jobn Jones, bookseller m D. W. Pritchard n W. Mark Owen M W. Griffith, 3, Owen terrace Barmouth. Mr Williams, chemist B&ttw&ycoed. Robett Parry, cbemist Carnarvou.RailwayBookstall 0 J. C. Rowlaud, bookseller n John Williams, do H n. W. D-ivies, do Chelber. ,Railway Burkstall „ Joseph Rathbume Colwyo.. Thomos Davi^a, 1'i'r Boct Colwyn Bay Owen Evans, bookseller C.Iwyii Bay D,). "do. Conway Do. do. M R. E. Jones, Rose hill street Corweo E. Edwards, bookseller Criccu-th J. W. Boweu, chemist C c i  t h.? Denbigh W. A. Nott, bookseller Railway Buokstail Dolgelley Owen Rees, Printer Dolyddelen K'lia Pierce, (Ellis o'r Nant) Eglwysfach lnaac Jone., draper Flint C. CIArk, news.gent Fourcrosaes Ellis li^' eits, bookseller „ R J, Thomas Holyhead. Mr- Williams, Boston house f H. G. fiutrhes, chemist tt Railway HookBtall Liverpool.Fulke. and Evans, 16, Tithe. barn 8tropt LUndudno .Directory Office, Napier houu „ Rlllway Bookstall Llandudno Junction.Railway Bookstall Lliuerchyni«-dJ Jones, bookseller Llanfairfechau R. Kolu-rte, Post Office It E. illiams, newsagent LlanberU D. h. Wiliiaw., b..keller Llangefni D. Williams, b.k.eli?, „ Nixon at;d Jarvis, booksellers Llanrwst Mrs R. Joiie*, uewsagent „ Mrd H. Williams, Tioeafon LlaoftaotfFraid Jesse Jcjhs Llanfair P.G L. O. Williams, Prince of Walts V dUlt. Mold Priug aud Price, bouksellera Machynlleth Railway Bookstall Meuai Bridge Railway Bookstall 6G. Williams, Post Office Portmadoc .1). Lloyd, bookteller 0 n. G. Humphreys, bookseller* It Owen bookseller Penrbyudeudraeth.W. Jones Edwaids, newsagent Penmaohno W. Jones, Post Office Portdiuorwic loliu Roberts, newsagent Peuioaenuiatvr Railway Bookstall M'w* a Jonen, Ixiok4.lIer Griffith Roberts, B*a*ar pnnygroes,Cf*riiarvouUiiffitli U?wie,iiew**u*t'»* jihyi., W. A. Nott, bookseller Mr S. Berriugton l.. ltiilway B >< kstall Ruthio.— W. T. Rouw, chemist St. Asaph Mr Tomkinsoo, hair drew* Shipping, WHITE STAR LINE ROYAL AND UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. NOTICE.-The Steamers of this Line take the Land Routes recommenced by Lieut. Maury, both on the Outward and Homeward passages. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YOR, Forwarding Passengers to all parts of tho United States and Canada. These well-known magnificent Steamers are appointed to sail weekly as under, carrying her Majesty's and the United tates Mails :— FROM LIVERPOOL. BALTIC Tuesday, 16th November GERMANIC Thursday, 25th November. REPUBLIC Tuesday, 30th November CELTIC Tuesday, 7th Dtcember BRITANNIC Thursday, 16th December FROM NEW YORK. GERMANIC Saturday, 61.11 November REPUBLIC Thursday, 11th November These splendid vessels reduce the passage to the shortest possible time, and afford to Passengers the highest degree of comfort hitherto attainable at sea. Average passage 8.1 days in Summer, 9 days in Win. ter. Each Vessel is constructed in seven water-tight compartments. The Saloon, Ladies' Boudoir, State Rooms, and Smoking Rooms are amidship, and are luxuriously fur. nished and fitted with all modern conveniences; pianos, libraries, electric bells, bath-rooms, harbor s shop, &c. Saloon Passage, 15, 18, and 21 Guineas; Return Ticket, at reduced rates. The Steerage accommodation is of the very highest character; the rooms are unusually spacious, well lighted, ventilated, and warmed, and passengers of this class will tind their comfort carcfully studied and pro- visioning unsurpassed. Stewardesses in Steerage to attend the Women and Children. Drafts issued on New York free of charge. For freight or passage apply to Messrs Richard Ro- berts, Bethesda: Kobert Owen, Harbour othee, Car- narvon W. J. Williams, 7, Market-street, Carnar- ?.. D. Rowlands, Agent, P?.yg,;?ig W. D. Jones, 16, Newry-street, Holyhead; D. P. W,Ili???s Llauberis; Hugh Davies, Accountant, &c., Ccnway; E. D. Jones 20, Tabernacle street, Bangor. IS MAY, IMRIJE, & CO., 10, Water-street, Liverpool and 34-, Leadenhall-street, London, E.C. 749 AMERICAN LINE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY, Calling at QUKENSTOWN EvEay THURSDAY. 1 VVV "DIRST-CLASS, FULL- .I' POWERED IItO STEAM- SJBFFLJEBCR SHIPS are appointed to sail BRITISH CROWN Wednesday, Nov. 17 • LuRD GOUGH Wednesday, Nov. 24 ILLINOIS Saturday, Nov. 27. » LOR. CLIVE Wednesday, Dec. 1. OHIO.Wednesday, Dec. 8. PENNSYLNANIA Wednesday, Dec. 15. No Intermediate Passengers carried on voyages marked thus* The only TRANS-ATLANTIO LINE sailing under the UNITED STATES FLAG, and carrying the American Raft, for saving life, besides the nsual complement of Lifeboats and an extra number of Life Preservers. The accom. modation for all classes of passengers is equal to any of the European Steamslup Lines. Every Steamer c?ies a,?urg?.ad a stewamess. Passengers and goods are landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which has the "h.rtet .a d most direct -ute to &11 places ia th3 Western States. Passengers by this Line can pass direct into the Rail- road Cars without leaving the Landing Wharf, and under the same roof there are Hefrc3hment Room, United States Letter box, Telegraph Office, Exchange Office, and Baggage EXLlress Office. CABIN PASSAGF-12 to 21 Guineas. STEERAGE PASSAGE as low as by any other fast Line, including an ample supply of Provisions. Steerage Passengers are forwarded to w York, Boston, or Baltimore, without additional charge. INTERMEDIATE FARE-Eight Guineas. Apply in Philadelphia, to Peter Wright and Son, General Agents, 307, Walnut-street; in Queenstown, to N. and J. Cummins N, Brothers and in Liverpool, to RICHARDSON, SPENCE K Co., 17 and 19. Water Street. London AgentsKeller Wallis and postlethwaite, (j and 7, Fenchurch-street, I.ondon, E.G. AGENTS :— Hugh H. Owen, Tros-y-wien, Pentir, Bangor. Hugh Williams, New Inn, Lianrwst. 3506 THE REV. JOHN SHEWARD, of Milton TKeut, w rites, October 29th, 1878 3ty were so shattered that I dreaded the simplest duties and lost all energy and pleasure in the performance them. The despondency I endured became almost unbearable. Since taking COBDEN'A PILLS the change in my health for the better is very marked. I have lost that horrible depression, my nerves are much stronger, and my general health very greaiiy improved I cannot express how truly thankful I feel for the remarkable and pleasing change." C OBDEN'S QUIN. INE and PHOSPHOROUS PILLS give strength, energy, and vigorous vitality to constitutions in any way enfeebled. Infallible in Neuralgia.—Ask for "COB- DE? !6 PILLS, and have no ot h ers, 2?, 9d an d 4s 6d. Any Chemist will get them if they are not in stock, or they will be sent Post Free on receipt of 33 or 54 stamps (great saving), by the Sussex Drug Co., 135, Queen's Road, Brighton. Agent at Bangor-Thomas Webster chemist. 241, High-street. 330 MEDICAL, SOCIAL, & HYGIENIC BOOKS, published by HENRY SMITH, Doctor of Medicine, and Surgery of the University of Jena, by Diploma, 1860.-A New Medical Work, just published, Enlarged Edition, 144 pages, crown 8vo., free by Post two stamps, in Envelope. GUIDE TO IIEALTH Or, DEBILITA TING AND NERVOUS DISEASES: THEIR CAUSE, CONSEQUENCE, SYMPTOMS, AND TREATMENT. This is a New Medical Work on the Nature, Treatment, and Cure of Nervous Mental and Physical Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Indigestion, Dim ness of Sight, Want of Energy, Deafness, Epilepsy Piles, Premature Decay, Headache, Irritability, &c. resulting from Loss of Nerve Power, tiie results of In temperance, Late Hours, Worry, Brain aud Toil, which if neglected, will end in Premature Decline, gives instruc- tions by which thousands have been restored to health. Illustrated with Cases and Testimonials from grateful patients, with means of cure use in e.ch case, SEVENTEENTH THOUSAND.— Fifty-seven Engra- vings on Wood, price SEVKNPEKCK, post free, PHYSICAL EDUCATION; Or PEO- PLE'S GUIDE TO HEALTH AND VOLUN TEER'S MANUAL, a Work on PHYSICAL EDUCA- TION AND THE CULTURK OF THE HEALTHFUL AND BEAUTIFUL IN HUMANITY.—Subjects Physical Education Laws of Life, How to render Weak Muscles Strong—Gymnastics—Prevention of Disease- Cure of Disease—Air—Light—Skin—Diet—Bath, etc. etc. Gives Instructions for Developing aud Strengthen ingthe Human Body-liow to Regain Lost Health, the Effect of Overtaxed Energies, Over-work—City-life— How to Secure Long Life, and Avoid the Inrfimities of Old age, etc. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES New Edition, Enlarged to 13Z Pages, Price Sixpence. Free by Post, Seven Stamps, in Envelope, to all parts of the World. DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMAN" Dor the FEMALES' PRIVATE MEDICAL AD VlSER, by DR, HENRY SMITH. Giwsa Full List of all Diseases or Ailments peculiar to the Female Con. etitution, thoir Nature, Cause, and Symptoms, with the Name of the Medicine in English, proper for Cure. By the aid of this book females may form a Correct Know- ledge of the Malady, and How to Cure it, without C.)1]. tutting a Medical Man. It is the Woman's best Friend and Guide to the Cure of all Diseases. DR. HENRY SMITH, 8. Burton Crescent, London, W.C. 710-19:0 CLAIMS AND CLAIMANTS.—Lord Howe writes to the Daily Telegraph as follows :-1 thick the attention of your readers might very well be called to the language of the learned Judge Mailing cn delivering judgment in the case of Willis against myself, Lord Beauchamp, and others (reportedon the 4th instant), deprecating to use that learned judge's owu language, vexatious, unjusti- fiable, and hopeless cases/ It appears to be a blot ttpeft our statute-book that, as the law at present stands, there are no means of stoppiog any otber person—even claimants who may have just fRiled-ln ttrtittR ano- ther case on similar or totady different grounds or allega- tions as to title. Lapse of time ought, under any eircum. stances, to run aft.r give. number of year# against any such claims, and it is a great piety that the land me?. sures introduced by the late Lord Chancellor in the last session of the last Parliament had not been allowed to proceed under the care of the present Law Officers of the Crown, if they could not haye allowed Lord Cairns to have proceeded as an independent member of the House of Peers with his proposed scheme. At all events, this would have brought before the public at large bow easy it is at present for any person to inter. fere with the enjoyment of any estate in this kingdom after the lapse 01 any number uf yeats and surely some machinery might be veiy easily devifed by which any claimant, before being allowed to proceed should lay his case before one of tbe judges r Law Officers of the Crown, and not be permitted to proceed without a fiat of allowance, both liarties-claimants as well as defend. auto-being bound to pay in a oertain sun, to be fixed by a judge, into court, to cover the COlt. ot toy sucb speculative litigation.