TUITION BY THE SEA SIDE. THE REV. EVAN LEWIS, Incumbent of St. Ca- j. therine's, Colwyn, near, Conway, who has had con- siderable experience in Tuition, receives into his family n limited number of pupils between the ages of 7 and 15. Terms Moderate. SIIIWEN BATHING PLACE, BANGOR. A SPLENDID BEACH for Open Sea Bath- ing. Hot and Cold and Water Shower Baths. Season Tickets for Open Sea Bathing to be obtained of Mr. SIMPSON, Bulkeley Place Mr. SUIKLEY, High Street, or of Messrs. THOMAS & Co., Slate Works, Bangor. PWLLHELI AND NEVIN MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE SOCIETY. THE Half-yearly General Meeting of the Members of t thii) Society will be held on MONDAY, the 1st day of JULY, 1861, at the Tows H.ILT,L, PWLLIIEU, at 10 o'clock a.m., to transact the ordinary business of the Society. J. B. JARRETT, Secretary. Nevin, 2(H;h June, 1861. NEW CHURCH, BANGOR. aIHE Committee for promoting the 'bmldin? 1.. of ? New Church in Ban?or are preparcd to rec?" ?n.rl,U.t,. f ?H? T"tn?i).]in" T?" ?' ""? pClncatlOn .lection a"t 'ItThe C hapter Room of thc Cathedral, in Bangor, from the 1st until the 10th of July next, both inclusive, and at 10, Basnett-street, Liverpool, the Offices of Mr. H. V. Horner, the Architect, from the 12th to the 20th of July next, both inclusive. All Tenders must be sent in, sealed and endorsed, Tender for New Church at Bang"r," to the undersigned on or before the 24th of July next. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. By Order of the Committee, A. J. DODSON, Honorary Secretary. Bangor, 26th June, lRGl. NEWTOWN AND MACHYNLLETH RAILWAY. TnE Directors are prepared to accept Tend. Ten of Money, in sums of 9100 and upwards, for Mriodrnot exceeding five years, upon Mortgage Deben- ture Bond*. Interest at t5 per cent. payable half- yearly on the 1st March and 1st September. Applications to be made to the Secretary at the Com- pany's Office, at Machynlleth, of whom any further in. formation may be obtained. BY Order, By DAVID HOWELL, Secretary. LLANDUDNO. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. PERSONS willing to Tender for the erection of a TEMPORARY Wesleyan CHAPEL, in Llewelyn- street, Llandudno, may inspect the Drawings and Speci- fications, and obtain all further information, at my Office, on and after the 1st July. Tenders to be sent in to rne, not later than the 6th of The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be ae- cepted. GEORGE FELTON, Architect to the Mostyn Estate. 27th June. 1861. NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING. (Deed of Settlement, s.s. 11 & 12.) PWLLHELI GAS COMPANY. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Annual 1? General Meeting of the Shareholders of this Company will be held at the Crown Hotel, Pwllheli, in the County of Carnarvon, on FRIDAY, the 5th day of July, 1S61, at 2 o'clock p.m., and that the business to be transacted at such Meeting will be the Election of two Directors, one Auditor (who go out by rotation), and also the Declaration of Dividend, and such other matters relating to the Company as may then occur. Dated this 17th day of June, 1861. DAVID DAVIES, Secretary. MIDDLE-CLASS SCHOOL, RUTHIN, DEN- BIGHSHIRE. rniTE next Half year commences on FRIDAY, 1 August 2ud. I Commercial Department-Subjects taught: Arith- metic, Mathematics, Writing, Geography, History and the Rudiments of the Latin and French languages. II Theological reJStulliCå¥ïl those sub j ects in La?n, Greek, Scripture, History = Theology, which will be most useful to Candidates for Holy Orders. Terms (inclusive of washing and all other expences ex- cept books)—For those under 16, t5 5s. per quarter between 16 and 19, M 6s. above 19, ?10 ?  are some Associateships of the annual value of RIO 10s., tenable by young men above 19. Entrance fee, 1:1 Is. The Bishop of St. Asaph will receive Candidates from this Institution. For ''iu?her? particulars apply to Rev. E. H. DAVIES, M. A LIanrhudd. Ruthi. LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. NATIONAL RIFLE CONTEST, WIMBLEDON. Commencing JULY 4TH, and ending JULY 13TH. ALL RIFLE VOLUNTEERS in UNI- FORM, attending the above Contest, will be allowed to travel from any Station on the LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY to EUSTON STATION, London, and Back, at a Single Fint, Sccon(l, or Third Class Fare' for the Double Journey, according to the Class of Train and Carriage used. The Tickets will be available for One Journey each way, from WEDNESDAY, the 3RD JULY, to MONDAY, the 15TH Jety, and may be obtained at the Booking Offices, in the usual way, any day between thesc dates, inclusive. g y Order, W. CAWKWELL, General Manager. EUSTON STATION, London, June, 1861. COUNTY OF FLINT. NOTICE is hereby given, that the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Flint will be held, by adjournment, at the COUNTY HALL, in MOLD, on WEDNESDAY, the Third day of July next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, when all business relating to the Assessment, Application, or Management of the County and Police Rates will commence. And Notice is also given, that the next General Quar- ter Sessions of the Peace will be held at the COUNTY HALL aforesaid on THURSDAY, the Fourth day of July next, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, and all business relating to the Assessment, Application, or Management of the County and Police Rates, will commence at noon of the same day. All Depositions and Instructions for Indictments must be sent 'to my office, in Mold, if practicable, six days before the said General Quarter Sessions. A. T. ROBERTS, Clerk of the Peace. Mold, 6th June, 1861. TO THE CLERK OF THE PEACE FOR THE COUNTY OF FLINT. WE, the UNDERSIGNED, being five of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Flint, do hereby require you to GIVE NOTICE that at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the said County, application will be made for a sum of money to be granted out of the County Rate for Enlarging and improving the Lock-up House at ihyl, in the said CouRty, for the temporary confine- ment of persons taken into custody by any Constables and not committed for trial, or in execution of any sentence. Given under our hands this 22nd day of April, 1861,- EDW. LEWIS RICHARDS, R. T. ROWLEY, T. G. DIXON, JNO. CHURTON, W. S. CONWY. Notice is hereby given, that the Notice, of WL^CH the foregoing is a true copy, has been received bv me and I do hereby, in pursuance of the statute in w I cae ma I AND provided, further give Notice that fae ti6S;t General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the Comity of pi; ?Tll be held in the County HaH in ?0]?, inlt.n'/ lilt ?id County, on fmJMDAT, the 4th day ? JUIV AND t)I«t THE WB9 IECT matter of t10/Sll1"" Y ntitt, tù" 1 — uo ace will be -«uit° confederation by the Cowt at noon of the "fliue d. W'taew By h?nd FT"" 6th day of June, 1861. A. T. ROBERTS, Clerk of the Peace, SIXTH THOUSAND. JUST Published, price one shilling, a new Edition of MARTIN'S WEEK'S WANDERINGS amidst the most beautiful Scenery in North Wales, with a Map and View of the Bridges. The best and cheapest guide published. Bangor J, K. Douglas. Llandudno: H. Ellerby, Mostyn-street. BONT UCHEL FEMALE FRIENDLY SOCIETY. THE Anniversary of the above will be held i at the COUNTY HALL, RUTHIN, on TUESDAY, the 2nd of July next. A Quadrille Band will be in attendance. Mr. M. TUllNOR, Steward. G. G. INCE, Secretary. MUSICAL AND COLLEGIA! E AGENCY, 40, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. THE Nobility, Clergy, Mid Gentry, requiring T English and Foreign Governesses, Tutors, L" Housekeepers, Companions, and Professors, cau have highly qualified Ladies and Gentlemen intrOflucod to them, free of charge, on application to the Lady Principa of the above Institution. KU^ETARAM^AK SCHOOL. THE Boarders are received into the family of Locis CH-t LLKX, Esn., M.C.P., the Third Master. Exhibitions, without restriction as to place of bh'th, are ::1:tlo:8't¡:i \l,r}'il:llls a;:e;f¡eg o: 'tl;\T' versity.—For further information references are to be made to the Rev. the Hcsd Master. GEOLOGICAL LECTURE. NATIONAL SCHOOL ROOM, BANGOR, FRIDAY, 5th JULY. A LECTURE on the Present Slate of Geological Dis- covery, with a particular reference totiie Mountains of North Wales, will be delivered by D. MACKINTOSH, F.G.S., F.E.S., &c. Under the Patronage of The Right Ilev. The Loid H. B. Roberts, Esq. Bishop of Bangor. j J. V. H. Williams, Esq. The Rev. Chancellor Trevor Dr. Richards The Rev. E. PlIghe H. Hughes, Esq., The Rev. D. Evans &e. &0. Tickets, Reserved Seats, Is. 6d., Second Seats, Is., Back Seats, 6d. Youths half price to the Reserved and Second Seats, to be had fiviii Mr. DOUGLAS. CARNARVONSHIRE TURNPIKE TRUST. WE hereby give Notice that, in compliance \V with the provisions of an Act 12 and 13 Vic., 87, and other Acts relating to the payment of the d S, t on llk' :.e;insoiute;l\viiht an order of the Trustees of the 12th April, 1861, a PUBLIC MEETING of the Trustees of the Carnarvonshire Turn- pike Trust will be held at the COUNTY HALL, in Carnar- von on SATURDAY, the 29th day of June, 1861, for the purpose of receiving Tenders, and making such orders as may seem to them then necessary.  Clerks to the Trustees, O. JONES & SON, 23rd May, 1861. IIENDEE DDT; SLATE QUARRY COM- PANY, LIMITED. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS.—Persons desirous of submitting Tenders for BUILDING BARRACKS, COACH HOUSE, and STABLING on the above QUARRIES, may see the Plans and Specifi- atioas on application to John Prosser, Esq.,at Pentrefelin, near Portmadoc, on or before Monday, the 1st of July next. Tenders to be sent to J. Prosser, Esq., at the aforemen- tioned address, on or before July 10th. No pledge is given to accept the lowest or any Tender. Friday, June 21st, 1861. Pursuant to the Acta for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in England. IN THE COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT DEBTORS. COURT OF WILLIAM JOHN LAW, Esquire, Chief Commissioner, on the Eighteenth day of June, 1861. UPON* the filiug of the SCHEDULE of FREDERICK WOODBRIDBE, formerly of Victoria Coctago, SurhHnn, Surrey, in Co-Partnership with Frederick Woodbridge sen., Henry James Hare, and Charles Hugh Hare, as Brewers, trading under the name, firm, or style of Hare and Company," at the Red Lion Brewery, 21, East Smithfield, Middlesex, then of Tan-y-Bryn, near Conway, North Wales, out of business or employment, and renting a small Farm at Tan-y-Bryn aforesaid, then of 33, Place des Orienteaux Brages, Belgium, then of 2, Rue-de-Capucins, Ostend, Belgium, out of business or employment, then of the Exeter Hall Hotel, Strand, Middlesex, then of 14, West Side, Arbour Square, Stepney, Middlesex, out of business or employment, then of the Pentonville Bakery, 50, Pentuu Street, Pentonville, Baker, a Prisoner in the Debtors' Prison, whose Estate and Effects have been duly Vested in the Provisional Assignee, by Order pursuant to the Statute. It is Ordered and Appointed that the said Prisoner shall be brought up to be dealt with according to the provisions of the said Act, before the Court of WILLIAM JOHN LAW, Esquire, Chief Commissioner, at the Court House, in Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, on the 8th day of July next, at the hour of Eleven in the Morning precisely. T. W. PARKES, 11, Beaufort Buildings, Strand, London, Attorney for the said Insolvent. SUN FIRE OFFICE, Threadneedle Street/ Craig's Court, Charring Cross and 40, Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square, London. ESTABLISHED 1710. MANAGERS: Charles Richard Pole, Esq., Chairman and Treasurer. The Rt.Hon.W.Beresfora.M.l*. Hon. P PleydellBouverie, M.P. Harry Chester, Esq. S. Pepys Cockerell, Esq. Raikes Currie, Esq, John Drummond, Esq. Russell Ellice, Esq. Harvie Morton Farquhar, Esq. Capt. H. Q, Hamilton, R.N. W. J. Hamilton, Esq. Sir J. Weir Hogg, Bart. jostjpn noare, q- F?l t?PL ( Itr 0Ik' q Henry 1,' Shaw Lefevre, Esq. Henry Littledale, Esq. George Ward Norman, Esq. !M?Sd ?PtI?? Esq. Brice Pearse, Esq. Lambert Pole, Esq. Henry Rich, Esq M.P. C. George Thornton, Esq. H. R. Tomkinson, Esq. THE Managers can confidently recommend the SUN FIRE OFFICE to the notice of the Public. The Business of this Company very far exceeds that of any other similar Society. The Duty paid to Government by the SUN FIRE OFFICE on Insurances in Great Britain and Ireland for the year 1860, amounted to £ 216,275.. Insurances upon almost every description of Risk ill the United Kingdom are undertaken at moderate Rates. Farming Stock may now be insured at 5s. per cent., if covered to a fair value, and situate in a district free from incendiarism. Property in Foreign Countries may be insured upon favourable terms. Forms of Proposal, Receipt* for the Renewal of Policies as they fall due, and all information respecting Fire Insurances may be had on application to any of the under mentioned Agents of the SUN FIRE OFFICE. Insurances may be made for more years than one by a single payment.; and in such cases there will be a discount allowed on the premium, and duty for every year except the first. AGENTS. BANGOR Mr. H. L. Jones Chester Messrs. Bowers Brothers. Aberystwith Mr. H. Hughes Altrincliam Messrs. J. and H. Dean Beaumaris Mr. E. R. Thomas Birkenhead Mr. A. Wain Crewe Mr. Benjamin Cotton Denbigh .Mr. T. Hastings Frodsham Mr. Albert Harrison Knutsford .Miss M. Dakin Uaurwst. Mr. George Revis Malpaa.Mr. Josh. Cooke Maceles&eld .Mr. G. E. LaUemano. Mo]? Mr. Charles C. Smith Northwich.. «r. W. Newton Northwich.?-?-?? NantwMh ?j?ncooke Over  Mr. W. G. Cmrningham R 'om Cheshire Mr. W. G. Cunningham un,cI .Mr. ThO! Stringer Sana? Mr. T. Roberts St. Asaph ,Mesars. Walmsley and Co. Whitchurch Mr. D. Wall Welebl)ool -^MENT. SPECIAL AKHOBNV- °xtend to cover The Policies of this Company novv, Losses occasioned by EXTLOSIOSS or GAS. BEAUMARIS GRAMMAR SCHOOL RE-OPENS on MONDAY, August 5th, at Eight P.M. tgi p.m. RICHARD H. HILL, D.C.L., Head Master. Honors gainedÎn the year 1860:- A First Class in Physical Science. A First Class in Modern History. A Third Class in Classical Moderations. Two Scholarships at Jesus College, all at Oxford. A Medical Prize at Dublin. A Second Class in the University Junior Local Ex- aminations. 1861. PREMIUMS FOR SWEDISH TURNIPS AND MAN- GOLD WURTZEL, THE Eight Hon. Lord Boston will give the Tft)llowing Premiums to the Tennts on his Lordship's Estate ill Anglesey antl Carnarvonshire. "° FIRST CLASS. To the Tenant holding" Farm, of not less than One Hundred and Eighty Acres, who shall raise tlio best Crop of SWEDISH TURNIPS or MANGOLD WURT- ZEL, in proportion to the size of his Farm.—Ten Sovereigns. I SECOND CLASS. To the Tenant holding a Farm not exceeding One Him- ,d and Eighty Acres, and not le? th.? OtaHuu_? ttrea Acres, Who shall raise the nest Crop of SWEDISH TURNIPS or MANGOLD WURTZEL, in proportion to the size of his :arTillî;eêÅ,eignB. I THIRD CLASS. ° To the Tenant holding a Farm not exceeding One Hnn- dred, and not less than Fifty Acres, who shall rise the b?t'Crop n¡ SWEI?H TURN'?P? nr'MANGOLD WURTZEL, in proportion to the size of his Farm. — Five Sovereigns. FOURTH CLASS. To the Tcmnt holding a Farm not exceeding Fifty Acres, who shan raise the best Crop of SWEDISH TURNIPS or MANGOLD WURTZEL, in proportion to the size of his Farm,-Three Sovereigns. 'i-' The Tenants intending to claim these PREMIUMS, are to send written Notices to Mr. HUGH JONES, of ren-I rhos, on or before the First of October. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. GEORGE GRANT, ESQ., CHAIRMAN. CHAS. S. PARKER, ESQ., AND JAS. A. TOBIN, ESQ., DKPUTY-CHAIBMEN. rpHEjemarkable success of this Company is T, siiewn in the following Table UNDS. ¡FIRE PRJŒruM.<II'IFE PRE"ru, hI.qTED 1850 E42,928 125,467 £ 415,700 1855- 186,271 63,909 716,925 1880 313,725 131,725 1,259,826 TMs lari/e In,o1ne is rapidly increasing. The ANNUITIES paid by the Company exceetl £1\),000 a. Year. Protection daring Dalls of Grace unquestioned. Agents: (Fire and Life.) B.VNGOR Vacant—See note at foot. AMLWCH Mr. E. O. W ymie Victoria Terrace. Bis.iv.Ti.VMi! Vacant—See note at foot. AEERCEI.E V.UIANT— ditto CAHITYTVOH. Vacant- ditto CONWAT Vacant- ditto DoMHWjiY Vacànt- ditto DENfiiwi Mr. Frarieia lvynne Solicitor. HoLTlifeiD lfacant-:3ee note at foot. IitANUVST Vacant- ditto PWLLRELI Mr. W. B. Tomkinson Bank. RHKDDLAX Mr. W. H. Williams.. Pentre Mills. ltHYL Mr. John Lloyd General Agent, 4 [..d 5, E?t Parade. Fire Policies due at MIDSCMMEU should be renewed Oil or befort the 0th July. Applications to represent THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON in plaees and Districts where Agents have not yet been appointed, may ho addressed to the Secretary, Liverpool and London Insurance Chambers, Liverpool. Secretary, SWINTON B?V o T I, Se?ret,-?y. June, 1861. ESTABLISHED 1812. PROCTOR AND RYLAND'S PREPARED BONE MA NURES, FOR TURNIPS, QRASS, WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, POTATOES, &c.; AND 1HF.In BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, ARE THE BEST I'REIAltED AND CHEAPEST MANURE OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. BIRMIXGIIA if AND CHESTER. SEWILL'S WATCHES. Manufactory, 61, South Castle-street, right opposite the Custom House, LIVERPOOL. WATCHES forwarded FREE and safe to any part of the kingdom upon Receipt of a remittance. A WRITTEN WARRANTY WITH EVERY WATCH [f you are in want of a good Watch, warranted to keep correct time, send a Post-office Order to JOSEPH SEWILL, 61, South Castle-street, Liverpool (directly opposite the Custom House,) who will by return of Post, send a first class Watch of the description required, warranted to keep good time, an d exchanged if not approved of. SEWILL'S Silver Horizontal Watches, Jewelled and Wan-anted, C2 2s., £a{o; £ 3, £ 3 i;r:ah of. SEWILL'S Silver Patent Levers, Capped, Jewelled, and Warranted, £4, £5, £6, JB7, and 97 10s. each. SEWILL'S Gold Horizontal Watches, suitable for Ladies or Gentlemen, 25, EC), and ftl each. SEWILL'S Gold Patent Detached Lever Watches, Cases 18 carat fine, 29 9s., B10 10s., £1212s. each. SEWILL'S RAILWAY WATICHES, IN GOLD AND SILVER CASES. Expressly manufactured for every description of engineering jral-poses, railway travelling, and hunting. To persons requiring a real fine, accurate, and substantial Timekeeper, THESE WATCHES WILL BE FOUND INVALUABLE. Gold-16, 18, 20, and 25 Guineas each. Silver 6, 8, 10, and 12 Guineas each. An immense stock of PRESENTATION WATCHES, in Gold and Silver, of the finest quality and magnificent designs. SEWILL'S GOLD CHAINS, In the newest patterns, with Patent Detector Swivels, £ 111.. 6a.0 Q2 2s., 23 10s. euli, free and safe per post. OopWna, Oliippora, anil t.rade supplieitu the most rea (TF- NOTE THE ADDIIESS.-Tiir OLDEST WATCII MANUFACTORY IN IJVELFFUOIV 01, SOUTH CASTLE-STREET, RIGHT OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM H01TSE. "¡ fw Post-office and Money orders to be made payable to JOSEPH SEWILL, LIVERPOOL. THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Constituted by Acts of Parliament. 2 Will, 4, c. 81 (1832), 8 & 9 Viet., c. 75 (1845), 22 & 23 Vict., c. 27 (1859.) GOVERNOR. DEPUTY-GOVERNOR.. His GRACE THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH & QUEENSBERRT. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF ELGIN & KINCARDINE. ESTABLISHED 1825. THE REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS AT THE SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE COM- PANY, HELD ON 9TH MAY 1861, FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVING THE REPORT BY THE DIRECTORS UPON THE INVESTIGATION OF THE COMPANY'S AFFAIRS AND DIVISION OF PRO- FITS, AS AT 15TH NOVEMBER 1860, IS NOW READY, AND CAN BE HAD ON APPLICATION AT THE OFFICES OF THE COMPANY. THE DIRECTORS INVITE PARTICULAR ATTENTION to the following RESULTS and NEW RESOLU- TIONS, conferring increased benefits on the Policy-holdere :— PROGRESS OF THE BUSINESS. THE AMOUNT OF NEW ASSURANCES EFFECTED BY THIS COMPANY during the last Fifteen Years has been zC7,455,085 2s. 4d., OR HALF-A-MILLION STERLING PER ANNUM. THE LARGEST AMOUNT OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED IN THAT PERIOD BY ANY ASSURANCE COMPANY. These results have not been attained by any other than constitutional means, and the Directors are satisfied that, large as the Business has been, no office can exhibit a better class of risks.-It has not been increased by the inducement of personal loans.-The Directors have not followed the practice of assuring detenorated lives on enhan- ced terms, nor has the STANDARD obtained business by means of agencies out of the United Kingdom. In short, it is a first-class Home Business, the Assurances being almost entirely, as stated in the Proposals for Assurance, effected in connection with Family Provisions and Marriage Settlements. ?no.)?] „ THE REVENUE of the Company was in 1845 X103,371 3 5 1850 X169,151 16 4 1855 r. £ 237,450 1 9 I860 £ 304,161 13 7 THE FUNDS at the date of the last Investigation (15th November 1860) amounted to £ 1,856,802 19s. 4d. showing an increase of £ 700,000 since 1855; while the CLAIMS under Policies in consequenre of death paid dur- ing the same period have been upwards of Half-a-Million Sterling, DIVISIONS OF PROFITS, 1835,. 1840, 1845, 1853, AND 1860. The STANDARD have divided Profits at the above-mentioned periods, and on each occasion large sums wer dis- tributed among the Policy-holden. At the recent Division (1860) it was found that the Profits for the five years then ended (after providingfor all responsibilities, and leaving unvalued nearly zC60,000 per annum as a fund for future profit and expenses) amounted to upwards of £ 200,000, of which upwards of £ 160,000 (four-fifths) were distributed among the Policy-holders. The Divisions take place every five years.—The next in 1865. FREE ASSURANCE. In 1851 the Directors introduced the system of Select Assurance," admission to which rendered Policies.of Five years' standing unchallengeable and indefeasible on any ground whatever, save non-payment of the Premium stipulated in the Policy, the Assured obtaining, full permission to travel or reside in any part of the woild with- out License or Extra Premium. In 1856 the Company adopted resolutions with the view of preventing Policy-holders losing the b e nef, t of their Policies through any oversight in payment of their Premiums within the days of grace, or within an extended neriod embracing thirteen months from the date when the Premium unpaid fell due. In 1861 THE DIRECTORS BEING DESIROUS OF CONFERRING FURTHER BENEFITS ON THE in 1861, POLICY-HOLDERS, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL RESOLUTIONS 1. That henceforth, when the Directors are satisfied that a person proposed for Assurance has no intention of proceeding beyond the limits of Europe, from his occupaton and other circumstances, as to which infor- mation shall be furnished to them (he being at the same time not under 25 years of age), such Assurance shall be subject to no restriction as to Foreign residence, and the person whose life is Assured may pro- ceed to and reside in any part of the world without license or payment of extra Premium. II That existing Policy-holders shall have the benefit of the same Regulations, upon application to the Directors, provided they are satisfied that such new benefit ought to be conferred. III, That no Policy of five years' duration shall b liable to any ground oi challenge whatever, connected with the original documents proceeding on whioh the Assurance was granted, but the sum Assured shall, subject to the payment of Premiums, and extra Premiums, if any, be payable m terms of the Policy, after proof <& death to the satisfaction of the Directors. WILL. THOS. THOMSON, Manager, H. JONES WILLIAMS, Resident Secretary ? ?L,ONDON 82, KING WILLIAM STREET. ?-?iv? n?H' .S. GEORGET STREET. En JvT ,K 66 UPPER SACKVILLE STREET. GLASGOW 35, ST. VINCENT PLACE. AGENTS. .Mr. JOSEPH POWELL, Solicitor, Nwgate-street.  t j VVFWI '7"?.Mr. WlLHAM JONES, Corn Merchant. ?xham'?.Mr. WM.KENDAH.?orth and South W?Baak.  B. H. L<? MardolQ?y, GRIFFITH DAVIES'S DRAPERY, MERCERY, CARPETS, AND FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, Paper Hangings, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, HATS & MILLINERY, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. OPENING OF A FaiMic Mews Room for Biangorg JOHN KENMUIR DOUGLAS, PRINTER AND STATIONER, NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" OFFICE, BANGOR, BEGS to announce that he has Opened tho Large Boom attached to his Shop, as a PUBLIO JL) NEWS-ROOM. The Room will ho opened from 10 in the morning until 10 o'clock at night. TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Guinea per annum, 'which will entitle" subscriber to that amount to enter the Room at auytima within the hours specified above. Half-a-Guinea per annum, which will give a subscriber to that amount the enlreé to the Room from!; until 10 o'clock in the evening. NON-SUBSCRIBERS will he admitted from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m., on payment of TWOPENCE; andfrom-5 p,m, until 10 p.m., on payment of ONE PENNY. The Room will be regularly supplIed with the following Papers and PenodlCals :— DAILY PAPERS. Times (two copies) Daily News Standard Liverpool Mercury Mmwhester Guardian WEEKLY PAPERS, &c. Athenseum Baner ac Amserau Cyniru Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald Chester Couraut Critic Cymro Eddowes's Shrewsbury Journal Field Flintshire Observer Gardeners' Chronicle Illustrated London News Liverpool Chronicle Do. Couiier Do. Mail London Mercantile Journal London Review IidJand Counties Herald Mining Journal North British Advertiser North Wales Chronicle Oswestry Advertiser Rhyl Record Saturday Review Swansea and Glamorgan Herald Wrexham Telegraph MAGAZINES, &c. All the Year Round Blackwood Cassell's Family Paper Chambers' Journal Cornhill Magazine Family Herald London Journal Macmillan's Magazine Once a Week Punch Quarterly Review Reynold's Miscellany Temple Bar BRADSHAW'S GUIDE. p g,—Gentlemen intending to subscribe will greatly oblige by giving in their names as early as possible, to Mr. DOUGLAS, North Wales Chronicle Office, Bangor. AMLWCH, HOLYHEAD, BALA, AND DOLGELLEY. MESSES. GABRIEL beg to announce that they will visit AMLWCH, at the DINORBEN HOTEL, on TUESDAY, the 18th June, from Ten till Four HOLYHEAD, at the CASTLE HOTEL, on WEBNESDAT and THURSDAY, 19th and 20th June BALA, at the LION HOTEL, on TUESDAY, 16th July, from Ten till Three; DOL- GELLEY, at the GOLDEN LION, on WEDNESDAY, 17th July. TEETH. BY HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. PARTICULARLY NOTICE REGULAR ATTENDANCE AT &W CARNARVON, at the Uxbridge Arms Hotel, 4-iN DENBIGH, at Mr. P. Roberts, Chemist. M* CHESTER, at 3, Pepper-street, every alternate Tuesday. CoW" PVHTL, Misses Bullocks, Berlin Repository, la, High-street, every alternate Saturday, June 8, 22, July 6. 20, August 3, 17, 31. &5» lii^-NDTTDNO. Aft' Huches, chemist, Neville House, Mo.4yn-street, every other Thursday, J, une O„, 20, Julv 4, 18 August 1, 1. 'hai ter, Glasgow House, High-sti-cot, every v? 'T.? 7, 6W HOL YWELL, Mr. Hnghcs, hatter, Glasgow House, High-street, every uMi.. )f-u?. June 7, SU J?l? 5, 19, August 2,16, 30. DATES OF NEXT VISITS rBANGOR, CAXTON HOUSE, Monday, Juno 3, July 1. CARNARVON, UXBRIDOEÁRMS Tuesday, Junc4,& JuI:r2. DENBIGH, Wednesday, June 5, and July 3. MESSRS. GABRIEL, THE OLD ESTABLISHED DENTISTS, OF LONDON, LIVERPOOL, AND BIRMINGHAM. HAYE the honour to inform their Patients that they pay REGULAR PROFESSIONAL D VISITS M above, and will offer to those who may consult them the same important advantages (viz., their Patented Improvements), as have secured them one of the largest practices in London for a period of over forty years. Me?. Gabriel's SeIf.Adhesive Mineral Teeth and Patent Coralite Gum-Colored In?a Rubber G=,, entirely supersede the ordinary methods, and are supplied without Spring Wires or Metals, and without Extracting Teeth or Among the more important advantages attainable by Messrs. Gabriel's Suction Frames and Air Cells, the follow- in- may be ennmerated-besides being preferable in all other respects, excel in point of economy, quality, and durability, as well as for the advantages they offer to those who, residing abroad or in the country, are not able to pay frequent visits to the Dentists. One set will wear longer than three ordinary ones, they act as supports to loosa teeth, require no springs, wires, or metals, while for accuracy of fit, and increased amount of suction, they stand unriva?cd?? hb 'orptio' of the gums, the loss of teeth or stumps, can at any time be made good with- out interfering with the stability of the case, or the convenience of the patient, and requires no operation, The 'u'?1-t I which are warranted to remain pure and sweet, with first-class workmanship only employed, whilø the expense is even less than half the ordinary cost.  The attention of the Medical Profession, and all interested, is particularly requested. Every operation pertaining to the profession. Stopping Front Teeth with the celebrated White Enamel, Sc., at the same strictly moderate rate of charges. GRATIS ON APPLICATION, OR FREE PER POST, THREE STAMPS. GABRIEL'S TREATISE (NEW EDITION FOR 1861), ON THE LOSS AND ONLY EFFECTUAL MODE OF RESTORING THE TEE'l'H.  system, and should be read by aU who value their 'l'eeth,Lond@ Moria¿:;cllystem will save much money, more annoyance, and still ?re dimppointment. Their Treaties   from sudi a w?m it may be confidenuy relied oD. United Seme* GazeM. ME S S R S. GAB R I E L, BY APPOINTMENT, DENTISTS TO THE. PRINCE D'OTTAJANA. (^ABUSHED1815. SEE DIPLOMA.) REGENT-STREET, WEST, AND 33 & 34, LUDGATE-HILL, CITY, LONMON. 134, DUKE-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 65,.NEW-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. CONSULTATION GRATIS. MESSRS. GABRIEL'S prepared WHITE GUTTA PERCHA ENAMEL, for STOPPING DECAYED TEETH. Price?Mper box, directions enclosed. Sold by all Chemists in town and country, or can 00 had direct from th. Inventors, for 2(} stamps. Observe their ?e on each box, without which none is genuine. Tnvfmtor! for 2G& AstBaRmIpEs. L'S ROYAL TOOTH POWDER, for Preserving and Cleaning the Teethad Gam?, is sold MESSRS by .11 Chemists in town and country, attls, Gd. per box. '?MESSP.?A??L?ewiySv?dWHSE'ENAMEL?STOPPINGDECAY??? renders them sound, and does not turn black, may be had on application, or through any Chemist in the Kingdom. Price 5s. per box, with directions for  IN EUROPE, FROM FOUR TO EIGHR GUINEAS PER sETf SmicS™RiL TEEra^T IN ?' EUROPE, FROM FOUR TO EIGHT GUINEAS PER SET.f WARRAN'rD. nT « M w. < Agents for Denbigh, Mr. William Edwards a? Mr. C?e&; Chester, Messrs. ?.hemists,WrexhM Mr.' Rowland ;B.ngor, Mr! Griffith, chemist, High.street; Carnarvon, Mr. G. Owen, chemNt; Ruthin, Mr. W?_?tt? bookfieller Market-street; PwUheli, Mr. Morris, chemist. m II PIANOFORTES ON SALE OR FOR HIRE. ALL NEW MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. MUSICAL CIRCULATING LIBRARY. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE UPON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. JOHITKENMUIR DOUGLAS, MUSICAL REPOSITORY, "NORTH WALES CHRONICLE" OFFICE, CAXTON HOUSE, BANGOR, T^>EGS to announce that he has constantly on hand, for Sale or Hire, well-tuned Piano- JD fortes, by approved makers. "^Hel^al^e^eredTnto arrMigements with Mrasra. BOUCHER & CO., of Chader, for a regular supply of ?1 the New and Popular Music immediately on its pnMication, to be sold at HALF PWCE. theEv^ 1 fSfy afforfed f?F trying Mnsic over L pnv&te rooms attached to the Shop. PaAies resident in the country may h Vthheir Musio?bt by y r'e,tgIuul of0, t, If the price is known, it IS advisable to eM?Me with the orders tho requisite amount of postage stamps, with one stamp extra for each piece as postage. Mr 0 A. has mde arrangements WIth Mr. M OORE (of Londonjpnnciple Tuner at Messrs. Boucher's Ch te forTUN??ndR?GUL?? PIANO-FORT and HARMONIUMS. ?*?' es r. ?Appl?..?ti. 'or Mr..? U? DvW "&log ckgili?it), OSH? Bwgar, mJJ Mceive prompt tt?.t. I _¡or. u.