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ELLIS & CO., MANIIFACTURI, OF PORTLAND CEMENT, 23, STRAND-STHEET, LlVERroOL. JUST PUBLISHED, MONEY. FEW THOUSAND POUND? ready to A be Advanced at 4 ? per Cent., on SMurity of LAN 0 or BUILDINGS, in Sums to Suit Borrowers. Apply to Mr. JAMES ROGERS, Estate Agent, Whit. Friars, Chester. THE EAGLES HOTEL. MR. JOHN JONES HAS entered into the above Hotel, which is _ii situated at the top of Pool Street, where the Pwllheli and Bcddgelcrt post roads enter Carnarvon. Mr. John Jones respectfully informs Families, Tourists, and Commercial Gentlemen, that they will find most com- fortable IICCoUllllodntions on reasonable terms. Wines, Spirits, Ales, and Porter of the best qualities. Excellent Sitting Rooms and well-aired Bedrooms. GOOtI Stahling ami Coadl.house.-Ncat Phastons and Cars for SEA BATHING. BARMOUTH AND DOLGELLEY. 18 Co"' G2 THE "HAKKAAVAY COAUl." TO AND FROM Ln.VDOX IX OXE DAY. ABOLITION OF COACH FI-ES. ON and after 1st JULY, a First Class FOUR HOUSE COACH will leave Harmouth daily fit 7 50 a.m.. (Sundays excepted); the SHIPIIOTKL, Dolgclley, tl (I n.nl. Hrriving ut Machynlleth in timo for the kxpic^s Coach to Snrn, in connection with the Jtailway frilIn thcncc arriving at Shrewsbury at 4 50 p. m. Luston Kq?.un'Station,? 50 p.m. P.t<hlington, 10 30 p.m.; Bir- mingham, 7 20 p m Manchester, 8 0 p.m? The HARK AWAY will icturn from Myn\leth daily (S"'Hhy' excepted) at 3() p.m., after the "rrim] of the Kvpivs* Coach from Sam, in connection with the 9 0a.m., traill fr"llI Euston Square Station; 6 0 a.m., from Pad- rtingt-on 2 0 p.m.. from Shrewsbury; 2 20 p.m., from Oswestrv and 3 51 p.m., from Newtown; arriving at y at 315 p. m. Ktxt Ihrmouth at 9 30 p.m. No Tecs to Coachman, Guard, or Porter. EDWARD JONES, & Co., Proprietors. Ship. Family & Commercial Hotel. T> >lgelley, 21st June, 182. A Change in the Time of the Carnarvon and Dolgelley Coaches. 13 62. I'J .p'H"'a' C0\01IES FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS FROM THE ROYAL HOTEL, (LATE UXBMUCE), C AK- NARVON'. THE Public am rcspcctfuHy Infunued that 1. <?h M)d ft,?r the :rd day of Jc?E, a well ap pointed FOUR-HORSE COACH, tha Royal SN"OW- I>OXlAX TOURIST, will leave the ROYAl, HOTEl. (late eXHHIP(E). Carnarvon, every morning-'(Sundays excepted) for Beddgelert, 'T'?u??.P"rt))«?(?T?uybwtch, M?ex- f< ?.)  crt tw. H?.tech. Barmouth, ?<( M?Uey. The ROYAL X"'I poX!.I:>I TOURIST leaves tlie Ship Hotel, l?geiky, every Morning (Sundays excepted) via same route. The following will be the tilllC or departure The Royal Hotel Car- Ship Hotel, Dolgelley 9 30 imrvon, after arrival Banu"uth ■  0 of 10 ?.m. t?in. Victoria h?, U:mbcdr 1}1 J o.OJ' 0 Harlech 11 45 P.M. Trem?c ]245M..?twr<.g (nrrive f ?r Portmadoc  12 fM Dinner) i p V. Do., leaves 2 0 Tau v Bwlch 2 5 ?tacntw).? (arrive for Pojtm:?..c :J 0 Dinner) 2 OTroifcadoo Jj? Do., leaves 2 loBeddgelert 4 1 Harlch 3 4o .Snowdon Hunger hotel 5 0 ,fn,l.anbel 4 15 Arriving at the Boya? B'umouth 5 15 Hotel, Carnarvon in time Arrh-e at the Ship for Trains for Chestp? j ï\i D(:cl;, about 7 0 Li,,rp.I, L,?d-, CARNARVON AXI) LLANDUDNO Also, on and after the 2Snl day of Ji'SE, a First Class FOUR HORSE COACH will leave the ROYAL HoTEL every Al ii ftc!i- t li (! fti,rivitl of t lie 10 o'd"ck tr,Ün, (Sun- flavs execirted). for Llandudno, being the most magnificent town in North Walesthrough the Pass of Llanberis m view of the Vale "f Xallt trwynant, Cupel Cunig, by thcSwaJlow Water Fall, through the Vale of Bettws-Coeil, to Llan- (i,,i tiiitc- foi- I liuii(,l-) COllway, and Llandudno, leaving the Georie Hotel, Llandudno every morning (Sundays excepted) at 9 15 a.m., Castle Hotel, Conway, and Rail- way Station, at 9 45 via, same route, arriving at the Pallarn Villa Hotel, Llanberis, in time for Dinner, and the Royal Hotel, Carnarvon, in time lor trams to Bangor, Chester, &c. E. HUMPHREYS & CO., Proprietor*. CARNARVON AND PWLLHELI. On and after the ictll day of June a Your, HORSE COACH ?iU te?-e the ROYAL HOTEL, fcr PwUhch, e?y ?..n..n. (Sund.?except??ut? a.m., arriving at PwU.heh a?.ut li m., leavim; Pwllheli on lU rctHrn at 2-15, n- riving at the Royal Hotel in time for trains t > Bauftsr, Chester, ke. E. HUM!HHL\ S, Proprietor. C  ?r.&c. E.m. Royal Hotel Coach Oil, May >isL, 180—. THE MOST PICTURESQUE AND EXPEDITIOUS, AXD THE CHEAPEST TOUR IN NORTH WALES. tic BANGOR ? LLANDUDNO, and ??)?7)?DA'0 t? BANGok &,CArBLm,BEmY-COBD LLANRWST «„>! COXM'AY. A su, CAR- NARVON and ??.4A-???C', -i?c LLANBERla. THE Public are most faspcdfully informed ithttT?(\.mmoJi?.<FOUR-HO?ECOACm.Si i?v? w.v efticicl.th ?.?.?.hm.tweU.pp.inte?wLU. .?.uHt'?cr?UAY, 'the Kith day "f J't'<M? Mu. from the RHITLSH H?TEL, Bsngoi', and the Qt mx s HOTH, Llaududn/ and the ROYAL and ?ll'ORII'IIA-4 HOTEL, Car- ??rv..n. E?-hMununs(Sun?tys excepted,) at the hcu? iii(?iitioiicti, niLetil)?- ,ti?,v ?,t Manrtm, thereby affording to Tourist* an t?.ity f p?sms it Od?t-,ict ?iii-ivittie(I Scenery; and at once, tl?, f, it?; tio?luty iiii(i grandeur. The Coach l-^viug will run through the delight- ful Model Viila^eof Lh'l'VU, throughpasdn? <.).?etothe f.L.-tau?d iW»rt .S??e Quarries, through thei.n??'g l'ai1i "f?''??'?' ?""S the Banks of tptu-. u ?'t? so celebrated for its Trout ?hi')g. (eaabhng iMtticx to have three ami a half hours for f.hm? pre- vi..u<totheretun.oithGD?w?C?hJ proceeding to Capel Cart# aud pacing the Ifuti-r.Ml, (where the C??h each way will '?' up, t« allow passengers suffi,jent time to i?it it,) i:\twcc hy BCttll'3-Ut)('I', ovci tlie Waterloo B,i.le to Lhnrmt, allowing :n lll'Ul' for ??c'?'?)'t and t? yiw ?M-?r <<M?<c- ?:s .)"- ?th.?.co..thn?.g through the n.ud?i? .d.mr.d?? ,/it.via Trefriw, all'ovdiug aviewoi thuD"l:uar^i, Parthhend Wnta-Mh, arr i v i ng !It Vo,ii'-<i i in tunc for t1¡e t:p W( ])Iwn Trains to Ciiester and Jjangor, a:u thence proceeding to Llandudno. The Coach leaving Car- m" wHl pass through the bold ami pictures,pie Pit?? of Llanbci is ? y/i? '???.?.- ?ttH<- ?- ?"' <'P/?.??' ?' ?' Cuarhi* #ill be ptuti* M* different L-JCO'ttu-s Leave the BRITISH HOTEL. liAKcoit, on th&lIrriy,ll "f the Trains from Holyhead and Carnarvon, and the bmui?hom Bcau. t) 0 BKTHESDA 10 (I OGWE.V LAKE. 10 45 CARNARVON—Royal and SjxntsnianHotel 8 O:UI1. LLA.'JBF.KIS — Royal Victoria 9 0".111. CaplC\uig'(the HoteJ)ll n t;(.t?-Y-Cuc?.r-!H)' Ari?atD.mrwsttthe V..t<.n.. H?].lf ??"?: 3 ¡ ('?waYrthe Erskine Arm-.] intime?rtheTl? for Chester, ,oI'\i i, ,„„ 1 Carnarvon 4 0 Ll,,ndud??- [Queen s Hotel • LcMvethc Queens H/otel, U?nfMuo. ???? CoawAY[t;?kineArmsJ 10 0 Trefriw 11 '? Arn'-eatDanrw.st.f,thc Viet.??i.11,?tel)12 0 Le-o dittl 2 0 p.m. Bett.ws.Y-Coe.t 2 14 3 30 UanlL)eri9-Roy? Victoria Hotel 5 0 p.m. H?tet. O p. m. Sportsmau Hotel G15 p. m. Owen Lake 4 15 Bethesda 5 0 :hï;.¡Ùsfl f¡"tel,] in time for the trains for Conway, Chester, Curnar- von, and Holvheud 5 40 Through Fare from Dawjor to Llandudno, lO.i. Ditto ditto Carnarvon to Llandudno, lis. Particulars of Intermediate Fares may be had at the 8,1 n,IC'] ° Placcs may betecured at Llandudno by applying to Mr. Morgan Williams. Performed by the Public's most obedient Servants, Dae Williams, Moreton, R. M. William, and gtuckey. v -X V CABINETMAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, BEDSTEAD, AND BEDDING MANUFACTURERS AND DECORATORS. 13 and 15, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. WORKSHOPS, CHURCH-LANE Where CONNOISSEURS may SELECT the WOOD, and Superintend the Execution of their own Orders. U. and A.'s House Furnishing Guide may be had on application. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Country Orders packed free. Export flnll Sltippill" Orders, to any extent. pr()in|iJy executed, URQUHARTand ADAMSON have appropriated at CHURCH-LANE a number of DRY, LIGHT, and CLEAN ROOMS for STORING HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. REMOVING AND PACKING CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. 6«r NEW DESIGNS FOR 1802 1,0 tI IN CABINET FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, BEDSTEADS, GLASSES, c., AT URQUHART AND AD A 11 8 0 N' 8 HOUSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT AND NORTH OF ENGLAND BEDDING HOUSE, 13 AND 15, BOLD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. FAMILIES AND PARTIES FURNIRHING Are particularly invite, before ordering elsewhere, to inspect 1 of CABINET FURNITURE, kc„ suitable for DINING and 1 vllAWINvVG < ROOMS, PA?RLOURS, LIBRA- RIES, BEDROOMS, HALLS. KITCHENS, OFFICES, and SHU'S'CABINS. The Goods are Manufactured and Warranted by U. and A. of seasoned Mateiials, first-classs V, orkmarislnp, and new Designs, and are marked in plain figures at prices that will hear in every respect a favouiablt. comparison with the Goods offered by any other house. The UPHOLSTERY DEPAHTMENT embraces every description f DAAI,?Kl,, CHINTZES, SILKS,PEPS PEKIN CLOTHS, VELVETS, CORNICED. &c.; New and Original Designs for EMBROI? DERED VAL,?AN- CES and DRAPERIES, with all the New Borders, Trimmings &c. IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING. UEQUHUKT AXD ADAMSON, PI V N O F O 11T E S ON SALE OR FOR HIRE. ALL NEW MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE UPON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. JOHN KENMUIH DOUGLAS, MUSIC 1L REPOSITORY, "NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" OFFICE, CAXTON HOUSE, BANGOR, "QEGS to ?unco that he h.. constantly on hand, for Sale or Hire, ?11-tuned Rano- -[')0 ?He????tercd?t??ng.m.ntsfo?? r?.!ar supply of all the New and Popular Music immediately on H. publication to h?old at HALB  the miU ^S. «^U ivate rooms attached to the Shop. P,?rties resident in the Every hciUty  l,y l'eturn of -t '? Sie price is known, it is ?t(lvi?blc? to cnclosc with the o"lcts the c.,inti-V have their .? Mu,?sic ?fy ?? extra for a(!h piece as postage. c?outntry ?m.iy -?r? :?eJen?? MOORE (of London,) for TUNING and REGULATING PIANO- -Nlr. Docci ks lilti?le with Mr. illOORE (of London, ) for TUNING and RE(,?ULATINC? PIAYO-  lfoOltE'S addressed to Mr. ?——— "North ?" Chronicle" Office, -B?gtr, will rcceiyc prompt attcutlOn. RUPTURES AND DEFORMITIES. RWESTBTTRY, Inventor and Sol" Manu- falter of the ikpERCEmBl.E CUE ATI VE THT'SS r?? description of Def.?.ity In.tru.neuts, Vrtificial L? I?j,,ti??i Enamas, M.stic Stockings, Ladies' SuptpoTting Belts, -tb?' In,?alil ,ppli; .26, OMMi?.Ccruerof H?gi? Uiteh. Manchester. See Specimen*, International Exhibition Class 17, No. 31. -\TE?IX?IES JONES AND DONKIN, ?1 Min??s,au.l Dre?.M??.. re.rectiuny infonn the tiMttC? of Bangor )?<1 it' ?MTnty. that they have .1?,,yl ouh?d "elc?et its?;ortinL)iil? of ?f the newest style, for Dre?es. Jackets, ?!.u)tt?, &c., ?c. Also, the ?.c.td?ig?in Dre.s-M.king. at r.son?.tc ° Apprentices Wanted to the Dreas-Makmg. L',5 VICTORI-V PLACE, BANGCE. J. & H. KEYWORTH, CLAYTON, SKUTTLEWORTH & CO., are prepared, on early application, to take orders for de- livery in time for next Harvest, tor STEAM ENGINES and THRASHING MACHINES, containing all the recently Patented Improvements as exhihited at the GREAT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. The above, and every Implement of Husbandry, by the fir it and best Makers are delivered at Maker.' prices, free of to any of the Railway Station in the United Illustrated Catalogues and the fullest particulars oh- tained at the AORTCTLTCKAL IMPLEMENT DEPOT, 35, lar- leton Street, Liverpool. 1- THE INTERNATIONAL T IFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 112, | i Strand, LONDON, Established in 1837. CAPITAL, £ 500,000. New Feature in LifJ Assurance.-Withdrawal Table. The followiu" important ad vantages are offered under this Table 1. Half the annual Premiums may rcmain unpaid from the first until the Policy becomes a claim. 2 If full premiums are paid, the assured may at any time withdraw one-half their'aggregate amount, either as a loan without security and without iorfeiture, or as the surrender vatue of the Policy. The peculiar advantages of this system are obtai,nable I in no other Society. Policies granted for one or more years, or for whole life, and on single or joint lives, or survivorships, with or with- ""??ate?d 4efer,ed Aunuties, and Endowment A?urauces paya)? at M, 55, no, ?, orpre-deee?e. Pro'.peetuse.t Fo?s of prop?a's, and every information .?t?? Y bc obtained on appUcati? at the Hcad Office. ?, y b,? EDMUND S. SYME? Chairman. 142, Strand, London, W. C. DISTRICT AGENTS WANTED. Rr PTU RES, By Her Majesty's P.oynl Lettora Patent. REQUIRING no steel spring round the It body, is recommended by the fidlowing peculiar- ties and advantages :-lst, facility or application; 2.d, ?fe? edon. from liability to chafe or exconate it may he worn with e^n d comfort IU any position of tht ? ..Ji? by tby or ni?ht -Rh, it ad,nits of every kmd of cxcrJise without the slightest incouvemenee to the wearer, and is perfectly concealed from observation. W(? do not héitate to give to thh invention our uu- qualified tin(i streuiioHslj- advise Uw use of it to aU ?.?wh. stand in need of that protection, which tl??y cannot fully, -or with the same comfort, obtain from apparitttis or tr?s as from that wl?i?l? we have the highest satisfaction in thus recommending. Churek and State Gazette. Recommended by the following eminent surgeons .— WilUam Ferguson, Es^ F.R.S., Professor of Surgery in Kiug"s College, Surgeon to King's CoUegeHosp?tt.&e. ? C (?. Guthrie, E?q.. Surgeon to the Royal Weatnunster giÆ;IIl\ rgB::va:e i:('. R. Sr1i1 ant Surgeon to King's College Hospital T. G.H.uv?, Esq., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guys Hospital; 1. Blizard Curling. Esq_, F.R. Surgeon to the London Ho?itiJ W. J Fisher, Esq. Surgeon-m-Chief to Ute Metropolitan Police Force Astou Key Eso. Surgeon to MnceAIbert; R<.hert Listen, E?., F.L.S. James Luke, Esq Surgeon to the London Truss society Eramus Wil- son, F.E.S., and many others. A des-uriptive circular may ho had hy post, and the Truss (which cannot fail to fit) can bo forwarded by post on sending the circumference of the body two inches below the hips, to the manufactui er. Mr. WHITE, 228, Piccadily, London. Price of a Single Truss, lGs., 21s., :Ms. 31s. Cd. Postage, Is. I DouL]c Ms. 6. 4:?., nud 528. 6d. Postage, .1. 8d. Umbilical,, 4'2s., and 52s. tid., Postage, Is. 10d. Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-oiffce, Piccadilly. NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, &c. The m?ri.! of which these are made, is rccommended bv the F.cu!ty. of as being peciil*  ELASTIC and HM??IIJLE.andTHEMSTINV.E?TMNfor?ng eMcieut and permanent support iu all ca8C of "??' NESS and "welling of the LEGS, VARICOSE VEI?S, SPRAINS, &0. It is porous, light in texture, and inex- pensive and is drawn on like an ordinary Stocking. Price from 4s. lid., 7s, 6d., 10s. to lbs. each. postage, Cd. JOHN WHITE, Manufacturer, 228, PICCAILLY LONDON. Specimens may be seen in the Crystal Palace, [A CARD.] ROBERT BY ANS, of Pw?jiELi, COIN- mission Ag" ent and Corn Factor, New Corn Ex- change, and A 21, Cannon Street, L(1)(jon, THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE, AXD ADVERTISER FOU THE rRDJCII'AIJTY. FIRST CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL, Published cvt:ii Saturday Morning. THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE, the Oldest I.stablislicd Newspaper in North Wales, ispubUshed in time f?-?heearlypostsou Friday evening, and extensively circuited every SATUKCAY Morning throu?bont the Six Northern Counties of Anglesey, :!];l'']: }i;joh[;]i::ne:¡t,;), Fliiit, in Cardigi.nshire.aud amongst Welshmen iu England, Ireland and Scotland. It is the best medium for publicity to Advertisements, being read by all parties, on account of its Nationality, the spirited and independent tone of its Leading Articles, the extent and accuracy of its Local Reports, and the Yariety and comprehensiveness of its Foreign una Dowestic inteUigence, its Ongjua) Corres- lu(i ence, its early and reliable Accounts of the Money. h:n;)r;q al'1h:l IM:åU::i:.f ifl,i¿ suitable to the great interests of the country; and it cir- culates chiefly amongst the classes who have property to dispose of, aud ability to purchase. The NORTH WALES CHRONICLE has been very tfwaUyEnhn?ed and Improved, comprising Eight Pages of closely printed and well selected matter, and is to be found in tile principal News Room in London, Liverpool, Manc h ester, Birmingham, and th?r leading ce,?tr?., of Commerce. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. If paid in advance, 19s per annum; 0s Ga for the 1Ia11 year; and 5a per quarter. On credit, 21s per annum 10s Cd for the half year; and I 5s ûll per quarter. Ord*rs, Advertisements, Post-office, Bank, and other re- mittances should be addressed to the Proprietor, JOHN IvENMUIR DOUGLAS, NORTH WALES CIIROXICLF Office, Bangor, Carnar- vonshire. DR. DE JONGII'3 (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium.) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men as the safest, speediest, awl most, effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION, CHRONIC BKONCHtTia. ASTHMA, COUGHS, RHEUMATISM, GOCT, GENERAL DEBILITY, DISEASES OF THE SKIN, RICKETS, INFANTILE WASTING, AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS. The invnriahle purity, palatableness, speedy efficacy, and consequent economy of this unrivalled preparation, have obtained for it the general approval and unqualified confidence of the Medical Profession, and notwithstand- ing the active and in too many instances um;crl1¡mlous opposition of interested dealers, tn unprecedented amount of public patronage. The immensurable therapeutic superiority of Dr. DE JONGII'S Cod Liver Oil over every other variety is ill- coutestably established by the recorded opinions of the most distinguished Physicians and Surgeons in all parts of the .m,.1d. In numberless instances, where other kinds of Cod Liver Oil had been long and copiously ad- ministered with little or no benefit, Dr. DE JONGH'S Oil has produced almost immediate relief, arrested disease, IInd restored health. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS :— SIR JOSEPH OLLIFFE, M.D., Physician to the British Embassy at Paris:—" I have frequently pre- (.eri?ed Dr. de T,igl?t-Br. C I Liver Oil, and I have every rcason to be satisfied il,l? its bcncfiei"l and salntary cf1octs." SIR HENRY MARSH, Bart., M.D., Physician in OrrJinary to the Queen, in Ireland.-—" I eomider Dr. do Jongh's Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil to be a. very pure Oil, not likely to create a disgust, and a therapeutic agent of great value." DR. LAWRENCE, Physician to H.R.H. the Duke of Saxe-Coijurg and Gotha I invariably prescribe Dr. de Jongh's Oil in preference to any other, feeling assured that I n1U recommending a genuine article, and not a manufactured eompouuJ in which the efficacy of this inv,,1nnhJe medicine is destroyed." DR. LETIIEBY, Medical Officer of Health, and Chief Analyst to the City of London.—" It is I believe univer- sally acknowledged that Dr. do Jongh's Light Brown Cod Liver Oil has great thempeutic power; and from my investigations, I have no 1."lt of its being a pure and unadulterated article." DR. LANKESTER, F.R.S., Superintendent of the Food Oollection. South Kensington Museum.—"I con. sider the Cod Liver Oil ?ld under Dr. de Jongh's guarantee to 'hspref'raMetoany? other kind as regards genuineness and medical efficacy. ° DR. GRiNVILLU, F.R.S., Author of the "Spas of Germ:lIIv. Dr. Granville has fnund, that Dr. de Cod Liver Oil produces the desired effect in a shorter time than other kinds, and that it does not muse the nausea and indigestion too often conSNlucnt on the nJminiôtration of the Pale Oil." DR. BARLOW, Senior Physician to Guy's Hospital.— "I have frequently recommended persons consulting me to make use of Dr. do Jongh's Cod Liver Oil. I have been well satisfied with its effects, and believe it to be a very pure Oil, well fitted for those cases in which the use of that substance is indicated." DR BANKS, King's Professor of the Practice of Medicine nt the University of Dublin.—" I have in the course of my practice extensively employed Dr. de Jongh's Light-Brown Cod Liver i_ l, and I have no hesitation in stating that I consider it the best of all the specimens of Oil which have ever come under my notice. Du. DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL is sold ONLY in IMPERIAL Half-pints, 2s. Cd. Pints, 4s. 9d. Quarts, 9s. capsuled, and labelled with his stamp and signature, WITHOUT WHICH NONE CAN POSSIBLY BE GENUINE, by respectable Chemists and Druggists. SOLE CONSIGNEES, ANSAR, HARFORD & Co., 77, STRAND,LONDON, W. C. CAUTION.—Firmly resist attempts often made by tin- serupuloualers to recommend, 01' substitute, 1"tfh a ricw to axtra profit, other preparations, under the lÛlaciùlls pretcncc that they arc the same as Dr. de Jongh's, or equally eiffcacious, Just Published,—Price One Penny. DOUGLAS'S North Wales Railway, Coach- JL7 ing, and Steam Packet Guide, for July, 1852. To be ha.1 at the office of this Paper, at the Railway Stations, and of all Booksellers. Anglesey Collegiate School, PLAS LLANFIGAEL, NEAR HOLYHEAD. Patron—The Rev. D. WILLIAMS, Hector of Llanfach- rcth, Llanfigacl, kc., &c. CONDUCTED BY DR. F. WAYMOUTH. FOR BOARDERS ONLY. SUBJECTS OF STUDY THE truths and duties of Christianity- JL English, Greek, Latin, French, Writing, and Book-keeping, Geography, Arithmetic and Mathematics, Mensuration. Commcrcial ana Mental Cnlculation History, Ancient and Modern, Elements of Philosophy and Mechanics), D¡-¡\wing. Vocal Music forms n part of study. TERMS—PAYABLE QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE Forty to Fifty Guineas per Annum, all extras inclusive (except only repair of clothes.) Each Boarder has" sepamte Bea. A Quarter's Notice required previous to the removal of a Pupil. A Drilling Master Master attends the School. Pupils prepared for Government Appointments, and the Oxford and Cambridge Middle Class Examination. Five Exhibitions at Oxford, value ,£40 each per annum. Plas Llanfigael is delightfully situated, and noted for its salubrity. A Park of 18 Acres in front of the House is devoted to the recreation of the Scholars. A yearly distribution of Prizes to those Pupils who have distinguished themselves in the various studies. Inferences to Clergymen and Parents. Further particulars can be ascertained by applying to Dr. AVaymouth. TO HOTEL KEEPERS, PARTIES FURNISHING SEA 1DE RESIDENCES. AND THE INHABITANTS OF THE PRINCIPALITY GENERALLY. g A M U E L C U T T E R FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT, IP, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. NEW MODERN 8TOX OF CABINET FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, CHIMNEY AND DRESSING GLASSES, BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING, DAMASKS AND CHINTZ HANGINGS, WINDOW CORNICES. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHER. SAMUEL CUTTER, LIVERPOOL. Established 24 Years. All Goods pneketl and sent to Boat or Rail FREE. GIVEN AWAY TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. DR. SMITH has just publMh?d ? FREE Di OIN of 20,000 copies of THE WARNING VOICE or PRIVATE MEDICAL FRIEND. A new work on the cure of Nervous Dcbifity, Loss of Memory, Dimness of Sight, Lassitude. Indigestion, Dislike to Society, Spermatorrhea, Loeid Weakness, Muscular Re- laxation, Languor, Listlessness Depression, &c., which, if neglected, result in Consumption, Insanity, and premature death; with plain directions for perfect restor"tion to health and vigour. The Book will be sent post-free to any address, Oil" receipt of a directed envelope, cnclos. ?t?o' poSagc "ta?  A'dd're's? Dr. S?llf, 8 Burton Crescent, Tavistock-squirc, London, W.(?. Consultation by Letter without Fes. DR. SMITH will, for the BENEFIT of persons suffer- ino; from NERVOUS DEBILITY, on receiving a des- cription of their cases (enclosing a stamped directed en- velope for reply) send his written opiuiou with advice and directions for the most successful treatment and cure. Address Dr. Smith, 8, Burton-crescent, London, W.O. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. J^EWIS'S CELEBRATED PILLS. The extraordinary curative properties possessed by these pills are now universally admitted by all classes of society. For the cure of indigestion, jaundice, sick head ache, heartburn, dimness of sight, spasms, wind, bilious liver, and stomach complaints they stand pre-eminent, while their mild aperient, tonic, and aromatic properties strongly recommend them as 4 most valuable medicine for delieate females and elderly people, being purely vegteablc <1",1 free from uny mineral preparation. They produce no pain during their operation, but soothe and comfort.the whole frame. Being specially prepared from a recipe of the late eminent physidan DR. BICKERSTETH, OF LIVERPOOL, Who was .1escrvc.1ly celchutcd as the most successful practitioner in all stomach complaints, is a sufficient cu- couragement to persons suffering from the above disorders to give them an immediate trial. Extraordiuary Medical Testimony from Dr. Taylor, M.R.C.S., Liverpool We have no preparation in the Pharmacopoeia that ex- ercises so powerful an influence over the secretions so Illuch desired as Mr. Lewis's Pills. Being aCljllainte.1 with the formula, I unhesitatingly bear testimony to their valuable properties, a more effectnalrclUcdy for Indiges- tioll could not be prescribed. From Dr. Williams, formerly Lecturer in the Royal Infirmary. Dear Sir.—The pulaic owe you a debt of gratitude for supplying a remedy fov all stomach complaints, especially Indigestion, for a few pence, to obtain which a short time ,,inf-e would cost a guinea they were a favourite remedy of tlie late doctor's, who was most successful in the trcat- ment of Indigestion. 1 our extensive knowledge is also a fuarautec of drugs employed, lieing of the finest quality, tod the manipulation perfect.-Wishing you veu site- cess, yours, G. W. WILLIAMS, M.D., M.R.C.S. To Mr. Lewis. MARVELLOUS CURE" OF LIVER COMPLAINT, AFTER ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAILED. To Mr. Lewis, Cf¡e!Ú!t, 50, Pembroke Plate. Sir,—I wish to express my thanks to you for the bene- fit my wife ha" derived from the use of your eclelmlted Pills. After a protracted illness of Jaundice al1tl Liver Complaint, which baffled the best medical skill I could procure, I was induced to try your Pills, which have re- stored her to her former good health, after the use of three small boxes of them. It is more for the benefit of the public at large than anything else which makes me send you this testimonial. Any person wishing for fur- ther information may apply to me, No. 16, Summerseat, Liverpool. I am sir, yours truly, April 10th, 1881. sir, ARCHIBALD HENDERSON. To Mr. Leu-is. —Respected Sir,—With feelings of gra- titnde for the wonderful cure your Stomach and Liver Pills have effected on my own person, I tender you my warmest thanks. I have suffered for a long time from indigestion aud liver complaint, which at times rendered me unable for duty. I had hearthmn so had that I could not bear; it caused me to vomit almost every tbingwliicli I took. I have taken It deal of mediciuc without any benefit. Having heard your pills much praised, I im- mediately tried them. Almost the first dose seemed to relieve me from the agony I was suffering. I continued them, and am proud to say they have entirely cured nie. You are ?t liberty to make this public, and I6c glad to supply further particulars e to 1,y P.? li,?.e- wise who will call upon me at No. 11, William Henry Street-Remaining yours ?te?? ROmN,ON, Staff Serjeant 80th Regiment, Liverpool. December 24th. 3 801. Proprietor, Joseph G. Lewis, 50, Pembroke-place, Liver- pool, whose signaturo is on the government stamp axcd to each Lox. Soh1 in b0xes at Is. Ud three in boxes in one for 2s. fJd. Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Venders vorywlieie. ?' WORCESTERSI IIRF, SAUCE. THE GREAT SUCCESS of this DELICIOUS CONDDŒNT has been the ?gD? for the *ppcaiance of many SPU nious IMITATIONS totally dilf,I-t i- FLAVOR and destitute of the DIGESTIVE PKOPEHTIES of this SAU?. PiirclUBSM sk «»rne«"y ASK FOR LEA & PEBRINS IATJCX, p,parèll en!) by (;LLEA & PEMINS. WofCMter. ? ..e Botti 'h)I for E"port, by C..o. &: llt.ACKW ILL, Lonùu", anù allloltrchanU 1J1d OÜ1I1OU. THE ACCIDENTAL DEATH J. INSURANCE COMPANY Have paid, in the last Twelve Years, the sum of One Hundred & Fifty-three Thousand Pounds on account ùf Eight Thousand Persons killed or injured by ACCIDENTS OF RIDING, ACCIDENTS OF DRIVING, ACCIDENTS OF HUNTING, ACCIDENTS OF BOATING, ACCIDENTS OF SHOOTING, ACCIDENTS OF SKATING, ACCIDENTS OF RAILWAYS, ACCIDENTS OF STEAMBOATS, ACCIDENTS OF FARMING, ACCIDEMTS OF MACHINARY, ACCIDENTS WITH TOOLS, ACCIDENTS WITH FIRE, ACCIDENTS WITH RIFLES, ACCIDENTS AT HOME, ACCIDENTS IN THE FIELD, ACCIDENTS IN THE SHOP, ACCIDENTS IN THE FACTORY. ACCIDENTS ABROAD. For Rates, Forms of Application, and all other infor- mation, apply to the Chief Office, 7, Bank Buildings, Lotlibury, London. EDWARD SOLLY, Manager. PIPE, TILE, AND BRICK.MAKING MACHINES. PIPE, TILE, AND BRICK.MAKING MACHINES. E. THE" BEDPOITT)II P.rENT PRIZE BfIlCK, PIPE and TILE MACHDŒ8, for HAND, HORSB, or STEAM POWER. Tlipymaybe seen in opemtion daily, and fun particulars ana price# obtained, S E?"E° 6C CO.'S, L???P?.mtner-ptMe,LMrence Fountney-hill, Cannon-street, London, F.c. ManufactoryVictoria Iron Wades, Bedford. OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA, STANDS UNRIVALLED ..a TOILET RFQUI- !? SITE. It has beM MU"?6)-cd forty SVuvr\a OXLY cerwn lik?iil,;i)Y t't" disovt:r8d tlll' l)lj.qU.VI:\(}. BTn?-S?!??. ''i'.?n??a, ?KM<MKO Ihe H?? 0T"S G. and prevc>nting ^c. turnin "re'" ¡)r f.1ling Whiiker.. cr M'tM?'.J"?'?? ?' ?"°M'.UI)?S? Mfor'Slriu's and I.niliis hair il is most efficacious and unrivalled. NOTICE TO INVENTORS. OTHCE FOR PATENTS, 4, TKAFAMAE SQUABB. CHARING CBOS8, LONDON. Printed inst'yctionq (graiii) as to fb?COSTof PATENTS, for Great Britain or foreign eoUBtriM. Adnce and assistance in dMpo.m{: of or working inTent.mM. Brnnch oflices and agen- cies in every continental state and in America. F.tr?bli?h?d20 years. Full information as to etpired or existing patenta at home or abroad. Apply perMMUy or by letter to Messrs. PRINCE & Co., Patent-Office, 4, TMULGJ.B SQUABE, CHASING Caoss. IOICDOIT, W.G. DENT'S PATENT DIPLEIDOSCOPE (or Meridian Instrument) for the regulation of Clocks and Watches by obtaining True Tiille "p Solar obsermtion. Recent improvements enable the most experienced person to fix these Instruments in the Meridian, and thereby fur- nish the means of ascertaining either Greenwich or L,cil Time. Price OZs. DENT, Clock. Watch, and Chronometer Maker to the Oucen and the late Prince Consort, 01, Strand, (adjoining tlio Coutts's Bank), and 34 and 35, Royal Exchange, London. Maker of the Great Clock for the Houses of Parliament EURKiT CLOCKS. THE attention of ruMioDo'i?s, Gentlemen, T,d othcM, i, rcpecr:lllly re.[' ,1 impro.e- lnent math in the construction fnr STAnr,KS, CHi.'ltcHrs, :,nt1 other i..o:I • • o.v the late E. J. k F, DE.VT, Clo.;k an d < Masmto the Queen and the late Prince C' rs oi the GRFAT CLOCK for the HOtf-JES cl' Turret :U1ji:Stcd for j"iJvi;itioi!s of tei'Ppcrat'i*, to tiie iuuidii of DiaJs of an) size from 1 foot to ol feci, diameter. DENT, (il, Strand, adjoining Coutts's Bank, aud 34 aval Royal Exchange, London. DEKT, CH P 03 OITETEH, WATCH & CLO""K KIKEB to the. Queen and th bJc prince Consort, and Maker of tlie Great Clock for the Houses of Parliament, INVITES attention to the superior work- manship and elegance of design j)f his exteniive Stock of Watches and Drawing Room Clocks. Gold Foreign Watches 8 Ouis. La(He" or Gentlemen's G"lù E.gli?l, Lever 11 ditto '?. 18 Watches 5^Guis. Gentlemen*' Gold Silv(,r Lever 4 0" Cempensatiun Ba- lance ditto 40 Silver do. Ao 25 u Marine Chronometers, 35 Guineas Gold and Silver Pocket Chronometer. Agronomical, Turret, and Bracket Clocks of every description. An elegant assortment of Loudon made Fine Coll?kll)et and Gu,ml Chains, &c. DENT, 61, Strand, (,ljoining-Coutts'sB;¡¡¡k); 34 and 35. Royal Exchange; ?(I at the Clock and Marine Compass Factory, Somel'et Wharf, Strand, Lf?dun. cc? ??.? ???m'?!DTR f/¡"¡ ON JPATTERJJS-SEJWT-FTFE; AISO-OR- PETER.lR(DBllNSDN'S UNUMnT £ >'STOCK-Of SILKS. 103^185,106,107,108 DXFOKD-ST-LO N DO N THE PATENT LOCKFAST BIfcEECK-LOADING GUN. ATO jycnt]eman should purchase a Breech- j_ liMucr without learning the principles of the"Lock- fast," the Holi\1ity ond Shooting Powers of which are gained hy a 1)iltenb:t11Hel:haniln, which can he applied to no other gun without infringement. By this construc- tion tJw barrels awl breech are locked together hy power- ful leverage. Equally adapted for Sporting Rifles. Com- mon Breech-cartridges uNcd. Patronised hy the leading Sportsmen. Drawings and Prices on application to the Patentee, J. D. DOTTG ALL, Giiiiniikcr, 59, St. James's Street, London, and 23, Gordon Street, Glasgow. Business established 17G0. TOOT H-AC HE: A new method of Cure, without the least pain or inconvenience, with as much certainty as water quenches thirst. Patronized by Iter IIlnÍfsfy the Qtmn. 11i8 Royal Hijhnctt the Prinec of Wales, and tdl the lioyal Pamtl!}. Teeth cured by this patent will never ache again, nnd thus prevent the necesbity of the painfttl operation of extraction. Prepared and sold only by THOMAS HOWARD, Surgeon Dentist to His firace the Archhislioii of Canterbury, 17, George Street, Hanover Square, London. Mr. HOWARD has u^ed it for many years in his extensive practice with the greatest success. Sent Post Free to any pavt of England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales, on receipt of 2s. M. in Po?e S?mps. GRAND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. T ADIE3 AND GENTLEMEN VISITING JLj LONDON* during the Exhibition, should Dine at the fit. James's Hall Kestaurant. English and French Cuisine Spacious, lofty, and well-ventilated Saloons. The Choicest Wines, at moderate prices. Dejeuners a Is Faurchette. Luncheons from 12 to 3. Private Rooms for large or small pitict. Smoking and Billiard Rooms. Entrance-09 & 71, Regent-at.; & 28, Piccadilly. B2H0HB PULVERMACHER'S PATENT GALVANIC CHAIN BANDS enab!e every snfferer to benefit, at a small expense, bv the wonderful curathe properties of Galvanism in the most s?vere cases of RheumatJsm) Ncural,pa, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Sciatica, S?a °6nd ?ooth Ache, Deafness, NerTom D?b?, Sd"S :tiI it.Se, fc:d!i f{, e:h":eefli:fi d?sa the Chain Emids are adapted to be worn on any part of the body affected, with the greatest ease and comfort. Their prolonged, efficuious, and perceptible action is entirely in harmony with ?he Nfr?o-Electric vital power ?f .L?r organs :ii dij.est.on, circuhtMn, &e., and restoring in & :t nalU.1 way a healthy stat?? oi tho Nervous Svstem. Numerous øtrlkmg documents, reporting their extraoramsr.Y compiled in a pamphlet PULVERMACHER'S IMPROVED ?;FCO-GALY?INIC SYSTEM OF BERF-APPLICA- TION, (post tree Jo 3 Btamps), by J. L. PULVEHIIACHEB & Co., 73, Itord St,?t, London, (adjoining Princ89. Theatre). Cha'n Bands, 55., 10s., 153., ana upwards, according to their electric power. Agent-Mr. If. HUGHES, Chemist, Bangor. HENEKEYS, ABBOTT. & Co., Wi"e MfrchMts and Dis. I 1 tillers, and 23, High If?l?joim, warrant all WmM and Spirits sold by them to be Genuine as ",Vrted, aud guarantee the strength f th, Si,i?i as stated on the Excijo :ij;et':p:nl:1ts o¿}t:pfln¡5 stted 011 tl1e lÜciJ" Port, (old in Wood) 30s. per dozen. Sherry, "The Spaniard," 27s. ditto. Henekeys' Cognac 36s. ditto. London Gin 30s. ditto. V TERMS.-C-h on delivery; a remi(t"ce mn.t ac. company every Country order. Post Oiflce Orders payable at Chief Oifice, E. C Cheques may be crosse d od.4 æetvOJt E?Hi9h?'I33I. ? T ETCHFORD S PARAFFIN MATCHES. Are witliout smell; P:w\!fin being used instead of Bri,,st..e Arc warranted to BURN BEATIFULLY, without any poisonous fumes; and Are sold everywhere as CHEAP AS COMMOX MATCHES. R. LETCHFORD & CO., Patentees, THREE Cons IA-"E, BCIHNAJ. GREEN, LONDON,N.E. JOYCE'S SPORTING AMDIUNITION. V k'S rI pHE following articles, of th»> T?. 1 br.st quality, manufactured bv J?h'?\FI!E]??!CK; J01Cb, of I.-?o?  4'^? "'?y ? '? '? '?' (!NNMAKM:~ .r?fjT? I:[FLr: PlmCnSlO CAPS. "l'J vV'I ?Y'-cxYU??rorj-i?.o; ??')?!L f'S?H .AKTt-COHn'.SUL DO. T)!?f ?-.?H!!P??UF CFC,lI.^Ap L FILTL vo. CARTUIDOFCS, &c. -).(')' tn JlaV: tvV tV«r J)epartn;e!». HEATING'S PERSIAN INSECT DESTROYING POWDER. TS~ JOULTRY, DOCS. AND PLANTS, arC' ffWtuallv i'recd from Fka Rnd all ther \er:mn wHh i*Jh V th™ urt5 infested bv the nhovp Powder, which is quite Kami" ?.'?? b?, thth?, Il?orNi.th!, ?   CuckwfU'l!es, lk>ftlSt )loth:J 10 j..urs, :mù ('rpry other Jôõ,)ecic of In::ect are a\.o Íllstantl)' destroyed. In pn.ck('toJ, )Iost free, fat' 14, or trc\ll, !'itc 1vr SO poSh:e f'tamj1!1, r.on,lon, )'r., soli' agent tor JOU,\N:'l Z.\CHF.Rf., Tillis. Take notice each genuine liacket hears the aoovename an-.uMre WHEN YOU AIX FOR GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, SEE THAT YOL" GET IT, kci I-NFLPIOP, KINDS AltE OFTEN SUBSTITUTED. P U LFE *?RY?T?D WATERS. ELLIS S IlLTl-UN" SODA WATER. ELLIS'S RUTHIN POTASS WATER. ELLIS'S RUTHIN SELTZER WATER, ELLIS'S RUTHIN LEMONADE. OLLIS'S Eitliia antl Potass Water, an EEL- 1 ji gift preparation, strongly recommended by the faccltv as an internal remedy for Gout. T!?':)'?vc, so long ktioivn lis f:'i;i to any other ia tlie market, m -y be obtained from &M re?ecta' '? Ke- tailtrs. ELLIS & CO'S PATKNT ASCII U.TF. ROOFING PELT, 111 Rolls, 2") Yards) long, oli Indies wide. The bent and cheapest Waterproof Roofing for all orts of Sheds and Out'miliiin^s. Suld Wholesale and Retail by EI.MS I Co., Manufac- turers, 2:{, Strand-street, Liverpool. HE LTTT AND HArriNESS FOE THE !i. NEHYOlS AND DE1UHTATED.-A ?sle CliFf (d a n«w mcdical work, wntteu bv one of the 1ns eini- nert medical men o? the present dHt, solely for the gnid- ance end benefit of that diss of sufferers whose affections aro often feIf-Micted, and ?.? ').. needy and liri- ?i?to cn-e, yet t?n often I- C", uf (testing Lond on .mac k s. For such a. ..rkmmtcmM, s ;l,,l; ';tUl:Ül ;()f ;IL :> ,)¡ ;å: i'ilitv ve l avi- l i"H, organic or l.wa l wea k ness, lan g ovr, b l us i:ii", ,l.ility, an d vai!»us other nervous symptoms !t:I: ;Ii; how all the so-ca to mftr- ri:cway Üe effectually removed with namemns il. liistrative cases of parties who have been re.tored to the b??.ht?oihe?tth hy following the advice hill '?.wn iu this work. Sent free to any address on receipt of stamp to pie-pay postage.—Address to the Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. J O H N KKNMUIR DOUGLAS, stationer, I Visitor, l!o«kl>iii<lor, Publisher, Account Book Manufacturer, NunTH VY\f.E:"¡ (HHi):iICL1: Oliico, ]m6or, Carnarvonshire. | LEDGEES, JOURNALS, CASH j) j BOOKS, DAY nOOKS, kc., made to any pattern, in Russia. Vellum, Calf, &c., with all the latest improvements, and of the best mate- rial and workmanship. HAND AND POSTIG BILLS, '1 CAT.LOG??E?. Circuhlr LettHs Md Notes, Cards, Pamphlets, Club Articles, 011.1 every description of Printing executed with neatness, ¡¡ceU!>lcy, 3na despatch. NEW Works, Mn?n zincs, Reviews, Naii(I all Periodicals, supplied to order im- mediately oil publication. BIBLES, Prayer BDo?fs, Chui?h Services, ke., from the cheapest b) the most elegant and novel style of binding. AN Assorhnent of LEATHER ?_ GOODS, inc:m!ing Blotting Books, Writ- ing Oases, l'ur.;es, &0. also, recherche collec- tion of Papier Maclic Inkstands, Blotting Books, 13UAIN, School, and Fancy Sta'Jon- 1_ ery, (If every descripli<m. A GREAT variety of Children's Tale Books. PEEFUHESY, HAPS, VIEWS, ETC. ROOKS, Music, and Hicell:Uleous _1 ) Articlc", not in stock, obtained to orde:' > oil the shortest notice. PIANO FOETUS ON SALE OR TIIIIE, EASE AND HEALTH TO THE SICK. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Diseases of the Skia. UNIVERSAL approbation Itas been award- ell to this famoils Ointment for ts efficiency ill removing diseases of the skin. F-n' scrofula, sci.rvy, seahl heads, and all eruptions of the skin, both in infancy :uul maturer years, no remedy can be applied which so ((uicklv cures as Holloway's Ointment. In the nursery it "1\(,hl always be at hand to e"c the many skin affec- tions to whieh the majority of children are liable. In all heat and tooth rashes, the Ointment is wonderfully onl- ine: and cmntive. To soldiers, sailors, nlille1"8, ancl tra- ycllers i" foreign lands, it is invaluable. Sores, Wounds, Bad Breasts, Bad Legs. "hi this class of luahnUes an hnrroyemcnt in the ap- p iiii.tK O of the disease ?f the patient, follows the fir>t uvc-^hi^' with the Ohttme?t. il must not only he smeared on the wound, or ")fe, out he hrlsklv rubheu fer some inches round about the uiseased swollen or paiiiful parts. It will penetrate t, tlie blood vessels, nerves, and muscle!o1, and even to the ho c, anl win excrcisc the m< :-t wholesome healing and purifjiMjjjvwcr over every tissue requisite for thorough reparation. The dfed of the Ointment is increased hy fomenting with Warm water before the Ointment is rubbed in; but sores. when healing, should never he cleaned with sponge or any thing else, as the young mal i.ew flesh which "ppears like a cream, would be washed away. Rheumatism, Gout, Stiff Joints. Every one suffering from these painful affections should use tnis purifying Ointment, as it lias rescueil thou&J.nd."5 from a life of torture, after every other means had been tried in vain. The Ointment should be well rubbed into the skin at least twice a day, after it ha. been properly fomented with warm salt all:1 water, and dried. The inflammation soon yields, and the patient no longer 1Ielp. less, resumes his accustomed occu11ation. Glandular Swellings, Bronchitis, Mumps, Sore Throat Diptheria. To combat these diseases with success, a remedy is re- quired which will have tho whole absorbent system under its control. Such remedy is Holloway's Ointment, when rubbèd oil the skin, it penetrates to the glands, and re- moves any obstructions or impurity which maybe imped- ing their healthy action. This Ointment acts 011 the very mainspring of life, for thmllgh the g3nds paM all the new matter required for the I)-ly' in a!! the "hove c\3SS of case. the Ointment "n1 Pills used con- jninrlv, will Mt so .earclIngl'; and ecrtamly, as to effect carcs "in the most deplomhlc eases. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the fol- lowing cases :— 13;1(1 Legs C'hieR0-foot Fistulas Sore-Nipples 15 ul Breasts Chilblains Gout Sore-Throats Hums Chapped bands Glandular Swel-Skin diseases Bunions Corn 'Soft lings Scurvy Bite of Mosche- Cancers Lumbago Sore head3 toes and Sand-Contracted and Piles Tumours Flies Stiff-joints Rheumatism Ulcers Coco-Bay Elephantiasis Scalds Wounds Yaws Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway, 244, Strand (near Temple Bar), London also by all respect- able Druggists, ane Dealers in Mediuces, throughout the civilized world, at the following prices :-ls. ld., 2s. 9d., Is. 6dM Us. 228.. and 33s. ellch pot. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger Sizes. N.B. -Directions for the guidance of patient* in every disonlcr are atllxed to cach pot.