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f EXECUTION AT CHESTER. 00 Monday mornittf, Harry Leigh WM Chester Caetld for the murder of Mary Ana lialtoo, a girl of fight years of og", _»t Macclesfield, on the 23rd March. Tbe prisoner waa a married roao, and was by trade a weaver. He reaided in Maccleatield, clo&a by tue mother of the murdered child. He ",a. of emell etature-aufficiantly so as to be described as "A dwarf" —and wtu above lue average of his cUsa in iotellect, although deeded by dtiuk aud viciousoondual Being acquainted with the fict thut Airs Halton mteuded to dead fur the vagee (ti. 3d.) due to her from a mill where she worked, he forged au or,ler for the same, ia her name, ar,d .eat a ihi^»eng»r with it. Thecltrkwac not deceived by the .eUle, aud refused to give the monty to L-igh'a Ule."Il' r, whereupon the culprit ri<igg«d the to uud lr, the mill. Om ttiriviug at a lonely fput » u the bank of a ctnal, Leigh, overtook the girl and vi-d^utiy wrested the mouey from her. She Bcretuued, i'od 1 e .14he i her ioto the stream, where she was drowned. It, r I" dy was shortly after- wards found, und he w;n accu^c of the murder but he first of all denied it, and then uiada comiradictory t.tement8 to the purpose that he knew something about the affair, but was afraid of disclosing everything as the relation might tell against himself. After he was locked up on the charge of murder, he attempted to commit suicide by atraugliug himself with bis pocket handkerchief. He was totird guilty on strong circum- stantial evidence, before Mr Justice Biauiwell, who, i. parsing sentence of death upou him, owitted, for reasons which he declined to state otherwise than refer- riug to bis experience for the omis,iou, to add the customary wlau for Gud to have mercy upon %be 80ul of the condemned man. Aft- r condemnation Leigjb made an ample confessIon of the rime, and Mcught and obtained forgiveness from the mother of the murdered girl. His conduct afterwardi was described as 11168f¡ exemplary" by tha gaol chaplain, the Rev. J. I. Kilner. On Sunday the condemned man attended divine service. He was somewhat indisposed during the day, but not to any serious extent. On the same evening a number of choice spirits resident in the city" interviewed" Marwood, at his lodgings, lied Lion Inn, Lower Bridge- street, aud extracted Îrom him narratives of former executions and other information oi II highly sensational character. Ou Monday, about eigl.t o'cleck, ths COO" demced murderer, after receiving religious con.so'ation, atteuded by the gaol chaplain, the high sheriff (Major Brock!ehurst), the und^r-sherifF (Mr J. Tatlock), the governor of tbe gaol (Mr J. Mant iug), frieod officials. and others, marcLed iu mournful procession to the scaffold, which wai erected in a c-jrcer ti the gaol corridor, so covered in ai to form a small room. Here he was tound by Marwood with straps, in the usual manner, and placed underneath the beam. The ropti was so adjusted as to admit oi a 7-foot drop (tbe culprit being of light. weight). Leigll walked with a fi in btep. and exhibited outwardly no emotiou. Wheo the fatal fall cawe, the sound b,, ily audible-no doubt duft to the well being padded. D, a'h was iustantaoeous, but 1lI".ern?nts of the head and shoulders, and par- ticularly of tie legs, which wtrtt once oc twiwdrlwu up, were seen for about i minute*. Tile inquest was held cn the tody during the morning, and the body was afterwar(li interred within the precincts of the gaol Aboun eiht o'clock .ome hundreds of peraoca assembled outside the gaol and waited for the appear \uce of the black Ihg..1\ fter the flu^ wm hoisted they moved quietly away. The following U a copy of the letter sent by the culprit to his pareuts « Chester Castle, August 6tb, 1377. "Dear Father and Mother,—I writ3 these few last lines to you to inform you tli.,t I received your kind, welcome a'1d long.!oike i-for letter on Saturday, and tcJ inform you that the reason I cli.1 tot write sooner was because I thought you had left Macclesfield, for vou told me ou tin 25th of Jun, that yen would see ill; on the 23rd of July, and, dear father, ss you say you are almost Wrokeu-heartcd, 1 myself know you can Dot be otherwise. To tbiuk yon have ouly two sons, and one must soon be ltd to the gallows t) die; but a> I have said rep atedlf, it is only what I deserve for having taken the life of a fellow-creature and having hurried htr nnwarced into eternity, yile and miserable sinner that l am I: but I hope the Lord will have mercy on me, for I have now oniy to look to Him for uiercv, and I hope H. will pardon we for all my past sins, f( I' they are many more than I can tell—the sins of mv heart, tho sins of my lips, and the sins of my baedd. But I pray to haft forgiveness of tbeiD a*l, and t) be deansod in the blood of Oijr Lord Jesus Christ, who died that we sinners might be raved. Aud dear father, you say in your letter, YOll doet know whether we shall be permitted to see each other ag"iu in this w rid, but I am glad to 11aoe to inform you that you can visit me a1 Touraday or Friday next, so I tbiuk you hid better come on Thursday, to avoid Oeiug so near the Rod ot the week, aud 1 may soy therft a. e only four persons I wish to see, that i., yourelf. my mother, my wife, and cousin Ellen Gouldeu. Ther" i no otuer I wish to see. I hoi)e to have foigiveness from our Heavenly Fither for this fearful crime "Del all my past sins. Dearidth*rr as you say theie are throbbing hearts at home ahout. my awful doom, I hope yon will enteavour to c()n80h. yourselves as much as possible for, "Of sorrow nil must have a share, But in griefs dark hour Kemember this the while- Though sorrow c1o:e the parting day; Joy c»metli wiih the morning ray. Aud brighter fkies may smile That path of sorrow, and that path alou, Leads to the land where sorrow is So now, dear latheraod otL- I mubtconciudejmy hwt letter with my kind love to wy uucles, aunts, and cousins, and accept the same yourselves, with the last farewell to them all; so no more from your affectionate loving, truly repenti-'g sou,—HARNT LEIGH."

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VALLEY.—MOSDAT. - - - - -.I


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