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HOLYWELL.-,-.I I ll(;L -VELL.…



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LLANDUDNO. MEETING OF THE IMPROVEMENT COMMISSIONERS.—An adjourned of the Llandudno Improvement Commissioners w;is held on Monday last, the 14th inst., when there wre preseut the following members — Rev. J. Morgan, Messrs. Morris Prichard, John Wil- liams ((iadlys), Thomas Owen, Thomas Owen, Thomas Koberts, Jos. Hughes, Morgan Williams, Jos. Jones Thomas Jones, James Williams, William Prichard, Morris Parry. After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read, a letter was rearl from the Loudon and North Western Railway Company, in which they expressed their willingness to assist the Commissioners in estab- lishing greater regularity and a fairer sials of charges as it relates to the porters of the town. After a short conversation it was resolved that the Chairman, accom- panied by the clerk, should confer with the said Com- pany in order to secure the above desirable object. Tnt; GAS AND WATER COMPANY.— We have much satisfaction in stating that the town of LlandnJno is now in a fair way of being abundantly supplied with the best water which can be found in Wales. At a recent meeting of the Directors of the above named Company, it was resolved to carry out at once plans prepared by their engineer, Ifr. Felton, to make a neiv reservoir at the Grijat Orme's Mead, capable of con- taining 3 millions of gallons of water, and which will be supplied to the town in addition to the present re- sources. This will be a most valuable acquisition, [1.8 water is by no means plentiful in the town now, and the new reservoir is calculated to fulty supply any demand for years to come. For the information of the visitors and others interested in this mlttr, we shall append the analysis of the water at the Great Orme's Head, by Mr. llerapath, the celebrated chemical analysist, which has been kindly supplied to U8 by Mr. Williams, clerk to the Company. The following is Mr. Herapath's report in extenso :— "HUGH OWEN, ESQ., GREAT WESTERS RAILWAY. Dear Sir,—I hand you the results of the Analysis of a Sample of Water-in an Imperial Gallon there are in (Trains and demical parts as follows Chlo. idb of Calcium 0.162 Sulphate of Magnesia 1.435 Common Salt 5.643 Organic Matters .325 Nitrates Traces. Carbonate of Lime. 9.963 Sulphate of Lime .433 Oxide of Iron .003 Silica 463 Total Salts per Gallon. 18.427 There is nothing in this Water to prevent its being used for domestic purposes it is hard befora being boiled (15 degress), about the average of Bristol sprins waters; after boiling it will be only 5 degrees, which i- rather soft; it will, therefore, do well for brewing, tea making, &c. You will perceive that all the substances contained in a gallon weigh but 18 10ths of a grain and when the Carbonate of Lime (nearly 10 grains) are precipitated by boiling, the solid contents are but 8J grains, of which 54 grains are Common Salt. I remain, dear Sir, yours very truly. WILLIAM HEJIAPATH, F.C.S. THE PUBLIC BATHS.—At an extraordinary meeting of the Public Baths Company, held on Monday last in their committee room, it was decided that the affairs of the Company be wound up uoluntarily; and also that Mr. John Williams should be appointed sole liqnidator. 'BHH VISITORS.—There is at present a large number of visitors in this deservedly famed and healthy watering place; but comparatively the number is not so great as at a similar period of the season in one or two years past, at least not in proportion to the greatly increased accommodation provided in the town. This is doubtless owing, iu part, to the very unpropitious weather which there ha been since the first week in June--wet, cold, and stormy; and partly to the counter attractions of the Great International Exhibition in London. Should we be blessed with seasonable weather during the re- maining summer months there is no doubt but that Llandudno will be thronged as usual, with visitors from all parts of the kingdom. A STROLL FROM LLANDUDNO TO TijE GREAT ORME'S HEAD. A correspondent has sent us the followingI am tolerably well acquainted with the greater part of North Wales; but somehow it has so, happened that until Monday last I never had an opportunity of visiting the far-famed town of Llandudno. I have seen it marked on maps, read vivid and poetically-written descriptions of it in Guide Books, &c., and heard it spoken of as a very beautiful and charming place indeed. Still there is nothing like ocular proof in such matters; for in common Guide-books, at least, every spot and every place of note, is said to be the charmingest" place on the whole globe, and everything is painted eo.'eur du rose. In giving you my impressions of Llandudno, I shall there- fore be as truthful as possible; Of course the Railway train stopped at the Junction station, which is about half a mile from Conway-this station being a remarkably pretty and even unique structure. From there to Llandudno is a little over tkree miles, over a flat and uninteresting bit of coast land, and in about 10 minutes time we found ourselves at the Llandudno Station. This erection is not by any means a beautiful work of art," and is not calculated, I should say, to niake the fortune of the designer and builder. In fact it is what I may term, a shabby, low- looking, paltry bit of a building, and is not at all, in keeping with the general and noble character of the town of which it may be said to be the entrance gate, I may as well state as not, that the appearance of Llan- dudno, from this spot, hardly realized my pre-conceived notions of it; but—wait. As it was somewhat late in the evening when I ar- rived, and as there was a stiff breeze blowing right into the town from over Conway Bay, I thought it prudent to get housed" M quickly as possible, and this I managed to accomplish without much loss of time. Perhaps you may think this a trifling matter, but I can assure you it is not, for although some parties are com- plaining here of the paucity of visitors, there is scarcely a house in the town but what has got its quota of them —though they say that by reason of the greatly in- creased accommodation provided during the past year or two, there is room enough for as many more. Th:» may be so, but to me it appears that the town is posi- tively full of visitors. After slightly renovating the inward man," I be- came bold, and despite the wind and the dust which was literally blown about in clouds, I sallied out to have my first vielv of Llandudno—I mean, of course, inter- nally. In addition to the parade which serni-circularly skirts the Bay of Llandudno on the east side, and which conhins a great number of spacious and noble looking houses, the town contaius two main streets, with a number of smaller ones running out, or into them, just as your readers wish to have it. The first runs from near the Railway Station direct north, and ends at the very base of the Orme's Head mountain. The upper part of it is called Mostyn-street," but whether this name be applied to the whole length, which I should say is little short of half a mile, I have not ascertained. The other main street cuts Mostyn-street at right angles, many of the beautiful residences being close up the rocky mountain behind, and a few, I believe, are actually built in or upon the rock. This street is really a very fine one, and many of the houses in their designs show great taste and judgment in the architect. To the smaller streets it is not my intention now to allude. As a whole, Llandudno is a well-built town, equal to, if not superior, to any other to be found on the sea- board of Wales. Before returning to my lodgings I made the tour" of the parade, on which I found a capital stringed Band "discoursing most eloquent music" for the gratification of hundreds of visitors, male and female, who despite the cold and wind (for cold it certainly was), continued their evening's promenading. On Tuesday morning I was up betimes, and so indeed 8cenietlto be the majority of the Llanduduoites. Num- berless Bathing Machines were being hauled into the water for the use of the health-seeking parties who wished to have a dip; ott lA#o di every shape and of almost eveny material stood reafV Jlriritod in the middle of Mostyn-street; and donkeys, fvil'f oliatigned, and ridden by during little boys and girls, C'lntetd along the streets, just as race horses do before a race, in oftfer M show their particular action and their merits in general. As a digression I may be allowed to say that these donkeys are the most active and best disciplined which I ever saw, and canter as freely, steadily, and safely as little ponies-showing what can be done for even "stupid Neddy," by a good education and kindness. About ten o'clock the streets became crowded with people, and a motly assemblage it was, as, in this one little Welsh town-are to be seen ladies and gentlemen from all parts of England, and indeed from all parts of the United Kingdom. The first feature of it is that each individual partv seems isolated from every other, and a chilling reserve is the result. Englishmen are not "-social" as are our neighbours the French John Bull will not nod, nor bow, nor have anything whatever to say or do to any other man unless he knows who he is," and has been formally introduced. I am afraid Mr. Bull's prudence on this matter some- times into positive Ruspicion; and that while he is only auxioua to preserve his self-respect and himself from impertinent intrusion, he manages it so as to give a stranger the impressian that you were meàit.1- ting a violent attack upon his purse, if not upon his person In consequence of this I can safely say, that whilst perambulating the whole of Llandudno on Tuesday morning, I did not witness one solitary friendly salutation between different parties-only between per- sons belonging to the party. I wonder is this the case at all fashionable watering ? Suffering slightly from that thoroughly English i malady ennui, and being desirous to see that local at. ■ traction, the Great Orme's Head, I determined in the afternoon, to take a stroll in that direction, and to see for myself what it w.M Ukj. J w? told there was a good foot ?..d .11 -id the promontory, and was alio t} rea;eesi:o)o({;e \"a!: ¡ there was a heavy gale blowing from the south west, and that I should fiud a brisk breeze at the Orme's Heid to be anything but a joke. The whole distance was stated to be just 54 miles all round; and thus informed I started in high glee, but apparently very sedate, as becomes the place, upon this little voyage of discovery, and I now shall proceed to chronicle the particulars of my ramble. The j,)t?r?i?y fairly commnces by the Baths (of these more hereafter) and the path here is easy and smooth enough. A few yards on there is a sort of a hurdle gate across the path at which a little hoy had stationed him- self to open it for you, for an expectant "consideration;" but a3- the gate can be kicked wide open without scarcely any extra effort at all, I puzzled to imagine what the boy troubled himself for, and why he should think it necessary to be so very accommodating ? Also, whether or not the hurdle gate was placed there by some bene- volent person on purpose that little boys, of mitnnerly habits, should obtain daily a sundry number of pence to enable them to purchase "sweets" for their juvenile satisfaction. As I could not satisfactorily solve these mighty problems, I passed slowly on towards the Head. Before proceeding any further I must state that at this time the weather was dry and fine, and notwith- standing that the gale which blew from the west, Llan. dudno Bay, protected by the high promontoiy, was as smooth as" a lake. In fact, you could not have told there was any gale at all on that side of the mountain. The sights" on the footpath at this pbee were curious enough. First was to be seen reclining on the greensward a mother with her little child, ovidently in- tending it to inhale the inl'ig?rtin"ea,breeze ind;pel' dent of her own personal com tort. men came a troop of little boys and girls under the care of nurse," she being particularly engaged in wheeling a perambulat ir with" baby in it. On a green patch to the left, and fronting the Bay, were two or thre mechanics erecting a photographic tent, whilst adjoining was a stereoscopic establishment in full operation, the proprietor being at the entrance blandly inviting the visitors to patronise this branch of the fine arts. A few yards beyond was placed a target for young or old toxopholites to practice at,—bows aud arrows ready arranged, being fixed at the shooting distance. From these bct", I gleaned that the walk which I had just commenced was a favourite one, and was much frequented by adults and juveniles alike. The scene on both sides of the path now rapidly be- came both interesting and picturesque in the extreme. On the left were perpendicular rocks some 30 or 40 yards in height, or even more; whilst on the right, on the side of the sea, the precipice was all but perpendicular; and as iu phces there was but a yald or so of path between one and the precipitous descent into the waters of the Bay, it was a position calculated to make persons not naturally timid, a little nervous. The view seaward from this part of the mountain was very fine, anil even grand and magnificent. In the distant horizon, in the direction of Rhyl and Liverpool, were to be seen ships and steamers proceeding gaily in their several tracks acroas the broad expanse of water; whilst nearer were a number of fishing boats with their nice white sails, look- ing not much larger than seagulls. On the right was the little Orme's Head, with numberless mansions and cottages in its immediate neighbourhood, looking the very personification of peace and happiness. Nearer, and about half a mile from the shore, was a tug boat at anchor, with its chimney sending out a little steam and smoke, and altogether looking the most lazy, useless, and idle thing conceivable. Altogether it was one of those scenes which cannot be accurately described in print, nor can it be conceived of correctly but on a personal view. No orw can imagine the superlative beauty of the scene there presented, who have simply read of it in Guide Books and Wanderings in Wales." As I proceeded, the rocks became more frowning and craggy, and the isolation more complete. The land to- wards the east was entirely hidden from view, so that there was nothing to gaze tipoii but the ever-singing sea, with its low moanings, and the high and rugged rocks above and below. Under one's very feet on the beach were a large number of monster bolder stones, which in age past must have fallen from the mountain above. They were of a yellowish colour, and looked more like huge pieces of sponge than anything I ever saw before-the action of the sea having, I suppose, washed out the softer parts of them so that in this respect they pre- sented an appearance not very unlike to honey-comb! These stones must be a curious sight even to the veteran tourist or traveller. As I went on the desolation seemed to become more profound and complete, and I felt as if, for once, I had left the busy haunts of men behind me, and that I could skit and dance, walk or run, sing or cry, or do any other outrageous and unbecoming thing without any prying and censorious pair of human eyes watching my move- ments. Just then I turned an angle of a projecting rock when to my discomfiture and confusion, I found a lady and a gentleman quietly ensconced in the rocky recess, gazing abstractedly as if they expected some wonderful phenomenon to appear somewhere in the direction of Ithyl; but of course they did not see me, because that would not have been orthodox etiquette. What a curious coincidence it is; but in my somewhat lengthen- ed experience the human species seem to have a natural inclination to go in pairs, and of the opposite genders too, and more especially in these secluded mountain rambles. Strange is it not ? About a mile on, the granite wall on my right became decidedly more than perpendicular, and above me I should think it rose to 60 yards in height, and about the same distance down. Huge fragments of rock were seen lying on the beach against which the waves were con- tiijually dashing as if they resented the intrusion; and a feeling rose in my mind that it could not be a very plea- sant thing if one of the remaining boulders were to slip down just then, and should chance to catch me in its descent. Had this occurred, why amongst other things this rambling sketch would most assuredly not have been written! More pairs of feminity and masculinity, and more pre- I cipices and iron railings acting as safety guards to the adventurous humans who trod this craggy road. The sea became more beautifully blue, and the rocks more threateningly ponderous and ragged; and I now found I was entering upon the domain (proper) of the cormor- ant and the seagull. The former flew about (a black old fellow he seemed) as-if in quest of some luckless fish for his supper previous to his retiring for the evening; whilst the seagulls squealed out t', r alarm and defiance in notes identical to what one won' expect to hear, were we to tread upon the soft feet o" nit a dozen young pups, at the same time. Upon tl.. ocks above I saw a solitary sheep, which reminded me a-angly of the Last Man, so graphicaly described by C.inipbell—so lonely and isola- ted was the poor thing. Near this spot I also saw a white flower apparently growing out of the solid rock, which, upon closer examination, proved to be a daisy not the daisy, don't you fancy; but a bold flaunting thing, which impudently spread out its charms to the first cotaer, repudiates all pretensions to virgin shame and retiring modesty. It was not Montgomery's, but a Mi- chaelmositish kind of a daisy, and I felt disgusted with its boldness! The road still continued to wind its erratic course amongst these everlasting hills," but in all parts it was smooth and comfortable, and must have cost an immense sum in its construction, besides showing engineering of no ordinary skill. Lord Mostyn might well indeed be a favourite with the inhabitants of Llandudno, for he not only planned this road, but, if I am correctly informed, it was he chiefly who originated the modern town of Llandudno, in which he has been ably seconded by his active and esteemed agent, John Williams, Esq., of Bodafon. After passing some rocks which had the appearance of being tremendous castle walls, more than ordinary moun- tain granite, and after nearly catching a swallow which would fly within a yard of me, I arrived at a spot where the road diverged into two-one leading directly to the Gre»t Orme's Head, not far off, and the other, as a sign, board informed me, to St. Tndno's Church. St. Tudno you know was a fmnoua monk and flourished, say some, a thousand or fifteen hundred years ago. He was South. Walian, and not liking ttio manners of his neighbours in Glamorganshire, he took leave one fine day and travelled northwards to some Mdt'ded spot where he should not be disturbed by pryn)? and carnal-minded world!in" He took !'f?<? in the Great OrM9'? Head, and if his object was really seclusion from the world, hw Kttlmg is that particular spot was a very likely means indeed to attain it. St. Tudno, like most men, monks or sinner4 died in due time; and in due time a church was erected on the site of his hermitage, or whatever it WilS, to com- memorate his saintship. It is now the original Parish Church of the place, and the parish itself was called after his own name-Lhm Tudno, or, in English, Tudno's Church. It is now an old fashioned structure, and dur- ing summer sea,ion, weather permitting, two English services are held in it every Sunday for the use of the English visitors to the town. It was restored to its pre- sent state, some years ago, at the sole expense of W. H. Reece, Esq., Birmingham. From this place to the extreme poiut of the Great Orme's Head, there is a gradual ascent, and the view became every step more extended and beautiful. TO describe its magnificence and grandeur is impossible, and therefore I shall not attempt it. When about two hun- dred yards from the point I met a gentleman seemingly excited, who told me that it was very windy, and that to cross over the Head in such a gale, and with a rain-storm brewing at Penmaenmawr, was in tact not to ne accom- plished. I smiled incredulously at this silken ill omened bird of passage, an where I was then, there was scarcely any wind to be felt at all. A few yards in advance, how- ever, dissipated my delusion, for on reaching the stony plateau on the very point of the precipice I found the gale so strong as not only to nearly take my breath away, but my hat and my bodily self in the bargain. I then ,1i.c<Jverell that my journey for the day had come to abrupt termination; and after gazing around wildly (I could hardly keep niy hat on you know with my ttoo hands) on the scene before me, and watched the gyra- tions of some foolish gulls far below towards the sea, I beat a hasty retreat, as .VI 'Clellan seems to have done from before Richmond; and as many better men than ever he or I have done many times before. As it now began to rain heavily (it was only a pawing shower) I got into the crevice of a rock, which completely sheltered me from both wiud and rain. From this i-etre tt I S'IIV my friend, the Counsellor, scudding away at full speed about half a mile off, evidently bent on over-running the rain, but this I believe he did not do. I also saw one or two other things which I will relate. On the extreme point of this famous Headland, the Liverpool Dock Trust (or Committee) have just com- menced building a Light-house and Telegraph Station, for purposes which their names denote. They were commenced some six weeks and they are already in a pretty forward state. There will be two houses built close by for those who will have to-attend to the duties of the station. Thenceforth, therefore, the Great Orme's Head will be quite as intcrejting a spot to our seafaring people as it is to tourists and visitors. I may also men- tion that the Orme's Mountain is rich in copper ore, and adjoining the station I see they have commenced sink- ing into the rock in order to make a mine there. Apropos to St. T udno's Church, I may state that there is a tradition here that it was formerly in the centre of a large and populous district, but that the sea has worked away all the land between there and Pen. maenmawr, with the exception of the present slip of lock which forms the Orme's promontory. In proof of this tradition it is stated that only recently, and whilst excavating the foundations of the light-house, and working the copper shaft, the workmen have discovered something which lo?ks very much like tjie remains of .1, houses! i cannot be answerable for the truth of this statement, nor am I in a position to deny it, so your readers must form their own opinion on the subject. On my return to Llandudno I saw two things which greatly interested me. One was the most complete and beautiful rainbow I ever remember to have seen, and not more than 100 yards from me, which spanned the sea entirely and all the land which was in sight. The other was a small vessel in the direction of Rhyl with red sails, which I for a moment thought might be the red thg of an American Buccaneer. Mentioning this last circumstance to a gentleman subsequently he ex- plained that fishermen are sometimes in the habit of tanning old sails so as to render them of more use, and that then the sails do look of a scarlet colour. I have now done; and if I should ramble round the west side of Orme's promontory, or to any other place of note in this truly charming locality, you will probably hear from me again. Already I have seen enough of Llandudno to know that taking the town and its en- virons iuto account, there is not such another spot to be found in the British Islands.

