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WANTED, a SERVANT OF ALL WORK, Nv,,b,l 22 Age, in f-iity ??,,ili.g at H.ivr HILL, BIKKKNHEAD. Good Wages givcu.-Apply between 0 and half past 0 o'clock, at Mrs. RoMKM, No. 4, Glandwr Terrace. Garth, Bangor. "II7ANTED, a Small LOW-CARRIAGE, to V V hold a Driver and One in Front and Two behind, oraSeat for Driver and Four inside, must be for a Horse 1., hands high and warranted. State the lowest price, and whoro to be seen—to B. Post Office, Abergele. DIVING APPARATUS. WANTED, bv the WEXFORD DIVING, Co.,  V at a moderate price, a complete Set of DIVING j C HAR in Working Order and cal?l)le of Working in Ten :¡ i í, ,"ni;r: í1ar1:II n;11il');J: 1,?? lellcr given pardcul"rs "f Gear and lowest price to WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, Manager, 3, South Main Street, Wexford, Ireland. 1101-SEKEEPE' GJVERNHS3, OR COMPANION.  Widow Lady from London, highly edu- A cated anil Lt,lv ft-(,ni Loii(lon, ed of the capacities in Wales or elsewhere. She has had con .idcr.ible experience in the management Domestic dutie;, having undertaken the sole charge of a Gentle- I,nil's establishment in the country, as well as the care and To it ion of the Childreu. -A,hlre.ll., care of the Pro- I'r;pt"r of thi. Paper. TO BE LET, No. 3, GLANDWR TER- It ACE, and the COTTAGE. GAltl'il, ti,e latter furnished or unfurni died. —Apply to J. GKKUOUY, Garth, Baugor. IMPORTANT TO TANNERS. TO BE LET, (WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION),  Large and Commodious TAN YARD, in A the Town of BE.u M.UtM. The STOCK, STEAM ENGINE MACHINERY and FIXTURES, to he taken at a Valuation. For further Particulars apply on the Premise* and to Mr. \V. DEW, Auctioneer, Bangor. LLYSFAEN, NEAR ABERGELE. rno BE LET, PENYBRYN HOUSE, con- Tt,i,?i.g 4 Sitti,,? 2 Dresing Hooms. good Kitchens, Stibling, Coach-hon.e, &c.-It is delightfully situated, with nood roads, and commanding a most extensive view of the Sea. A Railway Station within a few hundred yards of the house, will be opened. early in July. Immediate possession can had. Apply on the premise* to Mr. T. I»00TE, or by letter to Mr. \VRU;HT, t'enmaenmawr, near Conway. LLANDUDNO, NORTH WALES. QUEEN'S HOTEL. TillS unrivalled MARINE HOTEL has been newly decorated, elegantly furnished and is replete with every accommodation for Visitors. It has also a Spacious Coffee Room and Ladies' Saloon Livery Stables, Posting and Lock-up Coachhouses. Excursion Coaches leave the Hotel every Morning, (Sunday excepted) to Bangor and Carnarvon. TaMeDHoteDaiIy. Di.ner?i provided for private Families. inne? pro\ t( o or ?uv G. ROBERTS, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS HOTEL IN NORTH WALES TO LET. A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, replete with r every modem improvement, and situate in one ?U.e best Fishing localities in No?h Wales, is TO LET. The Neighbourhood is very Salubrious, and has been the re?rt o'? Inv'a'Ud? pl?ur?-seekers, and Fishennen from time immemorial, the Scenery being highly Picturesque. A Lino of Railway will shortly be made to the place, which will bring London and the Midland and Northern Districts within a few hours ride. A satisfactory reason can be "hen why the present proprietor is leaving. Applications to he addressed to X Y Z., yorth Waffs Chronicle Office, Bangor. ANGLESEY SUMMER ASSIZES, 1862. JA\ JOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the N-N??t Assizes, and General Gaol Delivery, for the C?uutv of AxuLESLY, wiU he held at BEALMAm-i, in the suid County of ANGLESEY, on THURSDAY, the Twenty Fourth dav of July instant. All justices of the Pence, Chief Constables, Coroners, Stewards. I?ilitfs of Liberties, Jurors, Prosecutors, and Wituesscs are requested to attend at :nosi on FR??)AY, the Twenty Fifth day of July instant, t the hour of Ten o'clock in the FONon"on of the same day to do those things which belong respectively unto them to be dune. Dated this Fifth day of July, 1812. ROBERT DA VIES, ESQ. Sheriff. Under-sheriffs Oftke, Beaumaris. CARNARVONSHIRE SUMMER ASSIZES, 1862. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the i next Assizes and General Gaol Delivery for the County of Carnarvon, will be held at Carnarvon, in the said County of Carnarvon, on MONDAY, the 21st day of JULY instant. AlLJustiees of the Peace. Chief Constables, Corouers, Stewards Bailiffs of Liberties, Jurors, Prose- cutors, and Witnesses, are requested to attend at the National Schoolroom, in Carnarvon aforesaid, on Ti ss- DVY, the 22nd day of JULY instant, at the hour of TE)/ o'clock in the aforeno m of the same day, to do those things which belong respectfully unto them to he done. Dated the 1st day of July, 1862. DAVID WILLIAMS, Esq., SHERIFF. Sheriff's Office, Portmadoc. MERIONETHSHIRE SUMMER ASSIZES, 1862. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the N,,??t Assise* and General Gaol Delivery for the County of Merioneth, wi))behe)d at Do)s'eUey,in the said County of Merioneth, on Friday, the 18th day of JULY instant. All Justices of the Peace, Chief Cou- stables, Coroners, Stewards, Bailiffs of Liberties, Jurors, Prosecutors and Witnesses are requested to attend at Dolgelley, aforesaid, ou SATTKDAY, the 19th day of JULY instant, at the hour of TEN o'clock in the aforenoon of the same day, to do those things which belong respectively unto them to be done. Dated the 1st day of July. 18C2. SAMUEL HOLLAND, ESQ., SHERIFF, Sheriff's Office, Portmadoc. LAYING THE FIRST STONE OF THE ENGLISH BAPTIST CHAPEL, InIYL. rnilE PUBLIC SERVICES in connexion X with the above interesting event will be as follows: On Sunday July 20th, THE RIGHT HON. LORD TEYNHAM, will preach two Sermons, in the CAI.YINISTK: MisraoDfoT C'HAI'KL, Clwyd-strect. Morning at 11; Evening at 6.30. On Monday Evening. THE REV. SAMUEL H. BOOTH, B.A., ("f Birkenhead), will preach in the CONGREGATIONAL CHUHCU, "Water Street, at 7.30. On Tuisd ty Evening, at Six preciscli^ the Friends will meet on the site of the intended Chapel, Suftsex Street, wheu the Stone will he laid by Miss Taylor (daughter of James Taylor, jun,) Esq, The Right Hon. Lord Teynham, Rev. ('harlos Viuce, l>irminglmn, Rev. S. H. Booth. B.A" Birkenhcad, R,v. R"l.t. IVitrlnrd, Denùi"h Rev. John William?. Rhyl, Rev. Aaron Francis, Rev. John Richards, lev. Robt. Thomas, and Rev. J. G. Owea, „ will take part. At the close, the Ministers and Friends will ndjourn to the WESLEYAN CHAPEL, (opposite the land), when the Rev. CHAHLKS VIseE will preach. On Wt<hi<s<la<> Emi ucj. THE REV. HUGH STOWELL BROWX, (of Liverpool), ?ill preach in the WELSH CoxtHMAHOXAL ('HAI'H, Queen Street, t 7.30. TiS—iely -1X twle to the ministers IIlId  for the very hand- s,.lIle aud co.lial m¡\DlIeJ' the ahove places of 110-1?iP were by thm gr,mted for tl.,) TIIE ROYAII IVEIISH YACHT ciiiii itM. REGATTA Will take place at CARXAUVOS on FRIDAY, the 15th of August.-Ft)i- particulars apply to the Hon. Secretary, at the Club House. STATES.—LAND ami HOUSES to be ?A01,D by Public Auction and Private Contract MOUSES and FARMS to Let throughout th Kingdom, see the ESTATKS GAZKTTK, published oil the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 23rd of the month. Annual subscription, tl single number, (id. (stamped.) Office for Advertisements, 2W, Fleet-street, London. ELLIS & CO., ELLIS & CO., PORTLAND CEMENT, 23, KTUAND-HTKKET, LIVERPOOL. JUST RURLISHED, JAMES K. RAINFORD, POULTERER & FISHMONGER, Al A .1? K I,-T P L -t C E, BANGOR. MONEY. A FEW THOUSAND POUNDS ready to A be Advanced at 4 -1 per Cent., on Security of LAND or BUILDINGS, in Sums to Suit Borrowers. Apply to Mr. JAMES ROOEIIS, Estate Agent, vvhit- Friar.. Chester. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. MR. PRITCHARD, AucTIoxmm, VALUKU A_IL Horn: AGEXT. begs respectfully t,) annnunce. that he has removed his OFFICK from ANUI.KSKY HocsH, t.) No. 3, Pus LLWYD TFRIIACE, BANK PI,ACE, BAXCOR, next Do a to the Superintendeat Registrar's Office, to which p!acc aM future correspondence will be addressed. pIÏ;cv t:{:f\¡ e;'J;vø:}I¡ t:l. an d Suc- c?.?ion Duti made, and every information afforded re- garding the same. NOXtTil AND SOUTH WALES BANK1. FORTY-SEVENTH DIVIDEND. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a I DIVIDEND at the rate of TEN per Cent, per An- num for the Half-year ended 30th ultimo, on the Capital Stoci? of the Company, as restored in January last, will be paid to the Proprietors, free of Income lax, on and after the 11th instant, at the Head Office, and the respec- tive The Transfer Books will be closed from this date to the lltli instant inclusive. By order of the Directors, L) o. er o ie GEORGE RAE, General Manager. Liverpool, 4th July, 18C2. Glaslyn Inn, near Tremadoc. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TOURISTS AND VISITORS. TEDWARD EVANS begs to respectfully Ei.f,I who frequent this part of Wales, that hc has now completed and fitted up the "Glaslyn Inn" with every necessary accommodation f(?r t, ?e.? Cl"foi-t and convenience; and he hopes by strict attention and moderate Charges, to secure a fair share of public patronage and support. Hie "Glaslyn Inn" is situate about half way between Pont Abergtaslyu and Portmadoc, on the border of that celebrated stream, the Glaslyn River, so famed for its salmon and trout, and is a convcnient "House of Call" for all those gentlemen who follow the" gentle art in the above river. N.B.—1There is always on hand, the Best Foreign Wines, Spirits, Burton Pale Ales, and London and Dub- lin Porters. EE-OPENING OF LLANFIIIANGEL YNHOWYN CHURCH, A'ear Valley Station. LIANFIHANGELYNIIOWYN CHURCH L will be re-opened for Divine Service on Tuesday, the 22nd Jut,Y instant. Divine Service will commence at 11 a m in Welsh, and a Sermon will be preached by the Lord Bishop of Bangor. At 3 p.m. (in Welsh), a Sermon will be preached by the Rev. Morris W illiams, Rector of Llanrhyddlad. Andat 6 o'clock p.m. (in Welsh), a sermon will be preached by the Rev. Hugh Owen, In- cumbent of Llanercliymedd. There being a considerable deficiency in the funds, a collection will be made after each service. The clergy are respectfully requested to appear in Refreshments will be provided by the Committee at the National School. The Valley Hotel is close to the Valley Station, and conveyances can be procured from thence to the Church. Ltaufiliangelyuhowyn Church is about Two miles dis- tant from the Valley Station. The down Train from Bangor arrives at the above Station at 10 17 a.m., and the up Train 'to Bangor passes the same Station at 6 20 p.m. Rlioscolyn Rectoiy, J uly 10th, 1862. MOSTYN CREDITORS. WHEREAS, by a Decree of the High vV Court of Chancery, made in a Cause wherein John Williams and others, are Plaintiffs, and the Right Honorable Lady Henrietta Augusta Mostyn and others. Defendants, an enquiry is directed what persons are entitled to the benefit of the Trust for Creditors, declared by an Indenture, dated the 30th day of May, 1854, being a Deed of Arrangement and Composition, (whereby the late Honorable Thomas Edward Mostyn Lloyd Mostyn, who died on the 8th day of May. 18C1, and who was the eldest Son and Heir apparent of Edward Mostyn- now Lord Mostyn, secured a composition of (is. 8d. in the t lo the J??dg?.?e.t, specialty .??(i ?;i,. l? contract Cred?'- tors of the late Edward Fryee Lord Mostyn, and the said Edward Mostyn Lord Mostyn, who shonht come in under the said Deed of Arrangement or Composition in the manner and within the time therein mentioned, and what is the Sum in respect of which each such person is entitled. All persons therefore who have signed the said Deed and the representatives of such as are since deceased, and all persons claiming the benefit of the said Deed, are on or before the 9th of August, 18G2, to come in and prove theirdebtsorclaimsat the Chambers of the Vice Chancellor, Sir William Page Wood, Knight, No. 11, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, or in default thereof, they will lb peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said De- cree. Friday, the 31st day of October Next, at 12 o'clock at Noon, at the said Chambers, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating upon the Claims. Dated this 21st day of June, 1802. ??  Hy. LEIAN. Chief Clerk. N.B.-Tl,e said Deed of Composition of the 30th day of Mav, 1854. is now lying at the Office of Messrs. Bloxain, and Co., 1, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, and may be in- spected by Claimants. CITY OF DUBLIN STEAM PACKET COMPANY. -M SUMMER SAILINGS.- On and after May 2,1862, the ???? PRINCE ARTHUR will leave the PRINCE'S LANDING STAGE, LIVER- POOL for LUNDUDNO. BEAUMARIS, BANGOR, and MENAI BRIDGE, every Tuesday, Thursday, ami Satnnlav, at Eleven o'Clock a.m., and from MENAI BRIDGE for LIVERPOOL every Monday. Wednesday, and Friday, at Ten o'Clock a.m.. Goods will be received at the East Side Clarence Dock. iMi- For :;trtc!,PI:lr at the Company s Omces 20, Water-street, Liverpoo l or to Messrs. E. W. Timuthv and Son, Menai Bridge. An Omnibus leaves the Bulkeley Arms, Menai Bndge. fo.Am?n the arnval of the Packet from Liverpool, and returns in time for the Steamers sailing for Liverpool. Liverpool, Beaumaris Bangor, & Menai Bridge. N THE STEAMER ?? "DRUID." '???' Capt. HUNTER. NV ILT? sail from the LADlSG STAGE, PRINCE'S PIER, LIVEUPOOI, on AIONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at Eleven o',I.,k morning and leave the MENAI lJltIDGE on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at Ten o'clock morn- ing, calling at LLANDUDNO, weather permitting. Goods required to be down half-an-hour before the lioai of Sailing. An Omnibus leaves the Bulkeley Arms, Menai Budge, for Amlwch, on the arrival of the Packet from Liverpool, and returns in tiuie for the Steamers sailing for Liverpool. PRICE and CO., 10, Exchange Buildings, Liverpool. ESTABLISHED 1812. PROCTOR AND RYLANDS PEEPAKED BONE MANURES, FOR TURNIPS, GRASS, WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, POTATOES, k c., AND THEIR BONE SUPERPHOSP IIJ/fE OF LIME, ARE TIIE BEST PREPARED AND CHEAPEST .Jn'i: COPPERED TO THE PUBLIC. BIRMINGHAM AND ffi gtTEB./ 1' BANGOR PTOLTC 'NEWS ROOM, Open from 9 a.m. Jitil 9 p.m., AT J. K. DOUGLAS'S, "NORTH WAt?-?cm?IC?" ??CE. HIGH-STREET. TERM80F'SUBSC'mTTIQ?: CM Gmnea er ?um. ,hic?h wiilP l ?.tl.. ???t??ent.rtb.?.,?t ,y,t?. within t,he hf)ur Kpceilind ao¡we.. t?- tI.t tI.? t. ti,? f".m Half-a.Glùnea per annum, which will ? r-r'Det»that amomrt the etUrft to t? Room from until 9 o'clock in the evening. NON-SUBSCRIBERS will be admitted from U a.mm ..t?T*?*mp.ImentfTWOPENC?' -dfr.. 4 p.m. until p.m., Hn ?yment of ONE PENNY. —.— FOR THE SEA SIDE. A SUIT COMPLETE FOR 503.. WARRANTED ALL AL-OOL AND THROUGHLY SHRUNK, OF 'VEI,SH TWEEDS, SCOTCH ANGOLAS A?D CHEVIOTS ( Patterns can be forwarded ?.j a SUIT made at Eight Hour"' nctice, at 4 0 IM N AL N 4b N 4 0 N 9 BANK PLACE, BANGOR. PATRONISED BY R,T1 ,NRNRA AT TESTY THE GQUEEN, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE BY HE G^ OFKEGT^^ )NSTANTINE OE BU88IA, &c. SNOWDON SPARS AND FOSSILS, BRITANNIA & MENAI BRIDGE STONES, PENMON AGATES, ANGLESEY CORNELIANS AND JASPERS, AT JOHN"" .A..RON'SON='S;:J JEWELLER, BANK PLACE, BANGOR. The .bovc are ?.uuf?ured into various articles -t.Me for REMINISCENCES OF WALES. MEDALS OF THE BRITANNIA AND MENAI BRIDGES AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT. To BRITISH COLUMBIA for 233 10s. WEEKLY STEAM COMMUNICATION TO NEW YORK DIRECT. ~K 1 MHE LIVERPOOL, NEW TH?'?7-K, AND PHILADELPHIA STEAM SHIP COMPANY intend des- -???E& patching their Full-Powered Iron Screw Steam Ships, calling at QUEENSTOWN, to embark pas. sengers and desjjatches as follows WEEKLY PROlf LIVERPOOL FOR NEW YORK. ETNA Wednesday Mth July. EDINBURGH.Wednesday 1:d .T:'y, CITY OF BALTMOEE "Wednesday oOth „ And every succeeding Wednesday. Cabin Passage, 15, 17, and 21 Guineas, according to the accommodation. Forward Passage Eight Guineas, including all Provisions cooked. Passengers for CANADA, the UNITED STATES, and BRITISH COLUMBIA, booked through on very advan- tageous terms. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM INMAN, 22, Water-street, Liverpool. t Mr. ED. ELLIR, jun., Shipbuilder, Bangor. | Mr. A. F. WATTS, Ab?rg?l?. QUEENSLAND. "BLACK BALL" LINE OF BRITISH AND AUSTRALIAN EX-ROYAL MAIL PACKET This Line of Packets is composed of the largest and most modern Steam and Clipper Ships in the world, and is the only one which has had the distinguished honour of a visit from Her Majesty the Queen. LIVERPOOL FOR QUEENSLAND, On the 25th July, and from CORK 30th July, I The beautiful clipper ship -f&Sk. "PRINCE CONSORT," 1235 Tons Regis ter, 3000 Tons Burthen. Captalll JONES. This beautiful clipper ship is about to proceed, on her second voyage to Australia; her passenger accommodation is of the first order, the between decks being lofty and well ventilated. Apply to T. M. MACKAY & CO., 1, Leadenliall-street, London GIBBS. BRIGHT & CO., North John Street; or JAMES BAINES & CO., Water Street, Liverpool. AGENTS: Mr. Edward Ellis, Garth Point. Bangor. Capt Tully, Dublin Packet Office, Holyhead. ttJIf.;dl Hangefni, Anglesea. Mr. T. Edwards, Quay, Conway. Ml-. F. Watts, Abergele. THE "BLACK BALL" & "EAGLE" LINE OF British and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets, This Line of Packets is composed of the largest and most modern Steam and Clipper Ships in the world, and is the only one which has had the distinguished honour of a visit from Her Majesty the Queen. LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOURNE, On the 5th and 15th of every month, Ship. Reg. Bur. Capt. Date. Donald 2604 1. Price (5th July) to sail McKay. ) MthJuty. Champi<JU of} 1946 4500 0 t .'1 tl A tl?e Seas, j' 194g 4500 Outridge 5th ug. FOR SYDNEY, ANNIE ARCHBELL"(From London) "10th July. BRILLIANT (From London) 25til July. "CORNWALLIS" new .(From London) "10th Aug. FOR MELBOURNE, "WALLACE" (From London) 30th June. "CINDERELLA" (From London) JUtli July. FOR QUEENSLAND, (Free Grants of Land, value 30 Pounds. "OCEAN CHIEF, (From Liverpool) ..5th July. Ditto .(From Glasgow) 10th July. "PRINCE CONSORT" (From Liverpool) 25tliTtily. Ditto (From Cork) 30th July. "UTOPI (From London) 30th June. "SULTANA" (From Loudon) 25th July. "FLYING CLOUD" (From London) "30th Aug. WANSFELL" (From London) Sept. LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOURNE, PACKET FOR THE 5th JULY, TO SATLlOth JULY. (Taking "Victoria Passage Warrants" and Bounty' Tickets" without extra charge,) The Magniifcent Frigate-built Clipper Ship "DONALD MACKAY," 2604 Tons Register. 5000 Tons Burthen. Capt. C. E. PRICE. This magnificent ship was built expressly for this Line, by her namesake, builder of the" Lightning," "Champion of the Seas," "Flying Cloud," &e. She is the largest ship in the Australian trade, and one of the fastest afloat, her last passage home being made in 73 days. Her cabin and general accommodation is not equalled by any ship in the Australian service. Apply to T M. MACKAY & CO., 1, Leadenhall Street, London, GIBBS BRIGHT & CO., North John-street, or JAMES BAINES & CO., Water-st., Liverpool. AGENTS: Ml- Edward Ellis, G.irtli Point, Bangor. Capt. Tully, Dublin Packet Office, Holyhead. Mr Win. Edwards, Llangefni, Anglesea. Mr T. Edwards, Quay Conway. Mr. F. Watts. Abergele. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEK LIVERPOOL AND CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, rid QUEBEC and the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, (Under Contract with Her Majesty's Provincial Govern- ment for the Conveyance of thellile.) 1802 SUMMER ARRANGEMENETS 18(52. THE MONTREAL OCEAN STEAM-SHIP COMPANY'S first-class powerful Screw Steamers H NORWEGIAN Capt. M'MASTERS, .-r i M HIBEltNIAN. GitANGE, J S L 'MIAN. „ BERLA, IAN.. t, AXTON, ^^L6-SAXON GRAHAM, NORTH AMERICAN,, BURGESS, Are intended to Sail from LIVERPOOL TO QUEBEC AND MONTREAL, EVElIY THURSDAY, Calling at NOVILLE, LOUGH FOYLE, on FRIDAY, to embark Passengers and Her Majesty's Mails. And from QUEBEC to LIVERPOOL every SATURDAY, Calling at NOVILLE to land Mails and Passengers. Rate of Freight to Quebec and Montreal, 55s. per Ton Measurement, and 5 per Cent. Primage. Weight subject to -agr?ement. to ?Fpa?age Money to QUEBEC, EIGHTEEN GUINEAS and FIFTEEN GUINEAS, including Provi- sions, but not Wine., or Liquors, which can be obtained on board. S?er?e Passage Money to QUEBEC, SEVEN GUINEAS, including a plentiful supply of Cooked Pro- By arrangements made with the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, Bills of Lading and Passage Tickets will be granted in Liverpool for the conveyance of Goods and Passengers, at very moderate through rates, to all the Principal Towns in Canadp. p 7 Baggage taken from the Ocean Steamships to the Rail- way Cars Free of Expense. For Freight or Passage apply, in Glasgow, to JAMES and ° ALEXANDER ALLAN, 70, Great Clyde-street; in Lon- don, to MONTGOMERIE and GREENHORNE, 17, Gracechurch- street: and to ALLAN BROS. and CO., Weaver-buildings, Brunswick-street, Liverpool. AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, AND BRI. TISH COLUMBIA. PMpengers holding Victoria Passage Warrants, or Bounty Tickets for Launceston or Hobart Town, will be carried by this Line, the latter via Melbourne. „ rnHE << WHITE STAR" LINE -,TOF BRITISH and AUSTRALIAN llEX-ROYAL MAI^ CLIPPERS, ,?il m below, Landing and forwarding Passengers to every port of Aus- tralia, Tasmania, or New Zealand. The line is composedof the following" celebrated clippers Shin Ship. RED JACKET. CHARIOT OF FAE. WHITE STAR. QUEEN of the NORTH. BLUE JACKET. ELECTRIC. MERMAU) MERCHANT PRINCE. ?HALIMA-R MISTRESS of the SEAS. LORD RAGLAN. GREAT AUSTRALIA. And many others well-known in the trade. FROM LIVERPOOL TO MELBOURNE. Ship Captain Tons Reg. Tons Bur. Date. KINO OF ALGERIA .Brown 1707, 3000, July 24. SHALIMAR. Allen 1591. 2750, Aug. 20. RED JACKET Billinge 2000, 3500, Sept. 20. BLUE JACKET White 1446, 2756, Ot. 20. FROM LIVERPOOL TO AUCKLAND, VIA MELBOURNE, SHALIMAR Allen 1591 2750 Aug. 20. BLUE JACKET "hite 1447 2750 Oct. 20. FROM LONDON > CANTERBURY. MERMAID. 11. 1 4e 1320 2000 in August. CHARIOT OF FAME *T 1660 3000 The well-known packet-sli:;) KING OF ALGERIA" will be despatched for Melbourne, as the" White Star" packet of the 20th July. This ship has made several fast pas- sages, and has splendid accommodation for all classes of passengers. In the Saloons, bedding, linen, and all neces- saries are supplied. The Second Cabin, Intermediate and Steerage bertha are equal to those of any ship in the trade. For freight, passage, and all particulars, apply to H. T. WILSON k CHA31B ?I'?S, 21, Water-street, Liverpool, H. T. WILSON, COOKE & CO., 27, LeadenhaII-street, London. Or to PARRY and Co., Shipbuilders, agents, Bangor; JOHN JONES, Steam Packet Company, agent, Carnarvon T. EELL, Holywell or to ROBERT PIUTCHARD, Newry- street, Holyhead. N.JtJ.—Willox's Australian Hand Book sent post free for 2 stamp*. SWEDISH TURNIP. JONES' Selected Tankard Shaped, grown tj from fine picked and transplanted Bulbs per lb.Is. This is said, by eminent growers, to be the best Swede out, perfectly hardy, very nutritious, and produces im- mense weight per acre. Agricultural Seed List post free on application. JOHN JONES, Seedsman, 48, Hig -street, 48, ?HYL. GRIFFITH DAVIES, DRAPERY, MERCERY, MILLINERY AND FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, BANGOR. THE MOST LEADING STYLES, and the greatest NOVELTIES of the SEASON1, in FANCY DRESSES, SHAWLS, MANTLES, MILLINERY, BONNETS, FLOWERS, &c In loss of appetite, the want of due enjoyment of food, and in weak digestion, use T:a: OJM: A SS TEGID SAUCE, A Cosmopolitan Relish.-Price Is. A L 8 0, THOMAS'S MERIONETHSHIRE SAUCE, The most deliel", economical, and generally useful SAUCE extent- Price Is. 6d. Sold by Druggist*, Grocers, aud Italian Warelionse-men, everywhere. BOOTAND SHOE ESTABLISH MENT- 304, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. ISAAC ROBERTS respectfully informs the Public, that the above Establishment is now replete with a Large and Choice Assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes in Stock, adapted for the Inesent selloon, which, for durability, quality, and price, are unsurpassed. Orders exemted- /16 vxual. Special attention is given to all orders, and gentlemen can rely upon obtaining, a really First-Cl.ra Article. PRICE.6 STRICTLY MODERATE. LLANBERIS, NOItTlI WALES. THE OLD ESTABLISHED DOLBADARN HOTEL. 110IJRISTS AND VISITORS, and the Public generally, are respectfully informed, that i. the above Hotel has been entered upon by the undersigned, and lins undergone a thorough renovation in the completion of which he has spared no expense, in order to secure the comfort and convenience of those that will favour him with their patronage, which he will study to deserve, by moderate charges and attcntiMii^ & ROBERTS, Proprietor. BOATS ON THE LAKES.-GUIDES AND PONIES TO SNOWDON. DUBLIN STOUT, IN ENGLISH IVE IE A.S UKE CASKS- FINDLATER AND CO., Porter Brewers, Mountjoy Brewery. Dublin. HALF-BARRELS, 18 GALLONS; BARRELS, 3G GALLONS; HOGSHEADS, 54 GALLONS. AGENTS IN MOST OF THE TOWNS IN ENGLAND. SEWILL'S WATCHES, Maufactorv, 61, Srath Castle-street, right opposite the Custom House, LIVERPOOL. WATCHES forwarded FREE and safe to any part of the kingdom upon Receipt of a remittance. A WRITTEN WARRANTY WITH EVERY WATCH If you are in want of a good Watch, warranted to keep correct time, send a Post-office Order to JOSEPH SEWILL 61, South Castle-street, Liverpool (directly opposite the Custom House,) who will by return of Post, send a first class Watch of the description required, warranted to keep good time, and exchanged if not approved of. SEWILL'S Silver Horizontal Watches, Jewelled and Warranted, £2 2s., £ 2 10s., £ 3, £ 3 U)s each. SEWILL'S Silver Patent Levers, Capped, Jewelled, and Warranted, €4, 95, E6, t7, and E7 10s. each. SEWILL'S Gold Horizontal Watches, suitable for Ladies or Gentlemen, £ 5, £ (>, aud k7 each. SEWILL'S Gold Patent Detached Lever Watches. Cases 18 carat fine, k9 9s., £10 10s., tl2 12s. each. SEWILL'S RAILWAY WATCHES, IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES. Expressly manufactured for every description of engineering purposes, railway travelling, and hunting. To persons requiring a real fine, accurate, and substantial Timekeeper, THESE WATCHES WILL BE FOUND INVALUABLE. Gold—16, 18, 20, and 25 Guineas each. Silver 6, 8, 10, and 12 Guineas each. An immense stock of PRESENTATION WATCHES, in Gold and Silver, of the finest quality and magnificent designs. SEWILL'S GOLD CHAINS, In the newest patterns, with Patent Detector Swivels, £ 1 lis. 6d., B2 2s., t3 Ms. each, free and safe per post. Captains, Shippers, and the trade supplied on the most reasonab l e t?m, p- NOTE THE ADDREss.-TiiE OLDEST WATCH MANUFACTORY IN LIVERPOOL, 61, SOUTH CASTLE-STREET, RIGHT OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM HOUSE. W Post-office and Money orders to be made payable to JOSEPH SEWILL. LIVERPOOL. VENETIAN AND OTHER BLINDS SUPERSEDED BY THE PATENT LATH BLINDS, which require no fixing, only one cord, can be applied to any window and fixed by any person. They cost less than white, and, being made of wood, do not get out of condi- tion or order. AGENT FoR LivEitPOOL- M. ELLIS, CABINETMAKER, UPHOLSTERER, AND CARPET DEALER, V 65 AND 67, BOLD-STREET. VENETIAN AND OTHER BLINDS. SIX per cent Debentures—Canada Landed Credit Campany-Chief Office-Victoria Hall, Toronto. Bankers-Messrs. Smith, Payne and Smiths, London Brokers-Messrs. Brunton and Son, London. The Com- pany grant Debentures for sums of 250, £100, £500 and 21,000, for periods of three five seven and ten years, bearing interest at 6 (Six) per cent per annum, both pri.(!? "I and Interest being made payable in London- and the payment of Interest is guaranteed to the day, viz. on the 1st January, and 1st July, at their Bankers in London, and the same can be received through aiy of the country Banks. Application for the Debentures and for any information may be made to Messrs. Brunton and Son, Stockbrokers, Auction Mart, Chambers, Bartholomew Lane, London. N.B.—The'Half Yearly Interest on the Company's Debentures will be paid on and after the 1st o ? u??t. y Is presentation of the Coupone" at the Banking House of Messrs. Smith Payne and Smiths, London. KELLEY'S POST-OFFICE GUIDE to LONDON, now ready, with Map. of London and Ground Plan of Exhibition. Post 8vo., cloth, lettered, price 2s. 6d. Kelly and Co., Old Boswell-eourt; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. and all booksellers. MR. E. W. THOMAS, Organist of St. Ann's Church, and Teacher of the Piano- forte, Organ, and Harmonium, BETHESDA, NEAR BANGOR. PUPILS attended in Bangor and neighbourhood. Terms, One Guinea per Quarter. DEN IGH, RU HIN AND CORWEN RAILWAY DENBIGR, COMPANY. RAILWAY 1VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that & NSpecial General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Denbigh, Ruthin and Corwen Railway Company, will be held on FRIDAY, the 1st day of August, 1862, at One o'clock in the Afterlloon precisely, at the White Lion Hotel, at Ruthin, pursuant to the provisions of 44 the Denbigh, Ruthin and Comen Railway, 1862, for the purpose of authorising the issue of New Shares in the Capital of the Company, in lieu of such Ordinary Shares, in the Company, as shall have been cancelled, and to such amount and with such preference or piiority of dividend over the Ordinary Shares of the Company, and upon such terms a i shall be determined by the said meeting. By Order, GEO. MOUSLEY, Secretary. Ruthin, July 10th. 1862. TEETH. DENTISTRY NOTICE FOR NORTH WALES, 1862. BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. PARTICULARLY NOTICE REGULAR ATTENDANCE AT S3* CARNARVON, Messrs. Gabriel, will in future attend at Mr. HAWKBIDGE, Bookbinder, Bangor Street, August 5, September 2nd. es- LLA^DUDNaatMr? 2nd. Chemist, Mostyn Street, the 1st Thursday and 3rd Monday and W LLANDUDNO, t Mr. H.gl??,, W BANGOR, CAXTON HOUSE, Next Visit July 7t i, August 4th, September 1st. 4v° DENBIGH, at Mr. P. Roberts, Chemist, August 6th, August 3rd. W WREXHAM, at Mrs. Jones, Hope-street, June 19th. Ca- SHREWSBURY, every Saturday, at 48, High-street. ifo* PWLLHELI, Monday, 3Cth June. f.tw DOLGELLEY, at the GOLDEN LION, Tuesday 29th July. OSTEO-EIDON, WHAT IS IT! See Patent, March 1st, 1862, Xo. 5t10. GABRIEL'S OSTEO-EIDON, PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. Analysed and Reported on by Professor Pepper. Prepared in their Laboratories and under their personal superintendence, Messrs. GABRIEL'S OSTEO-EIDON is guaranteed free from any admixture. Being completely plastic, it is moulded with the utmost accuracy to the mouth and jaws, so as to be at once nnfelt by the wearer and undistinguishable by the keenest observer; being elastic, it occasions no feeling of pressure, whilst the coating of Virgin Gold secures it from being tainted by drugs or abnor- mal secretions. EFFICIENCY OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH. The Inventions of Messrs GABRIEL, the old-established and experienced Dentists, have brought the practice of their profession to so high a degree of perfection that partial or entire Sets of Teeth can be promptly and perfectly adjusted and in such manner as to be removed and replaced at pleasure, to be worn without the least inconvenience to present the appearance of natural teeth of great beauty, and to be incapable of any noxious effect upon the mouthy MESSRS. GABRIFL, THE OLD ESTABLISHED SURGEON DENTISTS. (ESTABLISHED 1815. SEE DIPLOMA,) e-roT..T..Tt OW 1S4, DUKE-STREET, LIVERPOOL («Fpt^TL^TJTRFPTL 27, HARLEY-STREET, CAVENDISH-SQUARE. AND 33 & 34, LUDGATE-HILL, CITY, LONDON. 05. NEW-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, CLASS 17. AMERICAN MINERAL TEETH, BEST IN EUROPE, FROM FOUR TO EIGHT GUINEAS PER SET WARRANTED. CONSULTATION GRATIS. MESSRS GABRIEL'S prepared WHITE GUTTA PERCHA ENAMEL, for STOPPING DECAYED TEETH. ?i.)OtM). ".??? ,?  Sold by all Chemists in town and country. MESSRS? G?RIEL?S ROYAL TOOTH POWDER, for Preserving and Cleaning the Teeth and o-. is sold by all Chemists in town and country, at Is. 6d. per box. Agents for Bangor: Mr. Griffith, chemist, High-street; Carnarvon Mr. G. Owen, chemist; Denbigh, Mr Gee Beaumaris, Mr. Roberts, Chemist; Pwllheli, Mr. Morris, chemist; Amlwch, Mr. Roose, Chemist; Holyhead J. G. Roberts, Medical Hall.